The Occult Symbols of the Subversive Forces which Control the World (Their Meanings - How they are...


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The two “triangles“ of the hexagram, a symbol predating Judaism, represent female pubic hairs joined together or a vagina without the two horizontal lines. It may represent sexual, lesbian love or sisterhood.

The Occult Symbols of the Subversive Forces which Control the WorldTheir Meanings - How they are Connected

An example - common among feminine and telluric peoples - of a representation of a woman opening her vagina, making the shape of an eye viewed vertically.

The “Black Stone“ at the Mecca is a representation of a vulva.

The Islamic “crescent“ is a vertical representation of a vulva.


The vulva has become an eye in various feminine religions (A: the “eye“ of Horus ; B: the “hand“ of Fatima).

In ancient devotional, feminine religionsIn Christianity and Islam

In Judaism and secret societies

In the modern avatars of the occult forces

The “square and compass“ symbol is a disguise of the hexagram, without the two horizontal lines. The “G“ which may sometimes be at the centre and the “eye“ at the top represent a vulva.

The “all-seeing-eye“, a well-known symbol of freemasonry which is also on the dollar banknotes, has a “triangle“ (a vagina or female pubic hairs) and an “eye“ (a vulva) at its top, suggesting that the lower section is freemasonry while the upper section is another organization of a occult, feminine nature.

The Israeli flag with the hexagram.

The “sickle“ of the Soviet emblem represents the vulva while the “hammer“ may represent the virile member. The “star“ represents the night, the period of the day most revered by feminine peoples, where sexuality takes place. The laurels represent another vulva. The “coat of arms“ of the USSR can be interpreted in the same way.

The United States flag has numerous «stars». Former versions of the flag had the “stars“ in a different shape, such as those of a “fish“, a “pentagram“ or a “lozenge“, all connected the symbols described in this sheet. The logo of the US Army is a “star“, as that of the USSR army, among possible other examples.

The European Union flag represents twelve “stars“ in a circle, the vulva, on a blue background, the colour of the flag of Israel. The “Euro sign“ represents the “eye“, that is a vulva. The two horizontal lines may represent the virile member.

The “all-seeing-eye“, that is the vulva, can be seen on the painting representing the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen“.


World history has been a constant struggle between two forces. *One of these is of a feminine, “lunar”, “telluric” and matriarchal nature; it gives preeminence to woman, sexuality, materiality and has a devotional religiosity. Historically, this worldview has been carried by Semitic races and religions, including Christianity.*The other one is of a “virile”, “solar”, patriarchal nature; it gives preeminence to man, spirit, heroism and has a religion based on the blood of one’s ancestors. Historically, this worldview has been carried by peoples of “Aryan” descent, only to a certain extent in most cases.

This drawing examines the symbols of the feminine force, which has gained a strong momentum in the last few centuries due to a number of reasons including the christianization of European peoples.

The vulva can be seen in various Christian symbols and creations (A: the “fish“ symbol ; B: the “boat“ symbol ; C: the floor plan of any church and cathedral ; D: the coffin).