THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG · Hong Kong Slope Safety...


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Hong Kong (China). Geotechnical EngineeringOffice, Civil Engineering Department

GeotechnicaJ Engineering Office, Civil Engineering DepartmentThe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information[issue No.: 1 [Revision: A |Date: 8.4.2004 [Page: 1 o?26 I


1.1 This Technical Guidance Note provides an update on the sources of information for theplanning of site investigation in Hong Kong. It supersedes Appendix B: Sources ofInformation of Geoguide 2 (GCO, 1987).

1.2 Any feedback on the contents of this TGN should be given to Chief GeotechnicalEngineer/Materials of the Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO).


2.1 As part of its information service, the GEO provides updates on sources of informationfor the planning of site investigation in Hong Kong from time to time.


3.1 Geotechnical Control Office (1987). Guide to Site Investigation (Geoguide 2).Geotechnical Control Office, Hong Kong, 365 p.


4.1 Since its publication in 1987, Appendix B of Geoguide 2 has summarised importantsources of information that are useful for the planning of site investigation in HongKong. However, there have been new developments in the Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region Government's slope-related information and database systemsand in GEO's Aerial Photograph Library. Additional rainfall and landslide studyreports, geological maps and memoirs, GEO publications and other useful informationhave also become available. Annex TGN 5A1 of this Technical Guidance Note is anupdated summary of sources of information for planning site investigation in HongKong.

4.2 Readers are advised to take note of any warning messages on the data, check with therelevant data owners on the reliability, accuracy and completeness of the data theyrequire where necessary, taking into account the needs of their project. Readers arealso invited to provide feedback to the GEO should the need to update this TGN beidentified.


Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering DepartmentThe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information|Issue No.:1 [Revision: A [Date: 8.4.2004 |Page:2of26 |


5.1 TGN 5A1 - Update on Geoguide 2 Appendix B: Sources of Information.

(J B Massey)Of Head, Geotechnical Engineering Office (Ag)


Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering DepartmentThe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information[issue No.: 1 [Revision: A [Date: 8.4.2QQ4 [Page: 3 of 26 |



This document gives important sources of information for the planning of siteinvestigation in Hong Kong, in addition to the publications and guidance documentsprepared by the GEO. A complete list of GEO publications and a list of TechnicalGuidance Notes (TGNs), which are continually updated, can be found at the websitehttp://www. hk on the Internet. Hard copies of the lists can be obtained bywriting to the GEO Special Projects Division (see Section 13 for relevant addresses oflocal organisations and Government Departments). Other information that could beuseful for planning, design, construction and maintenance of geotechnical works can befound at the Hong Kong Slope Safety Website


2.1 Slope Information System (SIS)

The SIS is a geographical information system developed by the GEO to enable on-lineexamination and analysis of information on slopes and the surrounding ground (Lametal, 1998). It contains computerised information including the catalogue of slopes(see Section 2.2 below), slope maps, locations of previous landslide incidents reportedto GEO and ground investigation stations, geology, natural terrain landslides andselected geotechnical information for the various districts in Hong Kong. The SIS canbe accessed through the SIS terminals in the Civil Engineering Building and also via theHong Kong Slope Safety Website http;// The Slope Safety Divisionof GEO can be contacted for up-to-date information on the development of the SIS.

2.2 Catalogue of Slopes

As at November 2003, the Catalogue of Slopes contained information on some 57 000sizeable man-made slopes in Hong Kong. The Catalogue contains information onphysical properties and conditions of each slope (e.g. slope type, slope geometry, typeof surface protection, signs of seepage, movements and previous failures), as well as itshistory (Lam et al, 1998). Information on slopes in the Catalogue can be retrievedfrom SIS terminals in the Civil Engineering Building, via the Hong Kong Slope SafetyWebsite httpV/hk.^ or by application in writing to the GEO Slope SafetyDivision.

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Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering DepartmentThe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information[issue No.: 1 |Revision: A [Date: 8.4.2004 |Page:4of26 "]

2.3 Slope Maintenance Responsibility Information System (SMRIS) Maintained by theLands Department

In 1996, the Lands Department commenced a project to systematically identify themaintenance responsibility of all man-made slopes registered in the Catalogue ofSlopes. The SMRIS has since been set up and is maintained by the Lands Department.The most up-to-date information of maintenance responsibility can be accessed viacomputer terminals in the Slope Maintenance Responsibility Information Centreoperated by the Lands Department or at the Lands Department's Websitehttp://www. Where the land status of a slope is not available in SMRIS,the SIMAR Unit or the respective DLO of Lands Department should be consulted.

2.4 Rainfall Database

The GEO in collaboration with the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) has established andmaintains a network of automatic raingauges throughout Hong Kong. Rainfall datahave been recorded at 5-minute intervals at these raingauges since 1984. In 1999, theGEO automatic raingauge system was upgraded and expanded to include 86 GEOraingauges (Pang et al, 2000). Verified rainfall data are available either from the HKOor the GEO Special Projects Division.

2.5 Landslide Database

Incident Reports are prepared by GEO staff attending landslide incidents (GEO, 1998a).Each Incident Report contains information on the date and time (where known) andlocation of the incident, the type, size, possible causes contributing to and consequenceof the failure, the advice given, evidence of past instabilities, photographs taken of thefailure, etc. If the failure mass exceeds 50 m3 or where a fatality is involved, aLandslip Card, which contains more detailed information and is available for inspectionin the Public Section of the Civil Engineering Library (Section 11.1), is also prepared.In 1997, a computerised landslide database containing data from the Incident Reportsand Landslip Cards has been prepared (Chan et al, 1998). The database, which isaccessible via the SIS is maintained and updated by the GEO Landslip InvestigationDivision.

