The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane...A make-believe princess b. Abilene c. Edward d. herself 6....


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The Miraculous Journey of

Edward Tulane

Chapter Tests

Name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ________________ Date: ___________________________________

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Chapters 1 – 2 Test

1.  Read the following sentences.. Only his whiskers gave him pause. They were long and elegant (as they should be), but they were of uncertain origin. Edward felt quite strongly that they were not the whiskers of a rabbit.

Which of the following context clues would be used to define the word uncertain? a. to be certain b. to be not certain c. to be sure d. to be trustworthy 2.  Which of these best describes the setting at the beginning of the book? a. a small, crooked house with one room b. the bottom of the ocean c. a large, nice house d. at the city dump 3.  How did Edward spend his time waiting for Abilene to arrive back home? a. He sat on a shelf in Abilene’s bedroom. b. He was placed on a chair in the dining room C. He was placed in the kitchen waiting at the table. d. He went with Abilene when she left the house. 4.  Of all the seasons of the year, which season did Edward most prefer? a. summer b. fall c. winter d. spring 5.  How did Edward feel about himself? a. Edward was very sad and depressed. b. Edward didn’t like himself very much. c. Edward felt very highly of himself. d. All of the above.

6. What do the words uninvited and unannounced have in common? a. They have the same base words. b. They have the same prefixes c. They have the same prefixes and suffixes d. They have the same meanings 7.  What happened to Edward AFTER the neighbor’s dog Rosie came into the house and sprayed the white tablecloth with urine? a. Rosie picked Edward up in her mouth and was shaking him back and forth, growling and drooling. b. Rosie took Edward out to the yard. c. Rosie tore Edwards leg off. d. Rosie took Edward back to her own house and had a new toy to play with. 8.  Read the following sentence. Abilene’s mother had referred to him as “it,” and she was more outraged at the dog urine on her tablecloth than she was about the indignities that Edward had suffered at the jaws of Rosie. What does the word indignities mean? a. praise; honor b. abuse; suffering C. respect; help d. aid; help 9.  After the maid decided to vacuum Edward, where did she place him when she was done? a. in the kitchen at the kitchen table b. on the floor in the dining room c. in a chair at the dining room table d. on the shelf in Abilene’s room among the other dolls 10.  Do you feel Edward loves Abilene the same way she loves him? Use evidence from the text to support your answer and remember to answer in complete sentences.




Name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ________________ Date: ___________________________________

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Chapters 3 – 4 Test

1.  What is the Queen Mary? a. The queen of England. b. A large ship, like a cruise ship. c. A very small boat. d. A city in England.

2.  Read the following sentence. He found the talk around the dinner table excruciatingly dull; in fact, he made a point of not listening if he could help it. What does the word excruciatingly mean?

a. helpful b. sincere c. bearable d. extremely 3.  The author uses the sentence: She was looking at him in the way a hawk hanging lazily in

the air might study a mouse on the ground. Which character in the story is the author referring to?

a. Pellegrina b. Abilene C. Edward d. Abilene’s mother

4.  Who does Abilene ask to tell her a story at night? a. Edward b. Abilene’s mother c. Abilene’s father d. Pellegrina

5.  When Pellegrina was telling the story of the Princess, who was she referring to? a. A make-believe princess b. Abilene c. Edward d. herself

6. What animal did Pellegrina say the princess turned into in her story? a. a dog b. a frog c. a warthog d. a butterfly

7.  Read the following sentences from chapter 4. “The end?” said Abilene indignantly. “Yes,” said Pellegrina, “the end.” “But it can’t be?” “Why can’t it be?” “Because it came too quickly. Because no one is living happily ever after, that’s why” What does the word indignantly mean?

a. sharply b. gently c. nicely d. quietly

8.  Where does Pellegrina put Edward to sleep? a. In his own bed. b. In Abilene’s bed C. On the shelf in Abilene’s room. d. In a chair.

9.  Edward is laying in his bed staring at the ceiling thinking about how gruesome and grotesque it was that the princess became a warthog. What is another synonym for gruesome and grotesque?

a. frightful b. horrifying c. terrible d. all of the above

10.  Do you think Pellegrina likes Edward? Why or why not? Use evidence from the text to support your answer and remember to answer in complete sentences.



