The Vehicle of Consciousness



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The vehicle of consciousness

Dan, what do you think about the idea of

this text? I have just received an e-mail

from them that just encouraged me to

write one more story. I know that the time

is too short but this is a good opportunity

for me to test my abilities. I ‘warn’ you

from the start that you will witness the

strangest story of beautiful madness that

you have ever read(come-across).



‘Somewhere in a distant world, so distant

that you could not penetrate the intimacy

of that universe unless you had access to

the world of dreams(dreamland), some

beings endlessly roamed. I

met(found,got-to-know) them in a dream.

They were hardly working at Horizon 420,

inside a mine, from(on) a planet from

other remote galaxy. The Horizon 420

was in fact the place where the

essence(elixir), the vital energy and the

spirit of that mountain were



stored(resided), and it(horizon-420) also

was his(mountain’s) center of gravity,

balance and regeneration. From

here(inside-horizon-420) they(the-beings)

could control their every thought and

emotion. They extracted pure energy

from inside that mountain, an energy

(that)which helped them to move through

space to(visit) other distant universes….’

Justin, you have got to do what you

love(like). Find your balance, train your

brain with new ideas and study a lot. Only



through much(plenty-of) exercise you will

succeed to accomplish your goals; you

will manage to build(develop) new

synapses, new gateways(portals) to other

dimensions(realms) will reveal(open) for

you, and everything will be much easier. I

have got complete(great) confidence in

you that you will make(achieve-your

ambitions) it. The echo of Dan’s words

enveloped my every thought. I left

urgently(immediately). I was participating

in a literature competition and I had only



14 days until deadline to submit my short

story composition(literary-project). I was

aware(knew) from the beginning that

there was no way possible to write a

great story of about 5000 words and

translate them in such short period(time),

but it was not about the contest, in fact I

was only in competition with myself.

‘Where did I come from? Why am I here?

Where do I go when I die? What lies

beyond and what lay before? Is anything

certain in life? Have I lived before, or



could this be all that I have got? If I die

tomorrow I would be all right because I

believe that after I am gone, my soul will

transcend.’ I was in a race against time

and myself. Where did my thoughts and

decisions come from? They were

unlimited and along(together) with them

my concern(worry) emerged(was-giving-

rise-to,came) to my attention. Did I make

the right decision(choice)? Did I analyse

all the possibilities? Again, Dan’s words

were like small birds’s tongues enfolding



my mind: ‘See yourself as a wave that

does not make mistakes. Have you ever

seen a wave that is poorly designed? It

always does the right thing.’ You will

make mistakes, and that is the idea. You

will learn from them and in time you will

develop(build) a kind of self-confidence

and through that(self-confidence) you will

be able to trust your own

capacity(potential). You must(have-to) do

what you love and believe(trust) your own

intuition(instinct,feelings). Somewhere on



a distant planet from another galaxy

someone else was thinking: I chose him

because he was the same as a ‘warrior

who thought of all the variables beyond

his control and what might happen’. He

was special. He could dream about our

distant world like (no other)nobody could.

He had kept a small jurnal where he

wrote about those dreams which soon

became ideas for a book that was

planned for an international competition.

He wrote about us. Many thought that he



was crazy because the others (were-

sure)knew that there is only one world.

He was a teacher in a distant world and

he was trying hard to survive(make-a-

living) with a slave wage(pittance). He

was the one who knew how to pull it

through. He lived in a small town near the

sea shore, in the attic of a building with a

very interesting history, a building

surrounded by the scent of flowers,

colorful birds singing, and the murmur of

the sea. He used to write



fantastic(fiction,fantasy) novellas but he

died in a stupid way, without fame or

success, soon after he

finished(wrote,published) his third book.

His girlfriend with my help, (we)were the

ones who brought(revied) him back to life

for another 20 years. He could

form(create) fantastic living worlds and

he gave life to the characters of the story

in a way that no one could, but the

message of his books that in a subtle way

revealed the abuses, the misuse of



authority and wrong-doings was not quite

enjoyed by those who ruled(reigned-

over,governed) and thus, the little writer

was killed in cold blood. The world from

where we came was different. Our world

was governed(ruled) by strict rules that

we all had to follow. We did not know

what love, warmth, scent of flowers, birds

song, the hum of bees(bee-buzz), the

rustle of leaves and the murmur of water

were(meant)…because we lived in an

immaterial world and we had a bodiless



existence. That is why(therefore) we

escaped into an dreamland[imaginary

land of marvels, strange beauty or


world,dreamland,wonderland)] where we

imagined characters who really existed

and thanks to us they came(were

brought) to life in

other worlds(realms). All our senses were

missing(annihilated) so we did not know

what was good or bad(evil,wrong),

beautiful or ugly… because we had no




guidance,advice,direction). The only thing

that we did was working in the mine, but

we managed to beat(break) the

monotony by dreaming(through-dreams).

