The Story of the Vasant Kunj Mahipalpur Ridge For Youthreach by Natural Heritage First


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The Story of the Vasant Kunj Mahipalpur Ridge

For Youthreach

by Natural Heritage First

Delhi; a city defined by its river and ridge.

The Ridge goes back 2 billion years!

The river and the country go back only about a 100 million years.

Built heritage started just a little later, a little over 2000 years ago.

Water Sanctuary

The Vasant Kunj community ground water reserve

We have about 7 sq km of quartzite lain Arravali ridge, which according to the CGWA recharges as much as 85% of the rainwater. Delhi’s average annual rainfall is 60cm.

If we consider even 30 cm recharge in this special area, we find this 7sq km will recharge , 2 billion litres in a year.

This water is unpolluted and high quality mineral drinking water. If we sell this as bottled water at the rate

of Rs 2 per liter(1/15th of prevailing market rate of mineral water), this resource values at 400 crores per


What you may not know1. Natural Heritage& ResourceValue:

Water Sanctuary

#This land is my land, This land is your land

2. Natural Justice

The DDA Grand Sale

25 hectares of Vasant Kunj Mall =250000sqmeter

Residential = Rs 3 lakhs/sq yd, Commercial > 6 lakhs/sq yd

Land Value of VK Mall = 25 hectares > 20, 000 crores

DDA Sold for 1100 cores


And the MOEF and S. C. says substantial investment of 300 crores has been made so we can only compromise

! ?

The Army Nowdeclares war on 3.25 sq km of Ridge

1.2004 Directed to stop cutting forest and construction by CEC

2.Consummation – Married housing Deposed in Supreme Court to say it has constructed 4%

BUT has built 50%between 2004 and now3. Titles affidavit ‘ Construction on Vasant Kunj ridge

but does not accept it is ridge

4. 2006 Kills “ Little Bharatpur” and at this moment carving THE GASH : excavating a huge conduit in

Mahipalpur’s 1000 year old forest

The Supreme CourtThe CEC, its own expert committee on Forests and

Environment in March 2004 directs MOEF and Delhi Government to ensure to cutting of forest or

construction take place and in July 2004 that the whole area be made a National Park

No construction till this time. Construction starts slyly later

2006 The SC agrees with the MOEF expert Committee that the entire land is ridge , vital water recharge area and environmentally unsound for any construction and

in contravention of the Masterplan and without any mandatory environmental clearances so illegal.

But now that some construction has taken place only compromise is possible

The Authorities that have turned a blind eye

The Ministry of Environment and Forests

The Ministry of Urban Development Jaipal Reddy

The Lt. Governor

The Delhi Government

OVER TO YOU1. Write to Chief Justice to Review

2.Write to President, PM, CM..3. Future Generations Schools and Colleges



diwans2007@gmail.comSite on the Net: Natural Heritage First

Quality of life: From Natural Heritage

The Ridge, forest and the river must be protected because:

# Delhi needs a ridge:

1. It provides a barrier against the approaching desert around Delhi.

# Delhi needs forest:

1. Clears the air, converts exhaust fumes to O2. Critical for the health of Delhi’s citizens - infant asthma has become endemic.

2. Needs natural and recreational areas away from the chaos of traffic, where one can take walks, ride a cycle, climb trees, etc.

# Delhi needs quality water- desperately!

1. Comes naturally from the ridge forest.

# Planning cities:1. Cities today are deprived of essential natural heritage

because preservation of natural heritage/environment has not been implemented into the planning process.

2. We need a citizens participatory local planning process.

The ridge and river are sacred in Delhi’s master plan which, however, is observed more in its violation and not its spirit.

P.S.-1. A forest requires no maintenance, unlike parks that need

lots of water and constant care. Besides, it gives water and oxygen for free.

A forest is a provider whereas a park is a consumer.

Movements to conserve are scattered, we need to combine

energies to become stronger and more effective. Instead of working individually, lets become one force combating the problems that we

face everyday.
