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A real life story by JULIUS ASINGWIRE

To succeed is to fight hard

Believe you can and you are halfway there

He who opens a school door, closes a prison

Education costs money, but then so does ignorance

Children have to be educated but they also have to be left to educate


Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere

You learn something every day if you pay attention

Learning is never done without errors and defeat


A real life story by JULIUS ASINGWIRE

Not because it was meant to be but just because no road is so strait

Nevertheless there is always a reason to acknowledge the almighty for everything hails from

him. I cannot expressly deliver the heart felt gratitude that is within me for the love, care,

guidance, protection, knowledge, wisdom, the entire life that the Good Lord has made it for

with amazing parents, relatives, siblings and friends that he has provided. They may not be the

best in the whole world but they are the most wonderful that the Lord has availed for me.


The good Lord brought me to this world way back in 1992 April 7th through the mighty hands

ince then he has blessed me with other 5

awesome siblings for which I appreciate him too.

Though I may not memorize a clean story about my childhood before the school age, all I can

say it must have bit a little hectic to see me grow into the Gentle son that I became and into

who I am today. Thanks to the great job by you my dear parents for fulfilling God s will to

bring me to life.


A real life story by JULIUS ASINGWIRE


My school life started way back in 1997 when I joined kindergarten schools; Nyakatokye

Nursery and Rwemamba Nursery schools though not sure of the order I followed joining them.

All I remember is that we used to attend them only in afternoon times. It must have been a

new world to me. Those are the days when spotting my class position was as easy as counting

external teachers Mr. Laban and colleagues. Wish you well wherever you are. These graduated

me to another tough level of primary school.

1999. This is where my memory leans. The stories here are just more than I can tell a day but

life has it all. I cannot forget that first day when I reported to this school. My mom was

skeptical about my ability to school. I looked young???. That was the same day when we arrived

at the school premises a little late when the rest had just joined queue that morning. I had

some other pupils together with my Uncle when we were spotted as late comers. I will never

My second year in my prim

father could do was to advise me to play it one more time. It seemed not easy though the only

option at hand. I played it cool and took it again. I also remember this is the same year when

leadership embraced me just because I was among the few veterans in the game. Out of the

blue the class teacher asked me to monitor the class. All I remember is that this only ended at

reports began to be pleasant like never before. The year also came the end and I went on


A real life story by JULIUS ASINGWIRE

It was then my third year. This was the year 2002, the year that threatened all and sundry in

the family. It should have been well with me but with my beloved dad, no one would love to

listen to the story again but as luck would have it he is still here with us. Glory be to God.

That tough year also ended.

2003 also came along when I was in my fourth year of primary education. I must assert that I

was still the lead of the class both academically and political wise. My reports were still nice

though like my father used to put he called me the only eyed man among the thousand blinds.

The year 2004 had me at Rwakahaya

my fifth year if primary education. It was a new school. This faced me with a new world of

went on till 2006 when I completed my primary education and passed it to join my secondary

education life.

school that made my life a simpler game. Thank you Dad for such a brilliant choice you made

scared, lost, hopeless, and felt all t

come. It was my first time in a boarding school though this want the only source of fear. The

other scenario that still lingers on my mind on my first day at this school was when a student

found intimidated me that I would pay for reporting with the name Julius while I was standing

bullying seemed to be starting before the heads without fear. In the same situation was when


A real life story by JULIUS ASINGWIRE

let go.

The day went on. Thank God who sent this other caring guy who intervened. Had it not been

his gentle life styles I would have made my loudest cry onto my allocated dormitory. Just


your hands. This the boy who gently took me to the place of residence and frequently kept on

guiding me on what activity was proceeding at the time. I remember him asking me to put on

a sweater and head for night preparations (Prep) as it was a cold environment of which I did

not own any sweater. As kind as he was, he pulled out a sweater and handed it over to a stranger

he had not seen before. Keep that heart Bro. No wander fellow students spotted I was a relative

at first.

As luck would have it, time came and all went well. I got used and enjoyed the environment.

There is also this other tough one that came along. This was the mighty strike that happened

at the school when I was still in my very first term at the school. Ohh it was such a special one

and only witnesses can tell the story. We walked places that night I can say.

A God fearing student I was, sang in choir and joined most church activities at the school.

This led to another big opportunity that changed my life

Religious leader in my third year at the school. Serving God id indeed awesome. I remember

on my day of appointment when the school deputy in charge of discipline invited me from

my class to his office to confirm whether I was the one appointed on this post. My classmates


A real life story by JULIUS ASINGWIRE

done like any other good thing would.

amazing performances I had ever attained. For the love and ego I had developed for this school

il I had myself back at the school for my

advanced level education.

hard to

Satan is sincerely a liar. I did not deserve this at all. Thank God who made me move on.

narrate it all but it all ended

when I was lost in the books. All I saw was me off to the next level. God does his things in his

own way. Preparation for the university level of education went on successfully and guess

what!!! The next big thing was the e

I remember it was late May 2013 my very first time to step on the university land and this was

to apply for the chance to have my life move on. Applications were made excitedly to MUST

and MUK. As luck would have it I was admitted in these two mighty universities, and then a

choice between the two was the next big thing. Thanks to my dad who took this brilliant

decision. I had not isolated myself from the ancient tells that had MUK as the only Ugandan

university that everyone must go to. It was always lingering on my mind as a place of comfort

to be in, but listening more than talking will take miles. I listened and accepted to be guided.

