THE WILMINGTON R H - Chronicling America€¦ · Paul’s M. E. Church lust oveniug Trial largo...


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guerillas and Cuoans leaning towaru Spain to come over to the Cuban ranks. He assures them that, with the aid of United States troops, a decisive blow to Spain is soon to be struck, and that the Cuban cause will points out that all who fall to Join the Cuban forces before it shall be too late must seek a home in some other coun­



It Kills at Least Seven Persons and Destroys Many Homes.

Fayetteville, Ark., May 23.—The tor­nado which passed through a portion of northwestern Arkansas Friday night did immense damage to property and caused the death of at least seven per-

Iteports of the destruction coming In slowly, and It is feared that later details will add other names to the death list. The storm came from the southeast, passing through the great fruit belt Of the Ozark fruit sec­tion, and tore Its way through the southern end of Benton county, spend­ing its force In the White river val­ley. Everything In Its path stroyed, the greatest damage being done near Elm Springs, Lowell and Mudtown, the latter place being en­tirely swept away. At Elm Springs

fho sought safety In a cellar wqb kttied. The house blew away and the cellar ing the

Two miles east of Elm Springs a man named Killingsworth and his wife were killed. Their house destroyed, and they were crushed to death in the debris. A mile awav a farmhouse occupied by

wrecked and the inmates in­stantly killed. Twenty houses ported blown away in the vicinity of Elm Springs, but details have not been received.

If You Have, Here's the Way to Rid Your-

aelf of the Weariness and Palo

Attending ItA Spanish Minister Discusses the

Existing Coufliot.


be won. HeI

Royal Reception by Their Brother Firemen.

Some people suffer with headache, many people

try. Rev. E. S. Mace Preaches Patriotically to Encamp,

ment No. 34.

worn out aud weary all tho time, many more people havo lame back and backache. Few people understand the real cause of their ache*, aud fewer yet know how easily they oi Tho back is tho keynote of tho kidneys. It aches, that’s a sign that the kidney j not working properly, It is lame; another sign, the kidneys kidneys you km blood but filters sometimes get clogged up. This moans in thoir blood courses through the entire system impregnated with polsom bringingueglected, means disease perhaps Incur­able. And now about tho cure. Don’t tako our word for It ; read what tho ysoplo herein Wilmington say:

Mrs. Albert Banuou ol‘ 510 E. Tth street, says: “I had kidney lust 5 years. I tried different so-called remedies und consulto t duct

so bad at times that I my hou ehold

all but

All Want to .Join Dewey.Atlanta, Ga.. May 23.—About 2.000 re­

cruits have arrived at Fort McPherson since that post was made the centrali­zation point for that branch of tho army. Every recruiting station in the country from Maine to California have

, and they are 6till ar-

Thlnks That the Powers May Yet In* Behalf of Spain—Spanishterrene

Captain Who Run the Cuban Block- ado Welcomed

be cured. The Delaware Fire Company returned home Saturday night and ceivod by the F lar and the community firemen wont from Wilmington on Mon­day to It hica, N. Y.. arriving the-o early In the afternoon. They city officials aud a delegation of a firemen and enjoyed themsolves immensely. Tuee- / day morning they went to Buffalo and spentExempt Company which lavished hotpi* J tality upon thorn. Wednesday and ThUra- * day were spent at Niagara. Friday at Wilkosburre and Saturday morning ah ' Mauch Chuuk.

To fully doscrihe the hospitality tended at every point would bo almost’ i impossible, but In the language of CoL j William B. Norton, who spokesman, would be trying to recite *• |j| dream. The sights they ful and tho experience was such never bee larger and tonextensive

royally ro- coinpany In partiou-

goneraL ThoMadrid. Encampment No. 34, Union Veteran Le­

gion, yesterday attended Kingswood Church. Rov. E. S. Mace preached cial sermon. The church auditorium was tastefully decorated with llugs and bunt­ing. Tho text was from Chronicles 12, 32: “And ofthe children of fssaclmr who men that had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were their brethren were at their command­ment:” Pastor Mace said heroes belong to each ago record cris’S, bdt groat tions have been raised up to quell.

Pastor Mace said what Is needed to-day is not wealth, nor title, nor fame, but

of intelligence, men well Informed, men strong of body, of will, and strong iu the principles of righteousness. The preacher quoted an incident of Georgo Washington, who said: “I prizo, as I ought, tho good opinion of fellow citizens, yet If I know uijself 1 would not 6eek popularity at (ho expense of social duty or moral virtue.”

“Brethren soldlors,” said the preacher “many a woary march hus been yours und your comrades in arms. Valiantly you fought and many laid down their lives for their country, but your buttles all fought. Greater foes are marching against the nation to day than ever before. Bribery, political corruption, tho liquor traffic, u continental Sabbath, a fulso stan­dard of success, and life, selfishness, prido and passion. Thoso are the foes you have to fight to-day.” Pastor Mace said tho United States is fighting to-day as noble a battle a* had ever been fought, u baitlo for humanity. Hu spoke of “patriotism and fraternity,” tbo motto of tho Union Veteran Legion, and closed by speaking of their moral character aud life.

Rev. T, A. McCurdy, at Central Presby­terian Church lust evening preached his second sermon on “Presbyterianism and the Republic ”

Rev. F. P. Mlhm and the Rov. F. G. Morrill preached at Delaware Avenue Baptist Church yesterduv.

Infant baptism was hold at tho First Presbyterian Church yesterday morning.

Rev* Henry Baker, D. D., of Gruco M. E. Church, preached ou ‘'Gladstone’’ lust evening. Tho subjeot of the sermon was announced on last Sunday, at which time tho great English statesman was still liv­ing. The fact that he died during thn week added a new intorost to the of Dr. Baker last evening.

Rov. John Braum of Camdon, N. J., preached at the North Baptist Church yesterday.

