THE NEW YOU SERIES - YFC · Memorize: 2 Corinthians 5:17 ... THE NEW YOU SERIES . Study One ....


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PERSONAL QUESTION Write the date, place and who you were with, when you confessed with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believed in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. Date: Place: Who: In your own words, what did you pray?

BIBLE STUDY According to the scripture you have studied, can you earn your salvation? Review Romans 6:23

Memorize: 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

Tell someone about your decision to ask Jesus Christ to be your Savior and Lord. Keep it personal and tell only what you understand to be true. Your family and friends need to know that a Christian isn’t perfect, just forgiven and accepted by God. We try to live a better life with God’s help.

Written by Sandra Millard -

Youth for Christ of Kern County (661) 323-9041 2131 California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304

Please do not copy without permission.


Congratulations! The choices you make each day determine the kind of future you will have tomorrow. You have taken the first step toward a new and rewarding life! In this study we will take a moment to review the decision you have made and talk about how this will affect the rest of your life.

As you explore Bible passages, you will notice that Bible verses have addresses; a way for you to easily locate a specific text. Every book of the Bible is made up of sections called chapters; these are marked by larger numbers. Each chapter is then divided into verses; these are marked by the smaller numbers. As an example, let’s take a look at Ephesians 4:2.

Ephesians is a book of the Bible. If you need help finding the book of Ephesians, go to the front of any Bible and you will find a list of all the books, including the page number where it can be found.


4 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

The verse number is smaller and in the middle of the text.

The number 4 is the chapter number and it is the larger number in the text.

Take a moment to thank God for your new beginning as a Christian and for His acceptance of you. Ask Him to help you learn from reading the Bible.

Read Genesis 1:1 Who does the Bible say that God is? Read John 4:42 Who does the Bible say that Jesus is? Read John 14:26 Who does the Bible say the Holy Spirit is? PERSONAL QUESTIONS Who created you? Who saved you and gave you new life? Who enables you to live this new life? Read Romans 3:23 (Fill in the blank) “For have sinned and fall of the glory of God.” The Bible shows us that every human being is imperfect and has fallen short of God’s perfection. Take a quick test: “Have you ever lied to someone?” If so, you have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Don’t feel bad, everyone is in the same condition. Testimony- “I knew I needed God in my life, not only had I made a mess of my life, but so had my family. I realized that I could not build my life around other people because they were imperfect, just like me. I needed the stability and foundation that God could give me.” - Sandra Millard

Read Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Rewrite Romans 6:23 in your own words: Hint: Wages = payment Read Romans 5:8 Why did Christ die for us? According to this verse, when did Christ die for you? PERSONAL QUESTION

What was happening in your life at the time when you asked Jesus to be your Savior and Lord?

Read Romans 10:9 What two things must you do to be saved? Read John 3:16 How do you know you are saved?

Testimony- “It was hard for me to understand the Bible at first, but it is getting easier. It helped me to study God’s word with someone who knew more about the Bible then I did. Now I can read the Bible on my own and I always learn something new. What helped me most was to know that this was God’s way of teaching me and reminding me about how to live.” - Sandra Millard

Find a time when you are able to read and learn from God’s Word daily. Some Christians call this a “quiet time” or a “devotional time”. Below are the instructions for one method of studying the Bible. It is called the P.R.O.A.P.T. method, because each letter represents the first letter of the step in the study. Try to complete each step every day. Keeping a journal of what you have studied and learned can be helpful and you will remember it longer. P - Pray for God to help you understand the Bible. R - Read any ten verses in the Bible, and choose a verse that

is of interest to you. Write this verse out on a piece of paper. Write it exactly as it is in the Bible.

O - Observe the meaning of the verse you chose. Rewrite the verse in your own words this time.

A - Apply the verse to your own life. What have you learned by studying this verse? Do you need to change your behavior, your lifestyle, your attitude, or your understanding regarding life? Write down what you need to apply to your life. This is the part that makes your study of scripture personal and life-changing.

P - Pray for God to help you put into practice what you have learned.

