The Westphalian Diplomat



The Westphalian Diplomat is the MUIMUN newspaper that is published every day during the conference by our PR team.

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The Westphalian DiplomatFriday, April 1, 2011

Negotiations about the Kashmir Issue had to be postponed when an urgent crisis hit the members of the Security Council: the already tense situation on the Korean Peninsula escalated when North Korean troops opened fire on a small island close to the disputed Yel-low Sea border and killed eight South Korean citizens. The member states barely had time to become acquainted with the new situation when the Sec-retary-General announced a further intensification of the crisis: North Ko-rean forces had captured three citizens from the South. Seoul answered with an ultimatum of 72 hours to return the men; otherwise there would be a mili-tary counter strike – a demand which the United States reinforced during a joint press conference. Time was ti-cking by while the ambassadors everis-hly worked on a joint resolution – in the knowledge that a nuclear attack

By Katja Philipps„We are at the brink of war!“

from North Korea could bring the world to the brink of war. After the attacks, Pyon-gyang broke off all diplomatic relations to the members of the council which a made it almost impossible for the representatives to find a solution through dialog. Soon two blocks had formed: representatives around Russia and China argued that further pres-sure on the DPRK would only intensify the situation while the United Kingdom urged the member states to react to the attacks in the strongest possible way. The discussions almost escalated when China and the United States got in a heated controversy over the question whether the US should withdrawal their troops from the disputed borderline. After four hours of intense discussions, the Security Council was able to pass a strong re-solution that demands an immediate ceasefire between the forces of the involved parties and “authorizes all member states to enforce the ceasefire through military measures if necessary”.

News, P.2 The Column, P.6 Pubquiz, P.7 Panorama, P.8

News2The agricultural


“I have to point out the great consensus, a really united committee!”, the Director Martin Schiller described the working process of the last days. Finally, the draft resoluti-on concerning the estab-lishment of a food secu-rity policy for post war areas points out clearly the need for action: especial-ly micro finance solutions from international donors have to be promoted. But will there be a similar wor-king atmosphere regarding the range of possibilities for climate smart agricul-ture? One fact is not to be deniable: the nations did not become tired to pre-sent innovative ideas for a. Russia spoke up for a shif-ting process of land ow-

nership that could be rea-lized within a specific area of a country. “So the agri-culturists could exchange their acreage to increase efficient cultivation.” The attempt of Liberia has also to struggle with traditional barriers. It wants to pro-mote efficient as well as climate smart agriculture. In so called farmer field schools the knowledge for innovative concepts is taught – “but only to male farmers”, the Liberian de-legate explained and poin-ted out: “the women are equal intelligent and have to be strengthened.”

By Annika Behnen

The General Assembly:

Passionate Debates Present & Waiting For Change

Just a few steps away from the birthplace of modern diplomacy, the Westphalian Peace tre-aty of 1648 in Münster’s townhall, the delegates gathered for the Grand Assembly in the same spirit for debating, bar-gaining and peaceful problem solving. As the last preparations were ar-ranged and seats were ta-ken, the majority of the delegates were like Kon-go “present and waiting”. The agenda was settled to commence with the resolution of the third General Assembly on global migration, inte-gration and demographic imbalance.

It was from then on up

Friday, April 1, 2011

to the supporting states to sustain their common position while both being resistant and yet open to criticism. Shortly after starting the first mode-rated caucus notes and amendment-sheets were hastily written and quick murmurs exchanged. Germany, South-Africa and Kenya as the stron-gest supporters of the resolution had to defend their proposals against harsh critics, such as the United Kingdom, which stressed the redundan-cy of their approach of cultural education and awareness. The Russian Federation, being strictly against any form of il-legal immigration stated briefly the lack of con-

The General Assembly:

Passionate Debates Present & Waiting For Change

News 3Ecosoc’s methods to

wake up his committee!

