The Network Behind the Cosmic Web - arXiv · The Network Behind the Cosmic Web B. C. Coutinho,1...


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The Network Behind the Cosmic Web

B. C. Coutinho,1 Sungryong Hong,2, 3 Kim Albrecht,1 Arjun Dey,2 Albert-Laszlo

Barabasi,1, 4, 5, 6 Paul Torrey,7, 8 Mark Vogelsberger,9 and Lars Hernquist9

1Center for Complex Network Research and Department of Physics,Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA

2National Optical Astronomy Observatory, 950 N. Cherry Ave., Tucson, AZ 857193The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA

4Center for Cancer Systems Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA5Department of Medicine and Channing Division of Network Medicine,

Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA6Center for Network Science, Central European University, 1051, Budapest, Hungary

7MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research,77 Massachusetts Ave. 37-241, Cambridge MA 02139, USA8California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 911, USA

9Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

The concept of the cosmic web, viewing the Universe as a set of discrete galaxies held together bygravity, is deeply engrained in cosmology. Yet, little is known about the most effective constructionand the characteristics of the underlying network. Here we explore seven network constructionalgorithms that use various galaxy properties, from their location, to their size and relative velocity,to assign a network to galaxy distributions provided by both simulations and observations. Wefind that a model relying only on spatial proximity offers the best correlations between the physicalcharacteristics of the connected galaxies. We show that the properties of the networks generatedfrom simulations and observations are identical, unveiling a deep universality of the cosmic web.

The cosmic web, the desire to view the large-scalestructure of the Universe as a network, is deeply embed-ded both in cosmology and in public consciousness [1–5].Yet, it remains little more than a metaphor, typicallyused to capture the dark matter’s ability to agglomer-ate the galaxies in a web-like-fashion. Numerous halofinder algorithms [6, 7], made possible by the increas-ingly precise simulations of the evolution of the Universe[1, 8], exploit the network-like binding of the galaxies[9]. Yet, very little is known about the graph theoreti-cal characteristics of the resulting cosmic web. Our goalhere is to test and explore various meaningful definitionsof the cosmic web, and use the tools of network scienceto characterize the generated networks. In particularly,we explore which network definition offers the best de-scription of the observed correlations between the phys-ical characteristics of connected galaxies. The resultingnetwork-based framework, tested in both simulations andobservational data, offers a new tool to investigate thetopological properties of the large scale structure distri-bution of the Universe.

We start with data provided by a subhalo catalog con-structed from the Illustris [1, 10, 11] cosmological sim-ulation that traces the growth of large scale structure,galaxy formation and evolution from 2Gy after the BigBang to the present epoch, incorporating both baryonsand dark matter. In line with common practice, weassume that subhalos in the simulation correspond togalaxies in the observational data [12], representing thenodes of the cosmic web. By considering all subhaloswith stellar mass bigger than M∗ > 109 Msun, we obtainbetween 2,000 and 30,000 subhalos for different redshifts

(supplementary material A).There are multiple ways of building networks from the

available subhalo/galaxy catalogs, allowing us to defineseven distinct models for the construction of the cosmicweb (M1-M7). The simplest, M1, links two nodes withan undirected link if the distance between them is smallerthan a predefined length, l (Fig.1(a) and (d)). M2(3) rep-resent the directed versions of M1, drawing a directed linkj → i (i → j) from i to the closest 〈k〉 nodes (Fig.1(b)and (e)). Consequently, while in M1 a node i can havearbitrary degree (number of neighbors connected to i), inM2(3) the in(out) degrees are fixed (number of neighborsconnected to i through a directed link j → i(i→ j)). InM4(5) a directed link j → i (i → j) is drawn from i toj if the distance between the two nodes is smaller than

a ·R1/2i , where a is a free parameter and R

1/2i is the half-

mass radius [13]. Models 6(7) are extensions of M4(5),but computed in phase space, where a directed link j → i(i → j) is drawn from i to j if the sum of the square ofthe normalized distance and relative speed between twonodes is smaller than a2. Taken together, M1-3 requireonly data about the halo/galaxy positions, M4(5) requireinformation about galaxy positions and size and M6(7)require galaxy velocities and linking galaxies that may begravitationally bound (supplementary material B offersthe formal definition of each model).

