the wine issue is out



the wine issue is out

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北京爱见达广告DM北京爱见达广告有限公司 京工商印广登字 201000068 号北京市朝阳区建国路 93 号 10 号楼 2802 第 112 期 2012 年 9 月 14 日印

The Wine IssueShare a glass withLisa Yu-Ying of Hilton Beijing sep 20 – oct 17 , 2012

In BusIness. In BeIjIng



编制:北京爱见达广告有限公司 agendabeijing

A True Run Media PublicationGeneral Manager: Michael Wester

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Lisa Yu-Ying by Judy Zhou


Letter from the editorWine, like whiskey, poetry and jazz, is one of those subjects that get some people raving about the technicalities but which leaves others cold. the wine experts and oenophiles rarely help themselves: if to be a critic is to make the subject of your expertise explicable to the general public, then talk of wines as being “structured”, “unctuous” or “chewy” leaves most people simply baffled.

All the same, whenever anyone queried my enjoyment of wine (or, following the film Sideways, sniggered at my drinking merlot), i respond the way i do when talking about chess, bad-minton, football or whiskey: You don’t have to be a professional to enjoy it. it’s enough that you have fun with it; your tastes will mature of themselves. So from my early days drinking innocu-ous whites, i have come around to far prefer the heavy bodied reds: the Pinot Noirs and Cotes du rhones of the grape varietals.

Consequently, it’s been a terrific to see the development of a genuine wine culture in Beijing. With new wine bars opening with some frequency, choice has obviously never been greater, but it’s not just about having the biggest range or the priciest bottles. it’s about having knowledgeable staff, appreciative (rather than ostentatious) and well-informed audiences, regular events and an ecosystem of knowledge through which the latest developments can permeate. (one can draw parallels with any other cultural scene, be it Silicon Valley or London’s punk explosion). We can see the development of Beijing in this accumulating cultural capital: the physical infrastructure is here; now the cultures grow exponentially.

in this issue, then, we meet some of the people advancing this very culture. hilton Beijing hosts the food and Wine experience XV this october, celebrating the best that Beijing has to offer. Bar Veloce is one of the best of the new wine bars. the Wine re-public is one of the largest wine importers operating in China. the Kempinski has an innovative wine list. And wine maker Willy Lunn tells us the intricacies of production and selection.

Just writing this has made me thirsty! i’m off for a large glass of something structured, chewy and steely, with hints of tobacco and oak. enjoy!

michael Cormack, managing editor

Contents4 Lisa Yu-Ying

Hilton Beijing Restaurant Manager

8 Campbell thompsonDirector, The Wine Republic

14 Krishna hathawayGeneral Manager, Bar Veloce

16 the Stylist - holiday travel tips

20 Willy LunnWinemaker, Yering Station

22 insight - Social mediaFrank Yu, Kwestr founder

24 tech Briefing - Search Battle

26 insight - Ask An entrepreneurJeff Gao, Haoxiazhuan Restaurtant


Cover Spotlight

riCh, SeNSUAl AND MYSterioUSHilton Beijing restaurant manager Lisa Yu-Ying has tasteText by Mike Cormack, photo by Judy Zhou, hair by Toni & Guy Hilton Beijing

What makes a wine culture? It’s not just the mercantile aspect of buying and selling, nor the modern equivalent of production and consumption. There has to be cross pollina-tion of ideas and best practices, in a sympa-thetic environment. Creators of these fertile environments are to be cherished. With the Hilton Beijing Food and Wine Experience now in its fifteenth year of bringing together wine suppliers, creators and distributors, the syn-ergy of this event has sparked Beijing’s wine scene into life. Lisa Yu-Ying, manager at their One East On Third restaurant, told Agenda about the fair and her wine education.

What is the Hilton Beijing Food and Wine Experience all about? it’s an annual suppliers party and expo. We have contact with all the suppliers in our wine list and invite them to participate, as we do with restaurants here in Beijing, places like Flamme or Niajo. this year the entire second and third floors will be taken up, with the wine and food stalls mixed together for the first time, while the main ballroom will be for wine tastings. two of our F&B outlets will have themed food and be open for lunch and dinner. this is the fifteenth year it will have been running now. it’s really encouraging to have an event like this for wine and food suppliers – it’s like their big annual party, their chance to have a social event where they can meet all the dif-ferent distributors and find out what they are all doing, in a social environment! last year we had about ten wine distributors, mostly the big international ones, and then there were also local companies importing French wine, such as the Wine republic [see page 8].

In the Hilton Beijing’s bars and restaurants, which countries does your wine list come

from? We’ve got wines from all over the world, even lebanese. At the moment New World wine is really popular, bottles from Chile, South Africa, even greece (whose wine needs really good food to complement it). We’re really will-ing to take on all kinds of different varieties and to challenge customers, not just play safe with Bordeaux.

What’s the most popular with guests? At the moment, it’s French, Chilean and Australian wine – in that order.

So then what percentage of the wine you sell is red, wine, rosé, sweet, and sparkling/champagne? White wine makes up about 40%, red about 40%, rosé is about only about 1-5% and sparkling about 5-10%. Most of the sparkling and champagne is sold on celebra-tions and holidays like valentine’s Day. Sweet wine barely comes into it all – most locals find it much too sweet for their palate.

Do you serve any Chinese wine? If so, from where, and who drinks it? Chinese wine only makes up about 1% of all the wine we sell here. We (and all the hiltons in Beijing) sell two types: Dragonseal, from hubei, and huailai County, from Ningxia. obviously there really isn’t much demand for it at the moment. Mostly it’s the expats who order it as they’re curious about Chinese wine. locals want to show their knowledge of wine and have face when they order, so they almost always go for the most famous varieties.

Does the Hilton or the One East on Third employ a sommelier? Not at the moment. Fortunately i have an interest in wine and attend tastings. i attended the WSAt (Wine Standards



Cover Spotlight


and theory) training in Dubai, at the intermediate level. that’s where i learned about how to taste wine, to understand the process of wine making, the history, the grapes, nose notes, and how to dis-tinguish different wines. there’s so much theory involved in wine, it’s an endless subject! While i was working in Shangri-la, i worked with italian wine so i know that much better than French wine now. i think wine experts think about wine 24/7, but i can’t do that.

Beijing has so many first rate restaurants. How does One East on Third distinguish itself? the hilton Beijing opened in 1994, so it had eighteen years of experience, which is maybe longer than most in the international hotel sector. this restaurant’s peak time was in 1998-2002 when it was full to the door. But now if you compare one east on third to the other steak houses in Beijing, it’s quite unique. it has a homely look and atmosphere, with its wooden furniture, domestic tables, and antiques; and we’re going to install a fireplace as well. other places are more modern, but feel more like a restaurant. Many guests come here two or three times a week: they take a book, relax and feel at home. When it’s busy, it feels like a big dinner party at home. it’s a lovely atmosphere.

Having worked in Dubai where only hotels could serve alcohol, what was the drinking culture like? hotels are public and one can only drink privately in Dubai so they have to be discreet. For example, the doorways into the hotel bars have to be very small, even though once you’re inside the venue can be enormous! the drinking culture is actually very similar to China’s: people have money to spend on wine but aren’t really educated about it, so they need people to guide them and sensitively educate them on the varieties and culture.

So how do you educate locals on the intri-cacies of wine? You need to approach them discreetly, show them the wine list, tell them the grape and then give comparisons that

they would be familiar with – for example to Cabernet or Merlot. We explain the food pair-ings, and give good solid reasons for people to buy a particular bottle, such as taste, if it’s right heaviness, if it’s easy drinking, if it’s good with steak or veal or grilled foods, and so on. the price is also important: if the bottle isn’t over rMB 600-700, they’ll most likely buy it.

Are there certain standards required for a top-end restaurant in their wine selection? How are these maintained? hilton has a core selection of 56 wines used throughout the group, which we have to use, as selected by central office. So we don’t have trouble with fake wines. this is about 25% of all the wines we offer here. the other 75% are from local suppliers. We make sure these are big names who are reliable, get samples of the wines we order, and always check out the references of the suppliers. So there are three checks in total for the local suppliers.

What are your own favorite wines? For my-self, i prefer white wines to reds. i especially like Burgundy white, which is refreshing and long-aged. pouilly Fuisee is a great winemaker with a long history. i’m not generally a fan of Chardonnay, except from Chablis. For reds, i prefer italian wines, which are more mysteri-ous. Some French wines taste like New World wines, but italian has its own taste. Sicilian wine iike Nero Di Navi is very unique. Amongst the New World wines, pinotage from South Africa has been getting better and better. Sommeliers feel that pinotage is very consistent, with a full body and a smoky taste.

i started drinking wine when i was studying hospitality in Neuchâtel in Switzerland, and i just loved it. Combined with the amazing Swiss cheese or chocolate, it was just delicious! that’s what made me fall in love with wine.

“It’s really encouraging to have an event like this for wine and food suppliers – it’s like their big annual party”




A glASS iN tiMeCampbell Thompson, Director, The Wine RepublicText by Laura Petryshen, photo by Mitchell Pe Masilun

Campbell Thompson has worked in the Chi-nese wine industry for 10 years, notably at A.S.C., China’s largest wine importer. He is now the Director of The Wine Republic, an import company that aims to bring high-quality wines from family-run wineries to China.

What’s your life story? How did you become the director of The Wine Republic? i grew up very close to one of Australia’s best wine regions, called Coonawarra. it’s got a popula-tion of about 200 people and has a reputation of making Australia’s finest red wine. i lived in the US and UK prior to coming to China in 1998. i did some Chinese study then worked at the Australian Chamber of Commerce. in 2002 i joined A.S.C. as the marketing director, in part because i had a strong background in wine as well as in marketing and management. i worked there over four years – the company at that time was growing quickly. in 2007, i decided to move on to strike out on my own. i wanted to be an entrepreneur and business owner rather than just someone’s employee. And i think China is almost unique – a very exciting place to run a business, with far more opportunity than in Australia as well as more challenges.

The market for wine is booming in China. What’s driving that growth – and will it continue? there are two things happening and they do play off each other. one is, as a significant number of people have money to spend beyond necessities and are getting more exposure to the world their interest in wine grows as a food item and as a cultural curiosity. there’s a lot of people who try wine, enjoy it and want to try more. Wine is also a personal signifier – like one’s choice of cell phone. You don’t choose it just for its function. it affects how people perceive you. in Chinese ads, even for condos and cars, you see people holding a glass

of wine. the toast is a sign of having achieved something, having attained a certain lifestyle. Some companies in the wine business therefore assume that what’s on the outside of the bottle is more important than what’s on the inside. lafite has dropped 30% over the past year.

the second thing that’s happening is that wine is being bought for the purpose of gift-giving and banqueting – the government and S.o.e. channel. this is a very large part of the market. this second group is buying large volumes of wine that looks prestigious – it isn’t even necessarily the real thing. i’ve read that six out of every seven bottles of Chateau lafite on the mainland are fakes.

We are not about convincing non-drinkers to become drinkers. We do wine for people who enjoy food. A good glass of wine with a good meal and good people is one of the most enjoy-able things in life. i think there are a lot of people in China who are looking for richness in life, and wine is an enjoyable hobby, with a social aspect too. We’re a foreign owned wine importer and see ourselves as being significantly different – we represent family-owned producers and the best wine regions in the world.

What challenges is The Wine Republic facing here? Wine is such a diverse product category. it makes it very interesting. You can see the dif-ferences. A producer in Burgundy might have eight pinot Noirs that taste different, because of the different soils. the other side of the coin is that you’ve only got a small inventory of each product. We try to deliver the wines people want rather than just sell what we’ve got. What we’re about is to try to bring wines to China that weren’t created by a marketing depart-ment. Some family-owned wine producers tend to be motivated to find meaning in their


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work and their wines exist for reasons other to fill a niche in the market.

‘label integrity’ means that the words on the outside of the bottle must reflect the contents, origin, and vintage. Fake wine is the most obvious example. the laws govern-ing labeling of Chinese wine are evolving and there’s a bit of space between the law and practice. however this is a recognized issue and i’m very optimistic about the growing interest in fine wine in China and by the fine wine produc-ers in China,like grace vineyards, helan Qingxue, and Silver heights. Ningxia is the region of China that shows the greatest potential for producing world-class wine.

the other challenge is that everything we im-port comes in a large air-conditioned container. Almost all our wines have to cross the equator, with the exception of California, so the wine will be affected by the higher temperature. of course there’s a cost to that, and it also creates delivery challenges. What motivates us is our aspiration to deliver great wines made by passionate people and have it taste as good as it would have in the italian cel-lar where it’s made.

“A good glass of wine with a good meal and good people is one of the most enjoyable things in life”


goiNg, oNliNeTen ingenious travel apps you’ve never heard ofCompiled by Jay Scott

teCh heAD

Speechless Don’t know a poulet from a poisson? this clever tool allows you to communicate wherever you are in the world by calling on an offline library

of 500 pictures of every conceivable thing you might want. the full version offers the most comprehensive collection, from food and drink to accommodation, transport and emergencies. So, no more need for multiple phrasebooks and dodgy pronunciation. there’s also a Chinese version available (旅行

图片词典). (US$1, iPhone – all prices subject to change)

Packing Never forget your sunglasses again with this companion for the organised and disorganised traveller alike. Start from a sample list or create

your own – you can even group items into

collapsible categories. then tick them off as you pack, and save the original list for the next trip. the pro version can also share lists with other devices. (US$1, iPhone)

Photosynth take your smartphone-photography to the next level by creating awesome panoramas. this app will stitch together multiple

pictures, up to full 360-degree views, to fully capture your best moments – whether they are on a mountaintop or in a bustling market – and instantly share the results online. (Free, iPhone + Windows)

Postagram revive the personal touch of a postcard, without the hassle of finding stamps and mailboxes. Simply take a picture with your phone then add a

Gone are the days of lug-ging around dog-eared guides and phrasebooks; crumpled maps and creased postcards. Captured by a jungle tribe? There’s an app for that. So you already have Google Maps, Skype, TripAdvisor and that weird compass one. But here are some of the lesser-known, but no less indispensable apps to download before take-off.


message and postal address. the next working day a real postcard will be mailed to your chosen relative or friend, including a neat little pop-out print of your photo. (Free to download, then US$2 to send each postcard, iPhone)

FlightTrack Pro if you’re a regular traveller, this is well worth its price tag. it gives you up-to-the-minute flight times, airport maps and gate and

terminal numbers. it even tracks historical data to forecast delays. And the pro version connects to Seatguru to identify the best seats on your flight and tripit to manage your itinerary. (US$9.99, iPhone + Android + Blackber-ry)

Hipmunk Most flight-finding tools present results in a confusing table of data. hipmunk searches worldwide flights and visualises them in a

timeline – with coloured bars to represent different airlines, legs and transfer duration. So, you can see immediately if a route requires an early start or painful stopovers. it will also help you decide where to stay, by showing your destination as a ‘heatmap’ with hotspots to indicate areas with the most activities and restaurants. (Free, iPhone + Android)

WordLens point your phone’s camera at any printed text, and watch the translation presented as an augmented reality layer. For now only available for

english, French, Spanish and italian and accuracy is not perfect but good enough to get around. (Free to download then US$5 for each dictionary, iPhone)

Pocket Universe vimpress a date by pointing your phone at the night sky and letting this app identify planets and constellations. An hD version is

now available and Android users can use the similar google Sky Map. (US$2, iPhone)

Wikitude one of the best augmented reality apps on the market for travellers. pointing your camera

at your surroundings will reveal hotels, restaurants, sights and events. World-wide coverage is good and strongest in cities and popular spots. You can also play games, access discount vouchers and see comments by other users. (Free, iPhone + Android)

Help Call this app automati-cally detects your location in any of 126 countries covered and provides one-touch access to police, ambulance and fire

services. And, in case you can’t see the large buttons clearly, it can make an emergency call by shaking the phone. (US$1, iPhone)


lAW BrieFiNg

Movie BUSiNeSS veNtUreSHow much cooperation in “co-production”?

