The Most Destructive Disease on the Planet


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  • 8/9/2019 The Most Destructive Disease on the Planet




    The Simple-Ideas Occasional

    A publication dedicated to the study and celebrationof common sense and repeatable experiments

    Robert L. Nuckolls, III

    Medicine Lodge, KS

    Number 005, Rev C, August 10, 2010

    The Most Destructive Disease on the Planet

    A significant portion of our nations population is falling

    victim to a new viral infection and its not the swine flu,

    bird flu, or any infection that demanded cultural notice in

    our past. However, this virus is demonstrably more deadly

    than anything our society has ever faced.

    Most organisms derive from a common ancestor and

    branch out evolving into new organisms as conditionsdemand. This virus is different. Its a joining of many

    similar variants that have afflicted human kind for

    thousands of years. The virus is deadly. Every time a

    strain of the historical virus propagated to a majority of the

    population, the culture died. A population weakened by

    unchecked progression of the disease reaches a tipping

    point beyond which it can no longer sustain itself.

    Bacteria are single cell organisms. In favorable

    surroundings they are independently capable of dividing

    to grow their population. When deprived of favorable

    conditions for life, they die. Bacteria are vulnerable to

    specific poisons which we call antibiotics. Treatment with

    antibiotics is relatively quick and usually takes a few days.

    Further, a colony of bacteria infecting a host can most

    often be completely destroyed.

    Viruses multiply but are totally parasitic. They must take

    over the mechanism of a favorable cell in a living host.

    Thus they are completely dependent upon a living host.

    When the immune system of the infected host recognizes

    a virus as an invader it generates antibodies antagonistic

    to the virus. Viruses may be only subdued or held at bay

    by the hosts immune system. The virus may linger on or

    in the host - laying dormant until conditions for new

    infection are discovered perhaps in a new host. Dormant

    viruses are enduring and constantly vigilant . . . waiting

    for an opportunity to gain footing in a new population of


    The virus Im describing is not your run-of-the-mill

    organism. This virulent bug has been present in our

    environment for thousands of years. Further, it did not

    come into existence and thrive by the usual evolutionary

    biological steps. This infection has gained strength and

    destructiveness by merging with many symbiotic viruses

    over centuries. Ancient manifestations of the virus have

    collectively caused great suffering in humankind for

    thousands of years. Now, this amalgamated super-bug is

    in a position to threaten entire nations and perhaps even

    the planet.

    The disease manifests itself in obsessive-compulsive, self-

    destructive behavior. Weve heard of individuals who

    incessantly bite their fingernails or pick at imaginary sores

    on their skin. Progress of these illnesses may be slow but

    without remedy or restraint they are relentless. Ultimately

    the victim destroys the use of their fingers. Perhaps their

    they succumb to infection which invades their body

    through self-inflicted injury. This makes the virus unique

    in terms of its mortality. While not physiologically

    debilitating, the virus causes behaviors that promotes a

    host of risky and ultimately lethal behaviors. The untreated

    host ultimately dies not from the disease itself but from

    secondary mishap.

    Casual witnesses to early stages of infection might

    discount the hosts behavior as an innocuous aberration.

    But left untreated for months or even years, the effects can

    be astounding, horrifying and are ultimately terminal. This

    virus produces a psychotic fog that prevents victims from

    projecting present trends into the future. Infected

    individuals progressively chip away at one or more

    features of their existence but with no sense of prediction.

    When self inflicted damage becomes too great to survive

    they are oblivious to the inevitable.

    The virus does not propagate by touch, breathing the air or

    by ingestion of food. Nor does it thrive by taxing

    resources of living cells. This virus propagates through a

    hosts language of communication and thought. It is not an

    organism of genetic materials but an organism of ideas. It

    is a virus of the mind.

    The virus is relentless and progressive with effects

    reaching far into the future. Relentless in that an infected

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    individual offered total relief of all symptoms today will

    return tomorrow with new symptoms and still greater

    discomfort. Hence, the disease is eternally progressive in

    the destruction of its host and the community in which it

    is allowed to thrive.

    Similar intellectual infections have demonstratedprogressive traits over thousands of years. Theyve been

    called communism, socialism, fascism, and dozens of

    other names normally associated with a political or

    economic ideology. Characteristics common to these

    legacy infections are suppression of individual freedom,

    lack of empathy for the destruction visited upon the

    society, and total disregard for the inevitable consequences

    of suffering or even death when the disease is free to run

    its course.