T - Tell others what you have learned by reading this scripture. Or, teach someone else what you have learned.

Written by Sandra Millard -

Youth for Christ of Kern County (661) 323-9041 2131 California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304

Please do not copy without permission.


Every athlete must eat healthy foods in order to be strong enough to compete in a competition. In the same way, Christians must read God’s Word to become strong in their faith. Runners who do not eat the right foods don’t win very often, and Christians who do not read and study God’s Word do not know what resources God has given us. Let’s take a bite out of the nourishment that God has given us through his written Word.

The Bible is no ordinary book. What makes it different is the Author. The scriptures were hand written by men, but according to the Bible, it was inspired by God. It is a book that can help us discover the truth about ourselves and life. God’s word is filled with wonderful promises, wisdom, justice, insight, truth, revelation, love, gifts, and compassion.

The Bible is divided into two sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament was written before the birth of Christ, and told about the coming of Jesus. The New Testament was written after the birth of Jesus Christ and tells about His life on earth, his death, His resurrection and His return.

God gave us the Bible to help us understand how to live in this world. Read it daily to discover what treasures are inside just waiting to be discovered by you.

Pray that God will give you a good understanding of His Word and its meaning for your life. As you read the Bible ask yourself; “What does this mean to me?” Is this new knowledge about God? Is there something you should do differently because of what you read? Make it personal.

Read 2 Peter 1:20, 21 Who gave us the Bible? (God’s Word)

Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 What is the Bible useful for?

Why do we need the Bible?

Read Romans 15:4 What will we receive as we read the Bible?


How often do you currently read God’s Word?

Daily Weekly Rarely When In Trouble

Read Psalms 1:2 How often should we read God’s Word?

Read James 1:22 What must you do for God’s word to have and affect upon your life?

Read Matthew 7:24 What will you become when you put God’s Word into practice?

Eating right and exercising can help you to grow physically. According to the scriptures (that you have read) what will help you grow spiritually?

Memorize: 2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Memorize the order of the books of the New Testament

Matthew 1 Timothy Mark 2 Timothy Luke Titus John Philemon Acts Hebrews Romans James 1 Corinthians 1 Peter 2 Corinthians 2 Peter Galatians 1 John Ephesians 2 John Philippians 3 John Colossians Jude 1 Thessalonians Revelation 2 Thessalonians

Church people use some words you may not be familiar with, below is a small glossary:

ANGELS - Heavenly beings that serve God and help people. BLESSING - Benefit, gift. COVENANT - A mutual agreement between two or more people to do or

not to do certain acts. DEMONS - Evil spirits that have superhuman intelligence and are

against God. These are often referred to as fallen angels. Angels outnumber fallen angels 2 to 1.

FELLOWSHIP - The gathering of Christians for encouragement. GLORY - Honor, or splendor. GOD - A spirit, eternal and unchangeable in His being, wisdom,

power, holiness, justice, goodness & truth. GRACE - Favor; God’s favor (kindness) to man. HEAVEN - The dwelling place of God, His angels and His people. HELL - Place and condition of punishment and pain. For

unbelieving people and the place where Satan and his demons reside.

HOLY - Pure HOLY SPIRIT - God’s Spirit, which is in Christians, to influence, teach, guide

and inspire them. JESUS CHRIST - Son of God JUSTIFICATION - To be declared free from guilt and sin. MERCY - Feeling compassion or not punishing a wrongdoer. MESSIAH - Lord, Christ, Savior. PRAYER - Talking to God. RECONCILED - Removing whatever comes between two or more people

and bringing them back together. REDEMPTION - A ransom; to give something in exchange for something in

return. RESURRECTION - A return to life after death. REVELATION - God making Himself known to men. RIGHTEOUSNESS - Judgment; justice SACRIFICE - To give up something to help another or to give something

to God to express faith, sorrow or honor. SALVATION - Deliverance SATAN - The devil. A fallen angel who Jesus defeated at the cross. SCRIPTURE - The Bible, God’s Word SHEPHERD - Keeper of a flock. Jesus is referred to as the Good Shepherd

of His people. SIN - Anything that separates us from God. SPIRITUAL - Godly; Not physical TESTIMONY - Story of how a person became a Christian. TRANSGRESSION - Sin, rebellion, breaking of a law. TRINITY - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - All are one God.

