Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · •Sweet Sixteen/ Quinceaños: Must have made the sacrament...


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JUNE 28, 2020 W E L C O M E Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Mission of our parish is to serve our neighbors with Jesus, to pray in faith with Jesus, and to teach as His Church with Jesus, so “that all may have more abundant life.” (John 10:10). The Word of God, the Sacraments, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church are the instruments and standards of this work of evangelization and faith formation.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel 23–25 Newtown Avenue, Astoria, NY 11102

718.278.1834 • Fax 718.278.0998

Meetings are Suspended Until Further Notice

Special Note: resuming public Masses in the Dio-cese of Brooklyn: For daily Mass: Monday, June 29; and for Sunday Masses: Saturday July 4 and Sunday July 5. Our staff has been preparing for this reopening and I will send out a more com-

plete notice within a few days when our arrange-ments are finalized. Thank you for your patience.

Parish Office Hours/ Horario de la Oficina None until further notice.

CHAPEL OF ST. MARGARET MARY 9-18 27th Avenue, Astoria, NY 11102

718.721.9020 Fax: 718.721.3729

Food Pantry will be closed until June 1, 2020

CATHOLIC SCHOOL Saint Joseph Catholic Academy 28-46 44th St Astoria, NY 11103

718.728.0724— Financial Assistance/ Ayuda Financiera:

Pastoral Team

Pastor Msgr. Sean G. Ogle, V.F. Ext. 122

Follow me on twitter @theogleoffice

Parochial Vicars Father Peter Nguyen Ext. 120

Father Michael McHugh Ext. 119

Pastor Emeritus-SMM Father Ed Brady Ext. 118

In Residence Msgr. John Harrington K.H.S., Ext. 128

Father Joseph Pham Ext. 115

Deacon Ruben Mendez

Pastoral Worker Chin Nguyen Ext. 123

Pastoral Year Seminarian Brendon J. Harfmann

Coordinator of Religious Education Nelly Gutierrez Ext. 114

Parish Outreach Coordinator Denise Dollard 718.721.9020

Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper Celeste Stewart Ext. 112

Bulletin/ Calendar/ Records Secretary Luis Sanchez Ext. 110

Director of Music Lucille Mascia

Parish Athletic Director Steve Leoutsakos

Cluster Hospital Chaplain Father Jean Laguerre

•Confessions/Confesiones: By appointment only.

•Weddings/ Bodas: Wedding arrangements should be made 6 months in advance

Arreglos para bodas deben hacerse 6 meses en avance.

•Sweet Sixteen/ Quinceaños: Must have made the sacrament of Confirmation

Debe haber recibido el sacramento de Confirmacion

•Legal Holidays : There will only be one Mass at 9:00am.

•Recitation of the Rosary: After weekday masses.

•Novena: To Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Jude every Wednesday after the 12:00 Noon Mass

Always check our weekly bulletin for any changes and please view our Informational Pamphlet.

Parish of Queens Deanery #1, Brooklyn Diocese

@ OLMCAstoria

@ TheOgleOffice

SATURDAY, JUNE 27 8:00am Francesco Salamone 5:00pm Intentions Available SUNDAY, JUNE 28 8:00am Conception de los Santos– Death Anniv. 9:00am Beata Pina Suriano 10:00am Rosa & Vincenzo Mazzurco 11:15am Louis & Antoinette Marcucci 12:30pm Carmen Banks 7:00pm Our Parish Family MONDAY, JUNE 29 8:00am Intention Available 12:00pm Frank Giambrone– Living (For Healing) TUESDAY, JUNE 30 8:00am Malika Silien– Living (For Healing) 12:00pm Victoria Boccio WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 8:00am Deceased Members of the Min & Suh Families 12:00pm Anthony Baiamonte, Sr. THURSDAY, JULY 2 8:30am Pierre Fortunat 12:00pm James Roeder FRIDAY, JULY 3 8:00am Purgatorial Society 12:00pm Maruja de Esteban 7:30pm Miguel Carlos Fuentes SATURDAY, JULY 4 8:00am Malika Silien– Living (For Healing) 5:00pm Fergus O’Neill SUNDAY, JULY 5 8:00am Malika Silien– Living (For Healing) 9:00am Madonna che Sciogli i Nodi (Mary Undoer of Knots) 10:00am Living & Deceased Members of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Rosary Society 11:15am Antonio Comunale– Death Anniversary 12:30pm Marina Estevez Cepeda; Ruben Vargas; Miguel C. Fuentes– 1r Aniversario de Muerte 7:00pm Our Parish Family The Altar Bread and Wine is being offered for Anthony Baiamonte, Jr. This was requested by his mom, Amy.