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Name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ________________ Date: ___________________________________

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Chapters 5 – 6 Test

1.  Read the following sentence. To be clutched so fiercely often resulted in wrinkled clothing. What does the word clutched mean?

a. thrown b. grasped c. released d. free

2.  Many people were intrigued by Edward on the ship, especially the children. Who were Martin and Amos?

a. Two brothers who were particularly interested in Edward. b. Two friends Abilene met on the ship. c. Abilene’s brothers. d. Two cousins of Abilene. 3.  The author uses the following sentences: Several little girls onboard gave Edward deep

glances full of longing. They asked Abilene if they might hold him. What does the author mean when she says,” full of longing?”

a. The girls thought Edward belonged to them. b. The girls looked at Edward in a mean, unfriendly way. C. The girls liked looking at Edward from afar. d. The girls wished they had a rabbit like Edward.

4.  Why was Edward so relieved to see the last of Pellegrina? a. Edward didn’t want her fussing over him. b. Edward didn’t like the way Pellegrina spoke to him. c. Edward didn’t like how Pellegina changed how she treated him. d. Edward didn’t want to live in the house with Pellegrina.

5.  While most of the children on board the Queen Mary were quite taken by Edward, who on board didn’t seem to be in the least bit awestruck by such an elegant rabbit?

a. several little girls b. the adult passengers c. two brothers, Martin and Amos d. the elderly lady

6.  Read the sentences from the story. Edward was paying attention now. He was mortified. Which word has the OPPOSITE meaning of the word mortified?

a. humiliated b. scared c. embarrassed d. comfortable

7.  As Abilene is trying to get Edward back from Martin and Amos, what happens to Edward?

a. He gets pulled apart. b. He’s thrown overboard. c. He begins to cry. d. none of the above

8.  As Edward got one last glimpse of Abilene on deck, what did he notice she was holding in her hand?

a. a lamp b. a ball of fire C. his pocket watch d. a new rabbit

9.  Read the following sentences from the book. Far above him, the ocean liner, with Abilene aboard it, sailed blithely on; and the china rabbit landed, finally, on the ocean floor, face- down; and there, with his head in the muck, he experienced his first genuine and true emotion. What does the word blithely mean, as used in the sentence above?

a. full speed b. slowly c. quickly d. merrily

10.  What emotion was Edward feeling after he was thrown overboard? Why do you think he felt this way? Use evidence from the text to support your answer and remember to answer in complete sentences.



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Name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ________________ Date: ___________________________________

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Chapters 7 – 8 Test

1.  In chapter 7, who did Edward think was responsible for him being thrown overboard? a. Martin and Amos b. Abilene c. Pellegrina d. himself

2.  Read the following sentence. The water pummeled him and lifted him up and shoved him back down. What does the word pummeled mean?

a. praised b. knocked c. failed d. surrendered 3.  While Edward was thrashing around at sea, he heard the wind rush through his ears. What

did the wind sound like to Edward? a. Pellegrina laughing. b. The ocean swirling around him. C. Abilene talking to him. d. A boat coming towards him.

4.  How did Edward end up getting out of the water? a. Abilene came back for him. b. A shark ate him. c. A fisherman scooped him up in a net. d. He washed ashore.

5.  Read the following sentences. “I’ll take it home to Nellie. Let her fix it up and set it to rights. Give it to some child.” What does the author mean by this sentence?

a. Nellie will fix the rabbit up and restore him back to the way he should be. b. Nellie will just give the rabbit away to another child. c. Nellie will try to find the right owner for the rabbit. d. Nellie will give the rabbit back to Abilene.

6. At this point in the story, what can you infer about how Edward may be feeling? a. He’s relieved to be alive. b. He’s happy he’s no longer alone in the sea. c. He was thankful that someone found him and took him home. d. All of the above.

7.  Read the following sentence. Edward felt Nellie was a very discerning woman. What do you think the word discerning means?

a. unaware b. ignorant c. unintelligent d. knowledgeable

8.  How did Edward feel when Nellie referred to him by saying “She’s beautiful”? a. Edward was pleased. b. Edward felt confused. C. Edward thought she was crazy. d. Edward felt angry.