„We should definitely get a resolution today.“ This is how ECOSOC‘s director Tobit Bartel began the session but he rapidly recognized that his committee was not as enthusiastic and fit as him. The chair team took immediate-ly an efficient decision: everyone had to stand up and sing the song „baby-shark“. So suddenly legs were moving, hips were swinging and bright smiles were swimming through the conference room! The chairs had achieved their aim: the session could start. The delegates were fuel-led enough to get into heated debates. The best of two resolutions, both

with consisting points, had to be chosen. In the committee, the group led by United States disput-ed with the one of PR of China. Brazil explained „I think China‘s solution will pass because it has more support“. Brazil was right.

By Annouk Weiss

Friday, April 1, 2011

sequent solutions and questioned the efficiency of the link of integration and migration policies. Although Congo and Kuwait emphasized the importance of an exten-sion of the loan system by the World Bank, it seemed that the positi-on of the UK and Brazil favoring more effective immediate mechanisms seemed to have convin-ced more supporters from the assembly. Me-anwhile Nishat was busy moderating the caucuses and deciphering amend-ments and Egypt, aware of local climate change and decreasing oxygen level proposed an open-windows- policy. Howe-ver an “open door” po-

licy was not embraced by the USA and Italy politically. After the un-moderated caucus, both on strategic and gossip level, it became clear that the progress was slowly improving and consent on state sovereignty and international agreement on a national level was established. So these new Westphalian Diplomats may succeed in solving the global crises of the world of tomorrow…or even sooner….

By Max Rößler

4Always looking up to

the Iron Lady

Garima Mitva, 20 years old, from India is perfect-ly prepared for MUIMUN 2011: in her home country she already participated in two MUN´s. Having expe-rience as delegate as well as member of the organi-zation team where she did a reporter-job she knows both sides of a MUN-conference.Infected by the MUN-vi-rus she tried to do some-thing totally new this time: when she heard about MUIMUN she took the chance to participate as scholar and to visit a Eu-ropean country for the first time of her life. And Germany seems to be a good entry: she even has basic knowledge of the language. Being asked

which aspects she wants to contribute to the con-ference Garima has a clear point of view: “I personal-ly would like to strengthen the human rights”. The-refore she will especially be a voice for developing countries. Garima´s per-sonal ambition to speak up for human rights beco-mes obviously regarding the fact that it would be Indira Gandhi she would like to have a cup of tea with. She does not only appreciate the first female Prime Minister of India for her political career in a male dominated country but also “for her strong personality”, as Garima said.

NewsCEPAL: Stop Drugs Ruling

Latin America!

Human trafficking, cor-ruption, arms trade, cartels: Regarding this dramatic re-ality caused by theunsolved drug problem in Latin America deep brea-thing and severe faces were paralyzing the committee for some unpleasing mo-ments. All the more the delegates were ambitioned to implement substantial ideas considering the ne-cessity to reduce this evil. “When we´re talking about drugs in Latin America co-caine as biggest problem”, explained Antonia Peters, Vice-Director of CEPAL.Almost the whole growing of cocaine takes place in Columbia, Peru and Bolivia.”But concerning the import and export eve-ry Latin-American state is

involved.”, the Vice-Direc-tor said. So far, there is no coherent strategy – but de-finitely some contradictory ideas: As country being one of the biggest consumer the United States represent the solid attempt to stop the cultivation of drugs.Regarding this, Bolivia fa-vors the complete opposi-te: it thinks about the lega-lization of drugs withthe consequence to be-come enabled to get a bet-ter control. However: to reduce the great evil theAmerican states have to find an agreement.

By Annika Behnen By Annika Behnen

Friday, April 1, 2011

“When we´re talking about drugs every Latin-

American state is involved.”

Close-Up 5MUIMUN:

The Next Generation

For our Next Genera-tion Program, we were looking for enthusiastic pupils from Münster and the region. One of them is Lisa Wienströer, whom we had the pleasure of asking a few questions before the MUIMUN start:WeDi: How do you feel about participating in this years MUIMUN session as a NextGeneration student?Lisa: Of course, I think that it will be lots of fun and I will probably get to know many people who are interested in politics too. I am little bit afraid that I can‘t keep up with the older participants, because they are more experienced. But I guess I will try my best! WeDi: What do you think

is the most interesting ele-ment of this years MUI-MUN session?Lisa: The most interesting element to me are the ses-sions in which we discuss global problems and issues, because now we have the possibility to actually talk about those issues with other people who are also interested in politics and we experience how the UN de-legates feel, when they are having a UN-summit mee-ting. It will be interesting to hear the other peoples‘ opinion about those the-mes (for example immigra-tion). But next to that, I am also excited about the social events and the supporting prorogram!