2.6 Natural Terrain Landslide Inventory (NTLI)

The NTLI contains information on more than 26 700 landslides on natural terrain (King,1999). It was compiled from high altitude aerial photographs (10000 feet) takenbetween 1945 and 1994 at nominal scales between 1:20 000 and 1:40 000. Landslidecrowns and trails were recorded on 1:5000 scale topographical base maps. Datarecorded for each landslide include dates of the aerial photographs between which thelandslide was first observed, width of the landslide scar (less than or more than 20 m),vegetation cover over the landslide source and slope gradient across the landslidesource. The original hand-drawn 1:5 000 scale map sheets, the map sheet reports and a

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Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering DepartmentThe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No, 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information[issue No.: 1 |Revision: A [Date: 8.4.2004 |Page: 5 of 26 I

digitised version of the NTLI are held in the GEO Planning Division. They areavailable for reference by interested parties. The digitised maps are available in theSIS and a series of 1:20 000 scale maps are also available for reference in the CivilEngineering Library (see Section 11.1). The NTLI has been updated to the year 2000and further updates will be carried out in due course,

2.7 Boulder Field Inventory

A series of fifteen 1:20 000 scale boulder field inventory maps covering the Hong KongSpecial Administrative Region were completed in 1998. These maps were derivedmainly from interpretation of the low altitude aerial photographs taken in 1963. Amultiple attribute mapping technique was adopted to present the results. Fourattributes were mapped - percentage area covered by boulders, boulder type, bouldersize and boulder shape. Areas of land considered to have a relatively uniform patternof boulder deposits were then delineated within a polygon and drawn onto the 1:20 000scale topographical maps. The polygons were defined to ensure that the units wereessentially homogeneous for the range of attributes described. These maps areavailable in the Civil Engineering Library and a digitized version is available in the SIS.These maps can assist in identification of boulder fall hazards and give information onthe number, size, shape and type of boulders present.

2.8 Large Landslide Study

In this study, covering the whole of Hong Kong, a geomorphological interpretation wasconducted to identify features thought to be landslides with sources areas greater than20 m wide. The main source of the large landslide data was from the interpretation ofthe 1963/64 low altitude aerial photographs (Scott Wilson (Hong Kong) Ltd, 1999a,1999b). The study also examined the large landslides recorded in the NTLI GASPmaps and geological maps. The 1:5 000 scaled maps containing the features areavailable for viewing in the Planning Division of the GEO,


3.1 Maps and Plans Produced by the Survey & Mapping Office

The Survey & Mapping Office (SMO) of the Lands Department provides basic large-scale plans, derived medium-scale plans and topographical maps of Hong Kong. A listof the currently available plans and maps, and their coverage, is given in Table 1.

The Land Information Centre of the SMO maintains a set of topographical mappinginformation in digital form, covering the whole territory of Hong Kong. These digitalmaps are being extensively used in the Lands Department and many other governmentdepartments as the basic map for various purposes. Many utility companies,engineering consultants, computer consultants and education institutes, etc., have

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Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering DepartmentThe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information[issue No.: 1 |Revision: A |Date: 8.4.2004 |Page:6of26 "]

established their own geographic information system using the digital map data as theircommon database.

Services offered by the SMO include the supply of negative or photographic copies ofavailable maps, plans and aerial photographs, as well as producing enlargements andreductions. Other services, such as digital copying and digital image processing arealso available. Orders for enlargements and other non-standard items should beplaced well in advance, to allow time for production and delivery. These services areavailable from the Office's Map Publications Centres, together with map catalogues,and leaflets on the services offered and on copyright. Information on map productsand related publications, data map products and map price catalogue, etc., can also befound at the Lands Department Website h{tp://

3.2 Other Maps

Other map sources include the following:

(a) Early maps of Hong Kong are held for reference by the Survey & MappingOffice and the Government Records Service (GRS).

(b) The Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) of Leisure and CulturalServices Department (LCSD) holds large-scale archaeological maps withresearch files covering the whole of Hong Kong, which include declaredmonuments, historic buildings, structures and boundaries of archaeologicalsites. Most of these maps and research materials including unpublishedarchaeological investigation and excavations reports for various projects as -wellas maps showing the structures and boundaries of declared monuments can beaccessed by the public in AMO by appointment. Declared monuments, historicbuildings, structures and boundaries of archaeological sites may also beindicated in non-statutory plans which are available for sale in the MapPublications Centres of the Survey & Mapping Office of the Lands Department(Section 3.1).

3.3 Aerial Photographs

The availability of vertical aerial photographs is summarised in Table 2. The earliestavailable aerial photographs covering at least part of the Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region (HKSAR) were taken in 1924 and 1945 with varying quality.Photographs of improving quality were then taken at various years up to the 1960 s.The first SAR-wide systematic coverage providing particularly good quality lowaltitude (less than 10 000 feet) imagery was taken in 1963. Between 1972 and 1985there was at least partial low altitude photographic coverage of Hong Kong Island andKowloon each year with sporadic coverage in other areas. Regular low altitudephotography has been carried out since 1985 at about 6 monthly intervals with coveragemainly concentrated on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the new towns.

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GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information[issue No.: 1 |Revision: A [Date; 8.4.2Q04 |Page:7of26 |

High altitude photographic coverage of the SAR is more comprehensive since 1972,with only the years 1972, 1977, 1980 and 1984 having very limited coverage. Since1988, two sets of high altitude photography have been carried out for most years, at10 000 and 20 000 feet. From 1972 to the mid-1980s, colour photographs were onlyvery occasionally taken with an increase in usage up to 1993. Since 1993, both high-and low-altitude colour aerial photographs have been taken routinely.

