The Very Rev’d Dr. Jeffrey D. Gibson The Rev’d Canon


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The Cathedral Church of

Saint Michael and All Angels The Diocese of Barbados

Diocesan Bishop

The Right Rev’d Michael B. St. J. Maxwell, MA, BA, BSc. Dean

The Very Rev’d Dr. Jeffrey D. Gibson

Assistant Priests The Rev’d Canon George Knight, B.Min.

The Rev’d Dr. Marcus Lashley Assistant Curate

The Rev’d Richard Kellman, L.Th.

Organist/Choirmaster Mr. John F. Bryan, B.Sc., BMus.

Organist Mr. Eric Cobham

Administrative Assistant Ms. Armel Marshall, BSc., Cert SM, Cert HRM

Verger Mrs. Chloe Grant

Assistant Verger Ms. Harriet Lowe


APRIL 7TH, 2019

Service: 8:00 A.M.


From The Dean’s Pen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus who shared our humanity!

The season of Lent is progressing to its climax and the Call To Newal has been observed in the liturgy, week by week. We have affirmed that God, who created humanity in the Divine image, loves us with an inexhaustible and unmerited love and sent Jesus to share our humanity. That remains the basis of any renewal of faith, both for the individual as well as the faith community.

As we anticipate Holy Week, let us reflect upon how Jesus endured the embarrassment of ridicule, the pain of rejection, the humiliation of betrayal and eventually the tragedy of a violent death. Because of this, he is able to identify with our experiences and be at one with the suffering of the world.

Such suffering that is borne as an expression of obedient love expects a response. God certainly expects a response from us. It is by the surrender of self that the individual might be filled with God’s love. It is only in the context of love that we can make sense of the suffering of Jesus. When that love is realised it brims over and touches the lives of others. It is then that one is truly liberated and set free from the bondage of sin. It is from that experience that the believers are able to influence the world and to renew the relationships.

Let me take this opportunity to encourage you to invite someone to join the worship of Church, during Holy Week and Easter.

It could be a life-changing moment, for all.

Yours sincerely,

Dean Jeffrey



8:00 A.M. HOLY EUCHARIST ~ “Communication”


The Very Rev’d Dr. Jeffrey D. Gibson

Concelebrants: The Clergy



Organ Prelude: “O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß”, BWV 622 (Bach)

Opening Sentence “Lent” Page 98

Opening Hymn 162 ~ “We sing the praise of him who died”

The Invocation Page 101

The Collect for Purity Page 101

Lenten Introspection “Communication”

Facilitator: The Very Rev’d Dr. Jeffrey D. Gibson

Newal Hymn 355 ~ “We’ve a story to tell the nations”

The Kyrie Page 102

The Collect: FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT Page 164


First Lesson: Isaiah 43:16-21

Lector: Mrs Jeanette Rollock

Psalm 126 Page 643

“When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, then were we like

those who dream.”

Second Lesson: Philippians 3:4B-14

Lector: Ms. Helen Lyte

Gradual Hymn 111 ~ “O Lord, turn not thy face from me,”

The Holy Gospel: John 12:1-8

Gospeller: The Rev’d Richard Kellman


The Nicene Creed Page 104

Hymn 399 “Renew thy church, her ministries restore:”

(A collection for the St. Michael’s Cathedral Restoration Fund

will be received)


The Intercession Form “G” Page 118

The Intercessor: Prof. Anne St. John, GCM

The Act of Penitence “B” Page 124

The Greeting of Peace “B” Page 125

Hymn of Fellowship:

“Let there be love shared among us” (See page 5)


~~Welcome, Greetings & Announcements~~ ~~~~


The Offertory Hymn 370 ~ “King of glory, King of peace,”

The Presentation of Offerings Page 126

The Eucharistic Prayer Page 126

The Proper Preface “Lent” Page 128

The Great Thanksgiving “B” Page 135

The Lord’s Prayer Page 144

The Breaking of The Bread “C” Page 145

The Invitation to Communion “C” Page 146

The Agnus Dei Page 147

The Administration of Communion

Hymns: 585 ~ “Dearest Jesu, we are here,”

570 ~ “An upper room did our Lord prepare”

Communion Anthem: “O Saviour of the world” (Gross)

Hymn for the Blessing of the Children ~ 656

“Jesus, good above all other,”


The Post Communion Prayer Page 147

The Blessing “Lent” Page 150

The Recessional Hymn 155 ~ “In the cross of Christ I glory,”

The Dismissal

Organ Postlude: “Fantasia in c, BWV 562” (Bach)

(Worshippers are invited to sit silently and listen to the voluntary, but

those who wish to leave at this point may do so quietly)


Please use page 12 “Sermon Notes” to record your thoughts and questions.