By Max Rößler

Josie Händel and Moritz Weber, your official job de-scription here at MUIMUN is called “Coordinators”– how would you describe your own roles?

Josie: We are the motiva-tors!Moritz: That’s true; we are trying to keep the team spi-rit up during the prepara-tions for MUIMUN. With regard to the conference, it’s our main goal to make things work from behind the curtains, so that little ac-cidents stay invisible for the delegates on stage.

One being constantly mo-tivated, lively and energi-zing, one always calm and organized, you can imagine the two WWU-students to

From behind the scenes with a smile

By Sophia Mandow

complement one another well.

What were they expecting, when they took the task in the beginning?

Moritz: Since I worked at the last year’s conference, too, I had a pretty precise picture of the work. Iknew that it would take up a lot of time and have an impact on my studies.

Josie: My expectations were definitely exceeded. I learned so much for my fu-ture life.

In their opinion, how far can democratic decision making go?

Moritz (Laughs): I really appreciate democracy. So-metimes, people need clear tasks from someone who knows the backgrounds. Still, there should always be room for creativity.

Thanks to both of them!

Friday, April 1, 2011

6 Close-Up„So I‘ve been thinking...“

The WeDi Column

Hello delegates, would you please be so kind and pass this article on to your roommates, friends and family? It’s for your own good. Thank you!

Dear relatives and friends of the MUIMUN 2011 delegates! This is a warning! You don’t know me, but believe me; you really want to read this.

I write on behalf of your loved ones who recently left home for a week to join this suspicious conference in Münster, Germany.

I must warn you, they have changed. And there is more than just the girls walking tippy-toed all day, crying for their high-heels and the men para-ding around with their shoulders as broad as never, dreaming of their decorative suits.

No, I’m afraid that it’s going to be a lot more serious than that. Be pre-pared that a person you thought you knew well might jump out of bed at 7.30 in the morning, screaming “Pre-sent and Voting!”

They might then feel the urgent need to set up a working paper, so don’t

worry, when there is a note on your bed: “I respect your integrity, accept your authority within this room and believe in your good intentions but still urge you to get that vacuum out of the closet!” Or when your shop-ping list is titled: “For the purpose of fighting hunger within this region.”Please, dear roommates, don’t get angry when your former friend re-quests you to raise your napkins and to only speak when called upon.

And do not fear for their mental health, when he or she answers their phone yelling “Egypt, how are you?!” or “Canada, long time no see!”

Sounds pretty sick, you say? It is! It’s a virus actually.

But don’t worry; it’s not contagious if you follow two ground rules: Do not let them hand you a flyer, poster or button.

And if you hear anyone starting a sentence with the words “Change today - “, you run!!!

By Sophia Besch

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Note From The EditorDear all,

on behalf of the Public Relations Team I would like to thank you all for the great fifth MUIMUN conference. We all hope, you enjoyed our paper and felt not only well-informed but also entertained. If you only smirked once, we did a good job. I want to take the chance and thank my PR-Team for the amazing work. Guys - you really rock!

Dominik Vorholt, Director of Public Relations


If ya lads wanna quench ya thirst for beers and brains, where’s the best place to let the golden bre-wage flow down your gorgeous gorges and to ac-tivate ya gray cells in nice company? That would be two mighty syllables – Pub Quiz!

With chandeliers, candles and dozens of round tables the atmospheric Schlossgarten was the perfect location for the pub quiz, such a big event that even Sher the chair almost had to share his chair.

