The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness NEWSLETTER … · The Woodlands Institute for...


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The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness NEWSLETTER

JUNE 2011 281.298.6742


* Supplements of Month: Kids Essentials

& Coromega

* Upcoming Events

* TWIHW New "Tween" Program

* Healthy Snacks for Healthy Kids

* Youth Fitness Facts

* Learn more about the HCG Diet

* TWIHW Specials

* Dr. McManus: Doctor of the Month

* Allergies?

Supplement of the Month: Kids Essentials &


Having difficulty getting your children to take vitamins? Try Kids Essentials, a chewable, fruity tasting tablet. In a base of fruit juice concentrate, two chewable tablets offer a sensible and

June is National Children's Awareness Month. In support, we encourage parents to be aware of children's surroundings. As we all know, there are a multitude of things in life that expose our children to danger. By focusing on the topic, we'd like to raise awareness of dangers not often thought about. This month's newsletter will focus on steps you can take to protect children's health. After all, today's children are tomorrow's future!



Learn about health and wellness with a friend or family member while enjoying a complimentary, healthy lunch. Our institute focuses on treating

underlying causes of diseases, rather than masking symptoms with prescription drugs. Whether suffering from fatigue, weight gain, IBS, hair loss, depression, low testosterone, or other issues, we offer natural solutions. Dr. McManus will also discuss the remarkable, non-invasive, rapid weight loss program, THE HCG DIET! Please RSVP to 281-298-6742 or email Location: 26110 Oakridge Drive, The Woodlands 77380

CAN'T MAKE IT TO THIS EVENT? Come to our next Lunch & Learn event scheduled for Friday, August 12th.

OR --Let US come to YOU! Schedule a FREE event with your co-workers, church groups, friends, families, and

balanced amount of vitamins and minerals, with additional vitamin C (250 mg) for daily nutritional support. It also includes key trace minerals, which is important since trace minerals are not readily found in most refined foods. Couple Kids Essentials with Coromega below for the perfect daily supplementation regime! Source:


Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Children's Behavior - Hopefully, your children finished their school year with outstanding grades. If not, or if you wish they would've done better, read on. Children often suffer from symptoms of ADD/ADHD, restlessness, irritability, depression and other psychological disorders making it difficult for them to focus or retain

organizations. (Restrictions apply-please call 281-298-6742 for more information.)


The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness is widely known and respected for its quality customized wellness care. We've developed a program that can be tailored to fit a specific child's needs between the ages of 11 and 19. Since some children's needs may have outgrown our original pediatric program, yet not qualify for our adult Comprehensive Wellness Program, TWIHW is launching a new program specifically developed for pre-teens and teens. The

"TWEEN" PROGRAM is customized to suit individual patients' development and the symptoms they're experiencing. Parents, we encourage you to call and speak to a wellness consultant at 281-298-6742 to determine which program would best suit your child's healthcare needs.

FEATURED ARTICLE: Healthy Children Make Healthy Adults

Here at TWIHW we are always hoping that everyone discovers wellness sooner rather than later. That goes for kids too!! Are you helping your kids to learn that their decisions about food, sleep, and exercise will impact them for a lifetime? Are you teaching them that they need to be responsible for their health? Summer is a perfect time to introduce and explore some of these concepts with your kids. New habits are best created with practice, something that the summer months allow plenty of time to do. So now that summer has arrived and the pace has slowed, what are you doing to lead your children in the direction of good health rather than disease? Here are some important basics:

information. A child can also have difficulty cultivating positive relationships with their peers, family members or teachers. We're here to offer an alternate pathway to overcome these issues for both children and adults, without reliance on drugs that are often taken into adulthood. A shortage of Omega-3 essential fatty acids are often linked to these symptoms. Omega-3 acids are found in fresh, cold-water fish such as mackerel, salmon and sardines, something not typically appealing to children. Scientific studies show that these Omega-3 essential fatty acids support: - Heart, brain & eye health - Healthy triglyceride levels - Joint health & mobility - Mental clarity & balance Convenience and taste is everything! These Omega-3

