The minds of the Scientific Revolution, The Reformation and The Enlightenment GREAT THOUGHTS :


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The minds of the Scientific Revolution, The Reformation andThe Enlightenment


Great Minds - Great Thoughts

You will research and present one person from the Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment or Reformation to the class.

Your presentation will include:• Backstory• The achievements• How our world was


“If have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of

giants.” - Sir Isaac Newton, 1642 - 1727

• Your Presentation must have between 5 and 7 images, including charts or graphs.

• Include one quote by that person that represents the achievements, perspective and vision of that person.

Backstory -• Describe the background of your person – early life experiences – that would have helped to motivate or prepare them for their leap into the revolution.

• Why were they inspired, who guided them along the way?

• Who influenced their understanding of the topic they excelled in?

The Achievements that changed the world

The achievements that changed the world

• Describe the ideas, discoveries or achievements for which this person is most noted.

• Were they working alone, or with others, what great minds in the past informed their work?

• Did they know about knowledge previously published, had they read the ancients as well as other contemporary thinkers?

Why our world looks the way it does today, thanks to this guy!

• How was our 21st century world changed by this person, by his or her ideas?

•What technologies or idealogoies are possible today because of them?

Your Presentation• Your presentation will consist of a PowerPoint with 5 to 10 slides.

• The slides will be simple, clean, uncluttered and informative.

• Your images must be relevant to your person.

• Spelling and grammar count!

• You and your partner will present to the class. Do not write everything in your slides and then read them to the class. Use key phrases, words or basic sentences, and then fill in the information with your oral presentation.
