The Terry Terry Fox School Event Fox PRE RUN SPEECH School Run · Thank you for watching today,...


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We’re here to help you share Terry’s message of hope this year! Here’s a sample pre run speech that you can edit and customize to fit your school event. Whether you’re presenting it outdoors, virtually, or in a google slide presentation, you’ll be able to cover all the neces-sary information to help your students get pumped and motivated. It even includes a link to our Terry Fox School Run video, “Anything’s Possible”. There is an estimated time duration of the video and each section of the speech in the sidebar to help you schedule.


Show Video: “Anything’s Possible” Content includes never before seen archival footage:• Terry’s Marathon of Hope• Interviews with the Fox family• Young Cancer survivor personal stories• Research update from leading Oncologist

Introduction: Welcome everyone and thank you for joining us for our 2020 Terry Fox School Event presentation. This is the 40th Anniversary of Terry’s Marathon of Hope and we are proud to be taking part in this event to continue Terry’s legacy.

This year’s event might look a little different but the end result remains the same; to raise funds for cancer research. While we may not be able to come together as a large group, we are still united as a strong school community and we can still carry on Terry’s dream of a world without cancer.

So let’s remind ourselves of Terry’s courage and determination as we fundraise for cancer research this year. To begin our assembly, we would like to take a few minutes now to watch a short video from the Terry Fox Foundation, called “Anything’s Possible”.



Terry Fox School EventPRE RUN SPEECH



Terry Fox


“What’s Your 40? Terry Activity”We are excited to celebrate this year’s 40th Anniversary of Terry’s Marathon of Hope and to do it safely, we are going to do a fun Terry activity called “What’s Your 40?”. That’s where you do a fun activity that has the number 40 worked into it and then share it with our school fundraising link to collect donations. You can choose any activity and do it with your classroom or you can even do it at home with your family. For example, I am going to paint 40 rocks with the word “Hope” and spread them throughout the neighborhood. You too can do something fun, whether its painting rocks, having 40 second dance breaks or even running 40 laps, the sky’s the limit. Let’s all be creative and come up with some awesome ideas to help us fundraise.

How to donate:Let’s fundraise safely this year and collect our donations online. Donors can click our school fundraising link that has been shared on <insert fb/tw/insta page, website or email> or they can even search for our school name at It’s that easy! Please share our school fundraising link as many times and ways that you can. The more we share, the more we raise for cancer research.

Closing and Terry Fox Quote:One of my favourite quotes from Terry is as follows: “Even if I don’t finish, we need others to continue. It’s got to keep going without me.” By participating in our Terry Fox event, we are continuing Terry’s legacy and helping people that are fighting cancer. Thank you for watching today, let’s all pull together and support cancer research.

Your school fundraising history:We hope you enjoyed that video and feel inspired to support this year’s Terry Fox School Run. I know I am! Our event this year is an opportunity to take action, show leadership and set examples of compassion and kindness towards others. Just like the video says, we can make a difference in the lives of those fighting cancer.

Unfortunately, we all probably know someone with cancer, whether it’s a family member or friend, we’re all touched by cancer in some way and now it’s up to us to help them. __________________________________ has been a proud supporter of the Terry Fox School Run for _________________ years, and we have raised an incredible $ ___________________ for cancer research. Let’s all give ourselves a big round of applause (wait for applause)! That is a lot of money that we have raised and I know that we can do even better this year.

your school name hereparticipation length

amount raised to date




