The Sherwood issue 01 Jan 2013



Community Newsletter The Sherwood issue 01 Jan 2013

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FREE Indoor entertainment sectionSponsored by:

January 2013January 2013January 2013Volume No: 06Volume No: 06Volume No: 06

Issue: 01Issue: 01Issue: 01---------------------------------------------------------------

ComplimentaryComplimentaryComplimentaryValue: £1.50Value: £1.50Value: £1.50

The SherwoodMonthly Community Newsletter

The Editor. Tel: 07916 245 367 Email:

Distribution to 50,000 Sherwood Residents in Blidworth, Ravenshead, Rainworth, Farnsfi eld, EdingleyHalam, Bilsthorpe, Edwinstowe. Information online at:


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New Blidworth Business See page 13

Wrap up for a Winter Walk See page 21Top 10 New Year Resolutions for 2013 see page 8


Hello from The Sherwood Hello from The Sherwood Hello from The Sherwood Newsletter Editor: Diane Carter and Newsletter Editor: Diane Carter and Newsletter Editor: Diane Carter and Sub Editor: Andy Jones both local Sub Editor: Andy Jones both local Sub Editor: Andy Jones both local residents with local businesses!residents with local businesses!residents with local businesses!

Inside this issue:Inside this issue:Inside this issue:Introductions & Invitation to Get Involved 2

News and Information 3

Looking Good Feeling great 4

Our Young and Our Future 6

House and Home 10-11

What’s on 12-15 20-21

FREE Indoor entertainment section 16-17

Marathon Media; Building Local Businesses 18-19

The Rainworth Reporter 22-23

The Blidworth Focus 24-27

The Village Voices 28

Ravenshead News 29

Strengthening Communities 30

More Local News 31

DEADLINES for LOCAL NEWS and FEEDBACK contributions to The Sherwood Community NewsletterThank you to those who keep emailing regarding local news, events and feedback. Please address to the Editor; email: Postal address available on request. Deadline for news articles for the next edition is Friday 11th of January. Please keep sending information so we can keep the newsletter ‘hot and fresh’! Advert requests and payments by Friday 11th of January. Any feedback or news must be supported by name & address, that can be withheld on request. Contact: Diane, Editor: 07916 245 367. call: 07916 245 367 email:

Edited, Produced and Distributed by MARATHON MEDIA

Hello and Happy New Year 2013. I trust you had a fabulous Christmas and not suffering too much from winter blues.

No doubt you all made New Year’s Resolutions and this edition offers plenty of ideas for getting fi t, losing weight and getting involved in local organisations.

The most unique gift I received this year was an ‘Embrace life’ and ‘Shine’ Happiness Kit. The small box contained; an eraser so you can make your mistakes disappear (sadly not big enough), a coin so you can never say “I’m broke”, a marble in case someone says you’ve lost yours, a rubber band to stretch yourself beyond your limits, a piece of string to tie things together if they fall apart and a heart to remind you love is all around you. So what more could I need?

Anyway hopefully the seasonal break offered you time to recharge your batteries and set you on the right tracks for a

fabulous year ahead.

Diane Carter Editor

Visit the fantastic new and improved Website and view the online magazine and media packages

Distribution reaching over 50,000 local residents across the sherwood Area


Newsletter OutletsWhilst we strive to reach as many homes in the Sherwood area with our paid delivery team, unfortunately they may have to miss some premises. If you do not get a copy, please let us know and we will provide one to you. Remember you can also get a free copy from one of the outlets below.However, if you do not receive a copy you can collect one at the following outlets:-Rainworth: The Venue, The Library, Rainworth Miners Welfare, Rainworth Village Hall, Local Churches and Libraries, The Nisa, The Archer, St John & St Judes Church Local Doctors & Dentist. Blidworth: The Miners WelfareCommunity Centre, The Library Rookwood Community CentreThe Post Offi ce, BJ BakeryBilsthorpe: Miners Welfare & Village Hall. Edwinstowe Library

Mark spencer Article : Well I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news

is that there’s a new incentive to stick to that January diet; the bad news is that it’s because the price of your chips is very likely to go up in the New Year. Regular readers will know I speak a lot about rising food prices and what we can do to tame them – after all, it’s one of those issues which affects all of us and as a farmer there’s an argument for sticking to what you’re good at!

Potatoes in particular are likely to go through the roof next year because of the dreadful weather and diffi cult harvest. Chances are you’ll also have noticed this year’s Christmas lunch was dearer than last year’s and Which? estimate the average cost of a shopping bill is now £76.83 per week, an increase of £5.66 compared with a year ago.

There are plenty of infl uences on food prices, few of which we can control, but science in agriculture may offer some solutions. I have been very open about the fact that I support Genetic Modifi cation and I was pleased when the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Owen Paterson went on record as being

supportive of GM.

The old saying goes that we’re not making any more land and it’s true. World population is set to exceed 9 billion by 2050 and we need to be producing 50% more food. At the same time we will need 50% more energy and 30% more fresh water. I believe that GM offers real solutions to these problems: yields can increase from between 6% to 30% using the same amount of land and by embracing technology we can not only feed ourselves securely but keep costs down.

The tabloid press has been particularly unhelpful on the subject and I’ve read some embarrassingly sensationalist and inaccurate headlines. For any of you concerned about safety, over 2 trillion meals containing GM ingredients have been consumed over the last 13 years without a single substantiated case of ill health.

The benefi ts and possibilities are exciting and whether it’s a potato for the UK that is blight resistant or crops that need less water for African farmers faced with droughts, GM offers positive solutions. GM is being used already internationally to undercut our producers as we import meat fed on GM soya which is cheaper than the feed British farmers (who are not allowed to grow or

use GM products) have to use for their own livestock.

It seems crazy to me that we are willing to buy and eat GM products but will not allow our farmers to compete by giving them access to the same products. I am however all for choice, whether it’s offering farmers the choice of products or offering consumers the choice to avoid GM should they wish. There are no GM products in my farm shop and there won’t be until there is the public appetite for them; in the US, a thriving organic sector exists alongside the use of GM crops providing customers with genuine choice on the sourcing of their food. I want that for Britain.

For so long GM has been the elephant in the room, the topic politicians were afraid to raise, so I am pleased that the Secretary of State has felt able to lay his cards on the table. All the pomp and ceremony of Government and politicians will mean nothing if we can’t feed our children, so let’s make 2013 a year of progress and the year we plan properly for the future.

For more info or to arrange an interview with Mark, contact: Madeleine Burns, offi ce: 0115 968 1186, Email:

‘Great Value advertising from only £31.50 (zero VAT) per edition’ *After all, we have been here for 5 Years, supported by many advertisers right from the start! That is evidence it works!

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Sherwood News and Information



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Solutions Hair & Local Beauty Salon Welcomes New Stylist; Clare WellsRainworth well established hair and beauty salon: Solutions, recently welcomed a new member to its team. Clare Wells has over 25 years experience in hair styling and is a specialist in cutting, colour and perms. Why not take a visit to the salon and if you book a colour before the end of January you can benefi t from a FREE mini manicure.

Photo shows owner: Judith Elliott and Clare Wells

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Our Young and Our Future

Childrens Book Review: The Busiest Pop-up book ever by Richard Scarry

WHEN BANANAS GORILLA steals a truckload of bananas, he leads Sergeant Murphy on one of the most exciting chases ever! Follow the trail of banana peels through pages jam-packed with pop-up surprises, pull-tab thrills, and lift-the-fl ap silliness. Fans of Richard Scarry will love seeing his beloved Busytown characters literally pop off the pages!

Publisher: Golden Books Publishing: 7 Jan 2013ISBN-13: 978-0375841200

Farnsfi eld ChildmindersWe held a coffee morning on the 1st December 2012. Out of the funds raised a total of £170-00 was generously donated to Farnsfi eld St Michaels C of E Primary School.