In general the aerial photograph scales range from 1:2 500 down to 1:50 000. The lowaltitude aerial photographs, mainly in the range of 1:6 000 to 1:10 000, are the mostuseful scale for the majority of aerial photograph interpretation undertaken.

The GEO Aerial Photograph Library contains approximately 110000 aerialphotographs including oblique aerial photographs as of late 2003. A CIS-basedcomputerised aerial photograph retrieval system is now available for users to identifythe photograph collection at a workstation in the Library. The Library, which ishoused in the Planning Division on the 11th Floor of the Civil Engineering Building, isaccessible by staff of the HKSAR Government and also non-Government staff engagedin Government projects.

A similar system for searching aerial photographs is also available in the SIS.

Aerial photographs can be purchased directly from the Map Publications Centres of theLands Department.


4.1 Geological Maps and Memoirs

Geological surveying in Hong Kong is carried out by the Hong Kong Geological Surveyof the GEO. A comprehensive geological survey, undertaken at 1:20 000 scale, beganin 1982 and was completed in 1996. This produced a series of fifteen maps and sixexplanatory memoirs, which provides detailed descriptive and geological map coverageof the land and sea area of the SAR. This series of publications supersedes the earlier1:50 000 scale maps and memoir by Allen & Stephens (1971). In 1988, to cope withthe growing demand for detailed geological information, the GEO embarked on a1:5000 scale mapping programme of main development areas. This has beensupported by a number of specialist projects. Thirty-four maps and six sheet reportshave been published to date and the Sheet Reports are available (free of charge) fromthe Planning Division of the GEO. The coverage of the maps, memoirs and reports isshown in Figure 1. The maps and memoirs (except those which are free of charge) canbe obtained from the Map Publications Centres of the Survey and Mapping Office whilethe memoirs are also available from the online Government Bookstore athttp://bookstore, esdlife. com.

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Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering DepartmentThe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information|lssueNo.: 1 |Revision: A [Date: 8.4.2004 |Page: 8 of 26 |

4.2 Terrain Classification and Engineering Geology Maps

A series of eleven 1:20 000 scale terrain classification maps (TCM) covering the wholeof the SAR was produced by the GEO in the 1980s, Each map covers an irregular areabased on catchment boundaries. Derivative maps and accompanying reports havebeen published for each area as the Geotechnical Area Studies Programme (GASP)series. The series contains 12 volumes, of which Volume XII is a summary report forthe whole of the SAR. They are available for consultation in the GeotechnicalInformation Unit of the Civil Engineering Library (CEL). Limited copies are availablefor sale at the online Government Bookstore.

Nine catchments with extensive colluvial deposits were also identified for GASmapping at 1:2 500 scale. These maps contain details of old landslide scars. In 1990,a 1:5000 scale terrain classification mapping exercise was carried out for eleven1:5 000 scale map sheets in North Lantau. These are available for viewing in the CELand have been incorporated into three Engineering Geology Reports on the NorthLantau Area (Franks, 1991, 1992; Woods, 1992).

4.3 Other Geological Records and Information

The Planning Division of the GEO is the repository for geological records for the SAR.These include the field observations embodied in the geological maps and memoirs,manuscript geological maps, and offshore data. Requests for information should bedirected to the Chief Geotechnical Engineer of the Planning Division. The GEO alsoholds a collection of representative rock types and thin sections. These are availablefor inspection by arrangement. The most up-to-date review of the geology of HongKong is contained in the recent memoirs (Fyfe et al, 2000; Sewell et al, 2000) and theaccompanying 1:100000 geological maps produced by the Hong Kong GeologicalSurvey. A summary of the nature and occurrence of Hong Kong rocks and superficialdeposits is also given in Appendix A of Geoguide 3 (GCO, 1988).


Nautical charts produced by the Hong Kong Hydrographic Office (HKHO) may beobtained from the Marine Department. Further information on the services of theHKHO can be found at the website http://www.

The Marine Department issues notices to mariners and Marine Department Notices regularlyconcerning navigational safety information in Hong Kong waters. Copies of these noticescan be downloaded from the website htlp://

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Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering DepartmentThe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information[issue No.: 1 [Revision: A [Date: 8.4.2Q04 [Page: 9 of 26 1


The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) collects and publishes meteorological informationin Hong Kong. It issues daily weather reports and forecasts as well as warnings ontropical cyclone, thunderstorm, rainstorm, landslip, strong monsoon, hill fire danger,frost, cold and very hot weather. Rainfall records are published monthly and annually.The HKO also maintains a local seismological network to monitor earthquakes nearHong Kong.

Predicted tide levels at selected locations are published annually in Tide Tables forHong Kong' which are available at the online Government Bookstore.

Further information on the services of the HKO can be found at the websitehttp://www. hko. go v. hk.


The Drainage Services Department and Water Supplies Department operate andmaintain separate systems of stream/river gauging stations in the main catchment areasof the SAR.


8.1 Records from Previous Investigations

The Geotechnical Information Unit (GIU) of the GEO holds reports of previous groundinvestigation, which usually include borehole logs and sometimes results fromlaboratory testing of soils and rocks. The Jockey Club Research and InformationCentre for Landslip Prevention and Land Development of The University of Hong Kongoperates an online service to provide digital ground investigation records and utilityinformation (Section 12).

The GIU also contains a large amount of other information of direct relevance to siteinvestigation, and this is described in Section 11.1.

8.2 Design and Construction Records

Several Government Departments possess information that is of value to the planningand execution of site investigation in Hong Kong, but this is often not readilyaccessible. However, arrangements can usually be made for specific information to bemade available to bona fide users.

