thing i like



proposal for thing i like

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When a child sees the world,there is nothing but pureness and innocence.But the fact is, there are always children sufferingfrom the lack of food and clothing,or fail to receive proper education.

Children living in a modern societywill probably not understand how blessed they are.

We will look at essays written by five childrenwith different backgrounds in a remote school,where they read out their own written essays.

As children are not good in expressing themselves verbally,these essays will open the doors to their hearts to us.

Act1: My Favourite Pen

We walk into her world through her favourite pen.By unveiling the story behindher favourite pen and the reason of her liking,it brings out the education and poverty issuesin her village.

Act2: My Favourite Brother

Given the financial status,the family can only sendone child to school.His elder brother gave up the opportunityfor the younger brother.The story highlights the village’slack of education systemand these children’s fiery determination to go toschool.