· Nutrition lies at the very core of good health. What does your child's diet look like? Consider the possible benefits of improving nutrition. · Determine how much exercise your child gets each day. What is his/her activity level? How much time is spent on computers, playing video games, or watching television? How much time is spent outdoors in the sunshine? · Review your child's sleep quantity and quality. Children, during growth years, need 8-10 hours of sleep every night. During sleep, the human body rebalances hormonal systems, recovers and heals, as well as detoxifies -all very critical processes for good health. · Consider the possibility that your child may have environmental allergies and/or food allergies. Have you confirmed what they are and taken steps to remove or treat the allergens? (call 281-298-6742 for more information about our allergy testing for inhalant and food allergies) · Lead by example! You need quality sleep, good nutrition, regular activity and sunshine too! When you prioritize good health, your children will follow your example. Surprisingly, common childhood concerns such as allergies, asthma, weight problems, behavioral problems, ADD/ADHD, acne, skin rashes, picky eating, recurrent infections are most often related or connected to sleep, nutrition, physical activity, food allergies and lifestyle habits. Are you wondering where to start? Let The Woodlands Institute for Health and Wellness get you and your child on a wellness track this summer. Our comprehensive wellness program for children, often referred to as "The Pediatric Program," includes a complete wellness check up, treatment for yeast overgrowth (if needed), testing for food allergies and nutrient deficiencies, a customized vitamin and supplement regimen tailored to your child's needs, and a nutrition consultation. Call our office and speak to a wellness consultant to get more information at 281-298-6742.

essentials come in handy, easy to store packets with refreshingly delicious, creamy flavors and NO FISHY after taste common with fish oil softgels. For variety, the flavors available are orange, lemon lime, chocolate orange and peach! Not only tasty but it's absorbed into your bloodstream more efficiently. You'll get a 300% better absorption of Omega-3 from these convenient packets as compared to softgels, which are difficult to swallow for most kids and some adults. Refrigeration not required, so it can be carried in a purse or lunch bag. ** NOTE: Both supplements featured in this article are available through our office. You can place your order by calling 281-298-6742 and it'll be ready for pick-up when you arrive. Or visit our website @ and click on "Supplements." *Source:


To learn more of the wide array of nutritional services TWIHW offers, call 281.298.6742 and ask to speak to our Nutritional Consultant, Nancy Mehlert, or one of our wellness consultants. The author of this article, Nancy Mehlert, serves as a Nutritional Consultant with TWIHW and is a monthly contributor to the nutrition section of this newsletter, along with authoring the recipe of the month.

NANCY'S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET: "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels" ~Jillian Michaels

FIT FACT - Youth Fitness Facts

Here are some statistics you may not know on adolescent obesity in America:

About 15 percent of children and adolescents ages 6-19 years are seriously overweight.

The percentage of children and adolescents who are defined as overweight has nearly tripled since the early 1970s.

Researchers found that lowered self-esteem was associated with being overweight in girls as young as 5.

1 in 5 children in the U.S. are overweight. Children with obesity, ages 10-13, are reported to have a

70% likelihood of obesity persisting into adult years.

Start a healthy lifestyle with your children early so they won't become a statistic! Learn more by calling and asking to speak to a wellness consultant at 281-298-6742. Source:

RECIPE OF THE MONTH: HEALTHY SNACKS FOR HEALTHY KIDS When it comes to finding healthy snacks for kids, the prequisites are usually "easy to fix," and "healthy." Here's a list of healthy snacks you can have handy for your children. And oh, portion control does matter!

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15-20 Almonds, Cashews, Pecan halves, or Walnut halves, Macadamia Nuts, or Hazelnuts combined with 16 60% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Chips and 15 Raisins or Dried Cranberries. (Use snack bags, make 10-15 at a time, and allow children to choose one bag, once a day) ¼ Cup of Hummus with carrot and celery sticks, cucumber wheels and/or bell pepper strips. 1 small to medium piece of fresh fruit and a mozzarella stick Celery sticks or apple slices with 1 tablespoon of peanut or almond butter One LaraBar™ Hardboiled Egg Cherry Tomatoes and/or Sugar Snap Peas 2-3 tablespoons of guacamole with 7-10 organic corn or bean chips The author of this article, Nancy Mehlert, serves as a Nutritional Consultant with TWIHW and is a monthly contributor to the nutrition section of this newsletter. To learn about the wide array of nutritional services TWIHW offers, please call 281.298.6742 and ask to speak to a wellness consultant or Nancy Mehlert, Nutritional Consultant.

TESTIMONIAL OF THE MONTH: Each month we'll be sharing a patient's testimonial. We invite you to share your story. Please email it to This month we're featuring Cheryl C.