The Santa`s grotto was a popular event with the children and amenities were also laid on to allow the children to make Christmas cards and have their faces painted.

A special thank you goes out to the people who helped on the day with the stalls and those who donated gifts and prizes for the tombola, raffl e and cake stall. Without their help the event would not have been the success it was.The extra funds raised will go towards the hire of a entertainer for the 30 minded childrens' Christmas Party.

Childminders are Anne Marriott, Marilyn Taylor, Moira Barton, Jane Cowlishaw, Sarah Marshall and Ping Taylor who are all Ofsted registered,C.R.B checked, fi rst aid trained and insured

Farnsfi eld ChildmindersFarnsfi eld Childminders

Sledging safelySledging has been a winter ritual for generations. Your grandparents probably did it, as did your parents, and someday your kids will do it, too. Why? It’s tons of fun, and it doesn’t require any special skills or equipment other than a sledge and a helmet! However you need to sledge safely.Tips for Safe SledgingChoose the Right Hill• When hills get coated with snow, they may

all look like great locations for sledging. But not all hills are safe. Choose yours carefully. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

• Select a hill that is not too steep and has a long fl at area at the bottom for you to glide to a stop.

• Avoid hillsides that end near a street or parking lot.• Avoid hillsides that end near ponds, trees, fences or other

hazards.• Make sure the hill is free of obstacles such as jumps, bumps,

rocks, or trees before you begin sledging.• Choose hills that are snowy rather than icy. If you fall off your

sled, icy slopes make for hard landings.• Try to sled during the daytime, when visibility is better. If you

go sledging at night, make sure the hillside is well lit and all potential hazards are visible.

Dress for SuccessSince sledging involves playing in the snow outdoors during wintertime, chances are it’s going to be cold. Frostbite and even hypothermia are potential dangers. So is hitting your head. Be sure to wear the proper clothing to stay warm and safe. Get the Right Kind of SledgeThe best sledges can be steered by their riders and have brakes to slow them down. Avoid sleds that can’t be steered, such as saucers or plastic toboggans, and never use a sled substitute like an inner tube, lunch tray, or cardboard box. Good sleds are relatively cheap to buy and are well worth the extra money.Finally designate a go-to adult. Just in case of an injury or emergency.


How do you tell Financial Planners apart ?

It is true to say it is difficult to measure one Financial Planner against another. However, by January 2013 its about to get a whole lot easier with one of the industry’s biggest shake ups.

Known as the Retail Distribution Review (RDR) it is a key part of the FSA’s consumer protection strategy. It sets to establish a resilient, effective and attractive retail investment market that consumers can have confidence in and trust at a time when they need more help and advice than ever with their retirement and investment planning.

In essence anyone remaining in the industry from 2013 will need to meet strict criteria.

The criteria will mean minimum levels of qualifications, raising every adviser to a much higher level than ever before. Banning commission in favour of a more transparent charging structure that will see fees being charged in a similar way to an accountant or solicitor. It also goes as far as setting the standards with regard to ongoing reviews and the remuneration for this.

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For many Financial Planners these new rule changes have been welcomed with some like ourselves saying the rules wont effect them as we have been working in this way for many years already. The point of the matter is for those that don’t make the grade come January 2013 they will be unable to advise, creating a level playing field for clients to choose from. It will ultimately come down to three things, the Financial Planners qualification, cost and if you like them or not.


2013New Year's Eve has always been

a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It's a time to refl ect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes. Did your New Year resolutions make our top ten list?

1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends

Recent polls shows that more than 50% of people vow to appreciate people close to them and spend more time with family and friends this year. Make plans to meet up with friends for an evening of catch-ups and relaxation to one of the local tourist spots for a day out or a relaxing winter walk to put air into the lungs and re-energise. Don’t forget work doesn’t always come fi rst!

2. Fit in Fitness

The evidence is in for fi tness. Regular exercise has been

associated with more health benefi ts than anything else known to humans. Studies show that it reduces the risk of some cancers, increases longevity, helps achieve and maintain weight loss, enhances mood, lowers blood pressure, and even improves arthritis. In short, exercise keeps you healthy and makes you look and feel better. Check out the great opportunities in the newsletter to join a local fi tness centre and get the muscles moving a little more.

3. Tame the expanding inches

Over 66% of adults are considered overweight or obese,

so it is not surprising to fi nd that weight loss is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions. Setting reasonable goals and staying focused are the two most important factors in sticking with a weight loss program, and the key to success for those millions of Americans who made a New Year's commitment to shed extra pounds. Weight loss should be conducted as a lifestyle change and not a fad diet. If in doubt consult your Doctor before embarking on any radical changes.

4. Quit Smoking

If you have resolved to make this the year that you stamp out

your smoking habit, over-the-counter availability of nicotine replacement therapy now provides easier access to proven quit-smoking aids. Even if you've tried to quit before and failed, don't let it get you down. On average, smokers try about four times before they quit for good. Start enjoying the rest of your smoke-free life! Smoking cessation sessions using hypnotherapy are also proven to help you kick the smoking habit.

5. Enjoy Life More

Given the hectic, stressful lifestyles of millions of us lead,

it is no wonder that "enjoying life more" has become a popular resolution in recent years. It's an important step to a happier and healthier you! Take up a new hobby or sport to stretch your mind and move out of the “couch” mentality. There is life after TV soaps!

6. Quit Drinking

While many people use the New Year as an incentive to fi nally stop drinking, most are

not equipped to make such a drastic lifestyle change all at once. Many heavy drinkers fail to quit cold turkey but do much better when they taper off gradually, or even learn to moderate their drinking. If you have decided that you want to stop drinking, there is a world of help and support available. There are also a number of treatment-based programs, as well as support groups for families of alcoholics.

7. Get Out of Debt

Was money a big source of stress in your life last year?

Join the millions of British folks who have resolved to spend this year getting a handle on their fi nances. It's a promise that will repay itself many times over in the year ahead.

8. Learn Something New

Have you vowed to make this

year the year to learn something new? Perhaps you are considering a career change, want to learn a new language, or just how to fi x your computer? Whether you take a course or read a book, you'll fi nd education to be one of the easiest, most motivating New Year's resolutions to keep. Most local colleges and universities offer distance and adult education programs.

9. Help Others or become a volunteer

A popular, non-selfi sh New Year's resolution, volunteerism can

take many forms. Whether you choose to spend time helping out at your local library, mentoring a child, or building a house, there are many non-profi t volunteer organizations that could really use your help. Or if your time is really in short supply, maybe you can at least fi nd it in you to donate the furniture, clothing, socks and other household items that you no longer need, rather than leaving them out by the curb to fi ll up landfi lls.

10. Get Organized – feel the fear

On just about every New Year resolution top ten list,

organization can be a very reasonable goal. Whether you want your home organized enough that you can invite someone over on a whim, or your offi ce organized enough that you can fi nd the stapler when you need it, these tips and resources should get you started on the way to a more organized life. Start with one space, then one room at a time to reduce the clutter in your life and fi nd peace in your home.

What am I going to do... well I’ve decided to Enjoy life more by trying to learn how to cook better and be more helpful to my fellow human beings in our local area.

What are you going to do?


2013NEWNEW 20132013Year2013201320132013Resolutions

A popular, non-selfi sh New Year's


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House and Home

Keeping Your Chimney’s Clean!

