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SSoo,, rreemmeemmbbeerr— one word can mean a lotwhen it comes to keeping your money safefrom schemes...CCUUSSTTOODDYY!!

Securities and advisory services throughTriad Advisors Member FINRA/SIPC. The Securus Group, Inc. is not affiliated withTriad Advisors, Inc.


WWoouulldd YYoouu LLiikkee TToo RREEDDUUCCEE YYoouurrWWoorrkkeerrss CCoommppeennssaattiioonn PPrreemmiiuummss BByy55%% EEaacchh YYeeaarr??

Thousands of PA employers have alreadysaved millions in insurance premiums bysetting up a workplace safety committeethat meets the requirements for statecertification. That’s millions thatcompanies are saving AND money thatWAS being used to pay insurancepremiums! WWHHYY IISS AA SSAAFFEETTYYCCOOMMMMIITTTTEEEE IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT??A safety committee promotes a safer andhealthier work environment. The savingsand benefits will extend well beyond theinsurance discount. A safety committee

AA KKee yy DD ii ff ffee rr ee nn cc ee —CC UU SSTT OO DD YY

Many investors arewondering if their money issafe from scandals or“Ponzi Schemes” (like theone Bernie Madoff pulled

off for 30 years). One word can ease thoseworries for most investors — CCUUSSTTOODDYY..

WWhhaatt iiss aa ““PPoonnzzii SScchheemmee””?? A “PonziScheme” is a fraudulent investmentoperation that pays returns to investorsfrom their own money or money paid bysubsequent investors rather than fromprofit. These schemes normally offer highshort term returns or a crazy promise ofnever losing money using an incompre-hensible strategy. The name “PonziScheme” is derived from Charles Ponzi, anItalian immigrant who came to the US in1903 to start an investing business. Ponzieventually duped thousands of investorsby telling them that he could provide a40% return in just 90 days compared to 5%for bank savings accounts. Though a fewearly investors were paid off to make thescheme look legitimate, many more neversaw a dime. Ponzi did not invent thisscheme, but took in enough money to bethe first one known in the United States.

NNOOWW — fast forward to 2008 to the largest“Ponzi Scheme” ever uncovered, whichwas done by Bernie Madoff and isestimated to be at $50 Billion. The oneword that differentiates the way thatMadoff managed money and the way mostadvisors manage money is CCUUSSTTOODDYY..When investors gave Madoff money, theywould write the check basically to himwhich gave him authorization to handletheir money as he wanted. The majority ofAdvisors in the world use a custodialaccount (for example, Charles Schwab orTrust Company of America) to hold theinvestors money. The investor then signsoff only to allow a money manager orsomeone to manage the money anddistribute fees to do so.

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGERay Shirk, President / CEO - Securus

Dear Valued Business Partners and Friends,

Welcome to the first edition of FACETS! I am pleased to introduceto you our very first All Agency Newsletter. If you have been withSecurus for a while, you’ve probably heard me say this before... “we arenot like any other insurance agency”. And, if you are new to ourcompany, I’d like to say, I think when you learn of all of the diverseproducts and services we are able to offer our business partners —all under one roof— that you will quickly notice that we do haveyou covered for every facet of your business and individual needs! Ifyou haven’t already done so, I would encourage you to log onto ourrecently updated website — You willhear me talk about our approach...our people...our relationships. They do make thedifference! My hope is that with these quarterly newsletters, our regular communicationsthroughout the year, the information you will find on our site, meeting and interacting withour talented and knowledgeable staff that you will see... “we are not like any other insuranceagency!”A Brief Reflection on 2008... I want to take a brief moment to reflect on an importantevent that took place in the fall of 2008. We learned that Securus was a recipient of theBEST PLACES TO WORK IN PA! 600 companies statewide applied for this recognition.It was narrowed down to the 100 best (50 large; 50 medium sized companies). We wereranked #9 in the medium sized groups, and I don’t mind saying it was a proud moment in ourcompany’s history! This is testimony to everyone on staff, their hard work and dedication tomaking Securus a successful, professional, happy place to work and serve our businesspartners and friends. Looking forward to 2009! We have lots of work to do in 2009. Butwe look forward to fulfilling our mission: Work Harder, Think Smarter, Be Nicer! We willcontinue to be innovative, visionary, resourceful, and dependable. On behalf of myself and theentire staff, thank you for your business! As we continue to work together in 2009, we willstrive to do what is best for you and even enhance what we can offer you and your business.But if we don’t, we want to hear from you.After all... “Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got.” — Jim Rohn



