Therapeutic Effect of Turquoise Versus Blue Light With Equal Irradiance In



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  • Acta Pdiatrica ISSN 08035253


    Therapeutic effect of turquoise versus blue light with equal irradiance inpreterm infants with jaundiceFinn Ebbesen (, Poul Madsen2, Sren Stvring1, Heidi Hundborg3, Giovanni Agati4

    1.Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital of Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark2.Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University Hospital of Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark3.Department of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark4.Institute of Applied Physics-CNR, Florence, Italy

    KeywordsNewborn, Jaundice, Phototherapy, Blue light,Turquoise light

    CorrespondenceFinn Ebbesen, Department of Pediatrics,Aalborg University Hospital, DK 9000 Aalborg,Denmark.Tel: +4599321310 | Fax: +4599321895 |Email:

    Received8 February 2006; accepted 30 January 2007.


    AbstractAim: To compare the efficiency of turquoise light with that of TL52 blue in treatment of preterm

    infants with jaundice at the same level of body irradiance.

    Methods: Infants with gestational age 2837 weeks and non-haemolytic hyperbilirubinemia were

    treated for 24 h with either turquoise light (OSRAM L18W/860 fluorescent lamps) or blue light

    (Philips TL20W/52 fluorescent lamps). The concentrations of serum total bilirubin and bilirubin

    isomers were measured by the Vitros routine method and by HPLC, respectively.

    Results: The decrease in serum concentrations of total bilirubin, total bilirubin isomers and the toxic

    Z,Z-bilirubin was greatest for infants treated with turquoise light. Further, the increase in Z,E-bilirubin

    was smaller and there was a trend towards a higher rise in E,Z-bilirubin.

    Conclusions: Turquoise light has a greater bilirubin reducing effect than TL52 blue light with equal irradiance,

    expressed both by serum total bilirubin, total bilirubin isomers and Z,Z-bilirubin, i.e. the turquoise spectral range

    is more efficient than the blue. This is in accordance with deeper penetration into the skin, lower production of

    the Z,E-bilirubin and greater production of E,Z-bilirubin and lumirubin, in infants under turquoise light. This

    suggests, given equal irradiances, that light in the turquoise spectral range is preferable to the TL52 blue in

    treatment of newborn jaundiced infants.

    INTRODUCTIONPhototherapy is the most widespread treatment for lower-ing the bilirubin concentration in neonates. Light absorptionin the skin converts the toxic Z,Z-bilirubin molecules intomore easily excretable compounds (photoisomers) (1): theconfigurational isomers Z,E-bilirubin and E,Z-bilirubin, andthe structural isomers Z-lumirubin and E-lumirubin (Fig. 1).The Z,Z-bilirubin Z,E-bilirubin process is reversible andquite efficient. However, Z,E-bilirubin is very slowly elimi-nated by the liver and therefore accumulates in plasma (2).Configurational photoisomerization also produces the E,Z-bilirubin isomer, which is a precursor for the lumirubin.The Z,Z-bilirubin lumirubin process is irreversible andless efficient than the Z,E-bilirubin production (3), but lu-mirubin (throughout the article, the term lumirubin includesboth Z- and E-lumirubin) is quickly eliminated by the liver(4). Thus, the excretion of lumirubin is considered quantita-tively to be more important during phototherapy than excre-tion of Z,E-bilirubin (4). The photoisomers are presumablyless toxic than Z,Z-bilirubin (5). Besides photoisomerizationZ,Z-bilirubin undergoes photooxidation with a very smallyield (6).