Rov. W. Frederick Lewis, of Rodney S reot Prosbytorian Church, preached “Impressions of Gladstone” yesterday morning. Tho sermon was interesting,Mr. Lewis having had rare opportunity to study the character of tho great statesman and having also frequently seen him when at tho height of his power.

Rev. Robert Watt, the pro.-ldlng oldor of tlio Wilmington district! preached at St. Paul’s M. E. Church lust oveniug largo eongrogatiou.

Bishop Coleman yesterday morningchurch at Ellis Grove. In

Madrid, May 23.—It is reported that Senor Leon y Castillo, who came here yesterday to confer with Premier Ba- gasta, will return to his post at Paris. Senor Castillo. It is understood, will, on’ reaching Paris, continue his negotia­tions with Senor Betances, the Cuban representative, for the submission of the Insurgents.

Senor Capdepon, minister of the in­terior, has denied In the course of an Interview that the change In the con­stitution of the ministry would Involve any alteration In the foreign policy of Spain, all the new ministers being In favor of prosecuting the war with the utmost energy to the end.

“Spain/’ said Senor Capdepon, "went perilously near sacrificing her honor in the interest of peace, only making a stand when further concessions would have involved her disgrace and efface- ment

out of older, The the fillers of th*sent some

riving at a rate of 200 a day. Colonel Cook, the commandant, on Saturday lined up the recruits at the posts and asked for volunteers to go to the Philip­pines. Nine hundred responded almost Instantly, but only C00 are wanted.

de- u 6JIG-

Sampon and Schley Almost Have Cervera

at. Their Mercy. „

met by tbtthat tho

muricmauy a disorder which, If of tho time as guest* of th»one

hundred nod ullfilled with debris, crush-

to death.(#)To Sail Fc Gibraltar, May 23.—An unconfirmed

rumor Is In circulation here that the Spanish squadron at Cadiz is about to sail for Cuban waters. A Spanish bat­tery of artillery arrived yesterday af­ternoon at San Roque, seven miles northwest of Gibraltar, and has been placed in position.

Cub WatiHistory has been a

and groat plaint for thoentirely


could scarcely attend cares. The pain in my back continual and often kept up after I had gouo to bed. When I nroso lu the morn­ing I felt iPills came to my notice through reading tho homo papers and thinking they uight give mo rellof I wont to Dauronh's drug store and got a box. I was not dlsup-

Eolutcd in thorosultsfor they took right old aud soon brought mo out all right.

My husband also used them for a back­ache and was beneflttod. I havo heard a number of my friends speak very highly of Doan’s Kidney Pills and I am willing to endorse such a valuablo preparation at ull times.”

Doan’s Kidney Pills for sale by all deal- ors. Price 50 cents pur box. Mulled receipt of price by Foster-Milburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Bole agents for the U. S. Remember the Quinn Doan’s aud take irj other.

the visitor'sItalian fam- bouuti-

hadthought of. Citie* much

grander than Wilining- visited, and lire apartments

inspected, but none to ere more dear tkuu old


and sore. Doan's Kidney! OUR VOLUNTEERS IN CUBA.

DelawareOur Ships Will Move Cau*It Will Be Decisive.tiously to Insure a Victory. Spanish Boast-

The storm was less severe in-Craw- lost. Near

They Belong to tho Regiment of Cu­bans Organized in Florida.

Wilmington. Theyford county, but one life w

Fort Smith Mrs. Nesbitt died from fright while the gale w The home of W. S. Kimbrough, near Springdale, w broughother farmhouses near Springdale, and six to eight per­sons were more ■Jured. Some damage was also done at Lowell, Rogers and Si loam Springs.

a nation. This she will never from Delaware,and although 3 many wanted lo know where the little *3

s located, every son oxpressed by jj his conduct that little Delaware has In Its populauu a body of ineu who have few If ' any equals. Col. Norton says hospitality was everywhere. Particularly was it evi­dent at Buffalo Here the Exempt Com- j puny had tho Delawareans iu charge. A tripboats aud fciveue stuck

cabinet the old.

illusions.that weakness and poverty

opposed to strength and wealth, but Spain is in the position of a duelist bound to defend his honor against the gross insults of a more powerful an­tagonist, who, although he is vinced that the result is almost certain death, yet feels the force of the prin­ciple of noblesse oblige.

“Spain prefers a possible defeat to a certain disgrace. Ministers know that the moral sympathies of the powers are with Spain, and that, while hesitating to undertake the responsibility for ac­tion which might lead to a greater war, they may eventually intervene from motives of self interest and public pol­icy on behalf of Spain."

Captain Deschamps, of the Spanjsh auxiliary cruiser Montserrat, which rived unexpectedly at Corunna Friday evening from Cienfuegos. having caped the American blockading ships, reached Madrid yesterday afternoon. In spite of the existing state of Siege, immense crowds awaited his coming In the approaches to the railway station. The station, the palace and other prominent places were cordoned by the police.

The populace welcomed Captain Deschamps with the wildest enthusi-

, and the police surrounding the carriage in which he rode w able to restrain the surging crowd from unharnessing the horses. Captain Deschamps brought dispatches from General Blanco for Senor Sagasta.

An official dispatch from Captain General Blanco warships shelled the forts guarding the water approach to Nuevitas, province of Puerto Principe, on Thursday night last.

Chicago, May 23.—A special to The Record from Macon says: “Unless some accident has befallen the United States transport Florida, there United States volunteer troops Island of Cuba,

do, and In this resolve the thoroughly determined

The new cabinet entertains It Is

at Its fiercest.V isii'it

ing at Manila. Declare That a Span- ish Fleet Is En Route to An=

blown down, and Kim- instantly killed. Several

blown down


they will be there ithin a few hours. From accurate In-

less seriously in- the lako iu the department's fire- demonstration of thoir effeo

tho feature. "The boys were , the place” said Col. Norton “and

had a hard time getting them from there. A visit to the Falls und tho Cana* dlan shore was another feature.