demonstrates an organization’scommitment to safety, which can result inlower employee turnover, fewer work-related injuries, lower insurance costs,enhanced customer relations, enhancedpublic perception, higher employeemorale, greater regulatory compliance,less property damage, reduced businessinterruption... and the list goes on!

Most importantly to us at SECURUS and tomost other people, is the human element.There is no amount of money that cancompensate us for a loved one who hasbeen seriously or fatally injured as a resultof a work-related incident.




SECURUS can guide you with all of yourquestions. We have partnered with theBureau of PENNSAFE to offer this annualrequired training here at our office inLancaster PA. This training is FREE for anyPennsylvania businesses to attend. Giveus a call at SECURUS and we would behappy to help! WWEE HHAAVVEE AA QQUUAALLIIFFIIEEDDTTRRAAIINNEERR OONN SSTTAAFFFF TTOO AASSSSIISSTT YYOOUU!!

DDaann KKaahhlleerr,, MMSSDDiirreeccttoorr ooff RRii sskkMMaannaaggeemmeenntt

NEXT Issue...

News from our other Divisions:Personal Insurance ▪AgriBusinessHuman Resources (The HumanFocus) ▪ Employee Benefits

RRyyaann EE.. NNeeffff,, RRFFCCPPrreessiiddeenntt // FFiinnaanncciiaallAAddvviissoorr


KKeeyy TTiippss iinn tthhee EEvveenntt ooff aa WWaatteerr LLoossss

We all know of someone that has dealt witha broken water pipe in the coldest ofwinters and while insurance will likelyrespond to the damageincurred, there areseveral tips you can useuntil help arrives.There are differentclasses of water.For instance, “clean”water is from the over-flow of a sink or tub orfrom a broken ice-maker line in therefrigerator. “Gray”water is from a broken hose to the washer ordishwasher and “Black” water is from a floodto the home, or the backup of raw sewageinto the structure.TTHHEE TTIIPPSS LLIISSTTEEDD BBEELLOOWW will be a good placeto start in keeping the water damage to aminimum.▪ Shut off the water source if you can.▪ Turn off circuit breaker to the affected

areas if you can do so safely.▪ Remove excess water by mopping the

damaged area.▪ Remove and support upright wet

upholstery cushions for more even drying.▪ Place aluminum foil or wood block under

furniture legs; Wipe excess water from wooden furniture.

▪ Open drawers and cabinet doors for more even drying (do not force them open)

▪ Hang leather goods separately at room temperature

▪ DDOO NNOOT turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet

▪ Dry out the damaged areas as soon as it is safe to do so.

FFiinnaallllyy,, ccaallll yyoouurr iinnssuurraannccee aaggeennttiimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy with the details of the loss:when, where and how it occurred, providinga brief summary of what was damaged. Ifyou recently had service work done to thesource of the water, call that company andadvise them of the issues.

CC OO BB RR AA CChhaannggeess AAss AA RReessuulltt OOffTThhee AARRRRAA ““SStt iimmuulluuss PPaacckkaaggee””

The AmericanRecovery andReinvestment Act of2009 (ARRA), thefinancial stimulus lawsigned by PresidentObama on February17, 2009, containssignificant changes tothe COBRA continua-tion coverage

rules.In brief, the rules provide for afederal government subsidy of COBRAcontinuation coverage premiums for amaximum of nine months for individualswho are COBRA qualified beneficiariesbecause of an involuntary termination ofemployment. It also extends COBRAcontinuation election periods forindividuals who became eligible forCOBRA continuation elections between9/1/2008 and 12/31/2009. Last ly, itextends coverage periods for certainindividuals receiving Trade AdjustmentAssistance benefits or pension benefitsfrom the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.

