Theoretical study of the nonlinear cubic-quintic Schrödinger...


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Sukhpal S. Sanghera

M.Sc. , H i m a c h a l P r a d e s h U n i v e r s i t y , S i m l a , India , 1 9 8 0




- i n the D e p a r t m e n t



@ Sukhpal S. Sanghera 1985


D e c e m b e r 1985

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or other m e a n s , w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n of the author.



Name : Sukhpal S. Sanghera

T i t l e of Thesis: Theore t ica l Study of the Nonlinear Cubic-Quintic Schrgdinger Equation

Examining Committee:

Chairman: M. Pl ischke

Richard H. Enns Senior Supervisor

- K.S. Viswanathan

S . S . Rangnekar

K. Rieckhoff External Examiner

Professor Department of Physics

Simon F'raser Universi ty

Date Approved: December 5, 1985


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T i t l e o f Thesis/Project/Extended Essay



(s ignature)


(name 1


(iii 1


The one dimensional propagation of in tense electromagnetic waves i n a

nonlinear medium with an i n t ens i t y dependent r e f r ac t i ve index

n = n + n2 ( E ) + n4 1 ~ ) is examined theore t ica l ly . The nonlinear 0

cubic-quintic ~ c h r o d i n ~ e r equation (NLCQSE) governing the dynamics of t he

electromagnetic f i e l d i n the medium is derived. Three conservation laws

and the Galilean invariance of the equation a re obtained. The Lagrangian

formulation for the f i e l d equation is developed. The s o l i t a r y wave

solut ions f o r the NLCQSE are obtained f o r a l l possible cases corresponding

t o d i f f e r en t signs of n and n4. Two ana ly t ica l techniques i .e . the 2

~ a c k l u n d transformation and the inverse s ca t t e r ing transform method a re

used t o t e s t the s t a b i l i t y of the s o l i t a r y wave solut ions i . e . t o f i nd

multi-soli ton solut ions . These two approaches seem t o imply t h a t the

s o l i t a r y waves a re not t r u e so l i tons . However, numerical simulation shows

t h a t quasi-soli ton behaviour is found t o p e r s i s t over wide regions of

parameter space.




The Unsolved Mysteries of Nature

I wish t o express my deepest appreciation t o D r . Richard Enns f o r

suggesting t h i s problem and fo r helping and encouraging me t o f ind my way

through a l l t h i s . I would a l so l i k e t o thank D r . S.S. Rangnekar fo r h i s

help. I am thankful t o D r . Daniel Kay and Joseph Otu fo r useful

conversations. Richard, Rangnekar and Stuar t Cowan have a l so contributed

t o chapter 7 of t h i s t he s i s .

Helpful discussions with D r . K. Rieckhoff on the experimental aspects

of the problem are gra te fu l ly acknowledged.

I thank my room-mate Gurmail f o r creat ing a quasi-l ibrary environment

i n our T.V. room, which helped me t o meet my unstable deadlines. I would

l i k e t o thank Cindy L i s t e r fo r typing t h i s t h e s i s e f f i c i en t ly .

Finally, I express my thanks t o Jasveen, who is probably not aware of

having helped m e i n a multi-dimensional way.

( v i )



Approval Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i v

Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

L i s t of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v i i

L i s t o f T a b l e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v i i i

Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 2 Formulation of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Chapter 3 Galilean Invariance and Conservation Laws for the NLCQSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Chapter 4 Sol i ta ry Wave Solutions fo r the NLCQSE . . . . . . . . 30

Chapter 5 Search for Multi-Soliton Solutions for t he NECQSE - The Gcklund Transformation . . . . . . . . . 49

Chapter 6 Search for Multi-Soliton Solutions - The Inverse Scat ter ing Transform Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Chapter 7 T h e N u m e r i c a l S i m u l a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Chapter 8 Possible Comparison with Experiments . . . . . . . . . 99

Chapter 9 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Appendix A Alternate Derivation of the NLCQSE . . . . . . . . . . 108

Appendix B Sol i ta ry Wave Solutions of the "Higher" NLSE . . . . . 113

L i s t of References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

( v i i )

List of Figures

Plot of s o l i t a r y wave solut ion (4.19) . . . . . . . . 45

P lo t of s o l i t a r y wave solut ion (4.27) . . . . . . . . 46

P lo t of s o l i t a r y wave solut ion (4.36) . . . . . . . . 47

Comparative p l o t s of s o l i t a r y wave solut ions f o r

n4 > 0. n4 = 0 and n4 < 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Propagation of a s o l i t a r y wave . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 . . Quasi-soliton behaviour fo r n2 0. n4 0 . . . . . 90

Quasi-soliton behaviour f o r n2 > 0. n4 < 0 . . . . . . 91

Quasi-soliton behaviour fo r n 2 > 0 . n 4 < 0 . . . . . 92

. . . . . Quasi-soliton behaviour f o r n2 > 0. n > 0 93 4

Radiative (dispers ive) behaviour f o r n2 > 0,

n 4 > 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Radiative and spiking behaviour f o r n2 > 0.

n 4 > 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Explosive behaviour fo r n2 > 0. n4 > 0 . . . ~ . . ~ 96 . . . . . . . . . Radiative behaviour f o r n2 0. n4 0 97 . . Explosive behaviour fo r n2 0. n 0 . . . . . . . 98 4



( v i i i )


Dielectr ic Constant and Strength of Various Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Values of n2 fo r Various Materials . . . . . . . . . 106



Although a great deal of nature can be accurately described by linear

fields, nevertheless, nature in its most general and complete sense, is

nonlinear. We are familiar with the small amplitude approximation that we

make in order to obtain linear field equations for vibratory motion [ I ] .

Similarly in electrodynamics, for a weak enough field propagating through a

dielectric medium, the response of the medium is linear and the electric

displacement vector depends linearly on the applied electric field E,


where E (O) is the linear dielectric constant of the medium. However,

with the invention of lasers, it is now possible to generate very intense

9 bight pulses with peak electric fields in excess of 10 v/m [ 2 ] . Materials

that show a linear response to weak fields, eventually show nonlinear

behaviour at high enough field strength as the electronic or ionic

oscillators are driven to large amplitudes. In the nonlinear regime the

linear relation (1.1) is modified, eg., to

+ IZ ( 2, (gl + higher order nonlinear terms l - E

where E ( 2 ) is the second order dielectric constant and so on. The

nonlinearity can be equivalently expressed in terms of the refractive index

of the medium. As early as the mid nineteen sixties, it was well known [31

that when an efectromagnetic wave propagates through a nonlinear dispersive

medim, a solitary wave can be obtained as a result of the interaction of

nonlinear and dispersive effects.

The nonlinearity of the index of refraction [ 4 ]

could be used to compensate the pulse broadening effect. When the pulse

spreading due to dispersion and the pulse squeezing due to the nonlinearity

of the refractive index are balanced, the light pulse tends to form a

localized pulse which holds its shape and travels at constant velocity.

Such a pulse is referred to as "a solitary waven. Starting from (1.31, one

can derive the following dynamical equation for the field, viz,

which is called the cubic nonlinear ~chrgdinger equation (NLSE). Here

subscripts indicate partial differentiation w.r.t. the indicated variable.

q(E,z) corresponds to the electric field strength, 5 is proportional to

X the distance x alonq the propaqation direction and z a t - - v

where g

t is time and v is group velocity. The conditions under which a 9

solitary wave can be obtained are shown in the following diagram:

( Linear dispersionless 1 Solitary wave q=q(t- -) , , tg, Linear with dispersion

(No solitary wave) I

In equation (1.41, the second term describes the effect of dispersion and

the third term the effect of -nonlinearity. When the second and third terms

are absent, any localized solution of the equation travels without changing

shape and therefore is a (trivial example of a) solitary wave. The effect

of introducing dispersion without nonlinearity is to eliminate the

possibility of solitary waves because different Fourier components will

propagate at different velocities causing a spreading effect. Introducing

nonlinearity without dispersion again rules out the possibility for

solitary waves because the pulse energy is continually injected into higher

frequency modes which by the uncertainty principle causes a squeezing

effect. But with both dispersion and nonlinearity present, new (non

i q g + 2 q I l 2 q = o

Nonlinear dispersionless (No solitary wave)

trivial) solitary waves can again be obtained that can be qualitatively

understood as the balance between nonlinearity and dispersion. If on

collision, the solitary waves pass through each other (interacting

nonlinearly as they do so) and come out with the same shapes and velocities

- + - q 1 + 2 1 q l 2 q r O i'~ 2 rr

Nonlinear with dispersion (Solitary wave exists)

a s before the co l l i s i on , they are sa id t o be so l i t ons ie . so l i tons a re

s t ab l e s o l i t a r y waves. In 1970, Zakharov and Shabat [51 were the f i r s t t o

solve equation (1.4) fo r multi-soliton so lu t ions using the inverse

s ca t t e r ing transform method (ISTM) and hence demonstrating t h a t t he

s o l i t a r y wave solut ions of (1.4) are so l i tons . The ISTM was f i r s t

discovered by Krushkal e t a1 [61 i n 1967 and w a s used t o f i nd the s o l i t o n

solut ions of the h i s t o r i c a l l y famous KdV equation describing shallow water

waves i n a rectangular canal.

In 1973, Hasegawa and Tappert [71 pointed out t h a t the nonl inear i ty

i n the r e f r ac t i ve index (1.3) could make it possible t o transmit picpsecond

duration l i g h t pulses without d i s to r t i on i n an op t i ca l f i be r having

appropriate dispersion. The experimental observations of such so l i t ons

were reported [8,9,101 from the Bell Laboratories i n the ear ly e igh t ies .

These op t i ca l so l i tons are now considered t o have a po t en t i a l appl icat ion

i n t he development of a high-bit-rate transmission system [ 1 1 I . For these

so l i tons , the (smal l ) f i be r loss is the only f ac to r t h a t contributes t o t h e

d i s to r t i on of the s t ab l e pulse by broadening the pulse width and decreasing

the amplitude. In t h i s case, equation ( 1.4) is modified t o include damping

and one must study the perturbed NLS equation [12l. In a s e r i e s of papers

[13,14,15,161 Hasegawa and Kodama showed t h a t an op t i ca l so l i t on deformed

by the f i b e r l o s s can be reshaped by appropriate pumping t o a narrower and

higher pulse during the course of transmission through the f i be r .

