The Official Newsletter of the Barony of CalafiaMulled Wine, and Norwegian Viking-Style Juniper...


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The Official Newsletter of the Barony of Calafia

November 2014 – Anno Societatis 49

From the


Greetings Calafia!

As we start into the busy season for not only our barony but the kingdom as a whole, I think it's a good time to write about life balance. Many of you have most likely heard or have talked about this at work. The SCA is no different… Well okay it's a bit different but that's because the SCA is not our job and has flashier clothing. The thing is, just like with work, you should take breaks from time to time.

It sounds silly that a hobby could get tiring, After all, there are so many things you can do. The SCA is really good at keeping you active. I love going to wars and tourneys! They are fun! But when going to a tourney or war no longer sounds fun to you, its time to take a break. This happened to me before when I first started. The SCA was my ONLY hobby. All my time off was for SCA events. When I found it a chore to enjoy myself, I had to find my balance and get back to looking forward to going to events again. What I did was take a vacation from my hobby. Instead of attending every event that I could, I picked the ones I liked the most and a few that I either have never been to or it hadn't been to in a while.

Freeing those weekends gave me a breath of fresh air. I no longer felt like I had to be at every event and found myself having fun again. Now, I have a nice balance of work, home, and SCA. I look forward to seeing people and having fun but I don’t feel guilty about missing an event either.

We have a ton of wonderful events down here in the barony. Combine that with the kingdom calendar and there is an event or two almost every weekend. We are lucky to have so many options but it can overwhelm someone who wants to get more active in our kingdom. Take a step back and make sure you have down time. Remember, real life comes first. We will always be here with open arms when you come back.

THL Parlane of Glenord . Seneschal, Barony of Calafia .

NOVEMBER 1-2 Coronation / Queen’s Champion 8 Calafia Anniversary 15 Naevehjem Frost Dragon 22 Calafia Equestrian

Cover Photo: THL Dagný Starkaðardóttir Leif Erickson Tourney Photos: THL Dagný Starkaðardóttir Photo, Page 3: Lord Ketill rauðskegger All other clip art: Dover Pictorial Archive


From the Baron & Baroness 3

Newcomers Corner 4

From the Chronicler 4

Guild Activities 5

EVENT ANNOUNCEMENTS Calafia Anniversary 6 Calafia Equestrian Championship 7 Winter Arts 8 Kingdom War Practice 9 Winter Weekend 10

Leif Erickson Tourney Pictures 11

Baronial Practices 16

Baronial Guilds 17

Baronial Council Minutes 20

Cantons & Colleges 24

Baronial Regnum 25

November Calendar 26

Greetings Calafia! October had some great events with Great Wes- tern War and our own Leif Erickson Tourney. War was fantastic with A thriving Baronial en- campment, and lots of great fighting and friend- ship. We enjoyed spending time with our friends from near and a far, and with our lovely Crown Prince and Princess. We would like to thank all Calafians who volunteered to help make GWW work. From Constabulary to water bearing, from moving hay bales after fighting all day to being on site early to help with set up, you are what makes the SCA happen. We all understand the hours that it takes to put on a War. Leif Erickson was its own brand of fun with the traditional fighting forms, fantastic Arts and crafts, and a great lunch. Thank you to our first time event stewards who put on a great event and the Equestrian guild for the excellent lunch. Beyond the perfect weather to wear Viking clothes, it was a wonderful day of Calafian warmth and friendship.

November is busy month and the beginning of many great things to come. We start with the Coronation and Queen’s Champion of our very own Count Mansur and Countess Eilidh in Gylden-holt on the First weekend of November, and then move right into our Anniversary the second weekend. As a reminder, the daylight is short during Calafia Anniversary and we would like to request that all fighters restrict themselves to one fighting form so that we can get through all the wonderful events of the day. We look forward to a great day and we hope the Barony will come out and celebrate with us during the day, and at the wonderful feast planned for the evening. And if that were not enough, November 22nd will be our Baronial Equestrian Championship. Please join us

in celebrating our Equestrian Guild and in determining our new Champion. If you have never seen the full scope of the equestrian games, you are missing out! Also, these are expan- ding continuously to include jousting and other activities all while managing a horse…not an easy task! In November, we would like to make a slight change to Baronial Council in order to discuss what went well this last year and make plans for the upcoming year. It is important with a group of our size that we have clear goals and a good focus so that we move forward as a Barony in the direction we want, rather than the direction we get pulled. Please join us at this important council meeting to help us with this task. As we begin the second year of our reign, we would like to thank the Barony once more for entrusting us with this Great Office. It has been a busy year for us, in and out of the Society. We look forward to picking up many of the projects we have brought up and starting on some new projects to make this Barony even greater. We would like to thank the all of the Baronial Officers, both retiring and continuing, for all of their hard work. Our amazing Court and Guard has gone above and beyond the call many times for us. Without them, we could not do what we have done. And thank you to all of the populace. All of us together make this the Greatest Barony in the Knowne World.

Long Live Calafia!

In Service,

Guy Rand and Muirrenn


From the Chatelaine The Chatelaine is here as your first stop to get your questions answered. If you are new to the SCA and have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Chatelaine. I’m no stranger to what it was like to walk into this organization with an overwhelming desire to become involved in all of the wonderful things the SCA has to offer, and at the same time having no idea about where to get started.

Want to know where to go to learn a particular skill or art form? We have guilds for that! Interested in learning archery or one of the fighting disciplines? I can point you in the right direction! If I don’t know the answer to your question, I will find someone who does. And if you need a place to sit and watch all of the action at the next Baronial event, feel free to make yourself at home in the Arts and Sciences/Newcomer’s pavilion. Everyone is welcome! We also have loaner garb available for you to borrow so you have something to wear at any of our events.

