The Ultimate Fat Loss Workout [Body Weight Edition]€¦ · Ultimate Fitness App Combo Fitness...


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The Ultimate Fat Loss Workout [Body Weight Edition]


This workout tutorial provides instructional and educational advice and theory on areas of health and fitness and related training protocols. advises and urges you to consult with your physician or doctor / health specialist prior to engaging in any of the exercises, workouts or activities presented in this series or any other workout and/or fitness program.

The information found here and at any related websites is the author’s opinion only and is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen. Ultimate Fitness App is in no way whatsoever responsible in any manner for any health issues or injury that may occur through following the opinions and information in this workout or its product(s) or related websites or apps.

This workout is copyrighted and therefore covered by all applicable laws. You are entitled to have a copy that you purchased on your mobile device and your computer. A private code is created for single person use only and not to be shared with others. If you know of friends or colleagues who would like and benefit from this workout please direct them to our website to obtain their own personal access. Please contact our support with any questions.

All Rights Reserved 2013 onwards


A Fat Loss Success...

It was around 2 years ago that I really began focusing on setting up this type of workout.

I'd been in the fitness industry since around 17 years of age and had seen and tried a whole variety of exercises, workouts and fitness protocols. I love trying new stuff. I love mixing and re-creating workouts using some of the tried and tested workout styles that have been proven to be effective.

So back to this.

Essentially I have always trained hard - with intensity. I see no reason to be in a gym or doing any training if you're going to talk, chat to friends or waste the time you have given to working out. I totally feel you need to give everything you have to your workouts, THEN you'll see results.

This workout is one that I created to do two things for me and my clients. (I test on myself and then if I like it I let me clients have a go.)

The two things I wanted to achieve were:

1. A workout that would hit all the main compound moves (think multi jointexercises that burn the most calories) whilst incorporating core training AND be 100% body weight exercises.

2. Give results in a workout that could be done very fast in a short amount oftime (saving you as much time as possible) whilst giving the best result for fat loss and putting your body into a fat burning state (EPOC) for up to 48 hours after you finish.

This is that workout.

It is based on metabolic resistance training.

But I call my versions of this workout, the ones I create now:

Metabolic Intensity Training or Metabolic Intensity Circuits.

Try this, I hope you like it.




The Workout

The workout consists of 8 exercises.

The goal is to perform each exercise one after the other in circuit fashion

You should try for as little rest as possible between exercises, ideally going right into the next one.

You shall rest for 1-3 minutes at the end of the circuit.

Beginners Shall perform 1 circuit / Intermediate 2 circuits / Advanced to Pro 3-4 circuits

Sip water throughout.

Warm up should be self myofarcial release and ballistic warm up (think things like jumping jacks, burpees, cone runs etc for 5-6 minutes. (avoid static stretching)

For those into supplements. I like to take BCAA 30 minutes before i do the workout. I then have a post workout shake afterwards with plenty of carbs in it. I train at night mostly. I eat carbs at night to help burn fat (what!?) ;)

Reps / Time: You have 2 options, either count reps for the exercises or do as many as you can in an allotted time:

Reps: Beginner 8 reps / Intermediate 10 / Advanced 12-15 *Optional Protocol: Add one rep to all exercises each circuit.

Time: Beginners 25 seconds / Intermediate: 30 seconds / Advanced: 35 seconds.

There you go. Simple.

Now go for it.


Quick Notes:

This pdf workout is viewable in my interactive Ultimate Fitness App Combo Fitness Tools App which also has various timers. You can get yours here for iPhone/iPad (Android coming soon).

* I recommend using the 'Simple Session Timer' to give you an idea of how longthe workout took you, you can also listen to music in the app and take notes etc.

I designed the app to allow you to use your pdfs inside your mobile device and make use of the tools like the timers, music, notes etc as you browse the workout.

Check out all my other fitness apps here - I'm sure there will be some more you like and get great workouts from. I have video workouts, abs and core training and a nice selection of workouts just like this one you are reading now. so you can get even more of these for your device that incorporate resistance exercises as well as body weight.

A lot of them are free.

Android Apps / Google Play here.

Amazon Apps here.

If you pick up any of my paid apps I'll thank you now in advance.




Exercise Workout List:

1 - Point 2 Point Runs

2 - Pull Ups (substitute bent over dumbbell rows if you have no pull up bar *even though that is not a body weight move.)

3 - Squat Jumpers (or regular squats)

4 - Scissor Push Ups

5 - Alternating foot 2 Toe Crunch

6 - Nose 2 Knee Breakers

7 - Spiderman Walk Outs

8 - Plank hold. (beginner 30 seconds / Int: 40 seconds / Advanced - pro 40-60 seconds.


Exercise 1

Point 2 Point Runs

Fix two 'points' or cones etc around 10 - 20 meters apart. Your job is to sideways shuffle at a fast pace form cone to cone. At each cone, get low, tap the floor and explode to the other cone. Then repeat for reps or time. from one cone, to the other then back is 1 REP.


Exercise 2

Pull ups (or Bent DB Rows)

With a wide grip, perform a pull up, so your chin reaches the level of the bar. If you are new to pull ups it can be hard to lift your body weight, so *Substitute bent dumbbell rows if you have no bar. These are performed with slightly bent knees, flat back, braced core and you then row a weight to your ribs that you can do 10 reps.


Exercise 3

Squat Jumpers (or Squats)

With your feet shoulder width apart, squat down so your thighs are parallel to the floor, pause, explode up and jump a fraction off of the ground, land softly straight back into the squat and repeat. (Remove the jump part of the move if you need to)


Exercise 4

Scissor Push Ups

This is a good variation of the push up. With hands around shoulder width apart, perform the push up, but as you push 'up' raise one of your legs straight up behind you , pause then lower, repeat the other side. This is one rep. (Beginners can do this move on their knees if it is easier)


Exercise 5

Alternating Foot 2 Toe Crunch

Now we add a core movement. This move is performed by laying on the floor, you then 'crunch up about 45 degrees - not all the way, and reach across to your right foot with your left hand. Return under control and repeat the other side. Don't roll your spine or look down at your feet, simply contract the abs hard as you lift off the floor looking ahead at 45 degrees, then reach to the opposite foot etc.


Exercise 6

Nose 2 Knee Breaker

Another core movement, now that your midsection is nice and arm! This is performed in a push up position. You will bring your knees to your chest alternately. Suck your lower stomach in as you try to reach your chest with the knee, pause then return and repeat the other side.


Exercise 7

Spiderman Walk Outs

Now you're tired, but we will need to do this awesome stability and movement exercise. Beginning on your toes, bend down and walk out with your hands until you are at a full extension, then lift one arm forward, then the other, then walk backwards on your hands to the start position. During the entire move keep a focus on feeling your abs nice and tight.


Exercise 8

The Plank

A beginner can do this move on their knees, but try to progress to being on your forearms and toes asap. Tense the core, hold a straight line and breathe!



Well I hope you enjoy this workout. It actually is tougher than it seems and yo ucan be sure your body will be put right into an extended fat burning state afterwards.

* Again, if you want to try this as either a rep counted workout or a timedworkout I feel both approaches are excellent.

And finally:

I mentioned the App I use to view these workouts and take advantage of the timers, music and notes features. This is it:

click here to check out all the Fitness Apps and also the newest ones just being released.


Thanks and I look forward to helping you and seeing you on the inside.

