The Miracles of Rebound Exercises



The benefits of a mini trampoline for health, stamina and detoxing the body

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Try these Basic Rebounder Exercises to Get the Most Out of Your Workouts

I bet you're thinking, "Don't I just jump up and down on it?"

Rebounder exercises have a little more to them than that.

So, how to rebound...?

There are generally four basic categories of bounces to get the most out of this mini trampoline exercise:

needak rebounder

1 The health bounce

2 The aerobic bounce

3 The strength bounce

4 The sitting bounce

These are going to be mostly self-explanatory, so I won't go into too much detail. You can incorporate them all into a fun rebounder workout.

However, as a word of caution, please do not overexert yourself when first using a rebounder. It can be tempting because it seems like such an easy exercise, but when first beginning moderation is the key.

Rebounding has a profound effect on your body, so take it slow. After all, when was the last time you exercised your liver, kidneys, and spleen? See my point? Don't shock your system.

Also, a few words of advice to beginning bouncers:

If you feel pain anywhere, stop bouncing and try again at another time. Listen to your body as you adjust to your new exercise routine.

If you feel tingly sensations in your arms, legs, buttocks (anywhere really), this should not concern you. It is actually a good sign that circulation is returning to these areas.

The first couple of times you start exerting yourself on your rebounder, you might find that a call to the bathroom interrupts your routine. This is normal and is caused because bouncing helps get things moving along in the digestive tract. Once your body gets accustomed to the exercise, your bowels will behave themselves.

Okay, with that said, on to the rebounder exercises!

The Health Bounce

This mini trampoline exercise is the easiest, so you'll want to start with it.

The health bounce is just that, a bounce for your health.

Stand on the mat with your feet shoulder width apart. Lightly bounce up and down, making sure your feet do not even come close to leaving the mat. This is a small, relaxing bounce.

Do this for a few minutes a few times a day to fully flush your lymphatic system and energize your immune system.

This bounce should also be used as a warm-up and cool down for your other rebounder exercises.

You can wear athletic shoes or go barefoot. The choice is yours.

I do NOT recommend socks, as they can be quite slippery while bouncing! Socks could turn your health bounce into a hurt bounce...

The Aerobic Bounce

The aerobic bounce is way better than a regular aerobics routine or step class. Why?

The rebounder mat absorbs 87% of the shock of the bounce! It is VERY low impact.

Rebounder exercises actually STIMULATE healing to the knees, ankles and back. Other exercises such as running and jogging can tear down these areas over time, especially without the right shoes.

Because of the cushioning effect of the rebounder mat, NASA has stated that rebounding is 68% more effective than running or jogging.

Why does NASA care about mini trampolines?

Because they were looking for an exercise that would allow astronauts to quickly recover from their weakened conditions - due to the prolonged weightlessness of space travel.

woman jogging on a rebounder

But back to the topic - the aerobic bounce is whatever you want it to be.

You can run, jog, or sprint in place. You can do jumping jacks. You can bounce fast and high.

Just turn on some of your favorite music and get creative with a fun rebounder aerobics routine. Change it up every once in while and you'll never get bored.

Or exercise in front of your favorite TV show.

I like to take it easier when my show is on and then bounce like a mad woman during the commercial breaks. If you think those breaks are long while sitting on the couch, just wait until you're doing some serious bouncing. You'll be begging for your show to come back on.

The bottom line here is that the possibilities are endless. Just be sure that your balance is up to your intensity level.

Otherwise you might just go flying off! Yikes!

The Strength Bounce

This is an easy rebounder exercise in theory. In practice, it's quite hard.

The purpose of the strength bounce is to, you guessed it, build strength.

You really need to make sure that your balance is good before attempting this exercise. At least make sure you are far away from any sharp corners...

The strength bounce involves jumping as high as you possibly can.

Your cells become stronger with higher bounces because you are subjecting them to increased gravitational pull. Remember, the more you resist gravity, the stronger you will become.

Setting up your rebounder workouts around the strength bounce will be quite challenging and rewarding.

The Sitting Bounce

This bounce is a rebounder exercise that serves two purposes.

The first is mainly for those who are in a weakened condition and cannot stand on the mat.

The weakened person sits on the mat while another person behind him bounces lightly up and down. Or if the person is up to it, he can bounce lightly himself.

