The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


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  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    The Social Science of EntrepreneurshipSociology 161, 261, Spring 2008

    Stanford University

    MW !1"6!#0 p$%$

    &'opyrighted %aterial, do not distri(ute )ithout per%ission

    *rofessor *atricia Thornton Teaching +ssistant

    ffice -ours! M W 6!#0".!1 ffice -ours!and (y appoint%ent and (y appoint%ent

    Telephone! 60$#80$011 Telephone!

    E%ail! thornton/due$edu E%ail!

    Course Description

    Who is liely to (eco%e an entrepreneur -o) do you discover entrepreneurial

    opportunities What are the factors that affect the success of entrepreneurial venturesWe )ill ea%ine these 3uestions in light of classic and contemporary theoryand

    e%pirical research in the social sciences$

    We use action learning as a %ethod of instruction4)hich integrates theory and research

    )ith interaction )ith epert practitioners in the venturing co%%unity$ 5eadings

    underscore universal principles action learning teaches current practices and %aretcycles$

    Entrepreneurship is the endeavor to co%%erciali7e innovation$ We ea%ine ho)

    individuals discover and create innovations, as )ell as ho) innovations are (rought to%aret (y (uilding a start"up venture, either independently or as a part of an eisting

    organi7ation$ We focus on the levels of (oth person and place4 persons )ith the a(ility

    to recogni7e and create innovations, and places )here innovations and resources todevelop innovation are highly concentrated$ Students conduct intervie)s in places that

    are rich sources of entrepreneurial innovations, such as technology licensing offices,

    venture capital and corporate venturing fir%s, and entrepreneurial develop%entorgani7ations$

    The first part of the course focuses on ho) hu%an, social, and cultural capital influencesthe discovery of innovations$ The second part ea%ines ho) %arets and organi7ations

    are drivers of innovation and entrepreneurship$ The %odel (elo) su%%ari7es these


    PERSON"""""""""""""""""PLACE""""""""""""""""""ENTREPRENEURSHIPSocial 'apital

    9et)ors*rior Eperience


    :ncu(ator rgs;5egions 'ultures




  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    The last part of the course )e apply theories of co%petition, cooperation, technological

    change, and leadership to understand ho) to anticipate )indo)s of entrepreneurial

    opportunity and ho) to %anage the challenges of ne) venture develop%ent$

    ho should ta!e this course"

    Undergraduate and co"ter% students )ho )ould lie to have the analytical sills to foundtheir o)n co%panies and create innovation in eisting co%panies$

    hat are the course prere#uisites"

    There are no prere3uisites$ The course recruits across %a?ors$ :t is helpful if you have

    courses in psychology, sociology, and econo%ics and have taen sociology 160$

    hat are the course o$%ecti&es" 'no(led)e o*+

    1$ social science theories for discovering and developing innovations

    2$ ho) to use theory to recogni7e @ solve pro(le%s @ predict future outco%es

    #$ the organi7ation of environ%ents that are rich sources of innovations

    A$ the resources for founding ne) ventures$ theories and strategies for leading the stages of gro)th in nascent co%panies

    hy should I care a$out this course"

    Entrepreneurship is a central deter%inant of innovation in societies, the accu%ulation and

    distri(ution of )ealth, and the social and econo%ic status of individuals andorgani7ations$

    Course *ormat

    'lass sessions %ae use of lectures, discussions, fil%, and student and guest speaerpresentations$ The study 3uestions on the sylla(us are designed to focus your

    attention on the points to (e discussed in class and are useful to prepare the case

    study and intervie) assign%ents$ To shorten the length of case study assign%ents useattach%ents$ +ttach%ents are infor%ation in diagra%, graph, and nu%eric for%$:

    have paired a theoretical reading )ith each case study$ The theoretical reading )ill

    help you to interpret the facts in the case and address the 3uestions on the sylla(us$The (est grades go to students )ho use the theory reading to construct an argu%ent

    that guides insightful state%ents a(out the %eaning and i%plications of the facts in

    the case study$ Bogon on to the 'ourseWor )e(site to vie) the po)er point slides

    presented in class and an annotated sylla(us )hich %otivates and su%%ari7es eypoints of the readings and ho) the readings as a )hole fit together$