All plan administrators of group healthcare plans which are subject to COBRAshould already be putting their planstogether. You need to implement theadministrative procedures necessary toprovide for the subsidy, provide requirednotices, and implement the extendedCOBRA coverage periods. These newCOBRA provisions established by the ARRArequire employers and COBRA administra-tors to act swiftly and make quickdecisions to implement new COBRAprocedures.

All group health plan documents willneed to be amended to incorporate thesechanges (even if the group health plancompany does not administer COBRA).

If you as an employer are subject toCOBRA, you and your COBRA administratorshould have a detailed plan in place bynow. SECURUS TPA has already beenworking on the provisions as they apply toour services, what is needed and what thedeadlines are for companies.

Contact your COBRA administrator foryour health plan and find out whatprocesses they will have completed by thedeadlines outlined in the ARRA. SecurusA&C, LLC (dba Securus Third Party Admin-istrators) is readily available to act as yourCOBRA administrator and keep you andyour plan in compliance. PPlleeaassee ccoonnttaaccttoouurr ooffffiiccee 771177..558811..66550000 iiff wwee ccaann bbee ooffaannyy aassssiissttaannccee ttoo yyoouu aanndd yyoouurr ssttaaffff..

DD oo YYoo uu UU ss ee SS uu bb cc oo nn tt rr aa cc tt oo rr ss II nnYYoo uu rr BB uu ss ii nn ee ss ss ??

— Scott Roda, CICBusiness Relat ionship Manager

AArree yyoouu mmaakkiinngg ssuurree yyoouu aarree pprrootteecctt--iinngg yyoouurr bbuussiinneessss aanndd yyoouurr ggeenneerraalllliiaabbiilliittyy lliimmiittss?? Even though theCommercial General Liability policy of yourbusiness insurance program protects youagainst covered bodily injury and propertydamage claims to third parties arising outof the work of your subcontractors, thereare some things you should be doing toprovide additional protection for yourbusiness. It doesn’t matter what type ofbusiness you are in. If you hire independ-ent contractors, you should be doing thefollowing: ▪ Standardize Subcontractor Agree-

ments for all of your subcontractors▪ Maintain Certificates of Insurance

on all of your subcontractors ▪ Standardize Risk Management

practices to minimize potential losses.It may sound difficult and time consuming,but SECURUS can help you. It part of ourvalue added services! CCoonnttaacctt uuss ttooddaayy!!


— Dennis SpencerVice President

AAnnsswweerr YYEESS ttoo aannyy ooff tthheessee qquueess ttiioonnssand you should contact us to learn abouthow to protect yourselves from asignificant financial hardship.

11.. Is a working computer system andnetwork important to the operation of your business?

22..Does your company maintain importantconfidential data such as personalemployee, client information?

33.Do you know the cost to replace the dataif lost or damaged in a computer attack?

44..Do you know what your legal responsi-bility is should you lose personal data ofa client, employee or patient?

55.Did you ever have a disgruntledemployee that had access to important data leave your employment?

66.Do you maintain a website? If so, do youknow whether it violates copyright, trademark or privacy laws?

SSttaayy ttuunneedd ffoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaatt iioonnaabboouutt aann iimmppoorr ttaanntt uuppccoommiinnggsseemm iinnaarr ttoo lleeaarrnn wwhhaatt yyoouurr lleeggaa llrreessppoonnssiibb ii ll ii tt iieess aarree rree llaatt ii vvee ttoo tthheesseeqquueesstt iioonnss aanndd mmoorree!!

I N D E XBusiness Insurance

Do You Use Subcontractors?

Technology: Protect Yourselffrom a financial hardship!