This small bounce will still flush the lymphatics and boost immune system health.

senior rebounding with stabilizing bar

As the person gets stronger, he can move to lightly bouncing while holding a stabilizing bar. Once enough strength is gained so he can stand, then he could start health bouncing and go from there.

The second use for the sitting bounce is to strengthen your core muscles. Sit on the mat, lean back a little and take your feet off the floor. Hold you arms straight out and use them to bounce.

As you get stronger, hold your legs straight out and up so your torso and legs form a V-shape. Only your butt will touch the mat.

This bounce will tone your abs, back, and legs.

It is not a good idea for beginners to try this bounce. Like I said before, start slow.

But the more advanced exercisers might like to use this near the end of their rebounder workout. Finish things off with a minute or two of health bouncing and congratulate yourself on mastering these rebounder exercises.

The Easiest & Most Effective Exercise in the World!

by Ross Bridgeford

Imagine, a piece of exercise equipment that can strengthen the entire body from the inside out; increase circulation, improve digestion and elimination, melt away fat, strengthen the heart, improve cell efficiency.

Stimulate body functions; thyroid, endocrine system, adrenals, strengthen muscles and bones, release stress and help you live a longer more productive life.

One piece of equipment for all age groups to improve the immune system, fight diseases and reverse the symptoms of aging.

Dr Young, author of The pH Miracle

Rebounding for Brilliant Health

There are many ways to get fit, but rebounding has to be the most efficient, most effective and easiest.

Rebounding, or jumping on a mini-trampoline is easy, it is low-weight bearing (so anyone can do it, at any size or any level of fitness) and the benefits are wide-ranging and astonishing.

Just for starters, it burns more calories than jogging!

When you use a rebounder it tones muscle, rebuilds cells (slowing the aging process), burns fat, cleanses the lymph system, increases metabolism, strengthens the heart and increases energy.

And the best part? Just 15 minutes per day on a rebounder will see you experience significant benefits. That is right, just 15 minutes per day.

From the June 2003 Idaho Observer:

The Miracles of Rebound Exercise

by Greg Pappas

After severly injuring my neck and back two years ago in a sledding accident, my chiropractor was able to manipulate my back into alignment, but my muscles were unable to hold the adjustment for more that a few hours. I needed a way to strengthen my muscles without causing any more injury or pain.

A friend of mine suggested that I bounce on a mini-trampoline known as a rebounder. The first mini-trampoline-like product that I purchased was 38 inches in diameter and about 8 inches tall with constant rate steel springs. Though the light bouncing I did gave me some newly developed muscles in my neck and back, I still experienced strain and pain in my feet, ankles, shins, knees, hips and lower back. I knew there was probably a better rebounder out there somewhere. Then I discovered the ReboundAIR Soft-Bounce Rebounder by the originator and pioneer of Rebound exercise: Albert Earl Carter.

Once I began bouncing and running daily on the ReboundAIR, starting with several sessions of a few minutes each, my neck and back muscles responded by rapidly getting stronger. I no longer needed to visit my chiropractor three to four times a week. Instead I saw him once a week, and then once every two weeks, until once a month was all I needed.

At age 47, I am in the same physical condition I was when I was in my mid 20s and running three miles three times a week and working out with weights three times a week. The problem with extensive running is that it eventually causes injury due to wear and tear on the weight bearing joints. Rebounding provides us with a superior form of excercise without the risk of these injuries.

The concept of rebounding can best be experienced in a similar way when standing up and moving up and down on the balls of your feet. Place your hands on your shoulders next to the base of your neck and feel the muscles expand and contract with your movement. Now just imagine that same sensation while bouncing on a ReboundAIR. Every cell in your body will be excercising at the same time without any pain or injury from the excercise.

Calisthenics, weight lifting and jogging exercise only specific parts of the body at a time by isolating muscle groups and providing an exercise designed for that particular muscle group. But the most amazing aspect of rebounding versus other forms of exercise is the resulting cleansing and strengthening of the entire lymphatic system. According to Dr. C. Samuel West, rebounding is the best way to circulate the lymphatics. If the lymphatic system is circulating properly, it is practically impossible to get sick.

The reason for this is that the condition of both our bloodstream and lymphatic system are the barometer of our health. But while 12 percent of our total bodily fluids is blood, our lymph fluid comprises 36 percent of our total body fluids. Is it any wonder then that the lymphatic system has been referred to as our immune system? A veteran naturapathic doctor recently told me that the functioning of the lymphatic system is crititical in the healing of the body and that he did not know of another way of cleansing the lymphatic system better than rebound excercise.

