The World of Cloud Computing - MIA - Home M1232.pdf · ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud; that floats...


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25 & 30 Oct 2012

Registration: 13.45

14.00 - 17.15 Including 15 minutes

coffee break

The World of Cloud Computing

Hadrian J. Sammut

Tower Training Centre, Lower Ground, Tower Business Centre, Tower Street, Swatar

The Malta The Malta The Malta

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CPE 2012CPE 2012CPE 2012



6 hours CPE Professional


‘I wandered lonely as a cloud; that floats on high o’er vales and hills.’ Thus wrote William Wordsworth in 1802 to describe the often hesitant rapport between man and his vibrant environment. Within modern parlance, wandering lost in the age of ‘the Cloud’ is all too often a reality that most business organisations tend to experience. Many have, at some time or another, heard the term ‘the Cloud’ and yet fail to truly appreciate what ‘Cloud Computing’ really involves and how this phenomenon affects us daily at both the professional and personal level. We are very possibly already exploiting the Cloud at a personal level, whether knowingly or otherwise; business organisations tend to be more cautious. At the corporate end ‘Cloud Computing’ allows corporate institutions to run diverse business applications without owning them ‘in-house,’ storing the related data within huge central computer systems – situated somewhere across the globe - and providing customers and various stakeholders with access to this data across the Internet. A number of business organisations have already spotted the potential of minimising the perennial headache of needing to manage an oft-costly and ever-complex in-house IT function by contracting all application requirements to a specialist supplier. The Cloud exploits the universal presence of the Internet to deliver a range of IT services in a more flexible, efficient and generally cheaper manner.

Objectives Yet the Cloud presents as many questions as it aims to answer; is it the right solution for every business organisation in any corporate situation? What are the potential opportunities that can be acquired? Are there any threats, particularly with respect to the integrity and governance of business information? Can a cloud computing supplier be approached in the same manner as traditional IT suppliers? How does one manage the business relationship with a Cloud Computing supplier? This course will help you to: Understand the fundamental concepts of Cloud Computing Assess whether it is a viable option for your business Appreciate how the Cloud can help increase the return on the corporate investment in technology

Topics on Agenda

So what is Cloud Computing? What does it all mean? Who are the leading players and what can they do for me? What can’t they do for me? …but what are the pitfalls? The question is: “Is it quite right for me?” What about costs and savings? If it is, how do I start? You are not alone…some relevant case studies

Who will benefit

Accountants and other business professionals with an interest in Cloud Computing, and who wish to benefit from the latest knowledge of technology.

Trainer’s Profile

Hadrian J. Sammut has wide experience in the implementation and management of Information Systems (IS), having provided such services for a range of clients, in both the public and the private sector, for the last twenty-five years. Over these years Hadrian has been responsible for the implementation of complex IT systems within the Central Bank of Malta, the Malta Stock Exchange, various Governmental ministries and departments, the national airline as well as the two leading telecommunications companies on the Island.

Over the last two years Hadrian has, through iMovo Limited, focused on managing the implementation of large-data Business Intelligence (BI) applications across the Cloud as well as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, particularly those related to Social Network sources.

Participation Fee

The fee covers: 6 hours of Structured CPE, coffee and the presentation in hard copy format. After the event participants can download a soft copy of the presentation from the Institute’s website by: Logging into the system using the username and password Proceed to the ‘My Purchases’ tab and click on the event title Downloading the presentation from the Secure Files Section at the bottom of the page

Cancellation & Non-Refund Policy Cancellations taking place within 48 hours prior to the event, will incur a cancellation fee of 50%. Refunds in case of no-shows will not be entertained.

Booking & Other Useful Information Bookings can be made through the MIA website by not later than Wednesday 24 October 2012. Only group bookings can be made via e-mail at Participants may use the parking facilities available at Level -5.

Contact Details for Further Information

Ms. Sarah Bonello The Malta Institute of Accountants, Level 1, Tower Business Centre, Tower Street, Swatar Tel: 2132 3991, Fax: 2132 3990, E-mail:, Website:

Minimum CPE Requirements

Annual: 20 Structured (No split between Core & Professional Development), 5 Unstructured

3-Year Rolling Period: 75 Structured (Minimum of 30 hours of Core), 45 Unstructured

MIA Members who attend this event will be automatically enrolled for the ICAEW Information Technology Faculty until the end of December 2012. The ICAEW faculties exist to enhance professional development. With dedicated web resources, magazines and guides, the ICAEW faculties provide expert, up-to-date technical information, thought leadership and practical support. They help you to keep up to date in a complex and fast-changing world.