Claims DepartmentKey Tips in a Water Loss

Risk ManagementSafety Committees Seem

to Make $ense

Financial Services &Wealth Management

A Key Difference — CUSTODY

Third PartyAdministrators

COBRA Changes —Result ofThe ARRA “Stimulus Package”

454 New Holland Avenue ▪ Suite 300Lancaster PA 17602 ▪ 800.582.9100717.581.6500 ▪ Fax 717.581.6600 www.securusgroup.comDDeennnniiss SSppeenncceerrSSccootttt RRooddaa,, CCIICC

DDeemmii PPoorrtteerrDDiirreeccttoorr ooff TTPPAA

CCyynntthhiiaa BBlloouugghh,, AAIIMMCCllaaiimmss SSppeecciiaalliisstt

Yo u r B u s i n e s s P a r t n e r f o r A l lo f Yo u r P r o t e c t i o n N e e d s !


KKeeyy TTiippss iinn tthhee EEvveenntt ooff aa WWaatteerr LLoossss

We all know of someone that has dealt witha broken water pipe in the coldest ofwinters and while insurance will likelyrespond to the damageincurred, there areseveral tips you can useuntil help arrives.There are differentclasses of water.For instance, “clean”water is from the over-flow of a sink or tub orfrom a broken ice-maker line in therefrigerator. “Gray”water is from a broken hose to the washer ordishwasher and “Black” water is from a floodto the home, or the backup of raw sewageinto the structure.TTHHEE TTIIPPSS LLIISSTTEEDD BBEELLOOWW will be a good placeto start in keeping the water damage to aminimum.▪ Shut off the water source if you can.▪ Turn off circuit breaker to the affected

areas if you can do so safely.▪ Remove excess water by mopping the

damaged area.▪ Remove and support upright wet

upholstery cushions for more even drying.▪ Place aluminum foil or wood block under

furniture legs; Wipe excess water from wooden furniture.

▪ Open drawers and cabinet doors for more even drying (do not force them open)

▪ Hang leather goods separately at room temperature

▪ DDOO NNOOT turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet

▪ Dry out the damaged areas as soon as it is safe to do so.

FFiinnaallllyy,, ccaallll yyoouurr iinnssuurraannccee aaggeennttiimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy with the details of the loss:when, where and how it occurred, providinga brief summary of what was damaged. Ifyou recently had service work done to thesource of the water, call that company andadvise them of the issues.

CC OO BB RR AA CChhaannggeess AAss AA RReessuulltt OOffTThhee AARRRRAA ““SStt iimmuulluuss PPaacckkaaggee””

The AmericanRecovery andReinvestment Act of2009 (ARRA), thefinancial stimulus lawsigned by PresidentObama on February17, 2009, containssignificant changes tothe COBRA continua-tion coverage

rules.In brief, the rules provide for afederal government subsidy of COBRAcontinuation coverage premiums for amaximum of nine months for individualswho are COBRA qualified beneficiariesbecause of an involuntary termination ofemployment. It also extends COBRAcontinuation election periods forindividuals who became eligible forCOBRA continuation elections between9/1/2008 and 12/31/2009. Last ly, itextends coverage periods for certainindividuals receiving Trade AdjustmentAssistance benefits or pension benefitsfrom the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.

All plan administrators of group healthcare plans which are subject to COBRAshould already be putting their planstogether. You need to implement theadministrative procedures necessary toprovide for the subsidy, provide requirednotices, and implement the extendedCOBRA coverage periods. These newCOBRA provisions established by the ARRArequire employers and COBRA administra-tors to act swiftly and make quickdecisions to implement new COBRAprocedures.

All group health plan documents willneed to be amended to incorporate thesechanges (even if the group health plancompany does not administer COBRA).

If you as an employer are subject toCOBRA, you and your COBRA administratorshould have a detailed plan in place bynow. SECURUS TPA has already beenworking on the provisions as they apply toour services, what is needed and what thedeadlines are for companies.

Contact your COBRA administrator foryour health plan and find out whatprocesses they will have completed by thedeadlines outlined in the ARRA. SecurusA&C, LLC (dba Securus Third Party Admin-istrators) is readily available to act as yourCOBRA administrator and keep you andyour plan in compliance. PPlleeaassee ccoonnttaaccttoouurr ooffffiiccee 771177..558811..66550000 iiff wwee ccaann bbee ooffaannyy aassssiissttaannccee ttoo yyoouu aanndd yyoouurr ssttaaffff..