At Munch Chunk the Marlon, Vigilantthe • &

formation obtained here It stated

benihilate Dewey’s Fleet. fact that the first expedi­tion toward Cuban soil has started, and the outlook Is for a successful trip.

“Wednesday, May 18, the United , States transport Florida left Port Tampa with several hundred volun­teer troops belonged to the regiment of Cuban volunteers organized in the lower tremity of Florida some weeks ago. It was thought best to send these they speak Spanish and are well qualnted with the topography of the country which it is proposed to Invade. It cannot be learned what United States officers accompanied the regiment of volunteers. If this expedition Is

other troops will be rushed into ^possible.”

Tried to Murder Lancaster, Pa., May 23.—Three col­



created great excitement in the borough of Columbia at an early hour yesterday morning by tempted murder, which resulted In the wounding of a police officer who had eome to the rescue of the Intended vic­tim. The man who did the shooting was William Swan and his companions

William Jackson and Jack Dal- whom Dalton wanted

Isaac Shields, a store- hile the one who received

OfficerHugh McCall. Some time ago Shields had caused the arrest and imprison­ment of Dalton for an attempted sault, and the latter swore vengeance. Dalton and his pals called at Shields’ residence to settle the grudge, and the shooting followed. The men tured.

and Montgomery Companies Delawareans to Mount Summit anAP through a coal mine, which trip was de­lightful. They then wished the Wilmlug- | Ionian's good luck and the trip homeward 1

board. The passengers


Correspondenoe of the Republican.

New Castle. May 23rd.i firemen and Smyth'

Post Baud met the Delaware boys andin to tho Second s root engine

whero an elaborate supper Col. Peter B. Ayars, and M welcomed tho men h

A cuiumittee of FTho fishing season is praclicully at

end. Some of the huvo beeu very ssful. Not only did they succeed lu pay­

ing off thoir debts but they have a good roundlos of lifo during tho next nluo


oortod tb« bourse served.MoLNortou told of the hospitality they had en­joyed whllo away.

ton. The to shoot ' keeper,Swan’s murderous bullet

waswould Indicate the near approach of the two fleets. In the absence of exact Information as to the location of the lleets, this serenity in naval circles was a fair indication that the official advlc did not give promise of an Important engagement. It Is evidently the view of the war board that if it can be brought of the whole pose to allow to go off on a lluke, cipitous move, in deference to the pur­pose of pressure for result, but to move firmly, yet cautiously, and insure a victory when there is a fight.

Army headquarters’ee>: days, as the moving of large

bodies of men gives scant time for Sun­day rest. An extended dispatch received from San Francisco giving the final details of the embarkation of troops for the Philippines tomorrow. It stated that the City of Peking, the Sydney and the Australia will sail with 125 officers and 2.400 men, under Briga­dier General Thomas Anderson. Al­though General Anderson takes charge of this command, It is understood that General Otis, who is in San Francisco, will accompany the expedition. Besides the troops, the Peking will carry sup­plies and ammunition for the navy.

ayor aud Col.pui by to pay for tho uecessur*

oaths.tho men who attended to

thing nt a time—fishing. Tho paid considerable attention whiskey have neither money counts. On tho contrary they deeper and deeper iu debt.

On Saturday a number of men became dissatisfied with the agent of the Fisher

’s Protective Asmelation. Thoy claim­ed that John A. Walls was not doing tho square thing. Thoy felt that itio accounts wero being dootorod. Tho Auditing Com- mitleo of the Association wont books yesterday and found that the ru-

unfounded. Tho cithat during the past week

the cards hud

f Key West, May 23.—Tho tranquility

undisturbed s from any quarter.

tho street

tt tropical Sunday wby definite few naval uniforr

who driukiug

• clear no- Bleeped

the islandf ree of Charge to Sufferers.

Cut this out and take it to your druggist' | and get a sample bottle free of Dr. King's- | New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs :■& and Colds. They do not ask you lo btl*y '1§ before trying. This will show you ta» :'M great merits of this truly wonderful rom«»- 1 dy, and show you what can bo acuomp- $ pllshod by tho regular size bottle. This is r.c experiment, and would bo disastrous to the proprietors, did they not know It • would invariably cure. Many of tho best jj physicians are now using it in their prac- -ft lice with groat results and are relying oa g It in most severe cases. It is guaranteed. '% Trial bottles free at N. B. Dauforth’s IDrug .Store. Regular size LO cents and ’


the only signs of the proximity of this Tho Charleston Off* For Manila.languid town to the theater of There

San Francisco, May 23.—The Charles- her way to Manila. The

big cruiser passed through the Golden Gate at 8:20 yesterday morning, after having been anchored In the stream all night. Every steam vessel in the harbor blew au revoir to Captain Glass and the

gagement, , will be decisive

\ and there Is h a

ton is wellonlybarber and they baste to get away to join their fellows

action which ^11l matter of days, perhaps hours.

two ships in the ■ coaling with all cap-pur-

omentous resultIn vinced Is pre- Senntor Mason’s Appeal to Thieves.

Washington, May 23.—Saturday night the residence of Senator William Ma-

only' Speculation is still concentrated lliO•arcelyof the forts In the

harbor saluted the vessel, but the de­monstration made by the 6,00(1 soldiers gathered at the Presidio was tremen­dous. They lined the beach for a mile, and cheer up the men who

r. Nthe whereabouts of Admiral Cervera’s squadron, the general opinion favoring some point In the southern coast. As both sides of the island trolled by United States warships, the naval authorities will not admit the possibility of Cervera’s escape without the most desperate conflict in the his­tory of naval warfare.

