The Transport of dogs and cats across the Bass Straight 070 - 2018-19.pdf · The Transport of dogs...


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The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tasmania)

ACN: 611 485 271 ABN: 71 723 781 546 RSPCA Inspectorate Report: Dr. Andrew Byrne: Chief Veterinarian and Lisa Edwards: Inspectorate Manager.

The Transport of dogs and cats across the Bass


1. Introduction

There is no

specific legislation supporting the transport of domestic animals across Bass

Straight on a ferry, with the exception of the Tasmanian, Animal Welfare Act.

1993 (AWA). The Animal Welfare (dogs) regulations 2016, which are legally binding

and enforceable, have arisen from the AWA but do not include the accommodation

provided for the companion animals on board the ferries.

The transportation of Livestock across Bass Strait, also falls under The Australian

Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines – Land Transport of Livestock cover the

transport of livestock by road and rail, and by livestock transport vehicle aboard

a ship, i.e. roll on-roll off vehicles; and are legislated in Tasmania under the

Animal Welfare (Land Transport of Livestock) Regulations 2013. The Tasmanian

Animal Welfare (Land Transport of Livestock) Regulations commenced in June

2013 and the standards were adopted as regulations from the Australian Animal

Welfare Standards and Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock.

Animal Welfare Guidelines - Transport of Livestock Across Bass Strait – Tasmania,

also arises from the AWA. This guideline establishes who has responsibility for the

welfare of livestock being transported across Bass and also defines the efficient,

considerate treatment of animals so that transport stress and injury are

minimised at all stages of the transport operation.

There are also requirements for the shipping of livestock prescribed in Marine

Order Part 43 under the Navigation Act 2012 (Commonwealth). While Marine

Order 43 normally applies only to Regulated Australian vessels, the Certificate of

Operation of Domestic Commercial Vessels may call up Marine Order 43. Most

Bass Strait voyages carrying livestock are regarded as a short sea voyage (under

24 hours) for the purposes of Marine Order 43.

Assessed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Right to Information Act 2009






The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tasmania)

ACN: 611 485 271 ABN: 71 723 781 546 RSPCA Inspectorate Report: Dr. Andrew Byrne: Chief Veterinarian and Lisa Edwards: Inspectorate Manager.


Not only dogs and cats are ferried across the strait but also rabbits, guinea pigs,

ferrets, some birds, chickens and ducks may travel on Spirit of Tasmania; they are

to be placed into the Spirit cages in their own transport cages. Animals that are

not permitted on the Spirit ferries are wildlife such as reptiles, frogs, birds, fish,

yabbies, tortoises as well as worms, spiders, pigeons, doves and rodents.

Subject to availability, there is no limit to the number of cages that a passenger

can book. Passengers cannot reserve specific cages for their animal,

Passengers are only permitted one animal per kennel unless the animal is

a mother accompanied by her dependent offspring.

Assessed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Right to Information Act 2009






The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tasmania)

ACN: 611 485 271 ABN: 71 723 781 546 RSPCA Inspectorate Report: Dr. Andrew Byrne: Chief Veterinarian and Lisa Edwards: Inspectorate Manager.

Assistance animals [Appendix IV] are permitted in the Passenger areas of the Vessel.

Animals, other than Assistance animals, must be appropriately housed in the Vessel

cages or in appropriately designed and veterinary certified, animal Carriage

Vehicles or trailers (e.g. horse floats, trailers, trucks and stock trailers).



Section 12: “Crating

of dogs” in the Animal Welfare (Dogs) Regulations 2016 (Tasmania) states that

when crating a dog…

A dog crate must be large enough for a dog to turn around inside,

able to lie on its side with legs fully outstretched and stand and sit

without head touching the roof of the crate. The period of

confinement must not exceed a total of 10 hours in any 24-hour


Assessed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Right to Information Act 2009






The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tasmania)

ACN: 611 485 271 ABN: 71 723 781 546 RSPCA Inspectorate Report: Dr. Andrew Byrne: Chief Veterinarian and Lisa Edwards: Inspectorate Manager.

The weight, size and shape of a dog will impact the required size of the dog crate


The dimensions used by airline animal transport agencies, who provide a variety of

portable airline carriers on demand, either to purchase or to hire, can be placed

into an on-line calculator to determine which size of carrier would be required to

transport the specific dog.

