Therapeutic Communication Techniques



Therapeutic Communication Techniques

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  • Therapeutic Communication Techniques Miami Dade College

  • COMMUNICATIONProcess of sharing information, generating and transmitting meanings.

  • The Communication ProcessSender




  • Levels of CommunicationIntrapersonal self-talkInterpersonal


  • Modes of CommunicationVerbal: Pace, intonation, simplicity, clarity, brevity, timing, relevance, adaptability, credibility

  • Modes of CommunicationNonverbal: Communicating a message without words.personal appearance, posture and gait, facial expression, eye contact or lack of, gestures

  • Nonverbal CuesExamples: body position, nervous movements of hands or legs, touching, lack of eye contact, grimacing, guarding.

  • Communication PhasesPreparatory

    Orientation Phase

    Working Phase


  • THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATIONCommunication in Nursing:

    Essential to the effective use of the Nursing Process ( Interview )

  • Best CommunicationWe have two ears but only one mouth. Some people say thats because God wanted us to spend twice as much time listening as talking. Others claim its because God knew that listening was twice as hard.

  • Therapeutic CommunicationAttentive listening; active listeningPhysical attending: Face the person Adopt open posture Lean toward person Maintain eye contact Try to be relaxed

  • Factors Influencing CommunicationDevelopmentGenderValues & perceptionsPersonal spaceTerritorialityRoles & relationshipsEnvironmentCongruence

  • Factors Influencing CommunicationInterpersonal attitudes:Caring and warmthRespect worth, individualityAcceptance neither approval or disapproval

  • Helen KellerMy dog was rolling in the grass. I wanted to catch a picture of him in my fingers, and I touched him as lightly as I would cobwebs; but, lo, his fat body revolved, stiffened and solidified into an upright position He pressed close to me as if he were fain to crowd himself into my hand

  • He loved it with his tail, with his paw, with his tongue. If he could speak, I believe he would say with me that paradise is attained by touch; for in touch is all love and intelligence. The Seeing Hand (from The World I Live In)

  • Therapeutic Communication Techniques cont.Relevant questionsParaphrasingClarificationFocusingSummarizingSelf disclosure

  • Therapeutic Techniques of CommunicationEmpathyTouchHumorObservationsHopeFeelings

  • LIMIT SETTINGSets limits on patients behavior:

    Personal questions - patient requires direction

  • Non Therapeutic ResponsesPersonal questionsPersonal opinionsChanging subjectStereotypingFalse reassuranceSympathy

    Asking for explanationsApproval/ DisapprovalDefensivePassive/ aggressiveArguingBelittling

  • Identify different communication skills as discussed in class

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSPerhaps it would help to talk about your feelings.

    You seem unsure about telling your husband.


    I notice you keep squinting your eyes. Are you having difficulty seeing?

    And then ?

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSMost people dont have any pain after this surgery.

    Why were you speeding?

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSIve had pain all my life, but it got worse after I married. My wifes a pain. Your wifes a pain.?

    Tell me more about the first time you felt that pain.

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSPatient: I can t sleep. I stay up all night

    Nurse: You have difficulty sleeping?

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSPatient: It takes great effort to talk to others.

    Nurse:You find it hard to talk to people you dont know.

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSI am not sure what you mean.

    I felt nauseous after that pill. Surely you dont think I gave you the wrong pill.

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSI am not able to follow that thought.

    If I were you, Id kick that rotten husbands butt out of the house.

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSI cant talk now. Im going on break.

    You say you are well, but your face looks as if in pain, and you are guarding your abdomen.

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSPatient Its like being on a merry - go round.

    Nurse Are you saying that you feel as youre not going anywhere?

  • TEST YOUR SKILLS But surely you cant believe a doctor would prescribe something that would harm you

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSDont worry. Everything will be all right. You have the very best doctor in our staff.

    Men dont cry.

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSThere is nothing to be afraid of . Relax, take it easy

    Your surgery was done on the 26th., 3 days ago, today is Monday the 29th.

  • TEST YOUR SKILLS You should never say that a doctor is incompetent.

    Vacations are great, but tell me about the pain you had while skiing


    Look sweetie, not everyone

    You poor thing!

  • Putting arm over patients shoulder.

    It must be very frustrating; all these tests and no conclusive results yet

  • TEST YOUR SKILLSI miss my wife. Its about time we had rain
