The Orca's Call - January Edition



The Official Newsletter of Division 42 Valley

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It is getting closer to the happiest time of the year! DCON! Remember everyone that your registration is due this month on the 24th! Also

it is not too late to run for Lieutenant Governor, if you are intersted or have any

questions about it or anything else feel free to ask me.

Bradlee Thielen, Lt.G 42 Valley (360) 200-3821

R.A.Long – 65 Points Kelso – 65 Points

Three Rivers – 60 Points

St. Helens – 50 Points

CCEC – 35 Points

Toutle – 35 Points

Turn in monthly reports on time; attend

DCMs, or even inform me of an Excellent Key Clubber to get your club

some Orca Points! Don’t forget the club with the most Orca Points will have a Pizza/Cookie Party!

- The Fall EsPRESSo has been released!

- The Call to Convention was released, contact me for more info,

last day to sign up is the 24th! - Divisional Shirts will be available for preorder soon! Very important if

you’re planning on attending DCON - Lieutenant Governor elections are

coming up let me know if you’re interested! -DCON is March 13th- 15th

Divisional spotlight is on the

election this month! The

election is being held in

Clatskanie the same place as

last year, in a pizza place called Fultano’s . The election

will be electing a new

Lieutenant Governor, each

club must bring two

delegates to vote for the incoming delegate. Anyone

is eligible for running as long

as they are a paid member

and they are returning next

year, if they aren’t a current senior. They must attend

DCON as well. Being

Lieutenant Governor is a very

fulfilling position, where you

meeting many new people and make life long

friendships. Many scholarships

are offered to Lieutenant

Governors and it looks great

on resumes and college applications.

Do you want to be

Lieutenant Governor?

Hello Orcas! This month’s DCM is a very

special one! It is the ELECTIONS FOR A NEW

LT.G! It will be held on Sunday Jan. 25th at 12

PM, Noon. It will be at the same place as

last year, Fultano’s Pizza in Clatskanie, the

address is 770 U.S. 30, Clatskanie, OR 97016.

Please have at least two delegates (reps)

from your club to vote for the next Lt.G!

Bradlee Thielen, Lt.G 42 Valley

(360) 200-3821

Stay in touch with what is

happening in our division with text reminders, just

text @division42 to (303) 625-7829 to

sign up

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