If you have any questions, please email me at

In your service,

Senhor Ponç lo Bonòme

Baronial Household The Baronial Household is for everyone, whether you’re an SCA Newcomer, visitor, or transplant. All are welcome at the monthly Baronial Household meetings. Except for the month of December, these meetings are not in garb/costume. There is a specific topic each month, which is listed at the top of the Guild Activities section.

Baronial Household meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at the Allied Gardens Recreation Center, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego CA 92120. For more information, please feel free to contact the Mentor of the Ménage (MoM) at

In service,

Mistress Adelicia of Caithness


Greetings! At Calafia Anniversary I will be stepping down as your Baronial Chronicler. I will be replaced by THL Dagný Starkaðardóttir. The issue you are looking at is her first as the soon-to-be new Baronial Chronicler.

It has been a very rewarding, if often challen-ging, experience to act as the person responsible for recording the activities of the Barony over the last two years. It was my hope to insert a sense of fun and humour into the ST, as well as ensure that the information contained was informative, accurate, and timely. I hope that you all enjoyed my efforts.

I have no doubt that I have left The Serpent’s Tongue in capable hands.

Lord Ketill rauðskeggr


To accommodate Coronation/QC,

IRON BRIGADE practice will be Sunday,

Nov. 9 at 12:00 noon

Briercrest Park 9001 Wakarusa St

La Mesa CA 91942

BARONIAL HOUSEHOLD: The November meeting of the Baronial Household will cover the geography of the SCA. Mistress Fia Naheed will be taking over as Mentor of the Ménage (MoM) at Calafia Anniversary this month.

BREWER’S GUILD: Our next meeting will be Nov.22, with a "Solstice Warmth" Brewing Day. We'll have some equipment available for those joining in; please bring pots if you have them. Scheduled recipes / samples are Spiced Apple Cider (non-alcoholic), Mulled Wine, and Norwegian Viking-Style Juniper Mead, along with discussion on researching early period beers. This is a brewing day, so please bring ingredients (and ID if tasting.) There will be folks on hand to answer questions. Brewing Kits are also available for $25, benefiting the Calafia Brewer's Guild - please contact the guild master for details or to reserve a kit.

COMPANY of ST. CATHERINE: The Company of St. Catherine will be taking a look at St. Brigitta's caps. We will begin those in Nov. and complete in Dec., and then in January I'll repeat my "What to Wear on my Modern Head" class that debuted at GWW. The St. Brigitta's cap is the perfect undercap for just about everything that you might want to have on your head. It's an important foundational piece. The articles that we will refer to are here: can start the two halves of the cap or just start from scratch at the meeting. YMMV.... we'll just get 'em done by January's meeting. For those who aren't wild about the needle lace option, you can use a strip of purchased lace for the gap in the middle or just sew it up the middle and not have any gap. Our December meeting will also feature our usual holiday dessert potluck with espresso and other hot drinks....and a gift exchange of a fiber related item under $10 in cost.

Please see Guild listings (page 17) for locations and contact information

EUROPEAN DANCE GUILD: The Guild is planning a special performance of 15th century dances at Calafia Anniversary on November 8th. MIDDLE EASTERN GUILD: Our November meeting will be all about Aramaic Caligraphy taught by Lord Ponc lo Bonome. Due to Lord Ponc's schedule, We will meet on a Wednesday instead of a Monday. More information on the date will be available on the guild's facebook page or you can email THL Giovanna Ricci at NAUTICAL GUILD: The Nautical guild has no planned activities for the next month; however, things will be picking up considerably with the upcoming launch of the San Salvador on the horizon! NEEDLEWORKER’S GUILD: Needleworkers Guild members are lying flat on their respective floors after finishing up their parts in making the Coronation garb. No plans at present for November, but December might be a different story. SCRIPTORIUM: Calafia's Monthly Baronial Scriptorium in conjunction with Consulting Heraldry is every 4th Tuesday of the month at Allied Gardens Rec Center, with exceptions for Holidays and War. For November, will meet Tuesday, November 25th from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Currently, we have planned a normal open scriptorium format for November. Individuals are welcome to bring in whatever projects they are working on. Anyone wishing to learn more about the scribal arts are always encouraged to attend. For anyone who has artistic experience, we are always looking for more help with designing and painting scrolls.

VIKING GUILD: The Viking Guild will have a pop-up at Calafia Anniversary. Our regular monthly meeting on Monday, November 24 will feature a class on Vikings and Mead taught by Lady Talan Tanki; the class will be at the home of the Guildmistress, and details will be available closer to the date of the class.


We invite the populace of Caid to spend the day with us as we celebrate Calafia’s 44th Anniversary. We’re hoping for a day of Honor, Chivalry, Pageantry, and Heraldry. We invite everyone to bring their banners, gonfalons, and standards and hang them from their pavilions or let them fly from tall banner poles. Surround our erics with your personal, household or guild colors! Wear heraldic garb if you have it. Our Traveling Scriptorium will be present to give you an opportunity to paint or calligraph romissories or initials. The A&S table will once more be open to provide a place to hang out and work on projects and to welcome newcomers. A simple lunch will be available for a small donation as well; details to follow. Fighting will start as early as possible after opening court so we can finish before we lose the daylight. Heavies will have a simple double elimination

Rapier and Unarmored details will be announced closer to the event date. There will be Thrown Weapons and Archery. After a day of fighting to determine the new Armored, Unarmored, Rapier, Thrown Weapons, and Archery Champions of Calafia, we will feast! The theme is Moorish Spain. To reserve your spot, contact Sabyna at Gate will open at 8:00am. Opening Court will begin promptly at 10:00am. Site Closes at 6:00pm. We must be offsite by this time. Merchants are welcome; please contact THL Abigail Chandler of Caithness at to register. Location: 15805 El Monte Road, Lakeside, CA 92040 Feast site: Elks Lodge 168, 7430 Jackson Drive, San Diego, CA 92119. Site fees: Children 12 and under are guests of the Barony – everyone else - the site fee is $10 plus a $5 non-member surcharge. Parking is $3. The feast fee is $12. Event Stewards: Lady Ysabeau Bouchard and THLady Ellyn of Tanwayour: Feast Reservations: THLady Sabyna of Aydon - Merchants: THLady Abigail Chandler of Caithness - Smoking is not allowed onsite. This is a dry site. Dogs must be on a leash at all times, and the leash must be under control.


