The Shuttle Black Scatter Ultraviolet Experiment Pamphlet


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  • 8/14/2019 The Shuttle Black Scatter Ultraviolet Experiment Pamphlet


    The ShuttleSolar BackscatterUltraviolet Experiment






  • 8/14/2019 The Shuttle Black Scatter Ultraviolet Experiment Pamphlet


    An Issue of Global Ozone Change...

    Oz on e deplet ion in the uppe r at mos phe re is an issue

    of increasing concern:

    In 1985, the British Antarc tic Survey an n ou nc ed the

    discovery of an ozo ne 'hol e 'o ver Antarct ica dur in g theaustral spr ingt i me. As of 1987, seas onal dep let i on w a s

    as high as 60 percent in some areas over Antarctica.

    In Ma rc h 1988, the NASA -led Oz on e Trends Pan el

    repor ted that sinc e 1970, total oz on e has d ecr eas ed

    by 1.7 to 3 percent over the latitudes covering the

    Uni ted S tates , J a pa n, the Sov ie t Un ion, and Europ e .

    Given ozone's role in shielding the Earth from

    harmful ultraviolet radiation and controlling

    stratospheric temperature, these findings have

    worldwide health and environmental implications.

    Concern over the thinning of the ozone layer has

    sparked increased emphasis on developing and

    improving ozone measurement methods and

    instruments. Accur ate, reliable mea sur eme nts from

    space, critical to the detecti on of predict ed oz on e

    trends, also will form a basis for assessment of

    potential effects and development of corrective


    Measuring Ozone

    Via the SBUV Instrument...

    Oz on e monitoring efforts of NA SA an d NO A A rely

    on space-based Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet ( SBU V)

    instruments, which measure the total amount and

    height distribution of ozone in the upper atmos

    phere. The original S BU V instrument fl ew on N ASA 's

    Nimbus-4 satellite, demonstrating the effectiveness

    of the technique. The SBUV instrument aboard

    NASA's Nimbus-7 satellite provided an 8-year data

    set that will be continued into the late 1990s by the

    SBUV/2 aboard NOAA's TIROS satell ites.

    Percentage change in global ozone by month and latitude between

    1980 and 1987, as measured by the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrome

    ter (TOMS) and corrected to ground observations of total ozone. The

    red area at bottom represents the Antarctic ozone "hole."

    Ozone is derived from the SBUV/2 instrument from the ratio of ob

    served backscattered radiance (IX) to the solar irradiance (FX) in the

    ultraviolet. This ratio is termed the ultraviolet albedo.

    The SBUV instrument measures solar irradiance and

    radiation backscattered from the Earth's atmosphere

    in 12 discrete wa ve le ng th cha nnel s in the ultraviolet.

    Since ozone absorbs radiation in the ultraviolet

    wav ele ngt hs, its am ou nt can be derived from the

    rstlo of backscattered radiation to incident solar

    radiation. Variations in backscattered radiation

    indicate the vertical distribution of ozone in the


    The SBUV technique has proven to be a reliable

    method of measuring ozone and solar ultraviolet

    irradiance. However, problems do exist with

    calibration drift an d instrument degr ada tio n ov er

    time. The extremely precise measurements required

    to accurately measure and ma p global ozo ne an d

    solar irradiance make the calibration question a

    critical one.

  • 8/14/2019 The Shuttle Black Scatter Ultraviolet Experiment Pamphlet


    r in late 1989, with

    3hout th e 1990s.

    ?ctto data collection

    hs co incident w ith

    r ation until 1996

    Der Shuttle mission

    3tion to compare w ith

    ic ident measurements

    ments, equivalent to



    Dgram represents a

    y to enhance th e

    3-term environmen-


    gular observations

    )ard th e Shuttle also

    readings of globa l

    ination o ftrends a n d

    oved models of ozone

    derstanding o f o zo n e

    e lo pm e n t of

    venting or mit igat ing


    / program, contact:


    ibelt, Maryland 2 0 7 7 1 ,

    isphere Research

    ;hington, D.C. 2 0 5 4 6

    The ShuttleSolar BackscatterUltraviolet Experimen

    An Issue ofGlobal Ozone Change...

    Ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere is a n issue

    of increasing concern:

    In 1985, th e British Antarctic Survey annou nce d th e

    discovery of an ozon e 'hole' over Antarctica duri ng t h e

    austral springtime. As of 1987, seasonal depletion w a s

    as high as 60 percent in some areas over Antarctica.

    In M a rch 1988, the NASA- led Ozone Trends Pane l

    reported that since 1970, total ozone h a s decreased

    by 1.7 to 3 percent over th e latitudes covering th e

    United Sta tes, Japan, th e Sov ie t Union, a n d Europe.

    Given ozone's role in shielding th e Earth from

    harmful ultraviolet radiation a n d controlling

    stratospheric temperature, these findings have

    wor ldwide hea l th a n d environmental implications.

    Concern over th e thinning of the ozone layer ha s

    sparked increased emphasis on developing a n d

    improving ozone measurement methods a n d

    instruments. Accurate, reliable measurements from

    space, critical to the detection of predicted ozone

    trends, also will form a basis fo r assessment of

    potential effects a n d development of corrective


    J F M A M J J A


    S O N D

    Measuring Ozone

    Via the SBUV Instrument...

    Ozone monitoring efforts of NASA a n d NOAA rely

    on space-based Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (S BUV)

    instruments, which measure th e total amount a n d

    height distribution of ozone in the upper atmos

    phere. The original SBUV instrument flew on NASA's

    Nimbus-4 satellite, demonstrating th e effectiveness

    of th e technique. Th e SBUV instrument aboard

    NASA's Nimbus-7 satellite provided a n Q-ye^r data

    set that will be continued into th e late 1990s by the

    SBUV/2 aboard NOAA's TIROS satellites.


    Percentage change in global ozone by month and latitude between1980 and 1987, as measured by the Total Ozone Mappi ng Spectrome

    ter (TOMS) and corrected to ground observations oftotal ozone. The

    red area at bottom represents the Antarctic ozone "hole."

    Ozone is derived from the SBUV/2 instrument from the ratio of ob

    served backscattered radiance (l\) to the solar irradiance (FX) in th e

    ultraviolet. This ratio is termed the ultraviolet albedo.

    The SB UV inst rument measures solar irradiancea n d

    radiation backscattered from th e Earth's atmosphere

    in 12 discrete wav ele ngt h channels in th e ultraviolet.

    Since ozone absorbs radiation in the ultraviolet

    wavelengths, its amount can be derived from th e

    rdtlo of backscattered radiation to incident solar

    radiation. Variations in backscattered radiation

    indicate th e vertical distribution of ozone in the


    The SBUV technique has proven to be a reliable

    method of measuring ozone a n d solar ultraviolet

    irradiance. However, problems d o exist with

    calibration drift a n d instrument degradation over

    time. The extremely precise measurements required

    to accurately measure a n d m a p global ozone a n d

    solar irradiance make th e calibration question a

    critical o n e .

  • 8/14/2019 The Shuttle Black Scatter Ultraviolet Experiment Pamphlet


    Solution to SBUV Calibration Drift. The SSBUV Instrument.

    To solve data reliability problems resulting from

    calibration drift, NASA has developed and tested the

    Shutt le Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV)

    instrument. During regular Shuttle flights, SBUV/2

    performance can be assessed by direct comparison

    of data from both the SSBUV and SBUV/2 instruments

    viewing nearly the same Earth locat ion. Whereas

    previous calibration processes have relied solely on

    ground-based reference standards and instruments,

    this procedure will permit calibration in space

    supplemented by a rigorous program of laboratory

    calibration before and after each SSBUV flight.

    Selected SSBU V and SBUV/2 orbit coincidences. A coincidence is de

    fined when observations over a given point can be taken by both

    instruments within 60 minutes. These coincidences will occur 16 times

    daily over the dur ation of the experiment. Numbers indicate the inter

    val (in minutes) between satellite observations.