At its heart, the global system of foreign direct investment is all about getting into a market, by hook or by crook, before the competition. oftentimes, markets are already open, and setting up shop is merely a matter of negotiat-ing the deal. in other cases, however, markets remain stubbornly closed, and companies are left with a choice: throw up their hands and wait until the law changes, or find a creative solution to foreign investment restrictions. in China, some of these solutions, for example the use of variable interest entities, work so well that they become the preferred, or default, structures for certain industries, while others turn out to be untenable.

one such negative outcome may be playing itself out in the film industry right now. last month, the State Administration of radio, Film and television (SArFt ) issued a cautionary statement about the misuse of Sino-foreign co-productions, reminding film studios that these structures should not be used improperly.

What’s going on here exactly? For the most part, film co-productions have been utilized properly and effectively in China over roughly the past 15 years. the law allows a foreign film studio to

either hire a Chinese enterprise to make a film locally, or alternatively an ad hoc structure can be built up where the two partners share in the investment, production and profits.

Most co-productions have been used to make films meant primarily for the China market. they are shot in here, have a primarily Chinese cast, and are filmed in Chinese. While these films may be distributed internationally, the bulk of the proceeds come from the China box office. With the exception of films like Crouching Tiger, Hid-den Dragon, which was successful outside China, co-produced films have not had a tremendous impact elsewhere.

Similar to Joint ventures, a co-production is not likely to be the first choice of a foreign film studio, which may have the ability to finance a project themselves and decades of institutional knowledge and industry expertise. So why do they saddle themselves with a local partner?

the answer is a familiar one: because they have to. Yes, the foreign studio could hire Chinese actors and screenwriters and film movies in los Angeles, or london. that production might not even cost more than doing so inside China.


Stan Abrams is an IP/IT lawyer and law profes-sor who has been living and working in Beijing since 1999. He blogs at, commenting on law, trade and IP.

the problem is not with the production, though, but rather with distribution. if you want to screen a foreign film in China, you have to obtain permission, and China maintains a quota on foreign film imports. So, while a foreign studio may prefer to produce that made-for-China movie all by itself in los Angeles (although this may be changing), getting that film into China might be impossible.

Co-productions are a solution to that problem and others. All films made by co-production are considered domestic and therefore are not required to go through the importation process, and foreign co-production partners are allowed to take a higher share of profits than for studios whose films are imported. this is considered to be a win-win: China gets the financing and expertise, and foreign studios get access to the local market.

Some clever foreign studio executives appar-ently thought that co-productions were not living up to their potential. they liked the idea of getting around the import quota, but they were also stuck with making movies that were really only suitable for the China market. Although box office numbers here have been growing quickly, the US market is still number one.

the solution? Co-productions in name only, with just the bare minimum in terms of Chinese actors, domestic production and China-relat-ed story lines. reporting on SArFt’s complaints, the Wall Street Journal explained how the game is being played:

Looper, set for release in China in late September, stars Hollywood actor Bruce Willis and was pro-duced by US company Endgame Entertainment and Chinese partner DMG Entertainment. The film features one Chinese actress, Xu Qing, and several scenes shot in Shanghai. Those scenes, however, will only make it into the Chinese ver-sions of the film, according to a report from the Los Angeles Times, which said the scenes didn’t test well with US viewers and so were cut from Western release.

Does Looper still qualify as a co-production? per-haps, if one uses a very narrow interpretation of the law. one can almost imagine endgame and DMg being questioned about their co-produc-tion and saying: “Was that wrong? Should we not have done that? We gotta plead ignorance on this thing...” SArFt might have been willing to accept that in the short term, but they have sent out a clear warning that they are not pleased at this violation of the spirit of the law.

For the foreign film studios, the question then is whether this is the beginning of a crackdown that will force co-productions back to traditional made-for-China theatrical pictures. that remains to be seen, but SArFt’s comments are certainly a shot across the bow.

From the perspective of global foreign invest-ment, it is ironic that these foreign studios have sought to play the “we’re just following the law as it is written” game against China. Many Chinese companies, after all, have themselves skirted rules by creative manipulation of both Chinese and foreign law. Just look at the typical Chinese company that achieved a foreign list-ing without all those pesky disclosure require-ments by use of the so-called “reverse merger” process.

Companies will try just about anything to pry open a market. At the margins, some of their more creative attempts can lead to spectacular opportunities, while others can end in slap-downs from the regulatory authorities. it looks the latter scenario for some foreign film studios and their “co-productions.”



WiNe MASterBar Veloce GM Krishna Hathaway’s wine journey to the eastText by Rachel Chen, photo by Mitchell Pe Masilun

From west to east, the wine business is blos-somming in Beijing. Bar Veloce is another newly opened wine bar in the elegant area of 1949, The Hidden City. With 18 years of experi-ence in the hospitality industry and work and travel around the world, Krishna Hathaway, GM of Bar Veloce, told Agenda how his wine journey to the east has finally found him a place to call home.

What’s your background in hospitality? i graduated from Brown University and i’ve been working in restaurants since i was 15. i worked as a bartender and waiter when i was in college, then my restaurant career got serious and i started working in the hospitality industry all around the world. So i basically worked my way up to become an assistant restaurant manager and a manager of a bar in Miami Beach. then i was headhunted to join Aman New Delhi, india as a cellarmaster in 2008 and stayed there for a year. in 2009, i moved to Aman resorts inter-national when they wanted to open additional properties, and helped them create wine menus and train F&B staff for various Aman resorts in Utah, Morocco, Cambodia, laos, and turks and Caicos. then in 2010, i moved to Aman at Sum-mer palace, Beijing as a cellarmaster. this year we opened Bar veloce.

Tell us about Bar Veloce? How is this one different from the one in NYC? Bar veloce was founded by a New Yorker who was inspired to create a classy place where people can have a great glass of wine but which isn’t super expen-sive and overly fancy. After i finished with Aman, i felt that i really wanted to do something more fun where i have more freedom and have my own personality reflected in my wine selection. then i met the founder of Bar veloce New York

and we shared the same approach about wine. veloce has many wines that are less known, which are unique to a place and popular in a region but maybe not well known around the world. We’re inspired by italian culture so our wine menu starts from some major wine venues in italy. however, due to the fact that Chinese people like to try wines from different countries, i’ve decided to go beyond that and also offer bottles from Spain, greece, France, and some other new countries.

What’s your view on the wine culture here? Is it more about show than enjoyment? i think there’s been a bit of excitement because of the international press about China and hong Kong being able to buy so much wine, especially French wine in large quantity. the wine culture is diversified so more people like to step out of their palate to try new wines. they started to try Bordeaux, champagne, and other Australian wines. Wine is a very intimidating thing and in every wine-developing country, there are people who drink for show and people who drink for enjoyment. it really depends on the context.

Who are your target customers? people who like good quality food and wine and people that enjoy exploring some of the contemporary types of restaurants and wine bars in Beijing. My clientele is both international and Chinese.

As a certified sommelier, what wines do you recommend to our readers? i love sparkling wines, and the gavi Spumante we carry (by Broglia, from piedmont, italy) is amazingly rich with yellow pear, and caramel notes. i am ex-cited about a delicious new rosé i am adding to the list by the glass from greece, made from


Xinomavro grapes by Kir-Yianni (crisp and fresh with a bit of tannin and spice), and i recently tasted some intriguing Austrian wines.

Where do you like to go for wine tastings? When you are in the industry, people usually come to you so i go to wine tastings for work. i'm excited to launch my weekly Wine Salon, featuring free tasting nights and discussion of a different wine theme, every Friday (6-8pm). this will be an opportunity to taste your way through regional or varietal wine styles, with some basic guidance to help situate the tasting experience. it’s by reservation only.

How do you rate Chinese wines? Chinese wines are developing in quality. the most im-portant things for countries that are new in wine industry are rules and regulations and how grapes are grown and how the wines are made. Some of the best Chinese wines i’ve tasted are from Ningxia, and also an ice wine from liaoning.

How do you compare the F&B industry in China and in the west? What’s the biggest challenge in running a wine bar here in Beijing? in the US, people are more creative and loose about how they do their service, and they’re more chatty. here when i hire staff, they are not very familiar with Western food and wines, and i have to do a lot of training about the basics. people are good at following instruc-tions and the systems i created, but it’s hard for me to find people that are more fun, creative and they need to smile more when delivering their services. Staffing is challenging - maybe because the business is expanding, people always jump around and forget about the fact that if they stick around, they can apply the skills they’ve learnt and be a professional in the food or wine industry later on.

What are your ambitions for Veloce? We will soon launch wine tastings for people to sample and i want veloce to be the must-go place for people in the wine industry.


the StYliSt

trAvel SAFe, trAvel SMArtTips on surviving Golden Week adventuresCompiled by David Kuo

Traveling during the holi-days in any country can be a bit of a nightmare and with China’s National Day creep-ing ever closer, most people will take to the air, rails and roads to explore the wealth of diversity China has to offer over the week-long holiday. If you have never traveled during a so-called “Golden Week” then there are a few tips to keep in mind to make your travels a bit more hassle free.

on these week-long holidays here in the heavenly Kingdom, millions of people will crisscross the country. Should you find your-self in the mix riding a packed bus or subway car and worried about losing something from you backpack, wear your backpack around to the front so you can keep an eye on it. putting wallets in and money in front pockets instead of back pockets is also a good idea to avoid tempting any would be bandits. Wearing purses and bags across the chest instead of over one shoulder may sound like trite advice, but as this author witnessed in beautiful Sanya, two men on a motorcycle approached from behind and rudely relieved a woman of her purse.

it’s hard enough to get a cab on a regular day, but the holidays drive up demand of this now-scarce luxury. Many times splitting a cab and carpooling with strangers is an option,

though this usually involves what is known colloquially as a “black cab”which is more willing to surpass the maximum passenger occupancy of their car for a few extra bucks. Black cabs, and unfortunately now cabs operating under company flags, have taken to demanding inordinate fees to take passen-gers. haggling is an option, if your skills are up to par, but don’t expect to reduce the price too much.

one popular scam this author has unfortu-nately encountered is when paying with a rMB 100 note, the driver will take it and return it to you saying that he doesn’t have change. inspect the bill to make sure he didn’t pocket your money and return a counterfeit bill to you instead.

Avoiding the train stations during the holidays is a good idea, but if your travel plans include


rail passage, then steel yourself for the ensu-ing circus. (Unfortunately, not the good kind of circus). outside most train stations in China are people looking to take tourists to nearby hotels and tourists destinations. they may show you a laminated photo of an inexpen-sive hotel room and offer to take you there for free. While a free cab ride and a cheap room may sound tempting, avoid being whisked away by these smooth talking salesmen to some unknown, overpriced (and probably miles distant) destination.

For those overnight train journeys, upgrad-ing from a hard sleeper (which sleeps six) to a soft sleeper (which sleeps four and has a lockable door) is only common sense. the restrooms on the soft sleeper cars are also more spacious and have a toilet bowl instead of squatters. other noticeable upgrades to the soft sleeper is the individual light should you prefer to read into the wee hours of the night, and a bedside pouch mounted on the wall to store your valuables lest they be disfigured while you sleep. it might be best to not be too sociable, as that will only serve to identify you to the less than amicable passengers. Con-versation is all very well, but beware friendly strangers offering rides and hospitality.

once the novelty of riding the rails in China wears off, most people instead choose to fly. China’s safety record is great but fraught with delays. one airline that this author feels offers great price, service, and schedule is hainan Airlines with their modern fleet, spacious seats, and youthful stewardesses. A couple of popular flight comparison and booking websites are and For the polyglots, check out which is currently only available in Chinese. When booking tickets through these third parties, they will ask for a credit card number. if you don’t have one, or would rather pay in cash, delivery is also an option. For a small fee, a courier on an electric bike will deliver your ticket to your doorstep within a day or two.

Almost all airports here offer some sort of public transportation into the city; however these services usually stop around 11pm to midnight. For passengers arriving after that, there are not too many options for you to make your way into the city. head to the taxi queue where you can hopefully get a good price. if there are no cabs around or they are not offering a fair price, then sadly you may just have to wait until morning when public transportation resumes service again.


hr BrieFiNg

FirSt StepSGetting the first few days of a new hire just right

OK, so you have secured a new employee to join you - great news! But what’s the next step? the induction, or “on-boarding” as some call it, of a new recruit into the business is critical. the first few hours, days and weeks in an em-ployees’ life within your company can seriously affect their attitude towards you, the brand, and maybe even their performance and length of service. remember a ‘probation period’ is applicable to both parties: during this time, its relatively easy to get rid of someone. however, it’s just as easy for them to leave your office one evening and to not return the next day.

these days, with this ongoing war for talent, good quality candidates get multiple offers. Since i’ve been in China, i have many times witnessed a candidate accepting two jobs, and literally ‘trialing’ the first one out. if they didn’t

like it, they upped and left, moving on to take the next job.