Rebounding is the right exercise for everone of all ages from 1 to 100 because utilizing what is known as the Health Bounce, a light bounce with or without a bar will stimulate the entire body to strengthen and heal. Consider the case of 83 year old Eunice who was bedridden. She always felt tired, drained and fairly useless to her family. Her daughter bought a RebounderAIR. With a little coaxing, Eunice sat down on the rebounder while her 79 yr. old husband, Bud, proceeded to bounce behind her. This took place several times a day. After only four days, Eunice was up and around, puttering in the kitchen. She no longer needed to sit on the rebounder and have someone else do the bouncing. She was now bouncing on her own several times a day. Within only eight days, Eunice was laughing and working around the kitchen, sweeping floors, joking with her husband and enjoying life once again.

My own 86-year-old father purchased a rebounder and began enjoying the benefits of the Health Bounce with a Balancing Bar on the Ultimate Rebound in September of 2002. He began immediately to experience the strengthening of his neck, back and leg muscles while reducing his waste line by several inches. His bowel transit time also increased from one bowel movement daily to one for each 10 to 15 minute session of rebounding. He now rebounds 5 times a day.

The positive health benefits derived from rebounding are innumerable. Many problems such as balance or vestibular dysfunction due to lack of fluid movement within the inner ear can be improved by rebounding. Vision degeneration that is often caused by incorrect nutritional intake and lack of bodily movement, can be reversed by rebounding when combined with a properly planned and consistently implemented dietary program. One's memory will also benefit from rebounding as our brain receives increased blood flow. Wherever your body is weak, rebounding will strengthen that area and help bring you into greater physical balance.

My entire family rebounds daily. My four children have benefitted from rebounding with results of overall improved health and memory, and greater physical agility. My wife, who has been battling some serious health issues, has experienced strong lymphatic cleansing while rebounding and now rebounds several times each day as part of her doctor's approved therapy.

Look for a rebounder that is 40 inches in diameter and stands 10 inches tall with a Permatron mat (one that does not stretch like vinyl), and 36 high resilience and soft bounce springs in order to achieve optimal injury free rebounding. Purchasing a high quality rebounder can make all the difference in both the enjoyment of your new exercise program and the resultant health benefits.

Some of the information contained in this article is from the book, The New Miracles of REBOUND EXERCISE by Albert E. Carter. You can visit his website at


Greg Pappas is a distributor of the complete line of ReboundAir products and may be contacted at e-mail: or by telephone at (208) 762-2442.


Hi Justine

I received my rebounder on Friday afternoon. I have been rebounding all weekend and I love it!!! Thank you for your great service.

Kind regards - Irene

Hi Justine

I am so thrilled with my rebounder! It arrived yesterday and I love it.

The DVD and book are both great. I did a session yesterday and will continue every day. I am so happy that I bought it. Good luck with your future sales - I am sure you will continue to do well.

All the best - GLORIA


Hi Justine

WOW is all that I can say .... I really did not expect my rebounder to arrive so quickly ... It is fantastic .... the whole family has had a go .... even my little yorkie. I have a treadmill .... In the garage, no less and has become a cushion holder for the patio furniture .... this I can do ..... no sweatiness which is a problem when you have to work and can't have 3 showers a day. Now I can just pop downstairs and have a few bounces throughout the day .... and hey would you believe, I even dreamed about bouncing last night .... Trust me I never dream about exercise .... ever! I was ill earlier this year and I urgently needed to go for lymph drainage massage ... once again a time problem..... so when I found out about the rebounder I was thrilled and it's good for my whole family. The video is fantastic and I can't wait to build up my strength again .... and shed a few kilo's in the process. Thank you thank you thank you.

Tanya - PTA

(and a later one from Tanya)

This has really changed my life, I am feeling wonderful, I am calling myself a "shape shifter" as everything is changing, my belly fat seems to be breaking down and disappearing, and when I bounce before bed I am now sleeping, this is wonderful.

All I can say is again, thank you, thank you, thank you.



Thank you for brilliant service and a quality product. Im using my rebounder at least 3 or 4 times per week and I thoroughly enjoy the work out! What an excellent fun way to stay fit and in shape. I can really recommend your product to everyone.

