The Play - Hansel and Gretel


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The play









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(Nice and lively music starts while the curtain goes up. Stage design: a house in the middle of a

dense wood full of trees.)

(Hansel and Gretel’s father is cutting wood to the rhythm of the music. He is getting tired (the axe is

old and it’s difficult for him to cut the wood).

father: Gretel! (raising his voice towards the house) Bring me a glass of water, please.

(Gretel comes out with a glass of water and a teddy bear-type furry monkey toy she always carries

with her.)

gretel: Here you are, daddy. (Gives the glass to her father and he sits on a trunk to drink it

and rest. He dries his sweat with a handkerchief). Are you tired daddy? I’ll help you.

(Gretel tries to take the axe in order to help her father, but can’t)

(Hansel comes in, playing a wooden flute (made by his father).

Hansel sees that Gretel can’t cut the wood and runs towards her.)

hansel: What are you doing, Gretel? (Hansel takes the axe from Gretel)

You can’t do it. Leave it to me. (Hansel tries but he can’t cope either).

father: Kids, don’t fight! This axe is very old and can’t cut very well.

(Gretel starts combing her monkey toy with a comb while Hansel plays the flute. Hansel takes the

comb from Gretel’s hands and starts to run off. Gretel runs after him.)

gretel: Hansel! Give me the comb!

father: Come on Hansel! Give the comb to your sister.



Hansel gives Gretel the comb, but sticks his tongue out at her.

hansel: Daddy, I’m hungry!

gretel: I’m hungry too.

father: (Takes out a piece of bread from his pocket, gives it to Hansel, who puts it in his

pocket.) I’ve only got this little piece of bread. You two stay here. I’m going to the village

now, to sell this wood and buy something to eat. Be good! (The father leaves the scene)

Hansel and Gretel get ready to leave quickly, when suddenly their father enters.

father: But...Where are you going?

hansel and

gretel: Sorry!

father: (Trying to scare them so as to warn them) In the woods there are wolves, witches,

ghosts and monsters.

hansel and

gretel: OK, daddy.

(Father leaves the scene)

(song 1 : “don’t go into the Woods”)

Don’t Go Into the Woods

Don’t go into the forest

Don’t go into the woods

Dangerous things

Dangerous things

ghost and witches you will see

Let’s go into the forest

Let’s go into the woods

Dangerous things



Dangerous things

ghost and witches you will see

What do ghosts do?

Ghosts do uuuuhhhh!!!

What do witches do?

witches do hee, hee; he!!!

What do wolves do?

wolves do auuuuuu!!!

What do monsters do?

Monsters do aaarrrggg!!!

hansel: Why don’t we go into the woods?

gretel: No. Daddy said not to.

hansel: You’re frightened.

gretel: No, I am not frightened. We could get lost.

hansel: Ha! I am going. (Hansel starts walking, but Gretel stops him for a moment).

gretel: OK. I have an idea. We will drop bread crumbs all along the path so that we can find our

way back home.

(Hansel makes bread crumbs as he leaves them along the path, counting numbers together with the


SECoND SCENEin the Woods

A rabbit enters the scene, eating the bread crumbs without Hansel or Gretel noticing. The rabbit

leaves. Hansel and Gretel get to the woods, which are full of trees. There’s a notice saying: “Beware:

Magic Woods”, which Hansel and Gretel don’t see. The trees move. Hansel and Gretel are a bit

scared. Sounds of animals, wild creatures are heard... Suddenly Hansel gets his foot caught in a

rabbit trap.



hansel: Heeeelp, Gretel help meee!

(Gretel approaches Hansel and tries to free his foot with no luck. She gets a stone and still can’t,

then goes off to get a branch, but after trying it, it breaks)

hansel: Quickly Gretel, pleeeease!

