The Virtual Magnetospheric Observatory VMO · Daniel Morrison JHU/APL VITMO Tom Narock L-3 Com. GSI...


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VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


The Virtual MagnetosphericObservatory


Jan Merka1

1University of Maryland Baltimore County, GEST, MD (

The Evolving Heliophysics Data Environment: VxO Kickoff

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

The VMO Team

Jan Merka UMBC PIJeremy Faden Cottagesystems PAPCOHoma Karimabadi SciberQuest Inc. Data miningGuan Le NASA/GSFC ST-5Jonathan Niehof Boston University SCATHAWilliam Paterson Hampton University Geotail CPITim Quinn Univ. of California Berkeley THEMISAaron Roberts NASA/GSFC ViSBARDDavid Sibeck NASA/GSFC Science LeadEric Kihn NOAA/NGDC GOESDaniel Morrison JHU/APL VITMOTom Narock L-3 Com. GSI MiddlewareWilliam Peterson University of Colorado Polar TIMASAdam Szabo NASA/GSFC VHO

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Science Focus

The initial data sets and VMO design will facilitateData discovery

What kind of data is available (e.g., spacecraft, instrument)?Smart content search

Complex queries to quickly find subsets of dataMultispacecraft correlative studies

Dayside magnetospheric interactionsSubstormsMagnetic reconnection

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Science Focus

The initial data sets and VMO design will facilitateData discovery

What kind of data is available (e.g., spacecraft, instrument)?Smart content search

Complex queries to quickly find subsets of dataMultispacecraft correlative studies

Dayside magnetospheric interactionsSubstormsMagnetic reconnection

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Science Focus

The initial data sets and VMO design will facilitateData discovery

What kind of data is available (e.g., spacecraft, instrument)?Smart content search

Complex queries to quickly find subsets of dataMultispacecraft correlative studies

Dayside magnetospheric interactionsSubstormsMagnetic reconnection

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Science Focus

The initial data sets and VMO design will facilitateData discovery

What kind of data is available (e.g., spacecraft, instrument)?Smart content search

Complex queries to quickly find subsets of dataMultispacecraft correlative studies

Dayside magnetospheric interactionsSubstormsMagnetic reconnection

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Community Involvement and Feedback I

VMO’s MissionHelp the community to find and use magnetospheric data.

Thus, a wide consensus and acceptance is crutial for VMO success.To ensure community participation the following measures will betaken:

VMO user interface and APIFeedback on usability and featuresCollect usage/access statistics

VMO designReuse successful features and components of current VxOsClosely collaborate with other VxOs

To be continued...

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Community Involvement and Feedback I

VMO’s MissionHelp the community to find and use magnetospheric data.

Thus, a wide consensus and acceptance is crutial for VMO success.To ensure community participation the following measures will betaken:

VMO user interface and APIFeedback on usability and featuresCollect usage/access statistics

VMO designReuse successful features and components of current VxOsClosely collaborate with other VxOs

To be continued...

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Community Involvement and Feedback I

VMO’s MissionHelp the community to find and use magnetospheric data.

Thus, a wide consensus and acceptance is crutial for VMO success.To ensure community participation the following measures will betaken:

VMO user interface and APIFeedback on usability and featuresCollect usage/access statistics

VMO designReuse successful features and components of current VxOsClosely collaborate with other VxOs

To be continued...

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Community Involvement and Feedback II


Standard data description (metadata)SPASE+ terms (collaborate with the SPASE group)Broad data provider participation

Add-on servicesMonitor which services are desiredAssist service providers with interfacing the VMOEncourage submission of new proposal to enhance VMO dataand service capabilities

Issue SPA newsletter announcementsAdvertise new servicesRequests for comments

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Community Involvement and Feedback II


Standard data description (metadata)SPASE+ terms (collaborate with the SPASE group)Broad data provider participation

Add-on servicesMonitor which services are desiredAssist service providers with interfacing the VMOEncourage submission of new proposal to enhance VMO dataand service capabilities

Issue SPA newsletter announcementsAdvertise new servicesRequests for comments

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Community Involvement and Feedback II


Standard data description (metadata)SPASE+ terms (collaborate with the SPASE group)Broad data provider participation

Add-on servicesMonitor which services are desiredAssist service providers with interfacing the VMOEncourage submission of new proposal to enhance VMO dataand service capabilities