One may wonder what would happen i f one could f ind a mater ia l with

r e f r ac t i ve index whose four th order nonl inear i ty a l so becomes important f o r

s u f f i c i e n t l y in tense electromagnetic f i e l d s (below the d i e l e c t r i c breakdown

l i m i t ) . For a higher order pos i t ive nonl inear i ty the narrowing e f f e c t is

expected t o be even stronger. But whether the balance between the t o t a l

nonl inear i ty and dispersion actual ly occurs and is s t ab l e or not, is not

obvious. I f it does, we s h a l l get narrower and higher so l i tons and hence

it w i l l make the communication system more e f f ec t i ve by increasing the

b i t - r a t e of transmission. Very l i t t l e has been done i n t h i s d i rec t ion and

the de ta i led calculat ions have not been yet ca r r ied out. In t h i s t h e s i s we

s h a l l assume the nonlinear r e f r ac t i ve index t o be of the form

Pushkarov e t a l . [261 have wri t ten down s o l i t a r y wave so lu t ions

corresponding t o (1.5) (without giving any der ivat ion) fo r the s i t ua t i on

when n2 is pos i t i ve and n4 is pos i t ive or negative. They c a l l t h e i r

s o l i t a r y wave solut ions so l i tons without ever checking t h e i r s t a b i l i t y .

In chapter 2, we define our model e x p l i c i t l y and by Taylor expanding

the wave number k around the c a r r i e r frequency w o (= 2nc/hr where h

is the vacuum wave length) and i n powers o f - t h e e l e c t r i c f i e l d we derive a

nonlinear evolution equation ( t he nonlinear cubic-quintic Schrsdinger

equation) t h a t governs the dynamics of t he electromagnetic pulse i n t h e

medium characterized by (1.5). We give an a l t e rna t ive der ivat ion of the

same equation s t a r t i n g with Maxwell's equations i n Appendix A. In chapter

3, we obtain th ree conservation laws by inspection fo r the nonlinear

cubic-quintic SchrGdinger equation (NLCQSE) as well as showing t h a t it is

Gali lean invar iant . These a re important p roper t ies of the equation and two

of the conservation laws are used to check the accuracy of the numerical

scheme employed in chapter 7 for checkinq the stability of the solitary

wave solutions. It has been noticed [I71 that if one knows the Lagrangian

density corresponding to the field equation, one can possibly derive the

infinite number of conservation laws making use of the Backlund

transformation for the equation. Thus in chapter 3, we also develop the

Lagrangian formalism and show that the three conservation laws can also be

obtained from the Lagrangian density.

In chapter 4, we solve the NLCQSE analytically and obtain the

solitary wave solutions for all possible signs of n2 . and n4. We show

that the solutions reported by Pushkarov et al. form a subset of our

solutions. A special case is relegated to Appendix R. In subsequent

chapters we attempt to determine whether the solitary wave solutions are

solitons or not. Presently there are two different but interconnected

analytic methods to obtain multi-soliton solutions if they exist. These

methods are the Backlund transformation and the ISTM [ l a , 191. If we derive

the ~acklund transformation we can obtain an eiqenvalue problem to solve

the equation by the ISTM. If, on the other hand, we are able to establish

the ISTM, we can obtain the Backlund transformation from the eigenvalue

problem of the ISTML. Thus, in chapter 5 , we make an attempt to derive the

Backlund transformation for the evolution equation by a method due to

Clairin. In chapter 6, we explore the possibility that the NWQSE belongs

to the class of equations that can be solved by the ISTM using the

Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur (AKNS) eigenvalue problem. The results of these

two approaches lead us to believe that the solitary wave solutions of the

NLCQSE are probably not solitons. Since we cannot absolutely rule out the

possibility of solitons, we finally examine the stability of the solitary

waves numerically in chapter 7. The general conclusion is that the

solitary wave solutions are not solitons, but "quasi-soliton" and other

interestinq behaviour is observed. Experimental difficulties aside, some

aspects of our theoretical results may possibly be experimentally

testable. We discuss these possibilities in chapter 8 and present

conclusions of this thesis in chapter 9.


Formulation of the problem

In this chapter, we derive the nonlinear (cubic-quintic) ~chrgdin~er

equation (NLCQSE) that describes the propagation of an optical pulse in a

nonlinear dispersive medium. In section 2.1, we introduce the refractive

index which characterizes our model. Beginning with this model in section

2.2, we derive the nonlinear differential equation governing the dynamics

of the electric field in the medium. Finally we obtain the NLCQSE by

moving into the group velocity co-ordinate system.

2.1 The Model

The physical process under investigation is the (one dimensional)

~ropagation.of intense electromagnetic waves in a nonlinear dispersive

isotropic medium characterized by a refractive index given by

where E is the electric field intensity, n is the linear index of 0

refraction, n2 and n4 are higher order coefficients of the refractive

index and x is the imaginary part of the linear refractive index that

accounts for any damping. In (2.1) we have neglected any variation of

n2 and n4 with w assuming that we are far away from any resonance as

far as these coefficients are concerned. At this level our model is a

. phenomenological one and we will not go into possible microscopic

contributions to n2 and n4.

As mentioned in the introduction,.the effect of the second order

nonlinearity has already been studied in detail, the nonlinear ~chrgdinger

equation r e su l t i ng when the contr ibut ion is neglected. When the

e l e c t r i c f i e l d is su f f i c i en t ly intense (assuming t h a t i t ' s below the


"2 Z d i e l e c t r i c breakdown l i m i t ) such t h a t E-(,) t he fourth order non- 4

l i n e a r i t y i n equation (2 .1 ) becomes comparable t o the second order

nonl inear i ty and plays an important role . The nonlinear dependence of

r e f r ac t i ve index on the e l e c t r i c f i e l d i n t ens i t y gives r i s e t o a

pulse compression or pulse broadening e f f e c t depending upon the s igns of

n2 and n4. The dependence of the r e f r ac t i ve index on the frequency ( w )

causes dispersion. The nonlinear combination of bo th .e f fec t s determines

t h e shape of the op t i ca l pulse as it propagates.

, Under the assumption t h a t t he diameter of the medium guide (e.g. an

op t i ca l f i b e r ) is much la rger than the wave length of the radiat ion, t h e

e l e c t r i c f i e l d can be wri t ten i n terms of a (slowly varying) complex

amplitude 4 times a plane wave, viz ;

where Re means r e a l p a r t and ko and wo a re the cen t r a l wave number

and angular frequency respectively.

2.2 Derivation of the B a s i c Nonlinear Dynamical Equat ion

The dynamical equation t h a t describes the development of the

amplitude function @ ( x , t ) i n the non l i n e a r medium may be derived a s

follows. (An a l t e rna t e der ivat ion s t a r t i n g d i r e c t l y from Maxwell's

equations is given i n Appendix A 1 .

Expanding k = k (o, ( E 1 2, 1 E I ') around the carrier frequency

h e w0(= T ) and zero electric field, we obtain

We have consistently kept all terms up to-fourth order in the expansion.

8 2k + - awa IEI -

From (2.1 ) we find that

0 0 0

2 +' ak (w-wol(~( - 4

ale1 4 1 a3k

IEI + - aw2a1~l - 2 2 (el (w-wo)

Writing El = kt, - a2k aw 0 aw


re-expressed as


We now write the electric field E(x,t) in its Fourier inteqral form as

= k" etc. and using (2.41, (2.3) may be


so that equation (2.2) can be written for $(x,t) as

From (2.7) we obtain

Adding all t h e equations of (2 .8 ) and us ing (2 .5 ) w e o b t a i n

where 27t . " = X T

Equation (2.9) governs the dynamics of the e l e c t r i c f i e l d envelope

4 ( x , t ) i n the medium and it contains the terms accounting fo r e f f e c t s of

group dispersion, medium losses and pulse compression e tc . In equation

(2.91, i f we switch off the loss term, non l i n e a r i t y and group dispers ion

ice. = kll = kl 1 8 = kll 1 1 = n = n4 = 0, the equation reduces t o 2

where v = = - is the group veloci ty . Prom equation (2.10) i t ' s g ak - kt

c l e a r t h a t

This suggests t h a t t he dynamical evolution of may be best seen by

moving i n t o the group veloci ty co-ordinates (z,z) where x and

a t - 2). We also, f o r convenience, normalize the distance x, time t v


and the e l e c t r i c f i e l d amplitude 4 as follows:

where in defining it's assumed that kn is negative [201. To give the

reader a feeling for these normalized quantities we take the nominal.

example of a glass fiber discussed by Hasegawa and Kodama [213.


For h = 1.5l.i.m

and the group dispersion

Using these values we calculate

For these values, we find that in (2.11)

= 1 corresponds to x = 1.5km

6 q = 1 corresponds to 0 = 1.62 x 10 v/m

7 = 1 corresponds to t - - = 5.68psec. V 4

Prom (2.11), we can write the transformation of the spatial and temporal

operators as follows

Using (2.11) and (2.12), (2.9) transforms to


We now wish to show that the terms on the right hand side of (2.13) are

very small and may he neqlected. Let us estimate the coefficients pl, B2,

p 3 and I' in (2.13).

We have already calculated

-hkn = 3.23 x 1 0 ~ ~ ~ s ~ for h = 1.5pm so that


Similarly we estimate

Usinq these values we obtain from (2.14)

i .e. these coefficients are very small.

For, say, a quartz fiber with loss rate 0.2dB/km 1221 I

so that the damping coefficient is also small. Now making the crude

approximation that - - - , etc., and assuming that q,r and C - 1, the a~ 7;

L.H.S. of (2.13) is of order unity and the R.H.S. negligible. Thus our

dynamical equation finally becomes

which we call the NLCQSE.

For 6 = 0, ( 2.1 5) reduces to the well-known NLSE which has soliton

solutions for n2 > 0. It should be noted that if n2 < 0 the cubic non

linear term in (2.15) would have a negative coefficient and the sign of 6

depends upon the sign of n4.


Galilean Invariance and Conservation Laws for the NICQSE

I n t h i s chapter, we sha l l invest igate some of the important

proper t ies of the NLCQSE. In section 3.1, we derive by inspection the

f i r s t three conservation laws for t h i s equation. To obtain addi t ional

conservation laws or t o es tab l i sh t h a t there a re an i n f i n i t e number of

them, we c lear ly cannot proceed by inspection but must follow a more

general approach e.g. a Lagrangian formulation. It is generally believed

t h a t the existence of an i n f i n i t e number of conservation laws, a ~ a c k l u n d

transformation and an ISTM are intimately connected. The existence of one

implies the existence of others. I f w e coqld develop the Lagrangian

formulation fo r our problem, it would be possible t o f ind an i n f i n i t e

number of conserved dens i t ies and hence an i n f i n i t e number of cqnservation

laws provided the ~ a c k l u n d transformation fo r the equation is known. So i n

sect ion 3.2, we develop the Lagrangian formalism for the problem. In

section 3.3, we obtain the same three conservation laws from the Lagrangian

density. Finally, the invariance of the NLCQSE under a Galilean

transformation is demonstrated i n sect ion 3.4.