Sat, November 22, 2014 * 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM Tumbleweed Riding Club, 13315 Willow Rd ,Lakeside, CA 92040 Greetings to the populace of Calafia and our great Kingdom of Caid! There comes that time of the year when the leaves begin to change to fiery red and warm orange, when the air cools and friends draw closer as they exchange stories of friendship and our great Barony. It is a time when riders of all ages and disciplines who have traveled near and far gaining skill and experience with their loyal destriers, draw out their tack and barding and sword and lance in preparation to bear the honor of being Equestrian Champion for their Excellencies Guy Rand and Muirrenn. We invite all of you to attend a grand day of pageantry in honor of our Barony and our Equestrian community as a new champion is chosen.

There are many fun activities set for the day: a jousting demo, a delicious lunch presented by Don Avenel Kellough, a medieval flea market and the opportunity to meet and greet some of the great equines of our Barony and Kingdom. As time permits, there will be a limited number of spaces available for those who have always wanted to ride, or have been too long out of the saddle to spend a few minutes on one of our equine friends.

Site Fee: Free! Many thanks to the gracious- ness and gratuity of an anonymous donor. Please note that everyone will still be required to check in at gate and sign the site waiver. Event Stewards: THL Rhua Cat Ifrinn Mistress Reina MacCormick Contact: Course Design: M’Lady Caitlin Hamilton

Calafia Equestrian Championship

Cavalier Up!


Come join us on Saturday, December 6, 2014 in celebrating the art & artisans of the Barony of Calafia. Calafian Artisans are encouraged to bring a display of their arts to display their talents. Artisans should know they are encouraged to display any of their arts, but only those items which have been made this year will qualify for the judging. The populace attending will be given a token at gate to show their appreciation for your skills and artistry. Their Excellencies will use these tokens to help them decide who will be our new Baronial Arts Champion as well as a Children’s Arts Champion. The Bard of Calafia will also be selected at this event so pick your best story or tale to tell or warm up your vocal cords and sing your favorite “period” song. Our theme this year, is “Beauty and the Beast”, so an additional, separate art category award, will go to the artisan or bard that best exemplifies the theme judged by their Excellencies. In the spirit of the holidays, we will be having a “beautiful” holiday tunic contest. So tunics like sweaters, “beauty” is in the eye of the beholder so wear your “best” holiday themed tunic. Many fun activities are planned for the day! The guilds of Calafia will also be setting up displays. To reserve a table for a specific guild or to display your arts, please send an email Lady Euginia in Rauða by Dec. 1, 2014 at . Space is limited so reserve as soon as possible.

Site Name:San Diego Mesa College, H117/118, 7250 Mesa College Drive, San Diego, CA 92111

The site opens at 8:00 AM for set up and we must be off site by 5:00 p.m. Artisan Set up Starts at 9:00 am Closing Court 3:00 pm

Directions to the event: Take your best route to MESA COLLEGE DR. Follow Mesa College Drive for approximately one half mile onto the campus and make the first LEFT at the light. Proceed to H117/118 and park on the street or in marked spaces in A lot or A lot West. Permits are not required on Sat.

Site fee(s): Members: $3.00 Non-members: $8.00 Children under 6 are guests of the Barony. Make checks payable to: SCA Inc, Barony of Calafia

Lunch: A Lunch will be provided by House Valhalla. The menu and cost TBA.

Fund Raiser: In keeping with our theme, “Beauty and the Beast”, The Barony of Calafia will be sponsoring a fund raiser and will be accepting donations at Winter Arts to benefit the San Diego Humane Society. A list of items that may be donated is located here: PageServer?pagename=don_WishList

Merchant Information: None at this event

Event Steward: THL Gemma Evangelista Borgia at Arts Competition and Displays: Lady Euginia in Rauða at Lunch: Ladies Carina de Jean le Noir and Mary Calais of House Valhalla, reservations at



December 14, 2014 11:00 AM-5:00 PM

We will break into two sides and do some hard fighting. The format will Be similar to Potrero War, 4-5 quick battles with no rest, then a 5 min break. We shall shoot for at least 20 battles. Bring a chair so we can meet and discuss reorganization and leadership, the following issues:

Army Reorganization • Sir Augustine passes on Captain General Regalia • Command Roles – Cpt General & Staff • Choosing Leaders – Election/Poll of the Unit Leaders/Who Wants to Participate • Elections are not done anymore, return to them to just continue with impromptu poll of different units. • Restructure – Old System or New Reorganization • Break Army into South, Central, and Northern Groups

Army Logistics • Contact List – Commanders and their seconds • New Army Favors – four Caidan Crescents • Banners Army Recruitment • How

Hail Armoured Fighters of Caid! We are excited to announce the Royal Army of Caid Army Practice on December 14th! This date is the most reasonable date within a 90-day window and before the end of 2014. It will take place at the Highlands War Site, Schmidt Park , 13576 Mustang Road , Victorville , CA 92395. This site is centrally located and allows almost everyone about the same 3 hour commute to the site. We would like to get representation from as many Warbands and Fighting Units within the Kingdom as possible. Please make an effort and beat the drum to rally the troops and have as many fighters from every barony, shire, household and warband to attend! There has been a lot of discussion and interest on the status of the Caid Army in the wake of GWW. This is a great chance for folks to show up, armor up and put words into action. We will run through a series of drills including :

• Unit Formations • Universal Army / Brigade Commands • Marching, Obliques, Wheels, Refuses - every unit should know how to anchor a side & refuse. • Bridge Battles – Commands • Shieldwall Advance into Fire • How to Give Ground • Archery Integration – how to deal with multiple archers • Skirmish Order – combine multiple spears to form a “super unit”


The Barony of Calafia is proud to host Winter Weekend 2015 at the DeBenneville Pines Conference Center in the San Bernardino Mountains, 41750 W. Jenks Lake Road, Angeles Oaks, CA. The event starts Thursday, January 15, 2015, 5 PM and ends Monday January 19, 2015, 12 noon.