    Host victims of the virus exhibit a range of obsessive-

    compulsive behaviors. They embrace and defend an

    ideology that is guaranteed not only to bring about

    destruction of the host but the very environment upon

    which the host depends for survival. Victims are hard

    pressed to relate the effects of their pathology to those of

    past victims. Sufferers of the disease have no core, no

    irrevocable, inarguable code of behavior that bonds them

    to others with common values.

    The most afflicted victims of this intellectual pathogen

    will say anything, advance any idea and endorse any

    means by which an idea is promoted. They seem oblivious

    to their own words and actions (perhaps only days old)

    that demonstrate them to be deceitful and fraudulent.

    Behavior of carriers of this disease is best described as

    despotic progressivism.

    It is despotic because the infected individual has no

    empathy for any other human being . . . it is the antithesis

    of honorable behavior that loves and protects liberty.

    It is progressive in that a carriers goals are perpetually

    expanding. There is no acme of achievement to be

    realized. It follows then that if every incremental

    achievement is destructive, then the end is realized only

    after the destruction and death are total.

    Let us call it DesPro for short

    For many years the infection was relatively powerless or

    insufficiently concentrated to offer a serious national

    threat but it has been with us almost since our nations

    beginning. But now, an ignorant and unwary citizenry has

    allowed the disease to take deep roots in our society. The

    disease has three stages of development. Stage 1

    (moochers) infects the easily inoculated ignorant who

    succumb to smiling faces uttering comforting words that

    promise a better life at the expense of somebody else.

    Moochers are essential to the sustenance of Stage 2 and

    Stage 3 carriers who I will characterize as soldiers and


    Examples of Stage 1 infection are to be found throughoutour nations population. The soldiers of DesPro infection

    are experts at suggesting victimization, guilt and fear.

    Their techniques are particularly enhanced if they are

    applied with a sense of urgency handed down from the

    ruling class of looters. The watchword of the looter,

    Never let a good crisis go to waste . . . invent one if you

    need to.

    Potential hosts are encourage to believe they are victim of

    some condition over which they have no control. Ive

    suggested in other essays that life is built upon

    foundations of simple-ideas. While life is simple, it is not

    necessarily easy. Particularly when looters discover the

    power they possess by keeping the Stage 1 carriers and

    candidate carriers ignorant. Ignorance breeds confusion,

    helplessness and compliance the with guidance handed

    down from the ruling class of looters and soldiers.

    Alternatively, they might be told that they are members of

    an immoral group. Perhaps their great, great, grand father

    owned slaves. Perhaps their parents drive too nice a car,

    live in too big a house, consume more than their fair

    share of resources. Perhaps some natural or man-made

    calamity is causing great discomfort and suffering that

    demands our collective donation to a cause. These are

    conditions under which the DesPro infection can spread

    like a wind driven fire through the forest. Nothing gets aDesPro infected leadership more energized than wide-

    spread, natural or created, real or imagined calamity.

    No matter what ideas are advanced by teachers pretending

    to be benevolent and caring, moochers are taught that

    salvation and comfort will come if they simply vote some

    looter into office.

    Stage 2 manifests in teachers and leaders who call

    themselves moderate and constantly utter platitudes like

    bi-partisan, willing to negotiate, meeting the

    opposition half-way, insuring access to our fair share,

    protection of the workers, doing it for the children,protecting the planet, feeding the hungry, ministering

    to the sick, sacrifice for the greater good, etc. These

    righteous, smoothly delivered motivations are more than

    can be counted and new ones are conjured up every day.

    Soldiers and looters have a compulsion to wield any and

    all power over individuals. DesPro soldiers may occupy

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    important positions of leadership and management in our

    societys institutions including legislatures, unions, boards

    of education, city commissions, teachers, police

    departments, etc. Many are elected to office but most are

    simply employees of a system established and ruled by the

    looters. One might call them, looters in training.

    Soldiers are constantly honing proficiency in capturingthe loyalty and electoral support of moochers and

    indoctrinating more moochers into their culture of helpless

    and ignorant.

    Stage 3 manifests in individuals have transited through

    earlier stages of the illness and have acquired power to

    generate law. In many societies, stage 3 carriers are simply

    dictators. They are not burdened with tedious charades of

    passing ideas through filters of unconstrained, legislative

    bodies. Their very words carry the force of law as soon as

    they are spoken. Our society is plagued with many such

    individuals intent upon extending their cadre of obedient

    followers to include all inhabitants of our nation, citizen or


    Power is oft wrested from honorable individuals by what

    is claimed to be an honorable election process. Victims of

    the infection are incapable of empathetic honorable

    behavior, thus any tool for adjusting the outcome of an

    election becomes a justifiable means by which the desired

    end is achieved.

