“The Russian gas industry: peculiarities of legal regulation”



“The Russian gas industry: peculiarities of legal regulation”. Anastasia Polyakova, HSE Kaliningrad, 25 th of October, 2013. Fuel and energy complex. social relations production of electricity, thermal energy transportation of gas, oil, oil products - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Russian gas industry: peculiarities of legal regulationAnastasia Polyakova, HSEKaliningrad, 25th of October, 20131Fuel and energy complexsocial relations production of electricity, thermal energy transportation of gas, oil, oil products provision of services for the transmission of electric and thermal energyenvironmental and energy securitysustainable use of natural resourcesRussia in gas fieldthe largest world power in gas reserves (21% of world reserves)produces about 19% of the world's gas1/5 of gas exports

OAO Gazprom Global energy companyMission and strategic goalReserves and gas productionReliable gas supplier todomestic and foreign consumersDiversifying transmission routes and reinforcing European energy securityMarkets and products diversificationEnvironment and social responsibilityGazprom inglobal market

Natural gasis sold as a commodityis one of the most volatile commodities currently on the market.the price of natural gas is set by market forces and based on supply and demand

Long-term contract system price formula taking account ofthe oil prices for the previous 6to 9months clauses forbidding unilateral termination ofacontract except for prolonged force majeure; take-or-pay commitment pertinent tosignificant contracted volumes stipulating that the customer shall pay for the volumes that have not been offtaken byhim during ayear and may beofftaken later after delivery ofthe minimum annual volumes contracted for the specified year and atthe relevant surcharge.

The 3rd Energy Package. Main aims. completion of the internal energy market of the European Union by 2014developing relationships that will put an end to the isolation of EU member states from the European gas and electricity networks in 2015" We are discussing a solution in which the rules of the" Third Energy Package "does not spill over our infrastructure projects. Other variants of admission of third parties (to the implementation of Russian gas projects in Europe) are not considered ", - said Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak .

The 3rd Energy Package the way to increase competition in gas market in order to lower energy prices and expansion of new players?!

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