Reports from Admiral Sampson’s pquadron say that all is quiet off tho northern coast of Cuba. Nothing fr< Commodore Schley Is expected before tomorrow. A four American warships, while bom­barding Santiago de Cuba, had been driven off by the Spanish fleet, but the etory Is generally discredited. Where It came from is a mystery.

Senor Ernesto Castro, a well known lawyer and member of the political revolutionary Junta of Cardenas, ar­rived here yesterday on the United States gunboat Annapolis. During the recent bombardment at Cardenas Senor Castro was in the bay In a small boat, trying to reach the American vessels and get transportation to the United

Important mission. He to the shore,

• and heard of the results

, of Illinois, 1432 Chapin street, this city, was entered by burglars and jew­elry to the value of nearly $4,000 was stolen. Last evening Senator Mason issued to the burglars a characteristic

follows: “To the gentlemen

so for dla-mot s w satisfaction w tho prleo of tho shad beou nearly the s:

This caused tho

busyoach day.

to kick. Somo of tho fishermen wish to withdraw from tho Association at present and all hills will

bo paid so that oach mau will pay his Kharo ot tho expenses Incurred.

The understanding at present is that thoro will bo n now agent for tho associa­tion hero next year. Tho

pa-cheer rang out from

to follow the some American appeal,who robbed my house last night: I will pay in cash more than any for the watch and pin you took, and give you my word of honor that you shall not be prosecuted for the taking of them. The pin has a portrait of my little son, who died years ago, and It

also the watch, a present communicate with

secralod tho the evening ho preached at St. Philip’ chureh, Laurel.

r:Charleston to the Dewey’s triumph. Never has a vessel leaving this harbor received such a send off as was glv ton.

of Admiral

Daily Republican,Monday, May 23.

elsoboll has been placed In the M.

P. church at Seaford. The boll weighs 750 pounds. £

Rov. F. B. Short yesterday raised $700 in his church for tho payment of tho debt in­

pews nnd interest, needed until J

Athe Charles-

who iswanted at the head of affairs is a practical bookkeeper who can keep the books iu Buck a manner that any of the men can understand tho accounts. Tho present system of paying au ugeut commission will bo abandoned.

When bhad sell at $45 or at $5 per hun­dred, tho commission man nt this end of the lino gets tom the man who sells tholhh charges 10 per cent. So that tho price is lost nearly ull to the poor fisherman between c slons and charges. With shttd coming iu by tho thousand dally, the commission

makes just as much as three of the fishermen. Tho idea for tho seusou of 1899 is to engago a practical bookkeeper at $109 por month.

Tho Salvation Army caruo hero yester­day and hold a sorvlco at tho corner of Fourth and Delaware streets. Later in the duy thoy visited tho juil aud held uuothor service.

Presiding Eider Robert Watt preached of his ublo sormons in Nazareth M. E.

Church yesterday morning.No tidings havo been hoard of Charles

Aikens who disappeared from the seboou Eden on Friday last.

dogs were killed by an oloctrlo last night at Fifth aud Deluwa

MLsRoso M. Garvin and Miss Phoebe Carruthors, of Philadelphia havo been tho guests of Now Castle friends. Yesterday aftornoon In company with Mrs. Collins and Miss Cecelia V, Collins thoy visited Camp Montchanln.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sudeli, Georgo Ronnie and Ferris Jamison, spent yester­day in Philadelphia. Thoy wero among tho thousands of bicyclists who rode out to Wisuhickon. On Saturday night thoy stopped on Fail mount nveuuo aud while

sitting inside somo ouo walked upon tho porch and j: ole his bicycle lamp.

More schooners passed up tho river for j

moral rush in trado circles,iditneo on tho lit tie

Walls who is affected

SPAIN MUST WEAKEN.Con not Expect Aid Fr London, May 23.—The Madrid corre­

spondent of The Times commenting the situation in Cuba says: “Whether any large number of insurgents will ever fight for the Americans Is con­sidered extremely doubtful, but despite Spain’s hopes It Is equally doubtful whether General Maximo Gomez and the other influential insurgent leaders will boldly declare against American annexation. All that certainty Is that the cabinet at Wash­ington has not found and cannot count upon the efficient assistance from the Insurgents which it evidently expected when it rushed into ing an army of occupation ready.”

Insurgents. Jhcurred by moneyPastor Short concluded not to wait until next Sunday. Ofthe amount raised $40 J was iu cash. Lectures by tho pastor uotted $400. Tho result was gratifying to overy member of the church.

Presiding Elder Watt proachod in St. Paul’s M. E. Church last night on “Chris­tian Hope.” The attendance was large and the sermon Interesting.

Rov. Sam Jones talked in the Grand Opera yesterday aftornoon for the benefit of Klugswood Church. Ho asked the large audience for a $200 collection and $150 received. Chief Juslioo Lore, Rev. Ezra Tinkor and Presiding Elder Watt occu­pied seats on tho platform. Mr. Jones'

bjcct was “Philosophy of Prayer" and among othor things said:

There was a difference botween praying n prayer and simply saying it. Somo peo­ple, ho said, wonder why thoir prayers not ausworod, when if they stopped to think they would know. People who pro* tend to be Christians and are opposed to tho rum traffic, cannot hope to havo their prayers answered, when they go out and vote tho Republican Thedo not take care of tho poor, those who do little mean tricks or gossip about their neighbors.

Tho speaker coudomncd tho playing of progressive euchre, and said whou ho got down to pray he would just as loavo have a billy goat ulougsido of him as a woman who plays progressive euchre. Tbo saloon, he said, has ten times the voting power tho Church has, and the time 13 past whon tho Church has any power. No preacher who votes tho Republic Democratic ticket has power with God. Such a preacher is played out.

