The Story and History of Saint James NEWS FOR OUR CATHOLIC ... · A Little Story submitted by a...


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The Story and History of Saint James The story and history of Saint James. Among the twelve, three were chosen as the familiar companions of our blessed Lord, and of these James was one. He alone, with Peter and John, was admitted to the house of Jairus when the dead maiden was raised to life. They alone were taken up to the high mountain apart, and saw the face of Jesus shining as the sun, and His garments white as snow; and these three alone witnessed the fearful agony in Gethsemane. What was it that won James a place among the favorite three? Faith, burning, impetuous, and outspoken, but which needed purifying before the "Son of Thun-der" could proclaim the gospel of peace. It was James who demanded fire from heaven to consume the inhospitable Samaritans, and who sought the place of honor by Christ in His Kingdom. Yet Our Lord, in rebuking his presumption, prophesied his faithfulness to death. When St. James was brought before King Herod Agrippa, his fearless confession of Jesus crucified so moved the public prosecutor that he declared himself a Christian on the spot. Accused and accuser were hurried off together to execution, and on the road the latter begged pardon of the Saint. The apostle had long since forgiven him, but hesitated for a moment whether publicly to accept as a brother one still unbaptized. God quickly recalled to him the Church's faith, that the blood of martyrdom supplies for every sacrament, and, falling on his companion's neck, he embraced him, with the words, "Peace be with thee!" Together then they knelt for the sword, and together received the crown.

Questions for the Road or Way Home “The kingdom of heaven may be lik-ened to a man who sowed good seed in his field. While all were asleep his enemy came and sowed weeds all through the wheat.” -- Matthew 12:25

Jesus taught us to pray, “your kingdom come your will be done on earth as in heaven.” God’s reign exists on earth although not yet fulfilled. The reign of God is furthered when anyone acts with justice. We either nurture its growth or im-pede its progress.

• Reflect on how you are an image of the final reign of God.

• Where do you see glimpses of God’s reign in our world?

A Little Story submitted by a friend WHERE DO YOU FIT IN HERE?

This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody

could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Every-body’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody

wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done!

7th Annual Esto Vir (Be A Man) Vocations

Camp for Guys 16+

This diocesan vocation camp will August 8-

10 (noon - noon) at Sandhill Lake Bible

Camp, Fosston MN

--- A chance for Catholic guys to hang out. It will include:

Prayer: Mass, adoration, rosary

Sports: lawn and lake games, Frisbee

Water: kayaking, canoeing, biking, hiking

Discussion: vocations, holiness, virtue

Price: Free!

For more information: Fr. Matt Schmitz





This Week—July 23-July 30th Sunday

• Sunday by Sunday – 6:30 pm Roseau -- Special video concerned about the growth of euthanasia


• Financial Council Meeting– 5:15pm Roseau

• Vacation Bible School Final Volunteer meeting--5:30 pm at SHC

• Tri-Parish Social Action / Justice Mtg. - 7 pm R

Tuesday -- St. James, Apostle

Wednesday -- St. Joachim & Anne

• Pastoral Council Meeting – 5:15 pm Roseau


• Conf - Mass - Euch Ador. -- 6-8 pm Roseau

Next Sunday --17th Sunday in Ord. Time

• Falun Mass/Picnic at Hayes Lake– 12:30pm

Next Monday -- (July 31)

• Pastoral/Financial Council Mtg – 6:30 pm Falun

Next Tuesday -- (Aug 1st)

• Badger Community Picnic – 6:00 pm

Hayes Lake State Park Mass/Picnic

July 30th at 12:30pm

Join us at Hayes Lake State Park for Mass followed by a picnic!

Church will provide burgers and brats. Bring something to share!

St. Mary’s, Badger Sacred Heart, Roseau St. Philip’s, Falun

Pastor: Fr. John Kleinwachter Phone: 463-2441

Secretary: Tracy Borowicz Phone: 463-2441

RE Coordinator: Tracy Borowicz Phone: 242-4053

Parish Coordinator: Sarah Jack Phone: 463-2441

Office 403 Main Ave. N — Roseau—56751 WEBSITE:

Welcome to Emery Allan Walsh, son of Brent & Kaitlyn Walsh, baptized in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit on July 16, 2017 at St. Mary’s Church.

