This Class u How stemming is used in IR u Stemming algorithms u Frakes: Chapter 8 u Kowalski: pages...


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How stemming is used in IR Stemming algorithms Frakes: Chapter 8 Kowalski: pages 67-76

Stemming algorithmsStemming algorithms

Affix removing stemmers Dictionary lookup stemmers n-gram stemmers Successor variety stemmers


Conflation - combining morphological term variants

Done manually or automatically Automatic algorithms called stemmer


Stemming algorithmsStemming algorithms

Conflation methods

Manual Automatic

Affix Removal






Stemming is used for:Stemming is used for: Enhance query formulation

(and improve recall)

by providing term variants Reduce size of index files

by combining term variants

into single index term

Stemming during indexingStemming during indexing

Index terms are stemmed words Saves dictionary space One inverted index list for all variants Saves inverted index file space when pos

ition information in document not included

Query terms are also stemmed

Index is not stemmedIndex is not stemmed

In this case the index contains words No compression is achieved No information is lost Enables wild card searches Enables long phrase searches

when position information included

Providing term variantsProviding term variants during search during search

A stemming algorithm generate term variants

Term variants added to query automatically (query expansion)

or The user is provided

with term variants and

decides which ones to include


A user searching for

ystem users?is provided

in the CATALOG system with

term variants for sers?and ystem

Example (cont.)Example (cont.)Search term: users

Term Occurrences

1. user 15

2. users 1

3. used 3

4. using 2 User selects variants to include in query

Stemmer correctnessStemmer correctness A stemmer can be incorrect by either

– Under-stemming or by

– Over-stemming Over-stemming can reduce precision Under-stemming can affect recall

Over-stemmingOver-stemming Terms with different meanings are confla

ted onsiderate? and



should not be stemmed to on? with


ontact? etc.

Under-StemmingUnder-Stemming Prevents related terms from being confl

ated Under-stemming



prevents conflating it with


Evaluating stemmersEvaluating stemmers

In information retrieval stemmers are evaluated by their: – effect on retrieval and

– compression rate, and

– not linguistic correctness

Evaluating stemmersEvaluating stemmers

Studies have shown that stemming has a positive effect on retrieval.

Performance of algorithms comparable Results vary between test collections

Affix removal stemmersAffix removal stemmers

Remove – suffixes and and/or

– prefixes from terms

– leaving a stem

Affix removal stemmersAffix removal stemmers

In English stemmers are suffix removers

In other languages,

for example Hebrew,

both prefix and suffix are removed

Affix removal stemmersAffix removal stemmers

Most affix removal stemmers in use are:– iterative - for example, onsideration

?stemmed first to onsiderat?then to onsider

– longest match stemmers using a set of stemming rules.

A simple stemmerA simple stemmer

Harman experimented – concluded minimal stemming helpful

Her simple stemmer changes:– Plural to singular

– Third person to first person

A simple stemmerA simple stemmer

Algorithm changes: kies?to ky? ies->y etrieves?to etrieve? es->s, and oors?to oor? s->NULL (leaves orpus?or ellness? ies?to y?

A simple stemmerA simple stemmer1. word ends in es?but not

ies?or ies?change end to ?

2. word ends in s? but not es? es?or es?change to ?

3. word ends in ?but not s?or s?

remove s

The Paice/Husk stemmerThe Paice/Husk stemmer

Uses a table of rules grouped into sections Section for each last letter of a suffix (rul

es for forms ending in a, then b, etc.) A form is any word or part of a word con

sidered for stemming

The Paice/Husk stemmerThe Paice/Husk stemmer

Each rule specifies a deletion or a replacement of an ending

The order of the rules in each section is important.

Rules tried until one can be applied, and the current form is updated

Rule structureRule structure Each rule contains 5 parts (2 are optional

): An ending (one or more characters in rev

erse order) An optional ntact?flag ??denoting form

not yet stemmed

Rule structureRule structure A digit (>=0) specifying no. characters to

remove An optional string to append (after remo

val) A rule ending with

??denotes stemming should continue

?? terminating the stemming process

Examples of rulesExamples of rules

ei3y>? if form ends in es?then replace the last

3 letters by ?and continue stemming

( ries?becomes ry?

Examples of rulesExamples of rules

u*2.? if form ends with m?and word is intact

remove 2 last letters and terminate stemming.

aximum?is stemmed to axim? but resum?from resumably?remains unchanged

Examples of rulesExamples of rules

lp0.?- if word terminates in ly?terminate. Next rule l2>?does not remove y?from ultiply

ois4j>?causes ion?to be replaced by ?