    Blue fluorescent lamps with emission peak wavelengthmatching the absorption maximum of the plasma bilirubin-albumin complex (at 462 nm) have been used worldwide,in particular Philips TL20W/52 lamp with peak emission at452 nm and bandwidth of 55 nm (Fig. 2), but in photother-

    Figure 1 Photoisomerization processes of bilirubin: configurational isomeriza-tion of Z,Z-bilirubin produces Z,E-bilirubin and E,Z-bilirubin. Formation of thestructural photoisomer Z-lumirubin proceeds via cyclization either directly fromZ,Z-bilirubin or with E,Z-bilirubin as intermediate product. Configurational iso-merization of Z-lumirubin gives E-lumirubin.

    apy of jaundiced neonates, the longer wavelength turquoisespectral band was expected to be more efficient than the bluespectral band in the clearance of bilirubin (7): (1) turquoiselight penetrates deeper into the skin than blue light; (2) thelight-induced yield of lumirubin from Z,Z-bilirubin is greaterat longer than shorter wavelengths, while (3) the oppositeoccurs for the Z,Z-bilirubin Z,E-bilirubin process. Points(2) and (3) are expected to produce in vivo higher concentra-tion of lumirubin and lower concentration of the competingZ,E-bilirubin. Furthermore, presumably (4) the absorbanceof bilirubin in vivo in the long-wavelength range is greaterthan that in vitro (8,9).

    On the basis of these effects, an increase of photother-apy efficiency was predicted for a lamp emission spectrumpeaked at about 490 nm (7). This spectral region was clin-ically tested with successful results by using non-standard

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  • Effect of turquoise light Ebbesen et al.












    2 /nm


    650600550500450400wavelength (nm)
















    Turquoise OSRAM Blue Philips/52 Z,Z-bilirubin/HSA

    Figure 2 Emission spectra of the turquoise (OSRAM L18W/860) (solid line)and blue (Philips TL20W/52) (dashed curve) flourescent lamps measured atthe distance of 32 and 41 cm, respectively, to have the same total irradiance.Narrow peaks superimposed on the broad fluorescence bands are due to themercury emission lines (at 413, 436, 546 and 577 nm). Dashed-dotted curverepresents the absorption spectrum of Z,Z-bilirubin. a.u.: arbitrary units. Humanserum albumin (HSA).

    cold-cathode fluorescent lamps at 490 nm (10). There-after, turquoise standard fluorescent lamps (L18W/860)with emission peak at 490 nm and bandwidth of 65 nm weredeveloped by OSRAM (Fig. 2).

    We compared the effectiveness of these turquoise lampswith Philips TL20W/52 blue lamps in terms of reducing theplasma total bilirubin concentration in preterm infants (11).The distance from the lamps to the surface of the infants wasidentical for the two lamps. There was no statistically sig-nificant difference in the percentage reduction in the serumtotal bilirubin concentration between the two lamps; but thelight irradiance for the blue lamps was 30% higher than thatfor the turquoise lamps. Thus, it was concluded, that (1) thephototherapeutic efficiency of the turquoise lamps was equalto that of the blue lamps, and that (2) the efficiency of theturquoise light is equal to or higher than that of the bluelight.

    In the present study, we performed a more accurate com-parison between the efficiency of turquoise and TL-52 bluelight in reducing the serum bilirubin concentration. Sinceboth the irradiance and the colour (spectral range) of theemitted light affect the effectiveness of the treatment, to com-pare the turquoise and blue spectral emission regions weneeded to keep the irradiance on the infants at the same levelfor the two lamps. Furthermore, we quantified the serumconcentrations of the invidual bilirubin isomers before andafter 24 h of phototherapy with the two types of light, toobtain a more comprehensive evaluation of the efficiency ofthe two treatments.

    MATERIAL AND METHODSThe study period was March 1st 2003 to September 30th2004. The inclusion criteria were preterm infants with agestational age 196258 days, a postnatal age >24 h, non-haemolytic hyperbilirubinemia and no previous photother-

    apy. The infants participated in the study for 24 h, and wereincluded consecutively.

