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Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention

The Power of


People who are *passionate*,

truly know what they want

& have an action plan

are changing the world we live in!

Will YOU

be one of them?


Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention

The Power of Intention Workbook

Many of us go through life doing one of two things. Either letting life happen to us without having much of a plan, or rigidly expecting life to give us exactly what we ask for, and in the way that we

want to receive it. Neither of these achieves spectacular results because it doesn’t combine both the spiritual and the practical pieces together. When I mention spiritual, I’m talking about the belief in a higher power. It could be God, Spirit, Universe, and the list goes on.

In both business and in life, we are told to create one and five year plans, and the scope of it gets to be rather large and overwhelming. So we stop because it just seems like extra busy work. It is im-portant to have long-term goals or a future vision, however, it is even more important to achieve them in a timely manner. One way to do that is to create a plan that focuses on smaller goals, more doable steps.

I prefer to work in 3-month segments for 3 reasons:

• It is easier for people to focus their energy • It is a natural cycle of a season during the year • It is a business quarter. 3

Most people have a specific goal in mind such as creat-ing a strong business, losing weight, developing bet-

ter relationships, and the list goes on. In order for any of these intentions to truly manifest, we need to have balance in all other parts of our lives. When we aren’t in balance, then things start going crazy

in other ways to let us know that. If we plan for that in advance and include that in our statements, this is

less likely to happen. Some main areas to mention are spirituality, health, relationships, finances, and business.

When all areas are included, life tends to flow better.

The western world is very goal oriented, therefore many people tend to do their vision statement in that manner. There are certain things to do, and many

want to be able to cross them off as soon as they are finished.


Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention

A Great Example from My Life:

I was hiking on the Machu Picchu trail with a group of other travelers. Some had been traveling for months and had a huge list of where they were going to visit. In conversation they would talk about

the places they visited saying, “Yes, I just DID Machu Picchu--did you DO Chile yet?” Their primary objective was to cross items off of their list. It wasn’t about living the experience. After an in-tense 4 day hike on the trail (which was one of the most intense things that I have done), we arrived at dawn. It was drizzling and the tourist trains for the day were not able to arrive because of a mudslide on the tracks. All 40 of us had Machu Picchu to ourselves! The other hikers quickly looked around, and 30 minutes later were headed to town to await the news when trains would be able to depart later that evening. I was dumbfounded that after that incredibly intense 4 day journey, very few took the time to revel in that place of mystery and beauty. The place where miracles happen. At one point I noticed there was myself and two others walking around ex-periencing the ruins. The chance to truly sa-vor the destination and enjoy what we had experienced truly made a difference. (For many of you who have heard my story, you will realize that my life completely changed that day, and I wouldn’t know it for 8 more years!) Many hours later, I walked down to the town and saw the group we hiked in with drinking beers at the bar where they had been all day. Some were envious that we had stayed, and others were just waiting patiently until they could get into another train to take them to their next destination on their list.

Honoring the Traveler Within You

How you travel to other destinations is also how you travel in your life. It is how you experi-ence pieces of who you are. Do you go with the flow and expect wonderful things to un-

fold before you? Or are you one who needs more of a concrete plan to organize where you are wanting to go? Whichever one you are, this is about incorporating both styles to get maximum results. This booklet is for those who want to bring new life into their life. More passion and pur-pose into what they do. Let yourself be guided at opening up more to possibilities and you will see that the way that you travel your world will be one of much more power and purpose.


What kind of traveler am I?

2 What other aspect could I bring more into my life right now? (Free spirited, open, detailed, etc.)


Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention

Why Create Written Intentions?

Creating your intentions is one powerful way of starting this journey.

You WRITE them down for three reasons.

1 To remember where you came from. Aspects of your life will begin to change so much that many times you will forget how your life was at the beginning of this process.

2 You have it clearly defined and measurable that you have reached your goal. Many people really don’t know when they have arrived and keep on being hard on themselves and pushing even more. You will never experience success this way.

3 It isn’t as rewarding when you don’t have your own energy involved. I like to call it “having skin in the game”. If you wait for life to hand you everything, you don’t have to take personal responsibility. And that is what life tends to hand

you. That which we pay attention to is that which thrives.

Let’s Get Started!

Take your paper and date it for 3 months from today. You will write the letter from the first person and in the

present tense. Your subconscious mind works in amazing ways. When you write in the present tense you are truly experiencing your life from that perspective. When you review it, subconsciously you are pulling yourself to com-plete your future that you have written in the intentions.

You will be writing a letter to yourself about all the fan-tastic things that you have experienced in your life in the last three months. The importance of a letter is that you are truly communicating with yourself just like a dear friend would with you. In general, your friends don’t write to you in a bullet point type of format, do they? That is more of someone who dictates how life should be, instead of the wonderful possibilities that are out there.



Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention

Setting Sacred Space

Creating intentions are important and deserve your undivided attention.

As you work at creating your intentions, you will be connecting with yourself, your higher power, and your destiny. With all that power in one place, it is crucial to honor the space you are in. Find

someplace where you feel comfortable and have some time to really connect in with yourself. If you don’t do that now, then your intentions will reflect that. For example, if you are doing them on the run and don’t have much time to spend on it, you will find your results do that also, and they are not as satisfying. So, get your mind clear and focused, get a piece of paper, or your computer, and get ready to start.

