The Mystery of the Haunted Farm - preview



Opening spreads of The Mystery of the Haunted Farm, by Elys Dolan, published by Nosy Crow. Buy the book online:

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When things go baaaa

in the night, who are you

going to call? Why, the three

little pigs, of course. But what

is going on down at the farm?

Where is Farmer Greg?

And what exactly happens

when the full moon

comes out . . . ?

First published 2015

by Nosy Crow Ltd

The Crow’s Nest, 10a Lant Street, London SE1 1QR

ISBN 978 0 85763 405 4

Nosy Crow and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Nosy Crow Ltd.

Text and illustration © Elys Dolan 2015

The right of Elys Dolan to be identified as the author and illustrator of this work has been asserted.

All rights reserved

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Printed in China by Imago

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For all long-suffering illu


including but not limited to:

• Matt for the bacon puns

• Brown for putting up with me

• Nicky for the mutual cake



Down on the farm, something

wasn’t quite right . . .

A A A A A A A H !

A A A A A A A H !Oooo ,



oooo Mooo!

A A A A A A A A A H H H H H !


He lp ! He lp ! I need he lp !

. . . and Farmer Greg had had enough.

He l lo? It ’s Farmer Greg here . I ’ve just moved into the farm on the other s ide of town and things aren ’t going wel l . I ’ve got a prob lem with s leepwalking . Last night , I wandered away from the farm and when I got back , a who le load of monsters , ghosts and weird s l imy things had moved in . I ’m terrif ied ! Can you come immediately?

I hope they come quickly.

. . . and Farmer Greg had had enough.

We’ l l be at

the farm any

minute now.

Luckily, Farmer Greg

had hired the best

guys for the job.

These Ghost-Hunters were even equipped

with the latest Scare-o-Meter, the

Phantom Finder 5000. In no time

at all, they were on their way.