Because this site can only accommodate a limited number of attendees, all are welcome but RESERVATIONS are required. Reservations are made by phone on or after the call-in date. Each phone call may reserve only one room’s worth of accommodations (1 to 4 people). Families with more children may reserve up to the number of the immediate family. Please, only one reservation per call.

Event Information: Reservations for Winter Weekend 2015 will open Sunday October 19th @ 12 noon PDT. Please call 760.747.2071 to place your reservation. E-mail reservations will not be accepted until after October 20. This event will be starting on Thursday. The cost for the four nights lodging and food is $140 per adult, $75 per child (5 – 12 years). Plus the adult non-member surcharge of $5. If you come up after Thursday the cost is $130 per adult, $60 per child. Plus the adult non-member surcharge of $5.

Only after your reservation is confirmed: Please make checks payable to: SCA Inc / Barony of Calafia. Send to the event Steward: Francena Sherburne 197-104 Woodland Pkwy #504 San Marcos CA 92069 If you have any questions you may contact the event steward at: or (760) 747-2071 before 10 PM.


Mr. Beans guards the Gate like Cerberus guarding the Underworld

Their Excellencies welcome the populace at opening court

The Scribal Guild offered fleet-footed messenger service to all tourney-goers

The Children’s Activities table was busy all day

The Provisioner’s Guild (and their wonderful oven) made fresh bread!


Ladies of the Calafian Viking Guild: REPRESENT!

The Rapier field saw action all day... did the Heavy Weapons field


Relaxing in the Baronial pavilion

Duchess Kara organized a rousing game of Kubb


Baron Guy Rand (and Juno and Monroe) survey the tourney field

Setting the ice floes adrift

Their Excellencies lead the Children’s Parade around the eric


Scribal arts on display This month’s cover photo: Lord Kyogi

on his way to winning the day!

Youth combat Warriors three readying for battle

Closing Court


ARCHERY Target archery practices are held on Sundays from 10:00am to 12noon. Loaner equipment and basic instruction are available. There is a $1.00 fee to use the facility. The UCSD Archery Range is located near the UCSD Thornton Hospital. Parking on Sundays is free in UCSD Parking lot 702.

Directions: From I-5 exit at Genesee Avenue eastbound. Turn right (south) on to Campus Point Drive; make another right (west) Voight Drive. Turn left into Lot 702. Parking vouchers can be purchased at the vending machines. Proceed south to the UCSD Challenge Course. Walk south through the Challenge Course. Once you reach Campus Point Drive, continue on to Health Center Drive and curve to the right. The Archery Range is on the right atop a two-level parking lot. Do not park in the hospital lots. Newcomers are offered a free session. After that, archers are required to either join the UCSD Open Archery Workout Class or purchase an Archery Workout pass. For other questions, please contact the Captain of Archers at

ARMOURED Fighter practices are being held on Sundays and Wednesday evenings in the city of La Mesa’s Briercrest Park, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa, CA 91942. Sunday practices start at 12noon, Wednesday evening practices start at 4pm, or when enough people are there. For information about fighter practices contact the Baronial Marshal at

IRON BRIGADE Iron Brigade is the name of Calafia’s Heavy Weapons unit that is part of the Kingdom of Caid’s Army. Brigade practice is normally held on the first Sunday of the month in the city of La Mesa’s Briercrest Park, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa, CA 91942. For questions or more information about Brigade practices please contact the Commander of the Iron Brigade at

RAPIER Rapier practice is held every Sunday from 12noon to 3:00pm and Wednesday evenings from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in the city of La Mesa’s Briercrest Park, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa, CA 91942. For questions or information about Rapier practice please contact Deputy Marshal for Fence at

UNARMOURED The Unarmored Combat Guild is dedicated to the study of historically accurate combat, focusing on unarmored combat with both long sword and sword & buckler. If you are interested in studying period fighting techniques and fighting (but not wearing all that armor), please contact the Deputy Marshal for Unarmoured at


Bardic The Calafia Bardic Guild is about entertaining the populace of the Barony through song, story, original work and period pieces. The meetings are held at 5:00pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the home of Lord Fergus Ó Dubhshláine. Please contact him for directions.

Guild Steward: Lord Fergus Ó Dubhshláine Guild email:

Brewers The Brewers Guild is a loosely organized group interested in the beverage arts, both alcoholic and non. Meetings are currently on a quarterly basis and are open to all over the age of 18 (due to hot liquids & the use of burners), with a limit of 21 for tasting of fermented beverages. If you are interested in brewing, come help with the brewing in process & learn by doing. If you want to craft your own, help & equipment is available. The Guild meets quarterly. For further information, please contact the Guild Steward.

Guild Steward: Lady Talan Tanki Guild email:

Company of St. Catherine (Spinning and Weaving)

We focus on the period uses of string; all string, all methods. If you want to learn to weave, knit, naalbinding, dye, sew, embellish, make a pattern, then we are the group for you. The Company of St. Catherine meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month between September and June at 6:30pm. The Guild is dark in July and August. Meetings are held at the Guildmistress’ home. Please contact the Guild Steward for directions and additional information.

Guild Steward: Baroness Thea Northernridge Guild email: Yahoo! Group:

Just of Bit of Trim (Costuming)

Just a Bit of Trim promotes interest in historical costuming and costuming skills. The Guild is open to members of all levels of skill in sewing, costuming, needlework, and related skills. We hold monthly classes with speakers on a wide variety of topics, including garb, jewelry, hairstyles, cosmetics, headwear, accessories, embroidery and embellishment, pattern design, and researching historical costuming.

