The Presentation of the Lord February 02, 2020 DIVINE ...Men’s Club Fish Fry news: Our first Fish...


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The Presentation of the Lord When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple, they

offered a sacrificial gift “in accordance with the dictate in the

law of the Lord.” An offering of a specific size or kind is not

“dictated” when we bring our gifts to the altar at Mass. Is my

gift reflective of the blessings I have received?


SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 01 4:00 PM- SFX + Peter & Erika Kubasiak by Kubasiak Family Father Philip Shangraw 5:30 PM- SJ + Vince Klein by M/M Ed Steffens

Father Bill Edens

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 02 9:00 AM – SC - Members of St. Catherine, St. Francis Xavier, and St. Joseph Parishes Father Philip Shangraw 11:00 AM – SJ + Lenis Klein by M/M Lou Armock Family

Father Philip Shangraw MONDAY, FEBRUARY 03 9:00 am-SFX + Steve VanOeffelen by Rodney & Denise Kober

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 04 8:00 AM-SJ + Rob Meyer by Family 8:30 AM- Adoration WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 05

No Mass THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 06 8:30 AM- SC + AnnaMae Woodard by Gary & Jill Nutt FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 07 9:30 AM-SJ + Carl May by M/M Rick Schoenborn SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 08 Confessions 3:00pm at St. Francis Xavier 4:00 PM- SFX + Leonard Gross by Bill & Pam May Father Philip Shangraw 5:30 PM- SJ + Marv Alt by Craig Franckowick Father Philip Shangraw SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 09 9:00 AM – SC + Peter & Erika Kubasiak by Kubasiak Family Father Philip Shangraw 11:00 AM – SJ – Member of St. Catherine, St. Francis Xavier, and St. Joseph Parishes Father Philip Shangraw

February 02, 2020

A Note from Father Phil I am a misfit. When I was ordained I thought surely I would follow the path of most priests: a couple of gigs as an associate, followed by a few more appointments as a pastor. Didn’t happen. I hadn’t even finished my first assignment when Bishop Breitenbeck chose me as the vocations director of the Diocese. A few years later, I became the director of our seminary and diaconal programs. Afterwards, I asked to go on for further studies in spirituality at Regis College in Toronto. While in Canada I lived with the Brothers of the Good Shepherd who ran a refuge center for the homeless. I returned to the Diocese of Grand Rapids and was named director for the continuing formation of priests. At the same time, I was named the temporary administrator of St. Joseph’s Church in Muskegon. My tenure in Muskegon was short. One year. Bishop Rose brought me back to Grand Rapids so I could live with two other priests and four laymen in an experimental community. We lived at St. James, but I worked at another parish that was an easy walk away. The fledgling community never got up off the ground because it was too difficult to balance seven schedules at seven different work places. That and the laymen eventually left and married. Imagine that. They started their own communities. Moving from there, I bought a small house in Grand Rapids. I continued to live there even when I was appointed pastor of Holy Family Parish in Sparta. After five years there, Bishop Rose gave me permission to go to New Melleray Abbey, a Trappist monastery, near Dubuque, Iowa, for six months. There I learned some basics about farming, carpentry, and mopping floors. And, of course, about the contemplative life. I have been living a semi-monastic life (if there is such a thing) ever since, helping in parishes for short periods as needed. In fact, I did a stint of several months at St Catherine and St Francis Xavier about 9 years ago. I am a misfit: I have one foot in monasticism, the other in ministry. While most diocesan priests recognize their ministry as their prayer, I discovered that it is my prayer that has become my ministry. Bishop Walkowiak seems to respect that. He calls me, “Father Phil In.” And now he has asked me to “fill in” part-time at St Joseph, St Catherine and St Francis Xavier. I will continue to live in my house in Grand Rapids and commute to Wright, Conklin and/or Ravenna on most days as needed. The schedule will remain the same (with the exception of confessions which will now be celebrated at SFX on Saturdays at 3:00 pm). Sacraments will be celebrated and parish life will continue. Because my tenure here will be short, I will try to adapt to you rather than ask the parish to adapt to me. I am delighted how well Fr Fred has organized things and I will leave policies and procedures as they are. So, there you have it. I will be the temporary administrator at these three parishes until this summer when a full time resident priest is assigned to this fine Cluster of Catholic Churches. Pray for this misfit. I am praying for you.


