The Truman Show A look at Panopticism from the film


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The Truman Show A look at Panopticism from the film

The Subtlety of PowerDisciplinary power is subtle form of control

We make choices without knowing that we are making the choiceThe function is so engrained in our routine that it is a pre-

conscience decision Foucault's argument is that disciplinary power (the

panopticon) becomes so normal that we do not even realize that our choices are controlled

Eliminates the necessity of overt control / dominance because we begin to police ourselves We are subjects (free will) We are objects (conscience)

Power and VisibilityThe concept of “surveillance” becomes critical to

controlling the behavior of the individualDoesn’t necessarily mean cameraSurveillance can occur through anything that

modifies our behavior

Panoptic Power is exerted through visibility

“Discipline makes possible the operation of a relational power that sustains itself by its own mechanism and which, for the spectacle of public events, substitutes the uninterrupted play of calculated gazes.”

Power and VisibilityThis power emerges through the concept of discipline

as a mechanism for controlling populations Power is exerted through the creation of desire and

necessityRightsCapitalExpertise / education

Creates “docile” people

that accept the world as it

is because of the potential

benefits it provides

We are objects of “surveillance”…

The foundations of the criticism is the normalizing function of repression Panoptic power – the idea of constant presence

as a mechanism for controlling populations

Moving disciplinary power from the

penitentiary to the streetUse of security cameras“dummy cameras”

And subjects of surveillance

Its purpose is to make it so that every individual is simultaneously the watcher and being watched at the same time “plain clothes cops” “the informed citizen”


Panopticism in the Parent Child Relationship

Santa Claus is Coming to Town


“He sees you when your sleeping, he knows when you’re wake, he knows if you’ve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake.

You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I’m telling you why; Santa Claus is coming to town.”

The Hidden Meaning:“He sees you when your sleeping, he knows when you’re wake,

he knows if you’ve been bad or good”This song signifies Santa’s omniscient abilities

“You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I’m telling you why”

It controls children’s behavior through fear of not getting gifts

We Are Both Objects…There is a disciplinary force that controls others

and governs their free willChristof is the director


Is there another force that controls the choices

And SubjectsIndividuals police others to make sure everyone

follows the rulesDiscipline creates a structure that allows us to

separate normal behavior from abnormal behaviorHow do they police Truman?How do they police one another in the film?

Disciplinary PowerIn the Truman Show, there are two primary

mechanisms of disciplinary powerFear – knowledge of potential consequences

mitigates Truman’s desire to explore or leave the island

Dependence – the idea of dependence reduces his ability to leave the island

Discipline Through FearOne of the major themes of the movie is the

idea that they must mitigate his desire to leave the island

According to Cristof, they had to manufacture reasons to keep Truman from escaping the island. This happens in a lot of places:His jobHis loss of a family memberHis environment

Discipline Through his jobHis job as a insurance agent makes him risk

averse because he has to assess risks on a daily basis

Discipline Through his jobHis job as a insurance agent makes him risk

averse because he has to assess risks on a daily basis

Fear of DrowningTruman is afraid of water which keeps him from


Fear of DrowningTruman is afraid of water which keeps him from exploring

Fear of the environment

Fear of his environment

Disciplining TrumanMakes him fear risk

His job as an insurance salesman (risk averse) – frames all his choices

His father dies in the ocean to make him fear sailing His teacher tells him there is nothing left to explore His wife wants him to have a child His travel agent has posters that highlight dangers of

travel and cant book his flight His bus driver breaks down the bus When he wants to drive away

Traffic jamForest fireNuclear meltdown

Power Through Dependence

Power can also be demonstrated in a much more subtle fashionDoesn’t have to be fear for your own safety It can also be through value that you associate

with relationships you have with other peopleEstablishing relationships of dependence makes it

impossible for you to leave

Power through Dependence

Family His mom gets sick

Mom gets sick in order to prevent him from going after girl when she leaves the island

He gets married Makes him dependent on other people so he cant just do whatever he


His dumb friend Makes it impossible to leave – doesn’t want to abandon his friend

Having a child Cause kids crush dreams

They want to delay the travel in order to make the pregnancy possible

Disciplining the ActorsTells the actors what to think / what to say

Determines which actors can speak to TrumanThe woman

Determines which actors can interact with TrumanThe guy on the ladder

Free willIs he free / did he truly escape