    At the street level, soldiers and looters thrive by

    intimidation and threats of physical force. Street gangs

    must forage community assets to acquire benefits.

    However, when looting is established by law and enforced

    with guns, the institutionalized DesPro soldier is relievedof the need to forage for benefits. Benefits to the soldiers

    are delivered by the simple stroke of a pen on a document

    that codifies their ability to take what they want relatively

    free of risk from a lawfully compliant populace.

    Resistance is quickly and easily repressed because the

    looters and soldiers are sanctioned by law to protect

    themselves and their mission.

    Looters and soldiers are incapable of offering recipes for

    civilized success based on wisdom, experience, common

    sense, knowledge of history or dedication to honorable

    behaviors. The looters have converted the law to a tool of

    plunder. The law is enforced by men with guns to achievegoals of total dominance over every one supported

    democratically either by a majority of moochers or an

    effective suppression of honorable behavior. When a

    particular goal is thwarted by an absence of necessary law,

    the well placed looter wrapped in a mantle of democracy

    crafts new law by proclaiming a mandate from the

    majority of soldiers and moochers. The looter monarch

    simply says, Do it!.

    Honorable and infection-free citizens entering community

    of federal employees are exceedingly vulnerable to

    infection. Sending honorable individuals to Washington

    is akin to encounters Star Treks super villains, the Borg.Hapless visitors to a Borg community are greeted with:

    Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

    For honorable individuals be become accepted members

    of a DesPro infected community, they need to show

    positive signs of infection. Words like, cooperation,

    bipartisan and moderate are music to the DesPros

    ears. As soon as the most honorable individual can be

    induced to embrace even the smallest fraction of the

    DesPro agenda, the hook is in. Its simply a matter of time

    before the new member is either marginalized to

    insignificance reeled in for full assimilation. If the new

    member to a DesPro community does not show signs of

    weakness in their understanding and resolve, they are at

    risk for severe attack upon their liberty. If the inductee

    proves too troublesome, they are suppressed, and vilified

    if not destroyed.

    US citizens have lived a sheltered existence in a protective

    and nurturing nation founded by good students of a

    horrifying history of their own era. Their foresight and

    courage offer a clear and powerful vaccination against this

    terrible disease. But vaccinations never given offer no

    benefit. The vaccination can only be delivered and re-

    enforced with understanding and knowledge of how the

    disease spreads.

    At one time, knowledge and understanding was offered by

    honorable parents, teachers and members of a civilized

    community. Our comfortable and indolent complacence,

    has allowed the disease to achieved a major foothold in

    our nation. It didnt happen in weeks, months or years.

    James Norton, Frederic Bastiat, Thomas Paine, and many

    others have offered clear insight and chronicled spread of

    the disease in the United States going back more than two


    From its very beginning, our nation was plagued with

    various carriers of DesPro. Thomas James Norton(2) has

    chronicled a series events in both state and nationallegislatures from about 1880 and carrying through the

    administrations of Harry Truman. It would be interesting

    to see a revision to this body of work to evaluate things

    like The Community Redevelopment Act, The Patriot Act,

    health care reform, finance reform, the nationalization of

    banks and General Motors, and the creation of hundreds of

    regulatory agencies that are empowered to tell any citizen

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    what he/she must do under threat of force.

    Stage 2 infection is clearly exemplified by a majority of

    the current United States congress and judicial system.

    Keep in mind that this disease is not selective. It will

    happily invade individuals who claim a variety of party

    affiliations, political ideologies, and social aspirations.The honorable politician would never vote for any

    legislation that attacks the liberty of any citizen. But in the

    spirit of cooperation, bipartisanship and scratch my back

    and Ill scratch yours, virtually every member of congress

    manifests the effects of DesPro infection.

    Stage 2 infection runs rampant in our schools where

    teachers seek to spread the doctrines of perpetual pursuit

    of transient pleasures and comfortable sustenance at

    somebody elses expense. The school systems have

    become adept at producing populations of moochers who

    are expected to vote for the looter who promises the most

    benefit from somebody elses production.

    The disease now infects a majority of the voting

    population. Friendly, hypnotic urging of stage 2 carriers

    spreads the virus to millions of citizens of all ages at an

    alarming pace. The sheer weight of numbers is about to

    overwhelm our system for vaccination against the disease.