Esme - JHB

Hello Keith

Just want to let you know that I'm VERY happy with my rebounder and that I've been spreading the news. Well, actually the rebounder did - it's standing in our living room and everyone who comes to visit wants one!

Pauline - JHB

Hi Justine

Thanks for the great service and for a wonderful product. I think it's the best exercising equipment I have ever bought. Thanks again.

Regards - Phillip - KZN

Hi Justine

Thanks a lot. Ive received the Rebounder yesterday WOW. I just love it. I can actually feel how this exercise is working.

Kind regards - Maryke - Bloemfontein

Hi Justine

Im LOVING this discovery of the rebounder. Ive been looking for something that would solve all the problems of exercise and Ive found it. Im reading the book now and passing on the good word to my friends.

Im doing everything on the CD too and so much more easily than I thought I could. Im finding the aerobics very manageable whereas I had it in my head that aerobics was too strenuous for me. But this is perfect.

Thanks to you and Keith for your discovery/ies and effort. Its much, much appreciated. Im over the moonThe rebounder is never far from me!

Regards - Allison

Dear Justine,

I have had so much success with rebounding that I would like to send you a testimonial.

I was told about the Rebounder by a friend who rebounded back to health after the poisonous chemo following breast cancer. I am very satisfied with the results that rebounding has achieved for me and have been urging friends, family and colleagues to make this small investment in their health for guaranteed success. This is really a fantastic product for everyone who needs to improve health and weight. And its especially great for those of us who dont have time to exercise, or who dont like going to the gym or doing other activities that disrupt our daily routine.

Just prior to starting rebounding I was told by my gynaecologist that due to my being in menopause the extra weight I had gained was not going to shift and that I should get used to it.

Heres how I benefited from rebounding

I dropped a pants size within a month! And I can see and feel the loss of body fat and a firmer body.

I lost 2 kilos and that over the Christmas holidays, without dieting and have kept that off for another month so far, without any extra effort.

My digestive system is functioning better than ever in my life no more need for daily unnatural laxatives I have been taking for about 30 years.

I feel more energised and healthy and still keep up my 14-hour work day.

I know this has been as a result of the Rebounder because I didnt do any other exercises. In fact, I spent most of December passively at my desk writing a book.

My simple success formula:

1. I try to Rebound 20 minutes every day generally 10 minutes in the morning and 10 in the evening, or all together in the evening. If I miss one day, I do 10 minutes extra the next day.

2. I drink at least 500ml of water after each 10-min session but my body tells me that it needs water. Often I have to stop half way to quench my thirst.

3. I watch the TV news headlines while rebounding, so it doesnt take any time out of my hectic day (as a workaholic I dont like to waste time!)

4. I weigh myself every morning and if I see any increase, I do an extra 10 minutes that day. Next day: the extra weight is gone.

5. Simple, easy, hassle-free and non-disruptive routine that I plan to keep up for the rest of my life!

Thanks for a truly miracle product.

Suzanne (HRD consultant) - Pretoria

I sleep better, my joint-aches are almost gone and I feel so much more energetic after rebounding.

Charlotte Pretoria

Hi Justine

Thanks to you and Keith for your kind attention on Saturday.

I must tell you the strangest thing ... remember I said I wanted the rebounder because of a pain in my leg that could have been caused by a trapped nerve. Well I rebounded and rebounded madly on Saturday and when I walked out into the garden in the afternoon my leg went grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk and the nerve must have been released because the pain has been diminished ever since. Its not entirely gone but it's certainly a lot better. Coincidence or what?

Marlene - JHB

Dear Keith and Justine

Thank you for the opportunity and privilege to share a short testimonial with regard to rebounding.

I was introduced to rebounding by my partner during late 2007.

He initially only gave me a printout brochure which contained all the information and advantages of bouncing.

I actually investigated the rebounding option for my daughter whom is chubby, thinking that it would be a fun way of getting her motivated to lose weight, but then the rebounding thing bit me!!

I bought a rebounder in December 2007. Believe me, when I started, I could only manage to stay on the mat for 3 to 5 minutes, but I kept goingeveryday, until the discipline was there. I currently bounce approximately 15 minutes, 4 days per week and enjoy it tremendously.

I have lost 35kg since I started bouncing! Apart from the weight loss, it definitely increases my energy levels, and creates wonderful relaxation after sometimes challenging days. I also find that it creates a space of silence in my mind.

