The OCR PE specification says you must be able...


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A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies



PACK 2 (Reference pages 53-58)

The OCR PE specification says you must be able to…

1. Analyse swimming as a pre-industrial popular recreation, considering; survival, health and the initial development of competitive swimming.

2. Explain the effects of swimming on the skill and health of the participants during both popular and rational recreation times

3. Assess the influence of 19th century public schools on swimming at each stage including values and status

4. Gain background knowledge and understanding of the water cure and Victorian sea bathing 5. Describe bathing in urban industrial towns ( Wash and Bath House Acts), the organisation of amateur swimming and formation of the Amateur

Swimming Association. (ASA). 6. Explain the factors that have helped develop swimming in the UK today

and barriers that may prevent participation.

A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


Pre Lesson Preparation 1

Read the case study information on Bathing and swimming in your revision book and make notes under the headings; Popular Recreation, Rational Recreation and Public schools.

A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


Pre Lesson Preparation 2 Find out the name of the NGB for swimming. What initiatives are in place NOW to promote participation and to improve performance in swimming today?

A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


Bathing and swimming as a Popular Recreation Between 1200 and 1500 (Middle Ages) towns were built as defensive sites or river crossing points. A natural pastime from this was bathing, especially when it was hot during the summer months - a pleasurable pastime. Alongside this natural playground the river also provided a ready supply of ………………., a means of …………………. and a place to ……… The river became the commercial centre – work, play and the river became inter-related so learning to swim for ………….. was a necessity. In the natural environment it was as important to swim as it was to run! Taking part in bathing and swimming for both classes was likely to increase their skill and health, but for the lower class its key role was hygiene.

Read the extracts on page 53 of your text book and complete task 1.

The English aristocracy saw the ability to swim as part of their Chivalric Code. Chivalric code means:

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The aristocracy would sometimes act as _______ to outstanding lower class swimmers. They would sponsor them and in return the lower class swimmer would __________ for them in wager races. During his reign, Charles II organised swimming contests on the __________ (early development of competitive swimming?) and over the years it retained its appeal with the first open air swimming _______ being built in London in 1784. As learning to swim was a ______________ living so close to the river, some of these swimmers might have become swimming masters. Read the extract pg. 53 from “Sport in England: A History of Two Thousand Years of Games and Pastimes”. What links can be made to modern day? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… ………………………………………………………………………………….………………

Not only did the river provide for bathing and swimming but other pastimes and sports on the ………….. ……………….. As this was a flat space it provided for casual informal games,………… …………., horse racing and shooting. They sometimes flooded and in winter froze to provide opportunity to ………… and slide. In severe weather the river sometimes froze and frost fairs or ice fairs were set up.

In ……….. the Thames froze and a four day frost fair was held.

A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


To what extent did early swimming and bathing fit the characteristics of LOWCROCUS?

A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


Bathing and swimming in the Public Schools At the beginning of the 19th century bathing in public schools was …………………, ……………………….. and centred around natural facilities such as rivers or ponds. The boys brought this culture from home and swam in their ………. ………. with no supervision or ………… …………… As athleticism developed in the schools swimming became more ……………. and regulated with natural facilities being transformed into major bathing facilities with changing huts, …………. ……………, swimming instructors and ………………….. eg Duck Puddle at Harrow. Organised lessons and regular swimming competitions also established. The value and status of swimming increased as headmasters saw it as a safe, athletic and hygienic pursuit. They also believed immersion in water to be ……………. However in comparison to team games its status was limited. Complete the table below using page 54 in your textbooks

STAGE 1 – Boy culture, Bullying and brutality (1790-1824).

STAGE 2 – Dr Thomas Arnold and Social control (1828-1842),

STAGE 3 – The ‘Cult’ of athleticism (1842-1914).

Informal ___________ in __________ facilities during _________ months (mainly for recreation). This was a time of ‘boy culture’ where all the athletic activities were organised by the boys for the boys with no master involvement. During this stage they would often trespass by swimming on private land. It was chaotic and unruly with fighting and truancy.

More ___________ and ___________ bathing (for _________, safety and ____________; thought to be beneficial as part of a _________ ____________. Dr Thomas Arnold used games as a means of establishing social control, the chapel was central to school life and a new moral code was established where the sixth formers were given responsibilities and masters became mentors and guides. Swimming became more organised e.g. the duck puddle at Harrow.

Increased _____________ ______________ with changing huts, diving boards, _________-______ facilities and competitions. Swimming Baths (purpose built facilities) started to emerge and boys began to swim competitively. Safety was important by now with swimming masters in place to teach and as lifeguards. Safety was vital and a well maintained and safe bathing place was essential. By 1863 Charterhouse had a purpose built swimming baths, with many others following.

What STATUS did swimming have in the public schools? What VALUES were associated with swimming in the public schools?

A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


Bathing and swimming as Rational Recreation (Use Pg. 55 to summarize both the water cure and Victorian bathing) The water cure: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Victorian sea bathing: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......................................

Urban Industrial Towns Urbanization and industrialization led to overcrowding. What did this then lead to?

Wanting to improve the _______ and cleanliness of the urban masses _______ were given, by government, to local councils to build public baths – the first being opened in _____ in Liverpool. 1848 saw the first ________ ________ ______ and by 1846 the ________ and _______-__________ Act was the real beginning of bathing and swimming in industrial Britain. Public baths had first class facilities for the middle class – _________-___________.

These pools were for recreational swimming and facilitated the development of amateur swimming clubs and competitive competitions in the forms of swimming _______. They also had second class facilities for the working class – _______ _________. The

one penny entrance was affordable to the working class and provided them with hot and cold water baths for hire to wash themselves and also ___________and drying facilities for their clothes.

A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


As there were now many swimming clubs evolving along with the desire for competition ______ needed to be made. In 1869 the first laws were established and by 1874 they were renamed as Swimming Association of Great Britain which in ______became the __________ _____________ _____________. By 1902 500 clubs were members. Up to the 1880’s the middle class swimmers were determined to ___________lower class swimmers, but after this time this diminished and swimming clubs were established for the working class. What is meant by the exclusion clause? Why did the middle classes want to exclude the working class? How do the characteristics of Rational Recreation (RACERRUP) meet Bathing and


A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


What do we know as participation and performance in swimming today?

Factors that have helped develop swimming today

Impact of these factors on contemporary participation and performance

Factors that have helped develop swimming today

Impact of these factors on contemporary participation and performance

A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


Barriers to participation in swimming






A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


PPQs – Bathing & Swimming Use your exam prep pack

Jan 2013 June 2011 Feb 2010

5m Question

Explain the development

and impact of public baths in the 19th Century

20m Question

Discuss the influence of

public schools on the development of bathing and swimming at different stages

during the 19th century.

Evaluate how 19th century social and cultural factors

continue to impact on participation and

performance in bathing and swimming today.

20m Question

Explain the development of

public baths in urban industrial communities in the

19th century.

To what extent do developmental factors from the 19th century continue to impact on participation and

performance today?

A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies



A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies



A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies



A2 Physical Education Unit G453 2014/2015 Historical Studies