DD oo YYoo uu UU ss ee SS uu bb cc oo nn tt rr aa cc tt oo rr ss II nnYYoo uu rr BB uu ss ii nn ee ss ss ??

— Scott Roda, CICBusiness Relat ionship Manager

AArree yyoouu mmaakkiinngg ssuurree yyoouu aarree pprrootteecctt--iinngg yyoouurr bbuussiinneessss aanndd yyoouurr ggeenneerraalllliiaabbiilliittyy lliimmiittss?? Even though theCommercial General Liability policy of yourbusiness insurance program protects youagainst covered bodily injury and propertydamage claims to third parties arising outof the work of your subcontractors, thereare some things you should be doing toprovide additional protection for yourbusiness. It doesn’t matter what type ofbusiness you are in. If you hire independ-ent contractors, you should be doing thefollowing: ▪ Standardize Subcontractor Agree-

ments for all of your subcontractors▪ Maintain Certificates of Insurance

on all of your subcontractors ▪ Standardize Risk Management

practices to minimize potential losses.It may sound difficult and time consuming,but SECURUS can help you. It part of ourvalue added services! CCoonnttaacctt uuss ttooddaayy!!


— Dennis SpencerVice President

AAnnsswweerr YYEESS ttoo aannyy ooff tthheessee qquueess ttiioonnssand you should contact us to learn abouthow to protect yourselves from asignificant financial hardship.

11.. Is a working computer system andnetwork important to the operation of your business?

22..Does your company maintain importantconfidential data such as personalemployee, client information?

33.Do you know the cost to replace the dataif lost or damaged in a computer attack?

44..Do you know what your legal responsi-bility is should you lose personal data ofa client, employee or patient?

55.Did you ever have a disgruntledemployee that had access to important data leave your employment?

66.Do you maintain a website? If so, do youknow whether it violates copyright, trademark or privacy laws?

SSttaayy ttuunneedd ffoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaatt iioonnaabboouutt aann iimmppoorr ttaanntt uuppccoommiinnggsseemm iinnaarr ttoo lleeaarrnn wwhhaatt yyoouurr lleeggaa llrreessppoonnssiibb ii ll ii tt iieess aarree rree llaatt ii vvee ttoo tthheesseeqquueesstt iioonnss aanndd mmoorree!!

I N D E XBusiness Insurance

Do You Use Subcontractors?

Technology: Protect Yourselffrom a financial hardship!

Claims DepartmentKey Tips in a Water Loss

Risk ManagementSafety Committees Seem

to Make $ense

Financial Services &Wealth Management

A Key Difference — CUSTODY

Third PartyAdministrators

COBRA Changes —Result ofThe ARRA “Stimulus Package”

454 New Holland Avenue ▪ Suite 300Lancaster PA 17602 ▪ 800.582.9100717.581.6500 ▪ Fax 717.581.6600 www.securusgroup.comDDeennnniiss SSppeenncceerrSSccootttt RRooddaa,, CCIICC

DDeemmii PPoorrtteerrDDiirreeccttoorr ooff TTPPAA

CCyynntthhiiaa BBlloouugghh,, AAIIMMCCllaaiimmss SSppeecciiaalliisstt

Yo u r B u s i n e s s P a r t n e r f o r A l lo f Yo u r P r o t e c t i o n N e e d s !

SSoo,, rreemmeemmbbeerr— one word can mean a lotwhen it comes to keeping your money safefrom schemes...CCUUSSTTOODDYY!!

Securities and advisory services throughTriad Advisors Member FINRA/SIPC. The Securus Group, Inc. is not affiliated withTriad Advisors, Inc.


WWoouulldd YYoouu LLiikkee TToo RREEDDUUCCEE YYoouurrWWoorrkkeerrss CCoommppeennssaattiioonn PPrreemmiiuummss BByy55%% EEaacchh YYeeaarr??