Written by Sandra Millard – Youth for Christ of Kern County 661 323-9041, 2131 California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304. Please do not copy without permission.


Study Three

The church, is it for you? When you became a Christian, you assumed Christ’s name. You are a CHRISTian. The word church refers to an entire group of Christians. The Bible many times refers to the church as the Body of Christ, meaning a whole body of believers. Being a part of a church is how you receive teaching, Christian growth and encouragement. Are people in the church good people? They are sinners just like you. They have good and bad qualities and behavior. As believers we are suppose to help each other, to support others when we are strong in our faith and accept help when we have needs.

What happens if you don’t wear the right clothes to church, or sing the song right? Will I be looked down upon? Will the people in the church accept me? Since the church is made up of sinners, it is possible that they will not always behave as God would like; but like you, most of the people in church are trying to live their life in a way that is pleasing to God. If you understand that the church is filled with people just like yourself, it makes attending a service or bible study a little easier. If someone is aloof, it may be that they are shy or timid. Don’t assume people are making judgments, and don’t expect them to be perfect. They are learning too.

Ask Christ to help you understand the importance of the church. You might ask God to help you find a church to attend when you are able.

Read Hebrews 10:23-25 Does the Bible tell us to go to church? If so, why?

Read Colossians 1:18 Who is the head of the church?

Read Acts 2:42 What are the 4 functions of the church recorded in Acts?

Read Colossians 1:9-12 and Colossians 2:6-7 What are some of the qualities Paul was praying for the church to attain?


What qualities and programs are important to you in a church you attend?

The Body of Christ (the church) today meets in many different locations, and has just as many styles of worship. However, the church has several main functions:

Worship Service – A program that allows members to worship God, Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Sunday School - A time of bible study in a small group. Prayer - Talking to God, alone or in groups.

Tithing/Offering- Giving money to God’s work. Bible Training - Classes or sermons to learn God’s Word. Music - Singing praise, prayer and worship to

God through music. Communion – The breaking of bread and drinking of

wine to symbolize and remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Baptism - Through the submersion or sprinkling of water, a person symbolizes how Christ washes away sin. Baptism is a believer’s way of showing the world that they follow Christ.

DISCUSSION QUESTION Is church attendance a requirement for salvation? If not, then what is its purpose?

Testimony- “It was hard to find a church, but now that I have… I enjoy a whole new community of friends. People who share my beliefs and understand my desire to serve God.” - Sandra Millard

Memorize: Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - all the more as you see the day approaching.”

Identify three churches that you would like to check out. The ultimate goal would be to choose a church where you would like to become an active participant. What is going to make it difficult to attend these churches? And, how can you solve that issue?

Memorize Philippians 4:8 “Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.”

List the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:1-17

Discussion Question: Explore, with yourself or in a small group, areas God wants you to change. Identify the top 3 and write them in the circle. Then daily ask God to help you overcome these areas of temptation. Physical Mental

Sex/Dating Thoughts Appearance How I Feel Getting in Shape Why I Do Things Eating Habits School Work How I Act Going to Church Friends I Choose Bible Study What I Do for Fun Talking to God How I Treat Family and Making Christian Friends Friendships

Social Spiritual

Read 2 Peter 1:3-11 to gain encouragement.

Written by Sandra Millard - Youth for Christ of Kern County (661) 323-9041

2131 California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304 Please do not copy without permission.


As you grow in your relationship with God, you will encounter various temptations and trials. As you face these obstacles you will need to make daily choices. Some choices will please God, and some will not. Our decisions that do not please God are called sin. The key is to learn how to make good decisions in your life as a Christian.