    :t is your responsi(ility to for% a tea% and if you select to co%plete the innovation

    environ%ent intervie) assign%ent you )ill need to schedule a presentation date (y the

    second or third class$ +lso : e%phasi7e that it taes considera(le lead ti%e to scheduleintervie)s )ith epert practitioners to co%plete this assign%ent$ *lease see %e or the

    teaching assistant if you are having any difficulties$


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    +ll for%s of entrepreneurship cannot (e ade3uately covered in one course$ We )ill focuson (usiness innovations )ith the a(ility for high gro)th, not on non"profit social

    entrepreneurship and ClifestyleD co%panies$ -o)ever, )ith prior approval students

    have the flei(ility to craft assign%ents around these other for%s ofentrepreneurship$ Students do not develop a (usiness plan in this course$

    Due Dates and Relati&e ,alues o* Course Assi)nments





    'lass *articipation 12

    A; # < *rinting 'ase 12

    A;1A +le Baats 'ase 12

    ;12 +pple 'ase 126;2 Mission Evaluation 12

    6;A S%ile =actory 'ase 12

    TEA. 1select 2 o* 34 :nnovation Environ%entintervie) @ presentation


    6;A 'ase Study of EntrepreneurManaging 9e) Fenture



    Co5term Students

    :n addition to the a(ove assign%ents, co"ter% students )ill need to update the innovation

    )e(site addresses at the end of the sylla(us$ This update should identify any sites that%ay have (eco%e inactive and add ne) sites$ *lease e%ail this assign%ent to %e no later

    than the last day of finals$

    Ph6D6 Students

    'lass participation is re3uired$ The a(ove assign%ents are optional$ + 2 page paper

    eploring ne) research 3uestions in entrepreneurship is due the last day of class$ Students%ay %ae prior arrange%ents to study a pheno%enon of interest in the field of


    Team Assi)nments 1select 2 o* 34

    Inno&ation En&ironments Inter&ie( rite5up OR Presentation:t %ay (e easier to found ne) ventures in places that have %ore infrastructure, for

    ea%ple regions )ith technology licensing offices, venture capital fir%s, angelorgani7ations, corporate venturing progra%s, incu(ators and other entrepreneurial

    develop%ent organi7ations$ +n inherent part of the %ission of these organi7ations is to

    influence individuals on ho) to discover and eploit entrepreneurial opportunities$ Hourassign%ent is to conduct an intervie) )ith an individualIsJ )ith line responsi(ility in an

    environ%ent rich in entrepreneurial ideas and resources$ The )e(sites at the end of the


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    sylla(us %ay spar possi(le ideas$ Hour intervie) eperience should allo) you to

    (eco%e fa%iliar )ith one of these CplacesD and it should focus on ho) such

    environ%ents provide training, sociali7ation, %entoring, and resources for individuals)ho )ant to (eco%e entrepreneurs and develop innovative co%panies$ Hour report

    should cover (oth the pros and the cons of discovering and developing innovations in

    such environ%ents fro% the perspective of the entrepreneur$

    To learn fro% your intervie) eperiences, student tea%s )ill present a #0 %inute report

    of their intervie) in the (eginning of class$ To organi7e your intervie) and to fra%e youranalysis you should dra) on one or t)o of the theories covered in a prior class$ Hour

    class presentation should use a co%(ination of %edia, including video if possi(le$ +

    )ritten report that su%%ari7es your %ain findings is due one )ee after your class

    presentation and should approi%ate 8 dou(le spaced pages, plus attach%ents$+ttach%ents are infor%ation in diagra%, graph, and nu%eric for%$ *lease include a )ord

    count at the end of the report and su(%it your presentation slides in hard and electronic

    copy so that they can (e placed on the course )e(site$

    While a co%(ination of secondary research %ethods %ay (e used, you are re3uired to

    tae part in actual face"to"face conversations )ith at least one hu%an (eing )ho isno)ledgea(le a(out the organi7ation;environ%ent you are studying$ E%ail chats and

    phone conversations are not su(stitutes, (ut %ay (e used in addition to face"to"face and

    on"site conversations$

    Case Study o* Entrepreneur .ana)in) Ne( ,enture -ro(th

    'onduct a case study of an entrepreneur )ho is currently facing the challenges of

    %anaging ne) venture gro)th$ =or guidance see the (elo) articles at the end of thesylla(us$

    1$ -a%er%esh, -esett, and 5o(erts I200J$ C+ 9ote on Managing the Gro)ing

    Fenture,D -arvard Kusiness School 'ase "80"02$2$ 'hurchill, 9eil '$ and Firginia B$ Be)is I18#J$ CThe =ive Stages of S%all Kusiness