Let there be love shared among us

Let there be love in our eyes

May now your love sweep this nation

Cause us O Lord to arise

Give us a fresh understanding

Of neighbourly love that is real

Let there be love shared among us

Let there be love.




First Lesson: Isaiah 43:16-21

Comments: “The Lord gives water in the wilderness” Our Hebrew scripture lection tells how the same Lord who brought the people through the Red Sea waters and crushed the army of the Egyptians will do a new thing in this day when God will bring the people home through the wilderness. No longer need the Israelites only remember the things the Lord did for them in the past. It is the end of the exile: again, God forms the chosen people. A safe way will be made in the wilderness, and rivers will flow in the barren desert.

Psalm 126

A song of hope and joy sung to the Lord, who restores the fortunes

of God’s people.

Second Lesson: (The Epistle) Philippians 3:4B-14 Comments: “To know Christ and his resurrection” In our epistle, the apostle Paul can boast of his religious background, yet nothing matters in comparison with knowing Christ as his Lord. If righteousness were to be based on a legalistic understanding of religion, Paul had any number of points in his favour. But all such privilege he now counts as garbage so that he may belong to Christ through faith and share in his sufferings. Forgetting what lies behind, he presses on toward the call ahead.

The Gospel: John 12:1-8 Comments: “Mary anoints Jesus for his burial” In our Gospel story Jesus, but a few days before his passion, is at supper with Lazarus, Martha, and Mary when Mary anoints his feet with costly ointment. She then wipes his feet with her hair. Jesus links her action to his final anointing at burial, but Judas, seeking personal gain, chastises them over the cost of the perfume and invokes the needs of the poor. This action fits the extreme nature of the moment, Jesus counsels. Love like Mary’s will not overlook the poor.



Gifts, Memorials and Thanksgiving: Members are invited

to donate items for use in worship in memory of loved ones

who have passed, and to celebrate birthdays, wedding and

confirmation anniversaries and other achievements.

Donation options may also include flowers to decorate the

church on First Sundays or during the Church’s Festivals.

To offer your donation, you may contact the Administrative


Tickets: Members are asked to note that tickets for the

Solemn Musick for Good Friday, to be held on Friday,

April 19th, 2019 at 8:00 P.M. are now available at $30.00

each and can be purchased from the Administrative Office

during office hours.

Luncheon: Please note that tickets for The Annual Family Day luncheon, which will be held on May 5th, 2019 are now available at: $60.00 adults, $30.00 children under 12 years. They may be purchased from the North door on Sundays after each service or from the Administrative Office during the week.

Condolence: To the family of the Late Ms. Shirley J. Reece of Kirton Road, Government Hill, St. Michael on the passing of their mother. The funeral service will be held in the Cathedral on Friday, April 12th, 2019 at 2:00 P.M.


Wednesday, May 1, 2019, The Feast of St. Philip and St. James, Apostles

9:00 A.M. Sung Eucharist: In Celebration of Canon Knight’s 50th Anniversary of Priesthood.

All are welcomed.


Congratulation to all those person celebrating birthdays this

month ~ April 2018

Mr. Philip L Sydney Archer ~ 1st

Ms. Xenia A. Watson ~ 1st

Ms. Coral E. Riley ~ 3rd

Ms. Bernadette Farquhar ~ 5th

Mr. Ricardo M. Rollock ~ 5th

Ms. Mabel C. Armstrong ~ 6th

Ms. Claudine M. Manning ~ 9th

Ms. Beverley Bradshaw ~ 10th

Mr. Henderson R. Williams ~ 10th

Mr. Neville G. Griffith ~ 11th

Mr. George R. Asgill ~ 12th

Mr. Daniel A. D. Agard ~ 15th

Ms. Norma Caddle ~ 16th

Mr. Anthony E. Hoyte ~ 18th

Mr. Wilbert B. Thompson ~ 20th

Mr. William Cumberbatch ~ 21st

Mrs. Vivian G. O. Bowen ~ 25th

Mr. Liam N. Clarke ~ 25th

Ms. Sandra Moore ~ 25th

Ms. Alice P. Hall ~ 27th

Mrs. Denise V. Taitt-Proute ~ 27th

Ms. Undine Straker ~ 28th

Mrs. Andrea A. D. Thomas ~ 29th

Mrs. Sherry L. S. Cumberbatch ~ 30th

May God bless and strengthen you.