Each one of us had(held)

special(dreaming-techniques) techniques

of dreaming and our focus

determined(controlled) our reality. Some

of us managed to dream a month, others

were dreaming 5 years, 50 years and

even 100 years. Depending on how well



we mastered the dreaming techniques,

we could teleport ourselves into the lives

of other people(beings) from other

(different)planets on other galaxies. Thus,

we succeeded(thrived) and we were able

to build a better world learning from their

mistakes. We worked inside(in) the mine,

at Horizon 420, in a distant galaxy, from

other universe, where we extracted an

ore(elixir,substance) with special

properties(attributes) called Essence or

Gateway. We formed(built,dug) lateral



tunnels(galleries) inside the mountain and

we could hardly extract the elixir Essence

from inside this complicated(difficult)

puzzles. There were also other secret

cavities(chambers), inside the mountains

from this planet, that were not very deep

and were built(created) by the mountains

themselves, and in here, time had a

different value and the gravity was

missing completely and the state of

weightlessness could be experienced.

Inside these living(alive) cavities a



misshapen liquid sphere was floating,

resembling a kernel(core,nucleus) which

fed(was-fueled-by) on(with) this special

elixir Essence Gateway using(with-the-

support-of) the energetic(vital) veins

network(bundle). The Gateway Essence


into Zen vital energy only when Gateway

Essence interacted(contacted,touched)

with the liquid sphere(kernel) and the

sphere suddenly started(began) shaking

like a mad jelly. The sphere was shining



and was rotating in all directions, and

when the elixir Essence that came from

the mountain cavity walls through the

energetic(vital) veins network(bundle)


the sphere(kernel), electric discharges

occurred, and the(this) resulting plasma

filaments were extending from the sphere

to the walls of the cavity, giving the

appearance of multiple constant beams of

colored light. Concentric circles were also

formed(created) on the surface of the



sphere by(due-to,thanks-to) the

action(touch,contact) of the elixir

Essence, that(the-circles) were


, resulting(forming,creating) a rainbow of

colours which(that) was slowly

transforming(turning) into a vivid color

smoke(mist,haze,vapour) and slowly

spreading in the cavity, only to

come(return) back later towards the

sphere in the form(shape) of

fine(delicate) tornadoes(vortexes) of



energy(or-energetic-tornadoes), and

everything seemed like a bright blue-

violet electrified plasma ball. These

energy like tubes(vortexes,tornadoes)

were also connecting the surface of the

liquid sphere with the walls of the cavity

and also(the-vortexes) secured(anchored)

the sphere(kernel) thanks to(due-to) their

magnetic properties. The ruby ore(elixir)

Essence Gateway, being pulled from the

fragile(thin) capillaries of the walls by the

magnetic field of the vortexes, flowed



through the funnels of these energy

vortexes, and(the Essence) dripped

([as,its] tiny drops of life) in slow motion

and out of sync, through these vortexes,

towards the liquid sphere,

touching(reaching) it at different times

and generating(producing) the electric

discharges, flashes of lightning(lightning-

flashes) and(as-well-as) the concentric

circles from the surface of the sphere

whose colours harmonized(blended) and

transformed(turned,shaped) into a



dreamlike(chimerical,fantastical) dance of

smoke which shrouded the mountain

cavity. The walls of the cavity were

created(built,composed) from crystalline

sand which also formed small crystalline

clouds thanks to(because-of,due-to) zero

gravity of the cavity. The clouds were

reflecting the colours of the smoke and

later they broke apart and began drifting

away only to return and form other clouds

and so on, in a perfectly synchronized

dance. The most beautiful(sublime)



perfume with(notes-of) a damask rose

scent(fragrance), followed(accompanied-

by) by a musical note whose colours of

bright(intense) green(fluorescent) or

pale(faded) green, depending on the

frequency(pitch) of the note

issued(released), were detaching(broke-

loose,released,set-free) from the clouds

when the clouds gathered(met,came-

together), and(after-that) could be easily

observed(noticed) in zero gravity, how

they spread in slow motion,




their(note’s-harmonics) harmonics into

tiny fluorescent fireworks. The musical

notes (along)with their colors which(that-

emerged) were released(spread)

in(during) the strange process of osmosis

of these tiny crystalline clouds, (the-

notes) were creating(writing) a symphony


reminded of handbell(or-bell-ringing)

music, [and this symphony could also be

visualized in the dance of those tiny



fluorescent fireworks]. The turquoise

(energy) veins of the walls were

carrying(transporting) the Essence sap

that flowed inside them(the-veins) as ‘tiny

drops of life’ and they(the-turquoise-

veins) were also

forming(designing,creating) the

protective shield of each cavity.