Contact Information

Principal: Kate Beuschel

Phone: 616-581-4242


St. Catherine’s Campus Secretary: Anne Lewis


Phone 231-853-6743 Fax: 231-853-2664 St. Joseph’s Campus Secretary: Suzanne May


Phone: 616-899-5300

Fax: 616-899-5491

St. Catherine’s Home & School is sponsoring a Euchre Tournament on Saturday, February 08, 2020. $15/person or $25/pair (ages 16 and older, please).

Register at 6:30pm. Play begins at 7:00pm. St. Catherine’s Parish Hall. Snacks provides, drinks by donation. Questions? Call Kathy Morey at 231-730-2481.



Dr. Tim Beechnau, Eric Burgtorf, Don Swanson, Marge

Rusco & Matt Block


Andy Emery, Randy Helsen, Kathy Morey, Libby Spencer,

Vicki Woodard & Jim Jensen

Parish Prayer Line: Mara Kroll: 231-853-6880

Ethel Nutt: (secondary) 231-853-6733

Ministry of Consolation – Parish Office 231-853-6222


February 09, 2020 – 9:00AM

Greeters & Gifts: Randy & Barb Helsen

Sacristan: Helen Helsen

Eucharistic Ministers: Helen Helsen, Gene Helsen

& Annie Kubasiak

Lector: John Kubasiak

Ushers: Dennis Emery, Brandon Hackenberg, Mike Iwaniw

& Randy Helsen

Mass Servers: Luke Meyers, Jane Klein & Taylor Dohm

Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Anyone Available

Music: Jim Jensen/Guitar Group

Children’s Liturgy: Katie Hackenberg

Money Counters: Gary & Jill Nutt


73 Adults - $3,750.00, Youth - $30.00

Loose - $176.00, Electronic - $0.00,

Candles - $16.00, for a total of $3,972.00.

Fuel - $413.00

Thank you for your continued support!

Pastoral & Finance Council change – The meeting scheduled for February 11, 2020 will be rescheduled to a later date once Father Shangraw is here. Men's Club News: Your chance to win in 2020 is available from any Men's Club member or contact the parish office.

Men’s Club Fish Fry news: Our first Fish

Fry will take place on February 28, 2020!

We need volunteers to work February 28,

March 06, March 27, & April 03. A sign up

sheet can be found in the back of church on

the bulletin board. If you have questions, please contact

Paul Helsen at 231-557-6572. Thank you.

Our Fish Fry Cake Ladies, Marsha Walter

and Florence Postema will be making

phone calls for cake donations too. Please

help us out!!

Altar Society News: There will be NO meetings in the months of January & February due to possible poor road conditions. See you in March!




Jim Arends, Ted Crowley, Fred Riplo & Sharon Denhof


Bill May, Diana VanOeffelen, Connie Riplo, Lynne Myszak

& Don Crowley

Parish Prayer Line: Jean: 616-205-5165

Kate: 616-678-5838

Food Pantry Coordinator: Barb VanDyke 616-899-2697

Ministry of Consolation – Parish Office 231-853-6222


FEBRUARY 08, 2020 – 4:00PM

Greeters: Ron & Lynne Myszak

Sacristan: Irene Bosman

Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Jo May & Mandy Willcome

Lector: JoAnn Beechnau

Ushers: Roger Fleese & Ted Crowley

Mass Servers: Anyone Available

Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Bill May/Sharon Denhof

Music: Jim Jensen/Guitar Group

Money Counters: Irene Bosman & Sharon Denhof


27 Adults - $1,366.00, Youth - $2.00,

Loose – $86.35, Votive - $2.00,

Electronic - $0.00, for a total of $1,456.35.

Thank you for your continued support!




