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By T. J . JONES / Prior Lak/!, Miulicsotll

T lIF V!TAL XFFn TODAY is authority. \Vithout it there arc racial riots, student uprisings. and juvenile rc­

ht·llions. In'ioteaci of law and order we havc lawlessness and di'iorckr. Constihlled :1uthority is decaying all over the world, and this is a mark of the last days.

YOI1 will note in Danicl 2 that the head of :\ebuchadnez-7<1r'S image was of gold \\'11('re<l$ the toes were a mixture of iron amI clay. Tsn't there a great mixture today? Chows is ('\·er)'\\"here. I am reminded of the last horrihle chapters in the Hook of Judges. "In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own ('yes" (Judg-cs 21 :25).

~[uch as \\"e would like to see conditions get better, we cannot foresee any imprO\'C111(·nt in the situation apart from a mighty spiritual rcvinll. There is no secure basis for law and order. Therefore destruction is pending.

\\'e are in the r .aodicean age. Laodicean means "verdict or jUdg-lllcnt by the people,'- Only the fear of God can hold socit'l)' 109-ether, but loday there is an utter disregard for God and Ilis Word. :\len anci women worship at the shrine of s('!f-will. There is no fear of God hefore their eyes.

Paul commanded Timothy 10 "preach the \Vord . for til(' time will C0111e when they will not endure sound doctrine" (2 Timothy -t :2_ 3). That time has come.

Four times in the last fi"e chapters of Judges this state­ment occur.~: "Tn those days there was 110 king in Israel." There \\"a~ 110 centrai authorily to keep lawlessness in check. There was lawlessness in religion, lawlessness in


society, and lawlessness in family life_ Such was the con­dition soon after Joshua's death .

. \ccording" to Judges 17, a man named !'o.licah of :\[ount Ephraim set up a little religion of his own. He was just a COllllllon Israelite but he had a little llloney and with this he hlliJt a killd of temple, J Ie provided a sanctuary, an ephod_ a teraphim, and a priest to compete with the di"ine­Iy con,;till1ted worship of Jehovah.

ft was not a house of God, hut a house of gods, for in it he had grawn and molten irn:lges. He mixed God's things with idolatrollS things, and consecrated one of his SOilS to he a priest. Here was a new sect, a break in the unity of God's redeemcd people. God had said to )'10ses, "Sec that thOLl make all things according to the pattern .~hO\\·ed to thee in the mount," hut~ficah's temple or tahernacle was not "accm'ding to the pattern."

),Jicah wanted lo assert his independence. He refused to .;uhmit to the prescri!X'd order pertaining to the worship of J ehoynh. and the Lord was very displeased. If God was SO ]xlrticul:J.r ;lbout the Old Testament order of worship, which was hilt a foreshadow of the things of Christ. will TIc he less particular with llS in our dealing with realities?

111 those days "e\-ery man did that which was right in his own eyes." \\-hat o( those today who start a new as­semhly within sight of the old one? \Vhat of those who aid in di\"ision by starting new congregations and new sects? ])0 the)' wish to jdentify themselves with ) ficah who hro\lght chaos in Israel?

.\ wandering Levite came along and :\Ticah hired him


r I -- rr-C-_-


for Ihe !'it'n'ire of his lah{'rnac1c, :\'o\\" Ihe r ,('\'ile" hacllll'(,11 "d apart f01' (;o(\'s "en-ie(' in 111(' 'OIlwrnack in tile wilder­ness. YOIl "il! find their dutit,!'i OUllilll'd, and the I11dhod of ,he;r c1caTl~ing' and ordination dncrihed. ill :\\mll)("r~ ,l and~. The)' wefe supported by tithes, ~ol1\l'til11e!'i th;s sup· pnrt \\';\S llt'g:lt'ctt'd (:\'e\wmiah 13 :10, 11) and prohahly it was at snch a t;n1(' that this \\"andering Le"i!c bccame di ... cngaged_ ~1icah offered him a joil wilh a slipcml. c1othts, ami dctnals, and for 1110n('\' Ihi.; I.e\"ll(· consclII('(l 10 ht­cOthl'("r;llt'<1. inducted into, a;ul ordained to a fal!';(' worship! Insll':111 of rebuking ~Iicah's f;-I1 ... (' worship, II(' madc it his 1;\·il1g. lit' silll1('d against til(' foundation (If the ~Iosaic faith, for Oil! this to which he comwllt('d "'<IS contrary to G()(\'~ r('\'('a1ed will.

And Oil! !II<' time God's sanCl\lary, ark. and priest were at Shiloh, ~hiloh means "peact' hringer." Jesus Christ is our ~hiloh, Shiloh was situated in the \'cry midst of the land: IJllI :'Ilicah set aside God'" way and order of worship. made a nc\\" center, and introciuced human jJ1\'cntions and tllan-made c{'remonie;;. Evcll today, som(' feel free to do a:; they plea . ..;{' in matters of worsh ip, There is no authority, "no king' in I sra{'l."' and they cause confusion. B\1t there i~ no confusion in hCa\'ell. \\'hell we pray, "Thy will he done on cnrlll as it is ill hea\"('I1," let liS rcmemi>rr God is still on tht' throne in h('<I\·el1. lIis \ \ '1)1 is done there .

. \s wc read on into Judges H~ we Icarn "Ollle further COIlS('qu('llces of th('re heing no king ;ll 1 "rnel. The trillc of Dati, cit-siring more land, scnt out explorers. This patrol callle upon :'<oficah's temple. spent a night nearby, and COIl-

AU GUST 3, 1969

Sllit4'd it:. ,rae Ie::.. 'T'hcn the) proceede--l to Lauh and re­tume 0 re'lOr to.; t ('11 Ie' 't- e The U.,,:1ius tht~t'ulxm sent in <.nr' a f' tee "hid, pil!' h"ed \Iicah's sanct~y and x'r",ua·led ).Iie h pm 11.:-0 w th th n Ht, W ,S offe:·t"d

'1Ir~el ... "hcn·" ~ jl.. as prk~1 to a IrI'1(" ~o he acccl,tcd the oilel 11]d the fab!: rt'iigiol1 ('xpandtd Into tillt oj a tribe.

Theil the ~tartli1!~ truth rame In lizht that tbl~ pril"c..t wa~ n"I](' (,th,r than ).r(,~,,~· t:r'!1Id,oll '~"e Jlldge .. Ix .~()" 31. \ .".\ \nd tlw a'a:-"" lor tbi~ lLJ'V::l.llill.!.! <:Iate of anarchy ·nd COllin",,!! \\",1'i tl"t til<'f(' \\,3" no kin.!.! in 1 "rarl. Then' \\1' 11(\ ii"cd g:DH't"lUllC"ltt. tlltr(' wa:'> no authority to curh ".Ii-wi!! 'Hld to n' .. tr;ulI ,·\.·dd,>{'r" En'ry TIl1.11 \'it'a','(\ him­",Ii Th/'re W:I" cl':llO~, di~Plnlt'r. irn'guiarit.\" Th,... the 1I111\" delllocratic period in hrat'l·s bi~tory, \Va-. the Wflr"t (Ta thl'\' t"'tr knl'\\", :'Ilo'l's had ht't'll kill.':' in je!'\hurun t J)t'Ult'T0I10111Y 3J::; I anc\ Jo"lm:t hal\ ruled lor (,od. Th('~' \n'l"(' autocratic ruI4'r~ 111\(kr (jod, th(· Tlwocra\. Hut now th{'rt~ \\-as no Cl'ntl'r of authority.

Pa~-;illg- Oil into Juilg-t· ... 10 \\"t' f('ad alMlut the inf:'tmous deNI oi th(' Ill('ll of (iillt'ah :lIld till' d(,,,pentt' 1lI!"3~\ITe" tak· {'II Io\" Ill(' I_(·\·,\(' to ca!! tht, n:ttion 10 jlldgt' lh('l11_ This f('\·oltiTlJ.?; ~tory I~ 1 furth('r n'\"{'lalinn oi what Inppt.'ns whell thert" i.; no kin~.

~il1lihrl~', llwrt, i ... a '-!fl'at letdowll 111 the llloral~ of the I'{'f)\,k today. They are g-r('atl~' corrn]ltt'd. \\'ickt'dm'~~. 1(,\\'fIIlC!'i~, awl licl'ntiO\btlt·~S me \\'idt'~preacl, "\\"t' have turncd n'cn' Oil(' to hi~ own \\;I~" (isai"h :;3:fl), Th('re i~ 110 f("ar of Coc!: thcn·fort, people rio a" the~' please.

Th(' result of till' wirkt-r1 dcee! ill (;itX'ah wa" dl~;lstrotl" -cl\· il war among' tilt' trill('-; of l~ra('L :'Ihny thous"nrl~ of

lin'.; \\Tre lo~t. 'I'll(' tril'e of l1enjamin was alm')st t·x~

tt'!"Ininatl'''_ Tht.·n· wa~ t'llmity ane! ... triil', hittl'rtlC'~ ... among­I,n'thn'n. Cod's n'r!cl'lIlt'd people ii.!.!htlllg onc allotlwr. So Iht.'r(' is hillernt.'~-; ami .;triit, toda~' hccau:-.t" pl'opk' will not loll\\" to the \\'orcl oj Cod tilt'\" reject Ilis authorit~, ;111(1 ha\'e 110 fcar of !In·int' judgnU'llt.

Thank (~{)d, tht'rt' is "t't'!lwdy Sin ahnllmk hilI tln'illt· gract' al'{)lIllrl~ much Illon', Tlw rcmedy is to nmkt· Jt'''!h tilt' King' of (lur li\"t'~ lit' (':\tne to e"rlh I'll! I!(' W;1S rt" jected of lllt'n, "\\'t' l1a\'l' no king hut l'a('!'iar.'· tlwv eril'(1. ". \ W:l\ with JeSt1~. WI' will not han' II im to fIIlt' O\'er liS" ~('\'l,t:thele~~ "It' is King", III' slwll ht· King. 11(, i~ J(,SIl<; Christ Ihl' r .orc!. J t'';IIS Tllt .. tl1.; ,\"ai'iour. ('hri.;t 1I1t':lIIS

,lnOll/fed {If God" I.()!"(\mt'ans ,\faster mill ();,'lIn' That i!'i lIi~ futl titk: .k:-.u.; ('hrbl ,lie Lord. Ill' i~ the hl{'~,,('d

and ollly Ilott'ntatt" (I Timothy ():1:;). 1[(' i~ the Lord I,f lord" (1~{'\'t'lnti(1n lC}:I()). ;'The I.nrd is O\1r lawgi\'cr, the I.orr! is ollr Kinj.(": he wilt sa\"(: liS" (b"iah ,U :22).