Everything in there(the-cavities) was fully

alive, these cavities were alive and they

were the heart or the motor of the

mountain. The vital Essence Gateway was



‘the fuel’(sap) which helped us

teleporting(travel) to other

planets(worlds), where we exchanged

it(the-essence) with other goods

necessary for our better existence. We all

did the same thing. The mine from the

mountain was our home(‘temple’). In

addition to the Essence Gateway, there

was another special ore(elixir,substance)

inside the mine, that was called the Vital

Energy Zen, and it was

made(born,developed) inside those liquid



spheres as previously mentioned and

later we turned(changed,transformed) it

into Spirit Energy. Few knew about the

Vital Energy Zen and it was kept secret. It

was thanks to us that the Vital Energy

Zen transformed(reshaped,merged) into

Spirit Energy and then, the Spirit Energy

teleported(transported) us into(inside) the

lives(life) of other

persons(people,beings,entities) from

other planets on other galaxies, and thus

we had a vicarious experience.



Depending on how much we could master

the dreaming techniques(the-art-of-

dreaming), we could(managed-to) even

dream, an entire life of a

person(being,entity) from another galaxy,

just in a single night. We

built(created,defined) our own world from

their experiences(expertise,knowledges)

and we tried to pass on(transmit)

something better to our next generations.

The vital Energy Zen was necessary in

order to escape the monotony and the



tension of the mine. Our small

tunnels(burrows,galleries) from Horizon

420 looked(resembled) like a hard to

imagine labyrinth. We had to carefully

consider(analyse,scan) the fine

network(bundle) of energy veins that

connected(linked) these cavities

together(between-them), but this

network(bundle) was hard to

detect(perceive,recognize). The

geometric (particles)patterns of the light

that also ran(flowed) in slow motion



through the energy veins network, were

creating the path that(which) led to the

cavities, but they(the-light-particles) were

easily mistaken(confused) with the

wall(s), due to the same texture that

they had(inherited). In order to get there,

we had to crawl(sneak,creep) through a

narrow space(place), a place where a

ruby sand rested(slept) in(for)

eternity(eternal-rest), and whose

forms(shapes) were only disturbed by the

echo that we carefully



carried(conveyed,conducted,brought) in

secrecy(secret). These(narrow-places)

were actually the elixir fields, where the

Essence Gateway and the Spirit Energy

were stored(preserved,kept), and here

was the place where our


took place(happened,occurred). These

fields were vital(essential,necessary)

for(due-to) the exchanges that existed

between these three treasures: Essence

Gateway, Vital Energy Zen and Spirit



Energy. We could hardly

pass(go,infiltrate,move) through that

tangled labyrinth that was sprinkled with

ruby sand, it was not easy but it was

worth it once we where there(inside-

those-cavities). Few knew about those

chambers(cavities) where the vital

Essence Gateway

transformed(turned,changed) into the

Vital Energy Zen, and fewer knew about

what actually was(existed) inside those

liquid spheres and their



properties(qualities). We were the

catalyst(reactive) which

transformed(changed) the Vital Energy

Zen into the Spirit(spiritual) Energy or

infinite space(emptiness), thus

experiencing(living,having) a

metaphysical existence. Each experience,

thought or feeling(emotion,sentiment)

were recorded inside us, inside our ‘cells’.

Most(majority) thought that it(the-vital-

Energy-Zen) was an advanced search

‘google’ engine(motor), but if you knew



the magic recipe, the runes or the

symbols with their

sequence(arrangement,succession) (in-

order-to,required,needed) to successfully

open ‘Pandora’s box’, you could in fact

easily access(gain-access-to,enter) other

distant universes(dimensions). In the first

attempts(experiences) with Energy Zen, I

was dreaming that I was a victim of

terrorist attacks, aviation disasters,

political plots, a victim of cruel poverty

and ignorance, of natural disasters, of



‘ridicule’, or a victim of other

‘circumstances’, because I did not

master(aquire,learn-thoroughly) the

dreaming techniques(the-art-of-

dreaming) and I did not spend much time

inside my character’s(person’s)

thoughts(skin) from other distant

worlds(universes), and thus, I

returned(came-back) as fast as I left,

gaining nothing. Later, I was a

representation of a mental image that I

was feeding it to my mind(feeding-my-



mind-with). I could (only)

focus(concentrate) my attention only on

the memories of previous unpleasant

experiences, when(in-which) I was a

victim of the earlier

disasters(catastrophes). Through

training(exercises), I managed(improved-

the-ability) to project my consciousness

to other distant galaxies or I could

enter(get,be) inside the bodies of other

entities(persons,characters). Thus, after

many failed experiences, I finally got the



chance to meet(find,discover) my

character that was previously mentioned.