(The rabbit enters, eating the bread crumbs).

hansel: Heeelp! Help me please! Can anybody help me pleeease!

rabbit: I will help you. I’m an expert in rabbit traps (The rabbit liberates Hansel.)

hansel: Thank you very much.

rabbit: My name is Willy, and what are your names?

gretel: My name is Gretel, he is Hansel, and (pointing to her monkey toy) this is Barnie, my best


rabbit: (Addressing the monkey toy) Hello Barnie, give me five!!

gretel: (Addressing the rabbit) Look at what Barnie can do. (Gretel makes he monkey toy do a

somersault, ending on her shoulders).

rabbit: Wow. It’s amazing. Amaaazing. (the kids will identify with what a teacher on the TV

programme ‘Fame’ used to say)

hansel: (Addressing the rabbit) Ha! that’s nothing. Look at this, Willy. (Hansel starts playing the

flute. Hansel dances with the rabbit).

rabbit: Well done Hansel! (Applauds)

The children play with the rabbit inside the woods, and as it gets dark, you can hear crickets

rabbit: It’s getting dark.

gretel: Oh, Yes! It’s already dark, it’s night! We’ve got to go home. Bye-bye, Willy.

rabbit: Bye-bye kids. See you soon!

(The rabbit exits. Hansel looks for the bread crumbs, but can’t find them).



hansel: Hey! (addressing Gretel) Where are the bread crumbs? Have you eaten them?

gretel: No!

(We can hear a wolf howling, and Gretel starts to cry while tightly clutching her monkey toy)

hansel: Ha! I am not afraid.

(We can hear a monstrous roar. Hansel gets scared and takes hold of his sister. Hansel and Gretel

curl up under a tree and go to sleep. A full moon rises and a witch appears flying on her broom. The

children can’t see her because they’re sleeping, and she laughs. She appears stealthily and with a

spell creates a house made of chocolate and sweets).

THiRD SCENE outside the little chocolate house

(Hansel and Gretel are asleep on one side of the wood. The sun rises and they wake up. A crow

appears and the children follow it to the chocolate house).

hansel: (Hansel realises that the house is made out of sweets, takes a piece and eats it).

Look Gretel! A little house made of chocolate. Hurry, come on! It’s great, you can eat it!

gretel: Look! Lollypops, chocolate, sweets...Uhm! Delicious!

(Full of joy, they sing a song) 2nd song -the little chocolate house

The Little Chocolate House

What’s this?

What’s this?

Hidden with the trees?

What’s this?

What’s this?



A big chocolate piece

Toffes on the roof

Lollipops on the door

Candys on the windows

Sugar on the floor

Toffes, lollipops



(The song finishes and the entrance doors open. Hansel and Gretel hide. An old lady -the witch-

appears with a stick).

Witch: (She looks at the house and realises that someone has eaten bits of it, and starts

searching for the ‘eaters’.). Eat, eat, little mouse, who is eating my house?

(Nibble, nibble, little mouse.Who is nibbling at my house?).


and gretel: (Whilst hiding, they try to confuse her, saying:) It’s the wind, the wind...(Hansel plays

the flute as if it were the wind...)

(The witch keeps searching until she finds them).

Witch: Oh! Two gorgeous little kids. Hello children, how are you? Do you like chocolate? Come in,

it’s nice and warm inside and I will give you something to eat.

(The witch enters the house and Gretel gets hold of Hansel so that he doesn’t go in)

gretel: Don’t go into the house Hansel, she might be a witch.

hansel: Don’t be silly!

Witch: (From inside the house...) Here you are, a bit of milk and some biscuits. I’ve cooked them



and gretel: (They look at each other and go in). Thank you madam.



FoURTH SCENE inside the house

(Hansel and Gretel eat frantically.)

Witch: What’s your name?

hansel: My name is Hansel.

gretel: My name is Gretel, and this is Barnie (referring to her monkey toy), and he is my best


Witch: Oh! how lovely. My best friend is also an animal. (Getting closer to the cage with a crow

and addressing him). Hello Gargamel, say hello to the children.

croW: Hello, my name is Gargamel, my name is Gargamel, and yours? My name is Gargamel,

and yours?