Ask the Lord to help you make wise decisions. Talk to him about areas of your life that tempt you to do wrong. Talk openly about what keeps you from living your life in a way that God desires and that would make you feel good about yourself as a Christian. Remember, God knows all of your secrets, the good and the bad.

Testimony- “Just because you have accepted Christ in your life, it doesn’t mean you won’t face problems and issues that will tempt you to do wrong. There is so much in life that tries to keep us from obeying and living for God. Sometimes it is our own selfishness, sometimes it is our friends or family members, and the activities they invite us to participate in. There are times when our culture tells us we should not obey God, or risk not being cool. Temptation comes in many forms. What helps

me fight temptation is…daily working on my relationship with God. If I stay close to him by praying, reading his word, and asking for help from other Christians, I do better at fighting off my bad actions, thoughts and decisions. I also try not to beat myself up to badly when I blow it. I ask God to forgive me and then I start once again to battle my temptations. God is faithful to forgive me….again and again! I try not to abuse his forgiveness. I try to live right. For me, it is like falling off a bike, you need to pick yourself up and get back on that bike again. That is the only way you will get to be a good rider. As a Christian, when I blow it…I have to pick myself up and try again. This is how my life changes… with practice and effort to live God’s way. The only time I will be a true failure… is when I stop trying to live the way I know God wants me to live. -Sandra Millard

Personal Question: How have you been tempted to sin (Knowing what is right and not doing it.)?

Read Hebrews 4:15 In what ways was Jesus tempted?

According to this verse, did Jesus sin?

Read 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 What should be your attitude toward sin?

Read James 1:13-15 Who tempts us?

Read Colossians 3:2 What should you set your thoughts on?

Read Matthew 4:1-11 How did Jesus respond to the temptation of the devil?

Read 1 Corinthians 10:13 What is God’s response to your temptation?

Read James 1:2-4 What is the purpose of trials in your life? God protects you from being tempted beyond what you can bear, but only when you are trusting, relying on and following Him. If you decide you go out on your own and make decisions that you know God would not approve of, you walk out from under God’s protection. That is why you must continually be ready to resist temptation with your actions. This may mean staying away from tempting places, situations and people. If you choose not to resist temptation, then be willing to pay the consequences of your sinfulness. Read 1 Peter 5:8-10 Are you alone in your temptations? Read Romans 12:2 Write this verse in your own words.

Memorize Philippians 4:8

“Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.”

recognize. However, they are just as valid and important.

Read Philippians 4:6-7 Instead of worrying about situations, what should we do?

P about everything. T _ God about

our needs. T Him for His answers.

God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we want because he knows more than we do, and he knows what is best for us. Knowing this brings peace of mind in any situation when we learn to trust Him for the answer. Discussion Question: Read the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13, and discuss how Jesus prayed. What can we learn about praying from Christ’s prayer to His Father? What can we pray for?

Memorize Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

Read Ephesians 3:14-19 Then pray about being a part of God’s family. During the next week, keep a record of your prayers and how God answers them.

Written by Sandra Millard - Youth for Christ of Kern County (661) 323-9041

2131 California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304 Please do not copy without permission.


When Jesus overcame death and went to be with the God in Heaven, He said, He would send us a Helper (the Holy Spirit). The Holy Spirit is God’s way of communicating with us and reminding us what God teaches and prayer is our way of talking with God. Through the help of the Holy Spirit and prayer we build a relationship with our heavenly Father. There are no special words or prayers to memorize. God wants us to express ourselves to Him in our own words. He wants us to share what is on our mind and in our heart. Prayer is conversation with God.

Take a few minutes and talk to God about the help he has given you through his Holy Spirit and through your ability to prayer. Remember to thank him for what he is going to teach you today.

Read John 14:26 According to this verse, what is the job of the Holy Spirit? Who sent Him?

Read I Thessalonians 4:8 Who is the Holy Spirit?

