the true facts about emf




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EMF & The ParanormalPresented by CAPS

By Kimberly Raines

• EMF stands for electromagnetic field.

• This is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects.

• It is called “electromagnetic” because it contains properties of both magnetism and electricity.

What is EMF?


• Electrical appliances• X-rays• Wi-Fi Modems• Remote controls• Cordless and mobile phones

• Earth’s magnetic field• Visible light• Lightning


Where Does It Come From?

• The EM spectrum contains visible light, radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, etc.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

• EM waves travel in straight lines at the speed of light.

• All EM waves have a frequency and a wavelength. Frequency is measured in Hertz.

• These waves are also referred to as ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

• Exposure to ionizing radiation has known side effects.

Basics of Electromagnetism

• Albert Einstein: E=mc2

• Matter/ energy cannot be created or destroyed.

• Matter and energy are different forms of the same thing.

• Matter can be turned into energy and energy can be turned into matter

How Does This Relate To Ghosts?

• Tiny electrical currents exist in the human body.

• Digestion, brain activity, heart function and the central nervous system function through the rearrangement of charged particles.

• Is it possible that these electrical processes carry on in some fashion after death?

• Is this the mechanism of a ghost?

EMF And The Human Body

• States that the EMF carried by the brain is the actual carrier of human consciousness. This is also known as the CEMI theory

• CEMI=Conscious Electro Magnetic Information Field by Johnjoe McFadden (2002)

• Another researcher, Dr. Susan Pockett , suggests that the EM field comprises a universal consciousness that experiences the sensations, perceptions, thoughts and emotions of every conscious being in the universe.

• Many scientists refute these theories

Electromagnetic Theory of Consciousness

• EMF is measured in terms of frequency.

• Frequency is measured in hertz.

• Some EMF meters measure in milligauss which is a measurement of the strength of the radiant field rather than frequency.

• These meters can be used to track the source of an EMF.

How is EMF Measured?

• Measures natural and manmade EMF’s including radio and microwaves

• Measures in 3-D (3-axis)• Can also measure ELF

(extremely low frequency) and VLF (very low frequency)

• Detects static and fluctuating fields

• Very sensitive-range of 25ft• Audible alarm

Types of EMF Detectors

Tri-Field Meter

• Measures manmade EMF’s including RF and ELF fields

• Measures in a single axis.

• Range of 10 ft• Audible alarm

Types of EMF Detectors

Cell Sensor

• Made popular by the “Ghost Hunter” TV show.

• Detects manmade EMF’s including ELF/VLF

• Measures in a single axis • Range of 10 ft• LED display • Instantaneous response to EMF spikes and fluctuations

• ONLY detects fluctuating fields

Types of EMF Detectors

K II meter

• Inexpensive low tech solution.• Allows you to hear EMF’s• Picks up EMF from electrical

motors, electronic equipment, etc.

• Simply turn the dial to where there is no station and little noise

• Then walk around and place it close to electrical outlets, exposed wires, fluorescent lights, etc w/speaker facing you.

• Choose a radio that does not have digital controls as these have built-in anti-static devices.

• EMF will manifest as static

Types of EMF Detectors

AM Radio

• Inexpensive low tech solution.• Best for detecting natural fields

(Earth’s magnetic field outdoors)• Keep compass flat and walk in a

straight line• Stand still to take readings• Use a compass with a freely moving

needle• Magnetic deposits (which are linked

to hauntings) will attract the needle as will overhead powerlines

• North NEVER moves, once above interferences have been ruled out, even a slight shift is significant

• Check again another day, true hauntings are transitive and should not yield the same results day after day

Types of EMF Detectors


• Although EMFs are a scientific, measurable phenomena, there is no way to prove a correlation between EMF changes and ghosts

• Decades of study have found no verifiable link between NORMAL levels of EMF pollution and short or long term health effects.

• However, exposure to complex EMF may cause hallucinations

EMF-Other Considerations

External EMF And The Body

• Humans have always existed in a sea of natural EMF.

• However, the increasing use of cellphones, wireless networks, and other technologies has increased our exposure to manmade EMF.

• How does this increase interact with the body?

• According to Persinger and St.Pierre’s 2006 study, 15 years of study “have shown that the sensed presence of a ‘sentient being’” can be evoked by applying a very specific weak magnetic field to the brain.

• According to a 1999 report from the WHO, ELF electrical fields can induce an electrical charge on the skin causing body hair to vibrate.

• In the same report, volunteers exposed to an ELF magnetic field experienced faint visual flickering sensations.

EMF-Other Considerations

• I was unable to find any scientific documentation or legitimate study on the subject of “fear cages" and manmade EMF.

• On the other hand, research suggests that infrasound (20Hz-22kHz) can produce feelings of sorrow, anxiety, chills and dizziness in some people

• Dr. Michael Persinger has linked changes in the Earth’s geomagnetic field to UFO sightings and other anomalous reports

The Fear Cage Effect

• EHS is a perceived sensitivity to EMF

• Suffers experience very real symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, headache, heart palpitations, etc seemingly in response to EMF exposure.

• There is no medical evidence to support this diagnosis; all cases have been self-diagnosed

• Scientific studies have shown no link between these symptoms and EMF

• Current theory suggests that this is a psychosomatic illness; people have basically perceived themselves into being ill

EHS-Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

• Broome, Fiona. "Ghost Hunting Tips: Use a Compass to Measure EMF." Hollow Hill. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 June


• "Cell Sensor CELLSENSOR - Cellular Phone / EMF Detection Meter CELLSENSOR (250 1304)." Computer cables, adapters and accessories for your

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• "E=mc2 Explained." Worsley School OnLine... the website for Worsley School .................... N.p., n.d. Web. 15 June 2010.


• "EMF Explained Series - What is EMF? - L2." EMF Explained Series. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 June 2010. <>.

• "Einstein Exhibit -- E=mc2." The American Institute of Physics -- Physics Publications and Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 June 2010.


• "Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)." World Health Organization. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 June 2010. <>.

• "Electromagnetic Spectrum." Galileo. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 June 2010.


• "Electromagnetic theories of consciousness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., 13 June 2010. Web. 15 June

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• Eriksen, Andrew . "How To Measure EMF." Eiwellspring. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 June 2007. <>.

• Graf, Rudolf F.. "EMF Educational & Build-It-Yourself Kits." EMF Safety Superstore- "Electromagnetic Field Detection & Protection".. N.p., n.d.

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• "Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields." Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources. Department of Communications,

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• Persinger, MA, SA Koren, and JN Booth. "Increased feelings of the sensed presence and incr... [Int J Neurosci. 2005] - PubMed result."

National Center for Biotechnology Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 June 2010. <>.

• "Topic 5 What are the uses and hazards of waves that form the Electromagnetic Spectrum." Welcome to the Antonine Education Website.

N.p., n.d. Web. 15 June 2010.


• "Trifield Meter - EMF Health & Safety Page." Find Maui Hotels, Activities, Real Estate, Maps, Hawaii and More For Your Maui Vacation |

Maui.Net - All Things Maui. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 June 2010. <>.

• Wilson, Ralph. "Expanding the Paradigm - Steps to Take." Dr. Ralph Wilson - Naturopathic Physician, Washington DC. N.p., n.d. Web. 15

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