3.1 Derivation of the Conservation Laws

- Scot t e t a l . i n t h e i r w e l l known paper [23] point out the importance

of dis t inguishing between those nonlinear wave equations t h a t d i s s ipa t e

energy and those t h a t do not. The l a t t e r ones are often referred t o i n the

engineering l i t e r a t u r e as "conservative". Now as we have derived the

NLCQSE as an approximate description of the system, it is not a p r i o r i

obvious t h a t the energy is conserved. So, it is important t o f ind the

conservation laws, i f any, including the energy conservation. Zakharov and

Shaba t [ 2 4 ] have found, by t h e i n v e r s e s c a t t e r i n g t e chn ique , an i n f i n i t e

set of c o n s e r v a t i o n laws f o r t h e n o n l i n e a r c u b i c ~ c h r o d i n ~ e r equa t ion .

However, t h i s d o e s n ' t imply t h a t t h e ?JLCQSE a l s o ha s an i n f i n i t e number (or

any) of conservation laws. By inspection, we have found three conservation

l aws f o r t h e e q u a t i o n

1 iqg + 7 q,,

The First Conservation Law

From (3.1) w e write

- 1 qg - 2 is,,


L e t ' s d e f i n e t h e i n t e q r a f

so t h a t

Using (3 .2) , (3 -4) becomes

Now by the method of integration by parts


where we have used the condition

Making use of (3.4b) , (3.4a) becomes

This is what we call the first conservation law, I, being the conserved


The Second Conservation Law

From (3.2) , we obtain

Now define the quantity

Making use of (3.2) and (3.6) , following the same procedure that we used to

derive the first conservation law, we obtain

This is the second conservation law for the equation (3.1 ) .

The Third Conservation Law

Let's now define the integral

Following the same procedure we obtain

which is the third conservation Paw.

(3.51, (3.91 and (3.11) can be wri t ten i n t h e i r e x p l i c i t form as

These conservation laws have s ign i f ican t physical meaning i .e. they

represent the conservation of number, conservation of momentum and the

conservation of energy respectively according t o the terminology used by

Zakharov e t a l . i n the case of the NLSE [51. W e have obtained the th ree

basic conservation laws for the NLCQSE, but the question whether the

equation has i n f i n i t e number of conservation laws is still open. We w i l l

address t h i s issue i n the coming chapters.

3.2 The Lagrangian Formulation of the W S E

The Lagrangian formalism is another way t o explore the conservative

nature of a system. The Lagrangian density is a useful concept. Tf t he

Lagrangian density, no matter how we f ind it, has the form of t h a t for a

conservative system, then the corresponding wave system may be considered

as conservative i n the conventional sense of the term. In the NLCQSE, q

is a complex f i e l d . So the f i e l d is described by two independent f i e l d

var iables q and q*. The Lagrangian density of a one dimensional complex

f i e l d can be taken, i n general, of the form:

We take the t o t a l der ivat ive of L with respect t o x {where xl = 5 , P

x2 = T).

- dqi where q1 = 4, q2 = GI* r - - 'i,p, - dx e tc . and the sum over repeated


indices is implied. The Euler-Lagrange equations corresponding t o a

Lagrangian of the form (3.13) are

Making use of (3.141, (3.13a) becomes

Combining t o t a l der ivat ives on both s ides , t h i s can be writ ten as

If L does not depend expl ic i ty on x , - = 0 and (3.15) becomes P axP


T i s in general a four-tensor of the second rank for a th ree P V

dimensional f i e l d . But we are dealing, however, with only one dimensional

f i e l d . So the indices p, v would run over and T only. Consider t h e

Lagr angian density

Using the Lagrangian density (3.18), the Lagrange equations (3.14)

yie ld the f i e l d equations

1 - iq* + - q * + 2 q q* + 6 q q* = 0 5 2 TT I l 2 I l 4

which are indeed the NLCQS equations.

Hence the Lagrangian density given by (3.18) qua l i f i e s t o be t h e

Lagrangian density for our problem.

3.3 Derivation of the Conservation Laws f r o m the Lagrangian Formalism

We can now obtain t he three conservation laws systematically from the

Langrangian formalism developed i n sect ion 3.2.

We can rewri te (3.16) as

and i n our problem, x has jus t one component and t h a t ' s 5 . (3.21 ) j

has the s t ruc tu re of an equation of cont inui ty , which says t h a t the time

r a t e of change of some density plus the divergence of some corresponding

f l ux or current density vanishes. The equation of cont inui ty

implies the conservation of i n t eg ra l quqnt i t i es [251

provided the i n t eg ra l e x i s t s and the integrand s a t i s f i e s the appropriate

boundary conditions.

Now fo r our problem, ( 3.2 1 is a s e t of two equations i. e.

where according to Goldstein [251 T is the energy density and T 55 05 is

the momentum density. Now from (3.17)



i 1 2 Too = -I{qqt - q*$ ++=I,( + 1ql4 +$lq16

i T 05 = - +*q, - q*qr


From (3.23) and (3.24) we obtain the second and third conservation laws

It's worth noticinq that the conserved quantity in ( 3 . 1 2 ~ ) is the

HamiPtonian corresponding to the Laqrangian of our problem with the

Hamiltonian density defined as viz;

where the canonical momentum n is given as;

Now from (3.14), we write

And from the second Lagrange's equation


Subtracting (3.2%) from (3.25a) and making use of (3.18), we obtain

i d +ce

2 1 =+a

- - J ( q ( d~ = 7 J j {q:7;q - qT,g*)d7; = 0 (using 3.4~) 2 dr .-a 4 4

which is the first conservation Paw.

The equation of continuity (3.22) exists for all solutions q. If

the ~acklund transformation for the NLCQSE exists (i.e. if we can find it)

then it muld be possible to find an infinite number of conserved densities

and hence an infinite number of conservation laws following basically the

same approach as applied by Scott for the Sine Gordon equation 1231. This

is the basic motivation behind developing the Lagranqian formulation of the

problem. We will return to this issue again in chapter 5.

3.4 Invariance Under Galilean Transformation

We demonstrate here that the NLCQSE (3.1) is invariant under the

Galilean transformation

The corresponding operators transform accordingly as

Prom (3.26) and (3.27), we obtain

Thus equation (3.1 ) transforms to

Hence the NLCQSE is invariant undqLr the Galilean transformation. This

invariance reveals that if q(E,z) is a solution of (3.1) then

2 v i(v~ - - 5) q(c,~*<)e 2 is also a solution. If q(c,~) is a solitary wave

solution then the other solution represents the solitary wave moving with

relative velocity v. It's interesting to note that the Lagrangian density

(3.18) is also invariant under the Galilean transformation.


Solitary Wave Solutions for the HICQSE

In t h i s chapter, we solve t he NLCQSE t o obtain the s o l i t a r y wave

solutions. Some of these solut ions have been quoted i n a d i f f e r en t form

without der ivat ion by Pushkarov e t a1 [261. In sect ion 4.1, we make the

d i s t i nc t i on between the terms s o l i t a r y wave and so l i ton . In sect ion 4.2 we

derive a general sol i tary 'wave solut ion fo r the NLCQSE. The s o l i t a r y wave

solut ions fo r a l l possible specia l cases ( i e . a l l s igns of n2 and n4)

are deduced i n sect ion 4.3 and 4.4. Final ly i n sect ion 4.5, we

qua l i t a t i ve ly discuss the ro l e of nonl inear i t i es and the dispersion i n

producing the necessary balance fo r s o l i t a r y waves t o ex i s t .

4.1 Solitary Waves and Solitons

A s o l i t a r y wave A s a local ized shape t h a t propagates a t constant

veloci ty without change of form* If two or more s o l i t a r y waves a f t e r

suf fe r ing a co l l i s i on , come out with exact ly the same shape and veloci ty ,

they are ca l led so l i tons and the co l l i s i on is ca l led a per fec t ly e l a s t i c

co l l i s ion . The'ending "on" is Greek fo r p a r t i c l e and the word so l i t on

means the pa r t i c l e - l i ke behaviour of t he s o l i t a r y wave. Not a l l s o l i t a r y

waves exhib i t so l i t on behaviour. Some equations may have s o l i t a r y wave

solut ions t h a t have approximate so l i t on behavior i n the sense t h a t when two

such s o l i t a r y waves co l l ide , they re-emerge with a s l i g h t change i n shape

and/or velocity, leaving a small amount of energy behind i n the form of

o s c i l l a t i o n s ( " rad ia t ion") . Such s o l i t a r y waves are sa id t o exhib i t

sol i ton- l ike or quasi-soli ton behavior and such co l l i s i ons are re fe r red t o

a s being only p a r t i a l l y e l a s t i c . However, conventions d i f f e r from one area

of physics t o another. For instance i n p a r t i c l e physics and s o l i d s t a t e

physics, t he transparency of the waves t o one another is not so important

r e l a t i v e t o other pa r t i c l e - l i ke proper t ies such as l o c a l i s a b i l i t y and

f i n i t e energy. Consequently some models a re used i n which the waves are

not s t r i c t l y so l i tons i n the sense defined above but nevertheless they a r e

s t i l l ca l led so l i t ons by workers i n those f i e l d s [271. However w e s h a l l

s t i c k t o our s t r i c t def in i t ion s t a t ed above. Accordingly, what we obtain

i n t h i s chapter a re referred t o a s s o l i t a r y wave solut ions and t h e i r

so l i t on nature w i l l be invest igated i n the upcoming chapters.

4.2 The General Solitary Wave Solution for the W Q S B

The s o l i t a r y wave solut ions fo r the cubic nonlinear Schradinger

equation which is a spec ia l case of t he NLCQSE, are well known. We present

here a method t o solve the NLCQSE f o r s o l i t a r y wave solutions.

The NLCQS equation is

We assume the s o l i t a r y wave solut ion t o be of the form

where P and w a r e r e a l constants which can be determined from i n i t i a l

conditions; and F is a r e a l function. w can be in te rpre ted as the

veloci ty r e l a t i v e t o the group velocity.

From (4.2), we obtain

Using (4.2) and (4.3), (4.1) leads to

We can convert this partial differential equation into an ordinary

differential equation by substituting T - WE = t (not to be confused with

the lab time) so that

With this substitution, equation (4.4) becomes;

It" sow straightforward to integrate this second order ordinary

dF differential equation. Multiplying equation (4.5) by zE F' and

integrating once, we obtain

where Cl is the integrat ion constant.

Now fo r a s o l i t a r y wave of local ized shape

F and F' + 0, as t + + a 4

so from (4.61, C1 = 0. However more generally, non-localized t r ave l l i ng

wave solut ions t o (4.6) can be obtained fo r a rb i t r a ry Cl.

Equation (4.6) now becomes

dF - = F { ( ~ P + w 2 ) - 2~~ iy64}1/2 d t

2b which on in tegra t ion gives where y = 3

where C2 i s the in tegra t ion constant.

W e rewri te (4.8) a s

2 where X = F .