Before the first dayA confirmation email should be sent as soon as they have accepted the position, welcoming them on board, requesting that they complete any required administration prior to arrival, and to highlight any documentation that they need to bring with them on the first day.

they may not have had their interviews at the office or site location they will be working so always include a map and directions with all the contact information. Another point is please make sure they know what to wear – arriving on the first day too casual or too formal is embar-rassing, like turning up at a BBQ in a tuxedo, or donning Bermudas to a formal affair.


Sarah Jones is Head of Operations at Antal International, winner of “Best International Recruitment Agency” at the 2012 Recruiter Awards.


Your it, Finance and hr departments will also need to know the start date to prepare, as will the pr or Marketing department, should the new hire warrant a press release.

Most new employees will understandably have an element of trepidation, so make the first day as comfortable for them as you can! give them a call the day before they are due to start - not a text or email, as they may have some last minute questions. this will be the ideal opportunity to align any fears they may have. to be honest, i actually get all the consultants here at Antal to do that to candidates they place – it’s a really nice, thoughtful gesture; and the candidates love it.

on their first morning get your new recruit to start an hour after the normal start of the work-ing day. that way should any disaster happen whereby you are delayed you still won’t be late for them. internally, amongst your team/office/country/region (whatever’s applicable), you should distribute information about your new recruit – a short bio, maybe even a photo, so all your existing employees will recognize the new kid on the block, know a little about them, and be able to welcome them to the company.

Finally, and equally as important, please don’t forget to let your front-of-house staff know whom to expect, and what time to expect them. Can you imagine turning up for work on your first day, and the receptionist questioning who you are with a puzzled face?

First day if you are going to put your new recruit into training or induction from day one, make sure that they have bios of other attendees, or if you haven’t had time to prepare this, then at least allow them five minutes at the beginning to present themselves formally to the group.

And so the training beginsthe key here is to manage expectations - inform them what they will cover over the forthcom-

ing days and weeks – however long it takes to totally immerse them in the position you have hired them for.

here at Antal, the first day in anyone’s life here, regardless of tenure or position, will be spent understanding our policies and procedures out-lined in our staff manual, and thereafter placed into a 30/60/90 day training course, depending on their seniority. this is extremely effective as it combines both classroom style training, where people learn the A to Z of the recruitment proc-ess, and desk-level activity participation, where theory is put into practice.

i must admit though, it’s taken years for us to produce this training, and we are constantly updating it to adhere to clients’ requirements, to changes in technology and global recruiting techniques. We also try and provide the train-ing so it’s replicable amongst teams and across different time-zones - no mean feat!

My other half often says “every day should be a learning day!” to me, and he’s right. here in Asia, i am very proud to add that Antal has been shortlisted for the ‘Best in-house training’ award, amongst others, at the global recruiter Awards ceremony this month. And guess what? Next edition i am going to share my tips on how to successfully train your staff - by then hopefully we will have picked up the award!




NeW WiNe iN NeW BottleSYering Station Vineyard winemaker Willy LunnText by Mike Cormack, photo by Judy Zhou

As wine sales in China surge, the number of winemakers coming to China to enter its booming wine market has gone from a trickle to a full-on stream. Willy Lunn of Australia’s Yarra Valley producers talks with Agenda about the joys of winemaking and the chal-lenges of selling in China.

Where is Yering Station and what wines do you produce? Yering Station is in the Yarra val-ley, near victoria. it’s actually where victoria’s first vineyard was located. it’s one of Australia’s most respected wine regions. there, we produce Chardonnay, pinot Noir and Shiraz blends – and we’re a cool-climate winery, meaning our vine-yards experience four distinct seasons.

How important is China to your business? We’ve been here for nearly 10 years. Now we’re starting to see some growth, but it’s taken a lot of effort to get to that point. i’m a wine-maker, not a marketer or salesman, and we don’t make wine for the Chinese market specifically. how-ever, i’m now visiting China at least once a year, much more than in the past, so that tells you that China’s become much more important to us. in particular, hong Kong recently got rid of all taxes on wine, so it’s becoming one of the most important places for wine in the world. Wine auctions are big business there, and it’s also important for mainland customers.

How do you pitch your wines when you visit China? like i would anywhere else in the world. We’re a family-owned business making good wines. however, trying to teach regionality in a different market is a difficult thing. Since wine is a relatively new product here in China, my trips are mainly about tasting wines with potential clients. i say to sales staff: here’s my story. You use whatever you need to sell the wine. i’m really

here to support the sales staff and to help do presentations. tomorrow i’m having dinner with a group of bankers from the China Minsheng Bank – we’ll have a tasting dinner and chat.

of course, i’m learning as well. in Australia, everyone has firm ideas about food and wine pairing. however, i was at a dinner recently where we had ten wines from all over Australia and lots of different Chinese foods came out. We tried them all and some combinations were wonderful. really, there aren’t any set rules about wine pairings.

How do you decide how to price your wines? We walk through the vineyard and find what we call the “sweet spots” – a rise might mean a better flavour for a certain grape, while it might mean a worse flavour for another grape. Wine made from grapes in the sweet spots are labelled as “estate”, while the rest is labelled “village” – it’s still a very fine wine, but we sell it more cheaply.

the whole thing with price is that it isn’t nec-essarily a good indicator of quality. What i like and what you like may be very different. great Wall might be bad but i’ve had AUS$200 bot-tles of wine i wanted to throw down the drain as well.

What’s unique about the Chinese wine mar-ket? For one thing, reds are definitely still the most popular, much more so than whites, rosés, or sparkling wines. Bordeaux and Burgundy reds are the most prized in China. in fact there was a point at which an empty Bordeaux bottle was worth almost as much as the original, because it could be refilled and resold at an extremely high price – just for the prestige of the label. Another reason reds are popular is the belief


that a little red wine a day is healthy – it ties in very well with Chinese ideas about food and health. however, this is changing and whites are becoming more popular now.

labeling is another challenge. label notes can be confusing to an audience that isn’t familiar with the flavours typically used in the Anglosphere to describe wines. “vanilla,” for example may or may not be familiar to a Chinese consumer. the result is that what goes on the label here isn’t as evocative. labels usually only list the grape varietal and region.

What’s do you find stimulating about wine making? i love what i do. Being in agriculture for a long time – what’s different about wine is that you can make decisions all along that really influence the quality of the outcome. that’s a rare thing. it’s incredible to go to Shanghai or here in Beijing and see people drinking that wine that you made. in Shanghai we saw women celebrating a birth-day – they were drinking

one of my wines and having a great time. that was really great for me because after all we’re making a drink, and the whole point of making wine is enjoyment.

Check out


A piCtUre oF SoCiABiltYKwestr founder Frank Yu talks social mediaText by Mike Cormack, photo by Judy Zhou

iNSight - SoCiAl MeDiA

What social media platforms are you on, and what are your handle(s) on them? the usual tools for foreigners to keep in touch: Facebook, linkedin, and twitter (i think these are the “Big three” of SNS); Skype, which is still the standard for calls and videochat; and of course instagram – probably my favorite out of the lot of them!

here in China i also use Sina Weibo (i think it showed early promise but it’s disappointed me in the last few months); QQ (i hate this one and took myself off it); and WeChat (this is a great application on smartphones). WeChat, or Weixin, is probably the best technology to come out of China now, though let’s see if tencent messes it up.

What do you get from each of these plat-forms? Which do you most heavily use? i can stay connected with the zeitgeist of the world and with my friends (via a vpN, of course). the internet has made location less important and it’s absolutely essential for those of us who lives abroad. Unfortunately, China is turning inward, and the last time this happened, the Age of Discovery and the industrial revolution left China in its tracks. i am a heavy Facebook user and believe it will become the social operating system of the word. China’s blocking it will in the long run isolate China more.

on a daily basis i like instagram. i’ll tell you a secret: if you post on instagram and link it to your Facebook or twitter, later on you can post pictures or even comments to Facebook or twitter without a vpN. if you set your region to China, you can even link it to Sina Weibo. Change it back to US or whatever region, and you can still post to Facebook, twitter and weibo with just one post.

Where do you get your own news from? i have a digital subscription for, and yes, i pay! twitter is the fastest and most diverse source of information. and supply my China tech news. My guilty, secret pleasures:, and

How much time would you say you spend on social media daily? Is it worth it? two to four hours daily is the norm. if i can keep it at that level it’s worth it and the marginal value of surfing the internet is justified. Any more than that, and it’s just a redundant time suck.

How do you organize everything? What software do you use? i am a big fan of lists. My startup started out as gamified real world lists of things to do. Nowadays, i use the ioS calendar to organize my days and to do list. For project management i use an app created in Beijing by my friend Marc called “Do it tomorrow”. it's a Zen masterpiece of simplicity that duplicates a paper to do list.

Are you on weibo? If so, what’s your take on it? i’m @frankyu01. i think that compared with other Chinese media, it’s light years ahead in terms of speed and diversity. however it’s being bogged down by corporate greed and govern-ment regulations. it’s like the AiM of China - popular now but i can see it being abandoned by netizens when something better comes.

Has being on social media been beneficial to your life or career in Beijing? that's a bit of a loaded question since i am a “social media pundit” so my life, my work and most of my friends are part of it in some way or another. Yes, it is essential for foreigners and Chinese to


know social media. otherwise, you are just one of 1.3 billion people in China. When i say you have to know social media, i mean it’s more than just being a user; it’s about understanding the demographics and reach of each medium.

Which accounts do you most recom-mend people to follow? @Chinasmack on twitter. if you like pictures of Bei-jing, me - @frankyu on twitter.

Smartphone, tablet or desktop? All three but my “go to” device now is my iphone. i have two and they have a vpN. i love my ipad but i tend to use it as an entertainment and pho-tography device. the laptop is still the go to machine for productivity. i suggest the Apple MacBook Air 13 inch - the best laptop ever if games are not your thing.

Which China blogs do you find the most es-sential? technode, techinasia, ChinaS-mack, MC gadget, and Bill Bishop’s many blogs.

Will social media supplant journalism, take it someplace new or just be a supplement? Social Media doesn't need to supplement tra-ditional media. it has become a form of al-ternate media. however, i see it coming back into the fold of traditional media until some new technology allows us to take it grass roots again.



@ frankyu01

Frank Yu


the liStteCh BrieFiNg

the SeArCh BAttle iS oNQihoo 360’s search engine goes after Baidu and Google

on tuesday August 21, Qihoo 360’s search engine, replaced google as the default search engine on Qihoo 360's portal this tactic has already shaken up China’s search engine market. Within a week of launching, Qihoo’s search engine re-portedly had over 10% market share to move into third position after Baidu and, but ahead of Sohu’s Sogou and this attack into the search game affirms rumours from back in July that Qihoo 360 was rapidly beefing up its team and even poaching talent from competitors. reportedly a head-hunter was tasked with sourcing 292 new people of whom 109 were from competitors like Kingsoft, tencent, Baidu, Alibaba, Maxthon and Sohu. Qihoo 360, a crouching tiger in the shadows of the fight between Baidu and Google the gorilla in China is still Baidu with 80% market share. Baidu’s dominance has pro-pelled its founder and Ceo, robin li, to be-come China’s richest man with net worth of US$10.2 billion at only age 43. Baidu’s strength

is reflected in li’s managerial aptitude, being named China’s Best Ceo by Forbes in 2012. Baidu’s ascension to the top was made easier by the retreat of google in 2010. google’s founders, larry page and Sergey Brin, were ultimately not willing to compromise on controls over censor-ship and security issues. Despite long-running rumours of google’s complete withdrawal from the mainland, it still has a modest presence in Beijing, as well as hong Kong of course. Some analysts believe that unsophisticated Qi-hoo 360 browser users will not pay attention to the newly integrated Qihoo 360 search engine. therefore it is likely for users to naturally use its search engine by default and erode market share from its rivals. According to Baidu statistics, Qihoo's browser supplies 21% of Baidu's traffic, meaning Qihoo could take even more market share from Baidu.

it does make sense for Qihoo 360 to get into the search market since they already have their own browser. Studies show that many users don’t


Jason Lim is an Australian-born tech writer and blogger with

actually focus on what search engine they use as long as it is convenient and right in front of their face. google started with search but later cre-ated Chrome. Microsoft started with a browser, internet explorer and integrated search with Bing and now Qihoo 360 is doing the same.

Qihoo 360 - many things to many people like many of China’s internet titans such as Baidu, tencent, Sina, and Alibaba, Qihoo 360 has spread its tentacles into nearly every area it can. Currently, comprises nine main parts: News, Website, Microblogging, video, Mp3, photo, Map, Q&A and online Shop-ping. in addition, baoku.360 is in an integral part of the search engine, providing various software download services. the company has even entered the heated battle to deliver its own branded smartphone along with Baidu, Shanda, Alibaba, tencent and Xiaomi. it has also ventured into cloning pinterest with its own to many, such a diverse product set represents a lack of direction and focus but this is China and big means really big. however Qihoo 360 established its strength based upon its free anti-virus software built into its portal to generate rev-enue, Qihoo 360 relies on advertising revenue. this ‘free’ strategy has helped it to amass an impressive 411 million monthly active us-ers for its security products and 273 million users of its browsers by the end of Q1 2012. The impact of Qihoo 360’s search on the stock market Qihoo’s boost in search mar-ket share has prompted investors to react accordingly, selling Baidu stock and buying Qihoo stock on the NASDAQ. on Wednes-day 29 August, Baidu's share price declined more than 6 percent to close at US$113.10 while Qihoo 360 stock edged up 2 percent. in an August 22 conference call with analysts, Qihoo CFo Alex Xu struck a confident tone. “if we can convert a sizable portion of these users to our search products… we will become a very major market player in this area.” By driving more

users to its search engine, it puts added pres-sure on its servers and related bandwidth costs, squeezing margins if it can’t increase revenue. As reported on Forbes, Qihoo’s Ceo Zhou hongyi, said on his weibo “only through com-petition can the quality of search engines be improved, thus benefiting the users,” in this case, ‘quality’ doesn’t materialize in the form of ben-efit, as there is little difference between search quality and results between Baidu and Qihoo. Can Qihoo 360 build strong search products like Google and Baidu? Since Qihoo is rela-tively new to the search game, it has to justify its large investment into it by creating greater advertising revenue. google is the master of advertising products and services with Ad-Words, AdSense and product listing Ads. With a large chunk of the market share, Baidu has a large array of advertising products from paid per Click (ppC), Brand Zone for paid search and a new product called ‘Brand-link," which will generate a wide range of brand-specific con-tent when internet users search for the brand names that subscribe to this new product. Yes, Qihoo has built up capability to build search, but does it have the capability to sell and monetize it? that’s a different story and will be one of the main drivers for whether it can re-ally maintain and grow its search market share. For businesses in China, it is still too early to al-locate substantial advertising spend to Qihoo 360 search - but it is definitely worth keeping an eye on.


iNSight - ASK AN eNtrepreNeUr

A SoCiAl DiNNerJeff Gao, founder of Cycle China and Little Yunnan, co-founder of Haoxiazhuan restaurantText by Mike Cormack, photo by Mitchell Pe Masilun

ON PRODUCT it’s all about meeting customers’ needs. With Cycle China, we provided people fun tours and authentic tour guides. We treat customers like friends, and show them the China they wouldn’t be able to see oth-erwise. the restaurant business is a bit trickier. Ultimately, we aim to give people a great dining experience, but with haoxi-aozhuan, the new crawfish concept we’re launching in Doncheng, we’re giving peo-ple more than a dining expe-rience. We are giving them an interactive, multimedia culi-nary journey that’s all about sharing fun stories and great tastes.