What would you like to experience in the next three months that is in positive relationship with the resources that you have available, as well as

the willingness you are ready to take to go through with everything?

Most people have one main focus such as physical, mental, emotional, career, financial, or spiritual. Start with one main focus and be truthful. For example, it would not be wise to say that you will lose 50 pounds when you are not planning to exercise, eat better and do something about it. This isn’t about wishing.

* It’s about creating a plan that you are going to work on to make it happen.*List one Main Area of Focus: _______________________________

Now be specific and list other areas that will complement it to balance out your life. (Health/wellness, relationships, finance, business/career, spiritual)


Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention

The Power of Emotion

The subconscious really loves feeling and emotion. It is what drives people to do what they do. If there isn’t any emotion involved, then really there isn’t much force pulling things along. Your letter

to yourself should be the same.

How do you feel when you have accomplished some of the areas you mentioned above? Are you inspired, in awe, happy, excited, exhilarated, energetic?

Some people find this section difficult because they may have lived their life so long with this chal-lenge. Here is a tip to help. Start with how you don’t want to feel, and then find the opposite word to include in your statement. For example, say you are feeling depressed and you want to feel more energetic. You might say,

“Life has been so exciting and I am feeling more alive and vibrant as I come closer to my goals and understanding my passions.”

Now, what if you said, “I don’t feel depressed anymore and I don’t feel lost and confused every day like in the past.”

Can you feel the energy of how the second one just pulls you down? Don’t worry if you don’t feel all the positive feelings now. After all that is why you are creating this powerful intention statement for yourself! It’s where you want to be in 3 months, and sooner if that happens!

How I DON’T want to feel How I WANT to feel

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Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention

Being Open to Possibilities

It’s great to leave some of the statements open to possibilities. This is where you give permission for your higher power to come in and bring miracles into your life. So many times the monkey mind

gets in the way of things and actually detracts from the vast possibilities that lay out there just ready to grab. Here are some starters:

“I’m amazed at the changes that I have seen in

“I have opened up to the possibilities in my relationship with and am in awe of the results.”

“I understand the needs of my business and am making money in ways I could not have imagined when I started three months ago.”

“I have powerfully created my life and I’m so excited as the possibilities continue to blossom.”

These statements are the energy that will pull you forward to experience life

in ways that you could not have imagined before. It brings in the mystery.

Now Create Your List of Possibilities


Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention

Practical Goals

If you are a planning type of person you might be saying that there isn’t any real substance yet in the statement. After all, you also need to be accountable for some things and stretch yourself as you

fully step into your life. You have already opened up to possibilities, and now you will put in some concrete actions/or results that you would like to see in 3 months time.

For example, saying that you are going to pay off your debt is vague. However, saying that you are going to pay 2,000 on your credit card debt and still have money for other payments, is much stronger. It also gives you something concrete to aim for. When you say you will pay off your credit card debt, you don’t really define anything and it is harder to plan. Conciseness is important!

Some Concrete Goals I will Accomplish:

A Note of Caution:

Everyone has the right to free will. If your intention statement is stating how you want someone else to react to you or act with you, then you are engaging in activities that are not in integrity with who you are. When we demand that somebody do something, we are in essence trying to dominate them. This always backfires, and usually in our own face. So, if you are wanting your boss to say certain things and take specific actions, you are using your will to manage a situation. Words have power. Here is a different way to express the same concept and stay in integrity:

My boss is more open and honest with me and our working relationship has blossomed into one of total cooperation. I am in awe of the incredible benefits it has produced for me and I’m so thrilled about them.

Do you see the difference? You are no longer dictating what will happen, and now more possibilities are available. You are also staying in your integrity and doing what is in your power to create. Remem-ber, that this is your intention statement to create your life! Be open, and the possibilities are endless!

‘ ‘

This is the place where you get specific

because it is holding you on task

for what you are concretely

going to work on & make happen.

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Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention Monica Kenton Ι The Power of Intention

Putting It All Together

Now have fun putting all the pieces together in a way that honors how you think and express yourself. You will have a style that fits you. Some people’s statements are longer and others

are shorter. It will depend on how you are with words. The important piece is that you incorporate many emotions, some open ended ideas, as well as certain specifics of things you want to accom-plish. Have fun creating your reality!

Would you love to take this process even further and take concrete actions

to create the business and life that you deserve?

Please feel free to contact me at You may sign up for a 20-minute complimentary breakthrough

strategy session for your business and your life.

Monica Kenton is a Speaker, Business Coach, and Shaman. She founded “Radical Change Agents” to help entrepreneurs innovate and create change in their field. She combines strategic business advice with powerful spiritual wisdom so people make more money while standing firm in who they are. Her work is fast, intense, life changing, and radical. Using her unique methods, within 4 months she left her University teaching job of 21 years while replacing her income, and within a year went from having $500 to consistent $10,000 months.

Her clients have broken through issues and beliefs that have held them prisoner for a long time. They have become more intuitive and spiritual, filled their practices in two months, increased incomes over 100%, tripled and quadrupled their rates, and surpassed the $10,000 mark and more when they didn’t believe it was possible. Their lives have considerably changed as a result as well, with many finding their life partner, enjoying family and friends, healing from illness, and the list goes on.

Monica helps create radical change in a way that takes less time and gets results!

About Monica:
