The Wars of Religion Jess and Tiarna. PLOT The document is a copy of someone else’s version of the...



Summary The Wars of religion is about woodworms eating away at a church, due to this a Bishop sits on the throne in the church and falls off because the leg had been eaten away. From this they pleaded to have a legal cases brought upon the woodworms, were they argue against each other over the woodworms innocence or guilt. It ends with the document being eating by “some species of termite” and the woodworm being found guilty and sentenced to excommunication.

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The Wars of Religion Jess and Tiarna PLOT The document is a copy of someone elses version of the trial. Ptition des habitans (Petition of the inhabitants) - describes how the worshipers of god want to the Almighty god petition the court to get rid of the malefactors believing that they have brought upon them gods wrath. Plaidoyer des habitans (Advocacy of the inhabitants) - talks about the petitioners of Mamirolle wish to injunct and enjoin these woodworms to quit their habitation for it offends God by attacking his House and threatened the petitioners to bring down the framework because the woodworms ate into a leg of the throne chair in the Church. Plaidoyer des insectes (Advocacy insects) - The procurator is defending the woodworms in a legal case calling them his clients. The procurator uses five arguments to prove that the woodworms are innocent. 1. They are only acting on instincts, 2. They were unable to appear before court because it puts its own life in danger which is a legitimate reason not to go to court, 3. The summons was incorrectly drawn and not specific to which woodworms, 4. The woodworms are Gods own creation created for a purpose, 5. The would be unable to punish the woodworms with excommunication because they don't believe in God. Rplique des habitans (Replica of the inhabitants) - The prosecution rebuts all the procurators arguments 1. God gave Adam control over the animals and he didn't make them like this 2. What would put the woodworms in danger for them not to appear, 3. God created the woodworms to eat the trees not the cut trees or the cut wood, 4. The prosecution argues against the woodworm having no immortal soul and cannot be excommunicated by saying that it was not on the Ark of Noah and that the actions were of a spirt namely Lucifer. Rplique des insectes (Replica insects) - A third party making their arguments against and for 1. These woodworms having being living in the church of generations and that they must be referring to the first generation not the recent one, secondly the Holy Scripture doesn't forbid them from eating cut wood and if God didn't intend for them to eat cut would then they wouldnt, 2. They didn't have a record of which animals were Gods creation and that any creation was aboard the Ark unless sated that it wasnt, 3. When Bishop Grenoble fell from his horse neither the Lord or the horse were to blame, Do we think the Almighty God is so weak and timorous a creature that He is unable to protect His temple against tiny bestioles? 4. They acknowledge the woodworms as Gods creation and plea to have the case made non-suited. Conclusions du procureur piscopal (Episcopal prosecutor Conclusions) - 1. They can bring judgement the seventh generation of woodworms whom have all offended the Lord, 2. What if the woodworms are the first generation and have an immortal soul. They sentenced the woodworms to excommunication and recommended that all penances and prayers customary in such cases be required of the habitans. Sentence du juge dglise (Sentence of the Church judge) - The judge admonish the aforesaid woodworm as detestable vermin and command excommunication and to never again infest the church The woodworm ate the end of the document. Summary The Wars of religion is about woodworms eating away at a church, due to this a Bishop sits on the throne in the church and falls off because the leg had been eaten away. From this they pleaded to have a legal cases brought upon the woodworms, were they argue against each other over the woodworms innocence or guilt. It ends with the document being eating by some species of termite and the woodworm being found guilty and sentenced to excommunication. SETTING The Wars of Religion is set in a medieval time period inside of a court room. The speakers are addressing the audience, which in medieval time is the usually the jury, or the judge into believing that there side of the argument is correct. CHARACTERS Ptition des habitans - inhabitants of Mamirolle, god Plaidoyer des habitans - general public (all male) Plaidoyer des insectes - the procurator Rplique des habitans - prosecutor Rplique des insectes - procurator for the bestioles Conclusions du procureur piscopal - prosecutor for the bestioles Sentence du juge dglise - judge There is continuously and audience throughout the entire story. NARRATIVE VOICES Narrator in first and third person and spoken by a narrator that has a formal presentation. LANGUAGE AND STYLE Written in first person and spoken by a narrator. Some parts are in third person but are usually talking about the weather, the behaviours of others or inanimate objects. Set in the 1950s with use of Latin and English language. Formal language and style of presentation when voicing of opinions. IDEAS/THEMES/ CONCERNS The concerns throughout The Wars of Religion are post-modernistic as they question the structure of the court system in medieval times and bring in the concerns of religion and the effect that has on peoples judgment and decision making. Religion is the most reoccurring theme throughout this story, however there is also the need for justice. KEY QUOTES with immediate and catastrophic death being flung down at us from above like clamorous thunder- above = god pg.62 preferring instead to bury themselves in sinful darkness rather than face the truth of light - coaxing them out pg. 63 Oh malevolent day! Oh malevolent invaders! - the woodworm ate the leg off the throne chair pg. 64 This is no sound law. - its ridiculous pg. 67 Go does nothing without purpose,and the purpose of the bestioles to take up their habitation in the church of Saint-Michel can have been none other than as a warning and punishment against the wickedness of mankind. - mankind should changes its ways pg. 68 Cast out the beam from your own eye before you seek to extract the mote from the eye of another. - open your own eyes shielded by a wall before opening someone else shielded by a pebble pg.68 Guided by the holy spirt, the church can do nothing wrong. - the church is always right pg. 73 arguments will fall like the walls of Jericho before the trumpet of truth. - these arguments are truth pg. 74 UNKNOWN LATIN WORDS LIST UNKNOWNMEANING BestiolesCritters Ptition des habitansPetition of the inhabitants Plaidoyer des insectesAdvocacy of the inhabitants Rplique des habitansReplica of the inhabitants Rplique des insectesReplica of incests Conclusions du procureur piscopalEpiscopal prosecutor Conclusions Sentence du juge dgliseSentence of the Church judge In absentiaIn the absence of UNKNOWN WORDS LIST UNKNOWNMEANING Advocacy Public support for or recommendation of a particle cause or policy omittedTo leave out, fail to include or mention anathemaA person or thing detested or loathed imbecilityAn instance or point of weakness fervently having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling,enthusiasm, etc.; ardent environssurrounding objects; surroundings; environmentenvironment bedizened to dress or adorn in a showy, gaudy, or tasteless manner odiousnessdeserving or causing hatred; hateful; detestable crozier a ceremonial staff carried by a bishop or an abbot, hooked at one end like a shepherd's crook omnipotentalmighty or infinite in power, as God