PRAY FOR THE SICK If you have a family member you wish to be prayed for, please let us know immediately and we will be happy to pray for them. The names will remain on the sick list for three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested.

Winnie Burke Bruce Kelderhouse Claire Kennedy Carol Ubertini



PURGATORIAL SOCIETY We pray for the souls in Purgatory every first Friday of the month. You may enroll names in the Purgatorial Society to be prayed for one year for a donation of $10.00. Currently Enrolled: Robert Russo Jr.

Annual Catholic Appeal 2020 We have begun the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal. We thank all who have participated with a gift to the 2019 Appeal and ask that everyone prayerfully consider making a gift to the 2020 appeal. The works and services made possible through your donation to the Annual Catholic Appeal help people in Brooklyn & Queens in ways that no one parish can do alone. Please remain assured that your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal cannot be used in the settlement of abuse claims or for anything other than their intended purpose. As of June 8, 2020 we have 113 pledges totaling $38,000 towards our parish goal of 64,586. So far we have received more than $26,000. Thank you for your support.

Electronic Giving

Enroll at– code NY370

WEEKLY OFFERINGS: In the absence of Mass attendance, we will be grateful if you can remember your weekly offerings to the church, either through the mail or dropping them through the rectory mail slot; whether weekly, monthly, or when the emergency is over and Masses resume. This might be a good opportunity to start doing your church offerings electronically. Just visit, and register entering our parish code: NY370. We thank you for your loyal support. EL DIEZMO SEMANAL: En ausencia de asistencia a la Santa Misa, estaremos agradecidos si puede recordar sus ofrendas semanales a la parroquia, ya sea a través del correo o dejarlas a través de la ranura de correo de la rectoría; ya sea semanal, mensualmente o cuando la emergencia haya terminado y las Misas se reanuden. Esta podría ser una buena oportunidad para comenzar a hacer sus ofrendas de la parroquia electrónicamente. Simple-mente visite, y regístrese ingresando nuestro código parroquial: NY370. Le agradecemos su leal apoyo.



Sunday, June 28 2020 (Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 10:15 am

P a r i s h B u l l e t i n B o a r d

At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this remarkable 10-part video series, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answer. Based on the best-selling book Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know this video series is inspiring, engaging, and accessible. To register for FORMED, please visit It’s free! We encourage everyone to use FORMED as a platform for learning and spiritual renewal, especially during these difficult times. For your children, FORMED also has video for all ages as well! Deseamos que todos usen la plataforma de FORMED para seguir aprendiendo y llenandonos espiritualmente. Para sus niños tambien hay contenido para todas las edades! Vaya a y entre su correo electronico para registrarse!


The Carmel Diamond Seniors have decided to cancel their Bingo meetings on Thursdays until further notice. If you have any questions please call the parish office or keep updated by following our social media and parish website.

Carmel Diamond Seniors

We urge you to sign up for Faith Direct in view of the Coronavirus pandemic. Please go online to and use our parish code NY370 to continue supporting your parish. Online giving is easy, convenient and safe. Another way to give securely to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church is by texting a dollar amount to 929.254-3850. You will be asked to complete a one-time registration page with your billing and contact information. After this registration, you can give any time by texting a dollar amount to that phone number.