Thousands of PA employers have alreadysaved millions in insurance premiums bysetting up a workplace safety committeethat meets the requirements for statecertification. That’s millions thatcompanies are saving AND money thatWAS being used to pay insurancepremiums! WWHHYY IISS AA SSAAFFEETTYYCCOOMMMMIITTTTEEEE IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT??A safety committee promotes a safer andhealthier work environment. The savingsand benefits will extend well beyond theinsurance discount. A safety committee

AA KKee yy DD ii ff ffee rr ee nn cc ee —CC UU SSTT OO DD YY

Many investors arewondering if their money issafe from scandals or“Ponzi Schemes” (like theone Bernie Madoff pulled

off for 30 years). One word can ease thoseworries for most investors — CCUUSSTTOODDYY..

WWhhaatt iiss aa ““PPoonnzzii SScchheemmee””?? A “PonziScheme” is a fraudulent investmentoperation that pays returns to investorsfrom their own money or money paid bysubsequent investors rather than fromprofit. These schemes normally offer highshort term returns or a crazy promise ofnever losing money using an incompre-hensible strategy. The name “PonziScheme” is derived from Charles Ponzi, anItalian immigrant who came to the US in1903 to start an investing business. Ponzieventually duped thousands of investorsby telling them that he could provide a40% return in just 90 days compared to 5%for bank savings accounts. Though a fewearly investors were paid off to make thescheme look legitimate, many more neversaw a dime. Ponzi did not invent thisscheme, but took in enough money to bethe first one known in the United States.

NNOOWW — fast forward to 2008 to the largest“Ponzi Scheme” ever uncovered, whichwas done by Bernie Madoff and isestimated to be at $50 Billion. The oneword that differentiates the way thatMadoff managed money and the way mostadvisors manage money is CCUUSSTTOODDYY..When investors gave Madoff money, theywould write the check basically to himwhich gave him authorization to handletheir money as he wanted. The majority ofAdvisors in the world use a custodialaccount (for example, Charles Schwab orTrust Company of America) to hold theinvestors money. The investor then signsoff only to allow a money manager orsomeone to manage the money anddistribute fees to do so.

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGERay Shirk, President / CEO - Securus

Dear Valued Business Partners and Friends,

Welcome to the first edition of FACETS! I am pleased to introduceto you our very first All Agency Newsletter. If you have been withSecurus for a while, you’ve probably heard me say this before... “we arenot like any other insurance agency”. And, if you are new to ourcompany, I’d like to say, I think when you learn of all of the diverseproducts and services we are able to offer our business partners —all under one roof— that you will quickly notice that we do haveyou covered for every facet of your business and individual needs! Ifyou haven’t already done so, I would encourage you to log onto ourrecently updated website — You willhear me talk about our approach...our people...our relationships. They do make thedifference! My hope is that with these quarterly newsletters, our regular communicationsthroughout the year, the information you will find on our site, meeting and interacting withour talented and knowledgeable staff that you will see... “we are not like any other insuranceagency!”A Brief Reflection on 2008... I want to take a brief moment to reflect on an importantevent that took place in the fall of 2008. We learned that Securus was a recipient of theBEST PLACES TO WORK IN PA! 600 companies statewide applied for this recognition.It was narrowed down to the 100 best (50 large; 50 medium sized companies). We wereranked #9 in the medium sized groups, and I don’t mind saying it was a proud moment in ourcompany’s history! This is testimony to everyone on staff, their hard work and dedication tomaking Securus a successful, professional, happy place to work and serve our businesspartners and friends. Looking forward to 2009! We have lots of work to do in 2009. Butwe look forward to fulfilling our mission: Work Harder, Think Smarter, Be Nicer! We willcontinue to be innovative, visionary, resourceful, and dependable. On behalf of myself and theentire staff, thank you for your business! As we continue to work together in 2009, we willstrive to do what is best for you and even enhance what we can offer you and your business.But if we don’t, we want to hear from you.After all... “Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got.” — Jim Rohn



demonstrates an organization’scommitment to safety, which can result inlower employee turnover, fewer work-related injuries, lower insurance costs,enhanced customer relations, enhancedpublic perception, higher employeemorale, greater regulatory compliance,less property damage, reduced businessinterruption... and the list goes on!