For example, each Government Department retains its own files on projects that are

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Geotechnicai Engineering Office, Civil Engineering DepartmentThe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information[issue No.: 1 [Revision: A |Date: 8.4.2004 [Page: 10 of 26 ]

carried out under its control. Copies of design reports and record drawings ofcompleted projects are also kept.

A brief summary of information possessed by some of the Government Departments isgiven below.

The Architectural Services Department maintains records of Government buildings.

Except for pre-war buildings and New Territories Exempted Houses, the BuildingsDepartment keeps a repository of building plans and related documents of existingbuildings in Hong Kong. The related documents include, among others, occupationpermits, record plans, structural calculations and ground investigation reports. Thesedocuments may be available for viewing by the public in the Buildings Department uponapplication.

The Waste Facilities Business Unit of the Environmental Protection Departmentmaintains records of all known landfills in Hong Kong. The GEO holds all theLandslip Preventive Measures study reports, information on slopes and records of allknown disused tunnels and quarries. Plans showing the locations of disused tunnelsare available for viewing in the Civil Engineering Library.

The Drainage Services Department holds records of all sewerage tunnels (see alsoSection 9.4).

The Highways Department holds records of the majority of public roads and roadtunnels.

The Territory Development Department holds records on performance of majorreclamations, in particular, long-term settlement data.

The Water Supplies Department holds records of water tunnels, water mains,catchwaters, impounding reservoirs, service reservoirs, -water treatment works,pumping stations, and ancillary structures.

8,3 Hong Kong Rainfall and Landslide Studies

Since 1984, the GEO has compiled annual reports to document information on rainfalland landslides occurring in the SAR. GEO has also prepared detailed/forensicinvestigation reports on some major landslide incidents and incidents involvingcasualties. Since 1997, GEO has started engaging consultants to carry outinvestigation of some selected landslides and to prepare landslide study reports. Theannual reports, detailed/forensic investigation reports and landslide study reports areeither published as GEO Reports which can be purchased from the online GovernmentBookstore or produced as GEO internal reports which can be viewed in the CivilEngineering Library. Findings of selected landslide studies are also published as 'case

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GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information[issue No.: 1 |Revision: A [Date: 8.4.20Q4 |Page:llof26 [

sheets' which can be downloaded from the Hong Kong Slope Safety Website

8.4 Slope Maintenance Records

Slope maintenance records (e.g. records of routine maintenance and EngineerInspections, records of monitoring of special measures such as permanent prestressedground anchors and horizontal drains) are kept by the slope owners or their maintenanceagents (GEO, 1998b).

8.5 Other Public Records

The GRS is the central repository for the permanent archives and selected officialpublications of the HKSAR Government. In January 2001, its Reference Library wasreorganized to become the Central Preservation Library for Government Publications.A majority of both its archival and library holdings date from 1945, but GRS does havesome much earlier material. It maintains catalogued collections of maps andphotographs dating from 1860, together with almost complete collections of the HongKong Government Gazette, Blue Books, Sessional Papers, Administrative Reports,Historical & Statistical Abstracts of Hong Kong, Legislative Council Minutes, AnnualDepartmental Reports, Ordinances and Regulations, and Hong Kong Hansard. TheSessional Papers are of particular interest because, from 1889, they include the AnnualReports of the Director of Public Works, which give information on failures andremedial works. Also of great value is the comprehensive newspaper collection heldby the GRS. In November 2002, GRS introduced an integrated information accesssystem to facilitate online searching of all catalogues and access to selected visualimages via the Internet.

The Photo Library of the Information Services Department has in place some oldphotographs which may be reproduced for use by members of the public.

A list of declared monuments and deemed monuments is maintained by the Antiquities& Monuments Office (AMO) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (see alsoSection 3.2).


9.1 Mid-levels Scheduled Area

Ground investigation works in scheduled areas, including the Mid-levels ScheduledArea, are subject to special geotechnical control under the Buildings Ordinance. TheMid-levels Scheduled Area is specified as Area Number 1 of the Scheduled Areas in theFifth Schedule of the Buildings Ordinance. A plan showing the boundary of the Mid-

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Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering DepartmentThe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 5 (TGN 5)Geoguide 2 - Guide to Site InvestigationUpdated Appendix B: Sources of Information[issue No.: I {Revision: A [Date: 8.4.2004 |Page: 12 of 26 "|

levels Scheduled Area is on display in Buildings Department and in the GeotechnicalInformation Unit (GIU) of the Civil Engineering Library.

The Mid-levels Consultants' study was summarised in a report entitled "Mid-levelsStudy: Report on Geology, Hydrology and Soil Properties" (GCO, 1982). The reportis available for sale at the online Government Bookstore. All factual data on geology,hydrology and soil properties collected in the course of the Mid-levels Study between1979 and 1981 are available for inspection in the GIU.

9.2 North-western New Territories and Ma On Shan Areas

The designated areas in North-western New Territories and Ma On Shan are specifiedas Area Numbers 2 and 4 respectively of the Scheduled Areas in the Fifth Schedule ofthe Buildings Ordinance. The plans illustrating the exact extent of these Areas are ondisplay in the Buildings Department and in the Geotechnical Information Unit.

Considerable information exists on the geology of the Scheduled Areas. Twenty1:5 000 Geological Map sheets, together with the Hong Kong Geological Survey SheetReport No. 1 - Geology of Yuen Long, covers Area Number 2. Scheduled Area 4 iscovered by 1:5 000 Geological Map Sheets 7-NE-C and 7-NE-D, together with a reporton the geology. These can be obtained from the Planning Division of the GEO.