    The indications for phototherapy followed the guidelinesof the Danish Paediatric Society (12). Phototherapy was ad-ministered continuously, except during feeding, nursing careand blood sampling. The number of hours of photother-apy was measured for each infant. The infants were treatednaked except for diapers (Pampers, 6 1421 cm) andeye pads. They were treated either in an incubator or in abassinet. The average distance from the phototherapy ap-paratus to the surface of the infants was 32 cm for infantstreated with turquoise light (normal distance) and 41 cm forinfants treated with TL52 blue light, so that the average lightirradiance over the whole spectrum would be the same forinfants treated with turquoise and blue light.

    The infants were randomised by sealed envelopes to oneof two phototherapy regimens: either eight of the turquoisefluorescent lamps (18 Watt, 60 2.6 cm), or eight of thePhilips TL20W/52 blue fluorescent lamps (20 Watt, 60 3.7 cm). The geometries of the two light systems were iden-tical. The lamps were replaced after 1000 h of operation.In Figure 2, the calibrated emission spectra of the turquoiseand TL52 blue lamps are shown, along with the absorptionspectrum of Z,Z-bilirubin (20 mol/L), in 0.1 mol/L sodiumphosphate buffer, pH 7.4, containing human serum albumin(40 mol/L), normalised to its maximum value.

    The light irradiance of the two phototherapy units wasmeasured three times during the 24-h study period on the in-fants front or back. The light irradiance was measured with abroadband (380780 nm) photodiode power meter (EG&G,mod. 460, Salem, MA, USA), previously calibrated at thetwo emission bands, 452 and 490 nm, against a thermopile(Nova power meter, 2A thermal head, Ophir Optronics Ltd.,Jerusalem, Israel). The spectral irradiance was measured bya calibrated SpectraScan PR-704 spectroradiometer (PhotoResearch, Catsworth, CA, USA).

    The serum concentrations of total bilirubin and biliru-bin isomers were measured on capillary blood drawn by aheel prick 0 and 24 h after start of phototherapy. The bloodwas drawn into tubes wrapped with tin foil to avoid lightirradiation.

    The serum total bilirubin concentration was measured onthe Vitros 950 analyser [Vitros 950, Johnson & Johnson,Rochester, NY, USA, using the Vitros BuBc slide (13)]. Dur-ing the study period, the imprecision expressed as coefficientof variation was 1.9% at a total bilirubin level of 225 mol/L.The Vitros method is our routine method.

    The serum concentrations of the bilirubin isomers wereanalysed twice by isocratic reversed phase high performanceliquid chromatography (HPLC) (8).

    The imprecision expressed as coefficient of variation was2.7% for the serum concentration of total bilirubin isomers,2.7% for Z,Z-bilirubin, 4.2% for Z,E-bilirubin, 6.4% for E,Z-bilirubin, 7.1% for Z-lumirubin and 12% for E-lumirubin.

    The serum concentration of conjugated bilirubin is in-corporated in the measurement of total bilirubin by Vitrosmethod, but was not measured by the HPLC method.The concentration of conjugated bilirubin in plasma, in

    838 C2007 The Author(s)/Journal Compilation C2007 Foundation Acta Pdiatrica/Acta Pdiatrica 2007 96, pp. 837841

  • Ebbesen et al. Effect of turquoise light

    Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients

    Turquoise light TL52 blue light

    Number of infants 72 69Gestational age (days) (mean SD) 234 17 237 18Birth weight (g) (mean SD) 2061 579 2095 635Postnatal age (h) (mean SD) 74 30 74 34Gender female/male 29/43 32/37Respiratory distress syndrome (number) 13 12Hypoglycaemia (blood glucose 14 15

    < 1.8 mm/L) (number)Septicaemia (number) 3 4Asphyxia (Apgar score 5 min < 8) (number) 2 0Incubator/bassinet (number) 39/33 42/27Percentage of study period in phototherapy 0.85 0.05 0.85 0.06

    (mean SD)Serum total bilirubin conc. before 221 60 221 61

    phototherapy (mol/L) (mean SD)

    infants with uncomplicated hyperbilirubinaemia is negligible(14).

    The study was approved by the ethics committee for NorthJutland County. Both verbal and written informed consentwas obtained from the parents.