    Gro)th,D -arvard Kusiness 5evie) reprint 8##01$

    Select an individual on the founding tea% )ho is in a line %anage%ent position of a

    co%pany that has gro)n (eyond the initial start"up stage, (ut is not a %ature (usiness$

    Hour case should not focus on the individualLs personal characteristics, (ut instead on the

    entrepreneurLs %anage%ent style and strategies to overco%e start"up challenges$ Houshould intervie) this person a(out gro)th"related stu%(ling (locs and alternative

    strategies that %ay have (een used to address these pro(le%s$ *lease do not intervie) a

    friend or a fa%ily %e%(er$ This assign%ent should (e an opportunity to (uild your socialcapital$ This assign%ent should (e infor%ed (y the readings and (e approi%ately 20

    pages dou(le"spaced plus attach%ents$ Secondary data sources are very useful for the

    necessary (acground infor%ation$ This assign%ent re3uires a face"to"face intervie)unless the entrepreneur is located outside the geographic area$ *lease see prior approval

    for such cases$ $

    Specifically, your case study should de%onstrate an understanding of!


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    Kacground4industry structure and dyna%ics, revie) (arriers to gro)th

    co%%on in the industry, overvie) of co%pany history, including

    infor%ation on founding date, founders, entry strategy, and perfor%ance todate$ +lso note patterns of gro)th, previous hurdles, and ena(ling

    strategies that )ere developed$

    Beadership Style4ho) does he or she %otivate e%ployees to acco%plishstrategic goals

    Strategic +ssess%ent4descri(e the co%panyLs current position and strategy,

    pinpoint areas of co%petitive advantage and )eaness$ -ighlight gro)th"related challenges currently facing the co%pany$

    5eco%%endations4reco%%end strategies for overco%ing challenges

    identified in your assess%ent$

    0ormat *or Su$mittin) Assi)nments

    *lease su(%it assign%ents in hard copy at the (eginning of class on the date designated

    on p$ # of the sylla(us$

  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    0$A +"

    8.$8 K

    8A"86 K80$8#K"

    .". '

    .0".A ', and so on

    To deter%ine your final grade your scores are )eighted per the relative values in the chart

    on p$ #$ +ll %e%(ers of a tea% receive the sa%e grade$ :f for any reason you (elieve thattea% %e%(ers are not contri(uting e3uita(ly, please do not )ait until the end of the

    course to discuss this pro(le% )ith %e$ :n such rare cases : reserve the right to survey

    tea% %e%(ers and ad?ust individual grades (ased on a survey of student feed(ac$

    Late Assi)nments and Emer)encies

    The *i&e case analysis assi)nments cannot $e late $ecause they *orm the $asis *or

    class discussion and *eed$ac! on the Courseor! (e$site6Kecause e%ergencies tend

    to happen, you have the option to drop 1 case assign%ent or if you co%plete all caseassign%ents to drop the one )ith the lo)est score$ +ssign%ents other than discussion

    cases )ill (e do)n graded 10N of the earned grade for each )ee they are late$


    Hou )ill have the opportunity to read the originaltheoretical argu%ents that are tested inconte%porary e%pirical research$ There is one classic (oo, Beadership in +d%inistration

    (y *hilip Sel7nic and a course pac$ +ll %aterials are availa(le through University

    5eaders at )))$universityreaders$co%;students$ Hou should (e a(le to do)nload the first

    20N of the coursepac prior to purchase$ +n asteris identifies the reco%%endedreading$ To reduce costs, reco%%ended readings are not included in the course pac and

    can (e found on reserve in Green li(rary or via the University :nternet ?ournal stores$


    Class Introduction and O&er&ie(

    . 768

    Persons9ho :ecomes an Entrepreneur9Psycholo)y o* Entrepreneurship

    5eading!1$ Krochaus and -or)it7 I186J OThe *sychology of the EntrepreneurO in The +rt

    and Scienceof Entrepreneurship 2"AA

    2$ 'ase! Guilder I18AJ O+ *atch of SandO The Spirit of Enterprise 2#"A1$

    'ase *reparation Puestions!1$ :n )hat )ays are entrepreneurs psychologically distinct fro% other types of


    2$ :s there an entrepreneurial personality

    #$ What type of ris taers are entrepreneurs

    A$ What do you thin of the psychological research on entrepreneurs

  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    $ What 3uestions are left unans)ered in this research

    6$ Which attri(utionIsJ (est eplain Si%plotLs entrepreneurial (ehavior

    a$ 9ature4-ard )ired4:P, *ersonality($ 9uture4Sociali7ation4Schooling, *arenting

    c$ Buc4Environ%ental Events, right place, right ti%e

    .$ :s there attri(ution (ias :f so, in )hat direction and )hy8$ -o) )ould you ran Si%plot on the psychological characteristics identified (y

    Krochaus and -or)it7

    'lass +ctivities!