We only launched our weibo a month ago, but we’re

nearly at 1,000 fans, each of them actively en-gaged in the story we’re telling. they share their experiences, but also witness the process of running a restaurant from selecting the prod-

uct to preparing it. in a way, they are part of the restaurant itself. they

know the boss, the staff, the chefs, and that is why they

keep coming back. We’ve effectively formed a family restaurant with a thousand loyal customers.

ON COMPANY STRUC-TURE i try to empower my staff as much as possible.

personally, i like to think of the big picture, and am al-

ways looking for people who can help me or-

ganize the de-


tails. i can’t say that we have a set structure, but whenever i hire talent, i allow them to articulate their ideas, give feedback, and then give them the resources they need to accomplish them.

ON MARKETING times are changing. Word of mouth has become word of weibo, and for haoxiazhuan, we’ve taken our entire marketing strategy online. Now i work with an intern to engage the customers online, encourage them to share their pictures and experiences, and tackle any problems that arise in public. our strategy is to be funny, caring, and attentive, and the response has been overwhelming. i can’t walk into the restaurant now without some customers checking whether or not Xiao Qiu is the waitress they saw on weibo, or asking to have a drink with gao laoban.

ON CAPITAL it’s something i’ll be looking at when i launch my next business – a social me-dia consultancy. i’ve seen the power of weibo, and i want to help others harness it for their businesses. that being said, my first business had a capital investment of only rMB 600, for a bicycle, and i have been reinvesting my profits ever since. the olympics were a huge boon to people in the travel industry, and that gave me enough liquidity to take over the restaurant. right now, i just keep my eyes peeled for op-portunities, do a risk assessment, and if i think it’s worth it, i go for it. it doesn’t always work, but you learn something along the way even if you fail.

ON THE OFFICE i’ve always invested my money back in to my companies and new products, and spent the rest traveling around the world for inspiration. i provide a good emotional environ-ment to my staff, and i think that means more to them than a fancy office environment. growing up, i never had much, and that’s why i am will-ing to take a chance to invest time and money on a good business opportunity. i’ve overcome poverty before, and i think i can do it again, so i try not to waste money. instead, i place all of my efforts and resources into growing greater things in the future.

ON COMPANY PHILOSOPHY the path is the goal. My corporate philosophy – though i re-ally hate the word corporate – is that business should be an experience. if you’re just in it to earn money, impress young girls, and make oth-ers like you, you’re wasting your life. You should run a company in a way that supports your ambitions. My ambition is to travel the world and experience new things, so i empower oth-ers to fulfill my vision, and seize opportunities as they come along.

ON AMBITION growing Cycle China and little Yunnan was great, but i want to do something bigger in the future. With haoxiazhuan, i want to change the way that people experience their food, and how they relate to restaurants. After witnessing how powerful weibo is in fomenting relationships, i’ve decided to make our crawfish enterprise the first nation-wide chain with com-plete customer involvement. there is nothing more satisfying on a tough day that you have a thousand online friends backing you up.

ON BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Booming! While i’m no longer working in it, technology is chang-ing how businesses operate in China, and the advent of weibo has really leveled the playing ground for small companies. We launched our crawfish on a trial basis two weeks ago, and we have already seen a three-fold increase in business, without spending a single cent on advertising or costs on a new venue.

ON INDUSTRY ISSUES the biggest issue facing haoxiazhuan today is the lack of steady supply of crawfish. prices and quality fluctuate daily, and you really have to stay on your toes to make sure that quality is up to par. Again, this is where weibo has been a great tool. Whenever we encounter a problem our fans pour out their support, and we’ve been able to find new vendors through our network. once people are emotionally engaged with your product, they will do anything to support you, which makes my job a hell of a lot easier.




The hospitality industry in China has grown enormously over the past decade as renowned five-star hotels have settled their homes in Beijing, one after another. As one of the oldest luxury hotels in Europe, Kempinski has estab-lished a strong reputation for their service, German food and beverage culture. While the hospitality industry may seem glamorous on the outside, Agenda met Steffen Opitz, direc-tor of F&B (Food and Beverage) at Kempinski, and he shares his secrets in keeping the wine scene fresh and guests wanting more.

What’s your background in the hospitality industry? i did a hospitality management de-gree in my home country, germany. i’ve worked in hotels in different countries around the world, including the Middle east, the UAe, thailand, Singapore, and China.

Having worked in so many locations, what’s your view on the Eastern and Western win-ing and dining scenes? i think the F&B scene in restaurants and bars in Asia in general are much more competitive and interesting. people eat out more and dining is much more important here because it is not just a meal to stop feeling hungry and this is what people do with clients and friends. the profession in F&B here is more competitive as you have to be more innovative in promotions while in europe, everything is already established and it’s not as fascinating as it is here.

After working industry around the world, what have been your personal highs and lows? My proudest experience is every time we get a great event done. one of the best is when we opened a beautiful hotel in Abu Dhabi, and a few years later when we went back and we felt really proud to see how successfully the

KeepiNg it FreSh Kempinski’s F&B Director Steffen Opitz updates the wine listText by Rachel Chen, photo by Mitchell Pe Masilun

hotel has grown. the toughest moment i had was when i was working in thailand last year, there was great amount of flooding and a lot of people including my staff lost their houses and it was really sad to see how the people working around you everyday suddenly lose everything they had.

How do you avoid fake alcohol, given how endemic it is in China? We work only with of-ficial suppliers and distributors with necessary certification in China to make sure we get the authentic products.

How do you offer wines to guests and what is the most popular with them? We have a wine selection which we present in a modern way. For the wine list, we moved away from paper menus, and now have an ipad wine list so that it provides visual effects for customers to see. Customers can choose wines of different regions, bottle sizes, prices and so on. our wine lists consist of wines from europe, north and south of America, Australia, and New Zealand. And of course, we have a wine list to satisfy all different tastes and prices levels.

So what types of wine do people most often go for? Since red wine is still the most sold wine in China, i would say red wine and white wine each comprise 30%, there’s another 20% for champagne, and a small percentage of rosé. Another one that is becoming more popular with Chinese people is dessert wine. there’s a huge increase in sweet wines over the past a few years.

What standards do you aim for in the wine selection here? the most important thing is that the wine selection has to go along with the food you offered. And also, wine lists have


to have a good variety and available in differ-ent prices levels. A good quality wine with an entry level price can help new customers get started to drink wine if they are not familiar with wine culture.

Do you sell much Chinese wine? If so, which ones? Yes, we do serve Chinese wines and there is a growing demand for locally produced bottles. We are working together with grace vineyard which is a very good Chinese wine. it is not that popular yet but we are trying to introduce it to foreign travelers in China and to make them experience the improvements Chinese wines have done.

Do you have a sommelier leading the wine effort here? Yes. our sommelier is from France and he is leading the wine sales initiatives and doing wine training. My goal is also to develop some local talents, some Chinese who are interested in wine and have good knowledge of wine. We can train them to become a som-melier.

Is wine education still important for Chi-nese guests? Do you do that in your F&B outlets, and if so, how? the interest in wine is continually growing and we must meet match the increasing needs and passion for wine. We do have monthly wine dinners in which we bring wine makers from different countries and regions such as South America, or europe to work together with our particular restaurant chefs to create a special dinner menu for the event. the guests will get new experience and explanation of different wines. We pair different wines with Western and Chinese food as well. i feel that this is the most fun part of doing wine education here.

What’s your own favorite type of wine? How would you define your own taste? For me, it always depends on the occasion. even as a ger-man, i prefer wine over beer. When i have guests over, i offer german riesling and it’s been very popular over the years.


iN oFFiCe to ServeServCorp VP of Online, Simon SmithText by Mike Cormack, photo by Mitchell Pe Masilun

iNSight - oN the JoB

I am Vice-President of Online for ServCorp. i am responsible for global internet use to drive leads to increase our business. there are two streams in what we do, the serviced offices and the virtual offices. Most of the online effort relates to our virtual offices. i work with a team in Sydney and managers around the world – we operate in 21 markets in 54 countries.

I was previously head of eBay in Australia and New Zealand. this role draws on the skills i used and developed there, plus it’s more of a global. i’m also excited by the product. like eBay, it allows SMes to compete on a level playing field with multinational corporations. For rMB 800 a month you have the same office address as Citigroup; so your success is down to your talent. And of course there’s lots of growth!

Our team is energetic and positive. i also do my best to stay fit and healthy! When i visit the floor in the different offices, the staff are profes-sional and friendly. this is a great pick-me-up!

My first job was when I was aged 17, work-ing at Dorothy perkins clothing store trying to sell store cards. it really helped me get over my natural shyness. Now i have a huge respect for salespeople. it’s a role that really needs energy and positivity, and it can help you be better at marketing. All businesspeople are essentially in sales, to some degree.

I enjoy making a service which helps people improve their business. i like being able to combine creativity and data analysis, using the left- and right-side of the brain.

As a child I wanted to be an astronaut. in fact, i still do!

I’ve had two amazing bosses. the first was in my first job in Australia, when i was working for

gordon Cairns. he understood the organization needed to change, and to change differently from his personality and capabilities: that kind of vision is inspiring. Now there’s my present boss, Mr. Moufarrige. he founded ServCorp 34 years ago, and it’s now the second largest Australian exporter of services. his passion and clarity and energy are very inspiring.

The job that taught me most was probably at McKinsey, which i entered as a graduate and left advising Ceos. i learned to get the facts, to listen to people – their concerns, motivations and anxieties – and how to help them.

Taking eBay in Australia to become a huge household name, with bigger sales than ma-jor shopping chains, was probably the most satisfying challenge i’ve been involved with so far. it’s not just the corporate achievement – i like building good teams who can go on to do well afterwards. i’m really enjoying putting the ServCorp team in.

Day-to-day, the biggest challenge is manag-ing the complexity of it all, and finding what works best in each market. Also, aspects of the job like managing different personalities, look-ing at sales and results and gearing our energies to them is challenging but energizing.

The main skills I need are in leading people and driving change. it’s a complex business, active in lots of markets and interacting with lots of sites and agencies. So what i have to do is to take the data from all of that and simplify it to enable us to take decisions. especially in China, people appreciate the product we have, as it lets people show you’re serious, that you’re a premium player.

Two months before I started working with ServCorp, i hadn’t heard of them. learning


Check out

about them and has been a treat. there are not many tech leaders from Australia so it’s an exciting prospect – while visiting offices around the world is also great.

ServCorp always has great locations and great views, so it’s always a good place to work. We have great it infrastructure – we’re the only virtual office company with a cloud server in the world. our internet speed is 10MB/s with a 99.98 uptime.

For people working in the serviced or virtual office industry, they can start out as secretaries or reception staff and end up being manager for the entire office or even country. it’s a great

industry for “people” people. But if you’re into working online, pay attention in math, and don’t be afraid to ask awkward questions!




JAMeS pAlMer’S BooK piCKForgotten Kingdom by Peter Goullart

peter goullart’s Forgotten Kingdom is a book that deserves to be remembered. First published in 1957, and now available on Kindle or in a recent reprint, it depicts the author’s life in lijiang, Yunnan province in the 1930s as a representative of the guomingdang government. goullart was a White russian, and an eccentric, brilliant man with pas-sions for languages, mountains, and mysticism.

he worked in lijiang for the Chinese industrial Cooperatives, an early microfinance project that supplied loans and development aid to Chinese women, and also served, for lack of anybody bet-ter, as the local doctor. While the book paints a fascinating picture of the intelligence, and humor of people often dismissed as tribal or backward, goullart is as interested in legends as loans. one chapter, titled “poltergeists,” is dedicated to the spirits, ghosts, and demons that haunt the area, in which goullart was a committed, if ironic, believer. goullart’s travels took him all over tibet, Sichuan, and Yunnan, encountering bandits and an unex-pected proposal from a tibetan princess. it’s a joy-ful, funny, curious, and ultimately tragic book that reminds us of a world that disappeared in 1949.

Get It:Forgotten Kingdom is available from and

James Palmer won the Spectator’s Shiva Naipaul Prize for travel writing in 2003, and his first book, The Bloody White Baron, was shortlisted for the

2008 John Llewellyn Rhys Prize. He has worked

with Daoist and Buddhist groups in Mongolia, and

now lives in Beijing.



BooK ChoiCe



i MoveD YoUr CheeSe by Deepak Malhotra

10am-9.30pm. Shop 3B201, Zone 3 China World Mall, 1 Jianguomen Wai Avenue,Chaoyang District (8535 1055) 朝阳区建国门外


p a g e o n e g r o u p . c o m

this deeply thought-provoking book challenges readers to think outside the box and leaves read-ers with a powerful message. Malhotra’s message of innova-tion and self-reliance, creativity, leadership, and entrepreneurship is cleverly woven into the stories of a few intrepid mice and their struggle to new levels of under-standing. Malhotra gives advice that is great for both the mice and the managers of a company, which if adopted, will hopefully propel you to a Ceo position at a Fortune 500 company one day. Whatever your current position and level of motivation, Malhotra believes that progress is possible through change, specifically at-titude change. As rats in a cage, sometimes it is oneself that has built the cage. it is up to you to remove it.

Deepak Malhotra is a Professor in the Negotia-tions, Organizations and Markets Unit at the Harvard Business School and teaches Nego-tiation courses in the MBA program. Malhotra is also the author of two books. I Moved Your Cheese was published last year and is now a Wall Street Journal Best-Seller and has been translated in over 15 languages. Deepak’s re-search has focused on negation strategy, trust development, and international and ethnic dispute resolution.