The distinct network representations of the cosmicweb, offered by the models introduced above, raises thequestion: Which of these representations are the mostmeaningful? In general, networks are only meaningful ifthe links have functional roles, linking either interactingnodes or nodes with similar characteristics. For example,
























(a) M1 (b)

(c) M3 (d)

(e) M4 (f)

FIG. 1: Building networks from galaxy data. The circles represent the linking lengths for models M1, M3 andM4. (a) In M1 all galaxies within distance l are connected by an undirected link. (c) In M3 a galaxy is connected tothe closest galaxy with a directed link; therefore the linking length depends on the position of the closest galaxy. (e)

In M4, the linking length scales with the galaxy size, l = a R1/2i . (b),(d) and (f) Visualization of the cosmic web for

redhsiht 0 produced by the respective models, for 〈k〉 = 40. For simplicity the direction of the links is not present inthe visualization. For interactive visualization see Models M2,5,6,7 are generatedfrom the three models shown above. In M2 the directions of the M3 links are inverted; in M5 the direction of theM4 links are inverted. M6(7) are similar to M4(5) but computed in the phase space.

the links of a social network tend to connect individualswith similar social-economic characteristics (homophily)and in cellular networks connected proteins tend to haverelated biological roles. The fact that the color of asatellite galaxy is correlated with the mass of the hostgalaxy [14–19] indicates that such correlations betweennearby galaxies are meaningful. We therefore explorethe degree to which the above network representationsof the cosmic web add links between galaxies/subhalosof similar physical characteristics. For this we analyze71 parameters that characterize each subhalo, rangingfrom their peculiar velocity to star formation rate (sup-plementary material C for the entire list), allowing us to

identify the network representation that offers the bestcorrelation between them. Since we are working froma cosmological simulation, some of the correlations maybe meaningful only in the sense that they characterizethe underlying properties (or assumptions) of the model.Nevertheless, our analyses provides an unbiased way ofprobing the spatial network without any a priori biases.

For a given model M and subhalo property ci, we com-pute the average value of ci over all nodes connected toi,

ci ≡∑

j aijcj

ki, (1)


where ki is the degree of node i and aij is the adjacencymatrix. We use the Pearson coefficient to measure corre-lations between the connected nodes,

R ≡∑

i(ci − 〈c〉)(ci − 〈c〉)√∑i(ci − 〈c〉)2

∑i(ci − 〈c〉)2

, (2)

where 〈c〉 and 〈c〉 are the average of ci and ci over allnodes. Since the scale over which correlations persist isunknown, we construct networks with different averagedegrees, 〈k〉.

We find four properties that consistently display cor-relations between the connected nodes: peculiar velocity,stellar metallicity, specific star formation rate, and colorin the B-V band (Fig. 2). We also find that of the sevenmodels, M3 captures the best correlations for the pe-culiar speed, specific star formation rate and rest-frameB-V color. It only fails to maximize the correlation be-tween stellar metallicities, in which M6 excels. We alsocalculated the correlation function for networks obtainedunder node and link randomization (supplementary ma-terial B). The lack of significant correlations in these ran-domized networks indicates that Fig. 2 captures physi-cal meaningful correlations between connected galaxies.Note that some of these correlations, like the metallicity,may result from the assumptions made by the simula-tion, while others, like the peculiar velocity, likely reflectphysical correlations in the real Universe. However, thisexercise demonstrates that it is indeed possible to un-cover underlying properties of the network without priorknowledge. Overall, Fig. 2 indicates that model M3 cap-tures best the correlations between the properties of con-nected galaxies. Its superiority over the more data de-manding models M4-M7 suggests that spatial proximity,despite its simplicity, remains the most powerful organiz-ing principle of the cosmic web. Given the ability of M3to best capture correlations between the subhalo charac-teristics, in the remainder of the paper we analyze thenetworks predicted by this model.