9.  What is different about how Nellie treated Edward and Abilene treated him? a. Abilene was sometimes mean to Edward and Nellie was not. b. Nellie seemed to love Edward more than Abilene. c. Nellie wanted the rabbit to be a girl and named him Susanna, while Abilene wanted him to be a boy and named him Edward. d. All of the above.

10.  How do you think Edward’s new life with Lawrence and Nellie is similar to his old life with Abilene? Use evidence from the text to support your answer and remember to answer in complete sentences.



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Name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ________________ Date: ___________________________________

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Chapters 9 – 11 Test

1.  In the beginning of chapter 9, how did Edward feel once he had realized he had become Susanna?

a. excited b. horrified c. angry d. surprised

2.  How did Edward feel about the outfits, even the special-occasion dress Nellie made him? a. He preferred the plain and simple clothes. b. He was just happy to have clothes. c. He liked them better than his other clothes. d. He felt they lacked the elegance and artistry of his real clothes. 3.  Read the following sentence. “I suppose you think I’m daft, talking to a toy. But it seems

to me that you are listening, Susanna.” What does the word daft mean in this sentence? a. foolish b. intelligent C. smart d. brainy

4.  How has Edward started to change, now that he’s living with Nellie? a. He cares for Nellie and is surprised that he is really starting to take an interest in her and her stories. b. He’s really longing for Abilene. c. Edward doesn’t care for Nellie and Lawrence and wishes he was back with Abilene. d. None of the above.

5.  Nellie’s daughter Lolly came to visit. Lolly shouted “Have you gone skivvy?” “Rabbits don’t need clothes.” What do you think the word skivvy means?

a. worker b. servant c. laborer d. none of the above

6. Who does Lolly remind Edward of? a. Abilene b. Pellegrina c. Nellie d. Lawrence

7.  As Edward laid on the trash pile, feeling like he was being buried alive, what kept him going?

a. Thinking about how Nellie and Lawrence were probably out searching for him. b. Thinking about Pellegrina and how mean he thought she was. c. Thinking about how he’d be reunited with Abilene. d. Thinking about how he’d find Lolly and exact his revenge on her.

8.  Which of the following words has the SAME meaning as heap? a. ditch b. pile C. hole d. valley

9.  On page 85, the author states: He heard Pellegrina say: “You disappoint me.” Why? he asked her. Why do I disappoint you? But Edward already knew the answer to that question. What was the reason why he disappointed Pellegrina?

a. Because Edward never seemed to love Abilene enough. b. Because Edward didn’t love Pellegrina. c. Because Edward didn’t love Nellie and Lawrence the way they loved him. d. Because Edward didn’t love Lolly and wanted to get revenge on her.

10.  Edward thinks he is different now. Do you agree or disagree? Use evidence from the text to support your answer and remember to answer in complete sentences.



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Name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ________________ Date: ___________________________________

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Chapters 12 – 14 Test

1.  Who pulled Edward from the garbage pile? a. Ernest b. Lawrence c. a dog d. Nellie

2.  Read the following sentence from the story. “And what we have here, what you have so graciously delivered to me, is definitely a rabbit, but the best chef in the world would be hard-pressed to make him into a pie.” Which of the following words means the SAME as graciously?

a. unpleasantly b. kindly c. unwillingly d. rudely 3.  In chapter 12, Edward meets Bull. Bull is a hobo. What does the word hobo mean? a. a hard worker b. a person who works in a shop C. a person who wanders from place to place d. a clown

4.  Edward rode in Bull’s bedroll, slung over Bull’s shoulder with only his head and ears sticking out. Which of the following words is a synonym for bedroll? a. blanket b. cot c. mattress d. sleeping bag

5.  When it was night time and Edward was laid down to sleep, he was always staring up at the sky. Why?

a. Edward was never able to fall asleep. b. He was too scared to fall asleep, thinking something bad might happen to him. c. Since, he was a china rabbit, his eyes were painted on and could never close. d. Edward slept during the day, instead of at night.