Bring this issue and get 10% off

I Moved Your Cheese

at Page One.




Wifi × Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √


HatsuneWith their two locations in CBD and Sanlitun, hatsune is perfectly positioned for the business lunch crowd. Serving an array of beautifully-arranged rolls, sashimi, sushi, fish, tempura, udon and meats, hatsune has a great mix of Japanese-inspired cuisine. there’s lots of saké too, of course, as well as your more regular drinks, if you’re having a post-office celebration. But if you’re simply seeking a lunch that’s light and flavorsome, hatsune definitely delivers. MC

Daily 11.30am-2pm, 5.30-10pm. 2/F, heqiao Bldg C, 8A guanghua lu, Chaoyang District (6581 3939) 朝阳区光华路甲8号和乔大厦C座2层

Perfect for selecting from the many varieties of sushi and vegetable rolls.

Signature items include Motorola roll (rMB 82), But-terfly roll (rMB 75), timpi roll (rMB 85).

Most likely to impress: the Japanese-style decor is a spot of elegance in the Chinese dining scene.

WorKiNg lUNCh



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √

Contemporary International

ROOMbeijingthe conflation of restaurant dining and nightclub style is an obvious step to take, perhaps, but rarely found in China, where dining is already something of an art form. With various styles (the main dining room taking its cue from london) and DJs spinning wax in the corner, rooMbeijing is fashionable, even trendy – though the food isn’t to be dismissed. Asian dishes and european steaks commingle with top-quality wine, while the fruit-tree with dry ice is remarkable. MC

Sun-Wed 11am-2am, Thu-Sat 11am-4am. rm 301-302, 3/F, park life, Yintai Centre, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (8517 2033) 朝阳区建国门外大街2号银泰中心301-302室

Perfect for impressing a fashionable date.

Signature items include Negra ham (rMB 750), Korean rib-eye steak (rMB 860), Singapore chili crab (rMB 188).

Most likely to impress: the clientele are often Beijing’s beautiful people.




Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √


V-Pluslocated in the heart of the capital’s club zone and bar street, v-plus is another high end lounge by vics group. Not aiming at people-watching and dancing, v-plus is more about their classic, romantic interior design and decent cocktail list. they have opened their rooftop patio since this summer; guests can have their fun sticking to their own crowd and not worrying about the uninvited. RC

8.30pm-late.14/F, Bldg 3, China view, 2 gongti Donglu, Chaoyang District (8587 1233) 朝阳区工


Perfect for an intimate cocktail night with your best buddies or loved ones.

Signature cocktails include Apple Martini (rMB 100), Chocolate orgasm (rMB 100), and Strawberry Mojito (rMB 60).

Most likely to impress: the great view of Workers Stadium from their rooftop patio.

the NightCAp



iNSight - perFeCt DAY iN BeiJiNg

A DeSigN For liFeElisabeth Koch – China’s own mad hatterText by Rachel Chen, photo by Mitchell Pe Masilun

of course it’s a blue sky day and not too hot, not too cold. i would start the day strolling around the clean and crisp Sanlitun North Village, as i can walk there from my hat studio on gongti Beilu (across from the North gate). None of the village – neither North nor South - existed when i first came to Beijing five years ago so it reminds me of the enormous progress that’s being made here and the speed at which it happens. Also, it’s a reminder of the opening up of Chinese fashion to haute couture - which literally means “high sewing” and is used for top design and craftsmanship. i used to cycle by the construction site every day, and when it finally opened – bliss! Not necessarily to buy (since i almost only wear second-hand or vintage pieces anyway) but i love to roam shops like Alexander McQueen, Maison Martin Margiella, Balmain and Balenciaga so i can stay on top of the latest collections.

After a hard morning of pavement pounding, i am all about wellness, courtesy of the village’s Opposite House hotel, where i had an amaz-ing fashion show last year. Kocoon Spa is the perfect wind down, and they have really unique programs like meditation workshops, reiki shar-ing and crystal workshops. i love that they are so open to these alternative ways of healing and living. Bravo!

Since it’s nearby, i might as well check out Yashow Market. there’s more to it than fake frocks, i especially like to look at the Chinese designs they have there and anything made of 100% silk – which is not such an easy task. i can also report that i am a regular at the no-frills manicure and pedicure stalls on the fourth floor, which i can recommend plus the added bonus is that it’s great for people watching.

A bike-ride away along the Workers Stadium’s east road and i get to Central park, where i lived for four years and where i still have lovely friends and many fond memories. i would eat at Pekotan and stock up on breads and deli-cious things for the family (consisting of super husband plus two sweet children, a girl and a boy aged just 3 and 1 years old). the best shop there is called Thaiv where they sell lots of Chi-nese and Japanese brands of clothes, handbags, jewelry (glamorous, modern, classy and chic). it’s not too big and it is also my wonderful flagship store (tower 1, Unit 105) that has welcomed celebrities and many clients.

Sanlitun North Village, 19 Sanlitun lu, Chaoyang District (6417 7110) 朝阳区三里屯


The Opposite House 11 Sanlitun lu, Chaoyang District (6417 6688) 朝阳区三里屯路11号

Kocoon Spa at opposite house 朝阳区三里屯


Yashow Market雅秀市场 58 gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District (6415 1726) 朝阳区工体北


Thaiv 太屋, Central park, tower 1, Unit 105, 6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie (6533 6769) 朝阳区


Pekotan Store 21-22, Bldg 12, Central park, 6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6533 6605) 朝阳区朝阳门外大街6号新城国际


Check out



3.45-6PMProtecting Your Company’s Intellectual Property in China German Centre BeijingBritcham is pleased to invite you to an workshop on Intellectual Property Protection in China. This workshop will give you a thorough understanding on how you can protect your company’s intellectual property and will address recent developments in the Chinese Intellectual Property law.Unit 1111, Landmark Tower 2, 8 Dong-sanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District朝阳区东三环北路8号亮马河大厦服务公


TuesdaY, seP 25 WednesdaY, seP 26

8.30-11.30aMusing Inter-Cultural Coaching skills to empower Your Team (new date)Royal smushi HouseChina World HotelThis 2 ½ hour session is designed for leaders and managers, you will have an opportunity to understand the skills needed to coach effectively in an inter-cultural environment.1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店

Tel. 6505 2266

THuRsdaY, seP 20

The agenda

9PM-MIdnIGHTLadies night @ Zeta BarZeta Barenjoy an evening where females are definitely on top. There will be com-plimentary Zeta Bar special cocktails for the ladies and sexy tones played by their international dJ for you to dance the night away. Free to attend.1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号

Tel. 5865 5000

sundaY, seP 30

Times VaryKempinski 20 Years anniver-sary WineKempinski HotelTo celebrate two delectable decades of Kempinski hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center, Kempinski has worked together with germany’s pronoun “Schloss Reinhartshausen” vineyard to create the 20th year anniversary Pinot noir and Riesling.Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext

MondaY, oCT 1

THuRsdaY, seP 27

7.30PMInvitation to “In Business and Battle” Book Launch British EmbassyBritCham & CBBC member, Sciteb, is inviting participants to join them for the launch of their book “Business and Battle: Strategic Leadership in the Civilian and Military Spheres” - the first book launched simulta-neously in London, Beijing and Washington.11 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区光华路11号

FRIdaY, seP 21

9aM-5PMPresentations: exceeding expectationLufthansa CenterThe Benelux Chamber of Commerce is proud to invite you to a training on September 20 and 21. exceeding expectations, participants identify the characteristics of their audience, prepare presentations to meet audi-ence expectations and get feedback on delivering presentations specific to the audience they are most likely going to be presenting to. C512, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎购物中心C512

saTuRdaY, seP 22

11aM-9PMautumn Carnival at JW Marriott Hotel BeijingOutdoor terrace at JW Marriott Hotel Beijingget ready, the autumn Carnival is coming! adizzying array of epicurean delicacies, chilled drinks, live perform-ances, games, art exhibitions, fun-filled activities for kids, and a charity bazaar, all you can expect from the autumn carnival awaits you at JW Marriott hotel Beijing.83 Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District朝阳区华贸中心建国路83号

Tel. 59088995

7-9PMsecrets of developing with WordPressCalifornia Open Sauce CaféIf you are a website developer that builds or is interested in building websites with WordPress, this is the seminar for you! Topics this month: Custom Post Types (denis Cao) and WordPress Multi-Lingual (Piet Bos). 19-1-15, Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国路93号万达广场19-1-15号

Tel. 5820 6862


MondaY, seP 24

7PMdominio del Plata Wine dinnerDragon Palaceargentinean Susana Balbo is a legend in the wine world, her passion, experience and skill producing truly outstanding wines. Join her in dragon Palace restaurant for a 5-course extravaganza paired with Susana’s ac-claimed dominio del Plata wines. RMB 488 per person. Kempinski Hotel, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext

hIghLIghTS FoR Thu, SeP 20 – Wed, oCT 17

Bubbly sundaysThe Westin Beijing Financial streetThe Westin Financial Street’s award-winning brunch features a huge international buffet, an action-packed kid’s corner and al fresco barbecue in a Zen garden. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without alcohol. RMB 198 for kids between six and twelve. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Tel. 6606 8866

sundaY, seP 23

saTuRdaY, seP 29

noon-3PMagua BrunchAgua agua brunch features 4 tapas to share, 6 choices of main courses and 7 choices of desserts from the ‘a la carte’ menu for only RMB 198 per person.4/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园4层

Tel. 5208 6188/5208 6198

WednesdaY, oCT 3

9aM-1.15PMoctober Golden Yoga WeekInternational Friendship GardenIf you’re one of the many who will decide to stay in Beijing for the golden Week national holiday to avoid the holiday crowds, why not treat yourself to this special 16-hour Vinyasa yoga workshop with experienced yoga teachers. Most yoga studios will be closed so this is the perfect opportunity to keep up and deepen your own practice. RMB1,500 for the whole workshop (four days), or RMB 500 per

TuesdaY, oCT 2

6-7PMspecial sunset dinner setMostoStep out for happy hour drinks in Mosto and enjoy a special three-course dinner set for RMB 188. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园3层

Tel. 5208 6030

11.30aM-1PMGanges Lunch BuffetGanges Indian RestaurantSample the full variety of Indian food at ganges Indian Restaurant - fra-grant Rice dishes, barbequed Tadoor food, delicious naan bread, as well as your favorite curries, soups and salads. Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Department Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District朝阳区工体北路13号世贸百货1号楼


Tel. 6416

FRIdaY, seP 28


THuRsdaY, oCT 11

9aM-noonassessment Technology for Talent Inventory Radisson BLU Hotel Beijing Join this danish chamber event to share assessment technology for tal-ent inventory, how talent inventory achieve the improvement of human resources management system, and analyze talent development road with participants. Ballroom 1-2, Radisson BLU Hotel Beijing, 6A, Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北三环东路甲6号丽笙酒店一层


Tel. 5922 3388

9aM-5PMGlobal Manager ProgramCCIFC – BeijingThe Benelux Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a 10-days training from october 08 to december 11. The training is divided in 5 two-days-modules. Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区燕莎购物中心亮马桥路50号

TuesdaY, oCT 9

Modo Happy Hour dinner setModoStep out for happy hour drinks in Modo and enjoy a special three-course dinner set for only RMB 168. 3/F, Sanlitun Village South(close to Ele-ment Fresh), 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区三里屯路19号三里屯Village南区


Tel. 6415 7207

THuRsdaY, oCT 4

The agenda

2-4PMTour into the old Legation QuarterThe gate to Zhongshan ParkThis autumn dCCC is delighted to invite you to a tour through the historical Beijing city in cooperation with the danish company Beijing Postcards. everyone meet at the gate to Zhongshan Park which is the south of the Tiananmen gate.4 Zhonghua Lu, Dongcheng District (west of Tiananmen)东城区中华路4号(天安门西侧)

sundaY, oCT 14

noon-2.30PMniajo Business LunchNiajoCome to niajo, the traditional Span-ish restaurant, and try their weekly changing three-course menu for only RMB 98, including a glass of soft drink, house wine or tea. Coffee or tea after desserts is also included. Their dishes are prepared with fresh ingredients to offer the maximum flavor and highest quality. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园3层

Tel. 5208 6052

MondaY, oCT 15

FRIdaY, oCT 5

Tandoori Bar-B-Q FestivalThe Taj Pavilion Indian Restau-rantThe Taj Pavilion Indian Restaurant brings Indian flavors for you in Beijing. The Bar-B-Q mouthwatering specialties that are not available on the regular menu shall be prepared especially during the Tandoori Bar-B-Q Festival starting from 5th oct to 21st oct. Join them at any of their three locations and enjoy the north Indian Tandoori flavor with your friends, family and loved ones. See october 5 listing for full ad-dresses.

WednesdaY, oCT 10

7PMdr. Loosen Wine dinnerDragon Palace experience a gourmet marriage of fine german wines paired with Chinese dishes at dragon Palace. Join host and winemaker dr. ernst Loosen, returning after his successful wine dinner in the previous year, for a 5-course dinner matched by wines from one of the finest estates in germany’s famed Mosel region. Kempinski Hotel, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext.


MondaY, oCT 8

9aM-5PMGlobal Manager ProgramCCIFC – BeijingThe Benelux Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a 10-days training from october 08 to decem-ber 11. The training is divided in 5 two-day-modules. Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区燕莎购物中心亮马桥路50号

Get listed! email

events deadlines

november 1 issue:october 11

november 15 issue:october 25

hIghLIghTS FoR Thu, SeP 20 – Wed, oCT 17

uKnow announces arrival of the Fence Collective MAO LivehouseThe men with beards are coming. Fence, a self-described collective of “musicians, artists, craftsfolk, chancers, and slackers” based out of Fife, Scot-land, make their way to China for the very first time in october 2012. 111 Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District东城区鼓楼东大街111号

Tel. 6402 5080

sundaY, oCT 7

saTuRdaY, oCT 13

11.30aM-10PMnew discovery at YuYuYu welcomes you to a brand new menu that bring an unforgettable gastronomic experience, keeping “the way of Yu” by mixing classic Can-tonese cuisine with Chef Ku’s new creations. Beside the new menu, their executive Chinese Chef Ku also creates a memorable weekend for you with their exquisite unlimited Cantonese dim Sum Brunch.83A Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国路甲83号华贸中心

Tel. 5908 8111

saTuRdaY, oCT 6

WednesdaY, seP 5

9PM-MIdnIGHTTaste of The BestROOMbeijingChampagne bottles are 50% off from 9pm till midnight from every night for the summer. Featuring their best dJs from Spain: dJ Cad & dJ Yauman every Wed till Sat. Kitchen opens till 1am. no entrance fee but table bookings are highly recommended.