Bouncing has become a friend to me and I encourage people daily to take the rebounding option as a solution to GREAT health!

Annalize Nelspruit

Dear Keith,

I was in the teaching profession for 29 years and witnessed the frustration of many students to cope in class. I was privileged to study Educational Kinesiology, to improve whole brain learning, and have been in practice for 4 years.

Always looking for ways in which I can help and assist young, struggling students, I discovered your rebounding solution. In combining Edu-K, Brain Gym exercises, and rebounding, Ive had astonishing results. Children experiencing balance, coordination, vision and auditory problems soon showed improvement. One girls mother even reported weight loss in her 9 year old daughter. What impressed me the most was the improvement of muscle tone in many children as well as postural improvement. Reflexes which havent been inhibited, showed remarkable improvement, and academic and sport results improved while self esteem and confidence leapt through the roof. They love the sessions because we PLAY and have lots of FUN all the time. They now realize theyre special sparkling diamonds with unlimited potential.

I recommend your Rebounder to all practitioners in the health profession.

Regards and blessings - Annette - JHB

Hi Keith,

Ive used the cheap models on and off (literally ha ha) for the past few years and when I unpacked and bounced on yours about a month ago, I felt that it was the Rolls Royce of these things a real pleasure to bounce on and no jarring at all (heaven). It looks and feels strong as well and Im hoping it will last forever because I couldnt bear to bounce on anything else now.

Glynnis - JHB

Dear Justine and Keith,

I just had to tell you this morning that I wholeheartedly believe in the rebounder!!! Work has been taking its toll on me and yesterday I had a headache and neck spasm bordering on a migraine - and I have been feeling tired and sluggish the whole week.

When I got home last night I just thought, this is enough and I jumped on my rebounder. 20 minutes later my headache was gone and is still gone!!! I feel rejuvenated and will not put my rebounder away for one more day of my life.

The strongest tablet on the market has never had this effect on me!!

Thanks and thanks again!!!!! - Maryn JHB

Hi Justine

Thank you ! I received my rebounder yesterday & we just want to let you know that we are so impressed by your product & service.

Darelle Cape Town

Dear Justine,

I received the Rebounders yesterday, and my daughter and I are absolutely thrilled.

I have used it twice today, and WOW. After 7 years of Tai Chi training, and a 6 month break with no training at all, I get the same feel good feeling after 5 minutes gentle bounce as I did in training!

Youve probably had a request from Irene today, another friend of mine. And Im hoping to send lots of orders your way!

I look forward to many hours of happy bouncing!

Many thanks and kind regards - Jan - Cape Town

Hello Keith and Justine,

It is so nice to work with people that have service as a top priority.

Lee-Ann JHB

Thanks Justine .. talk about service its already been delivered!!

I started reading your book last night and its absolutely fascinating I am all inspired and bouncing with new enthusiasm.

Take care - Jayne JHB

Hi Justine and Keith,

I have recently started rebounding and find it extremely helpful with my scoliosis pain management (circulation).

I have now worked up to one 30 minute session per day, and I find that I have increased energy levels, and my ability to concentrate has improved.

Actually by the 30th minute I'm having such fun - all hot and sweating - I feel like I want to carry on ...

Annie Johannesburg

Love the DVD - nice beat ....... Thank you !!!

Thirsia East London

Dear Justine

For the past few months I have been rebounding for a minimum of 5-days per week. During this time I got rid of all the excess weight, which I thought I did not have and I now carry the same weight as at 25 years of age promise! It is amazing!

I have not experience any illness during this time, energy levels are astounding and my eyesight (which have been dwindling some) has improved. I have also now begin to incorporate many of the other exercises, as per your DVD and it is invigorating, to say the least!

I have even started an awareness program amongst colleagues at work.

Matthys Ferreira- Nelspruit

Hi there Justine,

I received the DVD and book on the weekend thank you very much.

I did my first rebound session tonight it was quite challenging as Im very unfit at the moment, but I absolutely LOVED it.

Id just like to say that I love this rebounding and look forward to experiencing the positive benefits in the coming months.

Frances Pretoria

Dear Justine and Keith

I started rebounding because I wanted to have a bit of me time - now the whole family use it. I still love using it, but not just for me time anymore, but because I feel so good after my workout, plus I dont have to go to a gym, I can do it in my own home!!!