    The disease plaguing our nation no longer manifests as

    any particular variant of past infections. This new

    infection is an amalgam of the worst characteristics of all

    historical manifestations - an intellectual pathogen of

    unimaginable ability to destroy its hosts. The disease seeks

    dominance over the hosts resources by what ever

    philosophy sounds good at the moment but withastounding lack of empathy and ruthless dedication to the

    mission: Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated . . .

    or destroyed.

    Propagation of the Disease

    DesPro carriers of any stage are predisposed to infecting

    others. Its not a difficult mission. The symptoms of

    DesPro exemplify humankinds baser motivations. DesPro

    carriers are in perpetual pursuit of transient pleasures.

    Further, anything that relieves them of responsibility for

    assuaging their own discomfort is welcomed no matter

    who else pays for it.

    Many adults not already vaccinated against the disease are

    easily infected. Classrooms for children are fertile ground

    for spreading the DesPro virus. Over 200 years ago,

    Frederick Bastiat warned:

    But when you resettle a nation with a past into a

    new country, the skill of the legislator rests in the

    policy of permitting the people to retain no

    injurious opinions and customs which can possibly

    be cured and corrected. If you desire to prevent

    these opinions and customs from becoming

    permanent, you will secure the second generation

    by a general system of public education for the

    children. A prince or a legislator should never

    establish a colony without first arranging to send

    wise men along to instruct the youth...

    Indeed, DesPro infected leadership has been intent upon

    molding our nation in accordance with their own ideas

    over several generations of progressive commandeering of

    public education. Young citizens entering our public

    schools are fertile hosts for DesPro infection. Our sense of

    honorable citizenship is crippled by a generation of

    parents who are equally ignorant of their own exposure

    and infection by the virus.

    Once given charge of children, the DesPro infected

    educator propagates the disease by rewarding

    incompetence, suppressing independence, suppressing or

    even punishing exemplary behavior, and teaching that

    certain humans are entitled to value confiscated or

    extorted from others without having to reciprocate.

    DesPro infected teacher tell our children that failure can

    be excused for a host of dishonorable reasons. We teach

    that success is more a function of luck than honorable,

    independent self-sufficiency. They teach that individuals

    successful at producing the most popular goods and

    services are evil or greedy. The most successful are

    targeted for vilification or even institutionalizedpunishment at the hands of Stage 2 and 3 carriers free to

    craft and enforce the appropriate law.

    Many of our nations teachers would have us believe that

    providers of goods and services deemed essential by the

    government should do so with benevolence even if it

    destroys the mechanism by which that produce comes into


    Children are taught early on that resisting the effects of

    DesPro infection will be punished. The very young are

    subject to simple denigration. Make them ashamed of any

    tendencies for honorable behavior. Older students who donot demonstrate allegiance to lessons-taught will be

    punished more harshly with attacks upon their liberty.

    The DesPro infected teacher is silent on honorable

    behavior, exemplary achievement and independent self-

    sufficiency. Excellence in these traits are the DesPro

    carriers worst nightmare. They understand that the child

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    with an honorable and self-sufficient disposition is

    exceedingly resistant to infection. It is essential that the

    student first become dependent and then willing to at least

    vote in favor of mitigating discomfort by confiscating

    value from others where ever it may be found.

    Many of todays parents are students of infected teachersand are themselves Stage 1 carriers of DesPro. Once

    infected, they cease to understand what they dont know.

    They are incapable of guiding and inoculating their own

    children from infection.

    Effective propagators of DesPro are purveyors of fiction.

    Here we can easily identify a host of situations where a

    DesPro carrier offers their talents to an audience of current

    or prospective carriers. Effective tools of propagation can

    include printed words in books, newspapers, letters and

    Internet articles. When DesPro infected teachers are

    lacking common sense, critical thinking skills, literary

    skills and fundamental knowledge of life, they can still

    prepare fertile minds of our children for the preferred

    DesPro propagation process delivered by skilled actors.

    Print and screen presentations are powerful DesPro

    propagation tools. They offer an opportunity to distract the

    mind. DesPro can only take hold if common-sense and

    critical thinking are put on hold. Screen heros battle

    hoards of bad guys shooting really big guns and setting

    off huge fireball explosions. The hero survives with no

    worse than a flesh wound; the heroines seldom experience

    worse than a disordered hairdo. Yet they prevail against

    the most evil of DesPro carriers in the story.