Witch: (Shouting) Stop it, you silly bird! Quiet! (The witch covers the crow with a cloth so that

it shuts up. She realises the kids are watching her, and tries to look like a sweet old

lady again).

You see, sometimes he is a pain in the neck.

hansel: (He sees an axe hanging on the wall) Oh, what a beautiful axe! My Daddy is a

woodcutter, but his axe is very old.

Witch: Be careful Hansel, it is a very speeecial axe, that cuts veeery well, ha, ha, ha!

gretel: (Addressing the witch) What do you use it for?

Witch: To cuut, cuuuut (threatening the children) ...wood for the fire.

hansel: Ah! Of course.

gretel: Thank you for everything madam, we must go now.

Witch: But, but the woods at night are veeeery dangerous, there are wolves, and monsters... here

you can sleep next to the fire, you’ll be nice and waaaaarm.

(The kids look at each other and decide to stay)

(Hansel and Gretel go to sleep beside the fire. The witch takes out the big pot and starts to prepare a

magic potion, including spiders, lizards...)



song 3- song of the Witch

The Witch’s Song

I am an old lady

With a pointed hat

I’ve got a long nose

And I am really, really bad

I fly on my broomstick

I fly up and up

I’ll go to your door

And “ra-pa-ta-pa-tap”

I am the witch

And I am really, really bad

Yellow snakes

Hair and teeth

Black spiders

And some tricks

Gretel wakes up and observes the old woman, realises she is a witch, and wakes Hansel up.

gretel: (Quietly:) Hansel, wake up. The old lady is a witch! (Hansel doesn’t pay any attention

and continues sleeping)

The witch turns and sees Hansel awake.

Witch: Hello dear, are you hungry? I am preparing a nice soup.

hansel: No thank you.

Witch: Why don’t you help me and bring me some herbs for the soup from down there?

(The old lady points to a hollow. It is really a cage concealed by a cloth. Hansel gets in. The witch

removes the tablecloth, closes the door behind him and Hansel is trapped!)



hansel: (Shouting) Heeelp Gretel!

Gretel tries to escape, but the witch gets hold of her monkey toy, and puts it next to the fire.

Witch: If you go, I will throw your monkey toy into the fire!

gretel: No! (Gretel moves towards the monkey toy and hugs it)

Witch: Very well (the witch casts a spell on Gretel): Not left, not right, you will stay still... that’s

RIGHT. Ha ha ha!

(She moves towards the cage where Hansel is)

Hansel let me touch your finger. (Hansel stretches his finger out of the cage). Oh dear,

you’re very thin! Gretel, let’s give your brother some food so that he gets nice and fat.

(the witch hands hansel a plate full of food)

Witch: (She goes to the cage) Hansel, have you eaten everything? Let me touch your finger.

hansel: Yes madam. (Hansel allows her to touch.... a bone left over form the chicken he’s

been given)

Witch: (to gretel) Now with this spell, you will always do what I want you to do.

“Turn around three tiiimes, and then you will be miiine.”

(The witch turns Gretel round three times, and starts giving her orders, and Gretel

does everything that she says like a robot)

Wash the dishes, sweep the floor, wipe the table. Wash the clothes. Cook. Clean

the windows. Hang the clothes up. Dust. Iron the clothes. Give more food to your


Witch: Gretel give your brother more food.

(Gretel brings him another dish of food)

Witch: (Sigh) Oh , I am so tiiired (Tired) of watching you work! Gretel, you can now sleep on the

floor. (The witch sits on a chair, yawns and falls asleep)

hansel: (To Gretel:) Psssst! (Talking quietly so as to not wake up the witch) Hey! Gretel.

Quick, get the axe. (Gretel walks like a zombie, looks at Hansel, but she doesn’t

react to him because she’s under the power of the spell)



hansel: Please, Gretel! Get me out of here! (she doesn’t react). Gretel Please! I am your brother,

don’t you remember? (Hansel cries, dries his tears and plays his flute wanting for a

reaction from Gretel, but Gretel doesn’t react).