?acts as dummy ending rovision?converted to rovij?and then

to rovid

Acceptability conditionsAcceptability conditions

Rule not applied unless conditions satisfied

Attempt to prevent over-stemming Without them

ent? ant? ice? ate?

ation?iver?reduce to ? There are 2 rules:

Acceptability conditionsAcceptability conditions

If form starts with a vowel then at least 2 letters must remain (owed/owing->ow but not ear->e)

If a form starts with a consonant then at least 3 letters must remain, and

at least one must be a vowel or

(saying->say, crying->cry, but not string->str, meant->me, or cement->ce)

Acceptability conditionsAcceptability conditions

These rules cause error in the stemming of some short-rooted words

(doing, dying, being). These could be dealt with separately with

a table lookup

Example with Paice stemmingExample with Paice stemming

eparately?- use ?section mismatch ylb1>, yli3y>, ylp0. match yl2>. Form becomes eparate? use rule 1>?in ?section form changes to eparat?- use t section mismatch with acilp4y.? match with a2

>? change form to epar use r section, match with a2.? So ep

Other examplesOther examples

preparation prepare prepared

rule nois4j> fails

rule e1> prepar

rule de2>prepar

rule noix4ct.fails

rule ra2.prep

rule ra2. prep

rule noi2> preparatrule ta2> preparrule ra2.



Fixed length consecutive series of ?characters

Bigrams:– Sea colony -> (se ea co ol lo on ny)

Trigrams– Sea colony -> (sea col olo lon ony), or

-> (#se sea ea# #co col olo lon ony ny#)

Usage of n-grams Usage of n-grams

Used in world war II by cryptographers Spell checking Text compression Signature files Stemming

n-gram temmersn-gram temmers

Adamson and Borcham (1974) Method for grouping term variants Language independent

n-gram temmersn-gram temmers

Each term transformed to n-gram A similarity value

is generated between

any pair of terms in database,

resulting in a similarity matrix

n-gram temmersn-gram temmers

A clustering method (single link) groups highly similar terms into clusters

Most matrix elements had value 0. Used a cutoff value of 0.6 for their cl

ustering algorithm

Dice Coefficient Dice Coefficient

Many formulas for computing set similarity

Dice coefficient:

S=2(|A B|)/(|A|+|B|) 0 S 1 S=1 if A=B, S=0 if A B=

Sets of Unique BigramsSets of Unique Bigrams

Let A and B denote the sets of unique bigrams associated with two terms, and let C=A B

statistics -> (st ta at ti is st ti ic cs) Set of unique bigrams for statistics:

A={at cs ic is st ta ti}, |A|=7

n-gram temmersn-gram temmers

statistical= (st ta at ti is st ti ic ca al) Set of unique bigrams for statistical

B= {al at ca ic is st ta ti}, |B|=8 C={at ic is ta st ti}, |C|=6 S=2|C|/(|A|+|B|)=2x6/(7+8)=.8

Table lookup methodTable lookup method

Ideally, a table is constructed with stem for every word

Stemming - look up word find stem There is no such data for English Systems use a combination of diction

ary lookup and conflation rules

Dictionary lookup methodDictionary lookup method

INQUERY uses Kstem Kstem is a morphological analyzer t

hat conflates word variants to root form

Dictionary lookup methodDictionary lookup method

Tries to avoid collapsing words with different meaning to same root

The original word or a stemmed version is looked up in a dictionary and replaced by the best stem

Successor variety stemmerSuccessor variety stemmer

Based on work in structural linguistic (Hafer and Weiss)

Performed less well than affix removing stemmers

Given a set of words,

the successor variety (SV) of a string is the number of different characters that follow it in words in the set

Successor variety stemmersSuccessor variety stemmers

Terms : {able, axle, accident, ape, about, apply, application, applies}

The SV of p?is 2 p?is followed by ?in pe?and

by ?in pply application and applies The SV of ?is 4

?followed in set by ? ?? and

SVs for pply?and ppliesSVs for pply?and ppliesPrefix SV Letters Prefix SV Letters

a 4 b, x, c,p

a 4 b, x, c,p

ap 2 e, p ap 2 e, papp 1 l app 1 l

appl * 2 y, i appl * 2 y, iapply 1 blank appli 2 e, c

applie 1 sapplie

s1 blank

* denotes a break point at peak

SV for pplication

Prefix SV Lettersa 4 b, x, c, p

ap 2 e, papp 1 lappl 2 y, i

appli * 3 c, y, eapplic 1 a

applica 1 tapplicat 1 iapplicati 1 o

applicatio 1 napplication 1 blank

Segmenting wordsSegmenting words 4 ways:

– Cut-off SV is reached

– SV eaks

– A substring of a word is equal to another word in the set

eadable?breaks into ead?and ble

– Entropy based method

Selecting a stemSelecting a stem

First segment is selected if it occurs in at most 12 words,

Otherwise the second segment is selected (3 segments are unlikely)


All automatic stemmers - sometimes incorrect

n-gram method can be used for different languages

In general affix removing stemmers are more orrect

Longest match stemming does not always generate satisfactory word stems