6.  Read the following expression from page 100. You stick out like a sore thumb in that princess dress. What does this expression mean?

a. It means to stand out and be easily noticed. b. It means my thumb is sore and swollen. c. It means you look like a princess. d. It means you try to hide between other people.

7. As Edward stared up at the constellations, he said their names and then he said the names of the people who loved him. In which order did he say the names?

a. Abilene, Nellie, Lawrence, Bull, Lucy b. Abilene, Bull, Lucy, Nellie, Lawrence, Abilene c. Nellie, Lawrence, Bull, Lucy, Abilene d. Abilene, Nellie, Lawrence, Bull, Lucy, Abilene

8. How many years had passed since Edward was with Bull and Lucy?

a. about 7 years b. almost 10 years c. only a few months d. about 5 years

9. What do the words bendable and carefully have in common? a. They both have a prefix. b. They both have a suffix. C. They have the same base words. d. They have the same meanings.

10.  What happened to Bull, Lucy, and Edward while they were in the empty freight car? Use evidence from the text to support your answer and remember to answer in complete sentences.



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Name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ________________ Date: ___________________________________

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Chapters 15 – 17 Test

1.  Read the following sentence. The terrible ache he had felt the night before had gone away and had been replaced with a different feeling, one of hollowness and despair. Which of the following context clues would be used to define the word hollowness?

a. in a sad and depressing way b. having closure c. in a state of fullness d. in a happy state of mind

2.  In chapter 15, an old lady picked up Edward and placed him in her basket. When she got home, she found a use for him. What did she decide to use him for?

a. A weathervane on top of her barn. b. A pet to comfort her. c. A scarecrow in her vegetable garden. d. None of the above.

3.  Read the following sentences from page 119. One large crow in particular would not leave the rabbit alone. He perched on the pole and screamed a dark message in Edward’s left ear: Caw, caw, caw without ceasing. Using context clues from within the sentence, what does the word perched mean?

a. walked b. flew C. sat d. jumped

4.  Where does Bryce rescue Edward from? a. laying in the woods b. buried under a pile of trash c. sinking in the ocean d. hanging on a scarecrow pole

5.  When Bryce rescued Edward from the pole how was Edward feeling?

a. Edward wanted to be left on the pole. b. At first, Edward felt hollow and worthless, but as he fell into Bryce’s arms he felt relief. c. Edward thought his life would be best if he stayed where he was with the old lady. d. Edward was scared Bryce would hurt him, since he was a young boy.

6.  Who was Sara Ruth and what was wrong with her?

a. Sara Ruth was Bryce’s mom, who was very ill. b. Sara Ruth was a friend of Bryce who was very sick. c. Sara Ruth was Bryce’s older sister who was ill. d. Sara Ruth was Bryce’s younger sister who was very ill.

7. Tell one way that being owned by Abilene was different than being owned by Sara Ruth?

a. Abilene was richer than Sarah Ruth. b. Abilene was older than Sarah Ruth. c. Abilene did not suck on his ears or cradle him like a baby. d. All of the above.

8. What did Edward mistake Bryce and Sarah Ruth’s house for?

a. a mansion b. a log cabin c. a barn d. a chicken coop

9.  Read the following sentence from page 132. The coughing was the saddest sound that Edward had ever heard, sadder even than the mournful call of the whippoorwill. What is a whippoorwill? a. the wind b. a bird C. long tall grass d. a wild animal

10.  What did Sarah Ruth name Edward? How did she show her love to him. Use evidence from the text to support your answer and remember to answer in complete sentences.



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Name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ________________ Date: ___________________________________

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Chapters 18 – 20 Test

1.  In chapter 18, we learn that Sarah Ruth and Bryce have a father. What does Bryce think of his father?

a. He thinks he’s a hard working man. b. He feels he’s a bully. c. He finds him kind and caring. d. He thinks he’s lonely.

2.  Why did Bryce bring twine home to Edward?

a. He thought Edward could play with it. b. He needed to repair Edward with the string. c. He used the twine to tie Edward to the wall. d. He used the twine to attach it to Edward and turn him into a puppet for Sarah Ruth.