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    2$ 'ase! Shane, Scott I1J$ +le Baats and 9KR 'orporation I

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    argu%ent )hat are the ey differences (et)een 'atholicis% and refor%ed

    *rotestantis% that laid the ground)or of We(erLs thesis

    2$ -o) can We(erLs theory (e interpreted as a hu%an capital theory#$ :s religion a good %easure of the concept of culture

    A$ Kased on the i%plications of the institutional logics case, )here )ould you loo

    for innovative ideas )ith the potential for co%%erciali7ation Why$ Give an ea%ple of an innovation and entrepreneurial opportunity that co%es

    fro% (ridging the cultures of different societal sectors$

    6$ 'an you predict a future innovation (ased on the theoretical argu%ents of theinstitutional logics case

    'lass +ctivity and Assi)nment!

    1$ We )ill revie) the case preparation 3uestions in class as )e discuss the case$2$ Write a 1"2 page essay addressing the case preparation 3uestions$

    . 7632

    Place9Inno&ation Disco&!ets9An En)ine o* Entrepreneurship


    1$ 5o(erts, Michael $ and -o)ard Stevenson I2002J$ C9e) Fenture =inancing,D

    -arvard Kusiness School 9ote I9""802"1#1J$2$ Thornton, *atricia I2002J$ CTypology of =or%s 'o%peting for Fenturing Space$D

    #$ Go%pers, *aul and oshua Berner I2000J$ CFenture 'apital Glossary,D Fenture

    'apital 'ycle, M:T *ress$A$ Bogon to )))$lifescienceangels$co%


    1$ 'an you associate the different types of funding )ith different types and stages ofdevelop%ent of start"ups

    2$ What are the (enefits and detri%ents for the entrepreneur of founding a co%pany

    )ith de(t versus e3uity financing

    'lass +ctivity!

    1$ Guest speaer! +ngel :nvestor

    763> Pro*essor out o* to(n? this class (ill $e a session (ith the TA on your team


    5eading!1$ 5o(erts, Michael $ I200AJ$ C-o) Fenture 'apitalists Evaluate *otential Fenture

    pportunities,D -arvard Kusiness School 'ase, "80"01$2$ Go%pers, *aul and oshua Berner I200#J$ CE3uity =inancing,D -and(oo of

    Entrepreneurship 5esearch! +n :nterdisciplinary Survey and :ntroduction$

  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    1$ What is the nu%(er one deter%inant of the value of a start"up (y a venture


    2$ What is the %ost i%portant factor in deter%ining )hether or not a venturecapitalist funds an entrepreneur

    . 763@Hierarchies9An En)ine o* Entrepreneurship

    Entrepreneur as A))re)ator Entrepreneur as :ro!er o* Companies

    Contin)ency? Transaction Cost? and Institutional Theories


    1$ 'handler, +lfred

  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    #$ Thornton, *atricia, -$ I2008J CKuilt to Bast! =ounding 9e) Fentures in the

    Maret and -ierarchy,D )oring paper$


    1$ What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting a ne) venture )ithin an

    M"for% corporation IintrapreneurshipJ co%pared to the outside capital %aretsIe$g$, (ans, venture capital, private place%entJ

    a$ -o) do the control %echanis%s and incentive structures differ

    2$ 'an you descri(e the various %odels for organi7ing corporate venturing#$ -o) do the %odels differ in ter%s of their degree of centrali7ation Speculate on

    )hat are the i%plications of these differences for the entrepreneur and the start"


    A$ :f you )ere the 'E of the perfect :ntrapreneurial fir%4ho) )ould you descri(eit

    'lass +ctivity!

    1$ Guest speaer! 'orporate 'apital :nvestor

    . 6

    Re)ions9En)ines o* Entrepreneurship

    5eading!1$ ucer, Bynne, Michael

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    1$ +ldrich, -o)ard and Martin 5uef I2006J$ rgani7ations Evolving, chapter10,




  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    'lass +ctivity and Assi)nment!