There is only one God. He sent his Son (Jesus) to save the world. He then sent the Holy Spirit to help us. Now we are going to learn something that is difficult to understand, but is one of the most important truths of the Bible. God is three

persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All three are God, yet there are not three Gods. There is only one. How can this be? Think of it like this: water comes in liquid form, but when it is heated it comes in the form of steam, when it is frozen it comes in the form of ice. These three forms (liquid, steam, ice) are all water. There is only one God, but each of the three persons of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) has a different job to do. Read 1 Corinthians 6:19 Now that you are a Christian (meaning Christ like), what does this verse say your body is?

This verse shows us that He lives within you and makes spiritual growth possible.

Read Galatians 5:22-23 As you read this portion of scripture, identify the nine qualities that we can have if we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. List them below.

Personal Question: Identify which of these nine qualities you need to ask the Holy Spirit to help you grow stronger in?

What can you do to begin developing this area?

Read Romans 8:16 Who gives testimony to the fact that I am a child of God?

Read Ephesians 3:16-17 “I pray that out of His glorious riches He may

you with power through His in your inner being,

so that Christ may ___ in your through faith.”

Prayer is talking to God. You may feel like thanking God, worshipping Him, expressing your need, or just sharing your feelings with Him. Prayer is not a duty; it is a way to build a relationship with our Heavenly Father. Testimony- “Before I became a Christian, I had a friend who would talk about Jesus as if he was her best-friend. I asked her one day, “How do you talk about him that way? I mean, how can you talk about him as if you just talk to him like you talk to me?” My friend said, “Because, when I pray I do talk to Him like I talk to you.” At the time, I didn’t understand what she meant by that, but it gave me a lot to think about and eventually…I understood. Now I talk to Him the same way. He is now my best-friend. -Sandra Millard Read 1 John 5:14 Will God hear you, and what type of things should you ask for in prayer? Read James 4:3 Why might God not answer my prayer?

God answers all prayers. His response to us falls into three categories: yes, no, or wait. God may not always respond to our request with a yes, at times His answer is…NO, or WAIT! These responses are the hardest to accept and

I know that Satan attacks me in any area of my life that is not controlled by God. Satan will tempt me to do what I know is wrong. He wants to put a barrier between me and God; what better way to do that then to get me to participate in some kind of sin? Satan doesn’t like it when I get close to God and choosing to do the right thing.

I have learned that one way Satan will attack new Christians is to get them to doubt their decision to follow God; if he can get them to doubt, than he can get them to not act on their faith—to NOT do the right thing. I try to always remember why I chose to accept Christ. If I remember this, then I know why I need to keep learning about how much God loves me and how he is willing to meet my needs.

I have to remember that Satan isn’t the only one who causes me to fail. Sometimes I choose to not read my Bible, not pray, not be truthful to myself and others. I can be just as guilty of setting myself up to fail as the devil. God has given me the weapons I need to stand firm in my decision to be a Christian, but I have to daily choose to build up my faith.” - Sandra Millard

Memorize James 4:7 “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

Observe how others are tempted to sin and what the negative result will be if they give in to that temptation over a period of time. Record this in a journal. Next, read in the Bible what God says about those areas of sin and how it will affect our lives. Record this information also.

Written by Sandra Millard - Please do not copy without permission. Youth for Christ of Kern County (661) 323-9041 2131 California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304


There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 12:12. Prepare for battle! The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Satan wants your faith to be destroyed; if you want to win you must be ready for his attacks. His purpose is to interfere with and destroy your relationship with God. Remember that the Bible also says in John 4:4, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” You can not fight this battle with the weapons of the world. The real war is on a different level, it is a spiritual war.

Pray for God to teach you to see the ways the devil tries to destroy your belief and trust in Him and ask God to help you overcome the devil’s attacks on your faith.

Read Ephesians 6:12 Who do we struggle against?

In the movies we get many different images of Satan. As adults, we know that the devil is not a cartoon version of a man in a little red suit with a pitchfork and a pointed tail. So who is the devil really?

Read Revelation 12:9 Who does this verse say he is?

What is his purpose on earth?