However, we have assumed t h a t F is rea l . For t h i s t o be t rue f o r

a l l values of 6 we recognize t h a t

Assuming t h i s , we solve the i n t eg ra l i n (4.9) and obtain [281


which can be rewri t ten as

2 + ( ~ P + w ~ ) ~ { - I - tanh [ 8 ( t +C2)1} = 0 (4.11)

2 1/2 where 8 E 2(2P + w . Equation (4.11 is a quadratic equation i n X. We obtain t h e

so lu t ion

If we choose ( t h i s does not r e s t r i c t the general i ty of our r e su l t s . l


76 7C = sinh (8 t) cos (?) + cosh (Bt) i' sin (i)

Similarly we obtain

2 2 Cosh @(t + C2)1 = - sinh (Bt) (4.14)

Making use of (4.13), (4.14) and of appropriate trigonometric identities,

(4-12) can be rewritten as

There are two values of X in (4.15). We shall keep the one that

makes F real. From (4.15) we write

Thus we can write the solitary wave solution for the equation (4.4 ) as

where F is given by (4.16).

(4.16) is the general solut ion i n t he sense t h a t we have not assigned

any pos i t ive or negative signs t o 6. From t h i s general solut ion we s h a l l

obtain pa r t i cu l a r solut ions for d i f f e r en t possible spec ia l cases, i n t h e

following sect ions .

4 -3 Solitary Wave Solutions for Positive n2.

This case has three spec ia l sub cases

From (4.16) we obtain, on taking minus s ign ,

F =

The other solut ion corresponding t o taking the plus sign makes F

imaginary, so we r e j e c t it as being inconsis tent with our assumption t h a t

F is r ea l . Thus we write the solut ion of the equation (4.1 a s


Let 2 1/2 = C [2P + w I

2 1/2 Then [I + y(2P + w ~ ) I ' / ~ = [I + yc 1


And we can w r i t e (4.1 8) a s


The c o n s t a n t C, can be determined by i n i t i a l cond i t i ons . Assume t h a t

i n i t i a l l y i.e. E = z = 0

Then from (4.19) w e f i n d

where qo is g iven by (2.11) a s

W e can conver t our s o l u t i o n (4.1 9) t o t h e form quoted by Pushkarov e t a 1

[261. Consider

W e know from (3.12a) t h a t &o is a conserved quan t i t y . S u b s t i t u t i n g f o r

q a s g iven by (4. lg), (4.22) becomes

Solving the i n t eg ra l w e obtain

We solve (4.23) fo r C and obtain


define T, = 4; c0

then C = cO kz?% rl

Thus (4.19 1 becomes

tan7 2 2 q(c,.c) = cOzrl{l + sec~cosh[2t0- (T-wg) ]} -1/Zei{ ( co tan 11

Il T, 2 rl

- w21f + WT}

This is the form of solution reported by Pushkarov. We shall prefer

to write the solution in the form (4.19) . The width of the solitary wave would be

Thus for n4 > 0 the solitary waves will be narrower than those which

occur when n4 = 0.

(ii) n2 > 0, n4 < 0 i.e. y < 0

For this case the solution (4.16) ,becomes

The only solution consistent with F real is

F = C{l + (1 ~~~C~)'/~COS~[~C(T - w5)1} - 1 /2 Thus .

2 2 5 q(5,r) = c(1 + (1 - (yl~2)1/2cosh12~(r - wc)]} -1/2~i{ (C - w )l + w}


We calculate C by initial conditions and obtain

Thus t h e wid th of t h e s o l i t a r y wave is

Thus f o r n 4 < 0 t h e s o l i t a r y wave w i l l be b r o a d e r t h a n t h a t w i t h n 4 = 0.

For t h i s case t h e NLCQSE r e d u c e s to t h e NLS e q u a t i o n and t h e s o l u t i o n

( 4.1 6) becomes j

C[1 + c o s h ( 2 ~ t ) 1 +1/2 F = 2

[ I - c o s h (2Ct) 1 1/2

The o n l y s o l u t i o n c o n s i s t e n t w i t h F real is

1/2 C[1 - c o s h ( 2 C t ) I F I - - - C 2

61 - c o s h (2Ct) 1 'I2 [ 4 + cosh (2Ct) I 1/2

P . C - - - s e c h [C (z - WE. 1 l

47 c o s h (Ct ) 47



T h i s is t h e w e l l known s o l i t o n s o l u t i o n [29] f o r t h e NLS e q u a t i o n .

4.4 Solitary wave solutions for n2 0

Here we again discuss three subcases:

(i) n2 < 9, n4 < 0.

For this, the NLCQSE becomes

We solve this equation following the same procedure and obtain

1/2cosh(2~t) - F = C{(1 - (y(C 1)-1/2

= ~ { ( l - (y(C2)1/2cosh~2~(r - WE)] - p2

This solution is unacceptable because at r = 5 = 0, F becomes imaginary

in contradiction to our assumption that F is real. Therefore a sblitary

wave solution does not exist for n2 < 0, n4 < 0.

For this case the NLCQSE reduces to

and the solution (4.321 reduces to


This is certainly not a solitary wave solution because it doesn't have a

finite amplitude at z = 5 = 0.

For n2 < 0, n4 > 0 the NLCQSE becomes

and the solution is

The solution consistent with F real is

. Thus

For n2 = 0 , n4 > 0, our equation NLCQSE reduces t o the "higher"

NLS equation whose solut ion has been quoted by Kodama e t a l . [301. We

derive t h i s solut ion by our method i n Appendix B e

4.5 Discussion

We can understand from a w a l i t a t i v e , i .e . hand waving, argument how

the dispersion and nonlinear terms can balance t o y ie ld s o l i t a r y waves. We

can summarize these e f f ec t s i n diagrams as follows where the so l i d arrow

corresponds t o the e f f ec t of dispersion, the dashed arrow t o the n2

contribution and the dotted one t o the n4 contribution.

Diagram Expectation

Sol i t a ry wave may e x i s t .

So l i t a ry wave may e x i s t .

So l i t a ry wave may e x i s t .

Diagram Expectation

Sol i t a ry wave can ' t ex i s t .

So l i t a ry wave may e x i s t .

The n2 and n contributions cause pulse compression or pulse broadening 4

depending upon whether they take on the pos i t ive or negative sign

respectively and the dispersion term ( f o r k" < 0) always causes spreading.

The possible balance between squeezing and spreading determines the

pos s ib i l i t y of the existence of s o l i t a r y waves. The s o l i t a r y wave i n case

e l is known t o be a so l i ton , but the so l i t on behavior of the s o l i t a r y waves

for other cases is s t i l l t o be explored. Various s o l i t a r y wave solut ions

obtained i n t h i s chapter are p lo t ted i n the following diagrams. In f i g .

4.4, the energy content of the pulse, i .e. I,, is kept f ixed fo r a l l t h e

three p lo t s .

Fig 4 .1 ) ~ l o t for solitary wave solution ( 4.19) . Input parameters

are 6 = 30, C = 0.5, n '> 0. 2


Fig 4.2) Plot f o r s o l i t a r y wave solut ion ( 4.27 ) . Input parameters

a re 6 = -5.0, C = 2.0, n - > 0. 2


Fig 4.3) Plot fo r s o l i t a r y wave solut ion (4.36). Input parameters

are 6 = 8, C = 0.7, n2 < -0.

Fig 4.4) Comparative p l o t s of s o l i t a r y wave s o l u t i o n s f o r n4 > 0,

n4 = 0 and n4 < 0. Input parameters a r e 1 = 1.0,



Search for Multi-Soliton Solutions for the NICQSE-

The ~gcklund Transformation

In the previous chapter, we obtained the solitary wave solutions for

the NLCQSE. Now, we address the issue of whether the solitary waves are

stable, ie. whether our equation, the NLCQSE, has multi-soliton solutions.

There are two possible analytical techniques which may be used to obtain

the soliton solutions i.e. the Backlund transformation and the inverse

scattering transform method (ISTM). However, the two techniques are

interrelated [3 1 I . The eigenvalue problem in the ISTM is transformable to the Backlund transformation [321 and conversely if the Backlund

transformation for the given evolution equation is known, one can deduce

the eigenvalue problem. A number of nonlinear evolution equations such as

the Korteweg-deVries (KdV) equation, the NLS equation and the Sine-Gordon

equation belong to a class of equations that can be solved by the ISTM [331

and the related eigenvalue problem can be deduced from the ~acklund

transformation 131 I for these equations. We wonder if the NLCQSE has a

Bgcklund transformation and hence multi-soliton solutions.

In section 5.1, we introduce the concept of the Backlund

transformation and discuss it in the context of an illustrative example.

In section 5.2, we make an attempt to derive the Backlund transformation

for the NLCQSE. The conclusion from the result of our attempt is drawn in

section 5.3.

5.1 The B&5elund transformation

Let z satisfy a differential equation. The ~acklund transformation

will yield another solution say z ' satisfying the same form of the

equation. Define the transformation between the two solutions as

where z is a function of two independent coordinates x and y eg. x

may be temporal and y may be a spatial coordinate, x = x', y = y' and

The integrability condition fdr z requires

which on defining Q = * - 3 becomes ay ax

L-2 = fyl - 9,' + fZtgl - + (fpI - $ g l ) ~ l + fg# + = 0

a 2z a2z where r = -, s = - a2z t = -

axayr etc. ax ay

Now, the integrability condition (5.2) can be satisfied in either of two


(i) We can satisfy (5.2) identically i.e,

In this case the transformation is called a contact transformation.

(ii) The equation (5.2) can be satisfied if z ' is its solution. In this

case the transformation is called the Backlund transformation.

For example, consider the sine-Gordon equation

This equation has the ~acklund transformation

where a is an arbitrary constant.

The application of

to ( 5.4b) gives equation

the integrability condition

(5.4a) and ,the integrability condition


Thus the sine-Gordon equation is invar iant under the BBcklund

transformation (5.4b) i .e . i f $ is a solut ion of the sine-Gordon

equation, so is 4 . The ~ a c k l u n d transformation may be used t o generate

addi t ional solut ions of (5.4a) by i n se r t i ng t he known solut ion i n t o

( 5.4b) . For example, $6 = 0 is a t r i v i a l "vacuum" solut ion of ( 5 . 4 ~ 1 ,

Subs t i tu t ing t h i s i n t o (5.4b1, we obtain a p a i r of equations v iz ;

which may be solved t o obtain a second ( n o n t r i v i a l ) solut ion, v i z ;

b ) ~ (5.4e)

where b is a constant of in tegrat ion.

(5.4e) can be shown t o be a "one so l i ton" solut ion of t he sine-Gordon

equation. Let , $ be two such one so l i t on solut ions derived from the

vacuum solut ion $O by applying the ~ z c k l u n d transformation with parameters

a and a and in tegra t ion constants 1 2

bl and b2 respect ively . It is

possible t o choose the appropriate in tegra t ion constants say b; and b;

such t h a t we obtain the same solut ion 41 .2

by fu r the r applying the

~ g c k l u n d transformation with parameter a t o $2 and a t o a s 1 2

shown schematically by a commutative Bianchi diagram, v iz ;

%,2 would be a two so l i t on solut ion.