Michele Allers, Emily Bliss, Cheryl Kaltz, Tonya Fritz,

Jesse Gasser & Jeannie Sokolowski


Al Dietrich, Ben Looks, Donald Rasch, Steve Umlor, Larry

Williams, Bob Rander

Prayer Line: Linda Nowatzki-616-8992166

Theresa Miller-616-899-5561

Altar Flowers: Karen VanDyke – 616-899-2268

Hall Rental: Parish Office 616-899-2286

Hall Phone: 616-899-9381

Ministry of Consolation – Parish Office 616-899-2286


For February 8th & 9th

LECTORS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Feb 8- 5:30 PM-Dean Pavolvic Heather Feb 9-11:00 AM- Lou Armock Connie Armock SACRISTANS Feb 8-5:30 PM – Joe Kaltz Feb 9-11:00 AM – Chuck Rasch MUSIC SCHEDULE Feb 8- 5:30 PM-Stacey Feb 9 -11:00 AM-Eileen Hoogterp GREETERS Feb 8-5:30 PM-Norma Armock Feb 9-11:00 AM-Karen & Dan Carmody USHERS SCHEDULE Feb 8-5:30 PM-Chuck Pearce Feb 9-11:00 AM – Joe Armock & Son ATAR SERVERS Feb 8-5:30 PM-Joe Kaltz Feb 9-11:00 AM-Leo & George Armock & Blake Vandermeulen CHAPLET LEADERS 11:00 AM-Kathy Decker, Jeannie Sokolowski and Mike Host

Liturgical Notes Rosary Intention for January – Let us pray for all

the sick and elderly of the parish that they may

receive Graces to bear their burdens and illnesses

and return to good health.

Parish Information

Saint Joseph Finance Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 4th at 7:00 pm in the church meeting room.

St. Joseph’s is looking for another Sacristan for 5:30 pm Mass. If you or anyone you know that would be interested, please contact Marty Brown 616-560-0479 St. Joseph’s is looking for another money counter, to help assist counting money for the months of Nov, Jan and March. Please contact the parish for more details.

GIVING BACK TO GOD 1-19-2020 Adults (56) $31

Youth (3) $6 Loose $158 Fuel $35 TOTAL $3318

Thank you for your continued support


02/05 – St. Catherine/St. Francis Xavier K-8 will meet in the school 6:30-7:45 pm 2/09 – St. Joseph K-8 will meet in the school 9:30 – 10:40am 01/31 – Super-bowling party (Friday) 2/2 - No Lifenight (Due to Super Bowl) 2/7 - "Cor Jesu" Adoration and Confessions for youth at the Basilica of St. Adablert from 7:30-9:30 - come / go at any time. 2/9 - Lifenight - SFX - 6:30-8PM


The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available on Saturdays at 3:00 pm at St Francis Xavier beginning on February 01, 2020. There will be no confessions in the morning.

Is God inviting you to an opportunity to learn more about

him? Bible study for this semester is Gospel of St. Mark will

be starting Feb 19th at 9 AM at Ester Finkler’s home. If

interested in more details, please call Ester at 899.2247 or

Anne Klein at 450.0597

Save the date(s)! Ravenna Community Fish Fry’s are just around the corner. Join us every Friday during lent beginning February 28, 2020! More information to come.

Question of the Week

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 09, 2020 Spreading the light of Christ Reading I Isaiah 58:7-10 (true fasting) Reading II 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 (preaching on Christ crucified) Gospel Matthew 5:13-16 (the similes of salt and light) Key Passage Jesus said, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) Adult: In what way might you be hiding the light of Christ from others? What could you do to improve this? Child: How can you let the light of Christ in you shine for others this week?

FAMILY PERSPECTIVE by Bud Ozar Mary and Joseph are amazed by the words of Simeon about their son. At times, we will be ‘presented’ with things we never knew about a member of our family. Being open to the light of this revelation is the key to falling in love all over again. Weekly Scripture Readings Monday, Feb 03 -2 Sm 15:13-14, 16:5-13/Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday, Feb 04 – 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30-19-3/Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday, Feb 05 – 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17/Mk 6:1-6 Thursday, Feb 06 – 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12/Mk 6:7-13 Friday, Feb 07 – Sir 47:2-11/Mk 6:14-29 Saturday, Feb 08 - 1 Kgs 3:4-13/Mk 6:30-34 Sunday, Feb 09 – Is 58:7-10/1 Cor 2:1-5/Mt 5:13-16