The Guild also sponsors occasional workshops or field trips. Just a Bit of Trim meets from 7:00 to 9:00pm on the 2nd Monday of the month at the Allied Gardens Recreation Centre, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120.

Guild Steward: Lady Brighid ni Muirenn Guild email: Yahoo! Group:

Equestrian The Equestrian Guild is dedicated to the practice of skills at arms on horseback. We also practice and learn basic and essential horsemanship. One does not need to own a horse to participate. However, horse sharing is at the discretion of the horse owner, and donations for horse usage/sharing are encouraged.

The Equestrian Guild meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month at the El Capitan Equestrian Centre in Lakeside, 12307 Willow Road, Lakeside, CA 92040. Time depends upon weather and/or daylight. Please contact the Guild Steward for additional information.

Interim Guild Steward: THL Rhua Cat Ifrinn Guild email: Yahoo! Group:


European Dance The European Dance Guild meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at the Allied Gardens Rec Center, 5155 Greenbrier Ave, San Diego, CA 92120.

Guild Steward: THL Maluchka Korotkova Guild email:

Hearth & Cauldron (Cooking)

Hearth and Cauldron is Calafia’s cooking guild. The Guild covers outdoor cooking, feasts, and all periods of cooking that relates to the SCA. All are welcome; please contact the Guild Steward for directions and additional information.

Guild Steward: Lady Ysabeau Boucher Guild email: Facebook page: Google Group:

Middle Eastern The Middle Eastern Guild is all about the recreation and research of the Middle East throughout the Middle Ages, from from costuming to cooking, music, art, and history. The Guild meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00pm. Meeting locations can vary depending on the subject. Please contact the Guild Steward for meeting location or additional information.

Guild Steward: THL Giovanna Ricci Guild email: Facebook page:

Music The Music Guild meets at 6:30pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the home of Master Samuel. Please contact the Guild Steward for additional information.

Guild Steward: Master Samuel Piper Guild email: Guild Webpage: Google Group: CalafiaMusicGuild?hl=en

Nautical The Nautical Guild of Calafia is for members of the populace with an interest in exploring period seafaring aspects, including ships and sailors, merchants, privateers, pirates, and those in service to their kingdom. Presently, the Nautical Guild has been charged to manage the Flagship of Calafia competition, to include nautically-related activities at events in support of the competition. Please contact the Guild Steward for information about meeting dates and times.

Guild Steward: THL Curteis FiztOsbern Guild email: Facebook page:

Needleworkers The Needleworkers Guild encourages and promotes the study and research of medieval needlework, including any period needlework that is done to embellish; the learning of period stitches and recreation of such; the sharing of knowledge and techniques; and to engender ardor for such handiwork. The Guild is open to beginners as well as those with experience. Any kind of needlework is welcome. Bring your current project or ideas and a chair. We look forward to meeting you. Meeting locations and dates vary. We meet at 12noon on the day of Brigade Practise at the same location.

Guild Steward: THL Deirdre Oilithreach Guild email: Yahoo! Group:

Provisioners Mission Statement: To investigate and practice techniques of preparing and preserving food for storage, travel and trade. The Guild will regularly support lunch and feast service in whole or in part. Meeting schedule: Once monthly business and discussion meetings unless decided differently by members (day to be determined). Additional project days may be scheduled as needed.

Guild Steward: THL Michael Treighie Guild email:


Scribal Guild, cont. look for the traveling scriptorium pavilion at the next Kingdom or Baronial event. The Scribal Guild meets in conjunction with Heraldic Consulting between 6:00pm and 9:00pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Allied Gardens Rec Centre, 5155 Greenbrier Aveue, San Diego, CA, 92120.

Bibliothecarius: THL Ronan mac Magnus Notarius: Senhor Ponç lo Bonòme Librario: Lord Gregory Lukyn Guild email: Yahoo! Group:

Viking The purpose of the Viking Guild is to promote fellowship and education among those who show an interest in the life and culture of the Viking people who inhabited northern Europe from the 8th to 11th centuries. Membership is open to all! We just request that you have an interest in the Viking culture. The Guild meets on the 4th Monday of the month at 7pm at the Allied Gardens Rec Center, 5155 Greenbrier Ave, San Diego, CA 92120. We encourage the study and appreciation of Viking culture and arts through research, teaching, classes, and workshops.

Guild Steward: Lady Euginia in rauða Guild email: Yahoo! Group: Facebook page:

Unarmoured Combat The Unarmored Combat Guild is dedicated to the study of historically accurate combat, focusing on unarmored combat with both longsword and sword & buckler. If you are interested in studying period fighting techniques and fighting (without all that armor), please join us! We regularly meet on Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 9pm at Briercrest Park, 9001 Wakarusa St, La Mesa, CA 91942. Check Yahoo! Group for dates.

Guild Steward: Lord Orion Martyn Guild email: Yahoo! Group:

Rapier The Rapier Guild promotes the practice, discussion, and teaching of SCA rapier, which is grounded in 16th century Italian rapier forms. We meet for practice at Briercrest Park, 9001 Wakarusa St., La Mesa, CA 91941 on Sundays from 12noon to 3pm and Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 9pm, barring conflicting events. Loaner gear is available for new participants interested in the form. For more information contact the Guild Steward.

Guild Steward: THL Rhua Cat Ifrinn Guild email:

Right Noble Metalworkers The Calafia Right Noble Metal Workers Guild's mission is to encourage and promote the study, re-creation, and research of the metal work of the Middle Ages. The Guild shares the knowledge of period design, period and modern construction, history, shop safety, and other related subjects. Quarterly business meetings will be at 6:00pm on the first Tuesday of January, April, July, and October at the San Diego Brewing Company. Open shop nights are every Thursday evening from 5:30pm to 9ish. First time visitors are required to receive shop safety instructions.