S t a r t i ng from the ~ a c k l u n d transformation (5.4b1, one can prove t h e

following theorem

where @n and @n are solut ions of (5.4a) generated by appl icat ion of 1 2

t he Backlund transformation (5.4b) t o a known solut ion @n-l with

parameters a l and a2 respect ively . In (5.4f) @n-l represents an

(n-I) so l i t on solut iqn, @n and @n represent n so l i t on solut ions I 2

and @ n l f l and @n2+1 represent (n+l ) so l i t on solut ions . Thus knowing

t h e one so l i t on solut ion, an i n f i n i t e sequence of addi t ional solut ions may

. be generated without fu r ther recourse t o in tegra t ion , by making use s f

(5 .4f) . The generation of N-soliton solut ions is shown i n the extended

Lamb diagram given below where the in tegra t ion constants b have been

suppressed fo r brevity. The number i n parentheses indicates the number of

so l i t ons .

5.2 The ~ k k l u n d Transformation for the NLCQSEo

G.L. Lamb [31] has derived the B3cklund transformation fo r the NLS

equation by a method due t o Cla i r in [34] . Here we attempt t o derive t h e

~ a c k l u n d transformation for the NLCQSE by using the same method. The

NLCQSE and i ts complex conjugate a re

where the bar indicates complex conjugate.

Let's make the substitutions

With these substitutions, the evolution equations (3.19) and (3.20)


The general form adopted for the B'ricklund transformation is

with x = x\ y = yy' and also the complex conjugate transformation

The integrability condition for z requires

From (5.7) we obtain

Using (5. lo), (5.9) becomes

Let the transformed solution ' z ' also satisfy the equation of the same

form as (5.6) i.e.

Making use of (5.12), (5.11) becomes

From (5.13), we obtain

Using (5.14), (5.13) becomes

From (5.14), we have

- But E is not an explicit function of q' or g' so

it follows that

Similarly from (5.14) we obtain

- Now using the fact that f is not an explicit function of g' or g' and

making use of (5.16a) and (5.16b), we obtain from (5.15)


Making use of (5.14), (5.17) and (5.18), we obtain from (5.15)



-- Let Z stand for the set of four independent variables z,zq,z,z ', We

note from (5.7) that , in general, is a function of 2, g',T',p1 and - p ' , From (5.17) we notice that 4 is independent of p' . From (5.14)

g ' and (5.7) we conclude that is independent of g' and . So

9 ' combining these facts we obtain


Equation (5.7) tells us that f is, in general, a function of 2, p' and - p' . (5.17) implies that f is only a linear function of p' and (5.18)

tells us that it can also be only a linear function of pg. Combining

these facts, we can write

where k,R,m and n are arbitrary functions of Z.

Now from (5.21) and (5.14), we obtain

which imply that 4 must be of the form

- where X is independent of q' and q '. Thus X is possibly a function

of X, P' and p'. But from (5.19) it implies that 4 can depend only

- linearly on p' or p ' . Therefore we can write X as

where a,z,B and x are functions of 2.

Thus (5.22a) becomes

From (5.1) and ( 5 . 5 ) we obtain, making use of (5.21)



af -1 +Fa ) iq + r = i$ + - = kpl(ig'+r) + kpl(igl+rl) + R(iq'+rl) + m(ig ax

+ icrp1? + irp' + if33 + i~ + plP1kx + palx + F1mx + nx

However from (5.6a) and (5.12a) we have

NOW the variables X, p', _Ibqr fDs are independent variables, Thus

equation (5.25a) must be satisfied identically. First, we compare the -

coefficients of <' and r on both sides of (5,25a) and obtain

Hence (5.25a) is reduced to


- = a z + a-zX + aZ1z; + a ;; = aZp + a-F + aZlpt + a 5'

z X - - 2 2 ' Z z '

From (5.21) and (5.25b) we have

Thus (5.26a) becomes

Similarly we obtain

- - - - nx = nzRpl 9 nnz + An p1 + n n + nZIp1 + n- p' - -

z z z '

Substituting (5.26~) and (5.26d) into (5.26) we obtain


Now the requirement that (5.27) is satisfied identically, leads us to write

Notice that we have already developed the Backlund transformation from

(5.7) into the form (5.21) and (5.23). Now our job is to calculate k, R,

m, n, sf 8, a and x that we know can depend upon Z only. If we look

at (5.28) carefully, it seems promisinq to start with equation (5.288) that

involves only R. Now (5.281) is satisfied if R is a constant.

So R = a (cons tan t ) (5.29)

Considering R as constant, (5.28a) gives

Now substituting the values of k, m, R and a from (5.25b), (5,29) and

(5,30) into (5.21) and (5,23), we obtain

(5.31) is the Backlund transformation derived to this point. q, z, 8 and

- x are still to be determined. Keeping in minh that p ' p' q' and Z

are independent variables; we obtain from (5.31)


Substituting (5.32) and (5.31) into (5.11) we obtain,

- - - - + p'{nz9 + n 7 - OZn - n9 - - - ax- - x - } + g8{an_ + n - - ie}

Z Z 2 z ' z z '

- - 2 2

Now comparing the coefficients of q', p ' , p', g', o' , p'p' and p' on

both sides we obtain,

- N = 0 implies an + n- - i9 = 0 -

z z '

We can rewrite (5.28~) as

Comparinq (5.33b) and (5.33~) we obtain,

Substituting (5.34), into (5.33a) yields

Using (5.34), we rewrite (5.31) as

p = ap' + n

g = ag' + zp' + x

Thus the ~acklund transformation has now been developed to the form

(5,36), Our task has been reduced to determining n, T and x only. For

this purpose we try to solve the equations (5.28e) and (5.35) . G. L. Lamb

[31] has solved equations of this form for the NLS equation for the case

a = 1. Following him we solve (5.28e) and (5.35) for the NLCQSE choosing

a = 1. For this purpose we define the new variables.

Xt follows that

Thus (5.352) and (5.359) become

- - In general z can be a function of v , v , w, U. But (5.39) tells us

that z is independent of w and w. So we can write

and (5.35e) becomes

which implies that

Next, (5.35a) gives

which on integration yields

where y is the constant of integration which is to be determined.


Similarly using (5.40) and (5.39) , (5.35~) yields

r where -is the constant of integration, also to be determined. 2

From (5.40e) we obtain

From (5.40a)

Using (5.40d), (5.42) and (5.43), we obtain from the equation (5.35b)


where is the integration constant.

Substituting the value of C from (5.44) into (5.40e), we obtain

- - w 7 i w i 2 - x = - { - 1 2

- w r + Y-} + T { - I. T + =yv - y t v - ~ T J + +T (5.45) 2 - v v v

Making use of (5.451, (5.40d) and (5.371, the equation (5.28e) becomes

i 1 1 2- A -2 3 wO{- r~ + yyV + + T TI+ +a v v + - v v ) + w{- i y r - iTr-}

v 16 v V

1 1 - 3 -2 - 1 - v 3 + W ~ { - ~ T T ~ + - v + - A v v j + U W { ~ T Z + - + -Av2;) 4 16 -

v 2 8

- i - - 2 3 -2 2 3 -2 A 3 + w { ~ qJ + uw {B AVT} + w w {-- AV) + w {- v } = o v 16 16

Comparinq the coefficients of equal powers and combinations of w and

on both sides of (5.46), yields:

- 3 -2 ZT = V + - A V V v 4

The motivation here is to solve equations (5.47) and determine y,q,~ in

- terms of v and V . Then we can find x from (5.45) and the ~'acklund

transformation (5.36) would be developed to its final form. But look at

(5.47f1, (5.474), and (5.47h). These equations imply that

- (i) for non zero v and v

This is equivalent t o switching off f i f t h order nonlinear term i n the

NLCQS equation and hence reducing it t o t he NLS equation. The ~ k k l u n d

transformation f o r the NLS equation can then be obtained a s outl ined below.

For A = 0 , (5.47) becomes

( 5 . 4 8 ~ ) and (5.48d) are s a t i s f i e d i f

where b is a r e a l constant.

Equation (5.48b) is s a t i s f i e d by

y = ikv

where k is r e a l constant . ~ h u s (5.48a) y ie lds

l 2 + k~ - 2k2}

&king use of (5.51) and (5.441, we obtain from (5.40e)

Thus the ~acklund transformation (5.36) now takes the form

i p = p ' - - 2 wz + ikv

This is the ~Xcklund transformation for the NLSE.

(ii) for non-zero A, v = 0 so that

Z = Z'

- or/and v = O

- - SO that z = z'

This last case means that the solution of the NLCQSE (ie. A#O) is

transformed into itself. We can't generate another solution. The purpose

in deriving the Biicklund transformation was to obtain the multisoliton

solutions and that purpose seems to be defeated here. We say that the

Backlund transformation breaks down or there is no Backlund transformation

. for the NLCQSE at least in the existing framework that we are using. In

the calculation presented here we have taken a = 1, but we have carried

out calculations for other values of a. In all such attempts, we were

unable to find the otl-ier solution.

5.3 Conclusion

I f there is no Bzcklund transformation fo r the NLCQSE we can expect

t h a t the equation has no so l i t on (or mul t i so l i ton) solut ions . But, one can

argue t h a t there may be some other method ( i . e . a d i f f e r en t value of

constant a could be chosen or a method e n t i r e l y d i f f e r en t than the one

due t o Cla i r in ) t o derive the Backlund transformation fo r our equation.

Thus we can speculate, but we can ' t deduce here t h a t the NLCQSE has no

so l i t on solution. In the next chapter we s h a l l t r y the other technique

i.e. the ISTM t o look fo r so l i t on solut ions .


Search for Multi-!Soliton Solutions

The Inverse Scattering Transform Method

In chapter 5 , we made an attempt to derive the multi-soliton

solutions to the NLCQSE using the ~acklund transformation. An alternative

approach is to use the inverse scattering transform method (ISTM). In

section 6.1, we give a brief introduction to the ISTM technique. In

section 6.2, we make an attempt to construct an inverse scattering

framework for the NLCQSE. The conclusion is given in section 6.3.

6.1 Introduction

The inverse scattering method is very important in the sense that it

allows us to use linear techniques to solve certain nonlinear evolution

equations and to discover multi-soliton solutions. The method was

developed by Gardner et al. [6] in 1967 and was used to solve the KdV

equation. A general formulation of the method by P.D. Lax 1351 soon

followed (1968) and this is what we briefly outline here.

Consider a general nonlinear equation

where K is a nonlinear operator on some suitable space of functions,

- Suppose that we can find linear operators L and B' which depend upon

4 , a solution of (6.1), and satisfy the following operator equation

iLt [B1,L] Z B'L - LBq (6.2)

If B' is self adjoint, equation (6.2) implies that the eigenvalues C of

L which appear in

are independent of time. Also it follows from (6.2) that the eigenfunction

4 evolves in time according to the equation

Assume, further, that we can associate a scatterinq problem with the

operator L. Then given the initial shape @(x,o), we can find @(x,t)

by carrying out the following linear steps.