Or the transport agency has an enquiry form where the same IATA dimensions are

calculated in house and a quote for transporting the specific pet is returned…

Assessed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Right to Information Act 2009






The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tasmania)

ACN: 611 485 271 ABN: 71 723 781 546 RSPCA Inspectorate Report: Dr. Andrew Byrne: Chief Veterinarian and Lisa Edwards: Inspectorate Manager.

Individual dogs/animals have vastly differing levels of sensitivity to heat, cold and

ventilation, which means that a temperature that is fine for one dog might be too

high or too low for another. Additionally, how affected an animal is by

temperature changes and how well they are able to maintain their comfortable

temperature despite the reading on the thermometer is also variable.

The factors that go towards dictating how sensitive an animal is to the cold or hot

environment include:

The type of coat they have

The degree of body fat on the animal

What the animal is acclimatised to

The age and health of the animal

The amount of activity an animal is undergoing

Brachycephalic animals require optimal ventilation

Assessed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Right to Information Act 2009






The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tasmania)

ACN: 611 485 271 ABN: 71 723 781 546 RSPCA Inspectorate Report: Dr. Andrew Byrne: Chief Veterinarian and Lisa Edwards: Inspectorate Manager.

5.2 The booking procedure along with the loading and unloading of the

companion animals


Diagram 1.



Book a cage.

All animals must

be fit to travel

A rough guide as to the cage sizes

available is provided.

700mm W X 800mm H X 900mm D

2.4.c * 2.4.b * 2.4.a *

If carrying animals in cages secured

on trailers or on Vehicles with trays,

complete “Animal Cage Declaration

Form”. including a declaration by a

registered veterinarian in relation

to the suitability of the cage.

Vehicle must be fit for purpose.

TT-Line is only responsible for

air ventilation integrity on decks

3 & 5.

Owner is to provide bedding and

other personal requirements for


It is not possible to reserve

a specific cage. If your animal needs a

larger housing unit, you

must arrange an alternative

suitable housing unit in

accordance with clause


One animal per Kennel.

Book as many available

kennels as you wish.

Pocket pets and kittens

into the kennel in their

traveling cage.

Owner provides bedding

Collect animals for

disembarkation when



Assessed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Right to Information Act 2009






The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tasmania)

ACN: 611 485 271 ABN: 71 723 781 546 RSPCA Inspectorate Report: Dr. Andrew Byrne: Chief Veterinarian and Lisa Edwards: Inspectorate Manager.

Examples of breed sizes.


Height to

top of



height to top

of head when

standing * Weight

Border Collie 54 73 27kg

Australian Cattle Dog 66 89 50kg

Australian Kelpie 49 66 20kg

German Shepherd 64 86 40kg

Newfoundland 69 93 68kg

Greyhound 76 103 32kg

Curley Coated Retriever 69 93 36kg

Rhodesian Ridgeback 66 89 40kg

Doderman 69 93 38kg

Rottweiler 69 93 60kg

Boerboel (South African Mastiff) 70 95 80kg

Great Dane 80 108 90kg

Irish Wolfhound 86 116 68kg

*total height estimated at 1.35 X shoulder height

Assessed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Right to Information Act 2009






The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tasmania)

ACN: 611 485 271 ABN: 71 723 781 546 RSPCA Inspectorate Report: Dr. Andrew Byrne: Chief Veterinarian and Lisa Edwards: Inspectorate Manager.

Appendix IV

Assistance animals: An animal referred to in section 9 of the Commonwealth

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 – that is, guide dogs, hearing assistance dogs and

trained animals and animals used to assist law enforcement agencies.

Assessed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Right to Information Act 2009






The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tasmania)

ACN: 611 485 271 ABN: 71 723 781 546 RSPCA Inspectorate Report: Dr. Andrew Byrne: Chief Veterinarian and Lisa Edwards: Inspectorate Manager.


Spirit of Tasmania Conditions of Carriage

2.3 All animals must be fit to travel.

2.4 Animals, other than Assistance animals, must be appropriately housed in the

Vessel kennels or in appropriately designed animal Carriage Vehicles or trailers

(e.g. horse floats, trailers, trucks and stock trailers).

(a) Kennels – If your animal is housed in the Vessel kennels, you must understand

and agree to comply with the following:

(i) Our kennels vary in size. As a guide, the approximate measurements are:

700mm wide x 800mm high x 900mm deep. If your animal needs a larger housing

unit, we are unable to assist and you must arrange an alternative suitable housing

unit in accordance with clause 2.4(b) of this Special Condition.