Guild Steward: THL Sabyna of Aydon Guild email: Facebook page:!/groups/108685095961907

Google Group:

Scholars The Scholars Guild meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00pm. Please contact the Guild Steward for meeting location.

Guild Steward: Duke Guillaume de Belgique Guild email:


The Calafia Scribes Guild is open to anyone and everyone of all artistic levels interested in learning about the scribal arts. We practice calligraphy and illumination, with an emphasis on making award scrolls for the Kingdom and Barony. If you are unable to make a monthly scriptorium meeting,



Archery ( Lady Adelwyn Atewattere): There were a total of 4 practices, with an average of 7 archers each. They will be holding archery contests at Anniversary!

Arts and Sciences (Lady Eugenia): For September, Lady Eugenia attended Tanwayour Anniversary and helped host Arts and Sciences Point with her deputy. For October, she attended the La Mesa Oktoberfest demo, and GWW. She went to an A&S 101 put on by the Kingdom A&S officer, a Dyeing with Madder class, and a Card Weaving class. At Tanwayour Anniversary, they hosted Arts and Sciences Point. Lady Eugenia held an Embroidery 101 class, with 8 in attendance, 3 of which were newcomers that day.

There will be an embroidery competition hosted by A&S at Leif Erickson. They will be supplying the fabric with the image. Folks are welcome to bring their own thread and needles, but there will be some available otherwise. They will have the kits available 15 minutes after Opening Court is over. About an hour before closing court, they will collect the projects for display and voting. The winner will be announced at Closing Court.

For Calafia Anniversary, Arts and Sciences Point will be open for business and for ongoing projects and fellowship. They will be hosting another competition at the event, but this time it will be a Largesse Competition with the Largesse being donated to our Barony. It will only take one item for a person to enter into the competition, but more than one item can be entered. The items will be collected before Closing Court, and presented to Their Excellences during Court, with the winner being announced at that time. There will be a prize awarded to the winner of the competition that will be separate from the largesse items.

After Anniversary, they will be touching base with everyone that will have something to do with Arts in the Park for next year to start getting our ducks in a row. They should have a presence at Calafian Equestrian in November.

16 October 2014

Chatelaine (Lord Ponc): The Chatelaine and Deputy Chatelaine were in attendance at Tanwayour Anniversay. There were three newcomers at the event who were all attending an SCA event for the first time. All of them participated in wearing Gold Key garb. The Deputy Chatelaine attended the La Mesa Oktoberfest with the Baronial Demo Coordinator/Media Officer and several volunteers from the Barony.

The Chatelaine e-mail address continues to receive a lot of traffic from individuals interested in learning how to become more active with our Barony and the SCA in general. Several more inquires about loaner garb are beginning to arise now that more people are aware of Gold Key.

Chirurgeon (Lady Talan): Nothing to Report at this time.

Chronicler (Lord Ketill): Since the last report, Lord Ketill has attended Tanwayour Anniversary. He will be present at Leif Erickson. He has not received the announcement for Winter Arts. THL Dagny should be in the process of creating the November issue of the ST, which will hopefully be out by the 25th of this month.

Constable (Lady Seraphina): Nothing to report at this time.

Demos (Lord Tiberius): Nothing to report at this time.

Exchequer (Lady Margeret): Lady Margeret attended Great Western War. She is developing an operating budget for FY 2015. This month the checks where written in preparation for upcoming events: Leif Ericson and Calafian Anniversary.

Equestrian Marshal (THL Reina): THL Reina attended Calafia Equestrian Practice on the 21st of September, of which there were 17 Riders, and 6 Horses. She collected one waiver. They are recovering from GWW and gearing up for Calafia Equestrian Championship on November 22nd at the Tumbleweed Riding Club. Please join us!


Council Minutes, cont. Herald (Lady Ariana ): Lady Ariana attended the following events in her capacity as Baronial Herald: • Tanwayour Anniversary on September 20th. • Baronial Scriptorium/Heraldic Consulatation on September 23rd.

The Barony has 7 submissions for the upcoming October Kingdom Heraldry meeting, and TE gave out 3 Baronial Awards since the last Populace meeting: • Christoffer Dechsel, Golden Trident (Tanwayour Anniversary) • Adelwyn Atewattere, Golden Trident (Tanwayour Anniversary) • Daniel Fisserman of Mudiwater, Golden Trident (Tanwayour Anniversary)

Marshall (Lord Marco): Lord Marco was in charge of the combat at Tanwayour Anniversary, and four Calafia Baronial Practices. At Tanwayour Anniversary there was 8 Armored, 8 Rapier, and 3 Unarmored. There was an average of 10 Armored, 5 Rapier, and 3 Unarmored at the practices held this month. He collected 3 waivers.

He will also be at Leif Erickson this Saturday, Coronation/Queen's Championship, Calafia Baronial Anniversary Saturday, Naevehjem Baronial Anniversay in Ridgecrest and the Calafia Equestrian Championship.

Media officer (Lord Tiberius): Nothing to report at this time.

Rapier (Lord Raes): Nothing to report at this itme.

Lysts (THL Tierrynna): THL Tierrynna attended Tanwayour Anniversary, of which there was Armored, Rapier, unarmored, and youth combat held. There was 8 Armored, 3 Rapier, 3 unarmored, and 8 youth. The winners were THL Snorri Snafari for Armored, Jacob De Groot for Rapier, Jacob De Groot for unarmored, and Robert Childers, Marcus, Eric Silverman for youth.

Unarmoured Combat (Lord Orion): Nothing to report at this time.

Youth Combat (Lady Arianne ): Nothing to report at this time.

Rec Center Representative (Lady Kimiya): Nothing to report at this time

Registrar (Vacant):

Thrown Weapons (Angus): Nothing to report at this time.