The overall integrity of a network is well characterizedby the size of its largest connected component [20]. For adirected network the strongly connected component is thelargest subset of nodes such that for all pairs i and j inthe subset there is a directed path from i to j. Figure 3illustrates that the giant strongly connected componentemerges at 〈k〉 = 4 for all redshifts in M3. At the practi-cal level, this implies that M3 can be applied at differentredshifts and number of nodes without the need to adjustthe model parameters. At a more fundamental level, itmeans that the critical mean degree of the giant stronglyconnected component is universal, being rooted in theintrinsic proprieties of the galaxy distribution.

To further validate M3, we compare the structureof the cosmic web obtained in the simulations withobservational data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS) [21, 22], that provides information about the po-

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Peculiar speed

Log specific star formation rate

Log star metallicity

Color -B-V



hki hkiR R






FIG. 2: Correlations between connectedgalaxies.The Pearson coefficient R capturing thecorrelation between connected nodes as a function ofthe mean degree 〈k〉 for all algorithms, redhsiht 0 andfor various galaxy properties. The giant stronglyconnected component emerges at 〈k〉 = 4 for M3, shownas a dashed vertical line.



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0 5 10 15 20








Peculiar speed

Log star formation rate

Log star metallicity

Color -B-V



hki hki


FIG. 2: Correlations between connectedgalaxies.The Pearson coe�cient R capturing thecorrelation between connected nodes in function of themean degree hki for all algorithms and for variousgalaxy properties. The giant strongly connectedcomponent emerges at hki = 4 for M3, shown as adashed vertical line.

function, defined as the number of galaxies with stellarmass M⇤ per volume. Since the density of galaxies withstellar mass under 109Msun is much higher in the simula-tion than in the observational data, a known limitation ofthe simulation [17], we only consider galaxies with stellarmass M⇤ > 109Msun.

Figure 4(a) documents an excellent agreement betweenthe in-degree distribution, P (kin), for the observationaland the simulated M3 networks. Both distribution de-viate from the random distribution, indicating that theobserved P (kin) reflects the non-trivial galaxy distribu-tion in both the simulations and in observations. Weshow analytically in Appendix H, that for the networksconstructed by the M3 model generated a random galaxydistribution. The variance of the in-degree distributionis 0.709 for hki = 1. The fact that the variance is smallerthan 1, with is the value expected for a Poisson distri-bution, implies that the degree distribution is narrowerthan that expected for an Erdos-Renyi network, hencehubs are definitely absent.

We also obtain excellent agreement between the sim-ulation and observation based networks for the averageclustering coe�cient, capturing the fraction of trianglesin the network, and assortativity (Figure 4(c) and (d)).

hki = 3 hki = 4

hki = 5

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIG. 3: (a, (b) and (c), Visualization of the largeststrongly connected component for di↵erenthki. Linksthat cross the bondaries are ignored in the plots, butnot in the computation of the components. (d) Thelargest strongly connected component, Sg, in functionof the mean degree, hki, for redshifts 0 z 3.01. Thegiant strongly component emerges at hki = 4, markedby a dashed line.

In both cases the simulation and observation-based val-ues agree with each other, both deviating from the ran-dom expectation. The giant strongly connected compo-nent emerges at hki = 4 for both the simulation andobservational M3 networks, while it is at hki = 3 for therandom M3 networks (Figure 4 (b)). The results indi-cate that M3 o↵ers an accurate description of the cosmicweb, capturing consistently its network characteristics,both in the simulation and the observational data.

In summary, here we used the tools of network scienceto characterize the large structure of the universe both insimulations and observational data. While we can definenumerous network construction algorithms, we find thatthe simple model M3, that relies on spatial proximityonly, captures the best correlations between the physicalcharacteristics of nearby galaxies. The results are dis-tinct from the random case, indicating that the obtainedstructure of the cosmic web is intricately tied to the un-derlying structure of the universe. It is particular encour-aging that the network characteristics of the cosmic web,from the degree distribution to the clustering and degreecorrelations, show a remarkable agreement in the simula-tion and observation. In many ways, our results represent

hki = 5(c)

hki = 3(a)

