Things India Should Chill About. Public Display Of Affection We Indians have a tendency to keep...


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Things India Should Chill About

Public Display Of Affection

• We Indians have a tendency to keep everything under veil of secrecy

• Most of us were disciplined in a manner that we feel ashamed about expressing our love to people

• How ironic it is that it’s perfectly fine to abuse & broadcast act of violence in daylight like: – out on the roads– in public transport & everywhere else

• But totally unethical & uncultured to hug or kiss someone you love & adore

Inter-Religion Marriages

• It may sound pontifical but we are human beings before we are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians

• It does not take similar religion to work out a marriage but compatibility & understanding

• Religious practice & ritual may differ but hearts are the same

• If we develop a mindset like that no religion would oppose concept of love

• Supporting or to engage in an inter-religion marriage does not mean bringing shame to ones religion

Homosexuality• It is unspeakable on something as personal as

sexual orientation & preference being everyone’s business in India

• The so called society has always tried to taught us that homosexuality is against nature & is an unforgivable sin

• Supporting it is a far-fetched dream but at least we can start by behaving normally around them

• It is not a plague & supporting it will not make you gay either

• Contradictory to what most Indians think it is not a “Western Trend”, it is up to us to follow it or not

• We need to start accepting & moreover start respecting it

• Being gay is as natural as being straight & we should not find excuses to oppose it

Career Choices

• Raise hand if you have appeared for engineering or medical entrance exam just because some cousin studied that & is doing great

• In India you must pursue B.Tech or M.B.B.S. first & then decide what to do with your life

• India’s obsession with these degrees is unfathomable, so much that any other profession seems a wrong choice

• With the number doctor or engineer we are still sorted for the next few generations

It’s such a huge subject that it required a continuation…

• Instead of opening more IITs, why can't the HRD ministry get central universities to start long-term courses in vocational fields

• If someone’s dream is to become a carpenter (if you're laughing at this e.g., you are part of bias group) why can't we have colleges in India that offer the best training in such a field?

• While students all over the world get to choose whichever subject they want to pursue, we are still bound by science, arts & commerce streams 

• We really need to start encouraging the new generation to start chasing their dreams

 Live-In Relationships

• Indian society is obsessed with marriage• In fact it's the one thing that unites all the

religions in India • It is really something one 'have to' do? If

you & your partner want to get married – simply great!

• But if you don’t want, this country's laws are heavily biased against you

• A single mother have to declare whether she was raped or not while applying for her child’s passport? Seriously! 

• One can also try finding accommodation if you are open about your live-in relationship

• India need to truly grow up & start respecting a couples choice about wanting to get married or not

How to Dress• In India one’s amount of clothes on his/her,

moreover “her” body is directly proportional to his/her character

• Haven’t we already had enough of others telling us about our life, like:– Career– Sexuality– Relationship, etc.

• Wow! Know they want to suggest us on clothes too!!

• What to wear & what to avoid under the guise of culture & tradition?

• Worse of worse if a girl gets raped, it is blamed on her clothes

• A person has the right to wear what he or she wants - is it really that difficult an idea to grasp?

Artistic Expression• Not everything that everyone writes, sings

about or is shown in films is always well-received

• If someone doesn't like a book, he shouldn't read it; you don't like a film, don't watch it. Simple!

• But in a democratic country you cannot go around calling for bans or burning books

• We have a censor board that blurs out a bra from a film, song or video

• We have "groups" running around calling on for bans

• Every time Sajid Khan releases a film, it offends me but I can't go around asking for it to be banned, Can I?


• Culture one word that frightens youths • Old people tell young people how to lead

their lives so that one day these young people turn into similar old people & the loop continues

• Celebrating culture is acceptable as long as one is not using it to:– a) display dominance against someone who is

different – b) blame a victim of gender violence– c) justify criminal acts like rape & honor killing

• These are things that turn "culture" into a negative word

• On the brighter side more negative it gets, easier it will motivate people to fight on regressive side

India doesn’t needs to develop it really needs to

“Grow Up”

Images are for representation purpose only.