What is so nice about it is that you can make your own moves once you are confident with bouncing, with your own music, you can just have fun followed by more fun.

Gill - Bloemfontein

Dear Justine,

As discussed earlier today - My daughter who was in a remedial school for 4 years started rebounding and it has definitely helped her to concentrate, so much so that she is now in a main stream school and we are currently trying her without medication. My older daughter lacked self confidence but whilst using the Re-bounder she said positive thoughts to herself and it is making a huge difference.

Thank you, I enjoy the nice soft bounce as well.

Gail Peters - JHB

Justine and Keith,

Just a note to say thanks for all the wonderful work that you do with integrity and sincerity. You are so knowledgeable and humble. I read this in some book some time back - 'Lord, transform the poverty of my nature by the richness of your love', this reminds me of you guys, constantly learning and sharing.

Many blessings - Anthea JHB

Hi Justine and Keith

It was an absolute pleasure to meet you both at last and to spend the weekend on your course learning GO JUMP. I loved every minute of it. Keith, the energy you transmit is unbelievable, you are like a bouncing ball that just cant be still and I walked away feeling hugely energized.

I am so pleased I did the course as it has given me a much better understanding of my body and I am facing it with a totally different attitude now. I feel amazing and just want to get up and bounce. Having said that, I desperately need a rebounder for our office as well, just to get up and relieve the stress from time to time.

Beverley JHB

Dear Justine,

Just to let you know .... my rebounder is here and it is wonderful!! And the book is really very informative !!

Jimmy East London

Many thanks - You have been so super and a pleasure to order from!

Janice Western Cape

Hi there Justine

I have indeed been having fun with rebounding. Feeling amazing and inspired! (and am convinced I can already see a difference in my body.) I was very surprised to find that the part of me that feels most stiff is my belly!

Tenielle CT

Hi Justine

The bounce on the rebounder is just terrific so ..

Ive just deposited money for another rebounder for my sister.

Judith Cape Town

Hi there.

I meant to call but I have been busy. I am Sophie and I recently purchased a Rebounder. Wow. The service you gave was great and I am enjoying the Rebounder so much. My son is ecstatic and he sweats seriously on it. I guess I must buy him his one because we fight over mine.

Thank you so much for everything.

Warm Regards - Sophie KZN

Hello Justine,

Thanks very much, my rebounder has arrived and I assembled it a while ago. It certainly bounces faaaar better than any ones I have used previously, and it doesnt squeak!!!, so I am very chuffed with my purchase.

Elizabeth PE

Hi Justine

Hope this email finds you well.

I wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much fun my staff are having with the Rebounder! They are more relaxed and energized now and grateful to have a bouncy break from writing their articles.

Ronell Weighless Magazine

Hi Justine and Keith

Thank you.. Thank you. Thank you.. I love my rebound. Feeling better already!!!!!!

Debbie KZN

Dear Keith and Justine,

Received my rebounder and just wanted to let you know that Im amazed at how GREAT the bounce is. Ive so many others over the past few years - and yours is definitely the best - a great find.

Graham - CT

Hi Keith

I took your course in February and love rebounding daily lost 4 kgs and feel considerably more energetic. Thank you!

Liz - JHB


Rebound exercise [Cellercise]allows the muscles to go through the full range of motion at equal force. It helps people learn to shift their weight properly and be aware of body positions and balance.

Its great practice for skiing. It improves your tennis stroke and its a good way to burn calories and lose weight.

- Dr. James White, Ph.D. UCSD

Dave Halls Cellerciser is THE BEST ALL AROUND piece of fitness equipment I have ever expierenced. I have been using the Cellerciser for about 4 years now. Back in my younger years I used to live in the gym, 4-5 times a week weight training and an additional 2-4 times a week for cardio training. I was to in the gym 8-12 hours a week to achieve the fitness goals I desired.

The gym was basically a part time job for me. That was 10yrs ago and back then I weighed 185lbs and was between 12-15% body fat. Well life happens and over time, threw a new career and Starting my family, I no longer had the time to go to the gym. Over the course of 2-3yrs I gained 35lbs and 20%. When I found the cellerciser I was maxed out 220 lbs and 36% body fat!