Ho condemned solemn sermons, aud said there luivo boon enough pi

dozen towns of this *ry necessary, but pooplo

should live and act thoir prayers.In leferrlng to tho war with Spain ho

said Spain deserved to bo whipped, and would be whipped. Tho thing for this country, for if tho Uuitcd States had not gone to war with Spain the pooplo of this country, because of tho con­ditions existing, they would havo gone to whipping each othor.

Tho 1, but

fflr awas, asreached here thatFrance Will Soon Demand That Sagasta’a

Government Shall Sue For Peace.

to . Youby mailabsolutelycute.”

in permy promise not to prose-

, and you can rely CouponAgainst that c forLondon, May 23.—The Madrid corre­

spondent of the Daily Telegraph says: “One point of Interest In the reconstruc­tion of the cabinet lies in the obstinate refusal of Senor Castillo, the Spanish ambassador to France, to accept the foreign secretaryship. Every consider­ation wambassador persisted In his refusal and promised in a personal interview to prove to Senor Sagasta that It would be a grave mistake for him to leave Paris.

Four Minors Crushed to Death.•Allentown, Pa., May 23.—Four men

were crushed to death Saturday by a cavein at Hartacll & Swartz’s hema-

mines, near Mayersville. The : Jacob Reinhard, aged 40,

having a wife and two children; Oscar Reinhard, his brother, aged 34, wife and three children; Morris Dry, single, aged 21; Frank Eidell, single, aged 30. The latter lived at Allentown and the others at Fredricksville. The

Uncle Sam’s Navy Art Portfolio .

Nos, J to 4-


Declare That a Spanish Fleet Is En Route to Manila to Drive Out

Dewey’s Ships.

titebe said withdead

brought to bear In vain. Tho

Bring Coupon to- gotlior with 10 cents in sil­ver for each Portfolio to Khpu HI.1CAN Oilloo. Or­ders by mall must be compunlcd by a 2o. stump to pay post a go.

London, May 23.—A dispatch to The Daily Mail from Hong Kong says: “Spaniards in Hong Kong and at Man­ila openly boast that a fleet of ships is on the way out to the Philip­pines, and the bishops have issued pas­torals to the effect that “Spain and God are preparing to cut out these social excrescences from America.” The pastorals urge the people to give

quarter, and they ascribe Admiral Dewey’s humanity in refusing to bom­bard Manila as due to fear. At the same time money is being spent in bribing the inferior leaders among the Insurgents.

“There is some anxiety hero because of the non-arrival of American troops, and the American consulate is crowded with volunteers. United States Consul Wildman Is on duty night and day. An American miner from Manila, Docur by name, has arrived here. For several years he managed a coal mine Cebu, and the Spanish authorities, fear­ing he would supply the American fleet, expelled him. He reports that food is

•e at Cebu. Flour is very high and potatoes cannot be bought.

“The Spaniards are themselv rectly responsible for the revolt of the Cebuans, as the latter gave them help during the recent

3 in return promised regular pay, and that thoir families in their ab-

without hav-Btatesliras compelled to ret •rliere he f ©f the bombardment.

Senor Castro says an American shell exploded at the very entrance to the Spanish casino, shattering the building and setting it on Are. The casino, which had been used as a military headq ters and infantry barracks, and which was the largest structure i utterly destroyed. Other buildings Wrecked. Some of the shots went so far as the Triente sugar plantation, two miles from shore.

The Spanish loss of life. Senor Cas- 'tro believes to have been very heavy.

sported. After the bom­bardment ceased the military com­mander pressed all able bodied Into the work of carrying sand to build Hew batteries, and the next day 1,200 men were brought from Matanzas and Elavana to continue the work.

Senor Castro, after passing four days on the Piedras Key, signaled the Uni­ted States gunboat Wilmington and jsras taken off. He says famine pre­vails everywhere in Cuba. In Cardenas rice is 25 cents a pound, condensed milk •ells at $1.50 per brings 75 cents a pound. There is no beef or bread.

The insurgents Formerly provisions were from the cities, but that relief is impossible, since the cities themselv ftra starving. The insurgents are try­ing to subsist on peppery wood and palm buds. Senor Castro tasted moat yesterday for the first time in five •reeks.

1 Gustavo Arnnguren, a brother of tho late Cuban Insurgent general, Nestor 'Aranguren, has received letters fr Havana via Vera Cruz, dated May 7, Stating that General Blanco’s orders Impressing all Cubans Into the Spanish ftfiriy has had the effect of driving many into the insurgents' ranks.

The destitution in Havana is fright­ful, and is increasing. The grocers, all of whom are Spaniards, refuse ab­solutely to sell food to the Cubans, as If determined to starve them. The Cubans say the Spaniards hate them fnore than they do the Americans. The Spaniards realize that Cuba is lost, but before yielding the island they will tndeavor to exterminate the Cubans.

were working in a slope 72 feet below face, replacing the temporary dth permanent supports,

enabled to state that the bassador’s motive for refusal

Sagasta’s cabinet is formal declaration deter-

the war with all pos- Senor Castillo Is

•are that Spain’s friends among the powers, France in particular, rire re­solved to Insist upon her suing for peace at the first favorable moment. France possesses a twofold interest in having peace political. The former verely damaged if Spain were utterly ruined, and the latter would suffer if the United States retained permanent possession of the Philippines.

“The leading Idea which actuates tho statesmen responsible for the political scheme favored by Senor Leon y Cas­tillo is that as Spain must he worsted in the long run, it is advisable to save as much as possible fr and that the the more tolerable acquiesced in by the United States.”