No doubt Santa came to visit but we trust he left nice and clean – and your chimney

wasn’t too blocked for him to arrive!Any obstructions could mean that, not only did Father Christmas have a perilous journey, but that your home is at risk of a fi re at this particularly cold and busy time of year.Chimney fi res have accounted for 80 calls to the fi re and rescue service this year, which is 12 more than in 2011. Rural areas are most likely to be affected, and people living in the Newark, Bassetlaw and Rushcliffe districts have experienced more chimney fi res than others.Anyone who uses a coal or wood fi re is recommended to sweep their chimney regularly – and doing it just before the house fi lls with Christmas guests would be the perfect opportunity.Other safety advice from Nottinghamshire’s fi refi ghters is to:• Keep chimneys well-maintained. • Always use a fi reguard to protect against fl ying sparks from

hot embers. • Make sure embers are put out properly and the fi reguard is in

place when you go to bed. • Fit a smoke alarm on every level

of your home and test it weekly.

In the Newark area, fi re crews are working with local coal merchants to reinforce safety messages to their customers and will be distributing leafl ets when making their deliveries.“Nothing beats a real fi re for feeling warm and cosy when the weather is cold and miserable. But with so many preparations and lots of distractions, it’s easy to forget some of the basic things that will help to keep you, your family and friends safe,” explained Robyn Ellis, Risk Reduction Offi cer.“If you have a wood or coal fi re, we recommend that you sweep your chimney clean before the festivities start, and then take care when it’s lit to make sure the sparks don’t fl y. Always make sure it is safe to leave when you go out or head for bed, and please make certain you have smoke alarms fi tted, and that they are working properly.”

Don’t Forget to visit our website to see the latest news and download the electronic version of the newsletters.

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House and Home

Edited, Produced and distributed by MARATHON MEDIA

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What’s On

‘Call us today on 01623 272023 or 07876 140950 or e-mail your cv to


What’s OnBlondie announces forest concerts for 2013Blondie has confirmed a very special tour of the nation’s woodlands next summer performing their hits as part of the Forestry Commission’s annual concert series Forest Live.

Blondie emerged from New York’s celebrated new wave scene producing innovative music with their rock/disco, reggae and hip-hop influenced songs. Fronted by pop icon Deborah Harry, their ground-breaking material brought them a stash of hit singles such as ‘Denis’, ‘(I’m Always Touched by Your) Presence Dear’, ‘Picture This’, ‘Dreaming’, ‘Union City Blue’ and ‘Rapture’. Few acts can match their 20 year span of No 1’s from ‘Heart Of Glass’, ‘Sunday Girl’, ‘Atomic’, ‘Call Me’, ‘The Tide Is High’ to ‘Maria’. Their singles success complemented by 40 million+ album sales that include classic recordings like ‘Plastic Letters’, ‘Parallel Lines’ and ‘Eat to The Beat’ has ensured worldwide superstar status for this pioneering band.

Special guest each evening will be The Lightning Seeds performing an acoustic set of their perfect pop songs like ‘Pure’, ‘Lucky You’ and ‘Change’.

Forest Live is an independent programme organised by the Forestry Commission bringing music to new audiences without commercial branding or sponsorship. Income generated from ticket sales is spent on improving the local forests for both people and wildlife. With everything required for a great night out,

including full catering and bar facilities, the gigs are renowned for their relaxed atmosphere.

Blondie with special guests The Lightning Seeds will be performing:

Friday 14 June - Sherwood Pines, Nr Edwinstowe, Notts.

Tickets £36.00 (subject to booking fee) go on sale at 9.00am Friday 7th December from the Forestry Commission box office tel 03000 680400 or buy online at

Forestry Commission Live Music takes place each summer in seven forest locations around the country. Woodland clearings are temporarily transformed into a concert arena creating a safe and relaxed atmosphere for gig-goers.

18% of the country's woods and forests are managed by the Forestry Commission. In England, more than 50% of the population live within 10km of a Forestry Commission managed wood or forest.


What’s On

• Millions of households throughout Britain could be at risk from toxic carbon monoxide fumes, due to a relaxed attitude towards gas safety in the home. • Gas Safe and engineers, launched a campaign to warn

people of the dangers posed by the misuse of gas and gas appliances. • Manufacturers and Gas Safe recommend that your

appliances & pipework should be serviced annually• Don’t be one of the thousands ignoring this advice every

year. Your health could be at risk.• Prices for Checking & Servicing, start at just £40, so it’s a

small price to pay for the safety of your family home. • Always use a Gas Safe registered engineer and make

sure they show their identity card.

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Film Review: Les MisérablesRelease Date 11th JanuaryAccording to director Tom Hooper, what’s new about his film adaptation of the long-running musical (itself based on Victor Hugo’s 1862 novel) is that all the singing is live.

Usually actors will go into a studio, record the songs and then mime to them on set. Not this time: the actors performed wearing hidden ear pieces (listening to a live pianist).

What will be the end result? We’re hoping it’s a less stagey, more intimate and immediate drama. Hooper directed ‘The King’s Speech’, which bodes well, and the cast is pretty impressive: Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried and Brits Eddie Redmayne and Sacha Baron Cohen.

Anyone need a reminder of the plot ? Jean Valjean (Jackman) is released from prison after serving 19 years for stealing a loaf of bread. He finds God, becomes a success, but a copper is out to get him. Everything gets complicated, then the French Revolution arrives. More complications and some waltzing ensue.

Book Review: The Broken ManRelease Date: 31st JanuaryJosephine coxSometimes a damaged child becomes a broken man…

A desperate tragedy, a life-long friend,and the long and lonely journey to find a family.

Edward Carter is a bully of a man, who inspires fear in the hearts of all who meet him. Adam Carter is twelve years old, an only child with no friends nor any self confidence. His father’s reign of terror over his family has Adam’s mother Peggy too cowed to protect her son, so Adam’s only support comes in the shape of Jake Wallis, the school bus driver.

Then one afternoon, when Adam is his last drop of the day, Jake makes a life-changing decision – to accompany Adam along the darkening woodland lane to his house. But, in the house at the end of the track a terrible tragedy is unfolding, and it is one that will bind them together forever.Publisher: HarperCollins (31 Jan 2013)Amazon £9.60 approxISBN-13: 978-0007419890




Marathon Media - Building Local BusinessesNNN Meeting to be held on Tuesday 8th January 2013Venue: Edwinstowe House Business Centre of Excellence, Edwinstowe.NG21 9PRTime: 7.30 am - 9 am Cost: £6.50 Members £7.50 Non Members

A warm invitation is offered to all SME businesses to come along to the relaxed and informal meeting on Tuesday 8th January

NNN Business Breakfast Meeting Tuesday 11th December report.At the December NNN meeting attendees and members enjoyed an informative presentation by Paul Edward; Business Development Advisor for Nottinghamshire Business Ventures entitled ‘Moving your Business Forward’. Attendees then got a chance to play some music and get into the rhythm with a demonstrative presentation by Rob Benn of Rebeat. ‘Beating the Demons’, offered a hands on talk showing how one of the oldest tools known to man is proving to be very effective in the fi ght against depression and similar mental ailments. “All you need is the ability to hit something in order to fi nd the rhythm inside”.See details below of our next meeting date and time and how to book. See you thereDiane Carter Chair NNNTo book the above meeting or for more information call Diane Carter on 01623 795623 or email; You can come along as a member or guest and there is no obligation to join at any timeSee our benefi ts on the Members Benefi ts Page and check out some of our New Members.No Nonsense Networking in Association with Adkin Sinclair Chartered Accountants and Marathon Media Publishing, PR & Marketing Consultancy.