Rm 301-302, 3/F, Park Life, Yintai Cen-tre, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国门外大街2号银泰中心


Tel. 8517 2033

8.30-11.30PMLatin & Ballroom dance PartySino-Chu Wine BarTheir Latin & Ballroom dance Party is held tonight. To attend their dance party there is a RMB 30 minimum purchase requirement from the Sino-Chu. Food and drinks can be enjoyed at the tables surrounding the wooden dance floor. 18 Liangmahe Nanlu (behind the Aus-tralian embassy), Chaoyang District朝阳区东直门外大街亮马河南路18号亮


Tel. 8532 2418

TuesdaY, oCT 16

6-7PMspecial sunset dinner setMostoStep out for happy hour drinks in Mosto and enjoy a special three-course dinner set for RMB 188. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园3层

Tel. 5208 6030

Carrefour Beijing sh-uangjing Wine Fair This annual event takes place on the rooftop of the Carrefour Shuangjing store. over three days, everybody can enjoy a 20% discount on the full range of imported wine, with free tasting and wine experts advice. opening ceremony is held today with food tastings, lucky draw and live music. 4/F, Carrefour Shuangjing Store, 31 Guangqu Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区广渠门31号4层家乐福双井店

Tel. 5190 9589

FRIdaY, oCT 12




SEP 20 Thu7.30AM

Are you benefiting from the Renminbi as an in-ternational currency?Park Hyatt Beijing HotelThe Asian Banker presents Renminbi World 2012, the largest international conference on the broad range of opportunities presented by the internationalization of the renminbi. Designed to examine in depth the supply chain and investment trends related to the development of China in the global economy, this inter-national conference will be held in Beijing, from the 19th-20th September 2012.2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国门外大街2号柏悦酒店

Tel. 8567

8.30-11.30AMUsing Inter-Cultural Coach-ing Skills to Empower Your Team (New Date)China World HotelThis 2 ½ hour session is designed for leaders and managers, you will have an opportunity to understand the skills needed to coach effectively in an inter-cultural environment, understand how to develop your own global mindset and the global mind-

set of those on your team and learn how to structure coaching sessions for motivation, development, and change. This is a joint event by Austra-lian Cham & DCCC.1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店

Tel. 6505

9AM-5PMPresentations: Exceed-ing ExpectationLufthansa CenterThe Benelux Chamber of Commerce is proud to invite you to a training on September 20 and 21. Exceeding Expectations, participants identify the characteristics of their audience, prepare presentations to meet audi-ence expectations and get feedback on delivering presentations specific to the audience they are most likely going to be presenting to. This course will challenge experienced presenters to adapt their presentation style for different audiences.C512, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎购物中心C512

MODO Happy Hour Dinner SetModoStep out for happy hour drinks in MODO and enjoy a special three-

course dinner set for only RMB 168. 3/F, Sanlitun Village South(close to Ele-ment Fresh), 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区三里屯路19号三里屯


Tel. 6415 7207


Presentations: Exceed-ing ExpectationLufthansa CenterThe Benelux Chamber of Com-merce is proud to invite you to a training on September 20 and 21. Exceeding Expectations, participants identify the characteristics of their audience, prepare presentations to meet audience expectations and get feedback on delivering presentations specific to the audience they are most likely going to be presenting to. This course will challenge experienced presenters to adapt their presenta-tion style for different audiences.C512, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liang-maqiao Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎购物中心C512

1.30-5.30PMAdventure to the se-cret Chinese Space City (Members Only Event)Radisson BLU Hotel BeijingThe Swedish Chamber of Com-merce in Beijing is happy to invite their members to a preliminary planned exclusive visit at the secret Chinese Space City in the north-western outskirt of Beijing. Everyone gather together and departure from Radisson BLu hotel. RMB 100 per person.6A, Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北三环东路甲6号丽笙酒店

Tel. 5922


Autumn Carnival at JW Marriott Hotel BeijingOutdoor Terrace at JW Marriott Hotel BeijingGet ready, the Autumn Carnival is

Autumn Carnival at JW Marriott Hotel Beijing Get ready, the Autumn Carnival is coming! Adizzying array of epicurean delicacies, chilled drinks, live performances, games, art exhibitions, fun-filled activities for kids, and a charity bazaar, all you can expect from the autumn carnival awaits you at JW Marriott hotel Beijing. 83 Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District 朝阳区华贸

中心建国路83号 Tel. 5908 8995


EVENTScoming! A dizzying array of epicu-rean delicacies, chilled drinks, live performances, games, art exhibitions, fun-filled activities for kids, and a charity bazaar, all you can expect from the autumn carnival awaits you at JW Marriott hotel Beijing.83 Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District朝阳区华贸中心建国路83号

Tel. 59088995

4.30-9PMVan Thiel & Co BenCham Welcome Back BBQVan Thiel & Co ShowroomBenCham Beijing wants to take this occasion, along with Van Thiel & Co, to provide you an enjoyable Welcome Back BBQ. This occasion is the perfect moment to meet either old friends and make new friends. Entertainment and delicious snacks for your lovely offspring are also provided. A private bus will be waiting for you at 14:45 at the hilton to bring you to the Van Thiel & Co showroom located in Shunyi.Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Dong-sanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号希尔顿酒店

Tel. 5865

6-10PMDiscover the Arts of AriaAriaAria continues to distinguish itself as a purveyor of contemporary European cuisine with new Aria Chef de Cuisine David Pooley’s sumptuous three-course dinner menu, with a choice of four starters, five main courses and four desserts. Menu highlights such as “Foie Gras Terrine, Pate & Torchon, Brioche, Pickled Mushroom, Fennel Liquorice” and “Aria’s Deconstructed Cheese Cake with Rum Strawber-ries”, which reflect chef’s innovative cooking methods. The three-course dinner menu is available every night at RMB 298 plus 15% service charge. 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jian-guomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6505 2266 ext 36)朝阳区建国门外大街1号中


Tel. 6505 2266 ext 36

6PM-2AMShanghai Night at XIUXiuReturn to the yesteryears with music depicting of the old shanghai charm. Get involved in the music records,

movie star calendar posters, body paintings and witness The Paramount which were the symbols of the good old days. Imagine a unique experience from those bygone days. Where everyone is elegantly dressed and women are wearing elegant Qipaos, gloves and high heels. Live old jazz music and good oldie songs of that time will bring you back to the night life of the 1930’s. Time to get dressed up in Shanghai’s roaring twenties style! Feel heartbeats of the most colourful nightlife; don’t miss out Old Shanghai Night at XIu! One free glass of selected drink is included with the RMB 100 admission fee.6/F, Park Life, Beijing Yintai Centre, 2 Ji-anguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国门外大街2号,


Tel. 8567 1108

SEP 23 SuN 11am-4pM

Bubbly SundaysThe Westin Beijing Fi-nancial StreetThe Westin Financial Street’s award-winning brunch features a huge international buffet, an action-packed kid’s corner and al fresco barbecue in a Zen garden. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without

alcohol. RMB 198 for kids 6-12. All prices are subject to a surcharge. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Tel. 6606 8866

11.30AM-10.30PMTaste of summer @ Barolo of The Ritz-Carlton, BeijingBarolo“Chef of the Year” Gianluca Visani offers his new creations for summer, and brings the taste of traditional Italian home cooking by presenting diners the vibrancies and romance of Italy with a burst of flavors in a delectable and inventive way, and perfectly matched with exquisite regional Ital-ian wines. Let them invite you to enjoy a master chef at the top of his craft.2/F, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, China Central Place, 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国路甲83号北京丽思卡


Tel. 5908 8151


Monday Industry Night at XIUXIUEvery Monday, working in the hospi-tality or airline industry? Join them for Absolut Vodka at RMB 300 per bottle and selected beers at RMB 150 per six

Discover the Arts of Aria Aria continues to distinguish itself as a purveyor of contemporary European cuisine with new Aria Chef de Cuisine David Pooley’s sumptuous three-course dinner menu, with a choice of four starters, five main courses and four desserts. Menu highlights such as “Foie Gras Terrine, Pate & Torchon, Brioche, Pickled Mushroom, Fennel Liquorice” and “Aria’s Decon-structed Cheese Cake with Rum Strawberries”, which reflect chef’s innovative cooking methods. 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6505 2266 ext 36) 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店二层阿丽雅 Tel. 6505 2266 ext 36


bottles. All night long at XIu!6/F, Park Life, Beijing Yintai Centre, 2 Jian-guomenwai Street, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国门外大街2号,


Tel. 8567 1108

7PMDominio del Plata Wine DinnerDragon PalaceArgentinean Susana Balbo is a legend in the wine world, her passion, experience and skill producing truly outstanding wines. Join her in Dragon Palace restaurant for a 5-course extravaganza paired with Susana’s ac-claimed Dominio del Plata wines. RMB 488 per person. All prices are in RMB and subject to 15% surcharge. Kempinski Hotel, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext

SEP 25 TuE8.30-11AM

Impactful Communication using the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) - Module 1Radisson BLU Hotel BeijingThe session will be delivered by Robin Ball, MDS Founder and head of Learning and Development. he is a specialist trainer for senior manage-ment groups focusing particularly on leadership and teambuilding for top

teams using the MBTI®, Leadership 360™ and EQ-i® instruments. 6A, Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区北三环东路甲6号北京皇


3.45-6PMProtecting Your Company’s Intellectual Property in China German Centre BeijingBritcham is pleased to invite you to an informative workshop on Intellectual Property Protection in China. This workshop will give you a thorough understanding on how you can protect your company’s intellectual property and will address recent de-velopments in the Chinese Intellectual Property law.Unit 1111, Landmark Tower 2, 8 Dong-sanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District朝阳区东三环北路8号亮马河


7-9PMGrey Haired Bikers on the Silk RoadTBCJoin Britcham for a beer, sit back and relax as Richard relives his adventure and tells the tale of how a bunch of

grey- haired bikers conquered one of the world’s oldest and most famous trade routes.Tel. 8525 1111ext


Secrets of Develop-ing with WordPressCalifornia Open Sauce CaféThree senior developers will share their secrets on building websites with WordPress. This is not for the faint hearted. If you are a website developer that builds or is interested in building websites with WordPress, this is the seminar for you! Topics this month: Custom Post Types (Denis Cao) and WordPress Multi-Lingual (Piet Bos). 19-1-15, Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国路93号万达广场19-1-15号

Tel. 5820 6862

SEP 27 Thu7.30PM

Invitation to “In Business and Battle” Book Launch British EmbassyBritCham & CBBC member, Sciteb, is inviting participants to join them for the launch of their book “Business and Battle: Strategic Leadership in the Civilian and Military Spheres” - the first book launched simultaneously in London, Beijing and Washington.11 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区光华路11号

SEP 28 FRI11.30AM-1PM

Ganges Lunch BuffetGanges Indian RestaurantSample the full variety of Indian food at Ganges Indian Restaurant - fragrant Rice dishes, barbequed Tadoor food, delicious Naan bread, as well as your favorite curries, soups and salads. Gan-ges Lunch Buffet - offering Starters, Curries, Tandoor BBQ, Salads, Soups, Rice and Dessert for just RMB 60. Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Depart-ment Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District

Dominio del Plata Wine Dinner Argentinean Susana Balbo is a legend in the wine world, her passion, experience and skill producing truly outstanding wines. Join her in Dragon Palace restaurant for a 5-course extravaganza paired with Susana’s acclaimed Dominio del Plata wines. RMB 488 per person. All prices are in RMB and subject to 15% surcharge. Kempinski Hotel, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext 4217




Tel. 6416


Agua BrunchAgua Agua brunch features 4 tapas to share, 6 choices of main courses and 7 choices of desserts from the ‘a la carte’ menu for only RMB 198 per person.4/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园4层

Tel. 5208 6188/5208 6198

SEP 30 SuN10.30AM-2.30PM

Unlimited Dim Sum BrunchBeijing Sui Yuan Chi-nese RestaurantBring your family to Doubletree by hil-ton Beijing to taste authentic Canton-ese flavor and enjoy 40 different kinds of dim sum, with steamed bean curd skin rolls with abalone sauce, steamed prawn dumpling with spinach, baked barbecued pork with pine nuts and crystal scallop dumpling with chives plus a cold appetizer buffet, congee, dessert and fine Chinese tea. Doubletree by Hilton Beijing, 168 Guan-ganmenwai, Dajie, Xicheng District 西城区广安门外大街168号


11AM-4PMBubbly SundaysThe Westin Beijing Fi-nancial StreetThe Westin Financial Street’s award-winning brunch features a huge international buffet, an action-packed kid’s corner and al fresco barbecue in a Zen garden. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without alcohol. RMB 198 for kids between six and twelve. All prices are subject to a surcharge. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Tel. 6606 8866

9PM-MIDNIGHTLadies Night @ Zeta BarZeta BarEnjoy an evening where females are definitely on top. There will be compli-

mentary Zeta Bar special cocktails for the ladies and sexy tones played by their international DJ for you to dance the night away. Free to attend.1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号

Tel. 5865 5000

OCT 1 MON11.30AM-1PM

Ganges Lunch BuffetGanges Indian RestaurantSample the full variety of Indian food at Ganges Indian Restaurant - fragrant Rice dishes, barbequed Tadoor food, delicious Naan bread, as well as your favorite curries, soups and salads. Gan-ges Lunch Buffet - offering Starters, Curries, Tandoor BBQ, Salads, Soups, Rice and Dessert for just RMB 60. Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Depart-ment Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District朝阳区工体北路13号世贸


Tel. 6416

Mosto Business Lunch MostoTwo-course set lunch in Mosto is only RMB 95 with desert for RMB 15. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District摸石头,朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园3层

Tel. 5208

Times VaryKempinski 20 Years An-niversary WineKempinski HotelTo celebrate two delectable decades of Kempinski hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center, Kempinski has worked together with Germany’s pronoun “Schloss Reinhartshausen” vineyard to create the 20th year anniversary Pinot Noir and Riesling. The limited edition wine is available at Kempinski’s acclaimed restaurants and bars.Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext


Classic Business Set LunchDynasty PlazaCatering to business people’s need for convenient and nutritious food, Dynasty Plaza presents a series of 5-course set lunch menus starting from RMB 98. Besides selected salads, soups, desserts and fresh fruits, choose your own favorite main course from braised tenderloin in red wine sauce, pan-fried salmon, Penne carbonara, New York club sandwich or hainanese chicken rice. Take a break from the hustle and bustle and satisfy your palate.Sunworld Dynasty Hotel, 50 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng District

Ganges Lunch Buffet Ganges Indian Restaurant Sample the full variety of Indian food or try the lunch buffet - offering starters, curries, Tandoor BBQ, salads, soups, rice and dessert for just RMB 60. Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Department Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工

体北路13号世贸百货1号楼2层202 Tel. 6416 0181



Tel. 5816 8888 ext. 8298

6-7PMSpecial Sunset Dinner SetMostoStep out for happy hour drinks in Mosto and enjoy a special three-course dinner set for RMB 188. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园3层

Tel. 5208 6030


October Golden Yoga WeekInternational Friendship GardenIf you’re one of the many who will de-cide to stay in Beijing for the Golden Week National holiday to avoid the holiday crowds, why not treat yourself to this special 16-hour Vinyasa yoga workshop with experienced yoga teachers Dee Rawlins and Victor Chau? Most yoga studios will be closed so this is the perfect opportunity to deepen your own practice. You may choose to join the whole four-day workshop, or attend an individual day that has a special theme. RMB1,500 for the whole workshop (four days), or RMB 500 per

8PM-lateLadies Night @ Zeta BarZeta BarEnjoy an evening where females are

definitely on top. There will be compli-mentary Zeta Bar special cocktails for the ladies and sexy tones played by their international DJ for you to dance the night away. Free to attend.1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号

Tel. 5865 5000

OCT 4 ThuMODO Happy Hour Dinner SetModoStep out for happy hour drinks in MODO and enjoy a special three-course dinner set for only RMB 168. 3/F, Sanlitun Village South(close to Ele-ment Fresh), 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区三里屯路19号三里屯


Tel. 6415 7207


Tandoori Bar-B-Q FestivalThe Taj Pavilion Indian RestaurantThe Taj Pavilion Indian Restaurant brings Indian flavors for you in Beijing. The Bar-B-Q mouthwatering specialties that are not available on the regular menu shall be prepared especially during the Tandoori Bar-B-Q Festival starting from 5th oct to 21st oct. Join them at any of their three locations and enjoy the north Indian Tandoori flavor with your friends, fam-

ily and loved ones. 1) L222, Europlaza, 99 Yuxiang Lu, Tianzhu Zhen, Shunyi District 顺义区天竺镇裕翔路99号欧陆时尚


Tel. 8046 32382) F2-03, 2/F, North Tower, China Overseas Plaza, 8 Guanghua Dong Li, Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街光华东里


Tel. 6505 58663) 3/F, holiday Inn Lido, Jiangtai Lu, Shoudu Jichang Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区首都机场路将台路丽都


Tel. (6436 7678)

OCT 6 SAT8.30-11.30PM

Latin & Ballroom Dance Party Sino-Chu Wine Bar Their Latin & Ballroom Dance Party is held tonight. To attend their dance party there is a RMB 30 minimum purchase requirement from the Sino-Chu. Food and drinks can be enjoyed at the tables surrounding the wooden dance floor. 18 Liangmahe Nanlu (behind the Aus-tralian embassy), Chaoyang District 朝阳区东直门外大街亮马河


Tel. 8532 2418

OCT 7 SuN11aM-4pm

Bubbly SundaysThe Westin Beijing Fi-nancial StreetThe Westin Financial Street’s award-winning brunch features a huge international buffet, an action-packed kid’s corner and al fresco barbecue in a Zen garden. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without alcohol. RMB 198 for kids between six and twelve. All prices are subject to a surcharge. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Tel. 6606 8866

9PMUKnow Announces Arrival of the Fence Collective MAO LivehouseThe men with beards are coming.

October Golden Yoga Week If you’re one of the many who will decide to stay in Beijing for the Golden Week National holiday to avoid the holiday crowds, why not treat yourself to this special 16-hour Vinyasa yoga workshop with experienced yoga teachers Dee Rawlins and Victor Chau? RMB1,500 for the whole workshop (four days), or RMB 500 per day.


EVENTSFence, a self-described collective of “musicians, artists, craftsfolk, chanc-ers, and slackers” based out of Fife, Scotland, make their way to China for the very first time in October 2012. This loosely-knit group, comprised on this tour of label laoban/singer-song-writer King Creosote, schizo-popsters FOuND, lo-fi balladeer The Pictish Trail (aka Johnny Lynch) and drummer/producer/sole beardless representa-tive OnTheFly. The Collective comes to China under the auspices of leading promoters Split Works, working together with the British Council and uK Now, as part of Split Works’ uK Now Concert Series.111 Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District东城区鼓楼东大街111号

Tel. 6402 5080


Global Manager ProgramCCIFC – BeijingThe Benelux Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a 10-days training from October 08 to Decem-ber 11. The training is divided in 5 two-days-modules: Module 1, Strategy Management October 8-9; Module 2, Key aspects of Financial Accounting and analysis October 29-30; Module 3, Marketing Management November 12-13; Module 4, Motivate your team, November 29-30; Module 5, Leader-ship and coaching December 10-11. Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区燕莎购物中心亮马桥路50号

6PM-2AMMonday Industry Night at XIUXIUEvery Monday, working in the hospi-tality or airline industry? Join them for Absolut Vodka at RMB 300 per bottle and selected beers at RMB 150 per six bottles. All night long at XIu!6/F, Park Life, Beijing Yintai Centre, 2 Jian-guomenwai Street, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国门外大街2号,


Tel. 8567 1108


Global Manager ProgramCCIFC – BeijingThe Benelux Chamber of Commerce

is pleased to invite you to a 10-days training from October 08 to Decem-ber 11. The training is divided in 5 two-days-modules: Module 1, Strategy Management October 8-9; Module 2, Key aspects of Financial Accounting and analysis October 29-30; Module 3, Marketing Management November 12-13; Module 4, Motivate your team, November 29-30; Module 5, Leader-ship and coaching December 10-11. Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区燕莎购物中心亮马桥路50号


Dr. Loosen Wine DinnerDragon Palace Experience a gourmet marriage of fine German wines paired with Chinese dishes at Dragon Palace. Join host and winemaker Dr. Ernst Loosen, returning after his successful wine dinner in the previous year, for a 5-course dinner matched by wines from one of the finest estates in Germany’s famed Mosel region. RMB 488 per person. All prices are in RMB and subject to 15% surcharge.Kempinski Hotel, Lufthansa Center, 50

Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext.


Assessment Technology for Talent Inventory Radisson BLU Hotel Beijing Join this Danish chamber event to share assessment technology for talent inventory, how talent inventory achieve the improvement of human resources management system, and analyze talent development road with participants. This is a members-only event. Free of charge for the first 3 participants from same member company and RMB 100/person from the 4th participant.Ballroom 1-2, Radisson BLU Hotel Beijing, 6A, Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北三环东路甲6号丽笙


Tel. 5922

Dr. Loosen Wine Dinner Experience a gourmet marriage of fine German wines paired with Chinese dishes at Dragon Palace. Join host and winemaker Dr. Ernst Loosen, returning after his successful wine dinner in the previous year, for a 5-course dinner matched by wines from one of the finest estates in Germany’s famed Mosel region. RMB 488 per person. All prices are in RMB and subject to 15% surcharge. Kempinski Hotel, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号 Tel. 6465 3388 ext. 4217


11.30AM-2PMChina’s Modern Consum-ers: The Golden Rules for Marketing in ChinaAmCham China Con-ference CenterTom Doctoroff, JWT North Asia area director and Greater China CEO, and author of the new, highly regarded book, What Chinese Want: Culture, Communism, and China’s Modern Consumer, will utilize his 20 years of business and culture experience to review the three golden rules of mar-keting in China, analyze today’s key consumer trends, and highlight the role of the digital domain, a cherished space of self-expression. RMB 100 for AmCham China members and RMB 450 for Non-members.The Office Park, Tower AB, 6/F, 10 Jin-tongxi Road, Chaoyang District中国美国商会新办公室 会议室 远洋光

华国际 AB座6层 朝阳区金桐西路10号

Tel. 8519


Carrefour Beijing Shuangjing Wine Fair This annual event takes place on the rooftop of the Carrefour Shuangjing store. Over three days, everybody can enjoy a 20% discount on the full range of imported wine, with free tasting

and wine experts advice. Opening ceremony is held today with food tast-ings, lucky draw and live music. 4/F, Carrefour Shuangjing Store, 31 Guangqu Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区广渠门31号4层家乐福双井店

Tel. 5190 9589

OCT 13 SAT11.30AM-10PM

New Discovery at YuYuYu welcomes you to a brand new menu that bring an unforgettable gastronomic experience, keeping “the way of Yu” by mixing classic Cantonese cuisine with Chef Ku’s new creations. Beside the new menu, their Executive Chinese Chef Ku also creates a memorable weekend for you with their exquisite unlimited Cantonese Dim Sum Brunch.83A Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国路甲83号华贸中心

Tel. 5908 8111

OCT 14 SuN 2-4PM

Tour into the old Legation QuarterThe gate to Zhongshan ParkThis autumn the Danish Chamber of Commerce is delighted to invite you

to a tour through the historical Beijing city in cooperation with the Danish company Beijing Postcards. Everyone meet at the gate to Zhongshan Park which is the south of the Tiananmen gate.4 Zhonghua Lu, Dongcheng District (west of Tiananmen)东城区中华路4号(天安门西侧)


Niajo Business LunchNiajoCome to Niajo, the traditional Span-ish restaurant, and try their weekly changing three-course menu for only RMB 98, including a glass of soft drink, house wine or tea. Coffee or tea after desserts is also included. Their dishes are prepared with fresh ingredients to offer the maximum flavor and highest quality. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园3层

Tel. 5208 6052

OCT 16 TuE6-7PM

Special Sunset Dinner SetMostoStep out for happy hour drinks in Mosto and enjoy a special three-course dinner set for RMB 188. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园3层

Tel. 5208 6030


Taste of The BestROOMbeijingBest lounge music and best price often don’t mix, unless it’s done by ROOMbeijing. Champagne bottles are 50% off from 9pm till midnight from every night for the summer. Featuring their best DJs from Spain: DJ Cad & DJ Yauman every Wed till Sat. Kitchen opens till 1am. No entrance fee but table bookings are highly recom-mended.Rm 301-302, 3/F, Park Life, Yintai Centre, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District朝阳区建国门外大街2号


Tel. 8517 2033

China’s Modern Consumers: The Golden Rules for Marketing in China Tom Doctoroff, JWT North Asia area director and Greater China CEO, and author of the new, highly regarded book, What Chinese Want: Culture, Com-munism, and China’s Modern Consumer, will utilize his 20 years of business and culture experience to review the three golden rules of marketing in China, analyze today’s key consumer trends, and highlight the role of the digital domain, a cherished space of self-expression. RMB 100 for AmCham China members and RMB 450 for non-members.


Grand MillenniumBeijing


Oasis Healthcare

Beijing United Family

Beijing United Family

Beijing United Family

International SOS

21st Century Healthcare

International Medical Center

Vista Clinic

Bayley and Jackson

Hong Kong InternationalMedical Clinic

Beijing Aier-Intech Eye Hospital

Grace Beijing Hotel

Hilton WangFuJing

Radisson Blu Hotel




1 2 3






Grand MillenniumBeijing


Oasis Healthcare

Beijing United Family

Beijing United Family

Beijing United Family

International SOS

21st Century Healthcare

International Medical Center

Vista Clinic

Bayley and Jackson

Hong Kong InternationalMedical Clinic

Beijing Aier-Intech Eye Hospital

Grace Beijing Hotel

Hilton WangFuJing

Radisson Blu Hotel




4 5 6









Line 9

Changping LineFangshan LineYizhuang Line

Line 15
























































































Line 9

Changping LineFangshan LineYizhuang Line

Line 15

















































































BuSINESSChaoyang District (5905 5905) 朝阳区


层; 2) 8/F, Tower A, 2 Fuchengmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (8804 7288) 西城区阜城门外大街2号A座8层

The Executive Centre Level 15 Yintai Office Tower C, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6563 7888) 朝阳区 建国门外大街2号 银泰中心银泰

写字楼15层 executivecentre.comServcorp Rm 601, Bldg W2, Ori-ental Plaza, 1 Dongchang’an Jie, Dongcheng District (8520 0000) 东城


Servoffice International Centre 世鳌商务中心 1) 5/F, CBD International Tower, 16 Yongan Dongli, Chaoyang District 朝阳区永安东里16号 CBD国际

大厦5层; 2) 4/F, Teda Times Center, 15 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳

区光华路15号泰达时代中心4层; 3) 12/F, Oversea Plaza, 8 Guanghua Dongli, Chaoyang District 朝阳区光华东里8

号中海广场南楼12层; 4) 10/F, SOhO Nexus Center, A19 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路甲

19号 SOHO嘉盛中心10层; 5) 9/F, Tower A West, Tianyin Mansion, A2 Fuxing-mennan Dajie, Xicheng District 西城区

复兴门南大街2号 天银大厦A座西9层; 6) 1 Sanfeng Beili, Chaoyang District 朝阳


SBC Business Serviced (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 11/F, Tower A, Gateway, 18 Xiaguangli Beilu, Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang District (59231166) 朝阳区


APBC Offices 1) 16/F Gemdale Plaza Tower A, 91 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District (5920 8333) 朝阳区建国路91

号金地中心A座16层; 2) 10/F, World Financial Center, East Tower, 1 Dong-sanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环中路1号环球金融中心东

塔10层 (5920 8336); 3) 17/F Ping An International Financial Plaza, Tower B, 1-3 Xin Yuan Nan Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区新源南路1-3号平安国际

金融中心B座17层 (5829 1888)

Regus 12 locations available in Beijing: China World Tower 3, Zhongguan-cun Metropolis Tower, NCI Centre, China Life Tower, IFC, Parkview Green (Opening Soon), Financial Street Excel Centre, Prosper Center, Kerry Centre, Pacific Century Place, China Central Place, Lufthansa Center (400 120 1205) 国贸三期,中关村欧美汇大厦,北京新华


国际中心, 芳草地,雷格斯卓著中心,雷



InnoBiz 27/F Tower C, Office Park, 5 Jinghua Nanjie, Chaoyang District (8535 0888) 朝阳区景华南街5号远洋·



Country Holidays Rm 2804, Bldg 11, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (+21 3222 0616, 朝阳区东


Kingdom Travel Specializes in corporate and holiday travel planning and offers airline, hotel, car, and cruise reservation services. Staffed by profes-sional travel consultants. Apt 718, Bldg 2, Guanghualu Soho, 22 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. (5870 3388, 中侨国旅, 朝阳区光华路22号光

华路SOHO 2号楼718室

Sunflower Travel Specializes in leisure and business travel, offering international and domestic trips, and customized trips to create a unique travel experience. 22D, Bldg B, Ginza Mall, 48 Dongzhimenwai Dajie (8447 6361), Dongcheng District. (8447 6361) 东城


TUI China Travel Co. Ltd. Travel services from an international team. Offers city tours, tour packages with special interest groups and individual travel arrange-ments all over China, as well as to Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other Asian countries. unit 921-926, Bright China Chang An Bldg, Tower 2, 7 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng District. (8519 8800, 途易, 东城区建国门



Air Canada Rm C201, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (400 811 2001) 加拿大航空,


Air France Rm 1609, 16/F, Bldg 1, Kuntai International Mansion, 12A Chaoyang-menwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (400 880 8808) 法国航空,



Korean Air 901-3, hyundai Motor Towers, 38 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District. (8453 8137, 40065 88888) 朝阳区霄云路38号现



AHK (Delegations of german Indus-try & Commerce)

AmCham-China (The American Chamber of Commerce)

Austcham Beijing

British Chamber of Commerce in China

BEnCHAM (Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China)

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (China-Italy Chamber of Com-merce)

CCIFC (French Chamber of Com-merce and Industry in China)

DCCC (Danish chamber of com-merce in China)

European Chamber (European Union Chamber of Commerce in China)

Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China (HKCCC)


IsCham China (The Israeli Chamber of Commerce in China)

Singcham (Singapore chamber of commerce and industry in China)

Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China

Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China

Swisscham (Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Beijing)


Beijing Entrepreneurs 2/F, Annex to Sunjoy Mansion No. 6 Ritan Road, Chaoyang District (6569 1321) 朝阳区北京市朝阳


Viva Beijing Professional Women’s network Meets last Wednesday of every month.