Thank you Dad again and I will live to credit you for that wonderful decision you made for

my life.


A real life story by JULIUS ASINGWIRE

MUST. Hostels not dormitories this time, at campus not at school, in the lecture room not in

class, VC and not the Headmaster, lecturer and not the teacher or class teacher either, course

units and not subjects. Waaooo, it was amazing, that which course and not which combination

locate myself when in campus and the only thing was like am here at the tall

building, near where we picked admission letters, next to where we had a lecture yesterday,

just outside here, name them. I just hated but no solution at the time. I also remember footing

all around town in the name of locating places that I used to hear about. A flesher is indeed a

flesher. Ohh where is Tank hill, how about Kizungu, and how about Kashanyalazi??, ohh I

want to see where Crooze FM is. That was always the order of the day and we moved endlessly.

This should not happen to me again though. But everything has its time and that came to an

end and serious business came underway.

All I can say, it was a life experience, a life that revealed to me the right way, what it takes for

roses all way through though I must appreciate the better side of it and always I will.

May 2016 could not wait. This is the month that kept me hoping. Efforts were at the climax,

tirelessly on my knees. Only God can tell the situation at the time. The only nightmare that

would show up the time was the results to come next. The pressure was like never before.

There is this one thing that kept me uncertain of my life. I thought I was finishing University

to join a better life but when I thought of what was to come next, the difference seemed more-

less of a similarity. In fact admiring the life that I was ending seemed more meaning full than

longing for where I was heading. But change had always been a fact of life. All I had was to

accept and move on.


A real life story by JULIUS ASINGWIRE


Here comes January. Thank You God indeed Thank You. This is not the destiny of life but a

point in life where one has got a reason to identify what it means to have God by the side

always. For with Him is the purpose for our living.

I therefore wish to continue expressing my heartfelt gratitude to all and sundry that has held

my hand in any way to their capacity to have me stand in this honor.

In particular, my beloved parents Mr. Sebastian M Bumbakare and Mrs. Regina T you deserve

endless mercies from the Almighty. I am humbled having had you in life as my parents and

will never regret your love and care. You are not the first ones to have their child joyous as I

am though no one would sue you if you chose to have me in contrary. Your choices, decisions,

actions, and presence has been such an incredible experience. If there are moments I will never

forget, they are the moments when I thought all had failed but only to see tireless efforts

moving me on. These are times when I have personally failed to measure the love that you

have had for me.

To thank in particular also is my beloved uncle, Byamukama Robert, you have been such a

blessing to me. Thank you for trusting me, loving me and caring about my life. I am indebted

to your care and efforts and always will live to appreciate you. My uncle Asiimwe Richard and

your family, thank you for the love.

I must not forget the efforts of my Friend, Father, Grandfather and Mentor to my life, the late

Bumbakare A. I just cannot expressly show my appreciations to you but only to say may the

Good lord have you by his side and reward you for you are beyond my lane. And may you

Rest in Peace. Also my grandmother, thank you for being a parent and a true definition of an

old mother in our family. You have indeed natured a generation to represent.


A real life story by JULIUS ASINGWIRE

Also on a sad note, to remember is that, my two beloved left me along the way. My maternal

grandpa breathed hid last when I was still in my first year at the university in 2014 and my

paternal grandpa while in my last year that was in 2015. May they Rest in Peace.

I completed my P.7 when everything was not as easy. Even the blind could see the situation.

It was for the sake of my life that these golden parents chose to sell of a piece of land. I must

say it is not for any other parent to do but am grateful you did for me. This I will never forget.

Even small actions

of study when I lacked a belt at school and as luck would have it my dad showed up to complete

my fees dues, as typical child that I was with all the innocence I had to mention all that I lacked

to the father. Only to mention was that I needed a belt of which the running balance in the

pockets at the moment could do too little or possibly nothing. Honestly a few dads would

untie their belts for the sake of a little son. Only to see the then Headmaster and a father to

Dad. I must not forget lots of love from these parents but only for God I hold most of them

to me. I have a feeling one day one time he will take it upon himself to reward you.

Only a little message here with me to my beloved brothers and sisters whose struggle still

continues, is that as we go to schools we need to understand one thing, schools test us and

reward us of our capacity to be attentive and ability to memorize what we learn (when we pass

to contextualize, work hard and present treasured material things that beautify our lives and



A real life story by JULIUS ASINGWIRE

-Keep it simple tonight, tomorrow the struggle still continues

-Don’t tell people your dreams, show them.

-The best way to predict your future, is to create it

-Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.

-Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin


A real life story by JULIUS ASINGWIRE