“ISpanish Colliers St. Pi i

Martinique., Martinique, May 23.—Ad­

miral Cervera’s squadron, it is reported good authority, will return to these

waters to coijl. It is know number of Spanish colliers, way to Fort de France, steamer Twickenham having been fused the privilege of coaling the Span­ish torpedo boat destroyer Terror and the hospital ship Alicante in the Fort de France harbor, it is thought these vessels will coal from her at that she vera's squad


tho slide occurred.following: by its mined to carry Bible vigor, whei

that a their

H’he British

Tho British-Vonozuola Dispute.Washington, May 23.—The tribunal

which is to adjust the dispute between Venezuela and Great Britain as to the boundary between the former country and firitish Guiana will assemble in Paris next February. The claims of both countries are Thethe members of the tribunal on March 16 last, and the counter claims of Great Britain will be presented on July 16. Chief Justice Fuller and Assistant Jus­tice Brewer, of the United States su­preme court, will represent Venezuela.

’!Do m

:o applies, ho said, to persons whoatic ticket.

town, w

■luded—financial and ’ould be se-

being made up. ■ of Venezuela was laid before, and

ill then go to Admiral Cer- for the same purpose.It

“McKinley’s Pc •emnkers,”Reading, Pa., May 23.—On rush tele­

grams from Washington the Carpenter Steel150 13 inch projectiles destined for

fleet. Those

’orka late Saturday night sent )torclay than has been k Thoro is

Dr. Blaok is in daughter of Thomi with diphtheria.

George NVilhelmo, of Germantown, tho guest of Now Castle relatives yester­day.

A goodly nutnbor of New Castlo people to Camp Tt

Gold Gets Cheaper In L<London, May 23.—The great influx of

gold has brought down the discount. Over X. 6,250,000 has been received at the Bank of England since the middle of April. Owing to the fall in the value of money at New York, there is

prospect of the American gold de­mand reviving, although it is felt the war may yet produce surprises for the


icrs inSa •cirh 1,20bill go through any-

800 pro-

Wilmington to savdestruction, ■luded

ill be the terms

pounds each and thing Spanish afloat, jecliles of somewhat smaller size w Bent today to San F at M

size. Prayer ipeace is( IV

di­cisco for Dewey

ilu. The 13 inch projectiles are "McKinley’s

goodSoldier Killed In Railroad Accident.popularly k here, and horse flesh insurrection and •11 ;,ay.Washingt , May 23—The

•eived apeacemeakers." y Tin re is rouble at th

ip’oyeosrick yard bn-brief tclo-of w yesterday

from General Brooke confirming ■port of the accident at Chieka-

train carrying Missouri

twee thee u thoir oThe Growing Vol

Washington, May 23.—Mustering Into the United States service of volunteers

practically sus- .'sumed to­

day. Reports received by Adjutant General Corbin indicate that thus far

mustered.General Corbin is of the opinion that the quota called for ^ ing the present week.

gra CBMiss Carrie Messenger of Wilmington,dire distress, uggled

•e should be cared for. They were tribute. Af-

the rus tho g ,1 oi N Cubtlo lrionds yes-

Absolutely the Bestalso to be exempted fr EnglSan Francisco, May 23.—The subur-

gauge train

Jumped Overboard. The ;Co:ning Womimauga tovolunteers. He states that one was killed and four injured, and that the remains of the sent to his friends in Missouri. He also

jrday.tbs’ absence, during

pay, theyter nderstood that N

honored during tho vvook by appointment.

It i Castle will bo a Presidental

aster In tho army is a good place. Colonel E T. Cooper pays little attention

to Boggs. Yo-terday ho attended tho ser­vice of tho Salvation Army iu tho jail. Tho colonel will probably tonco to-day.

in tbo state c Who goes to tho club while her husband toads tho baby, fashioned w’oinnn who looks uftor her

down In111 bo troubled with loss

sh, faint- •ondorful

Is Electric Blt«Thousands of sufferer.! from La

ud call

PHwhich they received turned home to find their families starving and to be called upon for trib­ute. They have risen against Spain.”

ban the Ala- s derailed yesterday

the trestle which runs out to the end of the pier. The locomotive

rer and the first

pended yesterday, but was ell tho good old-

I meda branch after

killed have beenPihome, will both at times get

health. Theyof appetite, headaches,•Jcoplo&i ing or dizzy spoils. Tho remody for those women ters.Back and Weak Kidneys rise up It blessed. It is tho modioluo for w Fonmlo complaints and Nerv

gays the Injured men for at the hospital.

re being red106,000 volunteers have boh1. -stthrowi the track. The fireman

or seriously In­hurt.

TO ATTACK OUR PORTS. Ill be filled dur- eivo hi ■ta1 fikilled, the engiMIclinolIDwyer’s Body Relntorred.

Sydney, N. S. W., May 23.-The tennary of the Irish rebellion of 1793

celebrated here yesterday. The remains of Michael Dwyer, who died In 1825, and the remains of his wife taken up and reburied in St. Mark’s cathedral. The funeral, which miles long, was witnessed by thousands. The foundation stone of the monument was also laid.

Jured and other trainman w Baltimore, Mil.Death Pri Lockjaw.V A British Captain Believes That Is the In­tention of the Spanish Cadiz


St. John’s, N. F., Mav 23.—Captain Strong, of the British brigantine En­ergy, which arrived here yesterday with a cargo of salt from Cadiz, reports that when he left Cadiz a fortnight ago the greatest activity prevailed in the naval arsenal there. Two Hamburg- Amerlcan liners, Columbia and Nor- mannla, purchased to be used as auxil­iary cruisers and saw named tho Rapldo and Patria, armored, and the warships refitting In the harbor were loading stores and ammunition.

Captain Strong is convinced that at the time he was nt Cadiz the Spanish government fully intended to send tills fleet to attack American coast cities the North Atlantic, preferably Boston. He 6ays the Spanish populace was.bit­terly Inflamed against English and Americans, and that his venturo ashore.

Destroyer Columbia Proceeds to Son.New York, Mav 23. — The United

States commerce destroy which has been at ville, coaling tour of duty with the North Atlantic patrol, weighed anchor and proceeded to sea last night.

LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Mrs. Mnfctlo DoGr;No. 1014 Kirkwood street, died day fron troubles.

, 23 years of ago, oftroublesof all kinds a:o soon relieved by the use of Electric Bitters. Delicate w< keep this remedy system. Only 5Jo. por bottle. F N. 13. Dunforih.

v atColumbia, •hor at Tompklns-

d provisioning, after a

Cattlo Reoolpts In Philadelphia nnd tlio Latest Quotations.

Philadelphia, May 23.—The receipts of cattle in this city last week were us fol­lows: Beeves, 3,113; sheep, 7,755; hogs, 5,724. Receipts for the previous

leckj r prod-iced by internal bad be

but 23 years of ugo aud tho mol hor of three small children.

should hand to build up tho

sale byl Bd DeGri illSho

unloading a car ofJust arrived ul

l very choice scou potatoes, grown especial­ly for seed in the best potato section of tho country Western Now York. Thoy can be dopoudud upt

d consist of partly New Q Michigan, Early Harvest, Early Market Thoroughbred, Carmen, Great Divide and

ly othor kinds. Order oarly is limited

Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve.Tho Host Salvo in the world fot Cuts,

Bruises. 8'orrfs, Ulcers, r*alt ltboum, Fever os. Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,

Corns, ami all Skin Eruptions, and posi­tively cure* Piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect s or money refunded. Price 25 box. For sale by N. B. Danforth.

DLER PARK UOTUL,, 3.117; sheep, 7,547; hogs,

4,475.Beef cattlo

Interested In Bricks.

!Deer Park, Md. Most Delightful Su nnier

Resort of the Alic^heto purity and quality

Early,quiet and prices w

unchanged; 300 head were exported to Glasgow per steamer Roumanian. Quo­tations:

Serious Rioting: In India.Calcutta, May 23.—About 3,000 people

took part in a riot, which lasted two hours, at Bhowanipoor, 99 miles west of Dinagepoor, Saturday. Many of the rioters wfinally dispersed by the police. Several attempts to renew the disturbances were also suppressed by the authorities.

A delegation of Philadelphians, who aro interested iu selling vitrified brick, rived in this city last night and registered nt tho Clayton Houso. They will moot tho city officials this morning anil present their propositions to thorn, would not talk about Iho affair, saylnga story might spoil their pi

Those in tho unity in Rnborb Gri<

atisfuctha, 6{f5‘6c.; good, 4-)i@4%c.; dium, 4LYLi4%c.; common, 4Vi@4%c.

active. We quote: Extra,

Eta por

iSwept by mountain brcezo3, 2,8'10 feet

above son level, and removed from all noyaucos. Absolutely freo from malaria,

and mo qultoi On Main Lino of Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, llotol and Cottages. Every modern convenience. Electric Lights, Elevator, Turkish Baths, two largo Swimming Pools, Golf Links, Tonuis Courts. Bowling Alleys, Magnifl*

Drives, Complete Livery Sorvlco. Annapolis Naval Academy Band. De* lightful cottages (furnished If desired) ready for occupancy June 1st. llotol op from June 25th to September 20th. For rates and .information address I). C. Jones, Manager, 13. &0. Building, Balti­more, Md , until Juno 10th. After that time, D»er Park, Garret County, Md

being rapidly supplyd cannot bo replaced. Prlo*

to advance.

Sheep4%@4%e.; good, 3%$j'4c.; medium, 3!4(a3'/2c.; common, 3^c.; lambs, 4Mj5ftc.; spring lambs, $3Q5.

Hogs w

Tho injured, and they weroSimms' Uuequalod Cough Sj

coughs, colds., aud Is without;

Cough Syrup, 25 cents.

p for onsles,

equal the children's Depot ODO King

. Del., wholesale by gular druggis.s.

hay f. v ill h.-vuiy low and•hooping cough,TO MAKE HASTE SLOWLY City Counoil- nnd H. Saeger, V. Ellis,

M. J. Tracy, W. H. Adams, L J. Barrett. Goorge Stewart. T. E. Curvln, Rob Slosa and John D. Pirn. They will visit tho manufacturing establishments this morn lug.

active nnd all sold. We quote: Host western, CV4c.; other grades,

state hogs J. Jerome Smith,r-et, Wilming,Our Fleets Will Move With Caution In Order to Insure Victory When

the Fight Comes.

•• Washington, May 23.—The rumors of a great naval battle by the navy department early yester­day In the following official bulletin: "‘No truth In the published statement concerning an engagement off St. Hicolas Mole, Hayti, In which 12 Span­ish ships were sunk.”

This was posted not only for general Information, but also to quiet the alarm •mong relatives and friends of those •n board the American ships. As a jrule the department adopts tho cautious phraseology of stating that Information has been received, but to make assurance doubly sure In this Case the department declared there was *‘no truth in the reports.” This Indi­cates that the official information is such as to warrant the statement that the American and Spanish squadrons Jiave not met., The bureau of navigation, navy de­partment, where official dispatches received, was open throughout the day, but the officials tine work, and there was •f- that activity which would attend the receipt of Important Information, nor of that keen expectancy which

W* SCc.; rived.;re unchanged at 2^rQ2y4c.

fairly active active

Winner of the Frc •h Derby. Paris. May 23.—The Prix du Jockey

club (French derby) of $27,540, for 3- year-olds, 1% miles, was Cardo-Fc

Jobbers rctuil byFi Fourll) and Shipley Sts, Wilmington, Del.inTeodlThin

Veal calve To Cure a Cold In One DayQuinliio Tablet!.

All Dru_gi-:ts refund the immoy If It fall* to euro.