Most importantly to us at SECURUS and tomost other people, is the human element.There is no amount of money that cancompensate us for a loved one who hasbeen seriously or fatally injured as a resultof a work-related incident.




SECURUS can guide you with all of yourquestions. We have partnered with theBureau of PENNSAFE to offer this annualrequired training here at our office inLancaster PA. This training is FREE for anyPennsylvania businesses to attend. Giveus a call at SECURUS and we would behappy to help! WWEE HHAAVVEE AA QQUUAALLIIFFIIEEDDTTRRAAIINNEERR OONN SSTTAAFFFF TTOO AASSSSIISSTT YYOOUU!!

DDaann KKaahhlleerr,, MMSSDDiirreeccttoorr ooff RRii sskkMMaannaaggeemmeenntt

NEXT Issue...

News from our other Divisions:Personal Insurance ▪AgriBusinessHuman Resources (The HumanFocus) ▪ Employee Benefits

RRyyaann EE.. NNeeffff,, RRFFCCPPrreessiiddeenntt // FFiinnaanncciiaallAAddvviissoorr


KKeeyy TTiippss iinn tthhee EEvveenntt ooff aa WWaatteerr LLoossss

We all know of someone that has dealt witha broken water pipe in the coldest ofwinters and while insurance will likelyrespond to the damageincurred, there areseveral tips you can useuntil help arrives.There are differentclasses of water.For instance, “clean”water is from the over-flow of a sink or tub orfrom a broken ice-maker line in therefrigerator. “Gray”water is from a broken hose to the washer ordishwasher and “Black” water is from a floodto the home, or the backup of raw sewageinto the structure.TTHHEE TTIIPPSS LLIISSTTEEDD BBEELLOOWW will be a good placeto start in keeping the water damage to aminimum.▪ Shut off the water source if you can.▪ Turn off circuit breaker to the affected

areas if you can do so safely.▪ Remove excess water by mopping the

damaged area.▪ Remove and support upright wet

upholstery cushions for more even drying.▪ Place aluminum foil or wood block under

furniture legs; Wipe excess water from wooden furniture.

▪ Open drawers and cabinet doors for more even drying (do not force them open)

▪ Hang leather goods separately at room temperature

▪ DDOO NNOOT turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet

▪ Dry out the damaged areas as soon as it is safe to do so.

FFiinnaallllyy,, ccaallll yyoouurr iinnssuurraannccee aaggeennttiimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy with the details of the loss:when, where and how it occurred, providinga brief summary of what was damaged. Ifyou recently had service work done to thesource of the water, call that company andadvise them of the issues.

CC OO BB RR AA CChhaannggeess AAss AA RReessuulltt OOffTThhee AARRRRAA ““SStt iimmuulluuss PPaacckkaaggee””

The AmericanRecovery andReinvestment Act of2009 (ARRA), thefinancial stimulus lawsigned by PresidentObama on February17, 2009, containssignificant changes tothe COBRA continua-tion coverage

rules.In brief, the rules provide for afederal government subsidy of COBRAcontinuation coverage premiums for amaximum of nine months for individualswho are COBRA qualified beneficiariesbecause of an involuntary termination ofemployment. It also extends COBRAcontinuation election periods forindividuals who became eligible forCOBRA continuation elections between9/1/2008 and 12/31/2009. Last ly, itextends coverage periods for certainindividuals receiving Trade AdjustmentAssistance benefits or pension benefitsfrom the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.

All plan administrators of group healthcare plans which are subject to COBRAshould already be putting their planstogether. You need to implement theadministrative procedures necessary toprovide for the subsidy, provide requirednotices, and implement the extendedCOBRA coverage periods. These newCOBRA provisions established by the ARRArequire employers and COBRA administra-tors to act swiftly and make quickdecisions to implement new COBRAprocedures.

All group health plan documents willneed to be amended to incorporate thesechanges (even if the group health plancompany does not administer COBRA).