Web chronicler (Lord Darius): Lord Darius attended Great Western War. He is working on the new officer reporting system. He is also gathering requirements for website overhaul. The email flow continues to be a problem. The Barony needs to determine if we should look into moving our email service to another hosting provider (like google or Microsoft).

Youth Activities (Lord Bryan): Lord Bryan attended Great Western War. He talked to deputy youth officer and Potrero Co-Event steward about youth event ideas for upcoming events. They have decided holding youth activities at Leif Ericsson. Current plans include treasure necklaces run by Mistress Lasairiona. They are also investigating having a youth parade.


Bardic Guild (Lord Fergus): Meeting is Next Tuesday, Guildmaster and others who braved the heat and dust from GWW are recovering. The Open Arms Bardic Hall was a hit, it had one member assisting with set up and two with tear down. Lord Fergus would like to thank the members who assisted with tear down and set up: Cornelius Mcdonald for set up and Duncan Rose for tear down. It was an honor to perform at the hall, and in other camps, bringing the Calafia hospitality, and performing at the potluck with Duncan Rose and Isolde. The guild is preparing for their performance at anniversary next month, Winter Arts, and Caid 12th night. Event Stewards, if you would like bards at an event please e-mail the guild master at

Brewers Guild - (Lady Telan): Nothing to report at this time.

Company of St. Catherine (Mistress Thea): Nothing to report at this time.

Costumer’s Guild (Lady Brighid): Nothing to report at this time.


Equestrian Guild – (THL Rhua): There was approximately 1-12 people, 5-6 horses at the monthly practice. They will be serving lunch for Leif Erickson. THL Rhua, Reina, Kate, Agnes, Kara and Bri are supplying the food and manpower for serving. Several group members will be at Tournament of the Phoenix this Sunday. Equestrian practice has therefore been moved from this Sunday to the 25th.

European Dance (Maluchka): Nothing to report at this time.

Hearth and Cauldron: (Lady Ysabeau): Nothing to report at this time.

Metal Workers Guild – (THL Sabyna): They continue to hold shop night on Thursdays when weather permits. They held their quarterly business meeting. 12 people were in attendance 2 of which were attending for the first time. They will be holding shop night every Thursday starting at 6pm. Please contact the guild steward for additional details. Also, they are sad because Tandy leather has moved to Chula Vista.

Middle Eastern Guild – (Lady Giovanna): A dance demo was taught at Tanwayour Anniversary. They had 2 guild members in attendance. They finished our Persian undergarments class in October with THL Ellyn of Tanwayour. 6 people were in attendance.

Musicians Guild – (Master Samuel): Nothing to report at this time.

Nautical Guild (Lord Curtis): Nothing to report at this time.

Needleworkers (THL Dierdre): Nothing to Report at this time.

Provisioners Guild (THL Michel): Nothing to report at this time.

Rapier Guild (THL Rhua): There has been monthly practices, with approximately 6-8 people attending.

Scholars (Duke Guillaume): Nothing to report at this time.

Scriptorium (Lord Ponç): A traveling scriptorium was present at Tanwayour Anniversay. There were approximately seven

Council Minutes, cont. participants, including newcomers to the event. Monthly Baronial Scriptorium in Conjunction with Consulting Heraldry was held at the Allied Gardens Rec. Center on September 23rd. Twelve individuals were in attendance. The next events that the Scribal Guild will host a travelling scriptorium are Leif Erikson Tournament and Calafia Anniversary.

The next Monthly Baronial Scriptorium in Conjunction with Consulting Heraldry will be held at the Allied Gardens Rec. Center on Tuesday, October 28th.

The Scribal Guild will be hosting a fundraiser at Leif Erikson Tournament in the form of a "Foot Post". Proceeds will go to the Calafia Regalia Project. A description of the activity has been posted on the Barony's facebook page. Rates have been reduced from the initial proposal submitted last month to be in line with Known World Foot Post rates (Yes an SCA-wide Known World Post exists!).

The deadline to submit completed Kingdom Scrolls to the Scribe Amarius for Fall Coronation in October 26th.

Viking Guild (Lady Euginia): In September, they had a presence at Tanwayour Anniversary with a pop up and some literature for the guild. They had some members working on projects during the event. Their class for September was their last installment of the Hangerock project and Dame Thea taught us how to the darts for it.

For October, they are unable to make it to Vista Viking Festival, but they will plan on being there next year. They will have their class on Brocade Cardweaving for their October meeting.

Leif Erickson is this month, and they will have activities at the Tournament. They have a festoon making table, bead exchange, and rune station for trying your hand at writing in runes. Lady Euginia has plans to get everyone who worked on the Hangerock Project to bring or wear their garments for the event. Lady Euginia would like to get a photo.

They will have the popup at Calafia Anniversary and possibly some kind of activity. They are going to have a table at Winter Arts for sure. Their class for November is over Viking Era mead and it will be at my house. They had their class in September over darts in the fitted hangerock project. They had approximately


Council Minutes, cont. eight in attendance with the instructor. It was their last class over the project and it's been exactly one year that we have been working on it.

Baronial Household (Mistress Adelicia): There were 3 in attendance, they talked about what to do in the SCA. Next month they will be talking about SCA geography. Mistress Fia will be taking over for Mistress Adelicia at Anniversary.

Baronial Keep (Lord Levi): Nothing to report at this time.

Baronial subgroup reports

Canton of Poll na Gainmhe (Mistress Lasairona): Nothing to Report at this time.

Canton of Tanwayour (Lord Ketill): They held their anniversary, with approximately 92 people attended, 81 adults and 11 children. They held our October business meeting. Four officers and one member were present. Reports were also received from the Chatelaine and Exchequer. THL Ellyn will become Seneschal at Leif Erickson.

Canton of Summergate (Sir Gamyl): Nothing to report at this time.

College of St. Isidore (Eudokia): Nothing to report at this time.