Her Story: "I've tried every diet from pills, ear stapling, cleanses and lap band, with only minimal or short-term results." When I made the call to TWIHW and spoke to Kim, I soon knew from her energy level and her personal success with the clinic's programs that I wanted to sign on! When I consulted with Dr. McManus, we identified symptoms related to my hypothyroidism. Medication and a regimen of vitamins were prescribed. These combined with the HCG gave me the energy I had not experienced for a while! The first 40 days of HCG protocol resulted with me dropping two dress sizes. After the first round of HCG I did the Yeast Cleanse to further allow my body to rid itself of issues contributing to my weight challenges! It was great to meet with the nutritionist and learn to shop for the right foods. I did two more rounds of HCG as I had not yet reached my goal weight. I did not gain any of the weight back that I previously lost and during the three week break between the second and third rounds, I lost 10 more pounds over the Christmas Holiday. I had no desire to eat the way I did previously. The third round of HCG provided me a drop of two more dress sizes!

I'm so thankful for the conversation I had with Kim on the phone, and then meeting with Dr. McManus. I feel that both of them had a huge impact on my success at losing the weight in addition to the HCG." ~Cheryl C.



We love good news! Share yours with us!

Please share your testimonial in 200 words or less and email it to All submissions are subject to TWIHW approval

for posting. For privacy, only your first name and last initial will be

posted . Photos are optional.


Have you tried every diet and still not met your weight loss goals -- or gained back the weight you lost? On the safe and non-invasive HCG Diet, it's possible to lose up to 1 pound of fat per day! As an added bonus, this diet can reset your metabolism, increase your energy,

and naturally lower blood pressure and blood sugar. You may have heard about the HCG Diet on the Dr. Oz Show. He recommends that HCG dieters be monitored by a physician, and Dr. McManus couldn't agree more, especially if a patient has any chronic health problems or takes any medications. To better understand how the diet works, here are some

of the most frequently asked questions:

WHAT IS hCG? HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin and is a natural substance produced in large amounts in the human body during pregnancy. Pregnant women produces upwards of a million units a day of hCG, while the weight loss protocol uses only 150 units a day. It is classified as a drug and available by prescription only.

HOW DOES hCG WORK? In the pregnant woman, hCG provides fuel for the fetus to grow and develop by mobilizing the mother's fat stores, particularly when the mother is malnourished from morning sickness or general inadequate calorie intake. Knowing this mechanism of action, Dr. Simeons, in the 1940s, began using hcg in conjunction with a very low calorie diet (mimicking malnutrition such as with morning sickness) in order to burn fat and induce rapid weight loss in his patients. (We

make sure our patients are getting optimal nutrition while on a low calorie diet, using supplements, and sometimes modifications to the protocol, depending on a patient's needs/situation)

WHAT DOES THE FDA SAY ABOUT hCG? FDA states that hCG has no known effect on fat mobilization, reducing appetite or sense of hunger, or body fat distribution. They further state that hCG has not been demonstrated to be an

effective adjunct therapy in the treatment of obesity and does not increase fat losses beyond that resulting from caloric restriction. These statements are blatantly and flagrantly FALSE. The truth is that in all properly conducted studies, people on the diet with HCG have,in fact, lost both weight and inches, and much more than placebo group. These dieters have seen a dramatic reshaping and re-sculpting of their bodies.

ISN'T 500 CALORIES A DAY TOO LOW TO BE SAFE? 500 calories a day is insufficient by itself, but in conjunction with hcg, you are actually burning thousands of calories a day which is why most people are not hungry or tired while on the hcg protocol. Moreover, research has

demonstrated that low caloric intake, with nutritional supplementation, actually increases longevity. (50% reduction in calories, NOT 500 calories, so living on 500 calories a day would NOT be healthy in the long term). Moreover, calorie intake can be modified or adjusted depending on a person's size, goals, and activity level. Does 500 calories a day scare you? Don't worry! Protocols CAN be modified to allow for more calories and still provide good results. In addition, a low calorie diet IS doable when your appetite is naturally suppressed.

Make your hcg experience as easy as possible! Get your

hcg-approved meals from The Dinner Dude. Have your meals delivered to your door, or pick up your orders from our office.

TWIHW HCG Weight Loss Program includes:

Initial Office Visit (vitals, exam, counseling on

protocol-including Dr. McManus' modifications to

the original protocol which make the 40 days much easier with similar results!)

40 days of compounded hcg injections (or creams, drops, etc.)

Weekly Support Group with other hcg dieters - helps you keep the weight off!

6 weekly Booster shots (vitamins, amino acids) to boost energy and metabolism, creating synergy with the HCG.

1-hour Nutrition workshop and book (Highway to Health: A Nutritional Roadmap by Mila McManus MD)

Blood work Body fat percentage and BMI measurements before

and after Sharps container for used syringes Before and after photos taken if desired

Give the HCG Diet a try - why wait to lose weight!