9.3 Mass Transit Railway and Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation West RailProtection Areas

To safeguard the stability of Mass Transit Railway (MTR) and Kowloon-CantonRailway Corporation (KCRC) West Rail (WR) structures, a "protection boundary" forthe MTR and the KCRC WR has been drawn. The areas within the protectionboundary are specified as Area Number 3 of the Scheduled Areas in the Fifth Scheduleof the Buildings Ordinance. The plans illustrating the exact extent of these areas areavailable for inspection in the Buildings Department (BD), the Mass Transit RailwayCorporation (MTRC) and the KCRC. Information on the "alignment of the railway asconstructed" may be obtained direct from MTRC and KCRCfor MTR and KCRC WRrespectively, BD PNAP No. 279 and ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 33/2003shall be referred to for guidance on protection of West Rail structures. The LandInformation Centre of the Lands Department maintains the boundaries of tunnel protectzones/railway reserves in Arc/Info digital maps. Useful information such as lotboundaries, boundaries of permitted burial ground, country parks, nature reserves, etcmay also be found on these digital maps,

9.4 Sewage Tunnel Protection Areas

Two types of protection boundaries (viz "'construction protection boundary" andtlground investigation protection boundary") have been created for the protection ofsewage tunnels against construction works and ground investigation works respectively.

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The "ground investigation protection boundary" is generally 50m each side from thecentreline of the sewage tunnels and the area between the boundaries is officiallyspecified as Area Number 5 of the Scheduled Areas in the Fifth Schedule of theBuildings Ordinance. The plans illustrating the exact extent of these areas areavailable for inspection in the Buildings Department and the Drainage ServicesDepartment. For ground investigation works proposals of Government Departmentsin the vicinity of the sewage tunnels, the project proponents shall refer to ETWBTechnical Circular (Works) No. 28/2003 for the procedures for forwarding proposals toDrainage Services Department and GEO for comment/agreement

9.5 Designated Area ofNorthshore Lantau

The Designated Area is underlain by locally complex geological conditions that requiredue attention to be given to the potential problems associated with high-rise buildingsand other structures involving deep foundations. Technical recommendations on thearea and the plan illustrating the exact extent of the area are given in GEO TechnicalGuidance Note No. 12.

9.6 Areas within or adjacent to Kowloon-Canton Railway (Hong Kong) Section

To minimise interference with the operation of the Kowloon-Canton Railway (KCR),whenever capital or maintenance works are to be carried out within or adjacent to theKCR (Hong Kong) section boundary, the Architect/Engineer shall liaise with the EastRail Director of the KCRC at the preliminary design or planning stage with regard tothe design and planning of the works. ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No, 30/2001shall be referred to for guidance.

9.7 Water Gathering Grounds

A water gathering ground (WGG) means any surface of land (a) in or by which rain orother water is collected and from which water is, or is intended to be, drawn for thepurposes of a supply; and (b) which is mapped as a gathering ground under Section 23of the Waterworks Ordinance. Information on the limits of the WGG and the requiredconditions for protection of the WGG against pollution should be obtained from therelevant regional office of the Water Supplies Department. Maps showing WGG arealso held by the relevant District Lands Offices of the Lands Department.

9.8 Marine Ground Investigation in Difficult Ground Areas

Difficult ground conditions generally refer to the existence of unfavourable subsoilstrata on site. Technical guidelines on the areas and the plan illustrating the extent ofthe areas are given in Civil Engineering Office (CEO) Circular No. 3/2003.

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Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering DepartmentThe Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

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Information on gas, electricity, telephone, cable television and similar services,including both the locations and details of existing facilities and the provision of furtherservices, should be sought from the private companies supplying these services (seelocal telephone directories or the Yellow Pages for their latest addresses and telephonenumbers) or from the Jockey Club Research and Information Centre for LandslipPrevention and Land Development of The University of Hong Kong.

Information on the locations of water mains (excluding private cooling water mains),water tunnels, reservoirs and other waterwork facilities should be sought from theWater Supplies Department (WSD). Applications for water supply should be directedto the relevant Customer Services Districts of the Department, Further information onthe customer services of the WSD can be found at the websitehttp://www. hk/wsd.

As-built records of public stormwater drains and foul sewers should be sought from theDrainage Services Department (DSD). Similar records for private lots can be obtainedfrom the Buildings Department. As-built records of exclusive road drainage should besought from the Highways Department.

Tentative limits of allowable settlement, groundwater drawdown and vibration may beobtained from DSD, WSD, public corporations and private utility undertakers.


11.1 The Civil Engineering Library and the Geotechnical Information Unit

The Civil Engineering Library (CEL) is the central reference library of the CivilEngineering Department. The CEL contains over 130000 documents, includingperiodicals, books, conference proceedings, manuals, standards, codes of practice,geotechnical reports, maps, documents submitted to GEO in support of privatedevelopments, and documents produced by or for Government Departments. Notableexamples of the latter are the various Landslide Studies Reports and the Mid-levelsStudy Report, which were commissioned by the Government.

The Geotechnical Information Unit (GIU) forms part of the CEL and comprises acollection of geotechnical data from ground investigations throughout the HKSAR.The following GIU materials are among those available for inspection within the PublicSection of the CEL.

(a) ground investigation reports, including geophysical surveys;

(b) reports on the laboratory testing of soil and rock;

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(c) reports on chemical and biological testing of marine sediment;

(d) landslip record cards;

(e) piezometric and rainfall monitoring data;

(f) an inventory of landslides on natural terrain;

(g) a list of Dangerous Hillside Orders recommended by the GEO; and

(h) location plans for government slopes which have been upgraded or which areincluded in the current Landslip Preventive Measures contracts for upgradingworks.