    At coincid ental orbit points, the SBUV /2 and S SB UV

    instruments will make correlative measurements of

    ozone parameters. SSBUV data will be used to assess

    the degree of calibration drift in the SBUV/2

    instrument. Based on these data, and on ground-

    based measurements, corrections to the SBUV/2 data

    wi l l be made.

    SSBUV measurements wi l l also be compared with

    measurements from other solar radiat ion-measuring

    instruments aboard the Shuttle and the Upper

    Atmosphere Research Satellite [UARSJ.

    Like its SBUV /2 comp ani on, the SSB UV consists of

    tw o 'A-meter Ebert-Fastie monochr omat ors

    arranged consecu tively to reject stray light from the

    spectral field of measurement. At the Goddard Space

    Flight Center (GSFC) SSBUV facility, features were

    added to the SBUV/2 prototype instrument to satisfy

    Shuttle flight requirements:

    A transmission diffuser w a s installed to transmit

    sunl ight to the SSBU V sensor modu le

    Solar and nadir aspect sensors w e re de v e lo pe d to

    measure the SSBU V instrument's incl ina t ion towar d the

    Sun and Earth dur ing observat ion per iods

    An in-flight calibration system wa s de v e lo pe d a n d

    installed to perfor m SS BU V instr ument calibrati on

    check s an d accou nt for calibrat ion drift

    Top view of the SSBUV instrument. The in-flight calibration system is

    situated in the center, surrounded by solar and nadir aspect sensors.

    The red plate covers the instrument entrance aperture.



    JSSBUV flight configuration: two canisters house the instrument and

    its support module. Each canister stands about 4 ft (1.2 m). The entire

    configuration weighs about 1000 lbs (450 kg).

    The SSBUV Payload. Maintaining S

    The need for regular observations aboard the

    Shuttle required the SSBUV instrument to be

    designed as largely self-supporting, needing only

    a few simple Shuttle interfaces. The result is a

    virtual stand-alone experiment, mountable in

    various locations within the Shuttle bay.

    The SSBUV instrument and its dedicated

    electronics, power, data, and com man d systems

    are mounted into two canisters. The Instrument

    Canister holds the instrument and its specially

    designed aspect sensors and in-flight calibration

    system. A Motorized Door Assembly (MD A)

    opens to allow the SSBUV instrument to view the

    Sun and Earth, and closes during the in-flight

    calibration sequenc e. The MD A also prevents

    contamination from the orbiter environment.

    A flight microprocesso r reformats all SS BU V dat a

    and provides instrument control during flight.

    Instrument functions are initially commanded by

    the Shuttle crew, then sequenced by the

    microprocessor through about 30 operating


    Th e Support Canister, l inked to the Instrument

    Canister by a single cable, contains the power

    system, data storage, and c omm an d decoders.

    The dedicated power system can operate the

    SSBUV payload for a total of about 40 hours.

    The SSBUV experi

    of laboratory and

    calibration syste

    developed by NA

    response from th

    the time it return

    and mercury lam

    and performs on-

    calibration check

    command of the

    A special CalibraGSFC to develop

    and maintain a s

    capability (see flo

    contains all the

    perform accurate

    instrument for the

    refurbished Nim

    will be use d as a l

    by tracking the rc

    calibration of the


    solar-ultraviolet r

    to be flown on t















  • 8/14/2019 The Shuttle Black Scatter Ultraviolet Experiment Pamphlet


    Solution to SBUV Calibration Drift. Maintaining SSBUV Calibration.

    To solve data reliability problems resulting from

    calibration drift, NASA has developed and tested the

    Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV)

    instrument. During regular Shuttle flights, SBUV/2

    performance can be assessed by direct comparison

    of data from both the SSBUV and SBUV/2 instruments

    v i ew ing nearly the same Earth location. Whereas

    previous calibration processes have relied solely on

    ground-based reference standards and instruments,

    this procedure will permit calibration in space

    supplemented by a rigorous program of laboratory

    calibration before and after each SSBUV flight.