    DesPro infected screen writers are skilled at giving lip-service to honorable, independent self-sufficiency. But

    its interesting to note that the most famous of the

    Hollywood personalities do not participate in free-market

    exchanges of goods and services. They have no

    employees, no stock holders, no talents to create a product

    that would draw customers into stores and provide steady

    jobs for workers. Yet they are among the highest paid

    individuals in our culture. They are conspicuous

    consumers of luxury but among the most dis-functional

    when it comes to relationships with other individuals.

    But we are taught that these screen invincibles should be

    revered as role models for the rest of us . . . particularlyour children. Its interesting to note that many screen

    personalities are literally worshiped by the community of

    DesPro carriers. . . especially if their musical, screen or

    literary works favor the behaviors of DesPro infected

    society. DesPro carriers in Hollywood are artful liars who

    receive stellar rewards for repeatedly convincing us they

    are something or somebody that they are not . . . and like

    most of our legislators they make millions of dollars for

    doing it well.

    It follows then that many of our fellow citizens strive for

    similar stature. Professional sports comes to mind as an

    arena where a few individuals make millions of dollars to

    tickle the vicarious fantasies of the citizenry. Yet at theend of the game, no new value has been added to our

    culture. No diseases have been conquered, no new and

    useful products developed, no new technology discovered.

    Citizens walk away from such events all psyched up and

    excited while remaining totally oblivious to the evil that

    surrounds them.

    Popular entertainment media is the intellectual anesthetic

    needed by DesPro soldiers and looters to distract the

    moochers and even the honorable but unwary citizen from

    things that really matter.

    The effects of DesPro infection have become profound in

    some locations. Greece and Spain are on the verge of

    collapse. California, Illinois and Michigan are wobbling

    on the edge of bankruptcy. These are examples of

    economies where laws put in place by looters have taxed

    the productivity of the citizens so severely that the most

    productive individuals have been crushed under the weight

    of DesPro driven taxation or simply fled.

    Similar flirtation with collapse is pending in many states

    and many countries around the world. In every case, one

    simply needs to examine the policies of the makers of law

    and theyll see both the manifestation and the effects of

    DesPro infection at its worst.

    Identification of the Disease

    On several occasions, polio and small pox have been

    called eradicated but only after a concentrated,

    professional effort that placed a lot of demands on

    societies for the wielding of effective tools. In spite of

    claims for success, risk for acquiring these diseases is not

    zero. The organism is not extinct. It exists. Cases pop up

    from time to time. Accurate laboratory identification and

    rapid response keeps the potential for pandemic at bay.

    The DesPro virus is a more terrible threat. Unlike small

    pox and polio, its not an organism external to the humanbody for which there are positive vaccinations. The

    lingering potential for re-emergence does not come from

    organisms living in the wild . . . its genetic. Every human

    being carries the gene.

    Weve often heard individuals speak of various

    imperatives for the survival of human kind. Ill suggest

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    that human kind is very much at risk but not from external

    influences. Humans are unique in that they will attack

    their own species for benefit or even pleasure, sometimes

    on a terrible scale. Humans will befoul their own nests.

    Humans will routinely engage in self-destructive


    Humans refuse to conform to the simple laws of nature

    where survival of the fittest rules. Human communities

    may be populated with individuals whos assets range

    from opulence to abject poverty. Those who possess too

    much are prime stimulus for latent DesPro to emerge in

    individuals who decree that perceived surplus must be

    confiscated and given to those with too little. Attempts

    to raise up the poor by taxing the rich have failed

    repeatedly for thousands of years. Its been failing in our

    nation for over a century of trying.

    Modern manifestations of Stage 3 disease have been

    demonstrated to us in the person and behavior of

    individuals like Pinochet of Chili, Marcos of the

    Philippines, Edi Amin of Uganda, Hussein of Iraq, Pol Pot

    of Cambodia, Hitler of Germany, Stalin of Russia . . .

    sadly the list is very, very long.

    I leave it to the honorable reader to consider individuals in

    positions of power in our nation today. Which among

    them have demonstrated the symptoms of DesPro

    infection? Who among them has fought to make the law a

    tool of plunder as opposed to a tool of justice?

    Have any among them has complained loudly and publicly

    about legislative, regulatory and judicial attacks upon the

    liberty of honorable citizens? How many have achievedthe trust of the voters by claiming to be moderate,

    cooperative, bipartisan, or in favor of doing good


    Ill leave it to the honorable reader to consider those who

    would call themselves teacher? Which among them offers

    understanding of simple-ideas. Ingredients that went into

    recipes for success in this nations brief history. Which

    one teaches that putting your hands on the person or

    property of an honorable individual without their

    permission is a violation of their liberty? Are there any

    teachers that speak out when the legislature strays from

    constitutional duties to cultivate opportunity and protectliberty?