A warm invitation is offered to all SME Business to attend theNNN Business Breakfast Group held on the 2nd Tuesday of every monthVenue: The Garden Rooms, Edwinstowe House, EdwinstoweDate: Tuesday 8th January 2013 time: 7.30 am – 9 amRelease Your Business Potential in 2013 Through:-• Effective business networking• Informal business introductions• Informative PresentationsThe NNN Support Team consisting of :-• Chris Adkin of Adkin Sinclair Chartered

Accountants• Russell Jones of Fidler & Pepper Solicitors• Trevor Morley of TM Finance & Management

Services Ltd• Diane Carter of Marathon MediaTo book our next meeting in January contact:-Chair; Diane Carter on: 07916 245 367 Or email: at the event but you must pre-book. Cost £7 or £5 for fi rst time visitorsVisit


Newark Business Awards 2012 A ‘Tallent’ for business commitment to the community

Would it be third time lucky for local solicitors Tallents at the Newark Business Awards 2012? Fingers were crossed as the nominees for Business Commitment to the Community were read out and the celebrations started when the winner’s name was announced – Tallents Solicitors.Says Alistair Millar, partner at Tallents: “Tallents has been supporting the local communities around Newark and North Nottinghamshire since it was founded in 1774 and we were absolutely delighted to have the hard work of our staff recognised by this award. “As a company, we’ve always tried to consider the impact our activities will have on the wider community beyond legal services and we’ve always enjoyed supporting a wider range of community endeavors over the years.”Amongst their activities, Tallents support the Newark Chess League, several local charities, a pre-school, youth football and rugby teams as well as vulnerable members of society through free legal advice.Alistair fi nishes: “Tallents Solicitors may have been around for nearly 240 years, but we won’t rest on our laurels. The people and communities of North Nottinghamshire will continue to be assured of our commitment to them and their needs for many years to come.”

Marathon Media - Building Local Businesses

January / February 2013

NNN Breakfast NetworkingTuesday 8th JanuaryVenue: Edwinstowe House, Edwinstowe. NG21 9PRPay at the event but you must pre-book. Cost £7 or £5 for fi rst time visitorsInformal networking & business support for all SME businessesTo book contact Diane Carter; Chair at

IWB Take Control Seminar by Alison HollingworthTuesday 8th JanuaryVenue: Edwinstowe House, Edwinstowe. NG21 9PRTime 09.30 - 10.30 amFee: £10 or Free to IWB Premier Plus membersIf you wish to attend you must pre-book by contacting Diane Carter, Chair at Visit more details.

IWB Ladies at LunchThursday 17th JanuaryVenue: TBC see website for details If you wish to attend please email Diane Carter, Chair at Visit

M2020 Business BreakfastThursday 31st JanuaryVenue: Mansfi eld Civic Centre, Chesterfi eld Road, Mansfi eld NG19 7BH.Time: 7.30 – 9 am.To book: www.mansfi

image courtesy: vlado

January / February 2013

Diary Dates for Business Events


What’s On Continued from page 14

Art Classes.These art classes are aimed at adults of all ages and abilities who enjoy drawing and painting in a variety of mediums, tuition is given or if you prefer paint your own thing with help given when needed, materials are available to purchase. They are held at Mansfi eld Woodhouse, Mansfi eld on Tuesday mornings 10.00 to 12.00 and Thursday mornings 10.00 to 12.00 in Forest Town Mansfi eld. Come and join one of my welcoming lively and friendly groups. Please contact Viv for further details on 07880 924103

Local Library Opening Times

Bilsthorpe Library 01623 870216Wednesday 9.30 am. - 1.00 pm.Friday 1.30 pm. - 5.00 pm.Saturday 9.30 am. - 1.00 pm. Blidworth Library 01623 793775Monday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm.Wednesday 2.00 pm. - 6.00 pm. Friday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm.Saturday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm. Farnsfi eld Library 01623 883917Monday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm.Wednesday 9.00 am - 12.30 pm.Friday 2.00 pm. - 6.00 pm.Saturday 9.00 am. - 1.00 pm. Rainworth Library 01623 791038Tuesday 9.00 am. - 1.30 pm.Friday 1.00 pm. - 5.00 pm. Ravenshead Library 01623 794634Tuesday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm. 1.30 pm - 6.00 pm. Thursday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm 1.30 pm - 6.00 pm.Friday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm 1.30 pm - 5.30 pm.Saturday 9.00 am. - 12.30 pm. Library Mangers Ann Whitworth/Tracey Yeomans

Hi to All, We urgently need socks, and all other clothes for the night shelter in Mansfi eld. When you get all your new socks and slippers and funky Christmas jumpers and clear out your old please give me call and I will collect. Many thanks. Linda Tift 01623 796336 07950646620


NOW!Blidworth Dale Garage(Formerly 3 Ways Garage)

Service and Repairs Any makes of vehicleOver 20 years experience

Tony Sheppard

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What’s On

Wrap up for a Winters WalkBlidworth Walking Group submitted a lovely walk from the Dog and Duck Pub in Kings Clipstone to a short circuit around Vicar Water, taking in several landmark views such as the ruin of King john’s Palace, The old mine headstocks of clipstone colliery and the delightful lakes of Vicar Water.The whole route is about 4.86 miles and will take a steady walker around 2 hours.Why not wrap up warm this winter and energise your legs with this walk. If you start at the Dog and Duck, why not schedule lunch, or if a light meal is your choice, then why not visit Rumbles cafe at the south end of Vicar water in Clipstone

Blidworth Walking Group

Vicar water

King John’s Palace Vicar water

If you know of a good local walk why not register it on the

Walk-4-Life websiteYou can also send us your photos of the walk and

we will try and publish for others to enjoy

Blidworth Walking GroupNewark & Sherwood D.C. Walk for Life Gov. Initiative Why not come join our group in this great FREE and fun initiative in the Blidworth area, but welcome to all local residents. Linda, from the Blidworth Community Centre, is leading this venture and has built up a regular group of 30 walkers who meet every Sunday at 10am at the Leisure centre.

Linda is trained in fi rst aid and has put a great deal of effort into getting this club off the ground. These led walks are completely free and are there to try and encourage the community and the less active into taking part and getting healthy. As these walks are free of charge to whoever wants to take part. There is a different walk each week, dependent upon the weather and centre bookings.

Interested contact: Linda Elliott at Blidworth 0770 363 1816 or go on the Walk4Life website and click on Blidworth to fi nd out more about the walks.Thursday Walking Club—This group have now started meeting again. Contact Sheila on 01623 796118 for details.

These led walks are completely free and are there to try and encourage the community and the less active into taking part and getting healthy. As these walks


Hi there Rainworth Folk. Hopefully you all enjoyed Christmas and New Year 2013. The Parish Council OAP party was certainly an enjoyable afternoon and well attended despite the awful weather. Grace was led by our Vicar, Hazel Robinson. Our local Community Police offi cers, Debs and Annette joined the festivities as well. Once again ‘Thank You’ to the Miner’s Welfare, Rainworth Village Hall Management Committee, several residents and our local Co-op for their generous donations to the raffl e. There seems to be some confusion surrounding the old toilet block in the centre of the village. Councillors made strong objections to the planning application, not least because of the mature tree. However, there was no TPO, Tree Preservation Order on the tree so we could not prevent its removal. Equally there was no valid reason within planning law to withhold permission and if that had been the case would most certainly would have been granted on appeal. Our Parish and District Councillors live in Rainworth as well so it matters to them what happens in the community and have always acted in the best interests of Rainworth. Thinking about community, a reminder that grit bins are provided to help residents with the public highway, not for wheel

barrowing to private residences to keep garden paths clear. Winter grit is readily available from builder’s merchants and DIY outlets. There continues to be some anomalies with street lighting columns, being on and

off, at random times, which is a little concerning given the recent spate of burglaries. The Police are on the case and hopefully will have it sorted very quickly. In the meantime, make sure you keep the doors locked, even when you are in the house. Leave a light on and keep an eye on neighbour’s welfare as well and don’t hesitate to ring the police if you are concerned. Lastly, issues surrounding the ‘desert’ are being investigated by relevant parties, ie. Notts.County Council, Newark & Sherwood and Mansfi eld District Councils, the Forestry Commission, Natural England and Notts. Wildlife Trust and landowners. Although there has been much discussion there is little to report at the moment. Councillors meet informally Wednesday mornings. Please feel free to join us for a cuppa and a chat. Dawn Jones, Parish Clerk 01623 490259 rainworthpc@ntlbusiness.comThe Parish Offi ce is open Monday,Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am-2pm.

