THEME-Explore your city


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Holiday Homework 2021-2022 Class VI

THEME-Explore your city

Join forces with other parents.

Connect with your child’s teacher.

Create a learning routine.

Set goals and celebrate their completion

Get creative with lessons.

Dear Parents

We all are at the threshold of an extraordinary summer, 2nd time in continuation. The summer break of the

session 2021 –22, again is not like every year. As a parent at this time, it’s easy to feel that you have so many

roles to fulfill that you can’t possibly perform any of them well. But it’s important to remind yourself that this

is a unique situation, a global health emergency that none of us have had to face before.By going easy on

yourself and following these tips for maintaining a sense of balance, you can keep your stress levels in check

and make each day a little easier for your family—and for yourself.

Helping your kids in school work: Join forces with other parents.

Connect with your child’s teacher.

Create a learnng routine.

Set goals and celebrate their completion

Get creative with lessons.

Dealing with your child’s fears and stress: Talk at an age-appropriate level.

Answer questions simply and honestly.

Be understanding.

Arrange virtual play dates.

Designate special one-on-one time.

Find things to be grateful about.

Managing behaviour problems: Redirect your child.

Give your child a creative consequence.

Reward good behaviors

Never yell at or spank your child.

Sometimes, it may be best to do nothing

Dear students, This time of COVID PANDEMIC demands of you to put together your individual and

collective energies, talents and resources to ensure the building up of functional academics as well as your

creative, analytical and organizational skills. Therefore, the Holiday Homework has been designed with the

above listed objectives in mind. We do hope you enjoy doing it. Don your thinking cap, wear your

magic mantle to put forth your creative side. Have fun and frolic, build up your learning

activities as a treasure.


1. Complete the Assignments sent on Google classroom 2. You are Prateek /Pratima working in archaeological department in Delhi.Write a notice to be

put in all the monuments of Delhi urging visitors not to scribble and spoil the great heritage of India.

3. Compose a short poem describing the benefit of 'Travelling'. You may use the word given below to help compose the poem.

4. Art Integration : Make a collage of all the famous monuments of Delhi


Q.1 Geeta is travelling back home from Mumbai to Pune by train.The price ticket is Rs 1350. She gets

concession of one third of 1350. Calculate the amount of concession and amount she has to pay.

Q.2 Rahul travels by two trains. First train goes from Mumbai to Lonavala and second train goes

from Lonavla to Pune.Timings are 13.45 and 17.12 respectively. Find the time in 12 hour clock.

Q.3 Compare the population of your city(any) in 1950,1990, 2010 and 2020. Arrange them in

ascending and descending order.Do in A4 size sheets.

Q.4 Do the assignments sent on Google classroom.


1. In which states of India, cotton is grown. Name them 2 Collect different fabrics in (clothes) Pieces - Cotton, Silk, Wool, Nylon and Polyester from your home and make a poster of“TYPES OF CLOTH MATERIAL” in A4 sheet. 3. Plants release oxygen during the day in the presence of natural light through the process of photosynthesis but there are some plants which release oxygen at night. Children with the help of internet collect the information of any such Five plants..Paste there picture and name them plus also tell whether it is a indoor or outdoor plants. 4. Do the assignments sent on Google classroom.


1. शहर ए collage र र और

2. और ए wall hanging र र

3. श A3 श र और

4. श A3 श र और

5. श A3 श र और

fun - frolic, parks, greenery, flora-fauna, climate


‘One’s destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things.’

Keeping the above statement in mind, prepare a PPT on the theme ‘Explore Your City’ as per the

following guidelines:

You can explore the places with the following clues :

1. Amusement Park/ Water Park

2. Museum

3. Lotus Temple

4. Monument constructed during Mughal period

5. Monument Constructed by Slave Dynasty


1.The PPT should be well presented, researched and pictorial.

2. Maximum slides should be 6-8

3. Do the assignments assigned in google classroom.


1. शहर र ऊ र ए र ए !

2. शहर ह र ए collage ए

3. शहर ए ह ए

4. -2 ह ( Submit) रएl

5. र ह और र ह ए



Q1) Draw a rough sketch of single court of Volleyball & give its dimensions.

Q2) Write any 4 famous personalities of Volleyball in India.

Q3) What are the fundamental skills of Volleyball.

Q4) What are the terminology of Volleyball

Q5) How many players in each team

Reading time!

Recommended books for reading:

Great stories for children by Ruskin bond

101 panchtantra stories

Amazing India

Read any folktale of your area and make a book mark with the picture of your

favourite character.

☺Happy holidays! ☺