Spanning from Alexander the Great to Pippi Longsto-cking and from Dirty Dancing to James Joyce the 10 categories were interesting and not quite. With light and, caused by this old Arabic word “alkuhl” meaning ‘mental essence’, more or less philosophical conversa-tions got started and the entertainment level remained high throughout the evening. Art, music, movie and book lovers got their share (and the drinkers as well), the perfect opportunity for the exchange of experience and knowledge besides the formal assemblies. Everyo-ne regardless of nerdie or girlie, could with his or her individual interest complement to the whole group to defeat the group’s friends and foes, striving for the ul-timate championship (and drinks). Nothing else left to say: Cheers lads!

By Max Rößler



It’s time to celebrate a glorious quintet of MUI-MUN sessions! What an impressive accomplishment for a university initiative to survive 5 organizational teams! All of them have proven their talent to create something continuous while being innovative. From MUIMUNs very infancy on, with first glimpses into the bright light of day, to its first babbles in growing team-meetings, to its first eloquent utterances by contacting supporting companies and to its first steps convincing delegates to join their 1st birthday party - MUIMUN ma-tured rapidly. Somehow the very first MUIMUN team succeeded in bringing together the flickering sparks in their minds to ignite a flame, like flintstones.

However fire always needs something to nurture on. ‘You ruthless people sacrificed the beautiful westpha-lian woods?’ you might rightfully ask. But instead of committing annually acts of arson, the teams infected by the contagious MUIMUN epidemic dedicated their time and passion to this flame.

Similar to its Olympic counterpart it was passed on from session to session. You might conclude from the-se metaphors of fire, infection and growing up that MUIMUN is all about progress and you’re already a part of it!

By Max Rößler

Friday, April 1, 2011


Established 2007

Münster UniversityInternational Model

United Nations

Editorial StaffKatja PhilippsSophia Besch

Sophia MandowMax Rößler

Annika BehnenDominik Vorholt

LayoutDominik Vorholt

ContributorsAnna-Lena Krampe

Annouk WeissDivya Rajeswari

Horoscope Pictures:Great Thanks to

Melanie Schippling

V.i.S.d.P.Dominik Vorholt

UniPrint: 270 copies

DISCLAIMERThe Westphalian

Diplomatis an independentnewspaper. The

content of the articles does not necessarily

represent the opinion of the “Arbeitstelle


Panorama8Become our Ambassador! Horoscope

VIRGO Nobody needs to tell you to get to work, and your dedication isn’t in question. So what are you hiding from? Show your potential, present the fresh ap-proaches you’re investigating, share the in-formation you have gathered and give the others the chance to appreciate your effort.

Impassioned students, good work, vivid de-bates, precious moments, new people, fun, special events…that´s MUIMUN!After five years, we are really proud to say that MUIMUN has grown up, that we have become part of the microcosms of so many students with the aim to really bring change, to make this world to a better place – students who know that borders are breakable and distances can be overcome. So become an ambassador of MUI-MUN and help us spread the word! For more information contact:

MUIMUN Anniversary Quiz

Tonight is the final spurt! As this conference is coming to an end, let’s celebrate together for the last time! This will be a farewell party as well as a fabulous 5th birthday party for MUIMUN – let yourself be surprised! At the same time you can sum up the past days and exchange your impres-sions. Let’s have the time of our lives and take the MUIMUN spirit with us to our home countries. See you in the Uferlos at 9pm.

Tonight: FAREWELL-


Lonely Hearts AdsUltra-modern country seeks help of skil-led rainforest people to control urban jun-gle. Harpoons should not be needed.Mafia boss seeks tolerant insular state of-fering isolated hiding places. Earnings will be divided.Diverse but scarcely communicating world seeks brave delegates to overcome borders.

CANCER Keep your mind on your goals. Things are in flux but you can’t press them. Be firm in your plans but have respect for the stra-tegy of others. If you don’t insist on your idea the day may have a surprise in store for you.

Friday, April 1, 2011

How many female and male delegates take part in MUIMUN 2011?- 115 male delegates and 85 female delegates.How much coffee is drunk per day (li-ters)?- 60 liters.How many E-Mails were exchanged between deletages and the Delegates Service?- 2857.
