The Need for Dms


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  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    In the recent past, the recordkeep n! pract ces n p"#$ c andpr %ate or!an &at ons ha%e #een trans'or(ed)

    Ne* n'or(at on techno$o! es 'ro(+ (a n'ra(es, to C-s, to$oca$ area net*orks and the Internet ha%e trans'or(ed the *a.or!an &at ons create, "se, d sse( nate, and store n'or(at on)

    / th the ad%ent o' these ne* n'or(at on techno$o! es,or!an &at ons 'ace cha$$en!es n (ana! n! and preser% n!the r records #eca"se records are ncreas n!$. !enerated andstored n co(p"ter0#ased n'or(at on s.ste(s)

    Introd"ct on

  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    At the end o' the co"rse the part c pants sho"$dco(prehend1

    *hat a DMS s, t.pes o' DMS, the need 'or a DMS, the '"nct ons o' a DMS, doc"(ent (ana!e(ent techno$o! es c"rrent$. n

    the (arket,

    Co"rse O#2ect %es

  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    ho* to dent '. the r !ht doc"(ent (ana!e(ent so$"t on'or the r or!an &at ons,

    *hat doc"(ent (a!e process n! 3DI 4 s, ho* to p$an 'or DI ,

    scann n! and re$ated tasks, ho* to store, preser%e, (ana!e and d sse( nate (a!edn'or(at on,

    hard*are and so't*are re5" re(ents 'or e$ectron cdoc"(ent (ana!e(ent so$"t ons, a(on! others

    Co"rse O#2ect %es 0 Cont

  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms



    A doc"(ent n *hate%er (ed a rece %ed or created or!an &at on n the co"rse o' ts #"s ness andreta ned #. that or!an &at on as e% dence o' tsact % t es or #eca"se o' n'or(at on conta ned)

    Th s (eans a$$ doc"(ents, reports, (aps, dra* n!s,charts, nde6es, p$ans, (e(oranda, so"nd record n!s,( cro7$(s, photo!raph c records and other data,n'or(at on or doc"(entar. (ater a$, 3re!ard$ess o'ph.s ca$ 'or( or character st cs, stora!e (ed a or

    cond t on o' "se4, (ade or rece %ed #. an or!an &at ond"r n! transact on o' ts o8c a$ #"s ness)

    De7n t on O' 9e. Ter(s

  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    In'or(at on created and d sse( nated pr (ar $. ne$ectron c 'or( as *e$$ as d ! t &ed (ater a$ 'ro( another(ed "(, s"ch as paper+; Co(p"ter 7$es,

    ; E0(a $s,; D ! ta$ photo!raphs,; Scanned doc"(ents,; M cro'or(s < ( cro7$(, ( cro7che, etc

    Doc"(ent 3D ! ta$In'or(at on4

  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    The s.ste(at c contro$, or!an &at on, access to andprotect on o' an or!an &at on=s n'or(at on n *hate%er(ed a1 tape, d sc, paper or 7$(, 'ro( ts creat on thro"!hts "se, to ts per(anent retent on or $e!a$ destr"ct on)

    An or!an &ed s.ste( des !ned to contro$ the creat on,or!an &at on, (a ntenance, retr e%a$, "se and d spos t on o'records)

    Records Mana!e(ent

  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    Creat on and (ana!e(ent o' e$ectron c co(("n cat ons anddata)

    App$ es the sa(e records (ana!e(ent pr nc p$es that areapp$ ed to paper doc"(ents)

    creat on,

    or!an &at on,(a ntenance,retr e%a$,"se andd spos t on o' records)

    E$ectron c Records Mana!e(ent

  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    Records L 'e C.c$eRecords ha%e a $ 'e c.c$e ana$o!o"s to the h"(an $ 'e) The r

    $ 'ec.c$e can #e d % ded nto 7%e parts na(e$.1 Concept on,

    Creat on, Act %e, Se( 0act %e and Arch %es 3records that are no $on!er re5" red 'or c"rrent

    "se #"t ha%e #een se$ected 'or per(anent preser%at on#eca"se o' the r e% dent a$, n'or(at ona$, or h stor ca$%a$"e4)

    Records L 'e C.c$e

  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    Important questions worthy consideration; /h. are or!an &at ons !o n! the e$ectron c *a.> *h. are or!an &at on ( !rat n! 'ro( paper0#ased records

    (ana!e(ent to e$ectron c records (ana!e(ent>

    /h. are or!an &at ons ta$k n! o' a paper$ess o8ce 3or $esspaper o8ce4 as opposed to the trad t ona$ paper0#asedrecords (ana!e(ent>

    Simple answers; D"e to cha$$en!es * th (an"a$ records (ana!e(ent

    s.ste(s, D"e to the #ene7ts o' e$ectron c records (ana!e(ent



  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    Challenges with Manual Records Management Systems;

    De$a.ed c"sto(er@p"#$ c response, Re!"$ator. co(p$ ance, reser%at on o' h stor c records, D 8c"$t access and retr e%a$ o' records, Doc"(ent Loss, Ine8c ent n'or(at on d sse( nat on, Lack o' stora!e space, Lack o' stora!e e5" p(ent, Lack o' tra n n! n records (ana!e(ent, etc

  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms



  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    he !ene"ts o# $lectronic Records Management Systems

    Red"ced stora!e space, F$e6 #$e eas. retr e%a$ o' doc"(ents, I(pro%ed, 'aster and (ore e6 #$e search, Contro$$ed and (pro%ed doc"(ent d str #"t on, I(pro%ed sec"r t., reser%at on o' or!an &at ona$ kno*$ed!e,

    rod"ct % t. (pro%e(ents, Cost sa% n!s, C"sto(er ser% ce (pro%e(ents, I(pro%ed corporate (a!e, I(pro%ed *ork cond t ons, S ("$taneo"s access to records,

  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    !ene"ts o# $lectronic Records Management Systems%Cont.

    Red"ced *aste, /ork o* (pro%e(ents, I(pro%ed records (ana!e(ent, Doc"(ent nte!r t., In'or(at on shar n!, Independence n n'or(at on access, Ena#$e (ana!e(ent o' paper and e$ectron c records, etc

  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    /h. sho"$d records (ana!e(ent personne$ #econ%ersant * th the c"rrent e$ectron c (ana!e(enttrends>

    Beca"se o' s( n records (ana!e(entrecord and@or n'or(at on (ana!e(enthas ne%er #een stat c)S nce (an. or!an &at ons are e(#rac n!ne* techno$o!. the records personne$sho"$d #e prepared to keep pace * thchan! n! techno$o!., other* se the. * $$#eco(e "n0reso"rce'"$)


  • 8/9/2019 The Need for Dms


    Records (ana!ers sho"$d #e read. to adopt ne*techno$o!. that s (eant to ad%ance records(ana!e(ent n the r or!an &at ons

    The. sho"$d #e a#$e to !" de the r or!an &at ons n

    des !n and (p$e(entat on o' records@doc"(ent(ana!e(ent so$"t ons than ha% n! to re$. on otherpersonne$ *ho are not records (ana!e(entpro'ess ona$s to pro% de the so$"t on)

    Conc$"s on 0 CONT