    1$ We )ill revie) the case preparation 3uestions in class as )e discuss the case$

    2$ Write a # page essay addressing the case preparation 3uestions in light of *orterLs%odel of the co%petitive forces to analy7e the %aret structure of the personal

    co%puter industry and +ppleLs position in that %aret$ Trace +pplesL strategies in the

    historical contet of changes in the structure of the %aret place over the last 2 years$


    Cooperation and .ar!et Structure Shapes indo(s o* Opportunity *or De&elopin)

    Products and Partners

    Increasin) Returns Theory


    1$ +rthur, W$ Krian$ I16J$ C:ncreasing returns and the ne) )orld of (usiness$D-arvard Kusiness 5evie) uly"+ugust .A! 100"10$

    2$ 'hes(rough, -enry W$ and

  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    1$ Tush%an, Michael B$ and *hilip +nderson$ I186J$ CTechnological

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    The Role o* Leadership in Institutionaliin) .eanin) and Purpose

    Institutional Theory and Or)aniational Culture

    5eading!1$ Sel7nic, *hilip I1.J$ Beadership in +d%inistration! + Sociological

    :nterpretation, p$1"6A$


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    SOCIOLO-G 2=23=2 SU..ARG


  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008




    W A"2 'ourse vervie)


    M A". Uni3ue *ersonalities *sychological Theories

    *ractice4Si%plot 'aseINNO,ATION DISCO,ERG9Person

    W A" Distri$ution o* In*ormation4*rior Eperience -u%an 'apital Theory


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  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    We(sites for :deas for :nnovation Environ%ents :ntervie)s


  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    Kench%ar 'apital, )))$(ench%ar$co%

    Qleiner, *erins, 'aufield @ Kyers, http!;;)))$pc($co%;

    Se3uoia 'apital, http+(((6se#uoiacap6com

    The Fenture 'apital :nstitute (((6&cinstitute6or)


  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    The National :usiness Incu$ation Association? (((6n$ia6or)

    0irst 0li)ht ,enture Capital Center?(((6nctda6or)


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    M:T! http+(e$6mit6edutlo(((

    Kereley! http+otl6:er!eley6edu

    Stanford http+otl6stan*ord6edu*lash6html

    -arvard http+(((6techtrans*er6har&ard6edu

    'altech http+(((6ott6caltech6edu

    National Institutes o* Health O**ice o* Technolo)y Trans*er monitors and handles trans*er

    o* NIH in&entions and also mana)es the patent and licensin) acti&ities *or the 0ood

    and Dru) Administration


    Bining :deas and :nnovation in Technology Transfer, http!;;)))$i(ridgenet)or$org

    9ational University of Singapore Entrepreneurship 'enter!http!;;)))$nus$edu$sg;nec;

    :ndustry +ssociations and Entrepreneurship *olicy

    The Se%iconductor 5esearch 'orporation, )))$src$org$ This organi7ation signals un%etgro)th areas of innovation fro% the perspective of industry$

    The 5esearch Triangle 'ouncil for Entrepreneurial

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    S%all Kusiness and Technology

  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    +ustralian Fenture 'apital ournal http!;;)))$vc?ournal$co%$au;

    'enter for :nternational *rivate Enterprise(((6cipe6or)

    :nternational Entrepreneurship =oru% )))$esse$ac$u;conferences;ief;

    -ispanic Kusiness =astest Gro)ing 100 )))$hispanic(usiness$co%

    E"Entrepreneur a ne) voice for young +ra( entrepreneurshttp!;;)))$a%einfo$co%;ne)s;E"Entrepreneur;

    :rish Enterprise Strategy Group http+(((6*or*as6iees)

    'ontact Singapore We(site! The Kest *lace to Set Up Kusiness Ipportunities for

    EntrepreneurshipJ! http!;;)))$contactsingapore$org$sg;opporforEnt$sht%l

    Singapore Econo%ic

  • 8/9/2019 The Social Science Of Entrepreneurship - Syllabus - Stanford 2008


    Stanford 'enter for Social :nnovation http+(((6)s$6stan*ord6educsi

    The :nstitute for Social Entrepreneurs http+(((6socialent6or)6

    Social Fenture 9et)or http+(((6s&n6or)