( 1) The Direct Problem

Using equation (6.3) we calculate scattering parameters (e.g.

reflection and transmission coefficients of L) for J, at x = a and

t = o from a knowledge of @(x,o).

(2) Time Evolution of the Scattering Data

We use equation (6.4) together with the asymptotic form of B' at

x = a to calculate the time evolution of the scattering data.

(3) The Inverse Problem

From the knowledge of the scattering data of L as a function of

time, we can construct @(x,t). The following figure summarizes the

inverse scattering method. The idea is to avoid path d i.e. to avoid

solvinq equation (6.1) directly. Instead we solve equation (6.1) by qoing

through linear computations of steps a,b and c.

T i m e Evolution


@(x ,o ) given

Scat ter ing Data a t x = a

Inverse problem

Direct Problem a - * Eq.(6.3)

There a re many poten t ia l technical . d i f f i c u l t i e s with the procedure

Scattering Data a t x = o : fo r t = o

outl ined above, eg. we may not be able t o f ind operators L and 8' which

s a t i s f y equation (6.2), we may not be able t o solve the inverse problem for

the operator L e t c .

6.2 Application to the NLCQSE.

In order t o carry out the f i r s t s tep , w e should be able t o write the

appropriate eigenvalue problem i .e. equation (6.3). So f a r , no general

method has been developed t o derive the eigenvalue problem corresponding t o

a given evolution equation. It 's well known t h a t cer ta in evolution

equations, eg. KdV, Sine Gordon and NLS equations belong t o a c l a s s of

equations t h a t correspond t o the Zakharov-Shabat [24] and other eigenvalue

problems which are special cases of a more general eigenvalue problem due

t o Ablowitz, Kaup, Newell and S e w (AKNS) [3%% viz:

This can be rewri t ten i n the form (6.3) as

where v and v a r e the components of the eigenfunction + = 1 2

and q ( x , t ) , r ( x , t ) are the solut ions of a coupled p a i r of nonlinear

evolution equations. Now, f i r s t l y , t he NLCQSE is an extension of t h e NLS

equation i n the sense t h a t i f we switch off the f i f t h order nonlinear term

t h e equation reduces t o the NLS equation and secondly, the AKNS eigenvalue

problem is very general. Thus i t ' s reasonable t o expect t h a t i f the NLCQSE

does have so l i t on solut ions , it possibly can be associated with the AKNS

eigenvalue problem. Under t h i s assumption our f i r s t s tep becomes t o check

the p o s s i b i l i t y t h a t the NLCQSE corresponds t o the AKNS eigenvalue problem

(6.5). We assume t h a t q(x,O) and r(x,O) are given. In general, t he

eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of (6.5) w i l l evolve i n time as the

po t en t i a l s q ( x , t ) and r ( x , t ) evolve according t o some evolution

equation. We choose t he time dependence of vl (x , t 1 and v2 (x, t ) as

But as pointed out i n the previous sect ion, we i n s i s t t h a t the eigenvalue

be independent of time. From cross d i f f e r en t i a t i on of (6.5) and (6.6) we


where d ( t ) is an in tegra t ion constant and we can s e t it equal t o zero

without any loss of generali ty. We thus obtain

Equations (6.7) can give us possible evolution equations f o r q and r.

F i r s t we f ind AIB,C and D. These coef f ic ien ts are functions of x , t

and . We expand them i n powers of c and we w i l l systematically

ca lcu la te the expansion coef f ic ien ts .

W e set N = 4

From ( 6 . 8 ) and ( 6 . 7 ) w e o b t a i n

B ( ~ ) = i q a 4

a R

4 (2) = i q a - T q x 3

a 4 2 B(') =, a 3 a4 2 i q r + ia2q - 7 q x - i - q

4 xx

3 B ( 0 ) , , - 4 a 4 q r q x + i ~q a3 2 r - i -q a 3 - - q "2 + i a , q 9 - q a 4 4 xx 2 x 8 xxx

a4 ,(a) = - r + ira 2 x 3

where ao, al, a2, a3 and a4 are independent of x hut may depend upon

t. Along with these equations also we obtain

Making use of (6.9), (6.10) and (6.111, we rewrite (6.12a) as

Now, i f we choose

the eigenvalue problem (6.5) reduces t o fo r t h i s special case,

which is the Zakharov-Shabat eigenvalue problem and the evolution equation

( 6.13 becomes

which is the NLS equation.

We are looking for the poss ib i l i t y of deriving the NLCQSE out of

( 6.1 3 ) . In order t o obtain the higher order nonlinear term we can ' t s e t

a4 = 0. L e t ' s make the su i tab le choice a. = al = a3 = 0, a2 = -if

With t h i s choice (6.13) becomes

We get a l l the term's we need on the L.H. S. , but we a l so ge t terms on R.H. S.

t h a t our equation does not have. There is no apparent way tha t a proper

choice fo r a4 could lead t o the NLCQSE- This shows t h a t the NLCQSE may

not belong t o the AKNS eigenvalue problem.

6.3 Conclusion

We have shown t h a t the NLCQE does not belong t o the very general AKNS

eigenvalue problem. It was p laus ib le t o expect t h a t i f the NLCQSE does

have so l i t on solut ions , it should correspond t o the AKNS framework. The

pos s ib i l i t y t h a t it belongs t o a d i f f e r en t eigenvalue problem appears t o be

remote. Thus we can conclude t ha t , maybe, the NLCQSE does not possibly

have so l i t on solut ions . This is consis tent with our f a i l u r e t o f i nd a

Bxcklund transformation. This speculation is supported by numerical'

simulation given i n the next chapter. By the way, i f equation (6.15)

should correspond t o some physical system, it would have so l i t on solut ions .


The Numerical Simulations

In previous chapters we attempted t o ana ly t i ca l l y inves t iga te t h e

s t a b i l i t y of the s o l i t a r y wave solutions. The indicat ion is t h a t we don't

have t r u e so l i t ons but the p o s s i b i l i t y of having quasi-soli ton behaviour

can ' t be ruled out. In t h i s chapter, we study numerically the co l l i s i ons

of two s o l i t a r y waves whose input shapes a re calculated from the ana ly t i ca l

expressions i n Chapter 4. In sect ion 7.1, we discuss the numerical scheme

t h a t was used. In sect ion 7 . 2 w e present our numerical r e s u l t s f o r the

various combinations of signs of n and n4. The conclusions a re given 2

i n sect ion 7.3.

7.1 The Numerical Scheme

To solve the NLCQSE

we replace the der ivat ives q and q i n (7.1) by f i n i t e di f ference r; 'G'G

approximations [1,361. Consider the function q ( c r ~ ) * W e wri te t he Taylor

expansion of q a t (c + A S ) and ( - A 1 around r;.

Subtract (7.2b) from (7.2a)

which is the cen t ra l d i f ference approximation (CDA) t o q Note t h a t the 5

forward dif ference approximation (FDA), viz ;

is not as accurate fo r a given A%. Also i t ' s found t h a t numerical

i n s t a b i l i t y occurs i f the FDA is used f o r the NLCQSE. For s u f f i c i e n t l y

small be, the higher order terms i n ( 7 . 2 ~ ) may be neglected t o obtain

In our numerical runs the value of A 5 used is -0.003. Now t o

obtain ~ T T

we wri te t he Taylor expansion of q a t T + AT and T - AT

around T viz;

Adding (7.4b) to (7.4a) yields

Neglecting higher order terms for sufficiently small (AT) we have

We choose AT - 0.1 in our simulations.

Substituting (7.5) and (7.3) into (7.1) we obtain

Knowing the terms on R.H.S. we can obtain the L.H.S. and advance in

. The terms in this finite-difference formulas are indicated

schematically in the following figure. Note that we cannot use the CDA on

the first step. For the first step i.e. to qo from zero'th 5 row to

1st 5 row A5 was further subdivided into 600 steps and a forward

difference approximation was used. This approach yielded extremely

accurate values of q on the first 5 row to use in the CDA. The FDA

could not be used for larger 5 because it involved too much computing

time and was found to be unstable. The proqram for this finite difference

scheme was written by Stuart Cowan. Periodic boundary conditions were

imposed by taking the extreme right and left mesh pts to be adjacent. Each

plot shown involved of the order of 100 million floating point

multiplications. The accuracy of the numerical runs was checked by

continually monitoring the conserved quantities

-+a 2 2 6

1 = [ - - 5 61q( ldr -a

which were derived in Chapter 3.

7.2 Numerical Plots and Discussion

We now present our r e s u l t s fo r d i f f e r en t poss ib le cases depending

upon the s igns of n2 and n4. In discussing t he r e s u l t s , we have labeled

the pulse i n i t i a l l y on the Left (Right) a s L ( R ) = Although a wide va r i e ty

of r e l a t i v e pulse heights and ve loc i t i e s were considered, here the pulses

are taken t o be i den t i ca l and (except fo r Fig.7.1~1) t he ve loc i t i e s w

symmetric. Also, except fo r F i g . 7 . 4 ~ ~ each s t e p shown corresponds t o

A< = 1. ~ i g . 7 . 0 shows the accuracy of t he numerical scheme including the

per iodic boundary conditions. The s o l i t a r y wave disappears on t he r i g h t

edge and reappears on the l e f t due t o the per iodic boundary conditions.

Below, we discuss the r e s u l t s fo r the various combinations of n and n4. 2

For t h i s case, quasi-soliton behaviour was observed over the e n t i r e

range of parameter space consis tent .wi th our der ivat ion i .e. the s o l i t a r y

wave solut ions a re r e l a t i ve ly s table . Some typ i ca l r e s u l t s are shown i n

Figs. 7.1 and 7.2. In Fig.7.1 we have taken 6 = -1.3 and qo = 1 while

i n Fig.7.2, 6 = -5, qo = 0.5 where 90 is the maximum input q. In

terms of the conserved quant i ty I1 of the pulses , I1 = 3 i n the f i r s t

case and 1.4 i n the second. Fig.7.1, therefore , involves the co l l i s i on of

more energet ic pulses. A s izab le rad ia t ive peak emerges between the two

quasi-soli tons, the peak shedding successive o sc i l l a t i ons . As a r e s u l t of

t he per iodic boundary conditions, the quasi-soli tons i n t h i s case are

unphysically running back i n t o the rad ia t ive o sc i l l a t i ons and producing the

noisy r ipple . For the l e s s energet ic pulses of Fig.7.2, the rad ia t ion is

l e s s pronounced, appearing as an o sc i l l a to ry pla teau between the

quasi-soli tons which eventually dies away.