With the help of the cellerciser I am now in the best shape of my life! I am now 170lbs and 10%. I will tell you what, it sure does not hurt my feelings to be 10yrs older, working out a fraction of the time (maybe a total of 2-3 hours a week, which is a quarter of the time I did 10yrs ago), and having less aches & Pains than ever before. You can develop a Supiorior physique with out having to live in the gym with the help of the Cellerciser! I have recommended this amazing product to anyone and everyone I care about to help them achieve a healthier lifestyle. THANK YOU DAVE HALL for creating the CELLERCISER!!!!!!

Justin Anderson Salt Lake City UT

With Cellercise, the membranes around the cells strengthen as they demand more protein. These thicker membranes are better able to fight off foreign invaders like germs, toxins, poisons and other pollutants more effectively. Here, everything improves: the blood, the brain, the lungs, the muscles, all the internal organs, those of the senses and even more.

Dr. Gus J. Prosch, Jr. of Biomed Health Services

Dear David, Im writing to tell you how much I love my Cellerciser! Ive had it for a month and I cant imagine living without it! I do two ten minute sessions a day, one in the morning, one in the evening. I had a right knee problem from an old gym injury for 4 years. Its gone! My body has firmed, toned and gone down a size. It has improved my mental attitude at work dealing with stress issues. It definitely helps reduce stress. I feel better physically, mentally and emotionally! My mother has decided to buy one! This is truly amazing!

- Fan for Life

Perhaps the greatest Cellercise success story comes from 94 year old Ruth Mary McDowell of Seattle, WA. She was featured in the Seattle Times, March 9, 2001 as a testament to the life altering effects of Cellercise.

Her story is one of triumph over the effects of aging. She now enjoys the health she once had decades ago. Suffering from an inability to maintain weight, she constantly struggled to stay above 80 pounds, a problem that robbed her body of valuable, life giving nutrients and minerals. Now, after Cellercise, she holds steady at 90 pounds. Ruthmary wrote to us saying she believes the Cellerciser saved her life. She went on to say that the Seattle Times has had more requests for duplications of the article than any other article they have EVER printed.

You know how you can feel kind of old in the morningAfter being very ill, I could not seem to get better. It was most discouraging. I express how I feel about what it has done for me. I really have the power to live or die. I really think it has saved my life. I really think it has saved my life.

- Ruth

You can use it without leaving your house. You can use it any time of the day. (If I dont do it in the a.m., I never get to it.) Every cell in your entire body, even your organs, is exercised, hence the name Cellerciser. Because of the exquisite design of fabric and special springs, it is a safe way to exercise. For example, running is not good for joints. You can watch TV and listen to your favorite music.

Though I also do weights and yoga, if you Cellercise, you dont need to do anything else. I am not saying that it is the sole reason that my vision has improved in one of my eyes, but from the info I have read, this is a possibility.

My white blood count is up a little, and my pulse is much lower. People who need to lose weight, lose weight; people who need to gain weight, gain weight. It increases your metabolic rate, resulting in more energy. Though I try to do 20 minute on most days, 10 minutes is enough. The whole family can use it; it is really a good investment. Other than the purchase of the Cellerciser, there is no additional expense as far as special clothing or membership fees for clubs.

It is fun, because you can make up your own calisthenics, and dance routines, and nobody has to see you.You have noticed, I am sure, that babies like to jump in their cribs, and kids like to jump on their beds. In fact, when my kids were little, we used to have a jumping room where they jumped on an old queensized mattress.

The people at the Center for Cellular Health are always there for you in answering any detailed questions that you have. Heaven knows, I am a good example of that. They are always so kind and pleasant to me, and no question or problem is stupid.

I dont know of any other equipment that is suitable for everyone. Even a handicapped person can use it, even though there has to be adjustments in the bouncing depending on the

condition of the person.

It folds up, and it comes with a sturdy carry case. The legs are not screwed into the frame; they have springs instead.

I found out about the Cellerciser from a neighbor. She and her husband have it, but dont use it. If you dont use it, and you just look at it, then nothing improves. You have to schedule time, and be committed. If you can do that, that is half the battle. Even if you schedule 5 minutes a day to start. The hardest thing, I believe, is getting started, scheduling a time, and then staying disciplined. Also, not to kick yourself, if you slip up once in a while

Sincerely, Diane

I recommend the CELLERCISER to all of my patients. It is the one and only, original mini-trampoline that I trust to recommend. This product has literally changed the lives of many of my patients. You could bounce on this all day and only feel more energized and strong.