4K@0lfcc.Milch cows sold well at $255?40. Dressed beeves

muc. .

yesterday, first, Dux second and

Take Laxat.i Bruo In good demand atdisposed of Cupabat third.dared not

WIFE’S AWFUL rmFor Ladies Only.Sales by the Sheriff.Sheriff Flinn at tho Court Houso Sntur

sold two proportion One Orange street

A Monitor of tho Civil War.Philadelphia, May 23.—The old single

turret monitor Jason, which has been undergoing repairs and refitting at the League Island navy yard, left for New York yesterday In tow of the tug Pioneer. The Jason’ of former New York Naval Reserves from Rochester and Brooklyn, but now regularly enlisted in the navy, and is commanded by Lieutenant Flckbohm. The Jason Is fully provisioned and car-

full supply of solid shot and

castor IA B| s Compound I yroyal Pill*. Tho ladles remody. By all druggists, $1 a box by mail. Depot bud King street.

day afterof Mnhlon K. Foster, berweon Front nnd Second streets, was purchased by L. C. Chandler for $1,825. The other belonged to William C. Horn- bold and was purchased by \V. S. Prjok- elt for $50.

No Here Dread of the Dental Chair. 1Teeth ox!

pain by

Baptist Young Peonies Union of America, Buffalo. N. Y.,

July 14*17, 1898.Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.

For Infants and Children. ranted and filled absolutely with, jur Into scientific method applied . Nu sleep producing agents

competing with cheap s, but with

charged110 ouly Dental Parlors ( uve the patented applt*

ot, fill auil apply •owns, uudeteof*1 warranted tor particle of pais.

The Kind You Have Always Bought Amusements. wis made up Ksf.ilI)

Bears the Biguature of

alMy wife was In tho most horrible oonditlon of any human being, from Eczema. 8I10 could neither Bit down •o intense. I tried all tho doctors that I could reach, but Bhe got bo that I firmly bcllevo she would have died within twelve hours if I had not bocn advised of CuTicuitA Remedies and got them. My wifo iccnt to sleep in two hours after the first application, although sho had not slept for seven days, and with two boxes of Ccticuiu. (ointment) and one cake of Cdticuba Soap she was absolutely cured, and Is well and hearty to-day.

SriEnr Cess Tiiatmbxt rot Toirmrrxn. T)i

For this occasion tickets will bo sold At low rate of ouo faro for tho round trip, fro hi points on tho Baltimore nnd Ohio Rail­road. Tickets will bo good going July 12th to 15th Inclusive, and good to roturn until July ID:h with privllegeof extension until Sep tom bor 1st Inclusive, if ticket is deposit­ed witli joiut agent at Buffalo on July 17th, 18th or 19th and payment of feo of fifty (50) cents. Tho Royal Blue Trains between Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York aro the finest nnd fastest in the world. Call on nearest agent Baltlmoro and Ohio liailrond for routes nnd detailed information.


WEDNESDAY,MAY 25th,First presentation iu this city of Hoyt

pany of

At the Liberty House.

Tho Silsby onglno of the Liberty Fire Company arrived homo Klmitwo tosts ( thingplatform springs nnd a coat of nickel (diluted thu repairs. Tho Llborly has tho handsomest furnituro wagon iu the city. Tho engine house has boon glvon a coat of pniut by a member of tho F pany.

Winningofficial lio down, her torture was cuts toogold

Saturday from . N. Y. The 6tcnmcr was glvon

on Saturday night and cvcry- was satisfao ory. Now wheels,

able- fithu leastn y<

The Fish Market.rlesshrapnel for her two old style smooth bore guns, besides ammunition for small arms. The three remaining itors, Manhattan, Mahopac and Canon- icus,addition to other vessels.

r Full Set of Teeth, $5.00.Powell has Street market a flno lot of shad nnd her­ring. whlto porch, crocus, trout, flounders, codfish, bl neck fish and other varieties of tho finny tribe.

his stalls iu the Third & McKee's Cnay. Gold crowns :d fillings and all

dene painlessly and by spo* your teeth extracted

in the evenlnf ell you exactly who!

by a free examination. A wrlUtsn guarantee for ten years with all work.

We guarantee a (ItHOYT’St other denta1rapidly being fitted out, in Report of tho doings of a gentleman

from Now Jersoy duringHoso Com- d go 1

Wonewjoeth.J. H. Porter & Sons, wholosalo nnd ro* tail milk dealers. S. E. Cor Seventh und Madison streotg. Roth Phonos 841. A DAY AND A NIGHT

IN NEW YORK.Mas »’s Warning to Cubnnn.

Tampa, Fla., May 23.—The text of a proclamation Issued by Bartolomc Mas?

), president of the Cuban republic, has reached hereivia New Orleans. In It

Shad, Oh Shad.We have flno shad; arrivo dally dlreot

from tho nets and wo always soli as low as the lowest. Oysters 25, 80 and40 cents per unrt Goods dollverod. Dolmarvia

310. McClure’0, corner of Fifth aud

engaged on rou- evldence

it fi Petty Thieving.Cl’i u whh Conors New York Dental Parlors, 714 Market Stkin cur Grccors and others .1 complaining of a___ borof petty larconoloa. A numbor ofchildren have also boon rubbed on the street of money und goods from market bas­kets.

ll&iOLViKT, greeted of blood purifier* Dr. Simms’ White Pulmonic Balsam. Tho worid’s great Expectorant, tho fnmous cure for Sore Throat aud Lung discuses. 000 King street.

Over Hawkins & Co.. Ileal Estate Office. 13’ollkw in U. 8.

Cold throushnnt tba world. Potts* n. c. Cost., •ole Vroyt., Uoetoa. tlow to Cure Ute Word Xcuuul,fne PRICES—Gallery, 35cents; first floor,

35o, 50o, 75c, $L Opeu evening*Masso strongly urges the autonomists, King streets X tun day 10 Ull 4,1