The world rejects! lim :mel the cOllse{llH'nC('S .Ire chaos. ("rill1c, cunf\l~ioll, ,mil crlll~t{'rllatiQtI with \\'or"l' judg· 111('111-. Yl·t to enlll(' hut \\'C who know the ~avi()ur ma~' he k('1'1 in perfect pe.'an' ii \\'l' acknow)eclgl' I lis· .;hip. Ci\'l' Ililll 1I1Hli~p\1t('d sway in yom lift- Ho\\' 10 Ilis wilt ill alt llIatt('r~- ·'piril11al. ;;()('ia!. f;na1l(:ial. and otlwr· wi ... e, Ililll rnle OWT your h(,;lrl. yonr" honl(', ami all \'0\11' affair~.

If you yield cOl1tml to Christ and let the ~cript\1res he your final aUlhority, all will he well. For God says, "1 look ('\Cll to him that i" poor. and of a contritc "pirit. and trt'mhleth at my word"" (baiah 6G:2). Crown 1Iim King and you will han' the ht'nefit of Ilis gracious prott'ction :Inri pro\"i ... ion, ;'\\"Iwrt· tIlt' wo rd of a king IS. tlwr(' i~

il(m("r (Eccle"iast('-. X:~ ), <:::i&


An Appointment with God

EACH OF l'S has an appointment with his :\laker. hut none of us knows tht" time or place. It TIlay hi' ~()(tner than we expect

\\'t: Wt'fe reminded of thi ... a few days ago when our city (Springfield. :\Ii s~olln) \\:1..., hit hya \'iolCllt electric storm. T.ightning str\lck :'Ilr,>_ John Hou..,h while she was taking- her washing off the clothesline ;\11(\

killed her instantly This good Chri stian WOI1l(lI1. a memher of Cent ral Assemhly of God, waS suddenly called into God's presence- uncxpected­Iv and withol1t warning: 1ra\'il1~ her hU'ihand. daughters. and oll1(' f lon-I! 011(,,> shocked wil h grie f.

TIlt' qucstion inevit;dll.\" O1 l"i ..,('<;. "\\'hy did it have to happVTl ," \\'e onh know it \\'a~ an ac t of Cnd. and anything He cloes is good. \Vhal­('\'cr the r('a ~O !l , it was moti\'ated by infinite wisdom ami unfailing lo,'c. SOllh' day, in a l)('lIer world, we ... hall llndcrst:md.

One aftcrnoon in junc 1967 \)clll\i ~ 'folnar of Jackson. Tennessee. W;IS riding tandem on a motorcycle. IIi" friend J)a"id was dri \'ing and lkll llis was s('aled hehind him , Suddcnly a holt of lightning- camc Ollt

of a dea r sky and J)rwid wa" in stantly kilJed, while Dellnis had only . . very nll110r llljUr1eS

1)esc ribing- Ihe accidcnt 10 liS n'ccHI1)" Denni s sa id: "It was not r<lin­ing: there wcrc 1\0 clouds : the slIn was shin ing. One second r was on thc motorcycle: the nex t I was si tting OIl Ihe grass . and Da\'id wa s ly­ing there face down. Bystanders said there was lightnlllg and told l11e wc sailed through the air abolll 20 feet. .\ ncwspaper reporter was driving rig-hI Iot'hind liS ami he saw it happ~'n. r fe wrotc it lip in the :\lel1lphi~

p:lJlt"r a nd calkd il a g('Tltline phenomenon." \gain lh (' «IH">liol1. "\Yhy?" Both DenTli ~ and D:I\'id attended First

,\ <;<"<:111 hly in jackson. Both trlT !:> ted in the I.ord jesus as thcir personal S:n·iolil". \\'hy shollid one let:T1·ager be takc n ami the other kft? Only (;()(l kno\\'s. Btlt the expericncc had a profol1nd effect on Dennis. "It showed tJle that my life could be t<"1ke Tl <"1Tlytime," he says, "i h;n'e dedi· cated my life to Cod· fo r I Ie is )J ot dead, whatc\·cr pcople say-and T W;1!lt \0 sen'(' lJi11l ('n'ry day <"1T1d to show others thai Christ is rca\."

\\'e wer(' reminded of the story in Acts 12, James and Pcter were holh apostles. HOlh s<:T"\'c<i Ihe 1,01"(\. It seemed Ihe Church nccded them ha th. l~tll one was <:xcclTtcd by Herod, while the other was deliH~red from priso11 by a Illiradc. Couldn't Cod ha\'e delin're(\ James, a ... easily 015 PClcr? Yes, bu t lie didn't. \Ve cannot probe Cod 's mind. \\'c call only belie\'e lie docs all things well.

.\ fatiter stood in chu rch and testified: "1 thank Ihe for hring­ing ollr son home safcly from Vietnam. \Vc prayed for him every day , and we claimed the promises of Psalm 91. Rccaus<: of prayer he is home , safe and sound. God answers pr<l.yer ."

;\ \'isil0r in the congregation said, "Amen.'· and wiped tears from his ('yes. lie too had a son in \'ietnam. and he too prayed for him e\'cry day; hili his son came home in a co ff in.

Dot's God play fa"orites? Certain ly no\. I Ie loved the apostle .lames as mlTch as He 10\'cd Peter-and today He 10\'es one SOil as I11l1ch as another- but Cod has a good reason for everything lie does, H e does not owe us an exp);;nat ioT1. He is God and has the right to keep His secte ts, l~llt when we reach hea\'cn we shal l understand how "all things work together for {lood to them that love God" (Romans 8 :28).

"\Ieanwhile we are calk'd to trust in His 10\"<: and 10 b<: ready for the summons at any moment. For "i t is appoin ted unto men once to die, but aft er th is the judgmen t" (Hebrews 9:27), \ Ve cannot choose when we shall die, but we can choose how-whether as a born-aga in Ch ri st ian or a si nner un prepared , - r. c.c.



Au,us! l, IH. Numb.!r U3Z

Official Voice of the A ... embliu of Cod 1445 Boonville A venue, Sprinaficld, MI....,ur; 'S!OZ

BERT \\'EBIJ, l!..ruutive Direc tor

ROBERT C. CC:-"NI~GHA;:"I , f!.dito r R. G. CHAMPION, MOIIOgilig Editor NO~~[AN PEARSALL, Art Editor

\\., F. :-'ICPllE~SON , CirClilotioll Mauage r o.~A 'IT "' "NTA'" Il D 'TO '"

0,,,·;<1 Womack, Fo,.~ign .\Iissio" , ; llulh Lyon, HOlUe .\Ii"i,,!}!; E, S. Caldwell. RadIO; C. W. lJe"lo11, Spi,ilual l.iie-EI·angelism; F. Wildon Col · [""ullh . \kll's Fellowship; Johnnie llarne. , Royal Ib."gns ; F'·nelt. Jame., Light·for·lhe· 1..0.'. Verne \J~eKillllcy, Speed.,he. Light; Frances Fos t er, Boy. an,t Girls Miuionary Cruude; An n Ahlf, Warne"', .\li"ioIl3'y ('ounei!; Charlot,e xhumitsd. , Mi.· .i"ne't~'.

EO'TO " ,A L P oLIC: Y " 0 .0."0 HCr! Webh (chairman). £. W. Bethany, G. R. C"rlwn, t\, n. l)a,idson, Jo,~ph R. Flower, G. W . 11ardeaMle Sr. , O. H , McLaughlin, Kermit I,,,ne,,u , II. II. \\'ead. Il X.C:U T'V . "" U I .. YTIlR , O P THIl Q.NI"AL

c:OU N C:'", o~ TH . A S . ........ , •• OP aOD

T. F Zi,"merman, Gene,al Superinlend~,,,: Ber, \\'ehb, C. W. H SCOll , T. E. Gannon. and J. P. lIog3l\, as\iS\3111 general , uper inlwdento; BartleTt l'e,cr!'(\I1, gene,al secHtaty; M. II. Nelzel . gener~1 1'ea"" ... ; E . \\'. lJelhany, G, R. Carl.oll, N . U. P."i,t'OIl, J,,<eph I~. I'lo"·cr. G. \\. Ibrdeanle "r .. 0. H . .\kL:tuf(hlin, Kermi. Ren~a u. and R. II \\·c",1. lIonresi,lenl exeeuthe pre,byler •. COl'ydgh l 19&9 b)' Ihe GeneTal Counc il o f the \'s,.",hlies oJ God. Printed in U.S. ,\. Se=nJ·ch,.

1'''''''11'· p,1i,1 al Springfield, Missouri. W EEKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES

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\\'1-: HEl.lF\·E ,he llible 10 be the ill sp ired ami only in la lli hle and aUlhoritali'e \\'ord of GorL \ \ '1': 1l, "l.IE \·~; !hat the,.e i. one God, eternaliy e,i,,<n, in Ihree I,er,o", . God ,he F;"her, Go..l the :'0011. and God ,he Holy Gho, t. WE IlELlEVE in !he d~i,y of our Lord Jesus Christ, in H i. \"iq;i" birth, in His si nless li fe , i" His mirndes , i" Ili s yicarious and aloning death. in His bodily '·C,UI!"(CIOn, in His ascension 10 Ihe righ, hand oi Ihe F;(ther , alld in Hi . pcrsona l luture re o "'n' 10 this tanh in power and lI'ory t o rule a ,hou,and yoa ' s. WE BEUF\,E in Ihe Ble.sed 1I0p,', whid! is 'he R , p,u,e of the Churd, at (·'"i'I'$ eomi"..:. \\"E llELlE\,E thaI Ihe only nKa'" of bei"l1 cleansed from . in is ,hrough "'1"''''''''''0" a ,,,1 /ai,h ;n ,he p rec ious blood 01 Ch,isl. \\'E BELIEVE that regeneration h)' ,h~ It.,)· ';piri' i~ 3tuohllely uS.II,i~1 fa t l'er~Olla l .al\';\Iion, WE BELIEVE ,hat th. red.mpti,'~ II n,·k of Christ on the erou pro"ides healing 01 the h"rnan hod y in ~nSIl·n t o belie"inll p'~ye r. \\'E BEl.lE\·E tha t ,he baptism of the Holy Spirit, ~eeordmg 10 Acts 2:4. is gi" en to he · li~H'" wh e> ask for il. W E BELIEVE in the <anClil)';IIII pown of the Holy Spirit by i",j"·ell i"g the Ch,i sli~n i ~ enabled ,0 li"e a holy lik WE BELIEVE in the re . u rrection oi both Ih . sa "e'l and the lo.t, the one to e"erlasling li le and th. oth.r to everlasl;ng damna tion .


THo\'!' LITTLE. OLD :\"E\\' II.\\!I':-IIIRF: ~C!!OOL1!m'~E was lighted with the I1!lC('rtain illumination of

sc\'en kerosene !al1lp~ oj v;trious :-l1<l.pes and "ize,;, :'II)" mother had spcnt many minute,; making ~l1re her lamp would shine brightly. Other \Yomen had made similar effort.