    Selected SSBUV and SBUV/2 orbit coincidences. A coincidence is defined when observations over a given point can be taken by both

    instruments within 60 minutes. These coincidences will occur 16 times

    daily over the duration of the experiment. Numbers indicate the inter

    val (in minutes) between satellite observations.

    At coinc ident al orbit points, the SBU V/2 an d SS BU V

    instruments will make correlative measurements of

    ozone parameters. SSBUV data will be used to assess

    the degree of calibration drift in the SBUV/2

    instrument. Based on these data, and on ground-

    based measurements, corrections to the SBUV/2 data

    wil l be made.

    SSBUV measurements wi l l a lso be compared with

    measurements from other solar radiation-measuring

    instruments aboard the Shuttle and the Upper

    Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS).

    The SSB U V expe riment consists of a uni qu e p rog ram

    of laboratory and \ n -orb \ t calibration. An in-flight

    cal ibration system, the first of its kind, has been

    de vel op ed by NA SA to track SS BU V ins trument

    response from the time it leaves the laboratory until

    the time it returns. An srrsy of halogen, deuter ium,

    an d mercury la mps provides a stable UV light source,

    an d performs on-board wa vel en gt h and radiometric

    calibration checks. These lamps are activated by

    command of the Mission Specialist.

    A special Calibration Facility has been set up at

    GS FC to dev elop an d test the SS BU V instrument

    and maintain a state-of-the-art calibration

    capability (see flow diagram below). This facility

    contains all the necessary test equipment toperform accurate and precise calibrations of the

    instrument for the duration of the experiment. A

    refurbished Nimbus-7 SBUV Engineering Model

    wil l be use d as a laboratory reference instrument

    by tracking the radiometric standards and

    calibration of the flight instrument. Laboratory

    intercomparisons will be performed with other

    solar-ultraviolet radiation-measuring instruments

    to be flown on the Shuttle and UARS.



    Flow diagram of the SSBUV calibration

    before, during, and after the SSBUV flight.

    The process involves pre- and post-flight

    calibrations against a laboratory instru

    ment and radiometric standards de

    veloped by the National Institute ofStan

    dards and Technology (NIST, formerly the

    National Bureau of Standards). On-board

    calibration checks are conducted by the

    SSBUV's own calibration system.


  • 8/14/2019 The Shuttle Black Scatter Ultraviolet Experiment Pamphlet


    Mission Requirements.The first S S B U V flight wil l oc cu r in late 1989, wi t h

    regular flights scheduled throughout the 1990s.

    Mission requirements with respect to data collection


    Shuttle f l ights every 8-12 months coincident with

    N O A A SB UV /2 instru ment ope ra t i on unt i l 1996

    Solar view data at least twice per Shuttle mission

    Earth v i e w data of suffic ient dura t io n to c o m p a r e w i t h

    SBUV/2 . This translates to 32 co inc ide nt me as ur em en ts

    with SSBUV and SBUV/2 instruments , equivalent to

    a b o u t 16 hou rs of Ea rth obs erv at io ns

    SSBUV Benefits and Applications...

    Implementation of the SSBUV program represents a

    major step forward in our ability to e nh an ce the

    reliability an d integrity of the long-term e nv i ronmen

    tal data sets obtained through space-based

    remote-sensing instruments. Regular observations

    by the SSBUV instrument on board the Shuttle also

    wi l l :

    Provide more accurate, re l iable readings of global

    ozone , result ing in better de te rm in at io n of trends a n d

    a surer basis for protective actions

    En ab le the de ve lo pm en t o f impr ove d mod e ls o f ozo ne

    dynami c s , al l ow in g a bet ter und ers tan din g of oz on e

    change and i ts causes

    Serve as an impetus to the development of

    spa ce- bas ed ap pr oa ch es to preve nt ing or mit igat ing

    the effects of instrument degradat ion

    For more information on the SSBUV program, contact:

    Ernest Hilsenrath, SSBUV Principal Investigator,

    Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771,


    Robert Watson, Chief, Upper Atmosphere Research

    Program, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C 20546