3.  We’ve learned a lot about the type of character Bryce is. Which of the following character traits do you think BEST describe Bryce?

a. caring and compassionate b. jealous and mean C. uncaring and rude d. spiteful and angry

4.  What happened to Sarah Ruth on a bright morning in September? a. She stood up and started dancing with Edward. b. She stopped breathing and passed away. c. Sarah Ruth and Bryce went out for a nice walk in the fresh air. d. Bryce brought Sarah Ruth outside to look at the stars and make a wish.

5.  How did Bryce react when his father took Sarah Ruth’s body away?

a. by laying down on the bed and crying b. by running away to Memphis c. by following his father d. by locking his father out of the house

6.  On page 155, Edward refers to that terrible scarecrow feeling he felt before was coming back. What feeling is Edward referring to?

a. a hollow feeling b. a feeling of excitement c. a feeling of anger d. a feeling of contentment

7.  In chapter 20, the author refers to an old woman leaning on a cane, stepped up close to Edward and Bryce. Who did Edward think the old lady was?

a. The lady with the garden b. Abilene c. Nellie d. Pellegrina

8.  Read the following sentences. The shadows lengthened. The sun became an orange dusty ball low in the sky. What time of day do you think the author is referring to?

a. morning b. afternoon c. evening d. night

9.  What did Bryce decide to do with the money he collected in the button box? a. find a place to stay b. buy Edward some new clothes C. get something to eat d. buy a new harmonica

10.  Why was Bryce crying at the end of chapter 20? Use evidence from the text to support your answer and remember to answer in complete sentences.



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Name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ________________ Date: ___________________________________

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Chapters 21 – 23 Test

1.  In chapter 21, Bryce and Edward end up at Neal’s Diner. What is a diner another name for? a. A hotel b. A grocery store c. A restaurant d. A toy store

2.  Read the following sentence. He brought the spatula down on the countertop with a thwack. What type of figurative language is the word thwack?

a. a simile b. a metaphor c. an idiom d. onomatopoeia

3.  What was the EFFECT of Bryce not having enough money to pay for his food? a. Bryce had to wash dishes at the diner. b. Edward was swung around by his feet and was swung so hard his head hit the edge of the counter and cracked. C. Bryce had to sweep the floors around the diner to work off his meal. d. Neal stole Edward from Bryce.

4.  What does it mean when Edward’s world went black? a. Edward passed out because of his head hitting the counter. b. The lights in the diner went out. c. Edward’s body turned black in color. d. It was dark outside and Edward couldn’t see anything going on outside of Neal’s diner.

5.  What is happening to Edward in chapter 22?

a. He’s found all the people who have become important to him. b. He is dreaming. c. He’s back at Abilene’s house. d. He’s on another journey.

6.  How did Sarah Ruth appear to Edward in his dream?

a. a ghost b. a human c. an animal d. a constellation

7.  How is it that Edward can listen, see, and hear again after being broken?

a. He wasn’t really broken, he was just dreaming. b. He has been repaired by a doll mender. c. Bryce glued Edward back together. d. All of the above.

8.  Read the following sentences. You have been pulled back from the brink of oblivion by your humble servant, Lucius Clarke. What is a SYNONYM for the word oblivion?

a. unconsciousness b. caring c. regard d. awareness

9.  How many pieces was Edward broken into? a. 30 b. 19 C. 21 d. 31

10.  While at Lucius Clarke’s shop, Bryce was given two options concerning Edward. What were his two options? Why do you think Bryce chose option 2. Use evidence from the text to support your answer and remember to answer in complete sentences.



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Name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ________________ Date: ___________________________________

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Chapters 24 – 27 Test

1.  Once Lucius Clarke repaired Edward how did he decide to display him? a. As a girl in a fancy dress. b. As a boy in an elegant suit. c. As just a rabbit with no clothing on. d. As a boy in jeans and a plaid shirt.

2.  Why does Edward not care if anyone buys him from the doll shop?

a. He’s done with being loved and loving others because it’s just too painful. b. He’s too old and tired to go on anymore journeys. c. He loves the doll shop and doesn’t want to leave. d. He’s been there so long, he’s accustomed to life on the shelf at the doll shop.