It was the night of the nei).,:"hhorhood midweek meeting-. which generally had about 20 peopl(' pr('~('tH and a couple of kindly dog,; thrown in "fo r I-:ood Illta"ure," :\uendallls, fo r the Illo"t part. were praying ]l<,ople- -;til lay iolk. It was a gala ()('"ca~i()11 when a "man of the cloth" was presen t- an (',cnt \\"hich occurred ahout twice annually.

Diifcr('llt men -neY('r a woman were desigmted well in :'1(1\-:111("(' of thr (btc of their "leadership," To he a leader was regarded a great honor. Seldom did anyone c\"er refuse"

Some of the old hymns wcre sung-" always lustily. H ymnbooks WNe seldom employed: folk knew the old songs hy henrI. The tiny organ was \\-heezy. hu! pos:-.ihl~'

( we arc being cha r itable to makc this ad11lis~ion) it helped a little. There wcre many timcs when the quali ty of the s inging iIIu:;tra tcd the Bi blical injunction: ":-"l ake a j o~'ful 110i,e unto the r .orc]. '· Freque nt ly the lIoise was more joyou s t han musical.

The leader always rcad thought-provoking portions of Scr ipture. generally long ones" an d then proceeded to explain thei r meaning. l"llll,.;ual interpretations werc often gi\"ell, somc of which precipitatcd heated (\ehate. The leader" however. wa s iIn-a riah] y the Yictor. L.: nfa il ing-l y he wOl1ld obser\'(' . "\\"hen yO\1 a rc the leader. yOI1 Ill:ly gi\'e any interpret:lliol1 y Oll wish."

Thcn came the scason of prayer H ow tho~e people could p ray ! How those people did pray! J Tere was 110

playacting. nor were nicety or brcvity considered a requisite. Y O Il jllst knew God was there. One felt Ili s presence nearby. 1 wa s only a young lad. bu t I'll nevel" jorge!.

An invitat ion was always gi\·en . Pleadingly the leade r would ask "J s there a person here ton ight who will su rrender Iris life to Christ? rf so. stand up right where \'011 arc." .\ meeti ng without :tn im-itation was unheard of. \Vhat c011ld 11,\\"e been more natural? 1 laving di s­cussed eternal Yalues which he had for "sale." why should not the salesman seck to secure customers)

On this particular night , in response to the invita­tion. Arthur \\ "illiams. a young Illall of about 3.) years. arose . H.esolutioll marked his e\-ery cHart_

"'Amen!"' came a lusty yoice from one corner of tlr C' rOOI11.

" Glory to God!" canle a second . Every face was wreathed with smiles except that of

the man standing: he was in dead carnest. As if it wcre resterday r can see the leader as he

hurried down to \Vi lliams. shook his hand wa rmly . and said. "\Iy brother. do yon here and now receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Sa\"iottr ?"'

"T do !" came the solid answer. Joy ran high <IS the meeting ended. All the people

shook hands with the new COTH"en warmly and excitedly. except one man- Jim Phelps. In ralher pat hetic under­tones he said. ;'1 rej oice in Brother \\,illiams ' decision, but of course I know he will IlCYCr st ick"

Nor cOl1ld he be blamed tOO sc\"crely for that negativc oplTllon_ , \rthlll" \Villiallls h:)d been a <;hiftless. irre-

AUGUST 3. 1969

HE 010



<;pomihle Ill'HI. He was almost a »tranger to work gettillg and (jllittillg johs with r('ckle:-~ :lhall(lol1. Eye n"Ollc liked .\rt hur and often kit sorr\' fOI" him and his lack' of d irection" Consequently 1lI0.~1. - if nOl all, the people helie\'cd he wOllld not ""tick'"

But God !llo\"e~ in l1Iysteriou~ way". That night. in tlH' diml~' lighttd schoolroolIl. a w()]'k of ]"(":)1 gnc{' had begun. Cost what it mig-ht. ,\nhur \\"llliams rcsoh'ed to be true to hi~ b('~t self :ll!d \0 God.

As days passed people wonde red and e\'('11 mnn-{"led thc challge was unbe1icyablc" Tho<;(' who hold heen so

su re \\' illiaIl1~ woul d not "stick" chang<'c\ their minds_ They began to put God into the equation.

Three mon th s pa~sed during which i\rth\lr proved that in Chr i»l he was a new creature. Old things had passed <tway and al l things werc become new, II I" :;oon secured work. to which he was faithful in every way. :\0 long-er was he ca r<'icss and indifferent: C\'cryolle callIe to trust him. He ne\"er missed a midweek meetIIlg. \\lith glow­ing- facc. he always told of the wonderful chaug'c which Chri st had brought to hi s heart.

Seven yea rs later \\,illial1l s was included III a large group of lumberjacks dearing an cxten sive timber lot a few miles west o f 0111" home. I t was a ile o f those perfect JUlle days. abou t which poets hecolll{' ecstatic. The heat IV:) S that of midsummer.

Standing on n gigantiC fallen hemlock. \Villi ,I111S sw ung hi s ax heavily to Cllt off a protrudin!! branch, In doing this his ax caught in a branch over hi s head, and the blade of his ax buried itself in the calf of his right leg. The blood ~ptlrtcd out like a young gcy;;er.

Eager hands remoycd the wounded Illan from the tree !1nd placed hill! 011 an illlpro\-ist"d bed of horse blanket s with OIlC blanket for a pillow. Lumberj:lcks OftCIl

(C ontilllfcd on pagc II)



ASSEMB I FG By G. JEFFREYS WILLIAMSON / C/lfllnmlll, .'/.u"1IINi(',. ,,! God u; (,r('oIl firilam wid {re/IIIIII

T lflRI ,\II.! lltRFI. l'lnlT\1 PRJ,,\ II'I.I.S which ,,\1111

m;\rlf(' and include all "I her i(·alun· ... of Ollr \" ... ('111-

hlit's of 1 ; .. d f{'llC)\\'.~lii\,.

1 ThtTt' h the \\{It,,hip \I't' IIIUq praetl(e.

2. Tlwl"c is tl\(' \\"on! \\'(' Illtl:-! proclaim.

.t Thefe i" Ill\' II or!": II'l' IIm,,{ pur"w',

THE WOR SHIP WE MUST PRACTICE Tl1(" d\dIUll ... :\1;111 i ... a \\()r.~hipitl~ heillJ..:":' IS a Bihlical

Oil('. II was .1l':-'llS (.\);11")'; J .111 who c!Hht' 1ll('1l. primarily "Iil:!! tht'\ ... 1)(1111<1 ht- \\iI11 hi111," ,l1lel "enmdly to \\ork for llnll. 1'("\('1" "aid (1 j'('ln 2_.~1 ... y{' . a re built up a :-'\11riIl1<\1 hOll"\', ;. hol,l' priv"lhoo<l. 10 ofier lip spirilu;tI :o-atTiiir('s." I 'aul ,,;lid (J 'hilippian ... J:3) that "w(: are Ill(' ('irC\lllln~i(lI1, \\"hieh worship (;od in till' ~piri t ,"

\\"e lllig-hl inquire, "\\"hat art' th(' il'<llllrCS of scriplllral \\'or,,\iip ',"

It is 1/1(11'/;,'(/ h' "'·Ylllarily. [ ;1111 "trnc\, by the iacl Ih,11

Ih(' \'arl.\- discipk .. rig-idh adhered to :111('1111<111("(' :11 Ihe h()I1~l' or" \\'or"hil'_ "L pon the iir.~t clay of lhl' \I·{,('k·' tlH"Y hruke brt'ad j \cls 2():i I. "conli11uing daily with 011(' ac­cmd ill Ill!' tl'!l1pk." pra!~illg God" (,\cts 2 :-16. -171. [ am appalled hy the !!\lTllher of fo]\.: who kd thai \0 alle11cl dUlreh Ol1("e 011 :-:'lInday i~ sllffici('lll, ;lnd tha I lllidw('ck worship "\:nil'\',, afe lIt\llece~"ary. \\'ith a .. honer working" \\'('('k and ;111 ill("1"(,;\,,<: of ki.~lIrl' timt', they spend le .. _~ time, 110t Ill(lre, in (;0(\'" hOI1~(' . ill _~pit{' (If their profe"sed jo\"e for the 1.(\n\ ! \\"e 1\(.'I,d to he H'1l1inded of Ilchre\\',; 10:2.1: ":":ot jur"aking Ihe as~emhlit1g of our~l'l\'Cs together

This i" all abridgCIIWll\ "f the Chairman", adllrn~ at the -If,th anuual ( ;ent'ral CIl!11erC!lC(' "i _\~,"mhlie' of ( ;,)(1 h\:l<l :>lay 1O-li, ll)(,c). al !\1I11in, Ilo1iday C;un]), ntl)!,IlO1" I~q:i~. 1':I1~bll\l. The ('"ontaellce themt' \\a_. ":>Jail1taininj{ the Glow" O\"('r -1.000 ;I ttt'nded.


and ~() Inuch the more, a~ yt' ~l'l' tht: (by approaching. " II iy illilr/,o('d II)' spirituality. Jesus ';<lid, "Cod IS a ~pirit:

;Ind th(,\· lhal wor"hip him 11111St worship him in spirit and in lruth" (.Iohn ~:24-). Thc S;lrllariWIl woman to \\'ho111 ,kslls addn's~('d this injullnion \\'a" confll~ed as 10 thl' place , pat\l.:rn, ,\m\ practice of worship. In His reply J eslls ll1<lde it de<lr that il i" not where . hUI how: \\"l1etl1('r it is in :\[01111\ (r~'I"izim, :\Jo\1nl Ziol1, or el"ewherl', il is I1cither locatirJll nor poStllH' which really Inatters, IJ\lt it is the in­ward de\'lltioll oj the he<lrt.;\len~ presence at a <lil·il1t: sen·ic(' is not {'llollg-h. Spiritu:l[ worship is that which Clll­<lnat('s irorn Iht: g-rateiul heart to ollr 100ing (;or1. There ;\H' thost, people who "<lra\\" near me with their mOllth, and \\'itb their lips do honO!" m('. hut h<l\'(' n' !1lO\"l'd their hear t far from Ille" (lsiliah 29:13).

II is ll1orb'd II.\' spollialle!!.\,. \\'r f'emecostals critici ze the litanies :l1lri liturgies of othus . yet many of O\1r worship s('n-ices follow traditiona l patterns \\' ith pred ict­ahle Illono tnny. 1)0 wc allo\\' P('n lcco"tal ritl1al to obscure [\:!l\('costal re:tlity -- E\-cil a cursory reading of 1 Co ri n­thians. ch;lll1CrS 12 , 13. <lnd 14, re\'cals sOlllething oj the e'\hilaratiOIl of " t:;\ch Olll' '' "polltalwut1sly \\"onhip­ing" (;od by thl' Spir it. ill tht Spi r it, and thn!t1gh Ih(' Spirit.