    I leave it to the honorable reader to consider their personal

    duty to family, friends and community to identify and

    expose DesPro carriers. Work first to remove them from

    positions of power. Second, attempt to vaccinate them

    against the disease with explanations, demonstrations, and

    historical study of the successes of honorable, self-

    sufficient citizens of a free-market, democratic republic.

    This is the best education that we can pass to our

    descendants. Educate by living the honorable life, not by

    turning the task over to somebody else.

    Finally, I leave it to the honorable reader to consider

    appropriate mandates for elected officials. How about

    NEVER voting for any legislation that attacks the liberty

    of ANY individual? How about dismantling any

    institution of government that attacks the liberty of any

    individual? How about sending legislators to the capitols

    to become teachers by example of honorable behavior as

    opposed to looters?

    The job is really quite simple. Not easy but simple. DesPro

    infected leadership would have us believe that life is

    complicated. Too complicated to be understood an

    managed by mere mortals bred to dependence and

    ignorance by those same leaders. Our survival as a nation

    depends on identification, opposition and purging our

    institutions of power of individuals who preach life is

    complicated, but becomes easy when you turn all that is

    important into THEIR capable hands.

    Combating the Disease

    Like polio and smallpox, there are folks who may be

    disposed to claim victory and declare that this or any other

    disease has been eradicated. But in the world of

    pathogens, its almost a sure bet that the organisms that

    cause the disease are in existence someplace on the planet.

    They may not presently manifest themselves by infectinghumans . . .but theyve not gone away.

    There are people who have taken on the task of monitoring

    for new outbreaks of diseases that have demonstrated

    devastating behaviors among human populations. These

    folks KNOW from past history that if allowed to run

    unopposed, all of these eradicated diseases can seed a

    pandemic that is just as violent (if not more so) than ever


    Not only are there systems in place attentive to the

    potential for new outbreaks, vaccines have been developed

    which offer humans considerable resistance if not totalimmunity to new infection.

    DesPro is different. There are characteristics within the

    human genes that make all individuals susceptible to

    infection. Further, unlike organic viruses which propagate

    when favored with random circumstances of motion and

    contact with un-infected humans, DesPro is deliberately

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    and often skillfully propagated by individuals infected

    with the disease. The more power and mobility enjoyed by

    the infected persons, the more successful they will be in

    propagating the malady. The greatest risk is realized when

    members of democratically elected government are

    severely infected. Dangerous because they have assumed

    the mantle of leadership within their society combinedwith what they feel is a mandate from the majority of

    citizens who voted. Once a despotic progressive is given

    the opportunity to use the force of law, the populace over

    which they have control is at serious risk of economic,

    cultural destruction. It has happened before. It is

    happening right now in the United States of America.

    There is a simple vaccine against the disease. Its call

    honorable behavior. Its a vaccine delivered by parents,

    neighbors, teachers and righteous leadership. The most

    successful delivery of the vaccine is accomplished in small

    doses over the lifetimes of the citizens of any nation.

    Effectiveness of the vaccination is greatly enhanced when

    honorable behavior is taught by all honorable citizens to

    every other citizen beginning with parents on behalf of

    their children, civic teachers and leadership, and finally by

    the highest holders of public office in the nation.

    The United States is currently suffering from a pandemic

    of the disease. It has taken a strong hold over congress,

    administration and judicial branches of our government.

    These individuals in turn have enlisted millions of soldiers

    who are similarly infected. They are employed at taxpayer

    expense in hundreds of bureaucratically managed agencies

    intent upon achieving saturation of this terrible infection.Its not clear that the tipping point has been reached but

    its certainly very close.

    Its the duty of all honorable citizens to resist by

    exercising their duty to go to the polls and vote the

    dishonorable legislators out of office. Its also a duty of

    honorable citizens to join efforts to dismantle hundreds of

    agencies and to fire millions of infectees from their

    positions of power.

    The bottom line is that there is no feature of the

    Constitution that give our government the power to tell

    any honorable citizen to do anything. Anyone who claims

    that such charters exist have telegraphed themselves a

    victim to the DesPro infection. There are peaceful

    remedies that MIGHT still be enough to reverse this

    terrible trend.


    (1) The Law a pamphlet published in 1860 by Frederick Bastiat. Copies available at and

    (2) Undermining the Constitution: A history of lawless government by Thomas James Norton.

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