(ii) It is not possible to reserve particular kennels for your animal;

(iii) One animal per kennel unless the animal is a mother accompanied by

her dependent offspring;

(iv) You acknowledge and agree that we may move any animals to another

or different-size kennel if deemed necessary by us or our representatives.

(v) Subject to availability, there is no limit to the number of kennels that

you can book;

(vi) Smaller animals (such as rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, birds or chickens)

must be carried in their own cage and then placed into a kennel;

(vii) You are responsible for providing your animal with sufficient blankets

and fresh water for a 24-hour journey;

(viii) Animals are to be collected from the Vessel kennels upon

disembarkation or when otherwise instructed by us; and

(b) When housed in areas other than the Vessel kennels, the following conditions


(i) During the Voyage, we recommend that you do not allow animals to

travel inside Vehicles or trailers. If you do so, it is at your own risk and you must

ensure that you have properly considered the welfare and wellbeing of the animal

and that the animal is not subjected to unreasonable or unjustifiable pain or

suffering. If you decide to have your animals travel inside a Vehicle or trailer then

you must ensure that you do not have more than two animals per Vehicle,

excluding dogs, cats and most birds. If there are three or more animals (e.g.

horses) then freight rates may apply.

(ii) For Passengers carrying animals in cages secured on trailers or on

Vehicles with trays, you must complete one Animal Cage Declaration Form per

independent booking. This includes a declaration by a registered veterinarian in

relation to the suitability of the alternative housing unit. The Animal Cage

Declaration Form must be dated and lodged to us at least 24 hours prior to sailing.

Assessed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Right to Information Act 2009






The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tasmania)

ACN: 611 485 271 ABN: 71 723 781 546 RSPCA Inspectorate Report: Dr. Andrew Byrne: Chief Veterinarian and Lisa Edwards: Inspectorate Manager.

The Animal Cage Declaration Form is available from our Customer Contact Centre

on 1800 634 906 or from a terminal.

(iii) Animal transport Vehicles, trailers and cages must be constructed in a

way that is ‘fit for purpose’, complies with all regulatory requirements and must

not allow animal waste to contaminate the Vessel or other cargo.

(iv) We are not responsible for animals housed in areas other than the

Vessel kennels other than to provide them with air ventilation integrity. You must

ensure that you have properly considered the welfare and wellbeing of the animal

and that the animal is not subjected to unreasonable or unjustifiable pain or


(v) Provisions of bedding and other personal requirements for animals are

the responsibility of the owner.

(c) We do not condone or sanction the transport of animals inside Vehicles, road

trailers or other housing units that have not been certified as suitable by a

registered veterinarian. It may be unsafe to transport your animal in this manner.

If you insist, contrary to these Conditions of Carriage, on transporting your animal

in this manner then:

(i) You irrevocably release and indemnify us from any liability arising out of

or in any way connected with the transport of the animal; or

(ii) We may refuse to transport the animal (including the accompanying

Passenger, as applicable).

2.5 Passengers are not permitted to access the Vehicle decks to visit animals while

the Vessel is at sea. The only exception being:

(a) At least 24 hours prior to departure, the Passenger has provided a valid

veterinary certificate indicating that the animal requires assistance during the

Voyage due to a pre-determined condition; and

(b) The Master of the Vessel has expressly authorised the checking of the animal;


(c) The Passenger is supervised by an authorised TT-Line representative.

2.6 Assistance animals

(a) Assistance animals are permitted to travel on board, in Passenger areas of the

Vessel if they are either accompanied by:

(i) The person they assist; or

(ii) If the Assistance animal is undergoing Assistance animal training, by its


(b) Animals used to assist law enforcement agencies are permitted on board in the

course of their usual duties.

2.7 Right to refuse transportation of an animal We may refuse to transport any

animal if, in our opinion:

Assessed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Right to Information Act 2009






The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tasmania)

ACN: 611 485 271 ABN: 71 723 781 546 RSPCA Inspectorate Report: Dr. Andrew Byrne: Chief Veterinarian and Lisa Edwards: Inspectorate Manager.

(a) The Carriage of that animal presents a safety risk to our representatives or


(b) The Carriage of that animal may be a welfare risk to the animal;

(c) You do not have a suitable Ticket that permits you to sail on the same Voyage

as the animal;

(d) Valid permits or certifications are not provided, when required;

(e) Upon inspection the Assistance animal does not meet standards of hygiene and

behaviour that are appropriate for a public space;

(f) The housing unit is deemed inadequate for the purpose of transporting the

animal on board the Vessel

Assessed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment under the Right to Information Act 2009