After consultation with the committee and staff, Fr. Joe has decided to postpone his May 8 party and May 9 Mass indefinitely, due to the uncertainty about when public gatherings of any kind will be permitted.

APLAZAMIENTO DE LA CELEBRACIÓN DEL ANIVERSARIO 50 DE PADRE JOE PHAM: Después de consultar con el comité y el personal, el P. Joe ha decidido posponer su partido del 8 de mayo y la Misa del 9 de mayo indefinidamente, debido a la incertidumbre sobre cuándo serán permitidas cualquier reunion pública.

Fr. Joe’s Anniversary Mass & Party Postponed

Rosary Society Luncheon Postponement

The Rosary Society Luncheon that was originally planned for Sunday, May 3, 2020 has been postponed until further notice.

Faith Direct and Text-to-Give

Dear Parishioners, We have endured the Pandemic and Lockdown of 2020. On Thursday, June 20 at 7:30 PM we received the

announcement from our Bishop that we may resume the public celebration of Mass in the parishes of Brooklyn and Queens.

The resumption of Masses will be a three stage process: 1. On Monday, June 29, resumption of daily Mass. For us that means both 8 AM and 12 Noon. 2. On Saturday July 4, the resumption of Sunday Masses. For us that means our usual Mass schedule, starting the

5 PM Saturday night Vigil Mass. (Remember that in the summer, Sunday night Mass is 7 PM, not 5 PM.) 3. Within those limits we may schedule the celebration of First Communion, and according to our bishops’

schedules, Confirmation for youth. However, the process of resuming public Masses will be subject to the same general limits as NY State and

City have imposed on every group gathering: 1. All must wear masks. 2. Social distance of six feet must be maintained. 3. Churches may operate with no more than 25% of seating capacity. 4. Physical contact should be avoided. 5. Hands must be sanitized and surfaces cleansed. 6. Casual groupings are to be avoided.

Our Bishop has issued additional directives for our liturgical celebrations: 1. No processions for entrance, offertory or recessional. 2. Only one lector at a Mass, using a different pulpit than the priest. 3. No passing the basket for collections. Secure Offertory boxes will be at the entrances. Electronic donation is

strongly recommended. 4. No sign of peace or holding hands at the Lord’s Prayer. 5. Communicants must maintain six feet between each other on the communion line. 6. Communion in the hand is strongly suggested. Those who wish to receive on the tongue must wait for the end

of the line to allow for immediate sanitizing if unintentional contact is made. 7. All communion minsters must wear masks and sanitize hands both before and after distributing. No gloves are

to be worn by ministers. 8. No Communion from the chalice. 9. No holy water in the fonts. 10. No use of the Gospel book. 11. Music ministry is limited to instrumentalist and song leader. No choirs at this time. 12. No greeting parishioners after Masses.

To make all this work, we have some parish practices we need to implement: 1. Since there are only 90 seats available now in the upper church (because of social distance), we will have Mass

livestreamed into the lower church (with 60 seats) for the “overflow”, with communion being distributed at the appropriate time.

2. We will also need to have a system of registration for seating at Mass so that we don’t have over-crowding at our Masses.

3. Only one extraordinary Minister (or deacon) at each Mass beside the priest. 4. We will need to cleanse all surfaces after each Mass, for which I will need volunteer help. 5. Likewise we will need additional greeters at the doors to inform and guide our people, especially in the early

weeks. We have endured the Pandemic and Lockdown of 2020….or least Part I of it. Please God there won’t be a Part

II. But that means we must be careful and follow all these directives until further notice. Thank you for your attention, your support and your faithfulness to the Lord Jesus.