3.  What was the EFFECT of Bryce not having enough money to pay for his food? a. Bryce had to wash dishes at the diner. b. Edward was swung around by his feet and was swung so hard his head hit the edge of the counter and cracked. C. Bryce had to sweep the floors around the diner to work off his meal. d. Neal stole Edward from Bryce.

4.  One doll in the doll shop had been in this world for a century. How long is a century? a. 100 days b. 100 weeks c. 100 months d. 100 years

5.  Why did Edward never care for dolls?

a. He found them scary. b. He thought they were boring. c. He found them annoying and self-centered. d. He found them loud and obnoxious.

6.  Edward was a lone contrarian. What does lone contrarian mean?

a. along with everyone b. the only one c. only dolls d. only rabbits

7.  Who came in the doll shop and eventually purchased Edward?

a. Maggie, Abilene’s daughter b. Bryce c. Nellie and Lawrence d. Pellegrina

8.  Which character appears at the books beginning and ending?

a. Abilene b. Pellegrina c. Bryce d. Lucius Clarke

9.  Which is the BEST answer to show how Edward has changed from the beginning of the story to the end of the story?

a. He has learned he cannot trust anyone. b. Edward was glued back together at the end of the story, but was whole at the beginning. C. Edward has learned how to love at the end of the story, but didn’t know how to at the beginning. d. Edward has learned not to take anymore journeys because bad things happen to him.

10.  What is the theme of this novel? What message is the author trying to send through this book? Use evidence from the text to support your answer and remember to answer in complete sentences.



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Name: _____________________________________________________ Number: ________________ Date: ___________________________________

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane End of the Book Test

1.  Which of the following BEST describes the setting at the beginning of the book? a. a small, crooked house with one room b. the bottom of the ocean c. a large, nice house d. at the city dump

2.  What happens to the princess in Pellegrina’s story?

a. She marries the prince. b. She goes hunting for warthogs. c. She learns to love. d. She is turned into a warthog.

3.  The house on Egypt Street became frantic with activity as the Tulane family prepared for their voyage to England. What does frantic mean?

a. calm b. crazy C. loud d. queit

4.  Abilene packed Edward his nicest clothes so that he could “cut a fine line”. What does that mean? a. To cut on the dotted line b. To walk on the line C. To impress people with his looks d. To wear striped clothes

5.  Far above Edward, the ocean liner with Abilene aboard it, sailed blithely on...What does blithely mean? a. carefree b. quickly c. slowly d. harshly

6. How long was Edward in the dump?

a. 18 days b. 180 days c. 18 weeks d. 180 weeks

7.  What is the dog’s name who saved Edward?

a. Lisa b. Laura c. Lucy d. Louise

8.  The man tells Lucy, “You’d be hard-pressed to make that rabbit into a pie.” What does hard-pressed mean?

a. Easy b. Quick c. Slow d. Difficult

9.  What does Bull name Edward? a. Malone b. Matthew C. Martin d. Mark

10.  Edward’s new and strange ability to listen to others became invaluable. What does invaluable mean?

a. Boring b. Worthless c. Important d. Happy 11. How do the other hobos show that they miss their children? a. They tell Edward the names of their children. b. They take Edward to meet their children. c. They sing sad songs about their children. d. They go back home to their children.

12.  Choose one of these characters and write two complete sentences describing them: , Abilene, Pellegrina, Nellie, Lawrence, Bull, Bryce, or Sarah Ruth. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

13.  Write a complete sentence telling one way Edward changed between the beginning of the book and the end of the book.

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14.  All the dolls in the shop wanted to be bought and loved. Edward was the lone contrarian. Does Edward want to be loved anymore? Explain. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 15.  What advice did the doll have for Edward as she was being taken out of the shop? Did he listen to her advice? Explain why or why not. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

16. What are the names that Edward had when he was with the different owners? Abilene: ____________________ Nellie: ___________________ Bull: ___________________ Old Lady: ___________________ Bryce: ___________________ Shop Owner: _____________

17.  There are two journeys that Edward took. Explain the two types of journeys that he went on. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

18.  What is the theme of this novel? What message is the author trying to send to the reader?

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ * Extra Credit: Did you en joy this novel? Why or Why not? Make sure to explain your answer with details. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________