April 7 to 12th, 2019

Today: Fifth Sunday in Lent: 8:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist ~ Communication

Facilitator: The Very Rev’d Dr. Jeffrey D. Gibson

6:00 P.M. Evensong Preacher: The Rev’d Dr. Marcus Lashley

Tuesday, April 9th

12:15 P.M. Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, April 10th 10:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist

Thursday, April 11th

12:15 P.M. Lenten Devotion ~ Communication

Friday, April 12th 5:00 P.M. The way of the Cross

Next Sunday, April 14th


7:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist ~ “Commitment”

and Distribution of Palms

8:45 A.M. The Liturgy of The Palms and Sung Eucharist ~ “Commitment”

(Congregation will assemble in the Fairchild Street Bus Terminal for The Liturgy of the Palms and Procession to the Cathedral at 8:45 A.M.)

6:00 P.M. Evensong



Sermon Text: ……………………………………………………….


Topic: ………………………………………………………………



Preacher: ……………………………………………………………

Points to Ponder: ………………………………………………….




What was God saying specifically to me during the Sermon?






April 14th-19th, 2019

Sunday 14th Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday

7:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist ~ Commitment

with distribution of Palms

9:00 A.M. The Liturgy of the Palms &

Holy Eucharist ~ Commitment

(Congregation will assemble in the Fairchild Street

Bus Terminal for The Liturgy of the Palms and

Procession to the Cathedral at 8:45 A.M.)

Tuesday 16th

12:15 P.M. Holy Eucharist

Wednesday 17th

10:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist

Thursday 18th

10:00 A.M. A Chrism Mass

President: The Rt. Rev’d Michael B. St. J. Maxwell

7:00 P.M. The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday

Friday 19th

8:30 A.M. Family Devotions

10:30 A.M. Matins

12:00 Noon The Good Friday Liturgy

8:00 P.M. Solemn Musick for Good Friday

(Admission $30:00)


Looking Ahead!

April 19th, Good Friday: The Organist/Choir Master and

Choir of St. Michael’s Cathedral will present Solemn

Musick for Good Friday – at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are available

at $30. 00. Purchase your ticket today!

EASTER SERVICES Saturday April 20h 6:30 P.M.

The Great Easter Vigil

Easter Day: Sunday April 21st,

7:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist ~ Celebration

9:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist ~ Celebration

11:00 A.M. Choral Matins

7:00 P.M. Deanery Evensong in

Celebration of Newal:

Procession & Hallelujah



“The Lord is always there to help

us through our troubles, because

he has made us his own.”



Mr. Arlington Watson Mr. Darnley King

Secretary: Ms. Donnah Russell

Treasurer: Mr. Ian Weekes

Synod Representatives

Mr. Trevor King;

Mr. Samuel Maxwell;

Dr. Wendy Sealy

Alternative Synod Representative

Ms. Donna Inniss



Men’s Fellowship: Mr. John Moore

Mothers’ Union: Mrs. Colleen Byer

Church Army: Captain Evelyn Jackman

Woman’s Auxiliary: Ms. Shirley Clarke

Ushers Guild: Mrs. Juno Burrows

Outreach Committee: Mrs. Delores Hinds

Guild of Servers: Major Charles Maxwell

and Mr. Jerry Alleyne

Health Ministry: Dr. Wendy Sealy

Sunday School: Mrs. Harriett Blackman

Flower Guild: Mrs. Anita Yarde

Guild of St. Raphael Mr. Darwin Clarke


CONTACT US Facebook:com/saintmichaelscathedral

Address: St. Michael’s Row, Bridgetown

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Telephone: 1 (246) 427-0790 (Office) 437-4265 (Dean’s Residence)