(ii) n > 0 , n > 0. 2 4

In t h i s case both the nonlinear terms contribute t o pulse compression

and a much r icher spectrum of possible behaviour is found. Quasi-soliton

behaviour is, of course expected fo r R << 1 where R is the r a t i o of t he

• ’ i f t h order t o t h i r d order contributions i . e . R = 16 ( 1 1 '/2.

Quasi-soliton behaviour is also found t o p e r s i s t f o r larger R values,

eg. Fig.7.3 with R = 0.26 fo r 1 4 1 = q where only a .smal l rad ia t ive 0

o s c i l l a t i o n is quickly shed during the in te rac t ion period. But f o r R = 1

small changes i n parameters qo, 6 or the i n i t i a l ve loc i t i es can lead t o

wildly d i f f e r en t scenarios as, eg. i l l u s t r a t e d i n Fig. 7.4a,b,c. Only qo

has been varied, taking on the values 0.27, 0.31 and 0.35 with the

corresponding R values 1.13, 1.48 and 1.89. In Fig.7.4aI the two

s o l i t a r y waves simply f l a t t e n out a f t e r the in te rac t ion . In Fig.7.4b they

a l so f l a t t e n out but a sharp spike forms i n the middle. In F i g . 7 . 4 ~ ~ the

pulses barely meet before a rapid t r a n s i t i o n t o explosive behaviour is

observed. Our numerical r e s u l t s show t h a t f o r R I t he behaviour i s

not quasi-soli ton, t h e s t a b i l i t y of t h e s o l i t a r y waves being very weak.

A s n4 + 0 (i .e. 6 + 0 ) we f i nd t h a t l a rger and larger e l e c t r i c

f i e l d amplitudes are required t o sus ta in t he s o l i t a r y wave as 6

decreases. For 6 << I , the s o l i t a r y wave solut ion is very sharply peaked

and physically e i t h e r e n t i r e l y unrealizable ( requi r ing maximum e l e c t r i c

f i e l d amplitudes beyond d i e l e c t r i c breakdown) or a t l e a s t highly unstable.

For l a rger values of 6 , the s o l i t a r y wave solut ions are l e s s sharply

peaked, but are subject t o an unstable f i f t h order compression e f f ec t . No

quasi-soli ton behaviour was observed f o r t h i s case. Typically, the two

co l l id ing s o l i t a r y waves produced only rad ia t ive or explosive behaviour.The

s t a b i l i t y i n t h i s case is extremely weak. A s i n the previous case, f o r R =

1, the r e s u l t s were extremely s ens i t i ve t o the input ve loc i t i e s w

e tc . In Fig.7.5 and 7.6, R = 2.5 f o r ( q ( = B but the i n i t i a l s i z e of

the nonlinear terms is about 7 times la rger i n Fig.7.5 .than i n Fig.7.6.

Explosive behaviour is observed i n Fig. 7.6, while i n Fig. 7.5 only chaotic

radiat ion is produced. This is because the ve loc i t i e s w were la rger i n

Fig.7.5 so t h a t t he pulses spent l e s s time in t e r ac t i ng with each other and

hence prevented an explosion. I f the ve loc i t i e s w are decreased, an

explosion occurs.

7 3 Conclusion

The numerical simulations show t h a t t he s o l i t a r y wave solut ions t h a t

we derived i n Chapter 4, are not so l i tons and hence our t en t a t i ve

conclusion reached i n the previous chapters is supported. However quasi-

so l i t on behaviour f o r n2 > 0, n4 > 0 and n2 > 0 , n4 < 0 cases p e r s i s t

over wide regions of parameter space. But f o r t he n2 > 0 , n4 > 0 case

numerical r e s u l t s show t h a t f o r R - 1 , t he behaviour is not even

quasi-soli ton, the s t a b i l i t y of the s o l i t a r y waves being very weak. Thus,

on t heo re t i ca l grounds, w e can r u l e ou t t he p o s s i b i l i t y of obtaining

subs t an t i a l l y narrower so l i t ons by f ind ing a mater ia l with a large 6

value and/or a l a rge d i e l e c t r i c s t rength.

Fig 7.0) Propagation of a s o l i t a r y wave. The input parameters are:

C = 0.5, 6 = 10.00, n > 0. The s o l i t a r y wave disappears on 2

t h e r i g h t edge and reappears on the l e f t due t o the periodic

boundary conditions. mx. J A I ~ / I ~ J = 0.21%.

Fig. 7.1.a) Quasi-soliton behaviour for n2 > 0, n4 < 0. Input

parameters are C = 1 .O7, -6 = - 1 . 3 for each pulse

and wL = +3.2 , wR = 0 . Max. ( A I ~ / I ~ 1 = 0.25%. The

arrow indicates that the quasi-soliton disappears on the

right edge and reappears on the left due to the periodic

boundary conditions.

Fig. 7.1.b) Quasi-soliton behaviour f o r n2 > 0, n4 < 0. Input

parameters: C = 1.07, 6 = -1.3, wL = +1..6, wR = -1.6

ax. ( A I ~ / I ~ I = 0.60%. The arrows indicate t h a t the quasi-

so l i tons reappear on the opposite edges due t o t h e per iodic

boundary conditions.

Fig. 7.2) Quasi-soliton behaviour for n2 > 0, n4 < 0. Input

parameters: C = 0.54, 6 = -5.0, wL = +1.6, wR = -1.6.

Max. ( * I ~ / I ~ ~ = 0.20%.

Fig. 7.2

Fig 7.3) Quasi-soliton behaviour for n2 > 0, n > 0. Input 4

parameters: C = 0.65, 6 = +3.0, wL = +1.6, w R = -1.6.

M ~ X . ( A I ~ / I ~ 1 = 1.22%.

Fig 7.4.a) Radiative (dispers ive) behaviour for n2 > 0, n > 0. 4

Input parameters: C = 0 .SO, 6 = 30.9, w L = +1.6, wR = -1.6.

Max. ( A I ~ / I ~ I = 1.40%.

Fig 7.4.b) Radia t ive and s p i k i n g behaviour f o r n2 > 0, n > 0 . 4

Input parameters: C = 0.61, 6 = 30.9, wL = +1.6,

W = -1.6. R

Max. ( A I ~ / I ~ ) = 5.24%.

Fig 7.4.c) Explosive b e h a v i o ~ for n 2 > 0, n 4 > 0, I n p u t parameters:

C = 0.75, 6 = 30.9, wL = +1.6, wR = -1.6.

M ~ X . ( A I ~ / I ~ ( = 0.79%.

F i g 7.5) R a d i a t i v e b e h a v i o u r f o r n 2 < 0, n 4 > 0. I n p u t p a r a m e t e r s :

e = 0.50, 6 = 30.9, wL = +4.0, wR = -4.0

ax. ( A I ~ / I ~ ( = 0.42%

F i g 7 . 6 ) Explos ive behaviour f o r n2 < 0, n4 > 0 . Input parameters

C = 0 .25 , 6 = 100.0 , w L = +1.6 , w R = - 1 . 6 .

mx. ( A I J I ~ J = 0.51%.


Possible Comparison with Experiments

From an experimental viewpoint two cen t r a l i n t e r r e l a t ed questions

remain t o be answered:

1) How big is n4 and therefore 6 1

2) Can one ever t e s t the e f f ec t of including the n contribution? 4

There are l a se r sources capable of generating su f f i c i en t ly intense pulses,

the only l imi ta t ion being the d i e l e c t r i c break down l i m i t of the medium

i.e. the e l e c t r i c f i e l d i n the medium should be below the d i e l e c t r i c

strength. The d i e l e c t r i c strengths of the various media are given l n Table

8.1. In sect ion 8.1 we attempt t o estimate the order of magnitude of n4

f o r l iquids and so l ids from the known value of n i n Rb vapour. In 4

sect ion 8.2, we show t h a t the n4 contribution is probably negl igible i n

g lass f ibers . In section 8.3, we point out t h a t it may be possible t o t e s t

our r e su l t s experimentally i n Rb and possibly other vapours.

8.1 An Estimate of n4 for Dielectric Solids and Liquids

The microscopic or ig in of n and n has been discussed by 2 4

Grishkowsky e t a l . [371 and Lehmberg e t a l e K381 . However, t o the bes t of

our knowledge, no f i rs t -pr inciple-est imate of n4 has been given i n t he

l i t e r a t u r e . The t h i r d order nonlinear e f f ec t is well known and well

understood i n the l i t e r a t u r e and the values of n fo r so l ids , l iqu ids 2

and vapors are avai lable and are given i n t ab l e 8.2. Note t h a t n2 is of

t h e same order of magnitude for a l l so l id s and l iquids . However, because

, the study of the f i f t h order nonlinear e f f e c t has not been car r ied out i n

d e t a i l yet , the values of n fo r various d i e l e c t r i c materials a re not 4

available. In the absence of any be t t e r method, we estimate here the value

of n4 for so l ids and l iquids by connecting it t o i ts microscopic or ig in

i.e. the po la r i zab i l i t y of the molecule. The molecular po la r i zab i l i t y y

is re la ted t o the re f rac t ive index n by the Clausius-Mossotti equation,

v iz ,

where N is the number of molecules per un i t volume. (8.1) may be

rewrit ten a s

4xN where X = - - .

The average dipole moment - P of the molecules is approximately

proportional t o the e l e c t r i c f i e l d ac t ing on the molecule, v iz ,

Thus the vector g is sens i t ive t o the d i rec t ion of the e l e c t r i c f i e l d .

This forces us t o write the molecular p o l a r i z a b i l i t y - i n its nonlinear form

as, v iz ;

The nonlinear re f rac t ive index i n our model is assumed t o be of the form


Subst i tu t ing (8.4) and (1.5) i n to (8.2) and comparing equal powers of

on both s ides , we obtain


2-3n 2

with A = 0

2 2nO(n0+2)

Now fo r the case of R b vapour we have information from the. experiment

done by Puell e t a l . [391, viz. n = 3.8 x I O - ~ I N esu and 2

-40 n = -3.1 x 10 N esu, where N is the number density of Rb atoms. 4

8 3 The experiment was performed a t N , 10 atoms/cm . Thus from (8.6) we

- 9 obtain IY4/y2 ( . 10 esu. Since n and n a re about the same fo r a l l

2 0

l i qu ids and so l ids , the r e l a t i on (8.5) t e l l s us t h a t )Y2/Y0 ( is of the

same order of magnitude fo r a l l molecules. Knowing t h a t y is the

microscopic property of the molecule, we extend our argument t o assume t h a t

(y4/y2 1 is of the same ordel- of magnitude fo r a l l molecules. Hence

-9 IY4/y2 1 .. 10 esu. NOW, it is known t h a t n

2 ' " 10 - '~esu fo r a l l so l i d s

and l iquids . Subst i tu t ing t d e values of ( Y 4 / Y 2 1 and n i n (8.61, we 2

ob ta in In4) .. 1 0 - ~ ~ e s u i n so l i d s and l iqu ids .