Please Gretel, I love you. (As Hansel plays the flute this time, the spell disappears and

Gretel wakes up).

gretel: What did you say?

hansel: (Crying) That I love you very much.

(Gretel moves stealthily and takes the axe, then tries to hit the lock like her father

had taught her, but isn’t able to do so)

croW: Crooooooooaaaaaaack!

(The witch wakes up, and Gretel acts as if she were still under the spell).

Witch: Gretel I am hungry, please bring me some biscuits.

gretel: Yes my lady.

(Gretel acts like a zombie and takes the biscuits to the witch, who eats them. The

witch approaches Hansel’s cage).

Witch: Hansel, show me your finger. (Hansel sticks a chicken bone through the cage bars).

Damn it! You’re still very thin.

Witch: (To Gretel) Gretel, bring me the big pan. (Gretel brings it). Gretel, bring my book of spells.

(Gretel brings the book). Gretel, bring me the wooden spoon. (Gretel does). Very good

girl, good girl hee hee hee. (the witch taps her on the shoulder)

(song 3 “the Witch’s song”)

(Part of the song the witch sang in scene 4 will be repeated here. Gretel tries again and again to

grasp the axe to open the cage, which is covered by the cloth).

(The witch keeps on singing and adding the ingredients to the pot. While the witch is preparing this,

Gretel slowly and gradually removes the cloth from the table. The Crow tries to warn the witch).



croW: Witch!

Witch: Be quiet! Can’t you see I’m busy? (The witch adds the last ingredients).

Great! The soup for cooking your brother is ready! Ha, ha, ha...(Gretel puts the cloth over

the witch’s head).

Witch: I can’t see anything, heeelp!

hansel: Quickly Gretel! Open the cage with the axe!

gretel: (Gretel manages to open the cage with the axe and puts the monkey toy in it).

hansel: What are you doing?

gretel: Quick, put your cap on the monkey’s head. The witch will think it’s you!

hansel: OK! (Gretel opens the cage, and Hansel comes out. They put the monkey in with

Hansel’s cap on. Hansel and Gretel hide in the house. The witch finally manages to

take the cloth off)

Witch: Stupid kids! Now I will eat Hansel! (She moves towards the cage, and sees Hansel is

still). Hansel! Come out of the cage. Immediately! (Since Hansel doesn’t move, the witch

enters the cage, and then the children come out and push her in, close the cage, and

the witch is trapped inside).

Witch: Get me out of here! Heeelp!

croW: Heeelp!

gretel: Quickly, Hansel.

(Hansel stops when he gets to the door and returns to get the axe).

hansel: For daddy.

gretel: Good idea!

(they leave and go into the woods).

FiFTH SCENE the Woods - outside the chocolate house

hansel: Thank you Gretel! (Hansel gives his sister a kiss and hugs her). I’m very sorry you lost

Barnie. (Hansel gives his flute to Gretel).

gretel: No Hansel, it’s yours. (Gretel gives it back to him and hugs him back). I love you!

hansel: We’re lost again. (hansel plays a sad tune with his flute)



(Hansel and Gretel’s father enters, looking for the kids.)

father: Hansel, Gretel, where are you? (He sees them, runs towards them and hugs them).

Dear children! Are you all right?


and gretel: Daddy! (They hug one another)

hansel: Here, daddy, here you are. A new axe!! (Hansel gives his father the axe).

father: Thank you kids, it’s wonderful! (He tries the axe on a big trunk and cuts it in half in one go).

father: Gretel, but where is your monkey toy?

gretel: I don’t need him any more, my brother is my best friend now. (Gretel hugs Hansel once more)

(song 4: “my best friend”)

My Best Friend

Me... and my friend

We like to play

And we play together


Me.... and my friend

We like to sing

And we sing together


You are my friend

You are my best friend

You make me happy


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Santa Leonor, 61 • Planta 4ª • 28037 Madrid • Tel. 902 879 906 • Fax 902 879 907 • •