Om dang-tr today is not fanatici"lll . hut iormalislll, often think oj .\. \\' . Tozer's story of a team of policcmen ~t;l1ld1!lg at a c{'lllctery wilh baton,; drawn in eas(, of an uprising! [ g('1 the feelil lg thai our reluctance at IlI nes to allow the ;-;pirit to IllO\"C in otH' Illid~t. and {JII\, critic i"IlIS and ie;lr.~ \\"hen tlJ("r(' is the .sligh test " sound of a going ill tht' top_~ of the nllllherry Ire{'~ " (2 Samuel 5:2-1), <lre ;\" u1\frl1l1\ded as the d:l1lgt:r depicted in that story! \\'e could do \\'ith ('ea~il\g gU:lrd du ty ;lnd ~;l.\· i llg- with J),l\id (I Clmmitles 2():20) " 10 all thc congrcgation . :":ow h\e,~.~ the 1.0rd yo\\!" Cod ." I am no fanatic, hut I he1 icn' tll;1I ' ;wherc


the Spirit oi the Lord i:-:;, th('r<' is lihcrty" (2 Corinthian~ 3 '17) both in the pulpit and in the pew,

There i~ a recurring- phr:be in !'aul's lcttcr.~: it is, "To whom be glory for ever," Ld our fundamental duty he thus iuliilled, I.u Je:-:;us ('hn't h(' prah:l'd. In :\Jonah Ihe inquiry was. ·'''·herl' !" Ill(' lamh?" In Ikthaloara the cry was, "Behold tl1(' iamh!" In (;Iory the tht'me i~, "\\'orthy i", the lamh." \\'or:-:;l1ip i:-:; simply "worthship," and He is \\-orthy. ior he ha, "I()\"/.~d u:-. , ami \\,;\,;he(l lh from our sin" in hi" OWll blood. and hath 111ach· 1\,; kl11g:-:; "( Re\-­C!:t tiOll I:.;, () I I,ct lh worship I lilll'


\\'c are a Bihlc-Io\'ing" p{'opll', not nnly conn.'ding- that it contains the \\"onl oi Cod. Inn declaring that it is thc \\'or(\ of God

III E(kn, Satan wa,; Ihe fir :-:;t to mock the \Yonl of \'od. j l;l\'ing failed \() ~eize God's throne in heaven he tried to o\'('rthro\\' Cod's \ \ 'orel on eanh, Tht period known a~ t\w :\Iiddle .\ ges is also ('olll[ilOnly knowll as thc Dark \gt'S (with the 12th to 15th cenluries being the darkest}-and no wonder. for the \\'onl of (;od was a sl1ppre~"ed and d<:­spised Book.

Romanism, Ecnmenism. :'Todernism, I luman ism-all ha\'e hurled their cr iminal assaults upon the good \\'on\ of God. hut It st:md;; invincihle, .\fter the d:lrkne~:, of pr iestcraft and supe rstition . Cod used the trend in Renais­sance schola rsh ip to study the original texts (which was morc an :l.cademic exercise and art than a devotion), to pave the way for the great Protestant Reforma tion under T .uther .

The W ord of God is Oil!" rill" fo r faith. There is a need today for preaching and teaching which articulate the \\'onl of God. First Timothy ~ opens with a reference to '"doctrines oi dev ils." It proceeds to explain that the way to combat eno l' is to preach "good doctrine" (\'. 6). Then again in \" , 13, "Give attendance to . doctr ine," and yet again in v. 16. "Take heed untO the doctrine." T o yet another pastor. Paul writes, "Speak sound doctrine" (Ti­tus 2:1 ) ,

It wa s as they "heard the \\'o rd " ( Acts 10 :4'"0 that "the Holy Ghost fell on them." \\'e must instruct and also encourage the people to read the \\'onl privately and col­lectively in family altars. \\ 'c are hut beginning to see thc \'alue of gett ing the \\'orc! into the hands of children and adul ts hoth at home and overseas. by corre"pondence courses and htera ture evangelism , \ Ve do well to remem­her that it was by pri\'atcly reading the Word that :\fartin Luther saw the ligh t. Bunyan had a similnr experience . Tt is il Book of li \'ing and last ing truth and dynamic potential.

T he Bihle is also Oll r nrlr for practice. If c\'er there was a d;ty when person;tl a nd social patterns of behavior flouted God's \\·orc1 . it is today \\ 'e li ve m a pcrmissi\'e society. \\'e must reiterate again and again the demanding stand­ard s of God's \Vont. which says, "Don't let the \\"orld aronnd yon squeeze ,1'011 into !I S own mold" (Homans 12:2, P hillips ) . \\'e must pray, "Deliver us from e\' il"' (\ latthew 6;13 ). e\'er apply ing the acid test, "What sailh the Scrip­ture?" (Gabt ians -t :30). THE WORK WE MUST PURSUE

The Church tllllst conccrn hen,e1f not o nly with he r div!ne orig-in and dil·ine destiny, bllt also with her div ine obligation. \\ ' e !lInst find, follow, and finish the work God has for ns to do. God wanlS to mobili ze us like the bones

A UGUST 3. 1969

III E7.('kid's n:-:;iPIl. \\'"t' are not called upon to I){' ke('pers oi nqll:!ril!1lb hut "ii~l!('r, of 1Ilt'1l

II Ii.'''''''''''''''· "Th"",h I 'I~'h "ith tI", "'''g"" (Ii ,rh()hr~hi!, "wi u"e high-~()ulHlil\1!" phra~c~ ,!Ild wdl· COHWc\ ~t'nt("Kt'~. and tholl1o.!:h I han' a wl!lnin~ !x'r,onality, ;mel iail to W!1I :<o\lb for Chri~t. I am a cloud withotll rain :lnd :t wt'll \\-nholll Wrlt('r Thol1~I' I IllHit-r,land :dl th(' !lly:<tt:rit,~ of rt"\igioll~ p~~Th(\log-y, and thoug-II ( ha\"{' Bihli­cal k"nwlt'd~(', and 10,,(' not m~:-:;di 111 the ta~k oi winning ~()l!I" i(lr Chri~t, t am ht'COml' as 11Ighly polishl'd br:!~~ and ;I~ a da1l1o.!:i!l~ r~'ml,;d."

Ollr lIIe.,'sa.,{!' Hlltst h' al/taNi tirOl/lid ,/ f'!"rs~t)'- \\'hell j I C \\-l'l1~ wa~ ,,:-:;ked 10 l'\'aluatt' a frit'lJ(l'~ l1Iallu~cript,

lit" "t;lted: "You have a certain :-:;tyle hut no ~\()r~'" The apo~tolic stnry r('H)\wd around Christ. Tlwft, i~ a danger­C)11~ po~~ihility of mak!llg' ';llt'aling-," "iaith," "power," "e\'angt'\i~m.'· "Pe1lt~(\~tali~!l1," etc,. Ollr Il1n~ag-e. Our pn'aching I1ltJ~t ht' Christo-ct'ntric. 1 Ie hold~ the celllral 1)( .:<i t iOIl in tht Trinity (Father, SOil, Spirit) \t Cal\"ar~' t11l'r(' \\'('1"(' three c r(]:-:;:-:;('~ with Chri"t ill the r('nter, \\"hcll l"edis('o\-erer\ IJ\' 11 i~ parent,.; in J ertl~:lkm lie w:h with doctor,.; and learned ]}len, but ill the CCllIer. \,'hell I Il' ap­peared 10 Ili~ di.~clple~ aiter the Re~lIrrection lTe was "in their mid~t."

In the ponico of the Pt'llI:\tt'uch lie \\'a~ ill the center a" th(' iulfillmt'llt of en'ry typt·. In tht' Illtlsic room of t h{' l'~alllh the great organ of mture pll\~ates with the prai::;e of One \\'ho domin;lIt's ih music [n til<.' ohs('f\'atory of the I)ropheh the major and mino r telc:-:;copcs art: train('d 011 an C\'ent yet to he , "the hright and morning ~Iar." [n the cOllsen-ato ry oi the Canticlcs Ill' is "thc lily of the \'alley and th(' rose of ."h<lron," In the forum of the Cospc\" He I::; always in the cen ter. On the battlefield of thc ACb lie is in the centcr of c\'cry act of triumph, Tn the writing rool11 of the I~p!~tles e\'ery quill i:-:; portraying Iii " position and n'questing" th at Hi s followers keep Him central in their li\'es, Tn the \poc;\lrp~c lie is seen "in the midst of the throne." li e must hold nu les~cr place in our message,

Finally, our m(}ti1'(',~ /1111-'1 1)(' riyht. \\'e I1lIl~t bc on guard against any tendency (like the ~chemers of Babel, Gt'nc~is II :4 f to make a name for ollfselves, God has not call cd us to institutionalize , hilt to evangelizc, The purpose moti\-a ti ng 11::; IllUst be Ihe g lory of I lis name and thc ex ­tension of I I is kingdom,

In too manv vocahularies lOcla),. evangelism is equated with feedulg the hungry, clean ing lip slullIs . edllcating the illitnat(·, llursing tile sick, and chauging "ocial "trllcturcs . \"0 ont' c;nl o\'crlook the need for Chri~ti:m c(]lllpa~sion,

hut, brethren, our parlicul;lr purpose is greater than thaI. It is to lead sinners to Ch ri~t and extend I lis dominion.

To know Christ oursch'es and 10 makc I lim known to others this is our calling. \V(' do not prl'ach a thcory, but an experience \\'i t1101l1 a pe rsonal ('xpericnce. we !!lay he well organ iz ed htlt we wil) !1Ot hc ellt:rg-ized . :\!t-rdy to he replt'le wuh leadersh ip train!ng, 10 ha\'e the mOst prudellt admin i"trati\'C procedu res, to he well groomed, highly ed­ucatl·d, engag-ing ill "hig-hminess" techniqu es, \\"ill ul ­t imately lead us to spiritual ha nkruptcy , In a spiritual war­farC' thc only trllly cffeCli \'C weapon s arc spiritua l ones. If we neglect this fundaml'ntal axiom we do so at our pe ril; hut if wc recogni zl' it and come to <l personal commitment then we will prove a n il1\'incihle force worthy of Ilim who called tIS. ami we shall "maintain the glow." ~


ABOVE : Roy Sopp give. the appeal for so l­vo l ion _ BELOW : Missionory Ve rnon Potten­ger introduces Ihe foom from South AfricQ.


I -- -

in Sal isbury, Rhodesia, ~ T HE J 11(;III'IE]'O DISTRICT of Salis­

hury. Hhodcsia, wa s alive with acti,-it}" as Chri stian workers erected a hig' gospel t~'l1t and began to puhlicize their corning Goon X£ws CR t: SAI)E.

I n preparation for the crusade they had distributed over 20,000 J .ight-for-111(' -1,0,,1 parll1lhlcts, pIlI Ill' large post ­en; at many strategic locations. and at­tached a 30-foot GOOD NEWS CRUSADE h;ul11cr to the tent itself.