    The statistical analyses were performed using t-test onStata version 8.0.

    RESULTSThe demographic and clinical characteristics of the infantstreated with turquoise light (n = 72) were compared withthose of the infants treated with TL52 blue light (n = 69) inTable 1. Two infants did not complete the study, one fromeach group, either due to withdrawal of all treatment ordeath.

    The spectral distribution of total irradiance is reportedin Figure 2. For the turquoise light the average irradiancewas 7.43 W/cm2/nm over whole spectrum (380780 nm),14.6 W/cm2/nm in the 420480 nm and 29.9 W/cm2/nmin the 460520 nm range. In the same ranges for theTL-52 blue light, it was 7.33 W/cm2/nm, 37.5 W/cm2/nmand 17.4 W/cm2/nm, respectively. The difference of0.11 W/cm2/nm in the whole spectrum is not statisti-cally significant [95% confidence interval (95% CI): 0.55;0.33] p = 0.59 by t-test.

    The decrease in serum total bilirubin concentration in in-fants treated 24 h with turquoise light, average 92 mol/L(17 mol/L = 1 mg%), was statistically significantly greaterthan that of infants treated with TL-52 blue light, average78 mol/L (Table 2).

    In 127 infants (90%), measurement of the bilirubin iso-mers was performed. In the remaining infants, blood for theHPLC measurement had not been taken.

    The serum concentrations of total bilirubin isomers andthe individual bilirubin isomers, before phototherapy, areshown in Table 3. Both in infants treated with turquoise andTL52 blue light, there was a decrease in the serum values oftotal bilirubin isomers and Z,Z-bilirubin, and an increase in

    Table 2 Decrease in serum total bilirubin concentration, measured by Vitrosmethod, in infants treated with turquoise and TL52 blue light

    Turquoise light TL52 blue light Difference p Value(n = 72) (n = 69) meanmean SD mean SD (95 % CI)

    Decrease in serum total 92 31 78 34 15 (4; 25) 0.008bilirubin conc. (mol/L)

    Statistical analysis: t-test.

    Table 3 Serum concentrations of total bilirubin isomers and individual isomers,measured by HPLC method, before phototherapy with turquoise and TL52 bluelight

    Serum conc. (mol/L) Turquoise light TL52 blue light(25%;75% percentiles)] (n = 65) (n = 62)

    Total bilirubin isomers 218.8 (174.3; 259.9) 201.4 (160.9; 270.3)Z,Z-bilirubin 197.8 (163.8; 244.6) 182.8 (145.4; 251.4)Z,E-bilirubin 12.8 (9.1; 18.7) 15.8 (11.5; 19.9)E,Z-bilirubin 1.4 (1.0; 1.8) 1.5 (1.0; 2.2)Z-lumirubin 0.5 (0.0; 1.0) 0.5 (0.0; 1.0)E-lumirubin 0.2 (0.0; 0.3) 0.2 (0.0; 0.3)

    Z,E-bilirubin, E,Z-bilirubin, Z-lumirubin and E-lumirubin.In Table 4, the changes in the concentrations of these iso-mers are compared for infants treated with the two lightregimens. The average decrease in total bilirubin isomers forinfants treated with turquoise light, 82.3 mol/L, was sta-tistically significantly greater than that for infants treatedwith blue light, 62.1 mol/L. Further, the average decreasein Z,Z-bilirubin during turquoise light, 95.9 mol/L, wasstatistically significantly greater than during TL52 blue light,81.6 mol/L. In infants treated with turquoise light, the in-crease in Z,E-bilirubin was statistically significantly less thanthat for infants treated with blue light, and there was a trendtowards the higher rise in E,Z-bilirubin. As regards the in-crease in the Z- and E-lumirubin, the two groups did notdiffer.

    No side effects were observed with the exception of loosegreen stools.