Msgr Ogle

Estimados feligreses, Hemos soportado el Pandemia y la Cuarentena de 2020. El jueves 20 de junio a las 7:30 PM recibimos el anuncio de nuestro Obispo de que podemos reanudar la celebración pública de la Santa Misa en las parroquias de Brooklyn y Queens. A. La reanudación de las Misas será un proceso de tres etapas:

1. El lunes 29 de junio, reanudación de la Misa diaria. Para nosotros eso significa tanto 8 AM como 12 del mediodía.

2. El sábado 4 de julio, la reanudación de las Misas dominicales. Para nosotros eso significa nuestro horario habitual de Misa, Incluso Santa Margarita Maria, comenzando la Misa de Vigilia de las 5 PM del sábado por la no-che (recuerde que en el verano, la Misa del domingo por la noche es a las 7 PM, no a las 5 PM).

3. Dentro de esos límites, podemos programar la celebración de la Primera Comunión y, de acuerdo con los horarios de nuestros obispos, la Confirmación para los jóvenes. B. Sin embargo, el proceso de reanudar las Misas públicas estará sujeto a los mismos límites generales que el Es-tado y la Ciudad de Nueva York han impuesto en cada reunión grupal:

1. Todos deben usar máscaras. 2. Se debe mantener una distancia social de seis pies. 3. Las iglesias pueden operar con no más del 25% de la capacidad de asientos. 4. Se debe evitar el contacto físico. 5. Las manos deben ser desinfectadas y las superficies limpias. 6. Se deben evitar las agrupaciones casuales.

C. Nuestro obispo se nos dio directivas adicionales para nuestras celebraciones litúrgicas: 1. No hay procesiones de ingreso, ofertorio o recesivo. 2. Solo un lector en una Misa, usando un púlpito diferente al del sacerdote. 3. No pasar la canasta para las colecciones. Las cajas seguras del ofertorio estarán en las entradas. Se reco-

mienda encarecidamente la donación electrónica. 4. No hay señales de paz o tomarse de las manos en el Padre Nuestro. 5. Los comunicantes deben mantenerse a seis pies entre ellos en la línea de comunión. 6. La comunión en la mano es muy recomendable. Aquellos que deseen recibir en la lengua deben esperar

hasta el final de la línea para permitir la desinfección inmediata si se hace un contacto involuntario. 7. Todos los ministros de la comunión deben usar máscaras y desinfectar las manos antes y después de la

distribución. Los ministros no deben usar guantes. 8. No hay comunión desde el cáliz. 9. No hay agua bendita en las fuentes. 10. No uso del libro del Evangelio. 11. El ministerio musical se limita al instrumentista y líder de la canción. No hay coros en este momento. 12. No saludar a los feligreses después de las misas.

D. Para que todo esto funcione, tenemos algunas prácticas parroquiales que necesitamos implementar: 1. Dado que solo hay 90 asientos disponibles ahora en la iglesia de arriba (debido a la distancia social), ten-

dremos una Misa en vivo en la iglesia de abajo (con 60 asientos) y la comunión se distribuirá en el momento apro-piado.

2. También tendremos que tener un sistema de registro de asientos en la Misa para que no tengamos dema-siada gente en nuestras Misas.

3. Solo un Ministro Extraordinario (o diácono) en cada Misa al lado del sacerdote. 4. Necesitaremos limpiar todas las superficies después de cada Misa, para lo cual necesitaré ayuda volunta-

ria. 5. Del mismo modo, necesitaremos saludos adicionales en las puertas para informar y guiar a nuestra gente,

especialmente en las primeras semanas. Hemos soportado el Pandemia y la Cuarentena de 2020 ... o al menos la Parte I de ella. Por favor, Dios

no habrá una Parte II. Pero eso significa que debemos ser cuidadosos y seguir todas estas directivas hasta nuevo aviso. Gracias por su atención, su apoyo y su fidelidad al Señor Jesús. Mons. Ogle

Dear Parishioner,

I need your help. Our Annual Catholic Appeal’s network of services has had to be flexible in this unprecedent-

ed time, and we anticipate we will need to maintain this response to meet the growing demand for support.

Your partnership is critical as we navigate this situation.

Our mission remains the same, but COVID-19 has had a significant impact on our annual needs.