Councillor John Bradbury & John MiddletonWe hope that you have had a good Christmas and will have a prosperous New Year.At NSDC we are dealing with the Boundary review which may affect all wards in the Council.The odds are that the Rainworth Ward will alter in some way but as yet nothing concrete has been decided.It is the present plan to reduce the total number of Councillors from 46 to around 38. It is our job to ensure that the people of Rainworth and the west of the district get their fair share of representationWe will keep you in the loop with progress – and you will be able to make your own comments in the consultation that will take place before a fi nal decision is taken by the Boundaries Commission.Further details will be posted on the Blog: when they are knownThe District Council is planning for a new Leisure Centre to include a swimming pool and all the usual facilities for Newark to replace the Grove Leisure Centre.At the moment no actual fi nal cost has been agreed, but the total cost will be raised from our Council Tax.However the Government wants no increase in Council tax so it

will mean that the Council will have to fund the project from cuts in services for the whole of the District.We have made the point that the people of Rainworth are currently trying to fund a local swimming pool to replace the one that NSDC closed – and now we will be expected to suffer cuts so that the people of Newark can have a brand new Centre “on the rates”.The Inquiry regarding the development plan and the new housing that is being proposed has now taken place and we await the results for both Rainworth and Blidworth. WE will keep you informed as to the fi nal result on the Blog.May we comment on the Parish Council item in last month’s Sherwood regarding the dangerous drop around the roundabout on the A617.This was initially reported by a member of the public to John Middleton who contacted Highways at Notts County Council. It was also reported at the Parish Council meeting at which point Cllr Geoff Merry became involved as County Councillor With limited space here, we will give additional detailed information on our Blog at nsdcrainworth.blogspot.comJohn Bradbury, 9 St Peters Drive, Tel: 07973 422839Email: uk John Middleton, 14 St Judes Way, Tel: 01623 799394Email:

Next meeting. Thur 10th Jan 7pm. Thur 14th Jan 7pmNext Police Surgery: Wed 9th.January 2013 10.30am.

Special Event in 2013/2014?


RAINWORTH MINERS WELFARE Events: Diary DatesMon Night 7.45–10.30pm Sequence Dancing £1.50 Admission, bingo, card bingo & ‘Open the Box’ (lounge & concert room)Tues Night 7.30-11pm ‘Blitz’ modern jive lessons & dance to follow £7.00 admission (please call club to ensure the class is on)Wed Night 7.15–9.15pm Family bingo. Great cash prizes & Raffl e. Children welcome with an adult. Thur pm Irish dancing 3.30-5.30pm Thur Night Darts & Dominoes knockout (names down by 8.45pm please)Fri Night Occasional Sequence Dancing (please ring to check), £1.50. Bingo and Card Bingo as usual (Lounge and Concert Room)Sat Night 8 - 10.30pm Family Bingo & Raffl e. Children welcome with an adult.Sun Night Sequence Dancing (Concert Room) £1.50 Admission. Quiz (Lounge Bar) and regular Bingo & Open the Box (both rooms).FANCY A PARTY OR CELEBRATION? —room hire only £35 Members, £70 Non-members—up to 6 hoursKIDS PARTIES—Bouncy castle £30, Disco £45 for 2 hours (£70 for both)

At The Venue—Royal British legion—Rainworth, Blidworth & District Branch meet at The Venue every First Thursday of the month —at 7.30pm and everyone is welcome

St Simon and St Judes Church—4th Rainbow Brownies—For fi ve to seven year old girls. Friday 4.45—5.45 pm. New members welcome. Call Pat Holmes on: 01623 795239St Simon and St Judes Art Group 1.45 – 3.30 pm £1.50 inc refreshments. Painting or drawing – any skill level. All welcomeRainworth Methodist Church—3rd Rainworth Brownies at 6m on Fridays. More details please phone:01623 629879Surestart Children’s Centre, Rainworth water road. Families can contact us on 01623 499900 to confi rm details of groups or if they are running during the school holidays.Monday 9.00am-11.15am Lakeview Toddler and Baby Group-open to all (call to confi rm )Wednesday 1.15pm-3.00pm Busy Feet-open to all (please call to confi rm during the holidays)Thursday 1.15pm-3.00pm Toby's Twos Group -suitable for children 24 months+ (Term time only)Friday 9.30am-11am Wobbly Ones-suitable for toddlers 12-24 months, 11am-12pm Jelly Babies-suitable for birth-12 monthsTO AMEND ANY OF THE ABOVE PLEASE CONTACT EDITOR ON: 01623 795623 OR EMAIL:

HELPING THE PRACTICE HELP YOUEveryone at Hillview Surgery hopes you had a very Merry Christmas & wish a Happy New Year to all our patients, with thanks to all who supported our fundraising events throughout last year, proceeds of which always go towards projects aimed at improving the patient experience. Also, thanks to everyone who took part in the recent patient survey. For those of you who have internet access either at home or via your local library, take a look at our brand new (super) website where you can fi nd details of the survey along with just about everything else concerning the practice & local healthcare generally. Any views or comments about the website would be welcomed too. C/O Dave Ball,

Friends of Tippings WoodGreat to see the Xmas tree Elf had been up to his tricks bringing a touch of festivity to Tippings Wood! As ever, we are desperately looking for new volunteers. An interesting question was asked, ‘Why are volunteers needed to cut back trees and undergrowth? Why not just leave the forest to get on with it?

The recent debate about the proposed sale of Forestry Commission land has meant more people are thinking about our forests. A forest often includes large tracts of open land, heath land, also a valuable habitat, but may not contain woodland. Woods are different altogether. Woods are rich with biodiversity and above all places of trees and light and trees are wildlife just as much as fl ora and fauna. The wildlife of deciduous woodland is specifi c and contributes to our history and culture and woodland, not the monocrop timber plantations, that we should value and protect. The key to the healthiest and oldest woodland is that it has been cut down,‘coppicing’, and regrown.

It is one of the most perfectly sustainable resources and ecosystems known to man. ‘Wood’ was used for tools, charcoal, logs, greenwood furniture and a thousand other practical uses, whereas ‘timber’ was reserved for building and best furniture. Coppiced trees last much longer than those left uncut. Our small woodland of Tippings Wood it is constantly maintained by a small, but dedicated group of volunteers. But we need more help. The more people share the woodland and regard it as part of their heritage the richer our society will be. So, could this be you? A couple of hours a week can make such a huge difference as well as the opportunity to learn new skills. If you would like to join us for a day please ring 07950 646620.

Be our eyes and ears and look after Tippings Wood. Report criminal damage to the non-emergency Police number on 101.They may not attend, but it is important to record any issues so that further action can be taken.

Friends of Tippings Wood.


Meadow Road and New Road Pensioners Association (the Monday club)Hi everybody the club and members are okay. Monday meetings go on as usual As promised from the last edition to report on the busy December we had, Firstly members were joined by a few friends and went on a Christmas shopping trip to the outlet village ( Down Town ) just south of Newark on the A1Also in December we held a pie and pea supper and social evening at our HQ at Rook Wood close centreit was a very nice evening, Pie and Peas were supplied by our local BJ Bakery on Mansfi eld road. On the same evening we

raised £120 for charity that was shared equally between the counties ( Air Ambulance & the Kings Mill MRI scanner appeal ).Thanks very much to our members and friends for there kind donations.More recent our members enjoyed an afternoon at The South Forest restaurant at Edwinstowe for our annual Christmas lunch party. We had a very nice afternoon and was very well looked after by the staff there.I would like to on behalf of our members to wish everybody a happy and prosperous new year

Regards, Harry

Problems with Debt?Did you know there is a FREE


is run by the Sherwood Forest Community Church in Blidworth

Call Mike on 01623 797763

BLIDWORTH READING GROUPWe are a small group who meet at 4-00 on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Blidworth library to discuss our chosen book of the month. We’re a very informal group who look forward to gaining new members. Please come and join us.