Issue SPA newsletter announcementsAdvertise new servicesRequests for comments

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Feedback Methods

Annual meetings at conferences (especially at AGU)Directly contacting any VMO team memberOn-line at

E-mailComment submission through a web interface

Statistical information about the VMO usage

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Usage Information Example

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VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Usage Information Example

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


TeamScience CommunityCommunity Involvement

Usage Information Example

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services



Initial VMO DatasetsMission Data Type (Instrument) Data Set Location CoverageAMPTE/CCE Magnetic field NASA/GSFC, JHU/APL 1984–1988

Energetic particles (MEPA) JHU/APLAMPTE/IRM Magnetic field, Plasma KP NASA/GSFC 1984–1986AMPTE/UKS Magnetic field, Plasma KP NASA/GSFC 1984–1985GOES 5–12 Magnetic field NOAA/NGDC 1983–nowGeotail Magnetic field CDAWeb 1992–now

Plasma key parameters (CPI) Hampton UniversityEnergetic particles (EPIC) JHU/APL

IMP 8 Magnetic field NASA/GSFC 1973–2000Plasma key parameters 1973–now

ISEE-1/2 Magnetic field NASA/GSFC 1983–1987Energetic particles (WAPS) JHU/APL

Polar Magnetic field, Plasma par. (TIMAS) CDAWeb 1996–nowPrognoz-10 Magnetic field, Ion flux NASA/GSFC 1985SCATHA Magnetic field, Plasma parameters Boston University 1979–1986ST-5 Magnetic field NASA/GSFC 2006THEMIS Magnetic & electric fields UC Berkeley [2006–. . . ]

Plasma parametersWIND Magnetic field (MFI), Plasma KP (SWE) NASA/GSFC 1995–now

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services




DefinitionA service is a web or local application that uses VMO’s API.

Core servicesLocate and deliver data pointers from a set of data sourcesbased on user provided query.

Added value servicesModular, community-need driven, interact with VMO’s APIWe focus on defining the API and to provide example services:

Data Mining to achieve smarter search capabilityPAPCO for data visualization and analysisViSBARD for 3-D data display along spacecraft orbitsSoftware Library to provide data handling tools to thecommunity and/or to facilitate community development ofsoftware tools

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services




DefinitionA service is a web or local application that uses VMO’s API.

Core servicesLocate and deliver data pointers from a set of data sourcesbased on user provided query.

Added value servicesModular, community-need driven, interact with VMO’s APIWe focus on defining the API and to provide example services:

Data Mining to achieve smarter search capabilityPAPCO for data visualization and analysisViSBARD for 3-D data display along spacecraft orbitsSoftware Library to provide data handling tools to thecommunity and/or to facilitate community development ofsoftware tools

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services




DefinitionA service is a web or local application that uses VMO’s API.

Core servicesLocate and deliver data pointers from a set of data sourcesbased on user provided query.

Added value servicesModular, community-need driven, interact with VMO’s APIWe focus on defining the API and to provide example services:

Data Mining to achieve smarter search capabilityPAPCO for data visualization and analysisViSBARD for 3-D data display along spacecraft orbitsSoftware Library to provide data handling tools to thecommunity and/or to facilitate community development ofsoftware tools

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


The VMO EnvironmentData Model

Architecture of the VMO Environment

Main components:1 VMO Middleware2 Data products3 Services4 Other VxOs

Key technologies:SOAP, WSDL, XML, rsync

Data model:SPASE+

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


The VMO EnvironmentData Model

Architecture of the VMO Environment

Main components:1 VMO Middleware2 Data products3 Services4 Other VxOs

Key technologies:SOAP, WSDL, XML, rsync

Data model:SPASE+

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


The VMO EnvironmentData Model

Architecture of the VMO Environment

Main components:1 VMO Middleware2 Data products3 Services4 Other VxOs

Key technologies:SOAP, WSDL, XML, rsync

Data model:SPASE+

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


The VMO EnvironmentData Model

SPASE+ Data Model

SPASE+ will be based on the SPASE data model

Developed by a broad consortium of space physics communitymembersAlready used by other VxOs (e.g., VSO, VHO)However, not detailed enough for VMO needs

Develop SPASE+ in coordination with other VxOs and theSPASE committee (A. Roberts is a member of both the VMOteam and SPASE committee)SPASE+ extensions will be submitted to the SPASEconsortium for a possible inclusion in the next version of theSPASE model

J. Merka The VMO (

VMO Team & CommunityDatasets and Services


Project Timeline

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