The Bibliography on the Geology and Geotechnical Engineering of Hong Kong (to theend of 2001), produced by the GEO, lists more than 3 300 items that are known to havebeen published specifically on aspects of the geology and geotechnical engineering ofHong Kong. The Bibliography can be found under the publication section of the CEDwebsite http://www. hk.

Members of the public are free to view documents held within the Public Section of theCEL and search for library materials using the Online Public Access Cataloguecomputer terminals. Searching of ground investigation and laboratory testing reportsin the GIU can be carried out efficiently using a computerised data management system,the Geotechnical Information Library System. Photocopying facilities are available.

Further information on the services of the CEL and GIU can be found at the websitehttp://www. hk.

11.2 Other Libraries

The City Hall Public Library, the Hong Kong Central Library and the Kowloon PublicLibrary each houses a reference section which contains a number of publisheddocuments on the geology and geotechnical engineering of Hong Kong, together withsome unpublished reports. They also house Hong Kong Collections of considerableinterest. Direct access is permitted to the shelved items, and bibliographic informationof the items can be accessed through the Online Public Access Catalogue.Photocopying facilities are available for public use.

The University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong KongPolytechnic University, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and theCity University of Hong Kong each has a large library which contains a collection ofgeneral geological and geotechnical information. The first three, however, can only beaccessed by special permission, although for bona fide visitors this is usually not

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difficult to obtain. The University of Hong Kong maintains the Hong KongCollection, which contains considerable unpublished information, as well as master anddoctoral degree theses on geological and geotechnical topics.


The Centre was established in the Department of Civil Engineering of The University ofHong Kong with a donation from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. TheCentre provides the public with ground and utility information through its online "One-stop Services": users can request utilities information from participating utilityproviders in the Electronic Mark Plant Query System and access geotechnicalinformation in the Comprehensive Ground Information System.


Antiquities and Monuments Office,Leisure and Cultural Services Department,136 Nathan Road,Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon.(Tel: 2721 2326)(Website:

Buildings Department,12th to 18th and 21st to 22nd Floors,Pioneer Centre,750 Nathan Road,Kowloon.(Tel: 2626 1616)(Website:,

Architectural Services Department,Queensway Government Offices,66 Queensway,Hong Kong.(Tel: 2867 3628)(Website:

Civil Engineering Office,Civil Engineering Department,Civil Engineering Building,101 Princess Margaret Road,Homantin, Kowloon.(Tel: 2762 5111)(Website: http://www. hk)

Chinese University of Hong Kong Library,122 Milestone, Tai Po Road,Sha Tin, New Territories.(Tel.: 2609 7301)(Website: http://wwwJ.ih, cuhk. eduJik)

City Hall Public Library,City Hall High Block,Edinburgh Place,Hong Kong.(Tel.: 2921 2672)(Website: http://www.hkpl

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City University of Hong Kong,Run Run Shaw Library,Tat Chee Avenue,Kowloon.(Tel.: 2788 8311)(Website:

Drainage Services Department,43rd Floor, Revenue Tower,5 Gloucester Road,Wan Chai, Hong Kong.(Tel: 2877 0660)(Website:,hk)

Geotechnical Engineering Office,Civil Engineering Department,Civil Engineering Building,101 Princess Margaret Road,Homantin, Kowloon.(Tel: 2762 5111)(Website:}

Hong Kong Observatory,134A Nathan Road,Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon.(Tel: 2926 8200)(Website:}

Hong Kong Central Library,66 Causeway Road,Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.(Tel: 3150 1234)(Website: http://www.hkpl .gov.hkf)

District Lands Offices,Lands Department,20th Floor, North Point GovernmentOffices,333 Java Road, North PointHong Kong.(Tel. 2525 6694)(Website: http://wwv. hk}

Government Records Service,Hong Kong Public Records Building,13 Tsui Ping Road,Kwun long, Kowloon,(Tel: 2195 7763)(Website:

Geotechnical Information Unit,Civil Engineering Library,LG1, Civil Engineering Building,101 Princess Margaret Road,Homantin, Kowloon.(Tel.: 2762 5148)(E-mail: al_spdCa),ced. gov. hk)

Highways Department,5th Floor, Homantin GovernmentOffices,88 Chung Hau Street,Homantin, Kowloon.(Tel: 2926 4111)(Website:

Hong Kong Geological Survey,Geotechnical Engineering Office,llth Floor, Civil Engineering Building,101 Princess Margaret Road,Homantin, Kowloon.(Tel.: 2762 5401)(E-mail: sgegsjpln@,

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Hong Kong University of Science &Technology Library,Clear Water Bay,Kowloon.(Tel: 2358 6762)(Website:

The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityPao Yue-kong Library,Yuk Choi Road,Hung Horn, Kowloon.(Tel: 2766 6863)(Website: http://www. lih.polyu.ediLhk)

The Jockey Club Research and Information Kowloon-Canton Railway CorporationCentre for Landslip Prevention and LandDevelopment,Department of Civil Engineering,The University of Hong Kong,2/F, Yam Pak Building,79C Pokfulam Road,Hong Kong.(Tel: 2858 0065)(Website: http://ww\vjcric.hku,hk}

Kowloon Public Library,5 Pui Ching Road,Homantin,Kowloon.(Tel: 29264062)(Website: http://www.hkpl

Lands Information CentreSurvey and Mapping Office,Lands Department,23rd Floor, North Point GovernmentOffices,333 Java Road,North Point, Hong Kong.(Tel: 22313452)(E-mail:

Landslip Investigation Division, GEO,12th Floor, Civil Engineering Building,101 Princess Margaret Road,Homantin, Kowloon.(Tel: 2760 5778)(E-mail:

KCRC House,9 Lok King Street,Fo Tan, Shatin,New Territories.(Tel: 2688 1333)(Website: http://www. kcrc. com)