8.2 Experiments on G l a s s Fibers

Experiments have been performed [81 a t Bell Labs on glass f i be r s and

so l i tons have been observed. The experiments were done with the power P

of the order of 10W i n a glass f i be r with radius r of the order of a

micrometer. Specif ical ly , l e t us consider a t yp i ca l s e t of values used,

v iz ;

P = 11.4W and r = 4.66pm

Thus the corresponding in t ens i t y I = - = 14 1 . 6 7 x 1 0 ~ ~ ~ / m ~ = 1.67~10 esu.

2 x r

and the magnitude of the e l e c t r i c f i e l d

8nI 1 /2 2 7 141 = 1 ~ 1 =

= 3.74~10 S t a t Volt/cm or 1.12~10 V/m.

Thus from the def in i t ion

we obtain -22 Iql =6.88 using n = 1.2~10 (m/v12 or 1 .08x10-~~esu fo r 2

t h e glass f iber . A s argued i n the previous sect ion, n 4 - 1 0 - ~ ~ e s u so

- 5 t h a t ( 6 1 . 10 . Thus the r a t i o R of the f i f t h order nonlinear term t o

the t h i r d order term i n the NLCQSE is

For such a small R value, the quasi-soli ton behaviour predicted by our

theory would be indist inguishable from the "true" so l i t on behaviour ( i e .

when the f i f t h order term is completely neglected). To obtain a larger R

value, the e l e c t r i c f i e l d E must be increased. From Table 8.1, the

7 d i e l e c t r i c s t rength of glass is about 1 .4~10 V/m which corresponds t o

-4 Iq( = 8.6 and R .. 10 . Thus even a t the l a rges t e l e c t r i c f i e l d s below

the d i e l e c t r i c breakdown, the f i f t h order contribution is probably

negl igible i n glass f ibers . Of course, our estimate of n4 was crude and

a l s o the d i e l e c t r i c s t rength of some materials may be higher than i n a

glass f iber , so we cannot absolutely ru l e out the poss ib i l i t y of observing

the f i f t h order contribution i n so l ids and l iquids .

For gases, n and n4 depend upon the number density 2 3

N (atoms/cm ). From sect ion 8.1, fo r Rb vapour ( a t h = 1 .06p)

Puel l e t a l . have actual ly car r ied out a self-focusing ( a s opposed t o pulse

8 compression considered here) experiment with N = 10 atoms/cm3 which

4 corresponds t o S = -1.37~10 . Since, 6 is negative, the f i f t h order

term is negative and causes defocusing while the t h i r d order term produces

a focusing e f fec t . The two competing e f f ec t s roughly cancel when

1' 1 1'1 - 1 i.e. the f i f t h order and t h i r d order nonlinear terms a re of 2

comparable magnitudes. This implies t h a t q = 1.2 1x 10-I which corresponds I I 4 11 2 t o (51 = 3.5 x 10 S ta t Volts/cm. and the in t ens i ty I = 1.5~10 W/cm . A

cancel la t ion a t t h i s in tens i ty was indeed observed by Puell e t a l . [391.

~t seems possible , i n p r inc ip le , t o experimentally ver i fy the quasi-soli ton

behaviour predicted by our t heo re t i ca l r e s u l t s fo r n > 0, n < 0 even 2 4

f o r large 6 values, i n Rb vapour . From (8.7 1 6 = -1, eg., corresponds

12 3 t o N - 10 atoms/cm . Since it i s possible t o reach the su f f i c i en t ly high

value of 6 i n vapours, it seems possible t o t e s t some other t heo re t i ca l

r e s u l t s as well, i n some su i tab le vapour.

Table 8 .1

Dielectric constant and strength of various materials

Mater ia l D i e l e c t r i c Constant K D i e l e c t r i c St rength v/m

A i r 1.00059 3x 10 6

Bake l i t e 4.9

Glass (pyrex) 5.6




P a r a f f i n

P lex ig las


Porcela in

Trans former o i l

Water (20•‹C)

Fused quar tz

Teff on


Ref: [411, [423

Table 8.2

Values of n2 for Various Materials

M a t e r i a l

F u s e d quar tz

R u b y

L u c i t e

N a C l


T o l u e n e

B e n z e n e



A i r ( 1 a t m )

A i r ( 1 0 0 a t m )

G l a s s ( h e a v y s i l i ca te f l i n t )

C a l c i t e


R e f : [43] and [41


Conclus ions

We have derived the nonlinear (cubic-quintic) Schrijdinger equation

t h a t describes the dynamics of the propagation of intense electromagnetic

pulses i n a nonlinear dispersive medium characterized by a re f rac t ive index

n = n 0 + n2IEl2 + n41gl and have obtained s o l i t a r y wave solut ions for

t h i s equation for a l l possible signs of n2 and n4. To determine whether

the s o l i t a r y waves a re so l i tons or not, two ana ly t ic approaches t o

obtaining multi-soliton solutions were investigated, viz. the BXcklund

transformation and the inverse s ca t t e r ing transform method. These

approaches seemed t o indicate t h a t the s o l i t a r y waves were not sol i tons .

This speculation was found t o be well supported by numerical simulations.

However, quasi-soliton behaviour was found t o p e r s i s t over a wide region of

parameter space. Other i n t e r e s t i ng behaviour was a l so observed i n the

numerical simulations. Some aspects of our theore t ica l r e su l t s may be

experimentally tes tab le . We have ruled out on theore t ica l grounds the

p o s s i b i l i t y of obtaining subs tan t ia l ly narrower so l i tons (of relevance t o

the development of high b i t r a t e transmission system) i n eg. a glass f i b e r

o r i n any other material which might have a large 6 value and/or a large

d i e l e c t r i c strength.


Alternate derivation of the WliCQSE

Consider a d i e l e c t r i c medium with a nonlinear d i e l e c t r i c constant

given by

(A. 1 )

where &o is the l inear d i e l e c t r i c constant and c2 and c4 are higher

order coef f ic ien ts . The e l e c t r i c f i e l d i n the medium can be taken t o be of

t he same form as i n chapter 2 i .e .

E(x , t ) = Fe{@(x, t )e i [kx-wt] 1

or equivalently

Maxwell's equations i n the d i e l e c t r i c medium can be wri t ten a s

In wri t ing equation (A.51,

E~ << c0 has been made.

VxE = - - - c a t - (A.4)




the reasonable assumption E~ << go and

F r o m ( A . 4 ) and ( A . 7 ) , we obtain

I n a medium characterized by (A.1) the e lect r ic d i s p l a c e m e n t vector w i l l be

w r i t t e n as

M a k i n g use of ( A . 5 ) and (A.91 , w e obtain f r o m ( A . 8 )


F r o m ( A . 3 ) we obtain

3 2 1 i ( k x - w t ) + 1 - i ( k x - w t ) ( E I ~ E = z J m / IT ee 9 * e 1

3 - 3 i ( k x - w t ) 3 3 i ( k x - w t + I+* e + e e 1

Now, neglect ing the t h i r d h a r m o n i c t e r m s w e obtain

3 ( E ( ~ E = , 14 1 'E

5 8

1, w e obtain

S i m i l a r l y

F r o m ( A . 1 1 ) and

(A. 1 1 )

(A. 1 2 )

a 2 2 2

- ( ( ~ 1 E) = i - 3 ei {I=-wt ) w 2 2 2 4 [- 1- l m I 2 m - 2 i ~ ( m ( ~ m , + o*mt - iom m; + I m l mtt

a t

(A . 13)

Now l e t us estimate the terms on R.H.S. i n (A.13) fo r picosecond pulses

-12s -6 eg. A t = 5.68 x 10 for A = 1.5 x 10 m as considered i n chapter 2.

Also we make the crude approximation A . ~ o t i & tha t m t " A t

common i n a l l terms, we estimate its coef f ic ien ts , v iz ;

Thus a l l terms on R.H.S. of (A. 13) are negl igible compared t o the f i r s t

one. Therefore (A.13) is reduced t o

a 3 2 2 -i(kx-wt) - 2 2 i(kx-wt)- ( ( E l 6) = - w 2 ( m l P g w ($1 m*e (A. 14) a t


a 2 5 2 -i (kx-wt 16 8 3 0 )rnl4m*e a t (A. 15)

From (A.3) w e obtain

2 2

- = k2 a i ( k ~ - w t ) ( ( . ~ & - - '1 + ge -i ( kx-wt 1 e {-ik w - !L

ax 2 ax 2 ax 2 @*I (A. 16)

where we have neglected the A term by making the slowly varying ax


envelope approximation. Note t h a t f o r picosecond pulses we cannot neglect

t he second time der ivat ive . Thus

(A. 17)

NOW, subs t i tu t ing ( ~ ~ 1 7 1 , (A.151, (A.14) and (A.16) i n t o (A.lO) and using

& O 1 - = - 2 2

and ,w = kv, we obtain t he following C v

2 2 i( kx-wt)

e 1 i - - 3 E2w

9-- Ii'x + ; 't 2, 'tt 8 kc 2

2 2 -i ( kx-wt 1 i 1 3 E2W * + e {-i+: - ; + - - 5 E4w '* + - - + --

2wv tt 8 kc 2 2 (+)*m*) = o l6 kc

(A. 18)

Comparing the coef f ic ien ts of e i(kx-wt) and -i(kx-wt) on both s ides of

( ~ . 1 8 ) we obtain

2 2 i I 3 E2W 5 E4W

i$x + ; $t - - P + - + m ( 2 e + x ~ l m ) 4 m = ~ 2wv tt 8 kc (A. 19) kc


Now we move to the group velocity coordinate system defined by (unlike

chapter 2 we will not bother normalizing the new coordinates)

Thus (A. 19) and (A. 20) become

(A. 21)

(A. 22)

(A. 23)

These equations are equivalent to the NLCQSE. We do not obtain any higher

order dispersion term in this derivation because we did not consider the

frequency variation. We have also not included damping.


Solitary Wave Solutions of the 'Higherm NLSE,

For n2 = 0 and neglecting the higher dispersion terms i.e,

k t = k w = 0 as well as damping i.e. y = 0, the dynamical equation

( 2.9) becomes

Now we rnove to the group velocity coordinate system defined by

Note that the normalization of q is different than in chapter 2. Thus

the equation (B .l) becomes

This is what Kodama et al, called the 'highern NLS equation [30] and

appears as a special ease out of our model. Let us apply the same method

as in chapter 4 to obtain the solitary wave solution for equation (R.2)


and p a r a l l e l i n g chap te r 4, (B.2) y i e l d s

where t = 1; - WE and x = F 2

S e t t i n g = C and performing t h e i n t e g r a t i o n i n (73.4) we

o b t a i n

7d where C1 is i n t e g r a t i o n cons t an t . Choosing 2CC, = i - 2

(Be 5)



we o b t a i n from

Th i s s o l u t i o n is of t h e same form a s t h a t quoted by Kodama e t a l e [301.

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