The Sleeping Thumberella


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8/12/2019 The Sleeping Thumberella 1/2

The Sleeping Thumberella

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named “Antah Berantah”

which is very rich. The owner of the kingdom is a wise king and his beautiful

wife. Although their land were so rich and peaceful, but neither the king

and his wife nor their peoples wasn’t happily enough. That’s because the

kingdom haven’t a prince for a long time since their king married. So, for

the sake of having a baby, the king and the queen went to a famous shaman

from the neighbors of their land to ask for some spells to get a baby. The

shaman gives the spells –  very long spells until I can’t remember it

completely – for spoken by both of them seven times every thurs-night, and

they done it frequently, hopefully it would work.

Six months later, the spells work. The queen has a pregnant for the

first time. The kingdom was so happy, and has been waiting for the baby.

After having pregnant for 9 months long, the baby went out. They have acute princess with chubby cheeks, white skin, beautiful blue eyes, and a

normal weight.

But, the kingdom’s excitement wasn’t for a long time. After the baby

grew up for ten years and more, she showed an un-normal growth. She’s

only less than one meter tall, though she has been ages for 18. The kingdom

was so sad by seeing the fact that they have a tiny princess, and they

decided to change the princess’ name from Cinderella, into the Thumberella

considered to the famous folktales of the other tiny princess, Thumbelina.

Feeling so mad of her height, the Thumberella escaped from the land.

She continued to run until her legs finally stumbled to a tree roots. While

stand up, she looked after her surroundings. It is a very creepy dense

8/12/2019 The Sleeping Thumberella 2/2

forest. So fears, the Thumberella collapsed suddenly. Together with the

accident, some dark clouds came around the king’s land included the forest,

issuing a terrible lightning, and stopped the time on its behind with asleeping panic residents and also a sleeping Thumberella.

Several months later, there came a frog prince who has changed into

a handsome prince to the sleeping land. At first he was very scared to see

the kingdom that has become such bleak. He’s dissuaded to stop over in the

kingdom. However, after seeing the jungle that stretched across the

kingdom, he was tempted to come and hunt there. So, he spurred his white

horse into the forest where Thumberella asleep.

It was almost the prince would leave the forest that does not contain

even one prey, he finally saw a little girl who fell asleep. He’s fell in love at

the first sight to her, and decided to kiss her lips considered to an old

folktale of a sleeping princess. because of his love is sincere without seeingthe princess' height which was less than one meter, before his lips touched

the princess’, dark clouds came back and issued its lighting again to the land,

 just like its first arrival. The sleeping Thumberella woke up as well as the

sleeping residents at the same time. Thumberella decided that the prince in

front of her was saved her, and fell in love, too. Then they were going back

to the Thumberella’s kingdom and married there. After that, the prince’skingdom and the Thumberella’s, united into one great peaceful and happily


The end.