Leisure and Cultural ServicesDepartment,1-3 PaiTau Street,Sha Tin,New Territories.(Tel: 2603 4567)(Website:

Lands Department,1st, 2nd, 6th, 18th to 24th Floors,North Point Government Offices,333 Java Road,North Point, Hong Kong.(Tel: 2231 3294)(Website:

Mines and Quarries Division, GEO,25th Floor, 410 Kwun Tong Road,Kwun Tong, Kowloon.(Tel: 2716 8666)(Email: mqd@cedtgov,hk)

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Map Publications Centre (Hong Kong),Survey and Mapping Office,23rd Floor,North Point Government Offices,333 Java Road,North Point, Hong Kong.(Tel.; 2231 3187)(E-mail: sm&salel(3)

Marine Department,Harbour Building,38 Pier Road,Hong Kong.(Tel: 2542 3711)(Website: http://www. hK)

Materials Division, GEO23rd Floor, 4JOKwun Tong Road,Kwun Tong, Kowloon.(Tel. 2716 8612)(E-mail:

Planning Division, GEO,1 1th Floor, Civil Engineering Building,101 Princess Margaret Road,Homantin, KLowloon.(Tel: 2762 5401)(E-mail: i^g

Slope Safety Division, GEO,7th Floor, Civil Engineering Building,101 Princess Margaret Road,Homantin, KLowloon.(Tel: 2760 5760)(Hong Kong Slope Safety Website: hkag@Qgdtgov.lik)

Map Publications Centre (Kowloon),Survey and Mapping Office,3 82 Nathan Road,Kowloon.(Tel.: 2780 0981)(E-mail: smosale2(

Mass Transit Railway Corporation,MTR Tower Telford Plaza,33 Wai Yip Street,Kowloon Bay, Kowloon.(Tel: 2993 2111)(Website:,com,hk)

Online Government Bookstore,(Website :http://bookstore. esdlife. com)Publications Sales Section,Information Services Department,Room 402, 4/F, Murray Building,Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong.(Tel: 25371910)(Website: http://www.

Special Projects Division, GEO,12th Floor, Civil Engineering Building,101 Princess Margaret Road,Homantin, Kowloon.(Tel: 2762 5345)(E-mail:

Slope Maintenance ResponsibilityInformation Centre,Lands Department,1st Floor, North Point GovernmentOffices,333, Java Road,North Point, Hong Kong.(Tel: 22313333)(Website: http://www.landsd,

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The University of Hong Kong Library,Pokfulam Road,Hong Kong.(Tel.: 2859 2203)(Website:}

Water Supplies Department,Immigration Tower,48th Floor,7 Gloucester Road,Wan Chai, Hong Kong.(Tel: 2829 4500)(Website:

Territory Development Department,13th Floor,North Point Government Offices,333 Java Road, North Point,Hong Kong.(Tel.: 2231 4524)(Website: http://www. hk/tdd)

Waste Facilities Business Unit,Environmental Protection Department,4th Floor,West Wing, 88 Victoria Road,Kennedy Town, Hong Kong.(Tel: 2872 1888)(Website: http://www. hk/)


Allen, P.M. & Stephens, E.A. (1971). Report on the Geological Survey of HongKong, 1967-1969. Hong Kong Government Press, 116 p, plus 2 maps.

Chan, W.L., Ho, K.K.S & Sun, H.W. (1998). Computerized database of landslides inHong Kong. Proceedings of the Annual Seminar on Slope Engineering inHong Kong, Hong Kong. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, pp 213-220.

Fyfe, J.A, Shaw, R., Campbell, S.D.G., Lai, K.W. & Kirk, P.A. (2000). TheQuaternary Geology of Hong Kong. Geotechnical Engineering Office, HongKong, 208 p. plus 6 maps.

Franks, C.A.M. (1991). Engineering Geology of North Lantau: Tsing Chau TsaiPeninsula to Ta Pang Po (Special Project Report SPR 4/91). GeotechnicalEngineering Office, Hong Kong, 148 p. plus 9 drgs.

Franks, C.A.M. (1992). Engineering Geology of North Lantau: Ta Pang Po to Tai HoWan (Special Project Report SPR 2/92). Geotechnical Engineering Office,Hong Kong, 109p. plus 5 drgs.

GCO (1982). Mid-levels Study: Report on Geology, Hydrology and Soil Properties(1982). Geotechnical Control Office, Hong Kong, 265 p. plus 54 drgs.

GCO (1987). Guide to Site Investigation (Geoguide 2). Geotechnical ControlOffice, Hong Kong, 365 p.

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GCO (1988). Guide to Rock and Soil Descriptions (Geoguide 3). GeotechnicalControl Office, Hong Kong, 189 p.

GEO (1998a). GEO Emergency Manual. Geotechnical Engineering Office, HongKong. (Amended from time to time).

GEO (1998b). Guide to Slope Maintenance (Geoguide 5). (Second Edition).Geotechnical Engineering Office, Hong Kong, 91 p.

King, J.P. (1999). Natural Terrain Landslide Study, the Natural Terrain LandslideInventory (GEO Report No. 74). Geotechnical Engineering Office, HongKong, 127 p.

Lam, C.C.L., Mak, S.H. & Wong, A.H.T. (1998). A new slope catalogue for HongKong. Proceedings of the Annual Seminar on Slope Engineering in HongKong, Hong Kong. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, pp 235-242.

Pang, P.L.R., Evans, N.C., Lam, T.W.K., Au, D. & Man, K.S. (2000). Upgrading ofan automatic raingauge system. Proceedings of the Symposium on SlopeHazards and their Prevention, Hong Kong, pp 297-302.