Welcome Chloe Rose Otto, daughter of Wesley & Rosie Otto, baptized in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit on July 22, 2017 at Sacred Heart Church.

BADGER COMMUNITY PICNIC August 1, 2017 at 6:00pm at Durgin


Setup for the picnic will be at 5pm.

If it rains we will meet at the

Community Hall

Religious Education Update: We are happy to announce Tracy Borowicz will again be the Director of Religious Education for grades k-12 this fall. Books and supplies are already being ordered for the upcoming year. Please consider shar-ing your faith with our youth by being a volunteer teacher. We will have openings in k-6 (from 3:30-5 pm) and 7-11(7-8:30 pm). Please call the office if interested. Thank you!

MASS SCHEDULE and INTENTIONS for July 25-July 30

July 16, 2017 Sacred Hrt St. Mary’s St. Philips

Adults $2,058.00 $541.00 $385.00

Youth $1.00 $3.00

Loose Plate $661.00 $96.45 $54.00

Stole Fee $125.00

Peter Pence $15.00

Bldg Maint. $10.00

Total $2,744.00 $763.45 $442.00

Roseau Area Food Shelf would like to “Thank You” for your donation of 2 lbs of food for one week in June.

The Message of Fatima: Episode Five


Cantor/Liturgical Singer Workshops: September 15 &16 with Berta Sabrio (NPM Certified Cantor Trainer). Sites: St. Joseph-- Fertile and Holy Rosary, Detroit Lakes. For informational flyer and

registration link, visit

Tuesday, July 25 Roseau 5:15pm +Roy Brown & family // JoAnn Demars

Wednesday, July 26 Badger 9:00am +Allan Walsh // Jay & Michelle Kinshella

Thursday, July 27 Roseau 6:30pm For Peace

Friday, July 28 Life Care 10:00am +Tillie Kimble

Saturday, July 29 Roseau 5:00pm +Gunda Koble // Ed & Delores Desrosier

Sunday, July 30 Falun 7:15am Pat Chapman // Darield & Judy Moser

Badger 9:00am For the Parishioners

Roseau 10:30am For the Parishioners

World Wide Marriage Retreat “Let love be sincere; hate what evil, hold on to what is good, love one another with mutual af-fection.” _Romans 12:9-10 A Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend is a private weekend for married couples to grow in their love. The next available weekends are Septem-ber 15-17, 2017 in Alexandria, MN and Feb-ruary 204 2017 in Hermantown, MN. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact Alan & Missy at or 888-455-3496.

Sacred Heart Capital Campaign Fundraiser

Congratulations to Char Hass who sold the most raffle tickets by fair time. We ask you to con-tinue to sell your raffle tickets to help us reach our goal of $2000! Our final benchmark will be at the Fall Supper.

Date Time

Sunday, August 13 12:30 pm

Sunday, August 13 8:00 pm

Saturday, August 19th 2:00 pm

Saturday, August 19th 9:00 pm


Lunch List: • August 6 Sharon P. & Christy • August 13 Judy & Patty


• Fall Fest- September 23, 2017 9am-1pm.

Upcoming Youth Events:

7/27-7/31- Steubenville

8/7-8/10– VBS

Permanent Diaconate Application Process All men who are considering entering the next deacon formation group are encouraged to con-tact Deacon Mark Krejci (formation director) if you have not already been in contact with him ( or 218-790-1675). The application deadline is August 15th and the ini-tial class for the first year of formation (called the Aspirancy year) begins on December 9th. It is not too late to apply and you are encouraged to be in touch with Deacon Krejci if you have not yet connected with him.

Vacation Bible School Volunteer Committee Meeting-Mon., July 24 at 5:30 pm -- Roseau -- the VBS com-mittee will be meeting to put the final touches on VBS, which will run (Mon. - Thur.) August 7-10 from 6-8 pm at Roseau. Anyone interested in helping out please attend this meeting.

Focus on Facilities Update

• We sold a good number of raffle tickets at the fair. It will be good to see the total.

• Meanwhile, let us all do our part to reach our goal of at least half of the cash on hand by the first of Jan. 2018 so we can start building in the spring.

• We are working on a job description for the building committee.