(b) hki = 4

FIG. 3: The evolution of the cosmic web. (a), (b)and (c), visualization of the largest strongly connectedcomponent for different 〈k〉. Links that cross theboundaries are ignored in the plots, but not in thecomputation of the components. (d) The largeststrongly connected component, Sg, as a function of themean degree, 〈k〉, for redshifts 0 ≤ z ≤ 3.01. The giantstrongly component emerges at 〈k〉 = 4, marked by adashed line.

sition and the properties of the galaxies in the visiblesky [23]. We study the section of the sky with redshift


hki = 1

hki = 4

hki = 20

FIG. 4: Network characteristics of the cosmicweb. (a) In-degree distribution for mean degrees〈k〉 = 1, 4 and 20. The dashed lines represents thePoisson distribution. (b) Size of the largest stronglyconnected component, Sg, as a function of the meandegree, 〈k〉. (c) Average clustering coefficient as afunction of the average mean degree 〈k〉. (d)Assortativity coefficient, r, as a function of 〈k〉. Eachpanel show data for M3, for the random, the simulated(redshift 0) and the observational networks.

z < 0.03, right ascension 100 < RA < 270 and declina-tion −7 < DEC < 70. As a reference, we also study arandomized version of the data by distributing the galax-ies randomly in space (Appendix G). To confirm that thegalaxy population in the simulation and in the observa-tions are comparable in the same redshift range, we mea-sured the galaxy mass function, defined as the numberof galaxies with stellar mass M∗ per volume. Since thedensity of galaxies with stellar mass under 109Msun ismuch higher in the simulation than in the observationaldata, a known limitation of the simulation [23], we onlyconsider galaxies with stellar mass M∗ > 109Msun.

Figure 4(a) documents an excellent agreement betweenthe in-degree distribution (fraction of nodes with a givenin-degree), P (kin), for the observational and the simu-lated M3 networks. Both distribution deviate from therandom distribution, indicating that the observed P (kin)

reflects the non-trivial galaxy distribution in both thesimulations and in the observations. We show analyt-ically in supplementary material E, that networks con-structed by the M3 model for a random galaxy distribu-tion, the variance of the in-degree distribution is 0.709for 〈k〉 = 1. The fact that the variance is smaller than1, which is the value expected for a Poisson distribution,implies that the degree distribution is narrower than thatexpected for an Erdos-Renyi network, hence hubs are def-initely absent, quite distinct from what is found in bio-logical and social networks, were hubs are prevalent. Wealso obtain excellent agreement between the simulationand observation based networks for the average cluster-ing coefficient, capturing the fraction of triangles in thenetwork, and assortativity (Figure 4(c) and (d)). In bothcases the simulation and observation-based values agreewith each other, both deviating from the random expec-tation. The giant strongly connected component emergesat 〈k〉 = 4 for both the simulation and observational M3networks, while it is at 〈k〉 = 3 for the random M3 net-works (Figure 4 (b)). The results indicate that M3 of-fers an accurate description of the cosmic web, capturingconsistently its network characteristics, both in the sim-ulation and in the observational data.

In summary, here we used the tools of network scienceto characterize the large structure of the Universe both insimulations and observational data. While we can definenumerous network construction algorithms, we find thatthe simple model M3, which relies on spatial proximityonly, captures the best correlations between the physicalcharacteristics of nearby galaxies. The results are distinctfrom the random case, which assumes random galaxy lo-calizations, indicating that the obtained structure of thecosmic web is intricately tied to the underlying struc-ture of the Universe. It is particular encouraging thatthe network characteristics of the cosmic web, from thedegree distribution to the clustering and degree correla-tions, show remarkable agreement between simulationsand observations. In many ways, our results representonly the first step towards a network-based understand-ing of the Universe. Yet, they provide guidance for thenature of the data needed for a systematic explorationof the underlying network, offering a framework on withone could build various applications, from halo finders toexploring the fundamental characteristics of the cosmicweb.

This research was supported in part by the NationalOptical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) and by theRadcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and the Insti-tute for Theory and Computation at Harvard University.NOAO is operated by the Association of Universities forResearch in Astronomy (AURA), Inc. under a cooper-ative agreement with the National Science Foundation,and by the FCT Grant No. SFRH/BD/79723/2011.


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