Blidworth & Rainworth Women’s Institute (W.I.) Meet at the Blidworth Methodist church hall on the 1st Thursday of every month at 7.30. Come and join in our small friendly group. Call Mary on 01623 799095 for details. It’s not all jam and Jerusalem! C/O Mary Ledger

It's the end of the year for 1st Blidworth (St. Mary's) Brownies. We have completed several badges and challenges, including the Landeslager Challenge, which helped fi nance Guides in Wales to travel to an International Camp in Germany. Summer saw us joining in with Blidworth in Bloom with the Brownies helping to plant the borders at the Fire Station and entering the Scarecrow competition. As its Diamond Jubilee Year we themed scarecrows to the Duke of Edinburgh and HRH Queen Elizabeth II. Photos were sent to Buckingham Palace to which the Brownies received a lovely letter back. For our autumn term we worked our way through the rainbow, Indian costumes and their commandments for red, water tasting for blue, recycling for green, just to name a few. Our last meeting will be a Christmas Fancy Dress Party - after all their hard work, our Brownies certainly deserve some fun!!!!! We just can't wait to see what January will bring. Wishing all your readers a very Peaceful, Merry Christmas and Happy, Prosperous New Year.

Blidworth Parish CouncilLast month was a real hectic month 1. Parish Council Election in late November .2. 1st December ,Switch on Event , very well attended , Santa dished out lots of presents , the Stiltman was busy all afternoon with his balloons , several Stalls seemed to be busy , & Blidworth Brass Band entertained everyone . We have had some problems , including vandalism , with the lights this year which has meant lots of re-arrangements at this busy time , so hopefully the next two weeks will stay clear . 3. 5th December – Annual Pensioners Party@ Blidworth Welfare – an excellent day was had with 91 bookings , and with assist-ance from a group of our local Army Cadets , everything went to plan . The food was good , and the entertainment from the Joseph Whitaker School Band & the Blidworth Oaks School Choir was excellent . 4. Planning Proposals - for the next two days two BPC represent-atives are attending @ NSDC to put forward our responses to the Planning Inspector , as we do not agree in some cases with their proposals . 5. Suggestion Forms – we are almost ready to start this system whereby local residents can put forward ideas which could be of benefi t to local councils & its residents . Forms can be found at Parish Offi ce , Comm ./ Leisure Centre , Post Offi ce & Library . When completed , post same in new Boxes at above sites . Each month BPC will evaluate these suggestions . 6. BPC Website – almost all past information has been entered into new Website which we believe will be in operation for 1st Jan 2013 .

Blidworth Parish CouncilBelle Vue Lane, BlidworthNottinghamshire, NG21 0RDGeoff Stocks, Clerk to the CouncilTel/Fax: 01623 490358Offi ce hours, Mon 9am – 4pm Thurs 9am – 4pm


Blidworth Miners’ Welfare Social Centre ‘Weekly Events’Monday Salsa Class “Salsacise” at 6pm with Ace Salsa. (see full advert page 5). Also Free PoolTuesday Dominoes Handicap starts 8:30. New players welcome.Wednesday Bingo Night plus ‘Sticky Thirteen’ Card GamesThursday Poker Night from 8:00Friday Live Entertainment, Members Draw and ‘Sticky Thirteen’ Card GamesSaturday Live Entertainment and ‘Sticky Thirteen’ Card GamesSunday Quiz Night and ‘Sticky Thirteen’ Card GamesPrivate Room available for Hire – suitable for Birthdays, Anniversary & Wedding Celebrations and Meetings.Contact 01623 793361 (Kevin) or 0788 7977350 (Dave) for details.Weekly EventsSureStart Centre Tues Homestart Group-open to all (please call to confirm during the holidays) 9.15am-11.15am Wobbly Ones-suitable for toddlers 12-24 months (Term time only) 1.30pm-3.00pmWed Jelly babies-suitable for babies 0-12 months (call to confirm during the holidays) 1.30pm-2.30pm Child Health Clinic-open to all 2.30pm-3.30pmThur Family Play Session-open to all (please call to confirm during the holidays) 1.00pm-3.00pmFri Blidworth Oaks Toddler Group £1.00 per family (Term time only) 9.30am-11.00am Rhyme Time (Term time only) 2.00pm-3.00pmSt Andrew’s Mission HallTues Bingo with Stephen Fox 2.00 - 3.30pmTues 1st St Mary’s Brownies (term time only) Tel Kathy Straw 490920 5.30 - 7.00pm Wed Needlecraft Club 6.30 - 8.30 pm

Blidworth Doctor’s SurgeryWed Citizens’ Advice Bureau 9.30amSherwood Forest Community ChurchThu Art Class 2.00pm - 4.00pmBlidworth Methodist ChurchThu Teen Drop in Club (11 - 15yrs) (Term time only) 6.00pm - 8.00pm Fri Toddler Church (Term time only) 10.30am - 11.00am Fri Parent Support Group (Term time only) 11.00am - 12.30pmThe Drill Hall (New Rd)Mon/Wed Army Cadet Force 7.00 - 9.00pmBelle Vue Playing FieldTues/Thu FC Training (17+ new players welcome) 7.pmThis page is yours to update with any local events that are taking place in the coming year. Please contact the Editor to leave your details and information entry.

Diary Dates


Men in MoustachesMembers of the Age UK Nott’s Men in Sheds scheme decided to take part in Movemeber this year and are proud to announce they raised a fantastic £650 for the cause. Ten of the members, led by coordinator Mick Connelly, all decided grow moustaches for a month in aid of men’s health awareness.Movember takes place every year during the month of November and encourages men to grow a moustache over this time and to gain sponsorship. The money raised goes towards promoting the less talked about issue of men’s health, in particular, diseases like prostate and testicular cancer.

Men in Sheds coordinator Mick Connelly said “What the men have done here is a fantastic achievement. Not only has the money raised gone to a worthwhile cause but it’s also got the men talking about issues that they wouldn’t have otherwise discussed”.The shed is located in Blidworth and aims to bring older men together to put their practical skills to good use and become more socially active. It provides a well-equipped workshop where men can work together on a range of practical activities. There will be a new shed opening in Nottingham in the New Year with spaces available for older men from the local community to take part in.If you would like to get involved you can still donate to the cause by simply searching for ‘Men in Sheds’ on the Movember website. Anything you can donate will be appreciated and all proceeds will go towards promoting men’s health.

2012 POPPY APPEAL.Sandra and her team of poppy collectors, which included cadets from the Blidworth Army Cadet Force and also the branch committee would like to thank all those who helped in this years poppy appeal collections.

All the establishments who helped, your staff and your customers should be congratulated on their generosity and on an an excellent result. For only the second time in the branch’s history have we exceeded the £5K target.

This year between the two villages of Rainworth and Blidworth we collected a total of £5,270.35.

A SPONSORED 24 HOUR MARATHON.The “Rainworth Riders” a group of cyclists also based in the Venue who carry out a number of sponsored cycle rides for local charities, have suggested that they undertake an event for our branch of The Royal British Legion. We have between us decided to do a 24 hour marathon on static machines. The Riders using a static cycle called a Spinner with the branch (and friends) joining them on a Rowing Machine.

The event will take place on Friday 8th March 2013 starting ear-ly evening and fi nishing 24 hours later on Saturday 9th March 2013. Sandra has kindly offered The Venue as the location in which to hold the event, spectators will be welcome; there will be no entry fee but sealed buckets will be available in which to put donations.