From the ve ry beginning the eru­;"v1<: was a thrilling success. :\fissionary Palll Wright had added a 20-fool sec­tion to the gospel telll so it could scat IIp to 400 people. hut from the first ..;er -

\"ice the tcnt was packed ou t and people were standing at the hack, in the aisles, and outsidc. He rented additional chairs btlt still the crowds grew too large for thc 6O-foot tent.

The enl!1ge1i!;t for the first week was Roy G. Sapp. pastor of First Assembly of God in \\'i lmington . California, who along with hi..; \\"iie and a dcacon fro ]11 his church. Ray :\"cill (who has been \'cry ac\i\'c in the Light-for-thc-Lost program) made a significant contribu­tion to evangelism in Salishury.

)'lissionary \\·right said of Pastor Sapp. '·1 Ie real1y filled the hill and won hi~ way into the hearts of the people.

LEFT: Campaign sponsors were Ray Neill (left ), Ray Sapp, and POllt Wright. ABOVE: The South Africon quortet wos made up of Brothers Mononyane, Ndaba, Masalwane, and Sindane.



3., South Africa ,




HI: completely nullified Ill(' notion that the white man's ministry is a thing of the P;I,>I in this country." By the end of the first week. 147 adults hac! signed r1cci~ion cards.

For the ,>ccond wl'ek the evangelist was J-farold ~!onollyanc. superinten­dellt of our churches in South Africa. He and his quartet cnmc with )'rission­ary Vernon Pcttcngcr fr0111 Pretoria. For the last two nights they had to hire the ncnrhy Jennings Iiall, but e\'en thell at least 200 people had to he lurned away.

By the end of the second week Pas­tor Sll(Idrach Lckuku and his leading


-. worker .\l ,'sliM}' Chimsoro had a hig: jnh :lhead oi thelll to \"isit OHI' 300 TlCW C01l\-crB in the follow-up.

Rhodc~ia i:, one of the newest mis­sion fields of the .\sscmhlics of God. Thc P:I\II \\'rights, who Opt'llcd our work in the capital city of ~alishllfY. will soon return to Hhod('sia frOtll their pres(,llt l"nited ~!ate~ fmlough. They will he joined this fall hy the Holand [olleses and t\l(- Donald Phillipses. One of their fir,,! projects will be the COIl­

struction of a church in the llighfield district of :-;alisbury, and from there they plan to reach out to evangelize the entire country of Rhodesia. a

TM con"iction of .in i. thi. cun." wo .... ui ... a,. the do .. of the COM,. .... o"er 300 people hod .i9ned decl.iOll cer-d •. TM local belie"o" di.tribu .. d mo,.. tho. 20,000,.the.Lolt ,.mphlett.

LIFT: G,... Zembe, Su.cloy .chool ",",. inN.dont of the Soli,bury Auembl,., lad a !"INdo orou.d the .rou.d •. AIOVE; '0'­ton Mo.hoch ChimlOro and Shod rock Lo· kYll.. wo,. thriUod with tho cempoi,n .

STEWARDSHIP Smufay .\rllIIof ,,{'SSOII fur .·lllr/r/.~1 10. ]1}(jfJ


Tr\\OnlY rdi-21


I 'alii warutd Timothy :lg"ain:-,t fabe teachers and preach­ers. J Ie d{'~crih{'d thcm a" 111('11 who SllppO.~(' ",hat gain is g'odlllWS"": tilt,y wefe making' two Illistakes commonly mark IOday: (I) regarding' rdigion primarily as a source of profit; alld (21 assllming that l11:tten;ll hlessing i~ all im)i('atinn of (;()c1's ia\"or.

In :tnswtrillg' Ihes(' fals(' t {'achcr~. !'aul I1std a touch of 11"011\" religiol1 is. imkcd. a great sO\lrce of profit- --!lot ma~ \('rial rid1{'~. hut Ihnse Tl1('ntiollNI in 1 Timothy 4:l-\ which hrillg CfHlj('nttll('n\ (thi" in itself makes one rich) in thi" life :!lld in {'\t'l"nal lif" with Chri"t.


Palll didn't CO!l"idel" IX)vcrty:\ virtue, nor the possession of wealth a "in. llc pointed oul that the mark of trlle god­Iille~s i" 10 find 011(>\ COlll('l1tnwnt in God rather than in tIJi/If/S.



, • ,


\-rr"c 7 gins a n'ry logical reason for such content­ment . For wc hrougbt nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carrv tWlhing out." \\'1." take with us into eu·rnit\· "Iwt Wl' ar; .. not what we flat'c. Thus we need to c(,I1<.'e!l·tr;uc:: nil tho~(' thing~ which afiect our spiritual li\'cs, character, and relati{ln~hip ,,-ith God.

":\nd h;'\'ing iood and raiment. let us be therewith con­tt'nt.·· 'uch things are only oi relati\"{: importance. ~o \\'t'

"hfJlllri l>t· cfmtellt wilh a __ ufiicient ~tlpply and gi\'e our chi{'i ,ttlentiqn l(> the 1ll,llter oi godline~~,


Paul wa~ not arldn.-,--; ... ing those who ar(' rich btlt those who drsi"r to be rich: tl1U~ hi ... Wl)rds apply to poor people a~ wl-'11 a ... tl) people oi mode:;l means, ),-either Christ nor Paul ever taught that it \\";:1--; .--;inflll to ],ecome r ich, 11\\t 1.nth had plc-nty tn ~ay ahout the d:l11ger~ along tha t path­wa\' 1 fen' Palll told TitllOtll\" to warn tho,;e who a~pire to 'ht'cnme wealthy to hc full)' awa re of the dangers they will (;I1C0I1111er al1d of the ~nar(',~ they must a\·oid. lie then poinH·d out the cOI1~eqm'nce1> to 1110;;e who po~scssed the inordinate de,.,irc for wealth:

!. Tllr)' 1.:ill ('fail i,l to I('m/,Ialioll." The verb used here implies a continual falling and also implies yielding under IJ1(' test. T11O:;e who desire wealth are constantly exposed to the t(,111ptation 10 acquire it in qucstionablc \\'ays.

2. Thl'i' 7,·ill "{'CUlIII' I'II.o1(lrcd. Satan has ensnared or trapped n'l<lny ministers and laymcn through this desire for \\'ealth.

.1, ('Tlln' j(lll illio mOil)' joolish (/lid hurljlllllls!s." Con-toI1SIl(-'''''. the low: of money. is the root of Y:\rious other "im di"holl{'sty. deception, neglect of worship. ne­g-lect of family. and c\'en immorality.

4. Th('y lII(lY be drO'l,'Il('d "ill dl'siruetioll Gild perditioll." ,\Ianya man has drified from simple fai th in Christ and dedication to J lim to a life of materialistic unbelief. hard ­ness of hean, and carnal h\'ing, simply hecause he hecame too occupicd with moneymaking.


Paul thcn contrasted the conduct he expected from Tim­othy with the false teachers and wealth seekers whom he had de~cribed previotlsly. :\otice his key words:

I. Flce. "But thOll, 0 man of God . flee these things. " Sometimes the re is great wisdom and foresight in knowing how 10 rim! Joseph fled whell tempted by Potiphar's wife. Timothy was mged to keep inwardly detached from ma­terial things and not to expose himself to the temptat ion they offered.

2. Pollo'l'. "Follow after r ighteousness, godl iness. fa ith, love, patience . meekness." These \·irtucs are not the fruit of sel f-effort. They are the fruit of the Spi rit. Yet the Christian must allow the Spirit r ight-of-way in producing these fru it s. To follow implies activity. Are we working as hard 10 attain these Christian g races as we are to obtain materinl things?

3. Pight. "Fight the good fight of faith . lay hold on elernal life." Both terms fight and la)' hold suggest an athletic contest. \\'e wrestle not against flesh and blood hu t against e\·i1. \Ve have heen providcd adequate equip­Illent for this warfare ( E phesians 6 :12-1 9). Ours is the pri\'ilege of im'csting ot\!" li\'es in pursuit of those riches which endure. I,et tiS not grow weary_ ~


HE DID SliCK (Cuu/inlfed from poue 5)

give an appearance ui being "hard a:-i ll:ub:' lInt 1Il an emergency ;!re as tender as a 111(lthcr.

On(: lllan wa.~ quickly dhpatdwd [0 lu;!ke l'\'Cr~ po~­~iule cfiort to contact ,I doctor; Inn the distance \\"a~ tou

great and the l'llll.:rgCllCy to" anlt(' 10 n-('n dfl'am oi ~ucce.':i"', Othcr.~ quickly applied a lOUf111qud

But from the 1lI()111Cnt the ;JX blade \\-e11l 111\(1 his kg. .\nhuf \\'illia111'; W,\" a doollled 111:111 .. \1\ a'ali/.cd the fact; 110m' more flllly liJ;11l the injured !I1;I1I. ~lo\\"ly. hut \'cry surely, he \()oked death "q\larch ill the ian', airaid. yet lrtI"tiul. .

Indeed the d;l~ \\":l~ peril'Cl ~t1mhinc "pb,..hed il-. beamy e\'cry\\"hefe. Birds "ang a" if their tl!ru;l\,; would bre;lk But the\ were W)t to "ill;..'; alone .. \ IlC\\- and totally IlJl('xpcClt"d \oicc was Iii 1H' added.

\\'ilh hi~ cOlllpaniolls galhered arll\lnd h1111 a" he re­clined on the mile COl. .\rthur requt".~led. ··:-'len. ,,:lY lIlt' Lord's Prayer \\·ilh me." .\\·\"(~r was th:1t tillll"-honon:d prayer ('\"('1' prayed tl10P' "inn·rd\". :-'Iatl\· en'" \VcrI' wCt with 1l1l1)idlkn 11::011'".

Then .\ r thllr \\·illi,\!n.~ beg-an to sing- all old hymn of trust oftell u"cd :It the sc1Hlolhousc rnn·tillg.~. slllgm).: as he had never :;\I11g before.

"' Ji.\, 1I('f/'i.'CJdy h01ll1' i.l" briylll lind fair. No rain liar death ((//1 ellter therc. 1'111 yomy !IO/Ilr. I'm yomy hom,' 10 dit' no Hlor,·. To die no more. 10 rii(' 110 m01"('; I'm goill!.J h01l/1" to die 110 more."

. \ ~ he cOlltinued the old "ong of silllplc bUI profound faith . his \'o ice faded umi!. with scarcel\" more th:l1I a wh ispe r. he fini"hcd. "To die 110 more."

There was a telltale C"OIl\'It!"l\"l' shudder. \rthur was dead . but he had ··sluck.'·

1 n a rural;"" ew I r ;l111pshin: cemetery Ollr lot i., horde red by a nother UpOIl which there is :t simple stOlle . It is mar ked . . Irtlllt r W illiams· Tile .1 11/11 Who Did Slick!

T hat is God's way. Ollce a life is tlll'll('d o\"cr to ! lim completely . it \\i!1 "stick" ~

Man. Tues. Wed.