We now serve over 100,00 meals daily across our Diocese in response to the 300% increase in demand. Over 120 parishes offer daily livestream coverage of Mass and 144 parishes communicate daily with parish-

ioners using social media. Our educators were required to quickly implement innovative distance learning tools. They remain com-

mitted to forming the hearts and minds of our Catholic youth. We have 30 hospital chaplains currently deployed across our boroughs consoling the sick and most vulner-

able. And of course, our devoted clergy, who remain at the frontlines of this pandemic. They continue to enrich

our lives spiritually and have partnered with our network of support services to address the local needs developing across our Diocese.

As a committed parishioner, friend, and Catholic, we need your support to uphold our mission. I am grateful to

the 116 people who have made a generous commitment to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal. This unwavering

support has allowed us to reach $38,515 (that is, 59%) of our $64,586 goal. We are only $26,071 away from

our goal.

If you have not made a pledge this year and are able to do so, I ask that you join me in demonstrating that WE ARE THE CHURCH, TOGETHER by considering a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal. You may make your gift online at or text ACA to 917-336-1255 or call 718-965-7375 ext. 1602 and have a pledge card mailed to your home. We thank you in advance for making a gift commensurate with your means and circumstances!

God love you, Monsignor Sean G. Ogle

Pastor, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Astoria NY

PS: Save a tree! Please email with your full name so we may add you to our email list to stay up to date with news from the parish!

Querido Hermano en Cristo, Necesitamos su ayuda. Nuestra red de servicios de la Campaña Católica Anual ha tenido que ser flexible en es-te tiempo sin precedentes, y anticipamos que necesitaremos mantener la misma flexibilidad para satisfacer la creciente demanda de solicitudes de apoyo. Su colaboración es fundamental a medida que navegamos por esta situación.

Nuestra misión sigue siendo la misma, pero COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto significativo en nuestras necesida-des de este año.

Estamos ahora sirviendo más de 100,00 comidas diarias en toda nuestra Diócesis en respuesta a un aumento del 300% a esta necesidad.

Más de 120 parroquias ofrecen cobertura diaria de la Misa y 144 parroquias se comunican diariamen-te con sus feligreses a través de las redes sociales.

Nuestros educadores tuvieron que implementar rápidamente herramientas innovadoras de aprendiza-je a distancia. Siguiendo con el compromiso de formar el corazón y la mente de nuestros jóvenes católicos.

Tenemos 30 capellanes de hospitales actualmente desplegados en nuestros condados consolando a los enfermos y los más vulnerables.

Y, por supuesto, nuestros sacerdotes, que permanecen al frente de esta pandemia. Ellos continúan en-riqueciendo nuestras vidas espiritualmente y están colaborando con nuestra red de servicios de apoyo para abordar las necesidades locales que se desarrollan en toda nuestra Diócesis.

Como feligrés comprometido, amigo y católico, necesitamos su apoyo para mantener nuestra misión. Estoy agradecido por los 116 feligreses que han hecho su compromiso a la Campaña Católica Anual del 2020. Este apoyo inquebrantable nos ha permitido alcanzar $38,515 (que es 59%) de nuestra meta de $64,586. Necesita-mos $26,071 para alcanzar nuestra meta.

Si usted aún no ha hecho su compromiso de este año y puede hacerlo, le pido que se una a mí para demostrar que JUNTOS, SOMOS LA IGLESIA, al considerar su donación a la Campaña Católica Anual. Puede hacer su donación por internet a o enviar un mensaje de texto con la palabra ACA al 917-336-1255 o llame al 718-965-7375 ext. 1602 para enviarle una tarjeta de compromiso por correo a su casa. Le agradecemos de antemano por hacer una donación acorde con sus medios y circunstancias.

Dios les cuida, Mons. Sean G. Ogle

PS: Salve un árbol! Mande su nombre completo a para recibir noticias de la parroquia por medio de correo electrónico!