Full details of the marathon i.e. start times, sponsorship forms and participants have still to be agreed on, which we hope will be fi nalised by early January, we are however giving an early warning of the event. If there are any businesses or individuals who would like to sponsor the event could they please contact the honorary branch secretary Jim Filby at: 72 Appleton Road, Blidworth, Notts NG21 0SQ. Mob: 07768 742111 or email: jim@fi

The Rainworth Riders will collect the sponsorship money and the distribution yet to be decided will possibly be: the Legion branch poppy appeal fund, an item required by the branch to help raise further funds and possibly a charity chosen by the Rainworth Riders. Full detalis will be in the February issue of the Sherwood and on the sponsorship forms and notices distrib-uted in the two villages.

It will be hard work over the two days for the Riders, Rowers and their support teams, we do hope that the money collected/donated will make all the effort worthwile.

Carollers Cheer at Hatzfeld Residents and guests joined in with the Christmas carols at Hatzfeld Nursing Home in Blidworth, when a group of carollers from Riverside Church in Southwell dropped in just before Christ-mas. Carols and bible readings were followed by a recital of The Christmas Visitor poem, a clarinet solo and hot chocolate with mince pies.Pictured: Riverside Carollers and Residents Dot Walters, Evelyn Burrows and Noreen Maden with guest Janet Bateman.c/o Helen Dennis


Blidworth & District Historical SocietyAt our December meeting members held their Christmas ‘Fuddle’. Mince pies and sausage rolls were enjoyed after members had taken part in a general knowledge quiz organized by Eric Hall. The winner was long time member Bob Bradley. Following the ‘Fuddle’, organized by Sheila Hall with help from Jackie Dunn, members Alan Higgins and Derek Wilson began their presentation of the history of Blidworth Colliery. This has always been a popular subject for our Society members and Derek and Alan’s slides and knowledge of this period in the villages history was greeted with enthusiasm. The second part of the presentation will be given at our next meeting on Tuesday 8th January 2013 when our main speaker will be Mr W Taylor who will talk on the ‘Railways of the Midlands during the 1950 – 60’s’. Older members may well remember the excursion trains from our own local station, Blidworth & Rainworth at that time.Our meetings start at 7 pm and we would be very grateful if everyone could be seated by that time. We meet at the Methodist Chapel on

Main Street, Blidworth. Please note that January’s meeting will be held on the 8th because of New Year. Other booked speakers for the New Year through to the end of Summer are as follows;5th February Stuart Reddish; Thynghow – A Viking age settlement in Sherwood Forest.5th March A Poulton-Smith; – Origins of place names.2nd April Mr Bishop; Surprising lives at Newstead Abbey.7th May Trevor Lee; Legends of the fl ickering screen – History of Cinemas in Ashfi eld.4th June Ralph Stone; Pleasley & Pleasley Vale2nd July Mr Asher; Surveying – being nosey in other peoples houses.6th August Victoria Preece; Children in the Workhouse.3rd September Peter Hammond; A servants lot in Victorian Times.Please make a note in your diaries and come and join us.Ample parking is available at the

rear of the building. New members are always welcome, just turn up on the night. There is normally a small charge of £2 that includes refreshments. If you have any photographs of the village and its people that we may copy and add to our archive we would be most grateful. If you would like more information please contact me, Dale Smallwood, Secretary, on 01623 479978 or visit our website. Our website is well worth viewing so why not ‘have a peek’ and if you would like to add more information to it, or photographs/articles, please contact us on the number

Poem: As hope springs with newness

I am grasping moments as though They were feathers fl oating

In a fi nely formed roomFeeling their lightnessTransforming now into

Little bright lightsAs intense and beautiful As souls packed densely With meanings. A journey

Unfolds itself gentlyBefore me, a future

I can mould and chooseTo be. Meetings of minds

Are happening hereEncouraging something joyful

Slipping into a new year.

© Christine Michael

Blidworth Art Club (Adult Group)We are an adult group and we meet at the Methodist Meeting room, Main Street, Blidworth at 7.30 - 9.00 pm every Tuesday evening. Cost £1.00 including tea and biscuits. New members are always welcome - please contact Jean Richards on 0623 795403 for further information

Bards at Blidworth‘In my beginning is my end’ .... says T.S. Eliot in his poem East Coker from The Four Quartets. We could of course, turn the words round and play with the possible meanings... ‘In my end is my beginning’ for instance and seeing things from different points of view. This is the stuff of poetry.What springs to my mind is that of a wheel, whereby in the rotation, beginnings and ends blend together, possibly suggesting eternity. Other images that could possibly follow are those of a newborn child and the fl ashing by of a human lifetime ending in physical death. This suggests something more fi nite.Shakespeare then, would say ‘Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more...’ New Year is a time for refl ection, to consider our life’s purpose, to assess what is important and to get back on track with putting into practice those resolutions that we know could transform our lives if we stick with them.

The cliché ‘Life is short’ is beyond doubt. How do we pack what we consider to be worthwhile into our llittle lives? How can we make each moment count for the better? Every moment has its newness so what will you do with it? Whatever your perspective on life, it must be worth valuing. Jotting down thoughts and ideas, I feel a potential poem coming on!Local poet, Jan Bebbington, is the editor of the new Bards at Blidworth anthology of poems containing poems from members of the Bards at Blidworth poetry group available at Amazon. I would like to give special thanks to Andy Jones and Diane Carter who spend many moments of their lives working extremely hard putting this magazine together for the benefi t of the local community. Happy New Year to All!Christine Michael,


Crafty Crafts ClubCome along to our monthly craft club at Edwinstowe library

This is a FREE event and is for children aged 5 – 11 years old

Our next activity will be held on:Saturday 19th January

10.00 – 11.30Come along and make a DECORATIVE DOOR HANGER

T 01623 822280E

Rotary Club of Sherwood Forest32nd Proms Concert

This fantastic concert was held at the Dukeries College on Saturday 10th November. It was sponsored by Jones & Co Solicitors, Sherwood Drive, and was a great success raising £1,500 for charitable causes. In addition £116 was raised from the audience whilst singing ‘Pennies from Heaven’, this money to go towards providing new Youth Activities in Edwinstowe.

The packed audience enjoyed listening to some of the music played by the Dukeries College and Community Bands and of the delightful children from the Walesby Primary School and their music teacher Sue Kilner. At other times everyone joined in enthusiastically singing along with songs such as ‘It’s a long way to Tipperary’, We’ll Meet Again’, ‘Ferry Across The Mersey’ and traditional Proms favourites ‘Jerusalem’, ‘Pomp and Circumstance’ and ‘Rule Britannia’.

Choir of Walesby School (left)

Visit to Mines Rescue Station. Club members spent an informative evening at the Mines Rescue Station Mansfield Woodhouse with Ian Brownley, an officer of the permanent Brigade. We explored mine tunnels similar to those in real coal and other mines and the hazards of underground fire, flooding and explosive gasses were vividly brought to life. We learnt how these exceptionally fit, brave young men, all whom have spent at least two years at the coal face, deal with and manage unexpected and dangerous events. The rescuers work in teams

of 5 to 7 men and precision training is how they deal with difficult situations.

Ian Brownley and Tony Crowson (left)

Visit to Hospital Radio. If ever you have been a patient in Bassetlaw or Doncaster Hospitals you may have tuned into Trust FM the unique Radio station that transmits popular music from the 50’s to the present day interspersed with

interviews and the Sky news. Club members were invited to the Radio Station by Malcolm Waring from Edwinstowe, their

technical wiz kid. Steve Roberts who joined the station as a volunteer at 16 gave us a tour of the studios and a very interesting talk about the 40 year history of the Station. It is totally manned by volunteers who also raise funds to keep the station running. Our thanks go to Steve who showed us round and to Malcolm and his wife June who joined us after our visit in Papas at Worksop for fish and chips.