    DISCUSSIONWe found that treatment of preterm jaudiced infants withturquoise light, compared with TL52 blue with the same ir-radiance, gave a greater reduction in the serum concentra-tions of total bilirubin measured by Vitros method and to-tal bilirubin isomers measured by HPLC. The decrease wasabout 25% greater for the turquoise light than that for theblue light, which is suggested to be of clinical importance.Concerning the concentration of Z,Z-bilirubin, the decreasewas greater when treating with turquoise light than that withblue light.

    According to the overlapping of the lamp emissions withthe in vitro Z,Z-bilirubin absorption spectrum (Fig. 2), wewould not predict a greater efficiency of the turquoise lightthan the TL52 blue in reducing the serum bilirubin levels.

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  • Effect of turquoise light Ebbesen et al.

    Table 4 Changes in serum concentrations of total bilirubin isomers and individual isomers, measured by HPLC method, in infants treated with turquoise light andTL52 blue light

    Change in serum conc. (mol/L) Turquoise light (n = 65) TL52 blue light (n = 62) Difference p Valuemean SD mean SD (mean; 95% CI)

    Decrease in total bilirubin isomers 82.3 35.9 62.1 38.1 20.2 (7.3; 33.2) 0.003Decrease in Z,Z-bilirubin 95.8 36.4 81.6 38.2 14.3 (1.2; 27.4) 0.033Increase in Z,E-bilirubin 9.5 10.2 15.7 13.9 6.2 (1.9; 10.5) 0.005Increase in E,Z-bilirubin 0.7 1.2 0.4 0.9 0.3 (0.1: 0.7) 0.121Increase in Z-lumirubin 2.9 2.0 2.9 2.9 0.0 (0.9; 0.9) 0.941Increase in E-lumirubin 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.0 (0.1; 0.2) 0.966

    Statistical analysis: t-test; based on unequal variance.

    Therefore, the superior phototherapy efficiency of theturquoise light indicates that the other factors mentionedin the introduction (light penetration, photoisomerizationyields, in vivo absorbance) were also important in determin-ing the efficiency of the light. Accordingly, the increase inthe serum concentration of Z,E-bilirubin was lowest for theinfants treated with turquoise light, and there was a trendtowards a greater increase in E,Z-bilirubin. We found nodifferences in the increase of the serum concentrations ofZ- and E-lumirubin between the groups. This may be dueto the low concentrations and the great variations, makingit difficult to detect the presence of small differences. Alsophotooxidation of Z,Z-bilirubin (not measured in the study)may have influenced the light-induced reduction of serumZ,Z-bilirubin.

    In 10% of the infants, blood sampling for the determi-nation of bilirubin isomers was not done. This dropout wasrandom between the two groups, and is not expected to haveany influence on the interpretation of the results.

    Since there were no excluded infants, the present infantsare representative for the whole population of preterm in-fants with a gestational age above 28 weeks, i.e. the resultsof the study must be regarded generalizable.

    The strengths of the study are a relatively high numberof infants, highly significant results, reliable analytical meth-ods, few dropouts and a great homogeneity in the technicalaccomplishment (single center study).

    Side effects may be less serious with longer wavelengthphototherapy, regarding cytotoxicity (15), mutagenic risks(16), as well as photodegradation processes (17).

    CONCLUSIONSTurquoise light has a greater bilirubin reducing effect thanTL52 blue light with equal irradiance, expressed bothby serum total bilirubin, total bilirubin isomers and Z,Z-bilirubin, i.e. the turquoise spectral range is more efficientthan the blue. This is in accordance with deeper penetra-tion into the skin, lower production of the Z,E-bilirubin andgreater production of E,Z-bilirubin and lumirubin, in infantsunder turquoise light. This suggests, given equal irradiances,that light in the turquoise spectral range is preferable to theTL52 blue in treatment of newborn jaundiced infants.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSHeidi Hundborg performed the majority of the statisticalanalyses, but due to sickness the analyses were completedby Henrik Thomsen, Department of Clinical Epidemiol-ogy, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark. Gunnar LaugeNielsen is thanked for review of the manuscript.


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