The National Broadband Plan and Public Safety The Need for More 700 MHz Spectrum



The National Broadband Plan and Public Safety The Need for More 700 MHz Spectrum. Bill Schrier, Chief Technology Officer, City of Seattle 28 May 2010. Public Safety Interoperability. Puget Sound Voice Radio. National Broadband Plan. FCC’s Overall view. Potential applications. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Slide 1

The National The National Broadband PlanBroadband Plan

and Public Safetyand Public SafetyThe Need for More 700 MHz The Need for More 700 MHz


Bill Schrier, Chief Technology Officer, Bill Schrier, Chief Technology Officer, City of SeattleCity of Seattle28 May 201028 May 2010

Slide 2Slide 2

Public SafetyPublic SafetyInteroperabilityInteroperability

28 May 2010 Public Safety Wireless BroadbandBill Schrier – CTO - City of Seattle

Slide 3Slide 3

System Level Map

Puget Sound Voice Puget Sound Voice RadioRadio

Slide 4Slide 4

National National Broadband PlanBroadband Plan

28 May 2010 Public Safety Wireless BroadbandBill Schrier – CTO - City of Seattle

Slide 5Slide 5

FCC’s Overall viewFCC’s Overall view

Slide 6Slide 6

Potential Potential applicationsapplications

Slide 7Slide 7

700 MHz 700 MHz SpectrumSpectrum

“D” Block

Public SafetyNarrowband& Broadband

Most reclaimed 700 MHz spectrum has been auctioned to carriers for 4G networks

Slide 8Slide 8

D Block Adjacency D Block Adjacency

10 MHz for Public Safety Broadband -

One license to the PSST for entire U.S.

Slide 8

D Block5 MHz

D Block

5 MHz

D BlockScheduled by FCCFor Commercial


Slide 9Slide 9


VisionVisionFiber to each



Meter ControlTele-work


Consumer services at lower cost

Public Safety Mobile