Rtn. Mary Brown (Senior Vice President) Steve Roberts & Rtn. Peter Bentley (below)Members of the Rotary Club of Sherwood Forest wish all your readers a Merry Christmas and thank everyone who has supported us and our events during the past year – see you at our Christmas Collection at Tesco’s.Tony Crowson President, Rotary Club of Sherwood Forest www.rotary1220org/she 01623 825607.


BLIDWORTH & RAVENSHEADPATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP (PPG)For more information contact Gilly Hagen Chair – e-mail gillyfl telephone 797138 or Sally Haywood Practice Manager 795461.

The Cornwater Club Charity ShopBlanket Distribution! Cornwater Club Member and Blidworth resi-dent, Edith Jones has knitted and donated over 40 blankets to be used by Inner Wheel for their baby bundles. This act of generosity is even more amazing when you consider that Edith is blind. Edith, pictured with a small selection of her blankets, has always been a keen knitter and used to sell her handmade knitwear on Thorsby Market. After going blind Edith contin-ued to knit and adapted by counting the stitches of every row. Friend, Jess Plaskett pictured, helps Edith by stitching together the knitted squares to make up a large blanket.Edith has been knitting the blankets throughout the year so they can be used by Inner Wheel for there baby bundles. These baby bundles are sent overseas to any areas where children are in crisis, many are sent to Africa. Baby clothes, nappies, towels, sheets, a baby toy and a sponge and soap are all wrapped up in a knitted blanket and secured with a nappy pin! The bundles contain all the necessities for a new arrival.Thanks to Edith many babies will be wrapped in her colourful, soft blankets.

Or Call: Debra Higgins 07943 720 930


Edited, Produced and Distributed by MARATHON MEDIA

Strengthening Communities

Blidworth -St Mary’s 1st & 3rd Sunday in month Holy Communion 9.15am2nd & 4th Sunday in month Morning Worship 9.15am2nd Sunday in month Holy Communion 8.00amMidweek - Wednesday Holy Communion 9.30am St Andrew’s MissionMonthly, Last Saturday in month 10.00am Coffee Morning St Andrew’s.1st Sunday in month 12.30pm Holy Communion St Andrew’s Mission

Rainworth -St Simon & St Jude1st Sunday in month All Age Worship 10.30am3rd Sunday in month Morning Worship 10.30am2nd & 4th Sunday in month Holy Communion 10.30amMidweek -Holy Communion Thursday 9.30am Monthly: 1st Monday in month Holy Communion 7.00pm

Sherwood Forest Community Church “Sunday morning worship at 10am. Please visit our website for details of other events.”

Methodist Church Sunday Services Morning Services Evening ServicesBlidworth 10:30am Blidworth 6.00pmRainworth 10:30am Rainworth 6.00pm Farnsfi eld 10:15am Farnsfi eld 6.15pmBilsthorpe 10.30am Note: Evening services are not every week, please check the notice boards. C/O Rev David Greenwood Methodist Minister

St George’s Catholic Church, RainworthSunday Service 9.00am

Weekday MassFri 7.00pmHolyday of Obligation: 7.00pm

ConfessionsFri 6.15 - 6.45pmSun 8.30 - 8.50am

Exposition of the Blessed SacramentFri 6.15 - 7.00pm

Other Devotions see Newsletter

St Patricks Catholic Church Forest TownSaturday: 6.30pm (Vigil Mass)Sunday: 10.30am (Sung Mass)Weekday MassMon & Thur 9.00amTue: 7.00pm Wed 11.00amSat 10.00amHolydays of ObligationEve of Holyday 7.00pmConfessions: Sat 9.30-9.55am, 5.45-6.25pmExposition of the Blessed SacramentTues 6.30-7.00pm Sat 9.00-10.00am

Services at ST PETER’S ChurchThese follow the general pattern: Sunday: 8.00 am - Holy Communion (traditional language).9.30 am - Parish Communion (Common Worship) or occasionally Service of the Word.11.00 am - Morning Worship or Family Communion6.00 pm - Choral Evensong Prayer (Book of Common Prayer) alternate SundaysEvery Wednesday: 10.30 am - Holy Communion (CW) in the Church Lounge.SUNDAY SERVICES: HC = Holy Communion 8 am, PC = Parish Comm. 9.30 am. MW = Morning Worship 11am, FC = Family Comm. 11 am, CE = Choral Evensong 6 pm.

Church Services

St Andrew’s Mission Church, The Crescent, Blidworth Talk & Tea3rd Monday in each Month3.00pm - 4.00pmLight Refreshments and chat for any in need of company and conversationSuggested voluntary donation of £1 to cover costs.Contact Rev Hazel Robinson 01623 475135

Church Article‘Another year over, a new one just begun.’

That’s how John Lennon marks the change from one year to another. I love music and often visit a website where people talk about their favourite (and least favourite) songs and bands. Sometimes, however, real life intervenes and we learn something about what has just happened in someone’s world. As 2012 came to a close, one thread asked, “How was it for you?”. The answers varied from ok to ‘the worst/most diffi cult I’ve known”. There was illness, death, divorce, separation, redundancy, boredom, tedious jobs, the mundane ... and the list went on. I’m sure many of us can relate to much of this.

The most inspiring responses were about moving on: “it’s the fi rst year on my own but I’ve just met ....” or “I’ve set up a new home with the kids and it’s been tough but great”. The affi rmation of light at the end of the

tunnel. Above all, there was always “it’s been hard but there’s always my fi ve year old’s smile, the children, my partner, my family, my friends ....”. And somewhere towards the end would be written “you discover what the most important things are”.

I hope that 2012 wasn’t a tough year for you, but for some of us it was. I do pray that 2013 will be a better year for us all, but there will be hard times for some of us. When they occur, I hope you can discover what the most important things in life are, that you have friends and family to support you. We in the churches are often called in at hard times and would love, with God’s help, to be part of a support system. You may not need us, but we are here for you.

God be with you in 2013.

David Greenwood

(01623 491474)


Emergency Contacts:Police/Ambulance/Fire Services 999

PC 505 Annette JOHNSON Beat Manager for Blidworth & Rainworth area Based at BLIDWORTH Police Station can be contacted on: 0300 300 99 99 / 0759 507 4428

Local contactsRainworth Health Centre, Warsop La, 01623 794293Dentist 01623 798611Blidworth & Ravenshead Surgeries59 Mansfi eld Rd blidworth 01623 69546130 Longdale Ave Ravenshead 01623 795461Rainworth Library, Warsop Lane, 01623 791038Joseph Whitaker School: 01623 792 327

Useful ContactsSamaritans: 08457 90 90 90www.samaritans.orgChildline: 0800 1111NHS Direct: 0845 4647Online help at: UK: 0800 00 99 66Asthma UK Advice line: 08457 01 02 03Domestic violence helpline: 0808 2000 247FRANK: 0800 77 66 00Stroke Helpline: 0845 303 3100 Shelter: 0808 800 4444Macmillan Cancer line : 0808 808 2020

Severn Trent Water: 0800 783 4444Citizens Advice Bureau: 01623 627 163Newark & Sherwood Homes: 01623 860 740N&S District council: 01636 650 000Mansfi eld District Council: 01623 463 463Nott’s County Council: 0844 980 80 80

We would like to advertise YOUR business if you offer an emergency service. For example:Electrician, Locksmith, Glazier Call our Advertising Dept on: 01623 404299See the panel to the left for contact details

Community First RespondersSave a local life by joining this valuable service. Call Tony Machin on 01623 796295

Edited, Produced and Distributed by MARATHON MEDIA

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