Your joints will never hurt and it complements any other exercise routine a person has. It is great for those wo are old and feel they have trouble moving, it builds strength and stability. It helps people who are cleansing or in a detox byincreasing circulation and moving lymph.

For those who want to lose weight, get in shape or just firm up it is a must to their routine. I have even reports of its natural face lift ability. It firms under arms, neck, and butt sags. It is especially good for those needing to start exercising but have little energy and strength; nothing is better at building energy and strength without stress on any level.

This Cellerciser is amazing and the only one I have recommended for years. There is no comparison to the others out there. Here is a test I give to those who have another small trampoline. Jump on your tramp for 5 minutes and see how your joints feel immediately after and the next day then try the Cellerciser. The more you bounce the more you want to, it actually gets easier the longer you bounce and your joints will never hurt. Finally the Cellerciser gets results fast and is fun; I look forward to bouncing to health. I trust [David Hall's] Center for Cellular Health to provide me with the best,

safest, and original Cellerciser.

Dr. Casey

I wanted you to know how much we like your Cellerciser rebounder. We just purchased our second one. My sister took our first one with her recently when she moved to Costa Rica. In the meantime she ordered a different brand for us, I think Rebound or Reboundair. It looks very similar to yours, but I was not satisfied with the texture of the mat. It sinks in the middle making the various exercises difficult or dangerous. I can not use it. It was a big relief to receive yours. We use it every day.

Thank you! Rachel

I highly endorse Dave Halls Cellerciser. I have tried many other mini-trampolines, but the Cellerciser is unsurpassed in construction and performance. I feel that the Cellerciser is a basic necessity for anyone serious about improving their overall physical and emotional well-being.


Dear David, It was wonderful to talk with you briefly on Monday and to tell you how the Cellerciser is such a blessing to me. I am delighted to put this in writing for you. I have owned two other brands of trampolines/rebounders over the past 20+ years and this piece of equipment is by far and away the best.

Sincerely, Beverly

Oh my gosh! I cant praise your Cellerciser enough! Im 56 and have tried so many different pieces of exercise equipment and nothing comes close to how I feel after

doing a Cellerciser session!..

When my girlfriend told me about hers, money was tight for us, so I went to a local Sports Store and bought a mini-trampoline. It was just awful. It hurt to use it and I actually injured myself on it.

I just couldnt understand how my girlfriend praised her Cellerciser so so much. I gave the mini-trampoline to my grandkids.Now with the real Cellerciser (it sure is NOT at all like any other rebounder!) I see what an incredible difference the real thing makes.Thanks so much for creating this superb exerciser, Dave! Keep up the good work!

Blessings Carol

As a past world trampoline champion and university gymnastics coach, Ive always enjoyed the joys of jumping but now appreciate the profound health benefits of [Cellercise] as described by David Hall, Mr. Rebounder. I find his enthusiasm and dedication both contagious and inspiring. I flex my cells regularly as an important part of my exercise regime, and recommend that you do the same.

- Dan Millman, Author

Well, Dave, you are certainly the poster child to motivate us to stick with our Cellercisers! I used to have a Rebound Air rebounder, but ended up giving it away when I kept having to replace the springs, (and I was way under the weight limit for it), plus, it just wasnt that comfortable to bounce on. Ever since doing more reseaerch and discovering your rebounder, I am much, much happier with your product and have not had a bit of trouble with it.


I have been a Personal Trainer for 18 years and have never seen a better piece of equipment equipment than the Cellerciser. It is the real thing, it is not a gimmick, I train all

my clients on a Cellerciser.

Extremely Happy Customer

Dear Sirs, I have had Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for 25 years and use a walker but for the last 8 months I have had to use a wheelchair because of excruciating knee pain. When I was introduced to the Cellerciser I could not get on or off without help. Starting off with 3-5 minutes, within 2 weeks I was able to go for 10 minutes and get on by myself but had help getting off. NOw after 3 months I get on and off with NO help. My balance was so bad dressing had to be done in stages. Now I can stand for at leat 5 minutes without hanging onto something. Circulation was so bad both my feet were a dark purple color with much sweling and pain. Now swelling is gone and feet are a healthy pink color with very little pain. Overall I feel so good. This is the only piece of exercise equipment that I have been able to use and I have tried many. For the first time I am seeing a reversal of the effects of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I am so grateful for the Cellerciser and expect continued results as I bounce away.