CALL 281-298-6742 FOR MORE



Schedule your first round of HCG and receive 4 FREE hcg meals. In a rush to fit into those summer clothes? Lose up to 30 lbs in 30 days! Also, the latest feature added to this diet program is a free hcg Weekly Support

Group, which is held every Wednesday 12 to 1 PM. You'll meet others who are on the HCG Diet and share tips, successes and stay motivated!! The support group is facilitated by our nutritionist, Nancy Mehlert, M.S. Please reserve your seat by calling 281.298.6742.

NEW!! 7, 14, and 21-DAY CLEANSE SPECIALS!! Take advantage of this offer - save money and your health!! To obtain more details about what results you can get from these body cleanses, please call our wellness consultants at 281-298-6742.


7-day Colon Cleanse - $299 (regular price $399!) 14-day Detox Program - $399 (regular price $499!) 21-day Total Body Cleanse - $499 (regular price $599)


LIPOTROPIC (amp/mic/B12) WEIGHT LOSS INJECTIONS: Buy 4, and get 2 free!

DR. MILA MCMANUS HONORED AS DOCTOR OF THE MONTH Dr. Mila McManus is being recognized as Thrifty Pharmacy's Practitioner of the Month for August 2011 reflecting her commitment to patient well-being and service to the community. Thrifty Pharmacy is located at 211 FM Road 1960 in Humble. We thank Thrifty Pharmacy for this honor.

REFILLING YOUR SUPPLEMENTS IS EASY! To avoid delays with your supplement orders, visit TWIHW.COM. On the "Supplements" tab, print the order form, fill it out and fax to 281-419-1373. Write an estimated time of pick-up on the

form and your supplements will be waiting for you when you arrive. You're also welcome to call our office or email your order to ADMIN@TWIHW.COM And, of course, we can always ship

supplements to you (fee applied for shipping/handling).

DO YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN SUFFER FROM ALLERGIES? If you or your children are 'sick and tired' of taking over-the-counter allergy drugs, or making trips to the doctor's office for allergy treatment through painful injections, give us a call. TWIHW offers testing for inhalant and food allergies. The

best part is that we treat your allergies through the use of sublingual drop therapy, which is a safe, natural, and effective solution. If you are interested in more information, please call 281-298-6742 or visit our website,


In order to provide sufficient time for each patient to

receive quality care, we have implemented a new

appointment policy.

· If a patient arrives more than 10 minutes late for

a 15-minute appointment, the appointment will be

forfeited. A replacement injection may be

scheduled at a cost of $25. If the patient is willing

to wait, however, we will make every attempt to

accommodate, without charge, schedule


· If a patient is a "no show," the appointment will

be forfeited. A replacement injection may be

scheduled at a cost of $25.

We thank you for your cooperation in this matter and will

continue to make every effort to provide excellent

customer service to all.

FRAGRANCE FREE OFFICE We understand that many who wear fragrances are

unaware of the chemicals contained in some fragrances, which may be toxic to others. Many individuals can have allergic reactions to even the slightest amount of fragrance because of these chemicals. Some examples of products containing such chemicals are aftershave, perfume, scented hair products, and scented cosmetics, lotions, powders, and soaps. Therefore, we take this opportunity to kindly request that patients refrain from wearing frangrance in our facility. Several of our patients and staff members must avoid exposure to scented products due to allergies and serious

reactions. Thank you in advance!

LAGNIAPPE OF THE WOODLANDS Lagniappe will deliver prepared yeast-free meals to

your doorstep. The meals are only $25, they serve 4 people, include salad, as well as delivery! They also have yummy yeast free desserts!! Lagniappe features a different menu item everyday, but you must place your order a day in advance. You can view the menu at You may also contact Danel at 832-722-9963 directly to place your order. Lagniappe also has yummy single serve YEAST FREE meals available at TWIHW for only $7!! You may pick them up anytime at our office.


Attention hCG Dieters: A variety of single serving, fresh, delicious, hCG meals are now available in our office for purchase! Losing weight has never been easier! No

shopping, trimming weighing or cooking, all you haver to do is heat and eat your delicious meals! A select number of Dinner Dude's meals are also compatible with the TOTAL BODY CLEANSE DIET or amnyone interested in portion controlled meals for their weight loss goals! Call our office for more information at 281.298.6742.

In Good Health,

Mila McManus MD The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness 26110 Oakridge Drive The Woodlands, TX 77380 281.298.6742