... .. . Mark 5 : 1-20 Thurs. . ..... Acts 5: 17-32 . .... John 1: 6- 18 Fri Acts 22:6-16

..... ... ... Acts 1: 1- 11 Sa t . .... ... ... 2 Car. 5 : 1 1-21 Sun .. .... .. .. .. Eze kiel 3 : 15·21

"Bu t ye sha ll receive power, after tha t the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye sha ll be witnesses unto me both in Jeruso lem, ond in all Judea, and in Sa ma ri a. and unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1 :8).

A UGUST 3 . 19 6 9

(<II iI.'· 1.:;·1~ S'/YS rI' nt',r ... ~!" .,,/.1' I, ollS/illfl" ,h, 'rd,,. "j I'II/,'sliu! 1/',/.1" IllS tho Yj/,

It j" gellt·c ll\" ('on:-idtH''\ that Ihi" "ri\'l"1" oj FgYl't" \\"a.~ a "II 111 ~trt'a1ll "ite) dn in ... utll!1wr which fortl"'.~ tht· I,oun lar~ 1,,·twt·l"1l 1· .. ~YI't and !';lk~tiIW

/111 In' 1II:"11'·.\·/,·r,,- wd,/." ~.',' /I,'ar til,' tOIll "11, 'y .\"/'11';('

il/st"ad of "lIoly Ghost." I.; il nol correcl :" -'''. '"!'O/"II of lit,· '\/'H·i(· bllf ··ha(>ti:.d ",·illl till' lIoly (;110 .• '"

You do \\"t'11 tn c1i~tin~ui"h 1>t"I\\Tt'll the /H.'\\' birth ,l!ld tIlt' :-ipirit-filkd liie, hut we 1ll11.,t renwmhef hoth \l'l"ms :\n' w,t'd oi ontO :-';Plflt nol t\\"o. \\'1\("n we '11\":1" oj tht' Iloly ."!,lrit (If tIll' J Jo!.\ (;ho"t. \\"(' me:!!) the ,amI' tltt'

C'(,mf()rtt'1" whom Jl""ll~ .,,:ud ! Ie \\"ould .~l·nd. \\'ht'll th" Bihl(· \\"I.~ tr;\II.~latl'd Inttl Frl~h,..h. it W:h

('llrn'l1t lh<lg"e 10 Sl~:lk oj Ih~· ('nllllont'l' ;h th ... ' l!ph' Chlh\. TIlt' \\"ord !11l".;1 had nO "spooky" nll':\ning in thOse da~·". The tefm flo!y ..... tiril is l1~l'd l!1 pfe-.('"m·ciay tralh ialion:->.

!lllt th .. olher di~linni()n yon ~11t'<lk of n'lll<lin~. In qjyatioll a Jlt'r~OI1 i" I>(I/"I! of the Spirit: in liI(' Baptism <l pcrson i.~ fill,'d with the ~pirit.

/t.(. hCllr II/(' 11'1'111 "/"tii!liol1" so COIII/IIMI!y itSI'd that il 11l,'all~' "·,Ty lifll,' s/,irill/,/lly. /fm .• ' ':,'mtlt! .vorl til'.uri/'j' rl'­liyirllr as b/·h.· .. ·,·d bJ' flri' .'!s.\·/·nrh!i,'S oj God.'!

l~dig"ion is dl'\'otion tn an~·thing- eonsi(kfed a deity, and Il))('dit'n((' til the same. !t llll':llh re\"(·rt·llce for some­thing- ":lC"rt"d. True rt·li<.::ioll is worslllp of the \hnig-hty (~(ld :Ind ()h~'dietlcv \0 1 !i~ require1l11.'llh.

fa1l1es has defined it Ih\l~: "1 'u1'e rellg-ion and 1lI1ddiled 1.dor(· Cod and (he l;":lthel" i~ Ihi~, To \isit thc fatherless and \\·It!O\\",.. in their afijictioll. a1l(1 to 1.:(('P himself 1I11-"polted fro1l1 the I\"orld" (.fanll's [:27). If a p('f~O!l t:l].::eS time to :\nal~'Zl' this \'cr~(', he will find il full of meaning. I row llH1ch cOllcern do we ha\'c for fellow-Christians? 1 low fn:t' are w(' frOln heing spotted by t he world?

noes the rod srn~'!"1 of ill PrO'val,s 23 :13, 14: 1.1 :2·' Te­frr 10 (I filrral .\1"itch or brlt!

T he rod .':ipOkell of in these \'er~es means an imtrument oi correction. It could include using- a belt or switch. llo\\"clcr. lile usc oi the word beat a~ fonnd in thcs(' passag-es !I1u ... t not he ill t('rpr('tl'd to mcall t h:11 children should hc abused It means wise correc tion. difiering ac­cording to thc age anel disposition of the ch ild.

Before a child is physically C"hastiscd. he should be t<lug-ht what is required oi him. a11(1 why. The rod should he uscd only when ntlK'r mcans of chasti:>elll(.:nt ha\'(, iai1ed. Tt is unfo rt unate whe n a pa rcn t strikes hi ... child simply hecause the parcm's own disposi tion is un kind or hecalhe lit" i ~ :lngry. I .el thc parent h imsel f be dis­ciplillNI: then he is able 10 disciplille the ch ild. III COIl ­nectioll with discipline. the rh lle! ll("eds ass urance o f t he parelll\ lo\'e and protect ion.

II yo u fI<I~'i' (I spiritlhd pr{J!;It·", or (III)' qU,'Slid') u/uml 11i(' Bib/,·. Y{Ju (lr,' il);·il .. d 10 1.1'1/1' I·, '"rolfr QII,·sll(i!lJ.'· Th,' ['""laosl(J1 hnw!}.-I. 1445 lioOlH.·illc. SprlJ/(fJi"'tf . .l/issrlUri /,jX[)2. Hr"/f,,,r IViI!inIHs1 .. ill (JIlS,.·", if you Si'II{/ 1I Slulllp,·(/ Sl'II-uddrl"ssn[ <'111'1'/01'1'.



- -

Thank~God for ;-;-~6 .• R~VIVALTIM~

By MRS. LONNIE THOMAS /Issl'mbly of God. TIl/iii Cily . .-In::mlll

I ~ OL'R HRST l'ASHmAn: there was no rndio in our hum­Ilk parsonag{' in northern I.olli!)iann. But we did han'

011(' in the !rllck th;l{ had hcen c01l\'erted into a Sunday ~chool hilS. so e\'(-ry Sunday afternoon my hushand and I would climh into the \chicle lO he hk:~~ed lly tIl(" Asse!l1-hlies of Cod broadcast SCi'll/OilS IJJ ,\'olly-the forerunner of NC1,i110I/ill]l'.

That was in 1946. :\0\\,,23 years late r, we serve as mis­sio11arie.-; ill a re!l1ote area of the t\a\'allo Indian Reserva­tion, Indccd, 1I10st of our Illinistry has heen among \he 1 ndian people.

In onr curre-nt post \\'c arc too far from a radio station to hear NI''I.'i~'(llliJ//c o\'cr the airw<l\'cs. but since last :\1<1)' wc ha\'C heen ahle to cnjoy it by way of ou r tape rccorder. Each week \\'(' receive a tape recording of a 1<('1..,;t'ol/ill1c hroOldcast which we play for our I ndi:1I1 friends who can understand EngliSh.

I low wonderful it is to hca r the choir sing the songs that warm our hearts and listen to Brother C. i\l . \Va rd's mes­sages which o\'er tl1(' years h:\\"<: challenged and encouraged liS as lahorrrs in (hri"t\ kingdom.

.'\fter the limn}" years we lahored as missionaries among the Amcrica n Indians. you can imagine the appreciation we had fur Brother \\'anl's words when we H;;tened to the first Nc'/,i'l'a/til11c tape we reccived:

"J have always respected the pioneer missionary \\"ho volunteers. who feels a com pulsion to plunge into this da rkness. That persOIl Ica\"e~ behind him the direction s igns of religiolls cr('cd and moral code. That person mo\"es into the u nknown of irrational and bmtal custom- into a society which seems unahle to distinguish hetween tmtll and falsehood. right :l11d wrong. P:1I11 describes it as wr('stling wilh 'the ru[('rs of the darkness of this world . against spiritmd wickedness'" (Ephesians 6 :12).


ll o\\' encollraging it was to hear the radio cvangelist r('l11ind I1S of one of the grcatest miSS10nanes \\"ho e\'el' ]i,'ed:

"Read I .ivingstollc! He pierced the darkness , much of it ne\'er ;-.ecn hy a \\"hite Illall hefore. J!e witncssed the sa\"age. prime\'a!. pagan rites that could chill the hlood of all in('xpcrienccd \-ie\\'er.

.. Follow! .i\'ingstone and test )'Ol1r theory that religion is simply the sl1l"\,i\·;·11 of magic, :'Ilister, you will ha\'(' to explain something. Expbin l .i\·ingstone himself. 1 n the el1(1 you I11I1St gi\'c some account of how and why there came to h(' a 111al1 like that; one who, in the words of that slab in the n<l\'e of \\'estminsler Ahhey, laid down his life for his fr iends th:lt he might explore the undiscowred <;ecret!i ami "holish the desolating s];:1\'e trade of central .\frica, that open sore of his \\'orld. \\'hat produces a man like that? \\'hy should such a sou! survive the generations of l110ral defeat and cultmal ret rogression? \\'hat kind of an e\"ollltion will give this planet a man like that?"

Th .... ll we fclt directly challenged afresh for Ollr work among" the Indian people, \\·ho a re so strongly tied to their P:lSt history. as we heard Brother \Vard say:

"I know this: a man's past docs not ha\"e to detennillC hi<; futun:. A rad ish has to he a radi sh. It has no choice . Hut a ~inller does 110t h;l\"e to remain a sinner. :\0 hiologist, no :mthropologist, no psychologist can prove it otherwise .

":'Ilankind is not tied to the past. :'-.lankind is tied to the futtlre . The futme \\"ill judge me. not the past. It is what ' Illay he in Christ Jesus that condemns l11e. 1t is not \\"hat I ha\'e to he in or through ,lny of 11l~' ancestors that br ings Inc to God's t ribunal."

.\11 through our years of ministry to the American In­di<ln~. \\'e h;\\'e be('11 sl1.'itained in 001' spirits and hlessed in out" souls hy this radio outreach of the .-\ssemhlies of God. :'Ilny God continue to hless /?('viz'olliJll(,!


PASTOR SrL\:\XO:S- \\".\5 .\:'\:\101.:5 to get the meeting of the stewardship committee started. lIe knew to

talk ahout money in the church was one SUfe way to be low person on the popularity 1i~t. hut the stewardship of 1ll0lH.:Y was as important to him as the stewardship of lime or lal('IH.