Scott Wilson (Hong Kong) Ltd (1999a). Specialist API Services for the NaturalTerrain Landslide Study - Task B Factual Report. Report to GeotechnicalEngineering Office, Hong Kong, 9 p. plus 4 Appendices.

Scott Wilson (Hong Kong) Ltd (1999b). Specialist API Services for the NaturalTerrain Landslide Study - Interpretive Report. Report to GeotechnicalEngineering Office, Hong Kong, 32 p. plus 6 Appendices.

Sewell, R.J., Campbell, S.D.G., Fletcher, C.J.N., Lai, K.W. & Kirk, P.A. (2000). ThePre-Quaternary Geology of Hong Kong. Geotechnical Engineering Office,Hong Kong, 181 p, plus 4 maps.

Woods, N.W. (1992). Engineering Geology of North Lantau: Tung Chung, Vol. I & II(Special Project Report SPR 1/93). Geotechnical Engineering Office, HongKong, 94 p. plus 8 drgs.

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Table 1 - Selected Maps, Plans and Aerial Photographs Available from the Lands Department


Large-scale Basic Maps -(Black and White)

1:1000Medium Scale DerivedMaps - Black and White

1:50001:10 000 (Street Map)

1:15 000 (Street Map)

Topographic Maps -Colour

1:200001:500001:50 000 (w/o hillshading& HKSAR boundary)1:1000001:2000001:3 00 000 (Hong Kong inits regional setting)

Geological Maps - Colour1:20000*1:5000*

Aerial photographs -Colour and Black & WhiteTown Planing Plans byPlanning Department -Black & White




Hong KongIsland




As per title

FullSelective Areas















750 x 850

750 x 850685 x 980


685 x 9801 OlOx 6901 OlOx 690

655 x 850327 x 425610x860

775 x 1000760x1000250 x250








HGM20 & 20SHGP5, 5A, 5B



* See Figure 1 for area coverage# See Table 2 for further details

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Table 2a - Aerial Photographs Available from the Lands Department (Low Attitude Photographs)
















1988 topresent


Approx. 1:14000


1:4 8001:11 600



NT = 1:7 800HKI + K = 1:5400







1:4000- 1:8000


ApproximateCoverage (%)













































Medium to low resolution, singleframes with incidental stereo overlap.Medium to good resolution. Almostall areas except east-west strip fromTuen Mun to Sai Kung.Good resolution. Excellent coverageof north-west New Territories. Goodcoverage of lowland areas.

Good resolution; some stereo overlap.

Good resolution; small reliefexaggeration.Excellent resolution, full stereocoverage. Coverage of all areasexcept Mai Po to Sha Tau Kok.Coverage of trunk roads.Coverage of main Urban Area only.Coverage of Urban Areas.Coverage of trunk road.Urban Areas only.Most of Territory.Coverage of north-west and west NewTerritories.Coverage of north-west and west NewTerritories.Coverage of Urban Areas and NewTowns.Detailed coverage of north-west andnorth New Territories plus NewTowns.Annual coverage of Urban Areasincluding New Towns and lowlandareas.Annual coverage of New Territoriesvaries from year to year.

Note: Colour aerial photographs have also been taken routinely since 1 993 .

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Table 2b - Aerial Photographs Available from the Lands Department (High Altitude Photographs)















1998 topresent







1:250001:200001:200001:200001:50 0001:200001:200001:40000



1:20000- 1:40000


ApproximateCoverage (%)



































Good resolution.Excellent resolution. Mosaic of aerialphotographs available. East to westflight lines, 4 to 5 km apart.Good resolution. East to west flightlines 3 to 5 km apart.Good resolution. Annual coverage.East to west flight lines, 1 to 4 kmapart.Obliques only of Urban Area.Coverage of Lantau, west NewTerritories and Sha Tin.Complete coverage.Complete coverage.Southern half of Territory only.Complete coverage.Urban Area and Lantau only.Complete coverageComplete coverage.Almost complete coverage.Coverage of Urban Area, ClearwaterBay and Sai Kung Peninsula.

Complete coverage

Complete coverage.Complete coverage.

Complete coverage.

Complete coverage.

Note: Colour aerial photographs have also been taken routinely since 1993.

*Year 1996: only 1:20 000 available

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; 9

;;ia- :



'fl4 ;;

+ X '*



" 1 1


•• ' .4




Geological Memoir Nos. 1:2Q OOP Map Sheet Nos.

GeologicalMemoir Nos.


Area of Coverage

Sha TinHong Kong Island and Kowloon

Western New TerritoriesSai Kung and Clearwater BayNortheastern New Territories

Lantau District .

Map Coverage1:20 000 Sheet Nos.

110,11,14, 15,16

2,5,68, 12, 16

3 5 4

9, 10, 13, 14

Sheet Report Nos. •1;S OOP Map Sheet Nos.Numbering Systemof 1:5 000 Series

Sheet Report Nos.



Area of Coverage

Yuen Long - Scheduled Area No. 2ChekLapKokTsing Yi and surrounding offshore areaNorth Lantau Island and Ma Wan

Ma On Shan - Scheduled Area No, 4Tung Chung and Norths hore Lantau Island

Map Coverage1:5 000 Sheet Nos.

14 map sheets9-NE-C and 9-NE-D

6-SE-BandlO-NE-B,D10-NE~A,C, 10-NW-B5C,D,

and 10-SW-A7-NE-D and 7-NE-C

9-SE-A, 9-SE-B and 5offshore part map sheets

Figure 1 - Geological Maps, Memoirs and Sheet Reports

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HKP 624.151 G94 GGuide to site investigationupdated appendix B : sourcesof information[Hong Kong : Geotechnical

Date Due