If you as an employer are subject toCOBRA, you and your COBRA administratorshould have a detailed plan in place bynow. SECURUS TPA has already beenworking on the provisions as they apply toour services, what is needed and what thedeadlines are for companies.

Contact your COBRA administrator foryour health plan and find out whatprocesses they will have completed by thedeadlines outlined in the ARRA. SecurusA&C, LLC (dba Securus Third Party Admin-istrators) is readily available to act as yourCOBRA administrator and keep you andyour plan in compliance. PPlleeaassee ccoonnttaaccttoouurr ooffffiiccee 771177..558811..66550000 iiff wwee ccaann bbee ooffaannyy aassssiissttaannccee ttoo yyoouu aanndd yyoouurr ssttaaffff..

DD oo YYoo uu UU ss ee SS uu bb cc oo nn tt rr aa cc tt oo rr ss II nnYYoo uu rr BB uu ss ii nn ee ss ss ??

— Scott Roda, CICBusiness Relat ionship Manager

AArree yyoouu mmaakkiinngg ssuurree yyoouu aarree pprrootteecctt--iinngg yyoouurr bbuussiinneessss aanndd yyoouurr ggeenneerraalllliiaabbiilliittyy lliimmiittss?? Even though theCommercial General Liability policy of yourbusiness insurance program protects youagainst covered bodily injury and propertydamage claims to third parties arising outof the work of your subcontractors, thereare some things you should be doing toprovide additional protection for yourbusiness. It doesn’t matter what type ofbusiness you are in. If you hire independ-ent contractors, you should be doing thefollowing: ▪ Standardize Subcontractor Agree-

ments for all of your subcontractors▪ Maintain Certificates of Insurance

on all of your subcontractors ▪ Standardize Risk Management

practices to minimize potential losses.It may sound difficult and time consuming,but SECURUS can help you. It part of ourvalue added services! CCoonnttaacctt uuss ttooddaayy!!


— Dennis SpencerVice President

AAnnsswweerr YYEESS ttoo aannyy ooff tthheessee qquueess ttiioonnssand you should contact us to learn abouthow to protect yourselves from asignificant financial hardship.

11.. Is a working computer system andnetwork important to the operation of your business?

22..Does your company maintain importantconfidential data such as personalemployee, client information?

33.Do you know the cost to replace the dataif lost or damaged in a computer attack?

44..Do you know what your legal responsi-bility is should you lose personal data ofa client, employee or patient?

55.Did you ever have a disgruntledemployee that had access to important data leave your employment?

66.Do you maintain a website? If so, do youknow whether it violates copyright, trademark or privacy laws?

SSttaayy ttuunneedd ffoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaatt iioonnaabboouutt aann iimmppoorr ttaanntt uuppccoommiinnggsseemm iinnaarr ttoo lleeaarrnn wwhhaatt yyoouurr lleeggaa llrreessppoonnssiibb ii ll ii tt iieess aarree rree llaatt ii vvee ttoo tthheesseeqquueesstt iioonnss aanndd mmoorree!!

I N D E XBusiness Insurance

Do You Use Subcontractors?

Technology: Protect Yourselffrom a financial hardship!

Claims DepartmentKey Tips in a Water Loss

Risk ManagementSafety Committees Seem

to Make $ense

Financial Services &Wealth Management

A Key Difference — CUSTODY

Third PartyAdministrators

COBRA Changes —Result ofThe ARRA “Stimulus Package”

454 New Holland Avenue ▪ Suite 300Lancaster PA 17602 ▪ 800.582.9100717.581.6500 ▪ Fax 717.581.6600 www.securusgroup.comDDeennnniiss SSppeenncceerrSSccootttt RRooddaa,, CCIICC

DDeemmii PPoorrtteerrDDiirreeccttoorr ooff TTPPAA

CCyynntthhiiaa BBlloouugghh,, AAIIMMCCllaaiimmss SSppeecciiaalliisstt

Yo u r B u s i n e s s P a r t n e r f o r A l lo f Yo u r P r o t e c t i o n N e e d s !