Father Brucker’s New Address Father Fred Brucker 7367 Pine Grove Drive Jenison, MI 49428



KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #4404 Grand Knight: Randy Graftema – 616-502-2628 Email: Website: Meeting: First Tuesday of the month – 7:00pm at St. Vincent DePaul Bldg. Corp. Hall St. Vincent DePaul Bldg. Corp. Hall Rental Ed & Cindy Denhof: 616-302-0368 MSGR. LEO ROSLONIEC 4TH DEGREE ASSEMBLY #3492 Faithful Navigator Rick De Vries Email Phone 616-813-1874

Meeting: Third Tuesday of the month, 7:00pm at St. Joseph’s Hall

St. Vincent de Paul Building Corporation’s annual Mixed Couples Euchre parties!! When – February 14th with registration at 6:30 pm and plays starting at 7:00 pm sharp. Where: St. Vincent de Paul Hall, 21130 32nd Ave Conklin Cost is $15 per team. Food and adult beverages available. Complimentary popcorn. Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. 50/50 Basket Raffle. Ages 18 and up. Register at the door.

K of C Breakfast continue through April 05, 2020. We will be serving from 8:30am – 1:00pm. Cost is $8 for adults, $5.50 for kids 5-12 years, under 5 is free. All you can eat breakfast buffet includes,

scrambled eggs, blueberry and regular pancakes, sausage, bacon, biscuits and gravy, and omelet bar. Thank you to everyone who prayed the Novena for Life. It is our hope our prayers will be heard. We would like to welcome our newest Knights, Deacon Ed Harwood, Jeremy Wiltenburg, Dennis Emery, Stephen Klein and Chris Stebbins.


Touched by Mercy, a Day for those Affected by Suicide will be held at the Franciscan Life Process Center, Lowell Campus, 11650 Downes St. NE Lowell, MI 49331 on Saturday, February 8, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Join Sister Colleen Ann Nagle, FSE, MA and Father Ron Hutchinson, MA for a special day of reflection, sharing and prayer for those who have been affected by the suicide of a loved one. Please go to to register. The Courage apostolate is the Church’s invitation to people who experience same-sex attraction, who desire to live in accord with the Gospel call to chastity. Courage, a confidential support group led by a priest, accompanies men and women along the road to integration, freedom and discipleship. For more information, call 616-288-0914 or email The EnCourage ministry welcomes parents, spouses and loved ones of people who experience same-sex attraction to join regularly for prayer and mutual support. Under the direction of a priest, EnCourage members seek to know God’s will for themselves and their loved ones, and to follow it with charity and patience. For more information, call 616-288-0918 or email Registration is open for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land Join Fr. Michael Cilibraise, pastor of Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Holland, and the Lakeshore Academy for the New Evangelization (LANE) for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land from Nov. 29 – Dec. 8, 2020. Registration is now open. Fr. Michael will be your guide as you walk where Jesus walked, see where he taught during his earthly ministry, and feel his presence still there today! See the full itinerary, pricing, and register at The Grand Rapids Diocesan Council of Catholic Women invites all Catholic women to join them for the state conference, BEACONS OF LIGHT, to be held April 24-25, 2020 in Frankenmuth, MI. Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak, Bishop of Grand Rapids, Most Reverend Stephen J. Raica, Bishop of Gaylord, Most Reverend Earl A. Boyea, Bishop of Lansing, and Most Reverend Paul J. Bradley, Bishop of Kalamazoo, will be celebrating Mass on Friday night. This year’s event coincides with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the National Council of Catholic Women. Please join us for this event that will feature Mass with our Bishops, inspirational speakers, vendors, and fellowship time with women from all over the state. Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. on Friday and the conference concludes on Saturday at lunch. For registration information and room block details, email or call Janet at 616-915-5930. .

Conklin Recreation Baseball and Softball Ages 4-12, signups are open until March 1st. Please register online at Or visit Conklin Recreation Facebook page. Any questions email KC Sunday Brunch Feb 9th 2020 at St. Isidore Parish Life Center Gym, 625 Spring St., Fr, 9:00 AM-12:45 PM, Free Will Donation, to support Holy Family Radio. Questions, call 655.9604