Entrepreneur’s Organization Beijing Chapter


Vantone Commercial Center 万通商务中心 1) 26-27/F, Tower D, Vantone Center, A6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie,


Phillipine Airlines unit 1621, Tower 2, Bright China Chang An Building, No. 7 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng Dis-trict (6510 2991) 菲律宾航空,东城区建国门内大街7


Turkish Airlines W103, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 1867) 土耳其航

空, 亮马桥路50号燕莎中心W103

United Airlines C/D1, 15/F, Tower A, Gateway Plaza, 18 Xiaguangli, Dongsan-huan Lu, Chaoyang District. (8468 6666) 美国联合航空, 朝阳区东三



grace Beijing unit 1, 706 houjie, 798 Art District (enter from north gate), 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (64361818) 酒仙桥路2号院798艺术区


Westin Beijing Financial Street, 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District., Xicheng District (6606 8866) 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Shangri-La Hotel Beijing, 29 Zizhuy-uan Lu, haidian District (6841 2211) 海淀区紫竹院路29号北京香格里拉饭店

Kempinski Hotel, Beijing Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (6465 3388) 朝阳区亮马桥路50


Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel, 61 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (5863 8888) 朝阳区东三环中路


Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing 6A Dongbeisanhuan Road, Chaoyang District. (5922 3388) 北京市朝阳区北三


Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wang-fujing Dongjie, Dongcheng District (5812 8888) 东城区王府井东街8号北京


The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8888) 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂


DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing, 168 Guang’anmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (6338 1999) 西城区广安门外大


Marriott Beijing northeast, 26A Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District (5927 8888) 朝阳区霄云路甲26号海航大厦万


Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5865 5000) 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1



Ascott 1) Ascott Beijing, 108B Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (6567 8100) 朝阳区建国路108B; 2) Ascott Raffles City Beijing, 1-2 Dongzhimennan Dajie, Dongcheng District (8405 3888) 东城

区东直门南大街1-2 3) Somerset Grand Fortune Garden Beijing, 46 Liangma-qiao Lu, Chaoyang District (8451 8888) 朝阳区亮马桥路46号; 4) Somerset ZhongGuanCun Beijing, 15 haidian Zhongjie, haidian District (5873 0088) 海淀区海淀中街15号; 5) Luxury Serviced Residence Beijing, 17 Jianhua Nanlu, Chaoyang District (6566 2200) 朝阳区建华南路17号,,

The Millennium Residences @ Beijng Fortune Plaza Bldg 6, Fortune Plaza, 7 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (8588 2888) 朝阳区


Oakwood Residence Beijing No. 8 Dongzhimenwai Xiejie, Chaoyang District, Beijing (5995 2888)北京市朝阳


Fraser Residence CBD Block B, Ocean International Centre, 58 Dongsi-huanzhonglu, Chaoyang District (5870 9188, 40088 16988, 朝阳区东四环中



Embassy House 18 Donzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District (8449 9000) 东城区东直门外小街18号万国公寓



21st Century Health Care - Beijing glory Clinic Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat-Sun 9am - 6pm; 24 hour house call service. 40 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (84446168 (English/Chinese)8444 6160 (Japanese) 6468 6021(Korean)) 朝阳区亮马路40号

Bayley & Jackson Medical Center Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-5.30pm. 7 Ritan Donglu, Chaoyang District. (8562 9998, after-hours emergencies 8562 9990, 庇利积臣医疗中心, 朝阳区日坛


Beijing Intech Eye Hospital Daily 8.30am-4.30pm. 1/F, 4-5/F, Panjiayuan Plaza, 12 Panjiayuan Nanli, Chaoyang District. (6771 5558, 英智眼

科医院, 朝阳区潘家园南里12号潘家园


Beijing International SOS Clinic Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 8am-6pm. Suite 105, Wing 1, Kunsha Building, 16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District. (Clinic: 6462 9112, 24hr hotline 6462 9100, 北京国际救援

中心, 朝阳区新源里16号琨莎中心1座


Beijing Puhua International Clinic Mon-Sun 9am-6pm. 54 Wusheng Beilu, Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang District. (8773 5522, 8911 6665 (24hr hotline)) 北京普华门

诊, 朝阳区东三环武圣北路54号

Beijing United Family Shunyi Clinic Mon-Thu 9:30am-7:30pm, Fri-Sun 9.30am-4.30pm. unit 818, Pinnacle Pla-za, Tianzhu Real Estate Development Zone, Shunyi District. (8046 5432, fax 8046 4383) 北京和睦家医院诊所, 顺义区天竺开发


Beijing United Family Hospital Mon-Sat 8.30am-5.30pm. 24-hour emergency care. 2 Jiangtai Lu (in the Lido area), Chaoyang District. (5927 7000, 5927 7120 (ER ), fax 5927 7200) 北京和睦家

医院, 朝阳区将台路2号

Cosmetic Surgery Center 38 Shang-dixinxiLu, haidian District. (8289 0216) 北医三院上地门诊部医学美

容中心, 海淀区上地信息路38号上地数


Hong Kong International Medical Clinic Daily 9am-9pm. 9/F, office tower of the Swissotel, 2 Chaoyang-men Beidajie, Dongcheng District. (6501 4260, 6553 2288 ext 2345/6/7) 北京港澳国际医务诊所,



International Medical Center (IMC) Daily 24hrs. S106, S111 Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmahe Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 1561/2/3, 6465 1384/28, 北京国际



OASIS Healthcare Beijing’s full-service international luxury hospital. 9 Jiuxianqiao North Road Chaoyang District, Beijing,100015 China 北京市朝

阳区酒仙桥北路9号 +86 400 uR OASIS

Vista Medical Center Daily 24hrs. Level 3 Kerry Center Shopping Mall , No.1 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang Dis-trict (8529 6618, fax 8529 6615, 维世达

诊所, 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心B29


CLASSIFIEDSLufthansa Area:Beijing SOHO Residences - SOHO北京公馆:1 Br. 80m², ¥13,0003 Br. 245m², ¥ 25,000gemini grove - 星源汇1 Br. 80m², ¥11,0001 Br. 90m², ¥12,000CBD Area:Central Park - 新城国际:Studio, 75m², ¥9,0001 Br. 90m², ¥12,0002 Br. 125m², ¥16,0002 Br. 130m² duplex, ¥16,0003 Br. 190m², ¥20,0003 Br. 220m², ¥ 23,0004 Br. 265m², ¥33,000Windsor Avenue - 温莎大道:1 Br. 90m², ¥9,5002 Br. 158m², ¥14,5003 Br. 300m², ¥25,000Fortune Plaza - 财富中心:1 Br. 70m², ¥8,5002 Br. 140m², ¥14,0003 Br. 205m², ¥19,000global Trade Mansion - 世贸国际:Studio. 80m², ¥9,0002 Br. 170m², ¥17,0003 Br. 260m², ¥19,000CBD Private Castle - 圣世一品:2 Br. 115m², ¥10,0002 Br. 148m², ¥12,0003 Br. 170m², ¥15,000

Dawanglu Area:China Central Place - 华贸中心:2 Br. 125m², ¥14,0003 Br. 165m², ¥16,000gemdale Int’l garden - 金地国际:2 Br. 148m², ¥15,0003 Br. 199m², ¥20,000

Chaoyang Park Area:Palm Spring - 棕榈泉:2 Br. 138m², ¥14,0003 Br. 192m², ¥20,0003 Br. 218m², ¥24,000Park Avenue - 公园大道:2 Br. 174m², ¥16,0003 Br. 180m², ¥18,0003 Br. 193m², ¥26,000Oceanwide Int’l Residential District - 泛海国际:3 Br. 185m², ¥15,0004 Br. 245m², ¥22,000greenlake Place - 观湖国际:3 Br. 173m², ¥13,0003 Br. 192m², ¥15,0004 Br. 260m², ¥25,000Beijing golf Palace - 高尔夫公寓:3 Br. 270m², ¥29,000Star River - 星河湾:3+1 Br. 260m², ¥26,000

Courtyard for Lease:Jiaodoukou 2+2 Br. 200m², ¥32,000Lama Temple 2 Br New Renovate. 130m², ¥26,000

forbidden City, 2 Br modern Style, 131m², ¥26,000Dongsi Courtyard Office, 350m², ¥55,000


Beijing CYTS car rental service group Luxury car rental promotion Big car rental brand, unbeatable price Brand new vehicle fleet, full insurance Professional, experienced staff, local trained English-speaking driver Multi-language tour guide Tailor-made solution 24*7 standing by Contact us for more discount information T: 57458067, 13718943926

network services: unblock websites, securing web surf, Access to your favor sites such as Facebook, Youtube or Twitter etc. for RMB30/month. Also, offer VoIP services and use mobile make international call without using a calling card or broadband internet connection as low as RMB0.15/minute. Contact Roger @ 186.6435.8006 or


Lily’s Antiques Specializing in high-class antique furniture (mainly from northern China, in walnut and Elmwood) and cus-tom-made furniture, for the local market. Also wholesale for antique and newly made furniture. Excellent service for international transportation of furniture. Furthermore a wide selection of acces-sories is offered. 1) Daily 8.30am-6pm. Gaobeidian Showroom, 6 Gaobeidian Furniture Street, Chaoyang District. Con tact Lily Quan (6572 9746, 138 0139 6309), (8579 2458,; 2) Visit by Appointment, Factory and Ware house Address, Baimiao indus-try area, Songzhuang town, Tongzhou District. Contact Lily Quan (6572 9746, 138 0139 6309) (138 0139 6309) 华伦古典家具, 1) 朝阳区高碑店家俱一条街69号; 2) 通州区工厂地址, 通州区宋庄镇白庙村工业大院

The best Tattoo studio in China Creation Tattoo is the first professional body art studio in Beijing. We provide service below: Tattoo, Personal body art design, piercing, microdermal ,Tattoo removal. We has created the perfect platform to satisfy the needs for body art with professional equipments and personnel. welcome to custom. Add: 4309, Bldg 4, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dong-sanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District Tel:010-58691886 地址:北京市朝阳区建外SOHO东区4楼4309号

Commercial and service classifieds cost RMB 300 for the first 30 words, and RMB 10 for each additional word. To submit a classified ad: 1) e-mail:; 2) submit your ad directly online at; Free ads will be placed on a space-available basis and at the discretion of the editor. For more information on how to place a classified advertisement in agenda call Phoebe: 5820 7700 ext 822


Beijing Service Apartment for Rent Daily/Monthly/Yearly @ Sublet.Cn FULL SERVICE:24H Hotline: 008610-6493-8285, 6491-2993Email: subletcn@gmail.comWebsite:

Dongzhimen/Sanlitun Area:Harbor City, Studio, 40m², ¥300/night or ¥3,900/month;Seasons Park - 海晟名苑:Studio, 47m² with open kitchen, ¥399/night or ¥5,800/month;1 Br, 75m², ¥580/night or ¥7,900/month;2 Br, 100m², ¥10,0002 Br, 128m², ¥13,0002+1 Br, 140m², ¥14,0003 Br, 160m², ¥15,0004 Br, 250m², ¥25,000East Avenue – 逸盛阁:1 Br, 85m², ¥ 10,0001 Br, 100m², ¥ 12,0002 Br, 130m², ¥ 15,000Shimao gongsan Plaza – 世茂工三:Studio, 64 – 90 m², from ¥ 7,5001 Br, 103 – 112 m², from ¥ 14,0002 Br, 144 m², from ¥18,000Tunsanli/Yongli International – 屯三里/永利国际Studio, 64 – 70 m², from ¥ 7,000new MOMA - 万国城:Studio, 100m², ¥8,5002 Br, 140m², ¥14,0003 Br, 245m², ¥20,000Sanlitun SOHO - 三里屯SOHO:1 Br, 120m², ¥14,0002 Br, 150m², ¥19,5002 Br, 170m² ¥20,0003+1 Br, 245m², ¥30,0003+1 Br, 260m², ¥33,000International Wonderland - 首开幸福广场:1 Br, 95-120m², ¥7,5002 Br, 125 - 140m², ¥10,000Regentland/Worker Stadium/Dong-sishItiao - 瑞士公寓:1 Br, 80 - 95m², ¥9,5002 Br, 125m², ¥14,0003 Br, 140m², ¥17,000guangcai Int’l Apartment - 光彩国际:3 Br. 217m², ¥20,0004 Br. 270m², ¥25,000