"Bdore we "tart lllapJ11llg tht' plans for our campaign," h{' said to the £j\'(' m~1l hi.' knew wcn: confirmed tilher~.

''I'd like to hear a testimony from each of you as to why yOli tit he."

"\\ "ell. for one thing. I'd be afraid not to," Clay 13illuj>::i said to kad off. '"rYe gi\"cn a temh of Illy income to the I.orcl since I W:1~ 12 years old. Tll;1!'" the yea r Illy parents wcre tallgh, a lc.~son they ne\"er forgot.

"It was hard t ime-; and my father felt he couldn 't afiord to tithe. ThaI year he rai:;('d the ii nest ga rd en in the area and Ill}" mother worked hard canning the n:,gdable~. Dad figured the canned food would help carry us through the winter . hut you kllow nearly ("vcry aile of those jars o f food ~ l lO i led. ~rr mother ~aid. 'T here's ou r tit he: and my father agreed with her. Since then ou r entire family has give n a tenth to the chnrch."

Pastor Shannon made no COlllment bu t nodded to Paul Riggs that he was next.

"I'm always ready to defend my posi tion Oil tithing." Paul said. "You sec, at my hotl!;e we have water, electrici , ty . a Ild gas. hlll in o rder to enjoy these con\'eniellccs 1 mu st pay the bill s. There are also rep,-tirs that need to be made from time to time and this requires money.

'·I .ikewise, as a member of the church I feel T should help shoulder the load of the chu rch since T benefit from its serv ices."

The paStOr looked at l .loyd Spears ami asked him to gi\'e his reason for tithing.

"I tithe bec:l.tlse the Lord blcsses me whcn I do. I' vc bee n it Ch ri st ian fo r ten years and ha\'cn't ,dways tithed.

"However. r know the Lord has b\c,;secl me materially becallse I tithe. Before I swrtcd tithing. I was harely making" en ds meet, but when I sta rted tithin g I got a pro­motion and sincc thel1 my incomc has almo~t douhled ."·

That left J oe \\· ebh . , \ s I)astor Shannon looked at h im he cOlllcln 't help b\ll he thankflll for th~ pIwilege of kno\\,­l1lg SlIch a mall. Joe had cxperi enced many disappoint­ments and heartaches dming his lifetlme hilt no one had evcr heard h im complain. Ire not only belie\'ed that "al l thl11gs work together for g-oocl." hut he li\'ed it. Somehow the pastor knew he would agree with Joe's reason for tit hing more than any of the others.

"Gentlemen, J can StUll my reason up ior tithing in \wo words-lovr and !Jl"atil lrdr," Joe began.

" There 's no douht that the I.ord chastens liS and teaches us many lessons. For Clay to tithe because he is afraid nOt to do so is perhaps a good reason, and as Paul says wc do o\\"e our church something s ince we arc members there. \\'ith l.loyd J C;ttl say the I.orc! has truly blessed me thoug-h it hasn't always heen in a material Wily, for T can rcmemher a couplc of till1es wh cn my sala ry w;ts Cllt just ;tfter I had gi\'e n ;t sl1\)stanti;t1 offering in additiotl to 111)'

tithe. '"This is the W:1} T look at it. 1 ha"e thrce children who

ha\'c \)cen \'cry good to me since my retircmcnt. \Vhcn thcy do things jor me they say it is bccause they are grateful

A UGUST 3, 1969

for the lon' and carc their mother and I ga\T thelll while they were grow ing up.

"Ii TOl11 hands 111(' a check l"Ill so glad he doe~n 't say. . ]);\(\. l"m g-i\'illg" )"011 this because l"1lI afraid lIot to,' or \\·11('11 Ikn COIll{'S o\cr and rn:lkcs S0111C rcp:)irs for mt' J

apprecia te 1t bccausc hc docs it Out of lo\"c and not from a scnsc oi duty.

"I f Dorothy do(' ''; tllc washing- and Ironing. it is nice to know she d()('s it Ollt of IO\'e and not hecausc she expects her mother to repay her hy haby-sitting."

J oe pa used a moment and then cont inued . "\\'hen I g-i\e lll\' money I feel I am say ing. "Thank You, I .orcl. fo r ;111 \"0111' gooduc..,s to me. This isn 't a payllle nt, for there \\'otlld never he enough to repay YOIl. But I love \"ou. I.or<l. aud I \\' ;t lH \"ou to ta ke this small amoutH and use it fo r Y om' glo ry .' "

There \\"a .~ ;m t1HUsu:1i q\lit'tne~s in the r00111 when Joc fini . .,lwd. The- other members of the c011l11lillee silent ly r('­\'ie\\,cd their 0 \\"11 testimonies.

I):ts tor Shannon \\·;ts thinking abol1t his sermon for the ncxt Sunday. li e already knew that his text would he. " E\'cry mall according as hc pllrposcth in hi s heart, so let him givc: not grudgingly. or of necess it)': for God loveth a cheerful gi\'(; r" (2 Corinthians 9 :7 ) . <c;G


Evangel ,







~IJ.-\~Il. I'J...\ .\Yt'rnll('r von llr;lull, famell IlirCCI<lr "f tl\\' ~" tional ,\t'rOT1:Hltil" alllJ :;1';(<'(' \11-mini,tratiol1's (;('111',,1\' C ~1;lnllali

Sjlac(' Fli~ht C('llu'r in I !untsl'ilk. .\Ia, II,I!! a n(·\\'~lJalll.·ll11;m ht,ft, IIMI .\I1]("ri(an~ mil'! learll 10 n,n­~id('r Cod a\ Cn:atnr "f lil(' uni ,-rne and ~f;htcr of nTfythinK_

Von Braun cll'vl'!01't',j Ill(' five t· I cnJ.::ilw~ \\hich !lr(~hh(·d the l1inc million I~,ulllb 01 thru_I for the lIli~hty S,l!urn \" Ihal hurk .. 1 the ,\pollo TIlo'l!lflillht~ into ~":II:C.

\fter Ki\'il1~ his mill w()n!~ of


Il"tml'>n}, 1I0lil1g his faith in jesu· 1111:111. I helieve the !(O()<l Lord i~ ('hTi,,! 01' ~a\'i()llr and l.ord, tht' full of ,uch trell1Clulol1, eOIllI':I"ion ' t'i('llli,t ",i,1 he is e('rtain that t!htt lie \\ill take whatel'er ~tells "theT(' arc other h('ing, in th(· "r(' Jll'e(~~ary 10 hrinlo: thc truth unil'l'r,t," 10 I l is rre:uion."

,\ ... k("c! \\hal hc ex]wct. t" finll a~ :\~ f(lf (arlillings "Our ,ur-man eXl'!ores the ],!arl('t~. \ '" n vival ht'rc ami here;,ftcr dCl'ends 1)1\

Braun repli!''', "I <1111 in 11" I~"i- adh('r('nec to the ~piritual rather tinl1 \/, ... ay I\hcth('r mall I\ill find than the ... citnlific·· Iht rockc:l tX­tl,al Chri~t'~ appearancc on tarth i IJol"ft declared. "Through ... cit·nee wa' a unique event in the ullin'r,e, mall tries to harne,~ the force ... of It could I'ery well be that tht· I.or(\, natur(' around him: throulZh re­lIould, unlicr cOIIII';!ral,I{· circulll- iigi"n h(' tril's tn harne~s the foret~ ~tar1l'e~. send Hi~ ~on 1/. {Jther (If ... inful nature within him, ami worlds to hrinlo: the j.(o'llCl In Je ... u~ l11ri-'>l docs this;' he "aid.


\\' 1\~I·II!\' (;T ():\,])L "inc ~'oll lo:re,~mcn from Flmid.1 have III­

Imduced a hill fuf frlll-ral lulld~ tn providc $S million .1 year for three )'car> to teadl moral and ethical prillciple~ in l·lcmcnWfy and ~ec­o1l(I 'lry ~ch()(lh.

,trU<'lron in moral \a!t1<''> i, a propu hl1lction of our ~ch'H)I'i, the Florida congre"men urRed, "~"]!(' (ially in \iCw of reetnt ~llpn:llle Cuur t rulings prohihiting prayer and Bihle reading in public ~dJ( )ol s.'"

This new legislation 1, not con

nected to the curr('nt pu~h 111 Cnngre,,~ lor the Dirksen praycr amcndment which w(luld p'crmit 1lfJ!1flcnomin,nional prayers in pub­lic hllil(!illg~ . Il0wcI'cl", 5upporteTs of thc lIell hill arc reportedly IOU percent for the Dirben amcnd­ment


lawlessness Will Destroy Freedom Silence Gives Assent

TORo:\ro,o:\T.\ldO- I'onllc!' Canadian i'rime :\Imi\\cr John Dicfcnbakcr, a ilapti ... t, told a I.Ulheran EI"lngc1i~!ll Conference hcrc Ihal therc i, a delibcrate and cart'iully planned worldwide con ­,piracy to dc~tr"y Chri,llall ""iet)'

"Cornmuui'illl work, \\hilc yfJU and ! ,lecp;· h(' ~aid. I Ie charged "ikm citilCn~ with aiding. hy thl'ir ~ilcncc, '"thc IIUTn'rors oi hcdoni~m .md obsccnity" who \\ould de,troy the Chri~tiall~' way of liie hy ad­H>C3tmg "thc IloCrmi<;'il'e "oclety of marc '<ex, 1I1ore dnlgs, morc vio­lcllce"

~1 T. IJicfcnbakcr abo warned Ihat ufRani7cd la\dc~snt'i' and man dClllon~tratiun~, ma,qucrading un, der Ihe pretext of liherty, will de­stroy freedom,

L·rgillg rnini ... tcr, to get imoked, tIl{' form~'r primc lIIini,tl'r ddculled p,,1iti(', a, "tl1C 1I1cal1~ II herthy evil i, re"trailled ;l1Id the puhlic welfare i., promoted," He Ilarned against radio and T\, prugrams "that ridi­("\lle religion." (iling thc ri~e in tIlt' crimc

ralC in the coulllrv, ~UPl'ort(' r ~ of lilt' hill lold the HO\l ,e of !{('Ilre­sentatl\'CS that there 1~ a Rr(';!\ Ill'cd m Amerita today jor 11road ill­~!ructif)n in the dCle1opll1ent of man·s 1lI0ral and cthical \"a luc~.

OTTAWA. CANAOA-R W. TOltlngcr (left ), Generol Superintcndent of of Conoda. welcomes Governor Generol and Mrs, Roland Michener to the Celebrotion here. Jomes Monlgomery, Jubilee coordinotor, is at ri ghi, Queen's vice-regol representative in Conado, gove the Scripture reading A.cts for the rally. PAOC is c~lebfoting Its 50th onniversary thiS yeor.

the Pentecostal Asscmblies closing roily of the Jubi lee The Governor Generol, Ihe from the second chapter of

Th~ bill d~s 1101 ~11C11 out dela il s for the instruction T his would be left to the state school ~ys tems, but the curriculum and academic instrucl10n in 1II0rai s and ethics could tak~ th~ form of ass~lIlbly programs or individual elas~cs.

