There are lots of things that we use every day that were invented by someone. We might ask ourselves...


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Inventions past, present, future


There are lots of things that we use every day that were invented by someone. We might ask ourselves these questions: Why did people invent these things? Did this invention make their life easier? Did this invention solve a problem? What current inventions in our world could be made better?

You will be investigating an invention. You will be required to research the invention and what problem it solved. You will take the information you learned about the invention and make the invention better. You will then persuade people in your group to buy your improved invention.


STEP 1 Reserach an InventionClick on resources to find the different websites. Each person in your group gets to choose one website to browse from the resources page. Browse your website. Then each person in the group will answer the questions on research guide about an invention. Choose your invention carefully because you will have to think of ways to improve this invention on your own and later present to your group. You may now click resources and begin.


Research Guide Name:1. Inventor:2. Invention:3. When was it invented?4. What problem does it solve?5. How do we use it today?6. Draw/Paste a picture of the invention.

STEP 2 Present the invention you researched.Take turns presenting what you learned to your group members using your step 1 research guide. As a group decide which of these inventions is the best invention ever you can improve.


STEP 3 Create a PowerPoint presentationInclude the following slides.

Slide 1: Invention and who is in your groupSlide 2: Who is the inventor and list 3 facts about the inventor/invention -when was it invented -what was or is it used for -how much does it cost today?


Slide 3: How did we improve the invention? (must use the word because in the sentence)Slide 4: What problem does our invention solve? (use complete sentences)Slide 5: Picture of our new inventionSlide 6: Why should anyone buy our invention?Slide 7: How much will it cost $ and where can we buy it?


STEP 4 Present your invention with your PowerPoint presentation to the rest of your group and persuade them to buy it.


Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score2 4 6

Oral PresentationOne main speaker, little participation from others in group

Most of the group presented. All group members presented

Correct Grammar and Spelling

Frequent grammar and/or spelling mistakes

Less than five errors in spelling/grammar

Less than 2 errors in grammar and spelling.

AssignmentsUnable to determine correct answers or hard to understand

Most questions answered in a well organized, easy to read format

Complete, interesting information related to the questions. Easy to follow - well organized.

Group Work Little or some contribution to the group

Works cooperatively to design the final project

Helps group members find information, answers any questions

Visual Presentation of Topic

Inaccurate information, little or no graphics, poor design and hard to read

Accurate information, well organized, fair graphics, mostly easy to read

Complete, additional interesting information and/or graphics pictures related to topic. Easy to read