Read John 8:44 What are some of the characteristics of the devil? These two characteristics show us that the devil is not a being who can be trusted, or followed. Satan is a liar, and destroyer of lives. We need to recognize his lies and schemes kill our chances for a good life, a life that is right with God. Satan wants to make your life useless for the kingdom of God.

Read James 4:7 What must we do to make the devil leave us alone?

TO GOD THE DEVIL In your own words, describe what this means.

Read Luke 4:3-13

In this passage we see that Satan even tried to deceive and destroy Jesus. How did Jesus reply to Satan’s attempts to get Jesus to sin and not follow God?

Read Hebrews 4:12 What is one of your weapons in this spiritual war?

Read 1 John 5:4-5 What helps us to overcome the world and its sin? Read 1 John 2:3-6 How do you know that you have faith and are a Christian?

Discussion Question: Listed below are some common areas of sin in the world today. Discuss the effects of those sins on a person’s life and why Jesus would not like them in our life? Why would Satan want you to participate in these activities?

Lying Cheating Sex before marriage Divorce Gossip Stealing Drug and alcohol use Breaking the law

Personal Question: What are some areas of sin that you need to overcome?

How do you plan to battle these areas of personal sin?

Testimony- “Everyone has been tempted to sin, to lie, to steal, maybe to do drugs. Sometimes I think that what I do isn’t so bad. It’s fun; it feels good, why not? But, I know that it is sin, and eventually it will bring death --

spiritual death, separation from God and all that is good. As a Christian I made a choice to live for God, I chose to be one of God’s mighty warriors.

Discussion Question: Are you a child of God, even when you may not feel like one? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________



Memorize Philippians 1:6 “Being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Write a letter to God, or draw a picture that expresses your feelings about God’s desire to adopt you into His family.

Dear God,

I am …


Written by Sandra Millard - Youth for Christ of Kern County (661) 323-9041

2131 California Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304 Please do not copy without permission.


The New You Series was written for people who have recently accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. If you are not a new Christian you will learn what God has provided for his children. During this lesson, if you would like to accept Christ and join his family, please let your Bible study leader help you.

As a Christian, you have a rich heritage. God looks upon you in a very special way, because you have been adopted into His family. This adoption can never be taken away. It might surprise you to discover that God chose you long before you chose Him. In Ephesians 1:4, God says that He had His eye on you before the creation of the world.

As part of this family, you have been given gifts and abilities for you to use to support and encourage one another. Before you came to Christ you were much like the Prodigal Son spoken of in the gospel of Luke. Read the story in Luke 15:11-24.

Pray for God to help you understand how you are like the son in the Bible and how God is like the father who waited for him to return. Thank God for knowing you before you were even born or the world was created by

Him. Thank Him for wanting a relationship with you as His child and heir to His kingdom. Write one thing you would like God to help you learn: _______________________________________________________

In what ways are you like the younger son? Read the story in, Luke 15:11-24? _______________________________________________________



_______________________________________________________ In what ways is God like the father in the story? _______________________________________________________



_______________________________________________________ Read Romans 8:15-17 What have you received through the Holy Spirit?

_______________________________________________________ In Romans 8, what does the Spirit call you?

_______________________________________________________ Read Philippians 1:6 How long will God be with us and help us?

_______________________________________________________ Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 and Romans 12:4-8

List the Spiritual Gifts you find in these verses.






Testimony- “After I became a Christian and follower of God’s ways, I discovered that God had given me gifts, skills and abilities that I never knew I possessed. It is my experience that we discover our gifts from God when we live the life God intended for us to enjoy. It was when I started helping other people that I discovered my skills for teaching and writing. I have also learned that I enjoy speaking before an audience, something I would have never guessed.”

-Sandra Millard

Personal Question: According to Ephesians 1:3, God has blessed you with every spiritual blessing in heaven, meaning that through your relationship with Christ you have the benefit of knowing God, being chosen for salvation, being adopted as His child, receiving forgiveness, gaining insight into God’s ways, and possessing the gifts of God which will help you follow and serve God. However, with any gift…it must be acknowledged and acted upon.

What gifts (talents, abilities, skills) do you think that God has given you? _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