Last meeting there was a polling of the officers for the next round of service.


Lady Madeiline brought to the council’s attention that her truck got towed in her apartment complex because she had to move it out of her space to accommodate the Baronial trailer. She asked if the Barony might be able to help cover the cost of the towing since it was due to having the trailer in her assigned parking spot. A reimbursement of $357 was unanimously approved by the council.

Next meeting, Her Excellency would like to take the time do something a bit different. Next month there will not be group reports at the meeting unless they are critical. The Barony will be going over the calendar for 2015, and the state of the Barony. This will include what has done over the last year, and how the Barony plans to move forward within the next year. The focus of the meeting will be discussion of the current state of affairs in Calafia and goal-setting for the next calendar year.


Canton of Poll na Gainmhe Seneschal: Mistress Laisairiona inghean Gheibheannaigh (

The Canton of Poll na Gainmhe covers the communities of Imperial County. Our monthly Canton meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the third Tuesday of the month at the Brawley Senior Center at 575 J Street, Brawley CA 92227. We invite you to stop by and to take part in any of our meetings or activities. Please feel free to contact the Canton Seneschal with any questions you may have.

Canton of Summergate (

Seneschal: Sir Gamyl of Mottrum (

The Canton of Summergate is located in the northern reaches of San Diego County and stretches from the cities of Poway and Del Mar in the south to the border with Orange County in the north. The canton includes Camp Pendleton and CSU San Marcos in its borders. For information about the activities of the Canton, please contact the Seneschal.

Canton of Tanwayour ( *

Seneschal: Lord Ketill rauðskeggr (

The Canton of Tanwayour comprises San Diego County south of Hwy 94, but we welcome all who wish to become a “Tanweirdo” regardless of where you might happen to hang your hat. Anyone interested in getting involved in the Canton is welcome to join us at our monthly Council meeting, held on the first Sunday of the month at 3:00 PM at the Rancho San Diego Library, 11555 Via Rancho San Diego, El Cajon CA 92019. We also hold a monthly crafting circle on the third Tuesday of the month, also at the Rancho San Diego Library. This event is very informal and is intended as a social gathering with arts & sciences tossed into the mix. You are encouraged to visit our website, which has the most current information.

College of St. Isidore (SDSU) Seneschal: Lady Eudokia Argyrina (

The College of Saint Isidore covers San Diego State University. We are just restarting the College, and look forward to becoming a thriving member of Calafia. We invite you to take part in any of our activities in the College. Please feel free to contact the seneschal with any questions you may have.

College of St. Artemas (UCSD)

The College of St. Artemas is currently dark. If you are a student at UCSD and would be interested in learning how to re-start this College, please contact the Baronial Seneschal at


Baron: Master Guy Rand Gallandon (

Baroness: Mistress Muirrenn ingen Donndubáin (

Chief Lady-in-Waiting: Lady Fionnghuala inghean Uilliam

Captain of the Guard: THL Kolbrandr Kolsson

Seneschal: THL Parlane of Glenord ( Arts & Sciences: Lady Euginia in rauða (

Captain of Archers: Lady Adelwyn Atewattere (

Chatelaine: Senhor Ponç lo Bonòme (

Chirurgeon: Lady Talan Tanki (

Chronicler: Lord Ketill rauðskegger (

Constable: Lady Serephina Lilje (

Demo Coordinator: Lord Tiberius Finn (

Exchequer: THL Margeret Kerne (

Herald: Lady Ariana verch Gwenllian (

Keeper of the Keep: Lord Levi ben Daniel (

Lists: THL Tierrynna Caer Narvon (

Marshal: THL Marco Solario (

Deputy Marshals:

Equestrian: Mistress Reina MacCormick (

Rapier: Lord Raes de la Merre (

Unarmored Combat: Lord Orion Martyn (

Youth: THL Arianne Lightheart of Whiteheld (

Secretary: Lady Alesia de Cattmere (

Webwright: Lord Darius da Carrara (

Youth Officer: Brian Fayre (


Calafia Anniversary Page 6

Calafia Equestrian Page 7

Target Archery Fighter Practice Hearth/Cauldron Needleworkers Provisioners

Calafia Baronial Business Mtg Cook’s Guild

Middle Eastern Scholars Group

Fighter Practice Baronial Household

Target Archery Fighter Practice

Costumers Co of St Catherine Bardic Summergate Fighter Practice

Fighter Practice Summergate Business Mtg

Target Archery Equestrian Fighter Practice

European Dance Poll na Gainmhe Business Mtg

Fighter Practice

Target Archery Fighter Practice

Viking Guild Fighter Practice Baronial Household

Summergate Arts/Sciences

Target Archery Fighter Practice


r Key

Blue = Baronial Event Red = Baronial Practice Green = Guild Meeting Black = Canton Meeting

All listings subject to change. Check Baronial webpage at for corrections and updates!

Copyright © 2014 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The Serpent’s Tongue is the monthly newsletter of the Barony of Calafia of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), Inc. This publication is neither a corporate publication of the SCA, Inc., nor does it delineate policies of the SCA, Inc. The Serpent’s Tongue is published monthly on the last Friday before the issue date.

Copyrights: All rights to individual works are retained by the original authors, photographers, and artists. If you wish to reprint any part of any issue, contact the Chronicler at, or you may contact the original author/artist directly. All art and photographs have been used with permission from the original owner, and may have been cropped or altered slightly for reasons of space. To subscribe, visit Requests for a mailed hard copy subscription should be directed to the Chronicler at

Submission Guidelines: Articles and artwork (including photographs) and all required signed releases are due by the 15th of the month prior to publication. Submit event announcements to:; please put “Event Announcement” in the subject line. For articles, pictures, and all other submissions to The Serpent’s Tongue, please submit to the Chronicler at Email submissions are preferred; please submit using rich text format (RTF) or as an attached MS-Word file (DOC) for all articles.