He was special. He could write about the

world that we came from. In fact, all the

description(illustration) of the secret

places from the mountain was

taken(‘plagiarized,copied’) from his third

book(novel), because we lived in an

immaterial world, we had an immaterial

existence and there was no way that we

could describe the places from where we

extracted the Essence Gateway or the



Energy Zen, because our senses were

nonexistent(absent,missing). We were

simple pure energies. First experiences

were really strange. Everything was

vague(blur), and I could practically

bring(grasp) back just a few bits and

pieces. I dreamed that I saved(rescued)

the little writer(the-teacher,Justin), the

writer that lived in that small town near

the sea shore, from the imminent danger,

but no matter how much I tried to rescue

him, I failed(came-up-short) every time in



my attempts. Later, I improved my

techniques and ‘rescues’(rescuing)

became my speciality(field-of-study). I

met(found,discovered) the

teacher(Justin,little-writer) in the

strangest possible moment. He was with

his girlfriend(sweetheart) in the

clearing(glade) from the park,

when(while) I found(discovered) him and

he suffered a terrible accident and he was

hardly(just) ‘recovering’ from it. In fact he

just died and I revived(brought-him-back)



him for another 20 years with the help of

my dream that I had or my techniques of

dreaming that finally I successfully

mastered. Their world was different. I had

a ‘vicarious experience’ thanks to him

and I could see through his eyes what:

flying, diving, the scent of a flower, the

sound of music, the warmth of a kiss, the

pain of separation even for a short period

of time, the wind breeze of summer, or

the first finest(delicacy) raindrops felt on

the cheek really meant(were). Their world



was special. Thanks to his style of

life(living), I confess(admit) that it was

the most beautiful dream that I have ever

had and the most beautiful 20 years that

he has ever spent(experienced,seen) on

that planet. I left him while he was

sleeping and probably dreaming as

well(about) of another distant galaxy. He

and his girlfriend(sweetheart) were

inseparable. They loved in secrecy(The

love that they shared was a secret love)

because their parents had different



religions(beliefs) and different political

views, but they were deeply in love. She

was the one that(through-me) with my

help brought(revived) him back to life.

They were together in the park nearby

the sea in a sunny spring day and they

were celebrating four years since they

were together, and he was about to ask

her(hand) to marry him[while he was

holding(reaching-his-pocket-for) the

engagement(precious) ring] when

suddenly three masked



silhouettes(persons,figures) stabbed him

in the back with no remorse and

disappeared(vanished) quickly without

trace. He had lost a lot of blood and only

a miracle could (ever) save him. She

was(stood) beside him and she tried her

best to help him, already shedding floods

of tears over(on) my cheek. That was the

first time I felt the first drop of water, the

passion and the hope of something(what-

it-seemed-easily-evaporating) that was

easily evaporating. I opened my eyes



wide and I saw(noticed,observed) the

most beautiful and delicate

being(creature,entity) that I have ever


). Together we made(formed) a perfect

couple and we completed each other. She

performed(practiced) more sports than I

could have ever imagined. She took me

diving for the first time on a remote

beautiful site(location). We were (deep-

diving) in deep water, where there was a

perfect silence, a



silence(peace,tranquillity) that reminded

me of the world(places) that I came from.

I wished(wanted) I had stayed[I-could-

have-stayed] there as much as possible

but I was aware that it(was-supposed-to-

end) had to end [once(sometimes)], and I

had to say goodbye. Though(however), I

took(grasped) with me the memory of the

jasmine perfume(fragrance) that she

wore every day, the first dance and kiss

and even the song that she used to

sing(whisper) in(into) my ear. We secretly



got married at midnight, in the

clearing(glade) where she

saved(rescued,broght-back-to-life) me,



together through the fields of true(pure)

love, intoxicated by the scent of the

flowers(blossoms) and


d,cheered) with the song of the birds

around, and the stars, the moon, the

scent(perfume) of the grand fir(pines)



trees but(and) even the owls and the

crickets were the witnesses at our

wedding ceremony. I gave her a child

endowed(endued) with the gift of our

worlds and when the time came, I had to

go(leave) to other distant galaxies…, to

limn(depict,describe) a(another)

fantastic(fiction) arena(realm,stage) for

you, the reader, in order to

practise(perfect) the motion(flow) of your

mind as the scenes(events) unfold around

you and to carry you along a



crusade(journey) through

afterlife(immortality,’other-side’) until you

realize that you do not really(actually)