Suggested teaching a\'CI1IICS could ~ Il"ssons of courage, h~roism, anti good works d~vdoped from actual stories and biographies of great men and women,

Programs 011 the grO\\l1I of tilt' freedom of worship-how it Oc­carne 1l.1rt of our COIl~titution; on patriotism- how br;\\,c mcn fought to preserve our freedom; 011 good cilizenshil)- why il is illll)()rt:l.nt 10 obey the lal\'; and on Ihe obiccti\·c history of r('ligion, which Ihe Supreme Court has approved, could also !)( topics of classroom discussion. Th~ teaching of ~thics and in-


.. -,-• • • "~J • .. . ;... •

,y' \

First Royol Vilit Since 1603

Church Iniluence 'Crucial:

Queen Tells Scols Church

In Addren to Gene rol Asse mbly

EDIXHL'RGH SCOTI..\XO­Good church leadcr~hiJl in ::'c"t­land and the ··ab, .. luldy crucial" influence "f the church 1\><Ia)" were referred to by Queen Eli1<'Iix:lh in an addre,~ before the General :\~­sembly of tile Church oi ~cutland (Presbytcrian) .

The Queen rcnewed her prull1i~e to "pre~ene and uphold tile ri~hls and pri\'i1egc; of Ihe Church of SCOlland" and Inld tlH.' 1.300 com­missioner, th'll all \1.lQked to the leadcrship of the church to achic\'e the ideal of human bruthcrhood and the commandmcnt to lo\'e one 'lno ther.

\\"Ilen the Queen 'lllf\ Duke of Edinburgh 'lltenlled Ihe o\K'ning ceremony. il markc'd the fir'l lime a so\"erei~1I h;ld allell,k'(l a f"rmal bu<ine~s ,e~,i"n of Ihl' <I"cmhl} ,ince wen before Ihe uninn of the Engli sh ;lml ~cl)lIi~h cr"wn< in 1603.

Queen Elizabeth (upper center) ond her husbond, the Duke of Edinburgh, attended the General Ai­semblv of the Church of Scotland in May. She ii the first monarch to do SO Since before the unIon of the crowns of England ond Scotland in 1603 The Queen is Ittulor head of the Church of England (Anglican) but holds no such t it le for the Church of Scatlond (Presbyterian), •• ~IQIOU. '" •• ' •••



OVER 11,000 ACCEPT CHRIST :\J.::W YOl~K. :\.'1' .\u e~timated 234,000 people irum thi ~ city heard Billy (;r'lham dee1al"l' tha t Inor;11 dccay from within, !Iut fo rces fl"Olil

wi thout. i~ America's grcah."t (10111-

ger. l1i s lO·day crll~adc in mid-JUlie

was held a t thc m-\\' :'Iladison Square (;'lrden. :;Ollll' 51) millulli people in Kew Y()rk and ]II other Ea o;; t Coast citie'i "icwed the cru­sade by \eICl"i5i!)iI

.\[lproximately Il,lS.? people callie forw:lrd during Ihe ;11\"i\,l\iou 10 accepl Chri~t as Ilwir ~a\"]()ur.

Fifty perccnl of Ih,,\e allelJ(\ill~

Ihe 5ervice~ wcrc under 25. all(1 some (,() perccnt o f tho,\' re"l)(lmj, ing to the invitation were aho in

thaI age ~ro\1Jl. Dr. (,raham told IIC\\',l1lcn at a prc', r"llfcr\'IlCc II'hid, followed Ihe meelin".

F,)r Illc first timc completl' rl'C­'inis I\ill be kept on e3ch inquirl'r so Ihat an cvallmtion of thl' fTU­,ade', Cfieclivcncs5 Cim he made in 11\,' or tcn year,

B:lly Craham ~aid the rru~;lde

wa, :I ~Jliritual uplift lor th" cil)'\ Chri,ti:lo cOlllmunity ;lnc\ 111;\t ,el­cral minis ters had reporled "a ITI'­mcnclolh differcnce, grt"Hcr "11Ihll 'la'IIl" III their COTl~f(;gatil>lh

The cl"angcli'l 'aid plan~ <Ire beinJ.! made for a i"l1o\\-up to the Xe\\ York cnl,ade but that II" pram txi ... t al the moment I<lr an­t>ther campaign in Ihe cil)

Institute of Church Growth Pred icts

Airica May Be Largest Christian Community by 2000 P:\S/\DEX .-\. CALlF.-lf exi~ 1 ing trends contillll(' . . \frica "ill h'lve 350 million Chri,li:ms by Ihe year .!OOO-Iht large,1 Chri~tiall

c0mllHinity on any ronlim"l1t ill Ihe wor ld.

T his eSlimate was madc in a recent i~"ul' of the "Church Growth Bulletin" from Ihe I'hliwle of Church Growlh at r'ulltr Theo· logical Seminarr

A UGUST 3 , 1969

In the st udy, the word CflristiOiI include3 Proteslant, Roman Calho­lie, Orthodox. ( o l1li <:, and , \ frican IlldC1Jl·n<lelll.

The ,Iud), takts into cOIl,idera· lion the prt~C!ll numeriGl1 ~ trell j.(lh

of \friC:l1l CI,ri,lian group" Ihe population foreea,ts for .-\frica. and Ihe rc<.:em a,.,e~'mtnt~ of tht proh­ahle ,late of ChriSlianity by .\.D. 20()() in making this pred icl ion

• • at a e • • • The overseos constituency of the Assemblies o f God now exceeds 2 h million, rellectlng a 13 percent in­crease In 1968. This is doub le the constituency of the Fellow­ship in the Ullited States.

• • • At Ihe end of 1968 at least one book of the Bible hod been pub lished in 1,392 lono;;luoges and dialects, occardino;;l to the American Bible Societv. The entire Bible has been published in 242 10nguoo;;lCS, with the whole New Testament available in 320 more. A complete Gosp(! 1 or other book hos been issued in 830 oddltional lono;;luages. At least one book of the Bible wos translated lost year 11"110 67 languages which were previously without any Scripture.

• • • The Peoples Church in Toronto, Canodo, con­cluded its recen l World Mi ssions Conference with a fOllh promise offering in the amount o f $390,958. Oswold J Smith is founder of this church which for many years hos raised more than 0 Quorter of a million dolla rs 0 yeor for missions

• • • Three ministers of Israel's Nationol Religious Porty have ablected to a deciSion mode bv the Isroeli Cobmet to extend te levision programming to seven dovs a week. Thev declared thot " te levision on Fridav night would desecrate the Jewish Sabbath." The pOTty wont s the governfTl(!nt to re­linQuish its monopolv of radio and television SO Tha t the re­ligiOUS life of the notion might be beller presented.

• • • The First Lotln Americon Congress on Evan­gelism will be held in Bogolci, Colombia, November 21-30 with The theme, "Action in Christ lor a Continent in Crisis." Some BOO to 1,000 delega tes from all parts of La t in America o re expected to ailend the mee ti ng which will evaluote the ro le and miSSion of the evangelical church in the Spanish. and Port uguese-speaking world. The meeting is a reg ional seQuel to the World Congress on Evangelism held in Berlin in 1966.





T HrRI': ARF: TIIRFF. (;J~E_\T \\'ORn~ associated v('rsioll --words thaI arC' frequently misun


The fin,t is <In old-fnshioned word; the second luch-abused word; the third a gloriolls word. J .ct us v lat the nihle says ahout each one.


Speaking- of th(' J loly Spirit. Jesus said. "And when he is cOllle. he will reprow the world of sin, and of righteous­ness, and of j\ldgment" (john 16:8), It is not sins, bllt . ml the sin of \lnhc;licf, "B('cilUSC they helie"e not on !ne," Jeslls said thaI is the great sill of which the Spirit con­"icts.

YOll ~C ('. a man cannot he sa,'cd until he realizes he is lost. You mllst he conscious of the fact you need a Saviour. If )'011 dOll'! know you are drowning you won't call for hdp. If yOll don't feel sick you won't se nd for a physician.

He thankful if YOI1 feel convicted of your need of salva­tion. \Vhen you acknowledge you are lost and you cry out. lik<' the jail keeper at Philippi, asking, "What must 1 do to he saved ?" you han' taken the first step toward being sa\'ed.


This is the next ~tep, but many persons fail to take it. Gove1"110r Felix tremhled with cOIl\·iction when he heard Palll preach (Acts 24:25) but that is as far as he went. fIe did 110t repent.

\Vhat is repentance? J s it merely emotion? Some per­sons weep over their sins hut they do not repent. T s it merely remorse? Some folk ha\'e plenty of that. T hey deep­ly regret their situation: they are very sorry about it: but sor row is not repentance. Tf sorro\\' is repentance, then Jlldas repented. The truth is that hell is full of people who arc sorry, but they arc sorry for themselves. not sorry for their sins.

To repent is to change your course. It is to change direc­lions-to go God's way and not yonr own. The prodigal son rc pented when he acknowledged, "1 have sinned aga inst he,n'en," and took his fir st step back toward his father. The young man's mind had undergone a complete and wholesome change regarding his sin, regarding him­self, regarding the life he was living, and regarding his


,.\ nd t at chn resulted in nction. He truly re­.ili~Io,~!"'Too;r sook hi s si n and came home,


The third word of conversion is glorious indeed, for it is a g ift from God. The Bible says, "By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2,8.9) .

You would never dream of paying for a birthday gift, for if you pay for it you are not receiving a gift at al! . You simply have to accept the gift and thank the giver. You do 110t work for it. You do not earn it. And so it is with Christ's great salvation. You callnot buy it : you sim­ply takc it. Just as you believe in the sincerity of the friend who hands you a birthday gift, so you must believe that "the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

By faith you can receive the Saviour. "Behold," He says, "T stnn(\:tt the door. and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in" (Revelation 3:20). He waits outside the closed door of your heart. You have the key. The moment you open the door and invite Him in, He will cnter.

By faith you can be reconciled to God just as you are. That is the way the prodigal son carnc back to his father, you remember. II e had nothing. His money was all gone . He was in r;'lgs, He felt unworthy, but he camc home and threw himself on his father's mercy. And so must you . Do not wait to reform, Do not try to fix yourself up, Come as you are: for after all, you are nothing but a sinner, and only God can cbnge you.

Faith rne;'lns trusting Christ as your personal Saviour. A drowning man trusts the life belt that is thrown to him. He grasps it; he hangs his weight on it; alld that is the faith that saves him. Christ will saye you if you rely on Him.

Are you willing to trust Him? To believe about Christ will never save you. You IllUSt trust Him. The answer Paul gave when the jail keeper asked, "\Vhat must I do to be sa,'ed ?" is the advice God wallts yOll to follo\v today:

"Believe on the Lord Jesl1s Christ . and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31) Will you do it? ~